Sıra NouritoolkitLabel_enpropertyİngilizce
1 ofrdfs:labelis respondent of
2 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is a thesis provided by the praeses in an academic disputation that is defended or opposed by a candidate for a degree.
3 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrespondent of
4 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a thesis provided by the praeses in an academic disputation that is defended or opposed by a candidate for a degree.
5 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis appellee corporate body of
6 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that appeals against a corporate body.
7 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellee corporate body of
8 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that appeals against a corporate body.
9 granting institution ofrdfs:labelis degree granting institution of
10 granting institution ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree that is approved by a corporate body.
11 granting institution ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree granting institution of
12 granting institution ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree that is approved by a corporate body.
13 institution ofrdfs:labelis hosting institution of
14 institution ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that arises from a conference, exhibition, or other event that is hosted by a corporate body with little or no responsibility for the content.
15 institution ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhosting institution of
16 institution ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that arises from a conference, exhibition, or other event that is hosted by a corporate body with little or no responsibility for the content.
17 institution ofskos:altLabelhost institution of
18 company ofrdfs:labelis production company of
19 company ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
20 company ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction company of
21 company ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
22 for corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas identifier for corporate body
23 for corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is an appellation of corporate body that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a corporate body.
24 for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for corporate body
25 for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of corporate body that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a corporate body.
26 corporate body of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founding corporate body of corporate body
27 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who initiates a corporate body.
28 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounding corporate body of corporate body
29 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who initiates a corporate body.
30 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:altLabelfounding corporate body
31 superiorrdfs:labelhas hierarchical superior
32 superiorskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is hierarchically superior to another corporate body.
33 superiorrdakit:toolkitLabelhierarchical superior
34 superiorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is hierarchically superior to another corporate body.
35 corporate body of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsored corporate body of corporate body
36 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is sponsored by another corporate body.
37 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored corporate body of corporate body
38 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sponsored by another corporate body.
39 subordinaterdfs:labelhas hierarchical subordinate
40 subordinateskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is subordinate to another corporate body.
41 subordinaterdakit:toolkitLabelhierarchical subordinate
42 subordinaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is subordinate to another corporate body.
43 mergee
44 a corporate body to a corporate body who merged with another corporate body to form a third.
46 corporate body who merged with another corporate body to form a third.
47 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas predecessor of corporate body
48 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who precedes another corporate body.
49 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpredecessor of corporate body
50 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who precedes another corporate body.
51 of corporate bodyskos:altLabelpredecessor
52 of mergerrdfs:labelhas product of merger
53 of mergerskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who resulted from a merger of two or more other corporate bodies.
54 of mergerrdakit:toolkitLabelproduct of merger
55 of mergerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who resulted from a merger of two or more other corporate bodies.
56 of splitrdfs:labelhas product of split
57 of splitskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who resulted from a split or division of another corporate body.
58 of splitrdakit:toolkitLabelproduct of split
59 of splitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who resulted from a split or division of another corporate body.
60 corporate body of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsoring corporate body of corporate body
61 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who sponsors another corporate body.
62 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring corporate body of corporate body
63 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who sponsors another corporate body.
64 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:altLabelsponsoring corporate body
65 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas successor of corporate body
66 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who succeeds or follows another corporate body.
67 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessor of corporate body
68 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who succeeds or follows another corporate body.
69 of corporate bodyskos:altLabelsuccessor
70 corporate body of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founded corporate body of corporate body
71 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is initiated by a corporate body.
72 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounded corporate body of corporate body
73 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is initiated by a corporate body.
74 of conferencerdfs:labelhas number of conference
75 of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a designation of the sequencing of a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work.
76 of conferencerdakit:toolkitLabelnumber of conference
77 of conferencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA designation of the sequencing of a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work.
78 of conferenceskos:altLabelnumber of conference, etc.
79 family of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founding family of corporate body
80 family of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a family who initiates a corporate body.
81 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounding family of corporate body
82 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who initiates a corporate body.
83 family of corporate bodyskos:altLabelfounding family
84 family of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsoring family of corporate body
85 family of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a family who sponsors a corporate body.
86 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring family of corporate body
87 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who sponsors a corporate body.
88 family of corporate bodyskos:altLabelsponsoring family
89 of activity of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas field of activity of corporate body
90 of activity of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a field of endeavor, area of competence, responsibility, jurisdiction, etc., in which a corporate body is engaged.
91 of activity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfield of activity of corporate body
92 of activity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA field of endeavor, area of competence, responsibility, jurisdiction, etc., in which a corporate body is engaged.
93 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas language of corporate body
94 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a language that is used by a corporate body in its communications.
95 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of corporate body
96 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by a corporate body in its communications.
97 of conferencerdfs:labelhas place of conference
98 of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a place where a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work is held.
99 of conferencerdakit:toolkitLabelplace of conference
100 of conferencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work is held.
101 of conferenceskos:altLabellocation of conference, etc.
102 name of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas variant name of corporate body
103 name of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is a name of corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
104 name of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of corporate body
105 name of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
106 name of corporate bodyskos:altLabelvariant name for corporate body
107 employee
108 a corporate body to a person who is employed by a corporate body.
110 person who is employed by a corporate body.
111 officer
112 a corporate body to a person who holds an office in a corporate body.
114 person who holds an office in a corporate body.
115 person of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsoring person of corporate body
116 person of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who sponsors a corporate body.
117 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring person of corporate body
118 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who sponsors a corporate body.
119 person of corporate bodyskos:altLabelsponsor
120 person of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founding person of corporate body
121 person of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who initiates a corporate body.
122 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounding person of corporate body
123 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who initiates a corporate body.
124 person of corporate bodyskos:altLabelfounder
125 member of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas person member of corporate body
126 member of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who is a member of a corporate body.
127 member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of corporate body
128 member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a member of a corporate body.
129 member of corporate bodyskos:altLabelmember
130 member of corporate bodyskos:altLabelaffiliation of
131 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas name of corporate body
132 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is an appellation of corporate body in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
133 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelname of corporate body
134 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of corporate body in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
135 historyrdfs:labelhas corporate history
136 historyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a summary of information about the history of a corporate body.
137 historyrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate history
138 historyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA summary of information about the history of a corporate body.
139 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas address of corporate body
140 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an address of a corporate body.
141 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeladdress of corporate body
142 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of a corporate body.
143 of corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteIncludes an email or other online address.
144 of establishmentrdfs:labelhas date of establishment
145 of establishmentskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a timespan during which a corporate body is established or founded.
146 of establishmentrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of establishment
147 of establishmentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a corporate body is established or founded.
148 of terminationrdfs:labelhas date of termination
149 of terminationskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a timespan during which a corporate body is terminated or dissolved.
150 of terminationrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of termination
151 of terminationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a corporate body is terminated or dissolved.
152 of conferencerdfs:labelhas date of conference
153 of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a timespan during which a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event is held.
154 of conferencerdakit:toolkitLabeldate of conference
155 of conferencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event is held.
156 of conferenceskos:altLabeldate of conference, etc.
157 name of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas preferred name of corporate body
158 name of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is a name of corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
159 name of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of corporate body
160 name of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
161 name of corporate bodyskos:altLabelpreferred name for corporate body
162 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis appellant corporate body of
163 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that is appealed by a corporate body.
164 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellant corporate body of
165 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that is appealed by a corporate body.
166 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis plaintiff corporate body of
167 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility for bringing a suit as a corporate body in a civil proceeding.
168 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplaintiff corporate body of
169 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for bringing a suit as a corporate body in a civil proceeding.
170 governed ofrdfs:labelis court governed of
171 governed ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work of a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature to a work.
172 governed ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt governed of
173 governed ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work of a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature.
174 agent ofrdfs:labelis depositor agent of
175 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is deposited by an agent into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
176 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor agent of
177 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is deposited by an agent into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
178 agent ofskos:altLabeldepositor of
179 director agent ofrdfs:labelis film director agent of
180 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
181 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director agent of
182 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
183 director agent ofskos:altLabelfilm director of
184 director agent ofrdfs:labelis radio director agent of
185 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
186 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director agent of
187 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
188 director agent ofskos:altLabelradio director of
189 director agent ofrdfs:labelis television director agent of
190 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a television program.
191 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director agent of
192 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a television program.
193 director agent ofskos:altLabeltelevision director of
194 of familyrdfs:labelhas category of family
195 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a type to which a family belongs.
196 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of family
197 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a family belongs.
198 of familyskos:altLabeltype of family
199 for familyrdfs:labelhas identifier for family
200 for familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is an appellation of family that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a family.
201 for familyrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for family
202 for familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of family that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a family.
203 family of familyrdfs:labelhas descendant family of family
204 family of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a family who descends from another family.
205 family of familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldescendant family of family
206 family of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who descends from another family.
207 family of familyskos:altLabeldescendant family
208 name of familyrdfs:labelhas variant name of family
209 name of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is a name of family that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
210 name of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of family
211 name of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of family that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
212 name of familyskos:altLabelvariant name for family
213 family of person ofrdfs:labelis descendant family of person of
214 family of person ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a person from whom a family descends.
215 family of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldescendant family of person of
216 family of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person from whom a family descends.
217 family of person ofskos:altLabelprogenitor
218 member of familyrdfs:labelhas person member of family
219 member of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a person who is a member of a family.
220 member of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of family
221 member of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a member of a family.
222 member of familyskos:altLabelfamily member
223 term of honourrdfs:labelhas hereditary term of honour
224 term of honourskos:definitionRelates a family to a word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, etc., associated with a family.
225 term of honourrdakit:toolkitLabelhereditary term of honour
226 term of honourrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, etc., associated with a family.
227 term of honourskos:altLabelhereditary title
228 term of honourskos:altLabelhereditary term of honor
229 member of familyrdfs:labelhas prominent member of family
230 member of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a person who is a well-known individual who is a member of a family.
231 member of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelprominent member of family
232 member of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a well-known individual who is a member of a family.
233 of familyrdfs:labelhas name of family
234 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is an appellation of family in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
235 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelname of family
236 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of family in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
237 corporate body of familyrdfs:labelhas founded corporate body of family
238 corporate body of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a corporate body who is initiated by a family.
239 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounded corporate body of family
240 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is initiated by a family.
241 corporate body of familyrdfs:labelhas sponsored corporate body of family
242 corporate body of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a corporate body who is sponsored by a family.
243 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored corporate body of family
244 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sponsored by a family.
245 historyrdfs:labelhas family history
246 historyskos:definitionRelates a family to a summary of information about the history of a family or its members.
247 historyrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily history
248 historyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA summary of information about the history of a family or its members.
249 name of familyrdfs:labelhas preferred name of family
250 name of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is a name of family that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
251 name of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of family
252 name of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of family that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
253 name of familyskos:altLabelpreferred name for family
254 agent ofrdfs:labelis donor agent of
255 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is donated to another owner who is an agent.
256 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor agent of
257 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is donated to another owner who is an agent.
258 agent ofskos:altLabeldonor of
259 agent ofrdfs:labelis seller agent of
260 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is sold to another owner who is an agent.
261 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelseller agent of
262 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is sold to another owner who is an agent.
263 agent ofskos:altLabelseller of
264 jurisdiction ofrdfs:labelis enacting jurisdiction of
265 jurisdiction ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation enacted by a corporate body who is a government.
266 jurisdiction ofrdakit:toolkitLabelenacting jurisdiction of
267 jurisdiction ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation enacted by a corporate body who is a government.
268 agent ofrdfs:labelis conductor agent of
269 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
270 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor agent of
271 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
272 agent ofskos:altLabelconductor of
273 agent ofrdfs:labelis actor agent of
274 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
275 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelactor agent of
276 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
277 agent ofskos:altLabelactor of
278 presenter agent ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter agent of
279 presenter agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
280 presenter agent ofskos:scopeNoteAn on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
281 presenter agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter agent of
282 presenter agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of appearing on-screen to provide contextual or background information.
283 presenter agent ofskos:altLabelon-screen presenter of
284 agent ofrdfs:labelis dancer agent of
285 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
286 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer agent of
287 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
288 agent ofskos:altLabeldancer of
289 agent ofrdfs:labelis instructor agent of
290 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of teaching or providing a demonstration.
291 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor agent of
292 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of teaching or providing a demonstration.
293 agent ofskos:altLabelinstructor of
294 agent ofrdfs:labelis host agent of
295 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
296 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhost agent of
297 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
298 agent ofskos:altLabelhost of
299 agent ofrdfs:labelis moderator agent of
300 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
301 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator agent of
302 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
303 agent ofskos:altLabelmoderator of
304 agent ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer agent of
305 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
306 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer agent of
307 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
308 agent ofskos:altLabelpuppeteer of
309 agent ofrdfs:labelis panelist agent of
310 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
311 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist agent of
312 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
313 agent ofskos:altLabelpanelist of
314 agent ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist agent of
315 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of playing a musical instrument.
316 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist agent of
317 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of playing a musical instrument.
318 agent ofskos:altLabelinstrumentalist of
319 agent ofrdfs:labelis commentator agent of
320 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
321 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator agent of
322 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
323 agent ofskos:altLabelcommentator of
324 agent ofrdfs:labelis narrator agent of
325 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
326 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator agent of
327 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
328 agent ofskos:altLabelnarrator of
329 agent ofrdfs:labelis storyteller agent of
330 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
331 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller agent of
332 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
333 agent ofskos:altLabelstoryteller of
334 agent ofrdfs:labelis speaker agent of
335 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
336 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker agent of
337 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
338 agent ofskos:altLabelspeaker of
339 agent ofrdfs:labelis singer agent of
340 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
341 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
342 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger agent of
343 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
344 agent ofskos:altLabelsinger of
345 person ofrdfs:labelis appellee person of
346 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that appeals against a person.
347 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellee person of
348 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that appeals against a person.
349 ofrdfs:labelis medium of
350 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for claiming a communication with a world of spirits.
351 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmedium of
352 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for claiming a communication with a world of spirits.
353 supervisor ofrdfs:labelis degree supervisor of
354 supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of thesis or dissertation research for an academic degree that results in a work.
355 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree supervisor of
356 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of thesis or dissertation research for an academic degree that results in a work.
357 agent ofrdfs:labelis illuminator agent of
358 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is decorated by an agent using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
359 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator agent of
360 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is decorated by an agent using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
361 agent ofskos:altLabelilluminator of
362 for personrdfs:labelhas identifier for person
363 for personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is an appellation of person that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a person.
364 for personrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for person
365 for personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of person that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a person.
366 member of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis person member of corporate body of
367 member of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body of whom a person is a member.
368 member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of corporate body of
369 member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body of whom a person is a member.
370 member of corporate body ofskos:altLabelcorporate body
371 member of corporate body ofskos:altLabelaffiliation
372 employer
373 a person to a corporate body who employs a person.
375 corporate body who employs a person.
376 associated with personrdfs:labelhas country associated with person
377 associated with personskos:definitionRelates a person to a place that is a country with which a person is identified.
378 associated with personrdakit:toolkitLabelcountry associated with person
379 associated with personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is a country with which a person is identified.
380 of activity of personrdfs:labelhas period of activity of person
381 of activity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a timespan during which a person is active in their primary field of endeavor.
382 of activity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of person
383 of activity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a person is active in their primary field of endeavor.
384 family of personrdfs:labelhas descendant family of person
385 family of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a family who descends from a particular person.
386 family of personrdakit:toolkitLabeldescendant family of person
387 family of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who descends from a particular person.
388 family of personskos:altLabeldescendants
389 of activity of personrdfs:labelhas field of activity of person
390 of activity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a person is engaged.
391 of activity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelfield of activity of person
392 of activity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a person is engaged.
393 of personrdfs:labelhas language of person
394 of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a language that is used by a person in its communications.
395 of personrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of person
396 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by a person in its communications.
397 name of personrdfs:labelhas variant name of person
398 name of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a name of person that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
399 name of personrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of person
400 name of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of person that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
401 name of personskos:altLabelvariant name for person
402 or occupationrdfs:labelhas profession or occupation
403 or occupationskos:definitionRelates a person to a vocation or avocation.
404 or occupationrdakit:toolkitLabelprofession or occupation
405 or occupationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA vocation or avocation.
406 of residencerdfs:labelhas place of residence
407 of residenceskos:definitionRelates a person to a place where a person resides or has resided.
408 of residencerdakit:toolkitLabelplace of residence
409 of residencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where a person resides or has resided.
410 of residenceskos:altLabelplace of residence, etc.
411 of rank or honour or officerdfs:labelhas term of rank or honour or office
412 of rank or honour or officeskos:definitionRelates a person to a word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, ecclesiastical rank or office, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation.
413 of rank or honour or officeskos:scopeNoteA term of rank, honour, or office, includes initials or abbreviations representing an academic degree, or membership in an organization, and excludes terms of address that simply indicate gender or marital status such as Mr. or Mrs.
414 of rank or honour or officerdakit:toolkitLabelterm of rank or honour or office
415 of rank or honour or officerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, ecclesiastical rank or office, or a term of address for a person of religious vocation.
416 of rank or honour or officeskos:altLabeltitle of person
417 of personrdfs:labelhas name of person
418 of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is an appellation of person in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
419 of personrdakit:toolkitLabelname of person
420 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of person in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
421 corporate body of personrdfs:labelhas founded corporate body of person
422 corporate body of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who is initiated by a person.
423 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitLabelfounded corporate body of person
424 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is initiated by a person.
425 informationrdfs:labelhas biographical information
426 informationskos:definitionRelates a person to a summary of information about the life or history of a person.
427 informationrdakit:toolkitLabelbiographical information
428 informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA summary of information about the life or history of a person.
429 of personrdfs:labelhas address of person
430 of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an address of a person.
431 of personrdakit:toolkitLabeladdress of person
432 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of a person.
433 of personskos:scopeNoteIncludes an email or other online address.
434 form of namerdfs:labelhas fuller form of name
435 form of nameskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a name of person that includes the fuller form of a name or part of a name represented by an initial, abbreviation, or shortened or otherwise modified form.
436 form of namerdakit:toolkitLabelfuller form of name
437 form of namerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of person that includes the fuller form of a name or part of a name represented by an initial, abbreviation, or shortened or otherwise modified form.
438 gender
439 a person to a gender with which a person identifies.
441 gender with which a person identifies.
442 name of personrdfs:labelhas preferred name of person
443 name of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a name of person that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
444 name of personrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of person
445 name of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of person that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
446 name of personskos:altLabelpreferred name for person
447 of deathrdfs:labelhas place of death
448 of deathskos:definitionRelates a person to a place where a person dies.
449 of deathrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of death
450 of deathrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where a person dies.
451 of birthrdfs:labelhas place of birth
452 of birthskos:definitionRelates a person to a place where a person is born.
453 of birthrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of birth
454 of birthrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where a person is born.
455 of deathrdfs:labelhas date of death
456 of deathskos:definitionRelates a person to a timespan during which a person died.
457 of deathrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of death
458 of deathrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a person died.
459 of birthrdfs:labelhas date of birth
460 of birthskos:definitionRelates a person to a timespan during which a person was born.
461 of birthrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of birth
462 of birthrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a person was born.
463 person ofrdfs:labelis appellant person of
464 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that is appealed by a person.
465 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellant person of
466 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a legal work of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that is appealed by a person.
467 agent ofrdfs:labelis binder agent of
468 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility of an agent for binding.
469 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder agent of
470 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for binding.
471 agent ofskos:altLabelbinder of
472 person ofrdfs:labelis plaintiff person of
473 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for bringing a suit as a person in a civil proceeding.
474 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplaintiff person of
475 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for bringing a suit as a person in a civil proceeding.
476 ofrdfs:labelis inscriber of
477 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility for inscribing a text, such as a statement of dedication or gift.
478 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinscriber of
479 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility for inscribing a text, such as a statement of dedication or gift.
480 ofrdfs:labelis judge of
481 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for hearing and decision on legal matters in court.
482 ofrdakit:toolkitLabeljudge of
483 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for hearing and decision on legal matters in court.
484 ofrdfs:labelis praeses of
485 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility as a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
486 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpraeses of
487 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility as a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
488 ofrdfs:labelis annotator of
489 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that carries notes and other information added by hand.
490 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelannotator of
491 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that carries notes and other information added by hand.
492 ofrdfs:labelis autographer of
493 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for a manuscript signature appearing on it.
494 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelautographer of
495 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility for a manuscript signature appearing on it.
496 agent ofrdfs:labelis issuing agent of
497 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
498 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing agent of
499 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
500 agent ofskos:altLabelissuing body of
501 agent ofrdfs:labelis dedicator agent of
502 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
503 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator agent of
504 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
505 agent ofskos:altLabeldedicator of
506 agent ofrdfs:labelis animator agent of
507 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
508 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator agent of
509 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
510 agent ofskos:altLabelanimator of
511 agent of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger agent of music of
512 agent of music ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
513 agent of music ofskos:scopeNoteAn arranger of music may also modify the work for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged.
514 agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger agent of music of
515 agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
516 agent of music ofskos:altLabelarranger of music of
517 director agent ofrdfs:labelis stage director agent of
518 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
519 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director agent of
520 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
521 director agent ofskos:altLabelstage director of
522 agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewer agent of expression of
523 agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
524 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer agent of expression of
525 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
526 agent of expression ofskos:altLabelinterviewer (expression) of
527 agent ofrdfs:labelis draftsman agent of
528 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
529 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman agent of
530 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
531 agent ofskos:altLabeldraftsman of
532 agent ofrdfs:labelis transcriber agent of
533 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
534 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber agent of
535 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
536 agent ofskos:altLabeltranscriber of
537 director agent ofrdfs:labelis musical director agent of
538 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
539 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director agent of
540 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
541 director agent ofskos:altLabelmusical director of
542 designer agent ofrdfs:labelis costume designer agent of
543 designer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
544 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer agent of
545 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
546 designer agent ofskos:altLabelcostume designer of
547 agent ofrdfs:labelis translator agent of
548 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
549 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
550 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator agent of
551 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
552 agent ofskos:altLabeltranslator of
553 director agent ofrdfs:labelis art director agent of
554 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
555 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelart director agent of
556 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
557 director agent ofskos:altLabelart director of
558 agent ofrdfs:labelis performer agent of
559 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
560 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer agent of
561 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
562 agent ofskos:altLabelperformer of
563 reporter agent ofrdfs:labelis court reporter agent of
564 reporter agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
565 reporter agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter agent of
566 reporter agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
567 reporter agent ofskos:altLabelcourt reporter of
568 agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewee agent of expression of
569 agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
570 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee agent of expression of
571 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
572 agent of expression ofskos:altLabelinterviewee of expression of
573 agent ofrdfs:labelis abridger agent of
574 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
575 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger agent of
576 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
577 agent ofskos:altLabelabridger of
578 engineer agent ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer agent of
579 engineer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
580 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer agent of
581 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
582 engineer agent ofskos:altLabelrecording engineer of
583 agent ofrdfs:labelis recordist agent of
584 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
585 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist agent of
586 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
587 agent ofskos:altLabelrecordist of
588 agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis creator agent of expression of
589 agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation or contribution.
590 agent of expression ofskos:scopeNoteEditors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc., are included.
591 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of expression of
592 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation or contribution.
593 agent of expression ofskos:altLabelcontributor of
594 agent of expression ofskos:altLabelcreator of expression of
595 owner agent ofrdfs:labelis current owner agent of
596 owner agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility of an agent for current legal possession.
597 owner agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner agent of
598 owner agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for current legal possession.
599 owner agent ofskos:altLabelcurrent owner of
600 owner agent ofrdfs:labelis former owner agent of
601 owner agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility of an agent for former legal possession.
602 owner agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner agent of
603 owner agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for former legal possession.
604 owner agent ofskos:altLabelformer owner of
605 agent ofrdfs:labelis custodian agent of
606 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal custody.
607 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian agent of
608 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal custody.
609 agent ofskos:altLabelcustodian of
610 agent ofrdfs:labelis owner agent of
611 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal possession.
612 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelowner agent of
613 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal possession.
614 agent ofskos:altLabelowner of
615 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis honouree agent of work of
616 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that marks the esteem of and respect for an agent.
617 agent of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree of
618 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree agent of work of
619 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that marks the esteem of and respect for an agent.
620 agent of work ofskos:altLabelhonouree of work of
621 agent of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree agent of work of
622 agent of item ofrdfs:labelis honouree agent of item of
623 agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that marks the esteem of and respect for an agent.
624 agent of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree (item) of
625 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree agent of item of
626 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that marks the esteem of and respect for an agent.
627 agent of item ofskos:altLabelhonouree (item) of
628 agent of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree agent of item of
629 agent ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster agent of
630 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
631 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster agent of
632 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
633 agent ofskos:altLabelbroadcaster of
634 distributor agent ofrdfs:labelis film distributor agent of
635 distributor agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
636 distributor agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor agent of
637 distributor agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
638 distributor agent ofskos:altLabelfilm distributor of
639 designer agent ofrdfs:labelis book designer agent of
640 designer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
641 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer agent of
642 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
643 designer agent ofskos:altLabelbook designer of
644 agent ofrdfs:labelis engraver agent of
645 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
646 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver agent of
647 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
648 agent ofskos:altLabelengraver of
649 embosser agent ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser agent of
650 embosser agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
651 embosser agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser agent of
652 embosser agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
653 embosser agent ofskos:altLabelbraille embosser of
654 agent ofrdfs:labelis printmaker agent of
655 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
656 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker agent of
657 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
658 agent ofskos:altLabelprintmaker of
659 agent ofrdfs:labelis caster agent of
660 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
661 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster agent of
662 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
663 agent ofskos:altLabelcaster of
664 agent ofrdfs:labelis lithographer agent of
665 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
666 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer agent of
667 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
668 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
669 agent ofskos:altLabellithographer of
670 agent ofrdfs:labelis platemaker agent of
671 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
672 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker agent of
673 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
674 agent ofskos:altLabelplatemaker of
675 agent ofrdfs:labelis etcher agent of
676 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
677 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher agent of
678 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
679 agent ofskos:altLabeletcher of
680 agent ofrdfs:labelis collotyper agent of
681 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
682 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper agent of
683 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
684 agent ofskos:altLabelcollotyper of
685 agent ofrdfs:labelis printer agent of
686 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
687 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter agent of
688 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
689 agent ofskos:altLabelprinter of
690 agent ofrdfs:labelis presenter agent of
691 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for an agent who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
692 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter agent of
693 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for an agent who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
694 agent ofskos:altLabelpresenter of
695 agent of moving image work ofrdfs:labelis editor agent of moving image work of
696 agent of moving image work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
697 agent of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor agent of moving image work of
698 agent of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
699 agent of moving image work ofskos:altLabeleditor of moving image work of
700 agent ofrdfs:labelis programmer agent of
701 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a computer program.
702 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer agent of
703 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a computer program.
704 agent ofskos:altLabelprogrammer of
705 agent ofrdfs:labelis designer agent of
706 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for designing an object.
707 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner agent of
708 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for designing an object.
709 agent ofskos:altLabeldesigner of
710 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis cartographer agent of work of
711 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a cartographic work.
712 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer agent of work of
713 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a cartographic work.
714 agent of work ofskos:altLabelcartographer of
715 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis composer agent of work of
716 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates and agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a musical work.
717 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer agent of work of
718 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a musical work.
719 agent of work ofskos:altLabelcomposer of
720 agent ofrdfs:labelis inventor agent of
721 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a new device or process.
722 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor agent of
723 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a new device or process.
724 agent ofskos:altLabelinventor of
725 agent ofrdfs:labelis compiler agent of
726 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata description set.
727 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler agent of
728 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata description set.
729 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
730 agent ofskos:altLabelcompiler of
731 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis photographer agent of work of
732 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a photographic work.
733 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer agent of work of
734 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a photographic work.
735 agent of work ofskos:altLabelphotographer of
736 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewer agent of work of
737 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility by an agent for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
738 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer agent of work of
739 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
740 agent of work ofskos:altLabelinterviewer of
741 agent ofrdfs:labelis artist agent of
742 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
743 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelartist agent of
744 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
745 agent ofskos:altLabelartist of
746 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewee agent of work of
747 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
748 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee agent of work of
749 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
750 agent of work ofskos:altLabelinterviewee of
751 agent ofrdfs:labelis choreographer agent of
752 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a choreographic work.
753 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer agent of
754 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a choreographic work.
755 agent ofskos:altLabelchoreographer of
756 agent ofrdfs:labelis author agent of
757 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a textual work.
758 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor agent of
759 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a textual work.
760 agent ofskos:altLabelauthor of
761 agent ofrdfs:labelis architect agent of
762 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
763 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect agent of
764 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
765 agent ofskos:altLabelarchitect of
766 agent ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker agent of
767 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating an independent or personal film.
768 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
769 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker agent of
770 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating an independent or personal film.
771 agent ofskos:altLabelfilmmaker of
772 designer agent ofrdfs:labelis production designer agent of
773 designer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
774 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer agent of
775 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
776 designer agent ofskos:altLabelproduction designer of
777 agent ofrdfs:labelis distributor agent of
778 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution.
779 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor agent of
780 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution.
781 agent ofskos:altLabeldistributor of
782 agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdfs:labelis producer agent of unpublished manifestation of
783 agent of unpublished manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
784 agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer agent of unpublished manifestation of
785 agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
786 agent of unpublished manifestation ofskos:altLabelproducer of unpublished manifestation of
787 agent ofrdfs:labelis producer agent of
788 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
789 agent ofskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
790 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer agent of
791 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
792 agent ofskos:altLabelproducer of
793 agent ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer agent of
794 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation by an agent that involves a responsibility for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
795 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer agent of
796 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
797 agent ofskos:altLabelmanufacturer of
798 agent ofrdfs:labelis publisher agent of
799 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
800 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher agent of
801 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
802 agent ofskos:altLabelpublisher of
803 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis creator agent of work of
804 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation.
805 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of work of
806 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation.
807 agent of work ofskos:altLabelcreator of
808 agent ofrdfs:labelis director agent of
809 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
810 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector agent of
811 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
812 agent ofskos:altLabeldirector of
813 agent of item ofrdfs:labelis restorationist agent of item of
814 agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that involves a responsibility by an agent for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
815 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of an agent for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
816 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist agent of item of
817 agent of item ofskos:altLabelrestorationist of
818 agent of photography ofrdfs:labelis director agent of photography of
819 agent of photography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
820 agent of photography ofskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
821 agent of photography ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector agent of photography of
822 agent of photography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
823 agent of photography ofskos:altLabeldirector of photography of
824 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee agent of work of
825 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for being commemorated.
826 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee agent of work of
827 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for being commemorated.
828 agent of work ofskos:altLabeldedicatee of
829 agent ofrdfs:labelis addressee agent of
830 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work or a portion of a work that is addressed to an agent.
831 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee agent of
832 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work or a portion of a work that is addressed to an agent.
833 agent ofskos:altLabeladdressee of
834 agent of item ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee agent of item of
835 agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of an agent.
836 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee agent of item of
837 agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of an agent.
838 agent of item ofskos:altLabeldedicatee (item) of
839 agent ofrdfs:labelis consultant agent of
840 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
841 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant agent of
842 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
843 agent ofskos:altLabelconsultant of
844 taker agent ofrdfs:labelis minute taker agent of
845 taker agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of recording the minutes of a meeting.
846 taker agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker agent of
847 taker agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of recording the minutes of a meeting.
848 taker agent ofskos:altLabelminute taker of
849 producer agent ofrdfs:labelis film producer agent of
850 producer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
851 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer agent of
852 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
853 producer agent ofskos:altLabelfilm producer of
854 producer agent ofrdfs:labelis radio producer agent of
855 producer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
856 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer agent of
857 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
858 producer agent ofskos:altLabelradio producer of
859 producer agent ofrdfs:labelis television producer agent of
860 producer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
861 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer agent of
862 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
863 producer agent ofskos:altLabeltelevision producer of
864 actor agent ofrdfs:labelis voice actor agent of
865 actor agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
866 actor agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor agent of
867 actor agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
868 actor agent ofskos:altLabelvoice actor of
869 corporate body of agentrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of agent
870 corporate body of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a corporate body who is associated with an agent being identified.
871 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of agent
872 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with an agent being identified.
873 family of agentrdfs:labelhas related family of agent
874 family of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a family who is associated with an agent being identified.
875 family of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of agent
876 family of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with an agent being identified.
877 person of agentrdfs:labelhas related person of agent
878 person of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a person who is associated with an agent being identified.
879 person of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of agent
880 person of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with an agent being identified.
881 architect agent ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect agent of
882 architect agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating landscapes.
883 architect agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect agent of
884 architect agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating landscapes.
885 architect agent ofskos:altLabellandscape architect of
886 agent ofrdfs:labelis sculptor agent of
887 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
888 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor agent of
889 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
890 agent ofskos:altLabelsculptor of
891 agent ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter agent of
892 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
893 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter agent of
894 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
895 agent ofskos:altLabelscreenwriter of
896 agent ofrdfs:labelis lyricist agent of
897 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
898 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist agent of
899 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
900 agent ofskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
901 agent ofskos:altLabellyricist of
902 agent ofrdfs:labelis librettist agent of
903 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
904 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist agent of
905 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
906 agent ofskos:altLabellibrettist of
907 work of agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored work of agent
908 work of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
909 work of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored work of agent
910 work of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
911 work of agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
912 work of agentskos:altLabelsponsoring body of
913 of splitrdfs:labelhas predecessor of split
914 of splitskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who split or divided into another corporate body.
915 of splitrdakit:toolkitLabelpredecessor of split
916 of splitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who split or divided into another corporate body.
917 body member of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis corporate body member of corporate body of
918 body member of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body of whom a corporate body is a member.
919 body member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of corporate body of
920 body member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body of whom a corporate body is a member.
921 body member of corporate body ofskos:altLabelmembership corporate body
922 body member of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas corporate body member of corporate body
923 body member of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is a member of a corporate body.
924 body member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of corporate body
925 body member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a member of a corporate body.
926 body member of corporate bodyskos:altLabelcorporate member
927 of mergerrdfs:labelhas component of merger
928 of mergerskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who forms another corporate body by merging with one or more other corporate bodies.
929 of mergerrdakit:toolkitLabelcomponent of merger
930 of mergerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who forms another corporate body by merging with one or more other corporate bodies.
931 member of family ofrdfs:labelis person member of family of
932 member of family ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a family of whom a person is a member.
933 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of family of
934 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family of whom a person is a member.
935 member of family ofskos:altLabelfamily
936 ofrdfs:labelis officer of
937 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body in which a person holds an office.
938 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelofficer of
939 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body in which a person holds an office.
940 of familyrdfs:labelhas language of family
941 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a language that is used by a family in its communications.
942 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of family
943 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by a family in its communications.
944 of activity of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas period of activity of corporate body
945 of activity of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a timespan during which a corporate body is active in its primary field of endeavor.
946 of activity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of corporate body
947 of activity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a corporate body is active in its primary field of endeavor.
948 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas category of corporate body
949 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a type to which a corporate body belongs.
950 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of corporate body
951 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a corporate body belongs.
952 of corporate bodyskos:altLabeltype of corporate body
953 of governmentrdfs:labelhas category of government
954 of governmentskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a type to which a government belongs.
955 of governmentrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of government
956 of governmentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a government belongs.
957 of governmentskos:altLabeltype of jurisdiction
958 of governmentskos:altLabeltype of government
959 affiliated bodyrdfs:labelhas broader affiliated body
960 affiliated bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who acts for a local affiliated body and others at a broader organizational level.
961 affiliated bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbroader affiliated body
962 affiliated bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who acts for a local affiliated body and others at a broader organizational level.
963 affiliaterdfs:labelhas local affiliate
964 affiliateskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body that is local who is affiliated with a broader body which acts for it and others at a broader organizational level.
965 affiliaterdakit:toolkitLabellocal affiliate
966 affiliaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body that is local who is affiliated with a broader body which acts for it and others at a broader organizational level.
967 agent ofrdfs:labelis papermaker agent of
968 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for making paper.
969 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker agent of
970 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for making paper.
971 agent ofskos:altLabelpapermaker of
972 effects provider agent ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider agent of
973 effects provider agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
974 effects provider agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider agent of
975 effects provider agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
976 effects provider agent ofskos:altLabelvisual effects provider of
977 effects provider agent ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider agent of
978 effects provider agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
979 effects provider agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider agent of
980 effects provider agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
981 effects provider agent ofskos:altLabelspecial effects provider of
982 agent ofrdfs:labelis letterer agent of
983 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
984 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer agent of
985 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
986 agent ofskos:altLabelletterer of
987 agent ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher agent of
988 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
989 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher agent of
990 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
991 agent ofskos:altLabelcalligrapher of
992 artist agent ofrdfs:labelis book artist agent of
993 artist agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
994 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist agent of
995 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
996 artist agent ofskos:altLabelbook artist of
997 agent ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur agent of
998 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
999 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur agent of
1000 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
1001 agent ofskos:altLabelrapporteur of
1002 person ofrdfs:labelis subject person of
1003 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is about a person.
1004 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject person of
1005 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a person.
1006 person ofskos:altLabelsubject of (person)
1007 family ofrdfs:labelis subject family of
1008 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that is about a family.
1009 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject family of
1010 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a family.
1011 family ofskos:altLabelsubject of (family)
1012 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis subject corporate body of
1013 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is about a corporate body.
1014 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject corporate body of
1015 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a corporate body.
1016 corporate body ofskos:altLabelsubject of (corporate body)
1017 graduate
1018 a corporate body to a person who receives an academic degree from a granting institution or faculty.
1020 person who receives an academic degree from a granting institution or faculty.
1021 ofrdfs:labelis graduate of
1022 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who is an institution or faculty that grants an academic degree to a person.
1023 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelgraduate of
1024 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an institution or faculty that grants an academic degree to a person.
1025 designer agent ofrdfs:labelis sound designer agent of
1026 designer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating audio or sound components.
1027 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer agent of
1028 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating audio or sound components.
1029 designer agent ofskos:altLabelsound designer of
1030 designer agent ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer agent of
1031 designer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating lighting components.
1032 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer agent of
1033 designer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating lighting components.
1034 designer agent ofskos:altLabellighting designer of
1035 committee member ofrdfs:labelis degree committee member of
1036 committee member ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for serving on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
1037 committee member ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree committee member of
1038 committee member ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for serving on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
1039 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis defendant corporate body of
1040 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a corporate body in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
1041 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldefendant corporate body of
1042 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a corporate body in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
1043 person ofrdfs:labelis defendant person of
1044 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a person in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
1045 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldefendant person of
1046 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a person in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
1047 participant agent ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant agent of
1048 participant agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of taking an active role as a participant.
1049 participant agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant agent of
1050 participant agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of taking an active role as a participant.
1051 participant agent ofskos:altLabelon-screen participant of
1052 agent ofrdfs:labelis commissioning agent of
1053 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for commissioning a work.
1054 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning agent of
1055 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for commissioning a work.
1056 agent ofskos:altLabelcommissioning body of
1057 developer agent ofrdfs:labelis software developer agent of
1058 developer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
1059 developer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer agent of
1060 developer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
1061 developer agent ofskos:altLabelsoftware developer of
1062 in treaty ofrdfs:labelis participant in treaty of
1063 in treaty ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty.
1064 in treaty ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparticipant in treaty of
1065 in treaty ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty.
1066 agent ofrdfs:labelis researcher agent of
1067 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for research in support of a work.
1068 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher agent of
1069 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for research in support of a work.
1070 agent ofskos:altLabelresearcher of
1071 agent ofrdfs:labelis colourist agent of
1072 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
1073 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist agent of
1074 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
1075 agent ofskos:altLabelcolorist of
1076 agent ofskos:altLabelcolourist of
1077 agent ofskos:altLabelcolorist agent of
1078 artist agent ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist agent of
1079 artist agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
1080 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist agent of
1081 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
1082 artist agent ofskos:altLabelmake-up artist of
1083 conductor agent ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor agent of
1084 conductor agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
1085 conductor agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor agent of
1086 conductor agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
1087 conductor agent ofskos:altLabelchoral conductor of
1088 conductor agent ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor agent of
1089 conductor agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
1090 conductor agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor agent of
1091 conductor agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
1092 conductor agent ofskos:altLabelinstrumental conductor of
1093 agent ofrdfs:labelis organizer agent of
1094 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
1095 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer agent of
1096 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
1097 agent ofskos:altLabelorganizer of
1098 agent ofrdfs:labelis censor agent of
1099 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
1100 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor agent of
1101 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
1102 agent ofskos:altLabelcensor of
1103 agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis restorationist agent of expression of
1104 agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
1105 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist agent of expression of
1106 agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
1107 agent of expression ofskos:altLabelrestorationist (expression) of
1108 colleague
1109 a person to a person who is a fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty.
1111 person who is a fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty.
1112 assistant
1113 a person to a person who is a colleague who helps another person.
1115 person who is a colleague who helps another person.
1116 tordfs:labelis assistant to
1117 toskos:definitionRelates a person to a person who is a colleague who is helped by another person.
1118 tordakit:toolkitLabelassistant to
1119 tordakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a colleague who is helped by another person.
1120 coworker
1121 a person to a person who is a colleague who works with or shares a task with another person.
1123 person who is a colleague who works with or shares a task with another person.
1125 partner
1126 a person to a person who is a colleague working with another person in an activity of common interest, most often, a business partnership.
1128 person who is a colleague working with another person in an activity of common interest, most often, a business partnership.
1129 studentrdfs:labelhas fellow student
1130 studentskos:definitionRelates a person to a person who is an associate of another student who is also formally engaged in learning.
1131 studentrdakit:toolkitLabelfellow student
1132 studentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an associate of another student who is also formally engaged in learning.
1133 friend
1134 a person to a person who shares a bond of mutual affection or regard with another person.
1136 person who shares a bond of mutual affection or regard with another person.
1137 student
1138 a person to a person who receives instruction from another person.
1140 person who receives instruction from another person.
1141 teacher
1142 a person to a person who instructs another person.
1144 person who instructs another person.
1145 studentrdfs:labelhas enrolled student
1146 studentskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who receives instruction at an educational institution.
1147 studentrdakit:toolkitLabelenrolled student
1148 studentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who receives instruction at an educational institution.
1149 executiverdfs:labelhas chief executive
1150 executiveskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who is an officer who is the top-ranking official of a corporate body.
1151 executiverdakit:toolkitLabelchief executive
1152 executiverdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an officer who is the top-ranking official of a corporate body.
1153 trustee
1154 a corporate body to a person who is an officer granted the powers of administration in a corporate body in order to act for its benefit.
1156 person who is an officer granted the powers of administration in a corporate body in order to act for its benefit.
1157 executive ofrdfs:labelis chief executive of
1158 executive ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body in which an officer is the top-ranking official.
1159 executive ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchief executive of
1160 executive ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body in which an officer is the top-ranking official.
1161 ofrdfs:labelis trustee of
1162 ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who grants the powers of administration to an officer in order to act for its benefit.
1163 ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltrustee of
1164 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who grants the powers of administration to an officer in order to act for its benefit.
1165 atrdfs:labelis student at
1166 atskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who is an educational institution that provides instruction to a person.
1167 atrdakit:toolkitLabelstudent at
1168 atrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an educational institution that provides instruction to a person.
1169 director agent ofrdfs:labelis editorial director agent of
1170 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director agent of
1171 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of an agent for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
1172 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of an agent for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
1173 director agent ofskos:altLabeleditorial director of
1174 agent of work ofrdfs:labelis founder agent of work of
1175 agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for initiating a diachronic work.
1176 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder agent of work of
1177 agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for initiating a diachronic work.
1178 agent of work ofskos:altLabelfounder of work of
1179 surname
1180 a person to a nomen that is a name of person that is used as a family name.
1181 used as family names by Romans of classical times are excluded. A surname may consist of a single letter or initial.
1183 nomen that is a name of person that is used as a family name.
1184 namerdfs:labelhas given name
1185 nameskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a name of person given at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
1186 namerdakit:toolkitLabelgiven name
1187 namerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of person given at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
1188 artist agent ofrdfs:labelis remix artist agent of
1189 artist agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
1190 artist agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
1191 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist agent of
1192 artist agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
1193 artist agent ofskos:altLabelremix artist of
1194 director agent ofrdfs:labelis casting director agent of
1195 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
1196 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director agent of
1197 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
1198 director agent ofskos:altLabelcasting director of
1199 producer agent ofrdfs:labelis audio producer agent of
1200 producer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
1201 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer agent of
1202 producer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
1203 producer agent ofskos:altLabelaudio producer of
1204 engineer agent ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer agent of
1205 engineer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
1206 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer agent of
1207 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
1208 engineer agent ofskos:altLabelaudio engineer of
1209 engineer agent ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer agent of
1210 engineer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
1211 engineer agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
1212 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer agent of
1213 engineer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
1214 engineer agent ofskos:altLabelmixing engineer of
1215 agent ofrdfs:labelis DJ agent of
1216 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
1217 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ agent of
1218 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
1219 agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
1220 agent ofskos:altLabelDJ of
1221 director agent ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director agent of
1222 director agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
1223 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director agent of
1224 director agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
1225 director agent ofskos:altLabeldubbing director of
1226 programmer agent ofrdfs:labelis music programmer agent of
1227 programmer agent ofskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
1228 programmer agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer agent of
1229 programmer agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
1230 programmer agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
1231 programmer agent ofskos:altLabelmusic programmer of
1232 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas absorbed corporate body
1233 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who was absorbed by another corporate body.
1234 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbed corporate body
1235 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who was absorbed by another corporate body.
1236 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas absorbing corporate body
1237 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who absorbed another corporate body.
1238 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbing corporate body
1239 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who absorbed another corporate body.
1240 held conferenceskos:definitionRelates a corporate body who is a conference to a conference that is jointly held with another conference.
1241 held conferencerdakit:toolkitLabeljointly held conference
1242 held conferencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a conference that is jointly held with another conference.
1243 held conferencerdfs:labelhas jointly held conference
1244 RDA entity of agentrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of agent
1245 RDA entity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an RDA entity associated with an agent.
1246 RDA entity of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of agent
1247 RDA entity of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with an agent.
1248 work of agentrdfs:labelhas related work of agent
1249 work of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that is associated with an agent.
1250 work of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of agent
1251 work of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with an agent.
1252 work of agentskos:altLabelother agent associated with work of
1253 expression of agentrdfs:labelhas related expression of agent
1254 expression of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that is associated with an agent.
1255 expression of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of agent
1256 expression of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with an agent.
1257 manifestation of agentrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of agent
1258 manifestation of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is associated with an agent.
1259 manifestation of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of agent
1260 manifestation of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with an agent.
1261 manifestation of agentskos:altLabelother agent associated with manifestation of
1262 item of agentrdfs:labelhas related item of agent
1263 item of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is associated with an agent.
1264 item of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of agent
1265 item of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with an agent.
1266 item of agentskos:altLabelother agent associated with item of
1267 agent of agentrdfs:labelhas related agent of agent
1268 agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is associated with an agent.
1269 agent of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of agent
1270 agent of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with an agent.
1271 RDA entity of personrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of person
1272 RDA entity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an RDA entity associated with a person.
1273 RDA entity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of person
1274 RDA entity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a person.
1275 work of personrdfs:labelhas related work of person
1276 work of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is associated with a person.
1277 work of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of person
1278 work of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a person.
1279 expression of personrdfs:labelhas related expression of person
1280 expression of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that is associated with a person.
1281 expression of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of person
1282 expression of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a person.
1283 manifestation of personrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of person
1284 manifestation of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is associated with a person.
1285 manifestation of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of person
1286 manifestation of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a person.
1287 item of personrdfs:labelhas related item of person
1288 item of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is associated with a person.
1289 item of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of person
1290 item of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a person.
1291 agent of personrdfs:labelhas related agent of person
1292 agent of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an agent who is associated with a person.
1293 agent of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of person
1294 agent of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a person.
1295 person of personrdfs:labelhas related person of person
1296 person of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a person who is associated with a person.
1297 person of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of person
1298 person of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a person.
1299 family of personrdfs:labelhas related family of person
1300 family of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a family who is associated with a person.
1301 family of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of person
1302 family of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a person.
1303 corporate body of personrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of person
1304 corporate body of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who is associated with a person.
1305 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of person
1306 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a person.
1307 RDA entity of familyrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of family
1308 RDA entity of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an RDA entity associated with a family.
1309 RDA entity of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of family
1310 RDA entity of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a family.
1311 work of familyrdfs:labelhas related work of family
1312 work of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that is associated with a family.
1313 work of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of family
1314 work of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a family.
1315 expression of familyrdfs:labelhas related expression of family
1316 expression of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that is associated with a family.
1317 expression of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of family
1318 expression of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a family.
1319 manifestation of familyrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of family
1320 manifestation of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is associated with a family.
1321 manifestation of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of family
1322 manifestation of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a family.
1323 item of familyrdfs:labelhas related item of family
1324 item of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is associated with a family.
1325 item of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of family
1326 item of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a family.
1327 agent of familyrdfs:labelhas related agent of family
1328 agent of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an agent who is associated with a family.
1329 agent of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of family
1330 agent of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a family.
1331 person of familyrdfs:labelhas related person of family
1332 person of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a person who is associated with a family.
1333 person of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of family
1334 person of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a family.
1335 family of familyrdfs:labelhas related family of family
1336 family of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a family who is associated with a family.
1337 family of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of family
1338 family of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a family.
1339 corporate body of familyrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of family
1340 corporate body of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a corporate body who is associated with a family.
1341 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of family
1342 corporate body of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a family.
1343 RDA entity of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of corporate body
1344 RDA entity of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an RDA entity associated with a corporate body.
1345 RDA entity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of corporate body
1346 RDA entity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a corporate body.
1347 work of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related work of corporate body
1348 work of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is associated with a corporate body.
1349 work of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of corporate body
1350 work of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a corporate body.
1351 expression of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related expression of corporate body
1352 expression of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that is associated with a corporate body.
1353 expression of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of corporate body
1354 expression of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a corporate body.
1355 manifestation of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of corporate body
1356 manifestation of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is associated with a corporate body.
1357 manifestation of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of corporate body
1358 manifestation of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a corporate body.
1359 item of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related item of corporate body
1360 item of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is associated with a corporate body.
1361 item of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of corporate body
1362 item of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a corporate body.
1363 agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related agent of corporate body
1364 agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an agent who is associated with a corporate body.
1365 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of corporate body
1366 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a corporate body.
1367 person of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related person of corporate body
1368 person of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a person who is associated with a corporate body.
1369 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of corporate body
1370 person of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a corporate body.
1371 family of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related family of corporate body
1372 family of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a family who is associated with a corporate body.
1373 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of corporate body
1374 family of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a corporate body.
1375 corporate body of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of corporate body
1376 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a corporate body who is associated with a corporate body.
1377 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of corporate body
1378 corporate body of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a corporate body.
1379 corporate body of corporate bodyskos:altLabelassociated institution
1380 collective agent of agentrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of agent
1381 collective agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a collective agent who is associated with an agent.
1382 collective agent of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of agent
1383 collective agent of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with an agent.
1384 place of agentrdfs:labelhas related place of agent
1385 place of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a place that is associated with an agent.
1386 place of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of agent
1387 place of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with an agent.
1388 timespan of agentrdfs:labelhas related timespan of agent
1389 timespan of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a timespan that is associated with an agent.
1390 timespan of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of agent
1391 timespan of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with an agent.
1392 nomen of agentrdfs:labelhas related nomen of agent
1393 nomen of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is associated with an agent.
1394 nomen of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of agent
1395 nomen of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with an agent.
1396 collective agent of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of collective agent
1397 collective agent of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a collective agent who is associated with a collective agent.
1398 collective agent of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of collective agent
1399 collective agent of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a collective agent.
1400 place of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related place of collective agent
1401 place of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a place that is associated with a collective agent.
1402 place of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of collective agent
1403 place of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a collective agent.
1404 timespan of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related timespan of collective agent
1405 timespan of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a timespan that is associated with a collective agent.
1406 timespan of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of collective agent
1407 timespan of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a collective agent.
1408 nomen of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related nomen of collective agent
1409 nomen of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is associated with a collective agent.
1410 nomen of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of collective agent
1411 nomen of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a collective agent.
1412 collective agent of personrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of person
1413 collective agent of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a collective agent who is associated with a person.
1414 collective agent of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of person
1415 collective agent of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a person.
1416 place of personrdfs:labelhas related place of person
1417 place of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a place that is associated with a person.
1418 place of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of person
1419 place of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a person.
1420 timespan of personrdfs:labelhas related timespan of person
1421 timespan of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a timespan that is associated with a person.
1422 timespan of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of person
1423 timespan of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a person.
1424 timespan of personskos:altLabeldate associated with person
1425 nomen of personrdfs:labelhas related nomen of person
1426 nomen of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is associated with a person.
1427 nomen of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of person
1428 nomen of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a person.
1429 collective agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of corporate body
1430 collective agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a collective agent who is associated with a corporate body.
1431 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of corporate body
1432 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a corporate body.
1433 place of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related place of corporate body
1434 place of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a place that is associated with a corporate body.
1435 place of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of corporate body
1436 place of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a corporate body.
1437 place of corporate bodyskos:altLabelplace associated with corporate body
1438 place of corporate bodyskos:altLabelother place associated with corporate body
1439 timespan of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related timespan of corporate body
1440 timespan of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a timespan that is associated with a corporate body.
1441 timespan of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of corporate body
1442 timespan of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a corporate body.
1443 timespan of corporate bodyskos:altLabeldate associated with corporate body
1444 nomen of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related nomen of corporate body
1445 nomen of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is associated with a corporate body.
1446 nomen of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of corporate body
1447 nomen of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a corporate body.
1448 collective agent of familyrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of family
1449 collective agent of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a collective agent who is associated with a family.
1450 collective agent of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of family
1451 collective agent of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a family.
1452 place of familyrdfs:labelhas related place of family
1453 place of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a place that is associated with a family.
1454 place of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of family
1455 place of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a family.
1456 place of familyskos:altLabelplace associated with family
1457 timespan of familyrdfs:labelhas related timespan of family
1458 timespan of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a timespan that is associated with a family.
1459 timespan of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of family
1460 timespan of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a family.
1461 timespan of familyskos:altLabeldate associated with family
1462 nomen of familyrdfs:labelhas related nomen of family
1463 nomen of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is associated with a family.
1464 nomen of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of family
1465 nomen of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a family.
1466 work of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related work of collective agent
1467 work of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that is associated with a collective agent.
1468 work of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of collective agent
1469 work of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a collective agent.
1470 agent of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related agent of collective agent
1471 agent of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an agent who is associated with a collective agent.
1472 agent of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of collective agent
1473 agent of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a collective agent.
1474 corporate body of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of collective agent
1475 corporate body of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a corporate body who is associated with a collective agent.
1476 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of collective agent
1477 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a collective agent.
1478 RDA entity of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of collective agent
1479 RDA entity of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an RDA entity associated with a collective agent.
1480 RDA entity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of collective agent
1481 RDA entity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a collective agent.
1482 expression of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related expression of collective agent
1483 expression of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that is associated with a collective agent.
1484 expression of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of collective agent
1485 expression of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a collective agent.
1486 family of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related family of collective agent
1487 family of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a family who is associated with a collective agent.
1488 family of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of collective agent
1489 family of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a collective agent.
1490 item of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related item of collective agent
1491 item of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is associated with a collective agent.
1492 item of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of collective agent
1493 item of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a collective agent.
1494 manifestation of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of collective agent
1495 manifestation of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is associated with a collective agent.
1496 manifestation of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of collective agent
1497 manifestation of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a collective agent.
1498 person of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related person of collective agent
1499 person of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a person who is associated with a collective agent.
1500 person of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of collective agent
1501 person of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a collective agent.
1502 agent ofrdfs:labelis subject agent of
1503 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that is about an agent.
1504 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject agent of
1505 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about an agent.
1506 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis subject collective agent of
1507 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that is about a collective agent.
1508 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject collective agent of
1509 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a collective agent.
1510 described byrdfs:labelis person described by
1511 described byskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is a description of a person.
1512 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelperson described by
1513 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a person.
1514 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (person)
1515 body described byrdfs:labelis corporate body described by
1516 body described byskos:definitionRelates a corproate body to a work that is a description of a corporate body.
1517 body described byrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body described by
1518 body described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a corporate body.
1519 body described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (corporate body)
1520 described byrdfs:labelis family described by
1521 described byskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that is a description of a family.
1522 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily described by
1523 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a family.
1524 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (family)
1525 corporate body of personrdfs:labelhas sponsored corporate body of person
1526 corporate body of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a corporate body who is sponsored by a person.
1527 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored corporate body of person
1528 corporate body of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sponsored by a person.
1529 corporate body of personskos:altLabelsponsor of
1530 family of family ofrdfs:labelis descendant family of family of
1531 family of family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a family from whom another family descends.
1532 family of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldescendant family of family of
1533 family of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family from whom another family descends.
1534 family of family ofskos:altLabeldescendant family of
1535 point for agentrdfs:labelhas access point for agent
1536 point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is an appellation of agent in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1537 point for agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for agent
1538 point for agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of agent in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1539 point for collective agentrdfs:labelhas access point for collective agent
1540 point for collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is an appellation of collective agent in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1541 point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for collective agent
1542 point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of collective agent in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1543 point for corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas access point for corporate body
1544 point for corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is an appellation of corporate body in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1545 point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for corporate body
1546 point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of corporate body in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1547 point for familyrdfs:labelhas access point for family
1548 point for familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is an appellation of family in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1549 point for familyrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for family
1550 point for familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of family in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1551 point for personrdfs:labelhas access point for person
1552 point for personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is an appellation of person in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1553 point for personrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for person
1554 point for personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of person in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
1555 of agentrdfs:labelhas appellation of agent
1556 of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an agent.
1557 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of agent
1558 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an agent.
1559 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas appellation of collective agent
1560 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a collective agent.
1561 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of collective agent
1562 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a collective agent.
1563 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas appellation of corporate body
1564 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a corporate body.
1565 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of corporate body
1566 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a corporate body.
1567 of familyrdfs:labelhas appellation of family
1568 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a family.
1569 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of family
1570 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a family.
1571 of personrdfs:labelhas appellation of person
1572 of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a person.
1573 of personrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of person
1574 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a person.
1575 for agentrdfs:labelhas identifier for agent
1576 for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is an appellation of agent that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an agent.
1577 for agentrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for agent
1578 for agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of agent that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an agent.
1579 for collective agentrdfs:labelhas identifier for collective agent
1580 for collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is an appellation of collective agent that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a collective agent.
1581 for collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for collective agent
1582 for collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of collective agent that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a collective agent.
1583 of agentrdfs:labelhas name of agent
1584 of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
1585 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelname of agent
1586 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
1587 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas name of collective agent
1588 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is an appellation of collective agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
1589 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelname of collective agent
1590 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of collective agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
1591 of activity of agentrdfs:labelhas field of activity of agent
1592 of activity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which an agent is engaged.
1593 of activity of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfield of activity of agent
1594 of activity of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which an agent is engaged.
1595 of activity of collective agentrdfs:labelhas field of activity of collective agent
1596 of activity of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a collective agent is engaged.
1597 of activity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfield of activity of collective agent
1598 of activity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a collective agent is engaged.
1599 of activity of familyrdfs:labelhas field of activity of family
1600 of activity of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a family is engaged.
1601 of activity of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfield of activity of family
1602 of activity of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA field of endeavor, area of expertise, etc., in which a family is engaged.
1603 on agentrdfs:labelhas note on agent
1604 on agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an agent.
1605 on agentrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on agent
1606 on agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an agent.
1607 on collective agentrdfs:labelhas note on collective agent
1608 on collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a collective agent.
1609 on collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on collective agent
1610 on collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a collective agent.
1611 on corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas note on corporate body
1612 on corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a corporate body.
1613 on corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on corporate body
1614 on corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a corporate body.
1615 on familyrdfs:labelhas note on family
1616 on familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a family.
1617 on familyrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on family
1618 on familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a family.
1619 on personrdfs:labelhas note on person
1620 on personskos:definitionRelates a person to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a person.
1621 on personrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on person
1622 on personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a person.
1623 agent ofrdfs:labelis assigner agent of
1624 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelassigner agent of
1625 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by an agent.
1626 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is assigned to an entity by an agent.
1627 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis assigner collective agent of
1628 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelassigner collective agent of
1629 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by a collective agent.
1630 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is assigned to an entity by a collective agent.
1631 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis assigner corporate body of
1632 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelassigner corporate body of
1633 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by a corporate body.
1634 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is assigned to an entity by a corporate body.
1635 family ofrdfs:labelis assigner family of
1636 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelassigner family of
1637 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by a family.
1638 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is assigned to an entity by a family.
1639 person ofrdfs:labelis assigner person of
1640 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelassigner person of
1641 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by a person.
1642 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is assigned to an entity by a person.
1643 of agentrdfs:labelhas language of agent
1644 of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a language that is used by an agent in its communications.
1645 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of agent
1646 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by an agent in its communications.
1647 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas language of collective agent
1648 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a language that is used by a collective agent in its communications.
1649 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of collective agent
1650 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by a collective agent in its communications.
1651 access point for agentrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for agent
1652 access point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1653 access point for agentrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for agent
1654 access point for agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1655 access point for agentrdfs:labelhas variant access point for agent
1656 access point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1657 access point for agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for agent
1658 access point for agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1659 access point for collective agentrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for collective agent
1660 access point for collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is an access point for collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1661 access point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for collective agent
1662 access point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1663 access point for collective agentrdfs:labelhas variant access point for collective agent
1664 access point for collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is an access point for collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1665 access point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for collective agent
1666 access point for collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1667 access point for corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for corporate body
1668 access point for corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is an access point for corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1669 access point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for corporate body
1670 access point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1671 access point for corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas variant access point for corporate body
1672 access point for corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a nomen that is an access point for corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1673 access point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for corporate body
1674 access point for corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1675 access point for familyrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for family
1676 access point for familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is an access point for family that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1677 access point for familyrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for family
1678 access point for familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for family that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1679 access point for familyrdfs:labelhas variant access point for family
1680 access point for familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a nomen that is an access point for family that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1681 access point for familyrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for family
1682 access point for familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for family that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1683 access point for personrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for person
1684 access point for personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is an access point for person that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1685 access point for personrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for person
1686 access point for personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for person that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1687 access point for personrdfs:labelhas variant access point for person
1688 access point for personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is an access point for person that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1689 access point for personrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for person
1690 access point for personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for person that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
1691 name of agentrdfs:labelhas preferred name of agent
1692 name of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1693 name of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of agent
1694 name of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1695 name of collective agentrdfs:labelhas preferred name of collective agent
1696 name of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is a name of collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1697 name of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of collective agent
1698 name of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1699 name of agentrdfs:labelhas variant name of agent
1700 name of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1701 name of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of agent
1702 name of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1703 name of collective agentrdfs:labelhas variant name of collective agent
1704 name of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a nomen that is a name of collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1705 name of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of collective agent
1706 name of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
1707 member of family ofrdfs:labelis prominent member of family of
1708 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprominent member of family of
1709 member of family ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a family who has a well-known individual as a member.
1710 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has a well-known individual as a member.
1711 of agentrdfs:labelhas address of agent
1712 of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an address of an agent.
1713 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabeladdress of agent
1714 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of an agent.
1715 of agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes an email or other online address.
1716 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas address of collective agent
1717 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an address of a collective agent.
1718 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeladdress of collective agent
1719 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of a collective agent.
1720 of collective agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes an email or other online address.
1721 of familyrdfs:labelhas address of family
1722 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an address of a family.
1723 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabeladdress of family
1724 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of a family.
1725 of familyskos:scopeNoteIncludes an email or other online address.
1726 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas predecessor of collective agent
1727 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a collective agent who precedes another collective agent.
1728 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpredecessor of collective agent
1729 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who precedes another collective agent.
1730 of familyrdfs:labelhas predecessor of family
1731 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a family who precedes another family.
1732 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpredecessor of family
1733 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who precedes another family.
1734 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas successor of collective agent
1735 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a collective agent who succeeds or follows another collective agent.
1736 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessor of collective agent
1737 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who succeeds or follows another collective agent.
1738 of familyrdfs:labelhas successor of family
1739 of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a family who succeeds or follows another family.
1740 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessor of family
1741 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who succeeds or follows another family.
1742 governedrdfs:labelhas jurisdiction governed
1743 governedskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a place that is a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
1744 governedrdakit:toolkitLabeljurisdiction governed
1745 governedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
1746 described byrdfs:labelis agent described by
1747 described byskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that is a description of an agent
1748 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelagent described by
1749 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of an agent
1750 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (agent)
1751 agent described byrdfs:labelis collective agent described by
1752 agent described byskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that is a description of a collective agent.
1753 agent described byrdakit:toolkitLabelcollective agent described by
1754 agent described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a collective agent.
1755 agent described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (collective agent)
1756 identity of personrdfs:labelhas alternate identity of person
1757 identity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a pseudonym or other appellation used by a person.
1758 identity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelalternate identity of person
1759 identity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a pseudonym or other appellation used by a person.
1760 identity of personskos:altLabelalternate identity
1761 identity of personrdfs:labelhas real identity of person
1762 identity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a nomen that is a real appellation of a person who uses another nomen.
1763 identity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelreal identity of person
1764 identity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a real appellation of a person who uses another nomen.
1765 identity of personskos:altLabelreal identity
1766 of activity of agentrdfs:labelhas period of activity of agent
1767 of activity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a timespan during which an agent is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1768 of activity of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of agent
1769 of activity of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which an agent is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1770 of activity of collective agentrdfs:labelhas period of activity of collective agent
1771 of activity of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a timespan during which a collective agent is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1772 of activity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of collective agent
1773 of activity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a collective agent is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1774 of activity of familyrdfs:labelhas period of activity of family
1775 of activity of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a timespan during which a family is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1776 of activity of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of family
1777 of activity of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a family is active in its primary field of endeavor.
1778 body member of collective agentrdfs:labelhas corporate body member of collective agent
1779 body member of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a corporate body who is a member of a collective agent.
1780 body member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of collective agent
1781 body member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a member of a collective agent.
1782 body member of familyrdfs:labelhas corporate body member of family
1783 body member of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a corporate body who is a member of a family.
1784 body member of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of family
1785 body member of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a member of a family.
1786 member of collective agentrdfs:labelhas family member of collective agent
1787 member of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a family who is a member of a collective agent.
1788 member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of collective agent
1789 member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a member of a collective agent.
1790 member of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas family member of corporate body
1791 member of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a family who is a member of a corporate body.
1792 member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of corporate body
1793 member of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a member of a corporate body.
1794 member of familyrdfs:labelhas family member of family
1795 member of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a family who is a member of a family.
1796 member of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of family
1797 member of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a member of a family.
1798 body member of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis corporate body member of collective agent of
1799 body member of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a collective agent of whom a corporate body is a member.
1800 body member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of collective agent of
1801 body member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent of whom a corporate body is a member.
1802 body member of family ofrdfs:labelis corporate body member of family of
1803 body member of family ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a family of whom a corporate body is a member.
1804 body member of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body member of family of
1805 body member of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family of whom a corporate body is a member.
1806 member of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis family member of collective agent of
1807 member of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a collective agent of whom a family is a member.
1808 member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of collective agent of
1809 member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent of whom a family is a member.
1810 member of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis family member of corporate body of
1811 member of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a corporate body of whom a family is a member.
1812 member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of corporate body of
1813 member of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body of whom a family is a member.
1814 member of family ofrdfs:labelis family member of family of
1815 member of family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a family of whom a family is a member.
1816 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily member of family of
1817 member of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family of whom a family is a member.
1818 member of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis person member of collective agent of
1819 member of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a collective agent of whom a person is a member.
1820 member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of collective agent of
1821 member of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent of whom a person is a member.
1822 member of collective agentrdfs:labelhas person member of collective agent
1823 member of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a person who is a member of a collective agent.
1824 member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelperson member of collective agent
1825 member of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a member of a collective agent.
1826 agent ofrdfs:labelis modifier agent of
1827 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an item that is changed by an agent without creating a new manifestation.
1828 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier agent of
1829 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is changed by an agent without creating a new manifestation.
1830 agent ofskos:altLabelmodifier of
1831 agent ofrdfs:labelis reviser agent of
1832 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of making changes to the content of another expression.
1833 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser agent of
1834 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of making changes to the content of another expression.
1835 agent ofskos:altLabelreviser of
1836 agent to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to amalgamation of
1837 agent to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
1838 agent to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to amalgamation of
1839 agent to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
1840 agent to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to performance of
1841 agent to performance ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent to a performance.
1842 agent to performance ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to performance of
1843 agent to performance ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent to a performance.
1844 agent ofrdfs:labelis editor agent of
1845 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an expression that includes a contribution by an agent of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
1846 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor agent of
1847 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by an agent of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
1848 agent ofskos:altLabeleditor of
1849 agent ofskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
1850 agent ofskos:altLabeleditor agent of text of
1851 agent ofrdfs:labelis aggregator agent of
1852 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
1853 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator agent of
1854 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
1855 defendant corporate body ofrdfs:labelis criminal defendant corporate body of
1856 defendant corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a corporate body in a criminal proceeding.
1857 defendant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcriminal defendant corporate body of
1858 defendant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a corporate body in a criminal proceeding.
1859 defendant person ofrdfs:labelis criminal defendant person of
1860 defendant person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a person in a criminal proceeding.
1861 defendant person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcriminal defendant person of
1862 defendant person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being accused as a person in a criminal proceeding.
1863 defendant corporate body ofrdfs:labelis civil defendant corporate body of
1864 defendant corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility for being sued as a corporate body in a civil proceeding.
1865 defendant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcivil defendant corporate body of
1866 defendant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being sued as a corporate body in a civil proceeding.
1867 defendant person ofrdfs:labelis civil defendant person of
1868 defendant person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for being sued as a person in a civil proceeding.
1869 defendant person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcivil defendant person of
1870 defendant person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for being sued as a person in a civil proceeding.
1871 supervisor ofrdfs:labelis academic supervisor of
1872 supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility for overseeing academic activity of any kind that results in a work, including theses, research, and projects.
1873 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitLabelacademic supervisor of
1874 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility for overseeing academic activity of any kind that results in a work, including theses, research, and projects.
1875 agent of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of music of
1876 agent of music ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by an agent.
1877 agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of music of
1878 agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by an agent.
1879 agent of music ofskos:altLabelcomposer (expression) of
1880 agent ofrdfs:labelis surveyor agent of
1881 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by an agent of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
1882 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor agent of
1883 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by an agent of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
1884 agent ofskos:altLabelsurveyor of
1885 agent of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of cartography of
1886 agent of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by an agent.
1887 agent of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of cartography of
1888 agent of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by an agent.
1889 agent of cartography ofskos:altLabelcartographer (expression) of
1890 agent of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of choreography of
1891 agent of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by an agent.
1892 agent of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of choreography of
1893 agent of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by an agent.
1894 agent of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of still image of
1895 agent of still image ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by an agent.
1896 agent of still image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of still image of
1897 agent of still image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by an agent.
1898 agent of still image ofskos:altLabelillustrator of
1899 agent of still image ofskos:altLabelphotographer (expression) of
1900 agent of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of moving image of
1901 agent of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by an agent.
1902 agent of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of moving image of
1903 agent of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by an agent.
1904 agent of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of text of
1905 agent of text ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by an agent.
1906 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of supplementary textual content of
1907 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of postface of
1908 agent of text ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of text of
1909 agent of text ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by an agent.
1910 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of added text of
1911 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of preface of
1912 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of added commentary of
1913 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of introduction of
1914 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of added lyrics of
1915 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of afterword of
1916 agent of text ofskos:altLabelwriter of foreword of
1917 agent to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to aggregate of
1918 agent to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by an agent.
1919 agent to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to aggregate of
1920 agent to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by an agent.
1921 agent of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis creator agent of manifestation of
1922 agent of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation.
1923 agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of manifestation of
1924 agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of an agent for creation.
1925 agent of manifestation ofskos:altLabelcreator of manifestation of
1926 agent of manifestation ofskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
1927 entity of agentrdfs:labelhas related entity of agent
1928 entity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an entity that is associated with an agent.
1929 entity of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of agent
1930 entity of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with an agent.
1931 entity of collective agentrdfs:labelhas related entity of collective agent
1932 entity of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an entity that is associated with a collective agent.
1933 entity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of collective agent
1934 entity of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a collective agent.
1935 entity of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas related entity of corporate body
1936 entity of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an entity that is associated with a corporate body.
1937 entity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of corporate body
1938 entity of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a corporate body.
1939 entity of familyrdfs:labelhas related entity of family
1940 entity of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to an entity that is associated with a family.
1941 entity of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of family
1942 entity of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a family.
1943 entity of personrdfs:labelhas related entity of person
1944 entity of personskos:definitionRelates a person to an entity that is associated with a person.
1945 entity of personrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of person
1946 entity of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a person.
1947 agent of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of speech of
1948 agent of speech ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by an agent.
1949 agent of speech ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of speech of
1950 agent of speech ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by an agent.
1951 agent of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of object of
1952 agent of object ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by an agent.
1953 agent of object ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of object of
1954 agent of object ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by an agent.
1955 agent of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of computer content of
1956 agent of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by an agent.
1957 agent of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of computer content of
1958 agent of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by an agent.
1959 supervisor ofrdfs:labelis research supervisor of
1960 supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of research that results in a work.
1961 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearch supervisor of
1962 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of research that results in a work.
1963 supervisor ofrdfs:labelis project supervisor of
1964 supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of a project undertaken by a student that results in a work.
1965 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproject supervisor of
1966 supervisor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of a project undertaken by a student that results in a work.
1967 of personrdfs:labelhas category of person
1968 of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a type to which a person belongs.
1969 of personskos:altLabeltype of person
1970 of personrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of person
1971 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a person belongs.
1972 of agentrdfs:labelhas category of agent
1973 of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a type to which an agent belongs.
1974 of agentskos:altLabeltype of agent
1975 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of agent
1976 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which an agent belongs.
1977 of collective agentrdfs:labelhas category of collective agent
1978 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a type to which a collective agent belongs.
1979 of collective agentskos:altLabeltype of collective agent
1980 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of collective agent
1981 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a collective agent belongs.
1982 person ofrdfs:labelis choreographer person of
1983 person ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a choreographic work.
1984 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer person of
1985 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a choreographic work.
1986 person ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster person of
1987 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
1988 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster person of
1989 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
1990 person of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis creator person of manifestation of
1991 person of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for creation.
1992 person of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of manifestation of
1993 person of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for creation.
1994 person of manifestation ofskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
1995 person ofrdfs:labelis engraver person of
1996 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
1997 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver person of
1998 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
1999 distributor person ofrdfs:labelis film distributor person of
2000 distributor person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
2001 distributor person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor person of
2002 distributor person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
2003 person ofrdfs:labelis distributor person of
2004 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for distribution.
2005 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor person of
2006 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for distribution.
2007 embosser person ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser person of
2008 embosser person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
2009 embosser person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser person of
2010 embosser person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
2011 person of unpublished manifestation ofrdfs:labelis producer person of unpublished manifestation of
2012 person of unpublished manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
2013 person of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer person of unpublished manifestation of
2014 person of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
2015 person ofrdfs:labelis printmaker person of
2016 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
2017 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker person of
2018 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
2019 person ofrdfs:labelis printer person of
2020 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
2021 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter person of
2022 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
2023 person ofrdfs:labelis caster person of
2024 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
2025 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster person of
2026 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
2027 person ofrdfs:labelis lithographer person of
2028 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
2029 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer person of
2030 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
2031 person ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
2032 person ofrdfs:labelis platemaker person of
2033 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
2034 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker person of
2035 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
2036 person ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer person of
2037 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation by a person that involves a responsibility for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
2038 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer person of
2039 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
2040 person ofrdfs:labelis papermaker person of
2041 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for making paper.
2042 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker person of
2043 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for making paper.
2044 person ofrdfs:labelis publisher person of
2045 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
2046 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher person of
2047 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
2048 person ofrdfs:labelis etcher person of
2049 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
2050 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher person of
2051 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
2052 designer person ofrdfs:labelis book designer person of
2053 designer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
2054 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer person of
2055 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
2056 person ofrdfs:labelis collotyper person of
2057 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
2058 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper person of
2059 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a person for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
2060 person ofskos:altLabelcollotypist person of
2061 person of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of cartography of
2062 person of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a person.
2063 person of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of cartography of
2064 person of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a person.
2065 person of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of choreography of
2066 person of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a person.
2067 person of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of choreography of
2068 person of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a person.
2069 person of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of moving image of
2070 person of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a person.
2071 person of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of moving image of
2072 person of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a person.
2073 person of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of music of
2074 person of music ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a person.
2075 person of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of music of
2076 person of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a person.
2077 person of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of speech of
2078 person of speech ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a person.
2079 person of speech ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of speech of
2080 person of speech ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a person.
2081 person of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of still image of
2082 person of still image ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a person.
2083 person of still image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of still image of
2084 person of still image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a person.
2085 person of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of text of
2086 person of text ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a person.
2087 person of text ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of text of
2088 person of text ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a person.
2089 person of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of object of
2090 person of object ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a person.
2091 person of object ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of object of
2092 person of object ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a person.
2093 person of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor person of computer content of
2094 person of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a person.
2095 person of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of computer content of
2096 person of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a person.
2097 person ofrdfs:labelis surveyor person of
2098 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a person of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
2099 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor person of
2100 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a person of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
2101 person to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor person to aggregate of
2102 person to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a person.
2103 person to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to aggregate of
2104 person to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a person.
2105 person of work ofrdfs:labelis composer person of work of
2106 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a musical work.
2107 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer person of work of
2108 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a musical work.
2109 person ofrdfs:labelis addressee person of
2110 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a person.
2111 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee person of
2112 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a person.
2113 director person ofrdfs:labelis editorial director person of
2114 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a person for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
2115 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director person of
2116 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a person for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
2117 person of work ofrdfs:labelis cartographer person of work of
2118 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a cartographic work.
2119 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer person of work of
2120 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a cartographic work.
2121 person ofrdfs:labelis inventor person of
2122 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a new device or process.
2123 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor person of
2124 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a new device or process.
2125 person of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewer person of work of
2126 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility by a person for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of person who gathers information.
2127 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer person of work of
2128 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of person who gathers information.
2129 person ofrdfs:labelis aggregator person of
2130 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
2131 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator person of
2132 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
2133 person ofrdfs:labelis architect person of
2134 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
2135 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect person of
2136 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
2137 person ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker person of
2138 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating an independent or personal film.
2139 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker person of
2140 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating an independent or personal film.
2141 person ofskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
2142 architect person ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect person of
2143 architect person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating landscapes.
2144 architect person ofrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect person of
2145 architect person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating landscapes.
2146 person ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter person of
2147 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
2148 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter person of
2149 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
2150 person ofrdfs:labelis lyricist person of
2151 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
2152 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist person of
2153 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
2154 person ofskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
2155 person ofrdfs:labelis librettist person of
2156 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
2157 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist person of
2158 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
2159 person of work ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee person of work of
2160 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for being commemorated.
2161 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee person of work of
2162 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for being commemorated.
2163 person ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher person of
2164 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same person is also responsible for the inscribed text.
2165 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher person of
2166 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same person is also responsible for the inscribed text.
2167 person of photography ofrdfs:labelis director person of photography of
2168 person of photography ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
2169 person of photography ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector person of photography of
2170 person of photography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
2171 person of photography ofskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
2172 person ofrdfs:labelis commissioning person of
2173 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for commissioning a work.
2174 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning person of
2175 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for commissioning a work.
2176 person ofrdfs:labelis programmer person of
2177 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a computer program.
2178 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer person of
2179 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a computer program.
2180 person ofrdfs:labelis artist person of
2181 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
2182 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelartist person of
2183 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
2184 person ofrdfs:labelis author person of
2185 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a textual work.
2186 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor person of
2187 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a textual work.
2188 person of work ofrdfs:labelis creator person of work of
2189 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creation.
2190 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of work of
2191 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creation.
2192 person ofrdfs:labelis designer person of
2193 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for designing an object.
2194 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner person of
2195 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for designing an object.
2196 artist person ofrdfs:labelis book artist person of
2197 artist person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
2198 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist person of
2199 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
2200 person of work ofrdfs:labelis founder person of work of
2201 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for initiating a diachronic work.
2202 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder person of work of
2203 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for initiating a diachronic work.
2204 person ofrdfs:labelis issuing person of
2205 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
2206 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing person of
2207 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
2208 producer person ofrdfs:labelis audio producer person of
2209 producer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
2210 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer person of
2211 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
2212 artist person ofrdfs:labelis remix artist person of
2213 artist person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
2214 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist person of
2215 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
2216 artist person ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
2217 director person ofrdfs:labelis casting director person of
2218 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
2219 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director person of
2220 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
2221 person ofrdfs:labelis producer person of
2222 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
2223 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer person of
2224 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
2225 person ofskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
2226 producer person ofrdfs:labelis film producer person of
2227 producer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
2228 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer person of
2229 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
2230 producer person ofrdfs:labelis radio producer person of
2231 producer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
2232 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer person of
2233 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
2234 producer person ofrdfs:labelis television producer person of
2235 producer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
2236 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer person of
2237 producer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
2238 person ofrdfs:labelis organizer person of
2239 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
2240 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer person of
2241 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
2242 person of work ofrdfs:labelis photographer person of work of
2243 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a photographic work.
2244 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer person of work of
2245 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a photographic work.
2246 person ofrdfs:labelis consultant person of
2247 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
2248 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant person of
2249 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
2250 person ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur person of
2251 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
2252 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur person of
2253 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
2254 person ofrdfs:labelis researcher person of
2255 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for research in support of a work.
2256 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher person of
2257 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for research in support of a work.
2258 person of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewee person of work of
2259 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2260 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee person of work of
2261 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2262 person ofrdfs:labelis compiler person of
2263 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a metadata description set.
2264 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler person of
2265 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a metadata description set.
2266 person ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
2267 person ofrdfs:labelis director person of
2268 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
2269 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector person of
2270 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
2271 director person ofrdfs:labelis film director person of
2272 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
2273 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director person of
2274 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
2275 director person ofrdfs:labelis radio director person of
2276 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
2277 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director person of
2278 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
2279 director person ofrdfs:labelis television director person of
2280 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a television program.
2281 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director person of
2282 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for the general management and supervision of a television program.
2283 person ofrdfs:labelis sculptor person of
2284 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
2285 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor person of
2286 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
2287 person ofrdfs:labelis dedicator person of
2288 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related person.
2289 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator person of
2290 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related person.
2291 person of work ofrdfs:labelis honouree person of work of
2292 person of work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that marks the esteem of and respect for a person.
2293 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree person of work of
2294 person of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that marks the esteem of and respect for a person.
2295 person of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree person of work of
2296 person ofrdfs:labelis actor person of
2297 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2298 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelactor person of
2299 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2300 person ofrdfs:labelis editor person of
2301 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
2302 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor person of
2303 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
2304 person ofskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
2305 person ofskos:altLabeleditor person of text of
2306 presenter person ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter person of
2307 presenter person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
2308 presenter person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter person of
2309 presenter person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of appearing on-screen to provide contextual or background information.
2310 presenter person ofskos:scopeNoteAn on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
2311 person ofrdfs:labelis colourist person of
2312 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
2313 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist person of
2314 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
2315 person ofskos:altLabelcolorist person of
2316 artist person ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist person of
2317 artist person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2318 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist person of
2319 artist person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2320 person of moving image work ofrdfs:labelis editor person of moving image work of
2321 person of moving image work ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
2322 person of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor person of moving image work of
2323 person of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
2324 person of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewee person of expression of
2325 person of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2326 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee person of expression of
2327 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2328 conductor person ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor person of
2329 conductor person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2330 conductor person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor person of
2331 conductor person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2332 director person ofrdfs:labelis musical director person of
2333 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2334 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director person of
2335 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2336 person ofrdfs:labelis dancer person of
2337 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2338 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer person of
2339 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2340 designer person ofrdfs:labelis sound designer person of
2341 designer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating audio or sound components.
2342 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer person of
2343 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating audio or sound components.
2344 designer person ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer person of
2345 designer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating lighting components.
2346 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer person of
2347 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating lighting components.
2348 effects provider person ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider person of
2349 effects provider person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
2350 effects provider person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider person of
2351 effects provider person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
2352 effects provider person ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider person of
2353 effects provider person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
2354 effects provider person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider person of
2355 effects provider person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
2356 designer person ofrdfs:labelis costume designer person of
2357 designer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2358 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer person of
2359 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2360 designer person ofrdfs:labelis production designer person of
2361 designer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
2362 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer person of
2363 designer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
2364 person ofrdfs:labelis letterer person of
2365 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
2366 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer person of
2367 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
2368 person ofrdfs:labelis translator person of
2369 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
2370 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator person of
2371 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
2372 person ofskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
2373 director person ofrdfs:labelis stage director person of
2374 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
2375 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director person of
2376 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
2377 person ofrdfs:labelis animator person of
2378 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
2379 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator person of
2380 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
2381 person of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewer person of expression of
2382 person of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
2383 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer person of expression of
2384 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
2385 conductor person ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor person of
2386 conductor person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2387 conductor person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor person of
2388 conductor person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2389 person ofrdfs:labelis host person of
2390 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
2391 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhost person of
2392 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
2393 person ofrdfs:labelis moderator person of
2394 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
2395 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator person of
2396 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
2397 person ofrdfs:labelis conductor person of
2398 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2399 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor person of
2400 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2401 person ofrdfs:labelis reviser person of
2402 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of making changes to the content of another expression.
2403 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser person of
2404 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of making changes to the content of another expression.
2405 person ofrdfs:labelis draftsman person of
2406 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
2407 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman person of
2408 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
2409 engineer person ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer person of
2410 engineer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
2411 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer person of
2412 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
2413 person ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer person of
2414 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
2415 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer person of
2416 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2417 engineer person ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer person of
2418 engineer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
2419 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer person of
2420 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
2421 engineer person ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
2422 person ofrdfs:labelis DJ person of
2423 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
2424 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ person of
2425 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
2426 person ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
2427 director person ofrdfs:labelis art director person of
2428 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
2429 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelart director person of
2430 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
2431 person ofrdfs:labelis panelist person of
2432 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
2433 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist person of
2434 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
2435 person ofrdfs:labelis storyteller person of
2436 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
2437 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller person of
2438 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
2439 person ofrdfs:labelis singer person of
2440 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
2441 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger person of
2442 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
2443 person ofskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
2444 person ofrdfs:labelis performer person of
2445 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
2446 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer person of
2447 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
2448 person ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist person of
2449 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of playing a musical instrument.
2450 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist person of
2451 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of playing a musical instrument.
2452 reporter person ofrdfs:labelis court reporter person of
2453 reporter person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
2454 reporter person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter person of
2455 reporter person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
2456 person ofrdfs:labelis commentator person of
2457 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
2458 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator person of
2459 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
2460 actor person ofrdfs:labelis voice actor person of
2461 actor person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
2462 actor person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor person of
2463 actor person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
2464 person ofrdfs:labelis narrator person of
2465 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
2466 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator person of
2467 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
2468 taker person ofrdfs:labelis minute taker person of
2469 taker person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of recording the minutes of a meeting.
2470 taker person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker person of
2471 taker person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of recording the minutes of a meeting.
2472 developer person ofrdfs:labelis software developer person of
2473 developer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
2474 developer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer person of
2475 developer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
2476 director person ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director person of
2477 director person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
2478 director person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director person of
2479 director person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
2480 person of expression ofrdfs:labelis restorationist person of expression of
2481 person of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
2482 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist person of expression of
2483 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
2484 person ofrdfs:labelis censor person of
2485 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
2486 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor person of
2487 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
2488 person of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger person of music of
2489 person of music ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
2490 person of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger person of music of
2491 person of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
2492 person of music ofskos:scopeNoteAn arranger of music may also modify the work for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged.
2493 person ofrdfs:labelis abridger person of
2494 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
2495 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger person of
2496 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
2497 person ofrdfs:labelis speaker person of
2498 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
2499 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker person of
2500 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
2501 engineer person ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer person of
2502 engineer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
2503 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer person of
2504 engineer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
2505 participant person ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant person of
2506 participant person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of taking an active role as a participant.
2507 participant person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant person of
2508 participant person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of taking an active role as a participant.
2509 person ofrdfs:labelis instructor person of
2510 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of teaching or providing a demonstration.
2511 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor person of
2512 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of teaching or providing a demonstration.
2513 person ofrdfs:labelis recordist person of
2514 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
2515 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist person of
2516 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
2517 programmer person ofrdfs:labelis music programmer person of
2518 programmer person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
2519 programmer person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer person of
2520 programmer person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
2521 programmer person ofskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
2522 person ofrdfs:labelis transcriber person of
2523 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
2524 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber person of
2525 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
2526 person to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor person to performance of
2527 person to performance ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person to a performance.
2528 person to performance ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to performance of
2529 person to performance ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person to a performance.
2530 person to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor person to amalgamation of
2531 person to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that includes a contribution by a person to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
2532 person to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to amalgamation of
2533 person to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a person to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
2534 person of expression ofrdfs:labelis creator person of expression of
2535 person of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that involves a responsibility of a person for creation or contribution.
2536 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of expression of
2537 person of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that involves a responsibility of a person for creation or contribution.
2538 person of expression ofskos:scopeNoteEditors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc., are included.
2539 person ofrdfs:labelis presenter person of
2540 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a person who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
2541 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter person of
2542 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a person who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
2543 person of item ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee person of item of
2544 person of item ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a person.
2545 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee person of item of
2546 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a person.
2547 person ofrdfs:labelis binder person of
2548 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for binding.
2549 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder person of
2550 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for binding.
2551 person of item ofrdfs:labelis restorationist person of item of
2552 person of item ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility by a person for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
2553 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist person of item of
2554 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
2555 owner person ofrdfs:labelis current owner person of
2556 owner person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for current legal possession.
2557 owner person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner person of
2558 owner person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for current legal possession.
2559 owner person ofrdfs:labelis former owner person of
2560 owner person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for former legal possession.
2561 owner person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner person of
2562 owner person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for former legal possession.
2563 person ofrdfs:labelis custodian person of
2564 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for legal custody.
2565 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian person of
2566 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for legal custody.
2567 person ofrdfs:labelis owner person of
2568 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that involves a responsibility of a person for legal possession.
2569 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelowner person of
2570 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a person for legal possession.
2571 person ofrdfs:labelis modifier person of
2572 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is changed by a person without creating a new manifestation.
2573 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier person of
2574 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is changed by a person without creating a new manifestation.
2575 person ofrdfs:labelis illuminator person of
2576 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is decorated by a person using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
2577 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator person of
2578 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is decorated by a person using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
2579 person ofrdfs:labelis depositor person of
2580 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is deposited by a person into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
2581 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor person of
2582 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is deposited by a person into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
2583 person ofrdfs:labelis donor person of
2584 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is donated to another owner who is a person.
2585 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor person of
2586 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is donated to another owner who is a person.
2587 person ofrdfs:labelis seller person of
2588 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that is sold to another owner who is a person.
2589 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelseller person of
2590 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is sold to another owner who is a person.
2591 person of item ofrdfs:labelis honouree person of item of
2592 person of item ofskos:definitionRelates a person to an item that marks the esteem of and respect for a person.
2593 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree person of item of
2594 person of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that marks the esteem of and respect for a person.
2595 person of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree person of item of
2596 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis choreographer collective agent of
2597 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a choreographic work.
2598 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer collective agent of
2599 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a choreographic work.
2600 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster collective agent of
2601 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
2602 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster collective agent of
2603 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
2604 collective agent of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis creator collective agent of manifestation of
2605 collective agent of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation.
2606 collective agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of manifestation of
2607 collective agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation.
2608 collective agent of manifestation ofskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
2609 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis engraver collective agent of
2610 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
2611 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver collective agent of
2612 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
2613 distributor collective agent ofrdfs:labelis film distributor collective agent of
2614 distributor collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
2615 distributor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor collective agent of
2616 distributor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
2617 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis distributor collective agent of
2618 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for distribution.
2619 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor collective agent of
2620 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for distribution.
2621 embosser collective agent ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser collective agent of
2622 embosser collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
2623 embosser collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser collective agent of
2624 embosser collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
2625 collective agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdfs:labelis producer collective agent of unpublished manifestation of
2626 collective agent of unpublished manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
2627 collective agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer collective agent of unpublished manifestation of
2628 collective agent of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
2629 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis printmaker collective agent of
2630 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
2631 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker collective agent of
2632 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
2633 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis printer collective agent of
2634 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
2635 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter collective agent of
2636 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
2637 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis caster collective agent of
2638 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
2639 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster collective agent of
2640 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
2641 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis lithographer collective agent of
2642 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
2643 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer collective agent of
2644 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
2645 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
2646 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis platemaker collective agent of
2647 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
2648 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker collective agent of
2649 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
2650 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer collective agent of
2651 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation by a collective agent that involves a responsibility for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
2652 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer collective agent of
2653 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
2654 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis papermaker collective agent of
2655 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for making paper.
2656 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker collective agent of
2657 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for making paper.
2658 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis publisher collective agent of
2659 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
2660 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher collective agent of
2661 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
2662 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis etcher collective agent of
2663 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
2664 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher collective agent of
2665 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
2666 designer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis book designer collective agent of
2667 designer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
2668 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer collective agent of
2669 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
2670 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis collotyper collective agent of
2671 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
2672 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper collective agent of
2673 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
2674 collective agent ofskos:altLabelcollotypist collective agent of
2675 collective agent of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of cartography of
2676 collective agent of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a collective agent.
2677 collective agent of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of cartography of
2678 collective agent of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a collective agent.
2679 collective agent of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of choreography of
2680 collective agent of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a collective agent.
2681 collective agent of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of choreography of
2682 collective agent of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a collective agent.
2683 collective agent of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of moving image of
2684 collective agent of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a collective agent.
2685 collective agent of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of moving image of
2686 collective agent of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a collective agent.
2687 collective agent of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of music of
2688 collective agent of music ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a collective agent.
2689 collective agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of music of
2690 collective agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a collective agent.
2691 collective agent of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of speech of
2692 collective agent of speech ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a collective agent.
2693 collective agent of speech ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of speech of
2694 collective agent of speech ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a collective agent.
2695 collective agent of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of still image of
2696 collective agent of still image ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a collective agent.
2697 collective agent of still image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of still image of
2698 collective agent of still image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a collective agent.
2699 collective agent of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of text of
2700 collective agent of text ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a collective agent.
2701 collective agent of text ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of text of
2702 collective agent of text ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a collective agent.
2703 collective agent of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of object of
2704 collective agent of object ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a collective agent.
2705 collective agent of object ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of object of
2706 collective agent of object ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a collective agent.
2707 collective agent of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent of computer content of
2708 collective agent of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a collective agent.
2709 collective agent of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of computer content of
2710 collective agent of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a collective agent.
2711 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis surveyor collective agent of
2712 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
2713 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor collective agent of
2714 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
2715 collective agent to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent to aggregate of
2716 collective agent to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a collective agent.
2717 collective agent to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to aggregate of
2718 collective agent to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a collective agent.
2719 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis composer collective agent of work of
2720 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a musical work.
2721 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer collective agent of work of
2722 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a musical work.
2723 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis addressee collective agent of
2724 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a collective agent.
2725 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee collective agent of
2726 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a collective agent.
2727 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis editorial director collective agent of
2728 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a collective agent for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
2729 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director collective agent of
2730 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a collective agent for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
2731 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis cartographer collective agent of work of
2732 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a cartographic work.
2733 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer collective agent of work of
2734 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a cartographic work.
2735 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis inventor collective agent of
2736 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a new device or process.
2737 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor collective agent of
2738 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a new device or process.
2739 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewer collective agent of work of
2740 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility by a collective agent for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of collective agent who gathers information.
2741 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer collective agent of work of
2742 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of collective agent who gathers information.
2743 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis aggregator collective agent of
2744 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
2745 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator collective agent of
2746 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
2747 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis architect collective agent of
2748 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
2749 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect collective agent of
2750 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
2751 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker collective agent of
2752 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating an independent or personal film.
2753 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker collective agent of
2754 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating an independent or personal film.
2755 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
2756 architect collective agent ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect collective agent of
2757 architect collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating landscapes.
2758 architect collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect collective agent of
2759 architect collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating landscapes.
2760 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter collective agent of
2761 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
2762 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter collective agent of
2763 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
2764 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis lyricist collective agent of
2765 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
2766 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist collective agent of
2767 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
2768 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
2769 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis librettist collective agent of
2770 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
2771 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist collective agent of
2772 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
2773 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee collective agent of work of
2774 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for being commemorated.
2775 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee collective agent of work of
2776 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for being commemorated.
2777 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher collective agent of
2778 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same collective agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
2779 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher collective agent of
2780 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same collective agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
2781 collective agent of photography ofrdfs:labelis director collective agent of photography of
2782 collective agent of photography ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
2783 collective agent of photography ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector collective agent of photography of
2784 collective agent of photography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
2785 collective agent of photography ofskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
2786 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis commissioning collective agent of
2787 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for commissioning a work.
2788 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning collective agent of
2789 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for commissioning a work.
2790 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis programmer collective agent of
2791 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a computer program.
2792 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer collective agent of
2793 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a computer program.
2794 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis artist collective agent of
2795 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
2796 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelartist collective agent of
2797 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
2798 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis author collective agent of
2799 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a textual work.
2800 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor collective agent of
2801 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a textual work.
2802 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis creator collective agent of work of
2803 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation.
2804 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of work of
2805 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation.
2806 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis designer collective agent of
2807 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for designing an object.
2808 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner collective agent of
2809 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for designing an object.
2810 artist collective agent ofrdfs:labelis book artist collective agent of
2811 artist collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
2812 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist collective agent of
2813 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
2814 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis founder collective agent of work of
2815 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for initiating a diachronic work.
2816 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder collective agent of work of
2817 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for initiating a diachronic work.
2818 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis issuing collective agent of
2819 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
2820 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing collective agent of
2821 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
2822 producer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis audio producer collective agent of
2823 producer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
2824 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer collective agent of
2825 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
2826 artist collective agent ofrdfs:labelis remix artist collective agent of
2827 artist collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
2828 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist collective agent of
2829 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
2830 artist collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
2831 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis casting director collective agent of
2832 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
2833 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director collective agent of
2834 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
2835 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis producer collective agent of
2836 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
2837 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer collective agent of
2838 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
2839 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
2840 producer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis film producer collective agent of
2841 producer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
2842 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer collective agent of
2843 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
2844 producer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis radio producer collective agent of
2845 producer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
2846 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer collective agent of
2847 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
2848 producer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis television producer collective agent of
2849 producer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
2850 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer collective agent of
2851 producer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
2852 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis organizer collective agent of
2853 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
2854 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer collective agent of
2855 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
2856 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis photographer collective agent of work of
2857 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a photographic work.
2858 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer collective agent of work of
2859 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a photographic work.
2860 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis consultant collective agent of
2861 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
2862 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant collective agent of
2863 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
2864 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur collective agent of
2865 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
2866 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur collective agent of
2867 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
2868 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis researcher collective agent of
2869 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for research in support of a work.
2870 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher collective agent of
2871 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for research in support of a work.
2872 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewee collective agent of work of
2873 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2874 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee collective agent of work of
2875 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2876 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis compiler collective agent of
2877 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a metadata description set.
2878 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler collective agent of
2879 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a metadata description set.
2880 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
2881 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis director collective agent of
2882 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
2883 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector collective agent of
2884 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
2885 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis film director collective agent of
2886 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
2887 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director collective agent of
2888 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
2889 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis radio director collective agent of
2890 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
2891 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director collective agent of
2892 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
2893 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis television director collective agent of
2894 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a television program.
2895 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director collective agent of
2896 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for the general management and supervision of a television program.
2897 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis sculptor collective agent of
2898 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
2899 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor collective agent of
2900 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
2901 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis dedicator collective agent of
2902 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related collective agent.
2903 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator collective agent of
2904 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related collective agent.
2905 collective agent of work ofrdfs:labelis honouree collective agent of work of
2906 collective agent of work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that marks the esteem of and respect for a collective agent.
2907 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree collective agent of work of
2908 collective agent of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that marks the esteem of and respect for a collective agent.
2909 collective agent of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree collective agent of work of
2910 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis actor collective agent of
2911 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2912 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelactor collective agent of
2913 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2914 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis editor collective agent of
2915 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
2916 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor collective agent of
2917 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
2918 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
2919 collective agent ofskos:altLabeleditor collective agent of text of
2920 presenter collective agent ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter collective agent of
2921 presenter collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
2922 presenter collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter collective agent of
2923 presenter collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of appearing on-screen to provide contextual or background information.
2924 presenter collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteAn on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
2925 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis colourist collective agent of
2926 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
2927 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist collective agent of
2928 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
2929 collective agent ofskos:altLabelcolorist collective agent of
2930 artist collective agent ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist collective agent of
2931 artist collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2932 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist collective agent of
2933 artist collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2934 collective agent of moving image work ofrdfs:labelis editor collective agent of moving image work of
2935 collective agent of moving image work ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
2936 collective agent of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor collective agent of moving image work of
2937 collective agent of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
2938 collective agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewee collective agent of expression of
2939 collective agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2940 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee collective agent of expression of
2941 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
2942 conductor collective agent ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor collective agent of
2943 conductor collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2944 conductor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor collective agent of
2945 conductor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2946 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis musical director collective agent of
2947 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2948 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director collective agent of
2949 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2950 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis dancer collective agent of
2951 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2952 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer collective agent of
2953 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
2954 designer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis sound designer collective agent of
2955 designer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating audio or sound components.
2956 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer collective agent of
2957 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating audio or sound components.
2958 designer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer collective agent of
2959 designer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating lighting components.
2960 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer collective agent of
2961 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating lighting components.
2962 effects provider collective agent ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider collective agent of
2963 effects provider collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
2964 effects provider collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider collective agent of
2965 effects provider collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
2966 effects provider collective agent ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider collective agent of
2967 effects provider collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
2968 effects provider collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider collective agent of
2969 effects provider collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
2970 designer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis costume designer collective agent of
2971 designer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2972 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer collective agent of
2973 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
2974 designer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis production designer collective agent of
2975 designer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
2976 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer collective agent of
2977 designer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
2978 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis letterer collective agent of
2979 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
2980 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer collective agent of
2981 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
2982 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis translator collective agent of
2983 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
2984 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator collective agent of
2985 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
2986 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
2987 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis stage director collective agent of
2988 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
2989 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director collective agent of
2990 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
2991 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis animator collective agent of
2992 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
2993 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator collective agent of
2994 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
2995 collective agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewer collective agent of expression of
2996 collective agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
2997 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer collective agent of expression of
2998 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
2999 conductor collective agent ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor collective agent of
3000 conductor collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3001 conductor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor collective agent of
3002 conductor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3003 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis host collective agent of
3004 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
3005 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhost collective agent of
3006 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
3007 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis moderator collective agent of
3008 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3009 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator collective agent of
3010 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3011 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis conductor collective agent of
3012 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3013 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor collective agent of
3014 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3015 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis reviser collective agent of
3016 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of making changes to the content of another expression.
3017 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser collective agent of
3018 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of making changes to the content of another expression.
3019 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis draftsman collective agent of
3020 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
3021 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman collective agent of
3022 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
3023 engineer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer collective agent of
3024 engineer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
3025 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer collective agent of
3026 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
3027 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer collective agent of
3028 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
3029 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer collective agent of
3030 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3031 engineer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer collective agent of
3032 engineer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
3033 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer collective agent of
3034 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
3035 engineer collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
3036 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis DJ collective agent of
3037 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
3038 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ collective agent of
3039 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
3040 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
3041 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis art director collective agent of
3042 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
3043 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelart director collective agent of
3044 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
3045 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis panelist collective agent of
3046 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3047 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist collective agent of
3048 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3049 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis storyteller collective agent of
3050 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
3051 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller collective agent of
3052 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
3053 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis singer collective agent of
3054 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
3055 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger collective agent of
3056 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
3057 collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
3058 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis performer collective agent of
3059 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
3060 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer collective agent of
3061 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
3062 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist collective agent of
3063 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of playing a musical instrument.
3064 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist collective agent of
3065 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of playing a musical instrument.
3066 reporter collective agent ofrdfs:labelis court reporter collective agent of
3067 reporter collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
3068 reporter collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter collective agent of
3069 reporter collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
3070 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis commentator collective agent of
3071 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
3072 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator collective agent of
3073 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
3074 actor collective agent ofrdfs:labelis voice actor collective agent of
3075 actor collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
3076 actor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor collective agent of
3077 actor collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
3078 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis narrator collective agent of
3079 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
3080 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator collective agent of
3081 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
3082 taker collective agent ofrdfs:labelis minute taker collective agent of
3083 taker collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of recording the minutes of a meeting.
3084 taker collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker collective agent of
3085 taker collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of recording the minutes of a meeting.
3086 developer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis software developer collective agent of
3087 developer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
3088 developer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer collective agent of
3089 developer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
3090 director collective agent ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director collective agent of
3091 director collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
3092 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director collective agent of
3093 director collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
3094 collective agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis restorationist collective agent of expression of
3095 collective agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
3096 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist collective agent of expression of
3097 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
3098 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis censor collective agent of
3099 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
3100 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor collective agent of
3101 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
3102 collective agent of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger collective agent of music of
3103 collective agent of music ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
3104 collective agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger collective agent of music of
3105 collective agent of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
3106 collective agent of music ofskos:scopeNoteAn arranger of music may also modify the work for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged.
3107 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis abridger collective agent of
3108 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
3109 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger collective agent of
3110 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
3111 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis speaker collective agent of
3112 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
3113 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker collective agent of
3114 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
3115 engineer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer collective agent of
3116 engineer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
3117 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer collective agent of
3118 engineer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
3119 participant collective agent ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant collective agent of
3120 participant collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of taking an active role as a participant.
3121 participant collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant collective agent of
3122 participant collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of taking an active role as a participant.
3123 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis instructor collective agent of
3124 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of teaching or providing a demonstration.
3125 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor collective agent of
3126 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of teaching or providing a demonstration.
3127 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis recordist collective agent of
3128 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
3129 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist collective agent of
3130 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
3131 programmer collective agent ofrdfs:labelis music programmer collective agent of
3132 programmer collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
3133 programmer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer collective agent of
3134 programmer collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
3135 programmer collective agent ofskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
3136 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis transcriber collective agent of
3137 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
3138 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber collective agent of
3139 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
3140 collective agent to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent to performance of
3141 collective agent to performance ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent to a performance.
3142 collective agent to performance ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to performance of
3143 collective agent to performance ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent to a performance.
3144 collective agent to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor collective agent to amalgamation of
3145 collective agent to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
3146 collective agent to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to amalgamation of
3147 collective agent to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a collective agent to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
3148 collective agent of expression ofrdfs:labelis creator collective agent of expression of
3149 collective agent of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation or contribution.
3150 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of expression of
3151 collective agent of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creation or contribution.
3152 collective agent of expression ofskos:scopeNoteEditors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc., are included.
3153 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis presenter collective agent of
3154 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a collective agent who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
3155 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter collective agent of
3156 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a collective agent who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
3157 collective agent of item ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee collective agent of item of
3158 collective agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a collective agent.
3159 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee collective agent of item of
3160 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a collective agent.
3161 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis binder collective agent of
3162 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for binding.
3163 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder collective agent of
3164 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for binding.
3165 collective agent of item ofrdfs:labelis restorationist collective agent of item of
3166 collective agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility by a collective agent for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
3167 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist collective agent of item of
3168 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
3169 owner collective agent ofrdfs:labelis current owner collective agent of
3170 owner collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for current legal possession.
3171 owner collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner collective agent of
3172 owner collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for current legal possession.
3173 owner collective agent ofrdfs:labelis former owner collective agent of
3174 owner collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for former legal possession.
3175 owner collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner collective agent of
3176 owner collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for former legal possession.
3177 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis custodian collective agent of
3178 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for legal custody.
3179 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian collective agent of
3180 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for legal custody.
3181 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis owner collective agent of
3182 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for legal possession.
3183 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelowner collective agent of
3184 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for legal possession.
3185 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis modifier collective agent of
3186 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is changed by a collective agent without creating a new manifestation.
3187 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier collective agent of
3188 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is changed by a collective agent without creating a new manifestation.
3189 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis illuminator collective agent of
3190 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is decorated by a collective agent using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
3191 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator collective agent of
3192 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is decorated by a collective agent using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
3193 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis depositor collective agent of
3194 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is deposited by a collective agent into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
3195 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor collective agent of
3196 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is deposited by a collective agent into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
3197 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis donor collective agent of
3198 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is donated to another owner who is a collective agent.
3199 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor collective agent of
3200 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is donated to another owner who is a collective agent.
3201 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis seller collective agent of
3202 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that is sold to another owner who is a collective agent.
3203 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelseller collective agent of
3204 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is sold to another owner who is a collective agent.
3205 collective agent of item ofrdfs:labelis honouree collective agent of item of
3206 collective agent of item ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to an item that marks the esteem of and respect for a collective agent.
3207 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree collective agent of item of
3208 collective agent of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that marks the esteem of and respect for a collective agent.
3209 collective agent of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree collective agent of item of
3210 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis choreographer corporate body of
3211 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a choreographic work.
3212 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer corporate body of
3213 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a choreographic work.
3214 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster corporate body of
3215 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
3216 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster corporate body of
3217 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
3218 corporate body of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis creator corporate body of manifestation of
3219 corporate body of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation.
3220 corporate body of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of manifestation of
3221 corporate body of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation.
3222 corporate body of manifestation ofskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
3223 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis engraver corporate body of
3224 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
3225 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver corporate body of
3226 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
3227 distributor corporate body ofrdfs:labelis film distributor corporate body of
3228 distributor corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
3229 distributor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor corporate body of
3230 distributor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
3231 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis distributor corporate body of
3232 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for distribution.
3233 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor corporate body of
3234 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for distribution.
3235 embosser corporate body ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser corporate body of
3236 embosser corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
3237 embosser corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser corporate body of
3238 embosser corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
3239 corporate body of unpublished manifestation ofrdfs:labelis producer corporate body of unpublished manifestation of
3240 corporate body of unpublished manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
3241 corporate body of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer corporate body of unpublished manifestation of
3242 corporate body of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
3243 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis printmaker corporate body of
3244 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
3245 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker corporate body of
3246 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
3247 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis printer corporate body of
3248 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
3249 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter corporate body of
3250 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
3251 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis caster corporate body of
3252 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
3253 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster corporate body of
3254 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
3255 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis lithographer corporate body of
3256 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
3257 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer corporate body of
3258 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
3259 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
3260 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis platemaker corporate body of
3261 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
3262 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker corporate body of
3263 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
3264 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer corporate body of
3265 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation by a corporate body that involves a responsibility for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
3266 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer corporate body of
3267 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
3268 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis papermaker corporate body of
3269 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for making paper.
3270 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker corporate body of
3271 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for making paper.
3272 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis publisher corporate body of
3273 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
3274 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher corporate body of
3275 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
3276 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis etcher corporate body of
3277 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
3278 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher corporate body of
3279 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
3280 designer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis book designer corporate body of
3281 designer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
3282 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer corporate body of
3283 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
3284 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis collotyper corporate body of
3285 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
3286 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper corporate body of
3287 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
3288 corporate body ofskos:altLabelcollotypist corporate body of
3289 corporate body of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of cartography of
3290 corporate body of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a corporate body.
3291 corporate body of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of cartography of
3292 corporate body of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a corporate body.
3293 corporate body of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of choreography of
3294 corporate body of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a corporate body.
3295 corporate body of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of choreography of
3296 corporate body of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a corporate body.
3297 corporate body of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of moving image of
3298 corporate body of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a corporate body.
3299 corporate body of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of moving image of
3300 corporate body of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a corporate body.
3301 corporate body of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of music of
3302 corporate body of music ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a corporate body.
3303 corporate body of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of music of
3304 corporate body of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a corporate body.
3305 corporate body of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of speech of
3306 corporate body of speech ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a corporate body.
3307 corporate body of speech ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of speech of
3308 corporate body of speech ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a corporate body.
3309 corporate body of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of still image of
3310 corporate body of still image ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a corporate body.
3311 corporate body of still image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of still image of
3312 corporate body of still image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a corporate body.
3313 corporate body of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of text of
3314 corporate body of text ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a corporate body.
3315 corporate body of text ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of text of
3316 corporate body of text ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a corporate body.
3317 corporate body of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of object of
3318 corporate body of object ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a corporate body.
3319 corporate body of object ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of object of
3320 corporate body of object ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a corporate body.
3321 corporate body of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body of computer content of
3322 corporate body of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a corporate body.
3323 corporate body of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of computer content of
3324 corporate body of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a corporate body.
3325 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis surveyor corporate body of
3326 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
3327 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor corporate body of
3328 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
3329 corporate body to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body to aggregate of
3330 corporate body to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a corporate body.
3331 corporate body to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to aggregate of
3332 corporate body to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a corporate body.
3333 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis composer corporate body of work of
3334 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a musical work.
3335 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer corporate body of work of
3336 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a musical work.
3337 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis addressee corporate body of
3338 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a corporate body.
3339 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee corporate body of
3340 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a corporate body.
3341 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis editorial director corporate body of
3342 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a corporate body for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
3343 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director corporate body of
3344 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a corporate body for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
3345 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis cartographer corporate body of work of
3346 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a cartographic work.
3347 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer corporate body of work of
3348 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a cartographic work.
3349 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis inventor corporate body of
3350 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a new device or process.
3351 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor corporate body of
3352 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a new device or process.
3353 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewer corporate body of work of
3354 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility by a corporate body for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of corporate body who gathers information.
3355 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer corporate body of work of
3356 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of corporate body who gathers information.
3357 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis aggregator corporate body of
3358 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
3359 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator corporate body of
3360 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
3361 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis architect corporate body of
3362 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
3363 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect corporate body of
3364 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
3365 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker corporate body of
3366 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating an independent or personal film.
3367 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker corporate body of
3368 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating an independent or personal film.
3369 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
3370 architect corporate body ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect corporate body of
3371 architect corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating landscapes.
3372 architect corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect corporate body of
3373 architect corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating landscapes.
3374 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter corporate body of
3375 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
3376 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter corporate body of
3377 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
3378 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis lyricist corporate body of
3379 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
3380 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist corporate body of
3381 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
3382 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
3383 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis librettist corporate body of
3384 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
3385 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist corporate body of
3386 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
3387 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee corporate body of work of
3388 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for being commemorated.
3389 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee corporate body of work of
3390 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for being commemorated.
3391 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher corporate body of
3392 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same corporate body is also responsible for the inscribed text.
3393 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher corporate body of
3394 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same corporate body is also responsible for the inscribed text.
3395 corporate body of photography ofrdfs:labelis director corporate body of photography of
3396 corporate body of photography ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
3397 corporate body of photography ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector corporate body of photography of
3398 corporate body of photography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
3399 corporate body of photography ofskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
3400 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis commissioning corporate body of
3401 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for commissioning a work.
3402 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning corporate body of
3403 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for commissioning a work.
3404 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis programmer corporate body of
3405 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a computer program.
3406 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer corporate body of
3407 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a computer program.
3408 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis artist corporate body of
3409 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
3410 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelartist corporate body of
3411 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
3412 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis author corporate body of
3413 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a textual work.
3414 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor corporate body of
3415 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a textual work.
3416 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis creator corporate body of work of
3417 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation.
3418 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of work of
3419 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation.
3420 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis designer corporate body of
3421 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for designing an object.
3422 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner corporate body of
3423 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for designing an object.
3424 artist corporate body ofrdfs:labelis book artist corporate body of
3425 artist corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
3426 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist corporate body of
3427 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
3428 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis founder corporate body of work of
3429 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for initiating a diachronic work.
3430 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder corporate body of work of
3431 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for initiating a diachronic work.
3432 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis issuing corporate body of
3433 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
3434 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing corporate body of
3435 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
3436 producer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis audio producer corporate body of
3437 producer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
3438 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer corporate body of
3439 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
3440 artist corporate body ofrdfs:labelis remix artist corporate body of
3441 artist corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
3442 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist corporate body of
3443 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
3444 artist corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
3445 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis casting director corporate body of
3446 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
3447 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director corporate body of
3448 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
3449 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis producer corporate body of
3450 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
3451 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer corporate body of
3452 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
3453 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
3454 producer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis film producer corporate body of
3455 producer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
3456 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer corporate body of
3457 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
3458 producer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis radio producer corporate body of
3459 producer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
3460 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer corporate body of
3461 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
3462 producer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis television producer corporate body of
3463 producer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
3464 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer corporate body of
3465 producer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
3466 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis organizer corporate body of
3467 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
3468 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer corporate body of
3469 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
3470 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis photographer corporate body of work of
3471 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a photographic work.
3472 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer corporate body of work of
3473 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a photographic work.
3474 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis consultant corporate body of
3475 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
3476 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant corporate body of
3477 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
3478 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur corporate body of
3479 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
3480 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur corporate body of
3481 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
3482 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis researcher corporate body of
3483 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for research in support of a work.
3484 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher corporate body of
3485 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for research in support of a work.
3486 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewee corporate body of work of
3487 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
3488 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee corporate body of work of
3489 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
3490 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis compiler corporate body of
3491 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a metadata description set.
3492 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler corporate body of
3493 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a metadata description set.
3494 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
3495 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis director corporate body of
3496 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
3497 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector corporate body of
3498 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
3499 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis film director corporate body of
3500 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
3501 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director corporate body of
3502 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
3503 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis radio director corporate body of
3504 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
3505 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director corporate body of
3506 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
3507 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis television director corporate body of
3508 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a television program.
3509 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director corporate body of
3510 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for the general management and supervision of a television program.
3511 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis sculptor corporate body of
3512 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
3513 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor corporate body of
3514 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
3515 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis dedicator corporate body of
3516 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related corporate body.
3517 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator corporate body of
3518 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related corporate body.
3519 corporate body of work ofrdfs:labelis honouree corporate body of work of
3520 corporate body of work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that marks the esteem of and respect for a corporate body.
3521 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree corporate body of work of
3522 corporate body of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that marks the esteem of and respect for a corporate body.
3523 corporate body of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree corporate body of work of
3524 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis actor corporate body of
3525 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3526 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelactor corporate body of
3527 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3528 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis editor corporate body of
3529 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
3530 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor corporate body of
3531 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
3532 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
3533 corporate body ofskos:altLabeleditor corporate body of text of
3534 presenter corporate body ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter corporate body of
3535 presenter corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
3536 presenter corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter corporate body of
3537 presenter corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of appearing on-screen to provide contextual or background information.
3538 presenter corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteAn on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
3539 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis colourist corporate body of
3540 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
3541 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist corporate body of
3542 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
3543 corporate body ofskos:altLabelcolorist corporate body of
3544 artist corporate body ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist corporate body of
3545 artist corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3546 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist corporate body of
3547 artist corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3548 corporate body of moving image work ofrdfs:labelis editor corporate body of moving image work of
3549 corporate body of moving image work ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
3550 corporate body of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor corporate body of moving image work of
3551 corporate body of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
3552 corporate body of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewee corporate body of expression of
3553 corporate body of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
3554 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee corporate body of expression of
3555 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
3556 conductor corporate body ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor corporate body of
3557 conductor corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3558 conductor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor corporate body of
3559 conductor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3560 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis musical director corporate body of
3561 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3562 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director corporate body of
3563 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3564 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis dancer corporate body of
3565 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3566 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer corporate body of
3567 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3568 designer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis sound designer corporate body of
3569 designer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating audio or sound components.
3570 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer corporate body of
3571 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating audio or sound components.
3572 designer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer corporate body of
3573 designer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating lighting components.
3574 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer corporate body of
3575 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating lighting components.
3576 effects provider corporate body ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider corporate body of
3577 effects provider corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
3578 effects provider corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider corporate body of
3579 effects provider corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
3580 effects provider corporate body ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider corporate body of
3581 effects provider corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
3582 effects provider corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider corporate body of
3583 effects provider corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
3584 designer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis costume designer corporate body of
3585 designer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3586 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer corporate body of
3587 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3588 designer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis production designer corporate body of
3589 designer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
3590 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer corporate body of
3591 designer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
3592 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis letterer corporate body of
3593 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
3594 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer corporate body of
3595 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
3596 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis translator corporate body of
3597 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
3598 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator corporate body of
3599 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
3600 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
3601 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis stage director corporate body of
3602 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
3603 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director corporate body of
3604 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
3605 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis animator corporate body of
3606 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
3607 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator corporate body of
3608 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
3609 corporate body of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewer corporate body of expression of
3610 corporate body of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
3611 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer corporate body of expression of
3612 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of interviewing, reporting, or some kind of other gathering of information.
3613 conductor corporate body ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor corporate body of
3614 conductor corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3615 conductor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor corporate body of
3616 conductor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3617 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis host corporate body of
3618 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
3619 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhost corporate body of
3620 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
3621 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis moderator corporate body of
3622 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3623 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator corporate body of
3624 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3625 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis conductor corporate body of
3626 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3627 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor corporate body of
3628 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
3629 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis reviser corporate body of
3630 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of making changes to the content of another expression.
3631 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser corporate body of
3632 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of making changes to the content of another expression.
3633 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis draftsman corporate body of
3634 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
3635 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman corporate body of
3636 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
3637 engineer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer corporate body of
3638 engineer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
3639 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer corporate body of
3640 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
3641 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer corporate body of
3642 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
3643 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer corporate body of
3644 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
3645 engineer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer corporate body of
3646 engineer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
3647 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer corporate body of
3648 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
3649 engineer corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
3650 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis DJ corporate body of
3651 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
3652 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ corporate body of
3653 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
3654 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
3655 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis art director corporate body of
3656 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
3657 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelart director corporate body of
3658 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
3659 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis panelist corporate body of
3660 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3661 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist corporate body of
3662 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
3663 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis storyteller corporate body of
3664 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
3665 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller corporate body of
3666 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
3667 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis singer corporate body of
3668 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
3669 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger corporate body of
3670 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
3671 corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
3672 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis performer corporate body of
3673 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
3674 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer corporate body of
3675 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
3676 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist corporate body of
3677 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of playing a musical instrument.
3678 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist corporate body of
3679 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of playing a musical instrument.
3680 reporter corporate body ofrdfs:labelis court reporter corporate body of
3681 reporter corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
3682 reporter corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter corporate body of
3683 reporter corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
3684 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis commentator corporate body of
3685 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
3686 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator corporate body of
3687 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
3688 actor corporate body ofrdfs:labelis voice actor corporate body of
3689 actor corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
3690 actor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor corporate body of
3691 actor corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
3692 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis narrator corporate body of
3693 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
3694 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator corporate body of
3695 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
3696 taker corporate body ofrdfs:labelis minute taker corporate body of
3697 taker corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by an corporate body of recording the minutes of a meeting.
3698 taker corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker corporate body of
3699 taker corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of recording the minutes of a meeting.
3700 developer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis software developer corporate body of
3701 developer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
3702 developer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer corporate body of
3703 developer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
3704 director corporate body ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director corporate body of
3705 director corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
3706 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director corporate body of
3707 director corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
3708 corporate body of expression ofrdfs:labelis restorationist corporate body of expression of
3709 corporate body of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
3710 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist corporate body of expression of
3711 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
3712 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis censor corporate body of
3713 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
3714 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor corporate body of
3715 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
3716 corporate body of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger corporate body of music of
3717 corporate body of music ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
3718 corporate body of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger corporate body of music of
3719 corporate body of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
3720 corporate body of music ofskos:scopeNoteAn arranger of music may also modify the work for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged.
3721 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis abridger corporate body of
3722 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
3723 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger corporate body of
3724 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
3725 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis speaker corporate body of
3726 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
3727 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker corporate body of
3728 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
3729 engineer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer corporate body of
3730 engineer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
3731 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer corporate body of
3732 engineer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
3733 participant corporate body ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant corporate body of
3734 participant corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of taking an active role as a participant.
3735 participant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant corporate body of
3736 participant corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of taking an active role as a participant.
3737 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis instructor corporate body of
3738 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of teaching or providing a demonstration.
3739 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor corporate body of
3740 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of teaching or providing a demonstration.
3741 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis recordist corporate body of
3742 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
3743 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist corporate body of
3744 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
3745 programmer corporate body ofrdfs:labelis music programmer corporate body of
3746 programmer corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
3747 programmer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer corporate body of
3748 programmer corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
3749 programmer corporate body ofskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
3750 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis transcriber corporate body of
3751 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
3752 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber corporate body of
3753 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
3754 corporate body to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body to performance of
3755 corporate body to performance ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body to a performance.
3756 corporate body to performance ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to performance of
3757 corporate body to performance ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body to a performance.
3758 corporate body to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor corporate body to amalgamation of
3759 corporate body to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
3760 corporate body to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to amalgamation of
3761 corporate body to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a corporate body to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
3762 corporate body of expression ofrdfs:labelis creator corporate body of expression of
3763 corporate body of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation or contribution.
3764 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of expression of
3765 corporate body of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creation or contribution.
3766 corporate body of expression ofskos:scopeNoteEditors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc., are included.
3767 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis presenter corporate body of
3768 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a corporate body who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
3769 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter corporate body of
3770 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a corporate body who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
3771 corporate body of item ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee corporate body of item of
3772 corporate body of item ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a corporate body.
3773 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee corporate body of item of
3774 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a corporate body.
3775 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis binder corporate body of
3776 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for binding.
3777 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder corporate body of
3778 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for binding.
3779 corporate body of item ofrdfs:labelis restorationist corporate body of item of
3780 corporate body of item ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility by a corporate body for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
3781 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist corporate body of item of
3782 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
3783 owner corporate body ofrdfs:labelis current owner corporate body of
3784 owner corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for current legal possession.
3785 owner corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner corporate body of
3786 owner corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for current legal possession.
3787 owner corporate body ofrdfs:labelis former owner corporate body of
3788 owner corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for former legal possession.
3789 owner corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner corporate body of
3790 owner corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for former legal possession.
3791 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis custodian corporate body of
3792 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for legal custody.
3793 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian corporate body of
3794 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for legal custody.
3795 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis owner corporate body of
3796 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for legal possession.
3797 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelowner corporate body of
3798 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for legal possession.
3799 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis modifier corporate body of
3800 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is changed by a corporate body without creating a new manifestation.
3801 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier corporate body of
3802 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is changed by a corporate body without creating a new manifestation.
3803 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis illuminator corporate body of
3804 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is decorated by a corporate body using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
3805 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator corporate body of
3806 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is decorated by a corporate body using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
3807 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis depositor corporate body of
3808 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is deposited by a corporate body into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
3809 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor corporate body of
3810 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is deposited by a corporate body into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
3811 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis donor corporate body of
3812 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is donated to another owner who is a corporate body.
3813 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor corporate body of
3814 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is donated to another owner who is a corporate body.
3815 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis seller corporate body of
3816 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that is sold to another owner who is a corporate body.
3817 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelseller corporate body of
3818 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is sold to another owner who is a corporate body.
3819 corporate body of item ofrdfs:labelis honouree corporate body of item of
3820 corporate body of item ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an item that marks the esteem of and respect for a corporate body.
3821 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree corporate body of item of
3822 corporate body of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that marks the esteem of and respect for a corporate body.
3823 corporate body of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree corporate body of item of
3824 family ofrdfs:labelis choreographer family of
3825 family ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a choreographic work.
3826 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer family of
3827 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a choreographic work.
3828 family ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster family of
3829 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
3830 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster family of
3831 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
3832 family of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis creator family of manifestation of
3833 family of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for creation.
3834 family of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of manifestation of
3835 family of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for creation.
3836 family of manifestation ofskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
3837 family ofrdfs:labelis engraver family of
3838 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
3839 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver family of
3840 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
3841 distributor family ofrdfs:labelis film distributor family of
3842 distributor family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
3843 distributor family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor family of
3844 distributor family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for distribution of a moving image to theaters or other channels.
3845 family ofrdfs:labelis distributor family of
3846 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for distribution.
3847 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor family of
3848 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for distribution.
3849 embosser family ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser family of
3850 embosser family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
3851 embosser family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser family of
3852 embosser family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
3853 family of unpublished manifestation ofrdfs:labelis producer family of unpublished manifestation of
3854 family of unpublished manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
3855 family of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer family of unpublished manifestation of
3856 family of unpublished manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
3857 family ofrdfs:labelis printmaker family of
3858 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
3859 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker family of
3860 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
3861 family ofrdfs:labelis printer family of
3862 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
3863 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter family of
3864 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for manufacturing printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
3865 family ofrdfs:labelis caster family of
3866 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
3867 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster family of
3868 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
3869 family ofrdfs:labelis lithographer family of
3870 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
3871 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer family of
3872 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
3873 family ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
3874 family ofrdfs:labelis platemaker family of
3875 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
3876 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker family of
3877 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
3878 family ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer family of
3879 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation by a family that involves a responsibility for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
3880 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer family of
3881 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
3882 family ofrdfs:labelis papermaker family of
3883 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for making paper.
3884 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker family of
3885 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for making paper.
3886 family ofrdfs:labelis publisher family of
3887 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
3888 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher family of
3889 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
3890 family ofrdfs:labelis etcher family of
3891 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
3892 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher family of
3893 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
3894 designer family ofrdfs:labelis book designer family of
3895 designer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
3896 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer family of
3897 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
3898 family ofrdfs:labelis collotyper family of
3899 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
3900 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper family of
3901 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that involves a responsibility of a family for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
3902 family ofskos:altLabelcollotypist family of
3903 family of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of cartography of
3904 family of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a family.
3905 family of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of cartography of
3906 family of cartography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a cartographic work that is created by a family.
3907 family of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of choreography of
3908 family of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a family.
3909 family of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of choreography of
3910 family of choreography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a choreographic work that is created by a family.
3911 family of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of moving image of
3912 family of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a family.
3913 family of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of moving image of
3914 family of moving image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a moving image work that is created by a family.
3915 family of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of music of
3916 family of music ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a family.
3917 family of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of music of
3918 family of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a musical work that is created by a family.
3919 family of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of speech of
3920 family of speech ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a family.
3921 family of speech ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of speech of
3922 family of speech ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a vocal work that is created by a family.
3923 family of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of still image of
3924 family of still image ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a family.
3925 family of still image ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of still image of
3926 family of still image ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a still image work that is created by a family.
3927 family of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of text of
3928 family of text ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a family.
3929 family of text ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of text of
3930 family of text ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a textual work that is created by a family.
3931 family of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of object of
3932 family of object ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a family.
3933 family of object ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of object of
3934 family of object ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of an object work that is created by a family.
3935 family of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor family of computer content of
3936 family of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a family.
3937 family of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of computer content of
3938 family of computer content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of computer content created by a family.
3939 family ofrdfs:labelis surveyor family of
3940 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a family of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
3941 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor family of
3942 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by a family of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
3943 family to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor family to aggregate of
3944 family to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a family.
3945 family to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to aggregate of
3946 family to aggregate ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an aggregate that embodies an expression of a work that is created by a family.
3947 family of work ofrdfs:labelis composer family of work of
3948 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a musical work.
3949 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer family of work of
3950 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a musical work.
3951 family ofrdfs:labelis addressee family of
3952 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a family.
3953 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee family of
3954 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work or a portion of a work that is addressed to a family.
3955 director family ofrdfs:labelis editorial director family of
3956 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a family for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
3957 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director family of
3958 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, of a family for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
3959 family of work ofrdfs:labelis cartographer family of work of
3960 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a cartographic work.
3961 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer family of work of
3962 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a cartographic work.
3963 family ofrdfs:labelis inventor family of
3964 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a new device or process.
3965 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor family of
3966 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a new device or process.
3967 family of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewer family of work of
3968 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility by a family for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of family who gathers information.
3969 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer family of work of
3970 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of family who gathers information.
3971 family ofrdfs:labelis aggregator family of
3972 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
3973 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator family of
3974 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for aggregation by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
3975 family ofrdfs:labelis architect family of
3976 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
3977 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect family of
3978 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
3979 family ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker family of
3980 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating an independent or personal film.
3981 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker family of
3982 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating an independent or personal film.
3983 family ofskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
3984 architect family ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect family of
3985 architect family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating landscapes.
3986 architect family ofrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect family of
3987 architect family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating landscapes.
3988 family ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter family of
3989 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
3990 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter family of
3991 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
3992 family ofrdfs:labelis lyricist family of
3993 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
3994 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist family of
3995 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
3996 family ofskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
3997 family ofrdfs:labelis librettist family of
3998 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
3999 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist family of
4000 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage work, or an oratorio.
4001 family of work ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee family of work of
4002 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for being commemorated.
4003 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee family of work of
4004 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for being commemorated.
4005 family ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher family of
4006 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same family is also responsible for the inscribed text.
4007 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher family of
4008 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same family is also responsible for the inscribed text.
4009 family of photography ofrdfs:labelis director family of photography of
4010 family of photography ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
4011 family of photography ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector family of photography of
4012 family of photography ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
4013 family of photography ofskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
4014 family ofrdfs:labelis commissioning family of
4015 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for commissioning a work.
4016 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning family of
4017 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for commissioning a work.
4018 family ofrdfs:labelis programmer family of
4019 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a computer program.
4020 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer family of
4021 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a computer program.
4022 family ofrdfs:labelis artist family of
4023 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
4024 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelartist family of
4025 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
4026 family ofrdfs:labelis author family of
4027 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a textual work.
4028 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor family of
4029 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a textual work.
4030 family of work ofrdfs:labelis creator family of work of
4031 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creation.
4032 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of work of
4033 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creation.
4034 family ofrdfs:labelis designer family of
4035 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for designing an object.
4036 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner family of
4037 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for designing an object.
4038 artist family ofrdfs:labelis book artist family of
4039 artist family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
4040 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist family of
4041 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
4042 family of work ofrdfs:labelis founder family of work of
4043 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for initiating a diachronic work.
4044 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder family of work of
4045 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for initiating a diachronic work.
4046 family ofrdfs:labelis issuing family of
4047 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
4048 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing family of
4049 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for issuing a work, such as an official organ of the body.
4050 producer family ofrdfs:labelis audio producer family of
4051 producer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
4052 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer family of
4053 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
4054 artist family ofrdfs:labelis remix artist family of
4055 artist family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
4056 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist family of
4057 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
4058 artist family ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
4059 director family ofrdfs:labelis casting director family of
4060 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
4061 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director family of
4062 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for most aspects of assigning roles and duties to performers.
4063 family ofrdfs:labelis producer family of
4064 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
4065 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer family of
4066 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
4067 family ofskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
4068 producer family ofrdfs:labelis film producer family of
4069 producer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
4070 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer family of
4071 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
4072 producer family ofrdfs:labelis radio producer family of
4073 producer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
4074 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer family of
4075 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
4076 producer family ofrdfs:labelis television producer family of
4077 producer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
4078 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer family of
4079 producer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
4080 family ofrdfs:labelis organizer family of
4081 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
4082 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer family of
4083 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
4084 family of work ofrdfs:labelis photographer family of work of
4085 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a photographic work.
4086 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer family of work of
4087 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a photographic work.
4088 family ofrdfs:labelis consultant family of
4089 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
4090 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant family of
4091 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a work.
4092 family ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur family of
4093 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
4094 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur family of
4095 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
4096 family ofrdfs:labelis researcher family of
4097 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for research in support of a work.
4098 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher family of
4099 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for research in support of a work.
4100 family of work ofrdfs:labelis interviewee family of work of
4101 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
4102 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee family of work of
4103 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
4104 family ofrdfs:labelis compiler family of
4105 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a metadata description set.
4106 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler family of
4107 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a metadata description set.
4108 family ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
4109 family ofrdfs:labelis director family of
4110 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
4111 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector family of
4112 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
4113 director family ofrdfs:labelis film director family of
4114 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
4115 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director family of
4116 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
4117 director family ofrdfs:labelis radio director family of
4118 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
4119 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director family of
4120 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
4121 director family ofrdfs:labelis television director family of
4122 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a television program.
4123 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director family of
4124 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for the general management and supervision of a television program.
4125 family ofrdfs:labelis sculptor family of
4126 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
4127 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor family of
4128 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
4129 family ofrdfs:labelis dedicator family of
4130 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related family.
4131 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator family of
4132 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is assigned as an acknowledgment of the inspiration or support of a related family.
4133 family of work ofrdfs:labelis honouree family of work of
4134 family of work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that marks the esteem of and respect for a family.
4135 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree family of work of
4136 family of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that marks the esteem of and respect for a family.
4137 family of work ofskos:altLabelhonoree family of work of
4138 family ofrdfs:labelis actor family of
4139 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4140 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelactor family of
4141 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4142 family ofrdfs:labelis editor family of
4143 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
4144 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor family of
4145 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
4146 family ofskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
4147 family ofskos:altLabeleditor family of text of
4148 presenter family ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter family of
4149 presenter family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
4150 presenter family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter family of
4151 presenter family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of appearing on-screen to provide contextual or background information.
4152 presenter family ofskos:scopeNoteAn on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
4153 family ofrdfs:labelis colourist family of
4154 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
4155 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist family of
4156 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, and other visual content.
4157 family ofskos:altLabelcolorist family of
4158 artist family ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist family of
4159 artist family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4160 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist family of
4161 artist family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4162 family of moving image work ofrdfs:labelis editor family of moving image work of
4163 family of moving image work ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
4164 family of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor family of moving image work of
4165 family of moving image work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
4166 family of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewee family of expression of
4167 family of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
4168 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee family of expression of
4169 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
4170 conductor family ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor family of
4171 conductor family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4172 conductor family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor family of
4173 conductor family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4174 director family ofrdfs:labelis musical director family of
4175 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4176 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director family of
4177 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4178 family ofrdfs:labelis dancer family of
4179 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4180 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer family of
4181 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4182 designer family ofrdfs:labelis sound designer family of
4183 designer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating audio or sound components.
4184 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer family of
4185 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating audio or sound components.
4186 designer family ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer family of
4187 designer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating lighting components.
4188 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer family of
4189 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating lighting components.
4190 effects provider family ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider family of
4191 effects provider family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
4192 effects provider family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider family of
4193 effects provider family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
4194 effects provider family ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider family of
4195 effects provider family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
4196 effects provider family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider family of
4197 effects provider family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
4198 designer family ofrdfs:labelis costume designer family of
4199 designer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4200 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer family of
4201 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4202 designer family ofrdfs:labelis production designer family of
4203 designer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
4204 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer family of
4205 designer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
4206 family ofrdfs:labelis letterer family of
4207 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
4208 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer family of
4209 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
4210 family ofrdfs:labelis translator family of
4211 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
4212 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator family of
4213 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of expressing the linguistic content of the work in a different language.
4214 family ofskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
4215 director family ofrdfs:labelis stage director family of
4216 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
4217 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director family of
4218 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
4219 family ofrdfs:labelis animator family of
4220 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
4221 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator family of
4222 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
4223 family of expression ofrdfs:labelis interviewer family of expression of
4224 family of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
4225 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer family of expression of
4226 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of interviewing, reporting, or some other kind of gathering of information.
4227 conductor family ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor family of
4228 conductor family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4229 conductor family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor family of
4230 conductor family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4231 family ofrdfs:labelis host family of
4232 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
4233 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhost family of
4234 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
4235 family ofrdfs:labelis moderator family of
4236 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4237 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator family of
4238 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4239 family ofrdfs:labelis conductor family of
4240 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4241 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor family of
4242 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4243 family ofrdfs:labelis reviser family of
4244 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of making changes to the content of another expression.
4245 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser family of
4246 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of making changes to the content of another expression.
4247 family ofrdfs:labelis draftsman family of
4248 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
4249 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman family of
4250 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
4251 engineer family ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer family of
4252 engineer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
4253 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer family of
4254 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
4255 family ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer family of
4256 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
4257 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer family of
4258 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4259 engineer family ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer family of
4260 engineer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
4261 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer family of
4262 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
4263 engineer family ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
4264 family ofrdfs:labelis DJ family of
4265 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
4266 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ family of
4267 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
4268 family ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
4269 director family ofrdfs:labelis art director family of
4270 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
4271 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelart director family of
4272 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
4273 family ofrdfs:labelis panelist family of
4274 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4275 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist family of
4276 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4277 family ofrdfs:labelis storyteller family of
4278 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
4279 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller family of
4280 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
4281 family ofrdfs:labelis singer family of
4282 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
4283 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger family of
4284 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family who uses their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
4285 family ofskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
4286 family ofrdfs:labelis performer family of
4287 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
4288 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer family of
4289 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
4290 family ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist family of
4291 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of playing a musical instrument.
4292 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist family of
4293 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of playing a musical instrument.
4294 reporter family ofrdfs:labelis court reporter family of
4295 reporter family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
4296 reporter family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter family of
4297 reporter family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of preparing an opinion of a court for publication.
4298 family ofrdfs:labelis commentator family of
4299 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
4300 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator family of
4301 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
4302 actor family ofrdfs:labelis voice actor family of
4303 actor family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
4304 actor family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor family of
4305 actor family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
4306 family ofrdfs:labelis narrator family of
4307 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
4308 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator family of
4309 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
4310 taker family ofrdfs:labelis minute taker family of
4311 taker family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of recording the minutes of a meeting.
4312 taker family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker family of
4313 taker family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of recording the minutes of a meeting.
4314 developer family ofrdfs:labelis software developer family of
4315 developer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
4316 developer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer family of
4317 developer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
4318 director family ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director family of
4319 director family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
4320 director family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director family of
4321 director family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of responsibility for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack.
4322 family of expression ofrdfs:labelis restorationist family of expression of
4323 family of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
4324 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist family of expression of
4325 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of restoring or combining expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
4326 family ofrdfs:labelis censor family of
4327 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
4328 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor family of
4329 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content that is deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
4330 family of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger family of music of
4331 family of music ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
4332 family of music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger family of music of
4333 family of music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the work was originally intended.
4334 family of music ofskos:scopeNoteAn arranger of music may also modify the work for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged.
4335 family ofrdfs:labelis abridger family of
4336 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
4337 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger family of
4338 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of shortening an expression of another work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
4339 family ofrdfs:labelis speaker family of
4340 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
4341 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker family of
4342 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
4343 engineer family ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer family of
4344 engineer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
4345 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer family of
4346 engineer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
4347 participant family ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant family of
4348 participant family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of taking an active role as a participant.
4349 participant family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant family of
4350 participant family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of taking an active role as a participant.
4351 family ofrdfs:labelis instructor family of
4352 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of teaching or providing a demonstration.
4353 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor family of
4354 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of teaching or providing a demonstration.
4355 family ofrdfs:labelis recordist family of
4356 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
4357 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist family of
4358 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
4359 programmer family ofrdfs:labelis music programmer family of
4360 programmer family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
4361 programmer family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer family of
4362 programmer family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
4363 programmer family ofskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
4364 family ofrdfs:labelis transcriber family of
4365 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
4366 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber family of
4367 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
4368 family to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor family to performance of
4369 family to performance ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family to a performance.
4370 family to performance ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to performance of
4371 family to performance ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family to a performance.
4372 family to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor family to amalgamation of
4373 family to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that includes a contribution by a family to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
4374 family to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to amalgamation of
4375 family to amalgamation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that includes a contribution by a family to a seamless mix of kinds of content.
4376 family of expression ofrdfs:labelis creator family of expression of
4377 family of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that involves a responsibility of a family for creation or contribution.
4378 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of expression of
4379 family of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that involves a responsibility of a family for creation or contribution.
4380 family of expression ofskos:scopeNoteEditors, translators, arrangers of music, performers, etc., are included.
4381 family ofrdfs:labelis presenter family of
4382 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a family who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
4383 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter family of
4384 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied in a manifestation that includes a statement of an "X presents:" credit for a family who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
4385 family of item ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee family of item of
4386 family of item ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a family.
4387 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee family of item of
4388 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that acknowledges the inspiration or support of a family.
4389 family ofrdfs:labelis binder family of
4390 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility of a family for binding.
4391 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder family of
4392 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for binding.
4393 family of item ofrdfs:labelis restorationist family of item of
4394 family of item ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility by a family for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
4395 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist family of item of
4396 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
4397 owner family ofrdfs:labelis current owner family of
4398 owner family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility of a family for current legal possession.
4399 owner family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner family of
4400 owner family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for current legal possession.
4401 owner family ofrdfs:labelis former owner family of
4402 owner family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility of a family for former legal possession.
4403 owner family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner family of
4404 owner family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for former legal possession.
4405 family ofrdfs:labelis custodian family of
4406 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility of a family for legal custody.
4407 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian family of
4408 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for legal custody.
4409 family ofrdfs:labelis owner family of
4410 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that involves a responsibility of a family for legal possession.
4411 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelowner family of
4412 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that involves a responsibility of a family for legal possession.
4413 family ofrdfs:labelis modifier family of
4414 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is changed by a family without creating a new manifestation.
4415 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier family of
4416 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is changed by a family without creating a new manifestation.
4417 family ofrdfs:labelis illuminator family of
4418 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is decorated by a family using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
4419 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator family of
4420 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is decorated by a family using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
4421 family ofrdfs:labelis depositor family of
4422 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is deposited by a family into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
4423 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor family of
4424 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is deposited by a family into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
4425 family ofrdfs:labelis donor family of
4426 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is donated to another owner who is a family.
4427 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor family of
4428 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is donated to another owner who is a family.
4429 family ofrdfs:labelis seller family of
4430 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that is sold to another owner who is a family.
4431 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelseller family of
4432 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is sold to another owner who is a family.
4433 family of item ofrdfs:labelis honouree family of item of
4434 family of item ofskos:definitionRelates a family to an item that marks the esteem of and respect for a family.
4435 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree family of item of
4436 family of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that marks the esteem of and respect for a family.
4437 family of item ofskos:altLabelhonoree family of item of
4438 agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsoring agent of corporate body
4439 agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an agent who sponsors a corporate body.
4440 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring agent of corporate body
4441 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who sponsors a corporate body.
4442 collective agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsoring collective agent of corporate body
4443 collective agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a collective agent who sponsors a corporate body.
4444 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring collective agent of corporate body
4445 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who sponsors a corporate body.
4446 corporate body of agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored corporate body of agent
4447 corporate body of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a corporate body who is sponsored by an agent.
4448 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored corporate body of agent
4449 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sponsored by an agent.
4450 corporate body of collective agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored corporate body of collective agent
4451 corporate body of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a corporate body who is sponsored by a collective agent.
4452 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored corporate body of collective agent
4453 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sponsored by a collective agent.
4454 work of collective agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored work of collective agent
4455 work of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4456 work of collective agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
4457 work of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored work of collective agent
4458 work of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4459 work of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sponsored work of corporate body
4460 work of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4461 work of corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
4462 work of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored work of corporate body
4463 work of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4464 work of familyrdfs:labelhas sponsored work of family
4465 work of familyskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4466 work of familyskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
4467 work of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored work of family
4468 work of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4469 work of personrdfs:labelhas sponsored work of person
4470 work of personskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4471 work of personskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
4472 work of personrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsored work of person
4473 work of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for sponsoring some aspect of a work.
4474 corporate body of agentrdfs:labelhas founded corporate body of agent
4475 corporate body of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a corporate body who is initiated by an agent.
4476 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfounded corporate body of agent
4477 corporate body of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is initiated by an agent.
4478 corporate body of collective agentrdfs:labelhas founded corporate body of collective agent
4479 corporate body of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a corporate body who is initiated by a collective agent.
4480 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfounded corporate body of collective agent
4481 corporate body of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is initiated by a collective agent.
4482 agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founding agent of corporate body
4483 agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to an agent who initiates a corporate body.
4484 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounding agent of corporate body
4485 agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who initiates a corporate body.
4486 collective agent of corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas founding collective agent of corporate body
4487 collective agent of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a collective agent who initiates a corporate body.
4488 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfounding collective agent of corporate body
4489 collective agent of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who initiates a corporate body.
4490 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis agent described with metadata by
4491 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that is a metadata work for an agent.
4492 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelagent described with metadata by
4493 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for an agent.
4494 agent described with metadata byrdfs:labelis collective agent described with metadata by
4495 agent described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that is a metadata work for a collective agent.
4496 agent described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelcollective agent described with metadata by
4497 agent described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a collective agent.
4498 body described with metadata byrdfs:labelis corporate body described with metadata by
4499 body described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that is a metadata work for a corporate body.
4500 body described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelcorporate body described with metadata by
4501 body described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a corporate body.
4502 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis family described with metadata by
4503 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that is a metadata work for a family.
4504 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelfamily described with metadata by
4505 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a family.
4506 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis person described with metadata by
4507 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that is a metadata work for a person.
4508 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelperson described with metadata by
4509 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a person.
4510 agent ofrdfs:labelis collector agent of
4511 agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4512 agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector agent of
4513 agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4514 collective agent ofrdfs:labelis collector collective agent of
4515 collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4516 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector collective agent of
4517 collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4518 corporate body ofrdfs:labelis collector corporate body of
4519 corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4520 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector corporate body of
4521 corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4522 family ofrdfs:labelis collector family of
4523 family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4524 family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector family of
4525 family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4526 person ofrdfs:labelis collector person of
4527 person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4528 person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector person of
4529 person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for collecting by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works
4530 registrar agent ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar agent of
4531 registrar agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata work.
4532 registrar agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar agent of
4533 registrar agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata work.
4534 registrar agent ofskos:altLabelcataloguer agent of
4535 registrar collective agent ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar collective agent of
4536 registrar collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a collective agent to a work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a metadata work.
4537 registrar collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar collective agent of
4538 registrar collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a collective agent for creating a metadata work.
4539 registrar collective agent ofskos:altLabelcataloguer collective agent of
4540 registrar corporate body ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar corporate body of
4541 registrar corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a corporate body to a work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a metadata work.
4542 registrar corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar corporate body of
4543 registrar corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a corporate body for creating a metadata work.
4544 registrar corporate body ofskos:altLabelcataloguer corporate body of
4545 registrar family ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar family of
4546 registrar family ofskos:definitionRelates a family to a work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a metadata work.
4547 registrar family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar family of
4548 registrar family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a family for creating a metadata work.
4549 registrar family ofskos:altLabelcataloguer family of
4550 registrar person ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar person of
4551 registrar person ofskos:definitionRelates a person to a work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a metadata work.
4552 registrar person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar person of
4553 registrar person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that involves a responsibility of a person for creating a metadata work.
4554 registrar person ofskos:altLabelcataloguer person of
4556 distinct intellectual or artistic creation, that is, the intellectual or artistic content.
4558 distinct intellectual or artistic creation, that is, the intellectual or artistic content.
4560 entity who is capable of deliberate actions, of being granted rights, and of being held accountable for its actions.
4562 entity who is capable of deliberate actions, of being granted rights, and of being held accountable for its actions.
4563 agent includes a collective agent and a person.
4565 single exemplar or instance of a manifestation.
4567 single exemplar or instance of a manifestation.
4569 agent who is an individual human being who lives or is assumed to have lived.
4571 agent who is an individual human being who lives or is assumed to have lived.
4572 Bodyrdfs:labelcorporate body
4573 Bodyskos:definitionA collective agent who is composed of persons who are organized for a common purpose or activity.
4574 Bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelCorporate Body
4575 Bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is composed of persons who are organized for a common purpose or activity.
4577 intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.
4579 intellectual or artistic realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.
4581 physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
4583 physical embodiment of an expression of a work.
4585 collective agent who is composed of persons who are related by birth, marriage, adoption, civil union, or similar legal status, or who otherwise present themselves as a family.
4587 collective agent who is composed of persons who are related by birth, marriage, adoption, civil union, or similar legal status, or who otherwise present themselves as a family.
4589 given extent of space.
4591 given extent of space.
4593 finite period of time.
4595 finite period of time.
4597 Agentrdfs:labelcollective agent
4598 Agentskos:definitionAn agent who is a gathering or organization of two or more persons that bears a particular name and that is capable of acting as a unit.
4599 Agentskos:scopeNoteA collective agent includes a corporate body and a family.
4600 Agentrdakit:toolkitLabelCollective Agent
4601 Agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a gathering or organization of two or more persons that bears a particular name and that is capable of acting as a unit.
4603 label for any RDA entity except a nomen.
4604 nomen includes a name, title, access point, or identifier.
4606 label for any RDA entity except a nomen.
4607 Entityrdfs:labelRDA entity
4608 Entityskos:definitionAn abstract class of key conceptual objects in the universe of human discourse that are a focus of interest to users of RDA metadata in a system for resource discovery.
4609 Entityrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA Entity
4610 Entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn abstract class of key conceptual objects in the universe of human discourse that are a focus of interest to users of RDA metadata in a system for resource discovery.
4611 Entityskos:scopeNoteAn RDA entity includes an agent, collective agent, corporate body, expression, family, item, manifestation, nomen, person, place, timespan, and work.
4612 typerdfs:labelhas content type
4613 typeskos:definitionRelates an expression to a categorization that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
4614 typeskos:scopeNoteContent type also reflects the number of spatial dimensions and the presence or absence of movement in which content expressed in the form of an image or images is intended to be perceived.
4615 typerdakit:toolkitLabelcontent type
4616 typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
4617 typeskos:altLabeltype of content
4618 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is an appellation of expression that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an expression.
4619 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for expression
4620 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of expression that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an expression.
4621 for expressionrdfs:labelhas identifier for expression
4622 of captureskos:definitionRelates an expression to a timespan that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of an expression.
4623 of capturerdakit:toolkitLabeldate of capture
4624 of capturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of an expression.
4625 of capturerdfs:labelhas date of capture
4626 an expression to a formal recognition of excellence or other merit given by an award- or prize-granting body, for the content of an expression.
4628 formal recognition of excellence or other merit given by an award- or prize-granting body, for the content of an expression.
4629 award
4630 of expressionrdfs:labelhas language of expression
4631 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a language used for the content of an expression.
4632 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of expression
4633 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language used for the content of an expression.
4634 of expressionskos:altLabellanguage of content
4635 as motion picture expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a moving image work that is based on an expression of another work.
4636 as motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as motion picture expression
4637 as motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a moving image work that is based on an expression of another work.
4638 as motion picture expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture expression
4639 on changes in content characteristicsskos:definitionRelates an expression to a note on expression that provides information on variations in the content characteristics of expressions of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work.
4640 on changes in content characteristicsrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on changes in content characteristics
4641 on changes in content characteristicsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on expression that provides information on variations in the content characteristics of expressions of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work.
4642 on changes in content characteristicsrdfs:labelhas note on changes in content characteristics
4643 agentrdfs:labelhas conductor agent
4644 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4645 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor agent
4646 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4647 agentskos:altLabelconductor
4648 agentrdfs:labelhas actor agent
4649 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4650 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelactor agent
4651 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4652 agentskos:altLabelactor
4653 presenter agentrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter agent
4654 presenter agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
4655 presenter agentskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
4656 presenter agentrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter agent
4657 presenter agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
4658 presenter agentskos:altLabelon-screen presenter
4659 agentrdfs:labelhas dancer agent
4660 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4661 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer agent
4662 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4663 agentskos:altLabeldancer
4664 agentrdfs:labelhas instructor agent
4665 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
4666 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor agent
4667 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
4668 agentskos:altLabelinstructor
4669 agentrdfs:labelhas host agent
4670 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
4671 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelhost agent
4672 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
4673 agentskos:altLabelhost
4674 agentrdfs:labelhas moderator agent
4675 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4676 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator agent
4677 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4678 agentskos:altLabelmoderator
4679 agentrdfs:labelhas puppeteer agent
4680 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4681 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer agent
4682 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4683 agentskos:altLabelpuppeteer
4684 agentrdfs:labelhas panelist agent
4685 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4686 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist agent
4687 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
4688 agentskos:altLabelpanelist
4689 agentrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist agent
4690 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
4691 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist agent
4692 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
4693 agentskos:altLabelinstrumentalist
4694 agentrdfs:labelhas commentator agent
4695 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
4696 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator agent
4697 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
4698 agentskos:altLabelcommentator
4699 agentrdfs:labelhas narrator agent
4700 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
4701 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator agent
4702 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
4703 agentskos:altLabelnarrator
4704 agentrdfs:labelhas storyteller agent
4705 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
4706 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller agent
4707 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
4708 agentskos:altLabelstoryteller
4709 agentrdfs:labelhas speaker agent
4710 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
4711 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker agent
4712 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
4713 agentskos:altLabelspeaker
4714 agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes a lecture or speech.
4715 agentrdfs:labelhas singer agent
4716 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
4717 agentskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
4718 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger agent
4719 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
4720 agentskos:altLabelsinger
4721 agentrdfs:labelhas animator agent
4722 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
4723 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator agent
4724 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
4725 agentskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
4726 agentskos:altLabelanimator
4727 agent of musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
4728 agent of musicskos:scopeNoteContribution includes modification of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keeps the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
4729 agent of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger agent of music
4730 agent of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
4731 agent of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger agent of music
4732 agent of musicskos:altLabelarranger of music
4733 director agentrdfs:labelhas stage director agent
4734 director agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
4735 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director agent
4736 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
4737 director agentskos:altLabelstage director
4738 agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewer agent of expression
4739 agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
4740 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer agent of expression
4741 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
4742 agent of expressionskos:altLabelinterviewer (expression)
4743 agentrdfs:labelhas draftsman agent
4744 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
4745 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman agent
4746 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
4747 agentskos:altLabeldraftsman
4748 agentrdfs:labelhas transcriber agent
4749 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
4750 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber agent
4751 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
4752 agentskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical work for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
4753 agentskos:altLabeltranscriber
4754 director agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4755 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director agent
4756 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4757 director agentrdfs:labelhas musical director agent
4758 director agentskos:altLabelmusical director
4759 designer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4760 designer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer agent
4761 designer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
4762 designer agentrdfs:labelhas costume designer agent
4763 designer agentskos:altLabelcostume designer
4764 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
4765 agentskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
4766 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator agent
4767 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
4768 agentrdfs:labelhas translator agent
4769 agentskos:altLabeltranslator
4770 director agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
4771 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelart director agent
4772 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
4773 director agentrdfs:labelhas art director agent
4774 director agentskos:altLabelart director
4775 agentrdfs:labelhas performer agent
4776 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4777 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer agent
4778 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
4779 agentskos:altLabelperformer
4780 reporter agentrdfs:labelhas court reporter agent
4781 reporter agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
4782 reporter agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter agent
4783 reporter agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
4784 reporter agentskos:altLabelcourt reporter
4785 agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewee agent of expression
4786 agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
4787 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee agent of expression
4788 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
4789 agent of expressionskos:altLabelinterviewee (expression)
4790 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
4791 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger agent
4792 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
4793 agentskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
4794 agentrdfs:labelhas abridger agent
4795 agentskos:altLabelabridger
4796 engineer agentrdfs:labelhas recording engineer agent
4797 engineer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
4798 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer agent
4799 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
4800 engineer agentskos:altLabelrecording engineer
4801 agentrdfs:labelhas recordist agent
4802 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
4803 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist agent
4804 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
4805 agentskos:altLabelrecordist
4806 agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes field recordings of natural sounds, music performances, and other events.
4807 agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas creator agent of expression
4808 agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is responsible for a realization of a work.
4809 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of expression
4810 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for a realization of a work.
4811 agent of expressionskos:scopeNoteA creator of expression includes a translator, arranger of music, performer, etc. A creator of a work that is realized by an expression is also a creator of expression.
4812 agent of expressionskos:altLabelcontributor
4813 agentrdfs:labelhas presenter agent
4814 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
4815 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter agent
4816 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
4817 agentskos:altLabelpresenter
4818 agent of moving image workrdfs:labelhas editor agent of moving image work
4819 agent of moving image workskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
4820 agent of moving image workrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor agent of moving image work
4821 agent of moving image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
4822 agent of moving image workskos:altLabeleditor of moving image work
4823 designer agentrdfs:labelhas production designer agent
4824 designer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
4825 designer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer agent
4826 designer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
4827 designer agentskos:altLabelproduction designer
4828 taker agentrdfs:labelhas minute taker agent
4829 taker agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
4830 taker agentrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker agent
4831 taker agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
4832 taker agentskos:altLabelminute taker
4833 of expressionrdfs:labelhas manifestation of expression
4834 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a manifestation that is a physical embodiment of an expression.
4835 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation of expression
4836 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a physical embodiment of an expression.
4837 as radio program expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as radio program expression
4838 as radio program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a radio program that is based on an expression of another work.
4839 as radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as radio program expression
4840 as radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a radio program that is based on an expression of another work.
4841 of tactile notationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression in a form that can be perceived through touch.
4842 of tactile notationrdakit:toolkitLabelform of tactile notation
4843 of tactile notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression in a form that can be perceived through touch.
4844 of tactile notationrdfs:labelhas form of tactile notation
4845 of notationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression.
4846 of notationrdakit:toolkitLabelform of notation
4847 of notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression.
4848 of notationrdfs:labelhas form of notation
4849 of notated movementskos:definitionRelates an expression to a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of an expression.
4850 of notated movementrdakit:toolkitLabelform of notated movement
4851 of notated movementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of an expression.
4852 of notated movementrdfs:labelhas form of notated movement
4853 of musical notationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of an expression.
4854 of musical notationrdakit:toolkitLabelform of musical notation
4855 of musical notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of an expression.
4856 of musical notationrdfs:labelhas form of musical notation
4857 an expression to a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of an expression.
4859 set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of an expression.
4860 script
4861 as television program expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as television program expression
4862 as television program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a television program that is based on an expression of another work.
4863 as television program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as television program expression
4864 as television program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a television program that is based on an expression of another work.
4865 as video expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a video that is based on an expression of another work.
4866 as video expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as video expression
4867 as video expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a video that is based on an expression of another work.
4868 as video expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as video expression
4869 of contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an abstract, summary, synopsis, or other description of the content of an expression.
4870 of contentrdakit:toolkitLabelsummarization of content
4871 of contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn abstract, summary, synopsis, or other description of the content of an expression.
4872 of contentrdfs:labelhas summarization of content
4873 actor agentrdfs:labelhas voice actor agent
4874 actor agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
4875 actor agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor agent
4876 actor agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
4877 actor agentskos:altLabelvoice actor
4878 on expressionrdfs:labelhas note on expression
4879 on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an expression.
4880 on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on expression
4881 on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an expression.
4882 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a dramatic work that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4883 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldramatized as expression
4884 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a dramatic work that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4885 as expressionrdfs:labelis dramatized as expression
4886 of expressionrdfs:labelis part of expression
4887 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that has another expression as a discrete component.
4888 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelpart of expression
4889 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has another expression as a discrete component.
4890 of expressionskos:altLabelcontained in (expression)
4891 in part by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content partially supersedes and renders obsolete the content of an expression of another work.
4892 in part by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelreplaced in part by expression
4893 in part by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content partially supersedes and renders obsolete the content of an expression of another work.
4894 in part by expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a static work.
4895 in part by expressionrdfs:labelis replaced in part by expression
4896 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content supersedes and renders obsolete the content of an expression of another work.
4897 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelreplaced by expression
4898 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content supersedes and renders obsolete the content of an expression of another work.
4899 by expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a static work or an integrating work.
4900 by expressionrdfs:labelis replaced by expression
4901 in verse as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an An expression of a literary composition in verse form that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4902 in verse as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted in verse as expression
4903 in verse as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a literary composition in verse form that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4904 in verse as expressionrdfs:labelis adapted in verse as expression
4905 version ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a moving image work whose spoken dialogue is translated into a language different from another expression of the same work.
4906 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbed version of
4907 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a moving image work whose spoken dialogue is translated into a language different from another expression of the same work.
4908 version ofrdfs:labelis dubbed version of
4909 versionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a moving image work that translates spoken dialogue of another expression of the same work into a different language.
4910 versionrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbed version
4911 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a moving image work that translates spoken dialogue of another expression of the same work into a different language.
4912 versionrdfs:labelhas dubbed version
4913 expressionrdfs:labelhas cadenza expression
4914 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that consists of an ornamental passage, for a soloist, added to an expression of a musical work such as a concerto either by the same or a different composer.
4915 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcadenza expression
4916 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that consists of an ornamental passage, for a soloist, added to an expression of a musical work such as a concerto either by the same or a different composer.
4917 based on expressionrdfs:labelis variations based on expression
4918 based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work from which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material is taken to form a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
4919 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvariations based on expression
4920 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work from which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material is taken to form a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
4921 by variation as expressionrdfs:labelis modified by variation as expression
4922 by variation as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work in which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material taken from an expression of another work forms a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
4923 by variation as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmodified by variation as expression
4924 by variation as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work in which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material taken from an expression of another work forms a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
4925 composed for expressionrdfs:labelis cadenza composed for expression
4926 composed for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work, such as a concerto, to which is added an expression of musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist by the same or a different composer.
4927 composed for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcadenza composed for expression
4928 composed for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work, such as a concerto, to which is added an expression of musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist by the same or a different composer.
4929 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work such as an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, that uses the text of a related work.
4930 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto for expression
4931 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work such as an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, that uses the text of a related work.
4932 for expressionrdfs:labelis libretto for expression
4933 music expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that that provides incidental music for a play or other spoken work for the stage.
4934 music expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelincidental music expression
4935 music expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that that provides incidental music for a play or other spoken work for the stage.
4936 music expressionrdfs:labelhas incidental music expression
4937 as expressionrdfs:labelis remade as expression
4938 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video that is based on an earlier work.
4939 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelremade as expression
4940 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video that is based on an earlier work.
4941 to music as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio, that uses the text of an expression of another work.
4942 to music as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelset to music as expression
4943 to music as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio, that uses the text of an expression of another work.
4944 to music as expressionrdfs:labelis set to music as expression
4945 as novel expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a novel that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4946 as novel expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as novel expression
4947 as novel expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a novel that is adapted from an expression of another work.
4948 as novel expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as novel expression
4949 to expressionrdfs:labelis appendix to expression
4950 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is augmented with content from an expression of a related work.
4951 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelappendix to expression
4952 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is augmented with content from an expression of a related work.
4953 to expressionskos:scopeNoteIncludes lists of references, statistical tables, and explanatory matter that are not essential to the completeness of the content.
4954 in expressionrdfs:labelis abstracted in expression
4955 in expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is an abstracting and indexing service that abstracts the contents of another expression.
4956 in expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabstracted in expression
4957 in expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is an abstracting and indexing service that abstracts the contents of another expression.
4958 as choreography expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work consisting of movement based on an expression of another work.
4959 as choreography expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as choreography expression
4960 as choreography expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of movement based on an expression of another work.
4961 as choreography expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as choreography expression
4962 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work consisting of errors discovered after publication of a predominant work, with their corrections.
4963 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelerrata expression
4964 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of errors discovered after the publication of a predominant work, with their corrections.
4965 expressionrdfs:labelhas errata expression
4966 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work consisting of pictorial content designed to explain or decorate an augmented expression.
4967 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelillustrations expression
4968 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of pictorial content designed to explain or decorate an augmented expression.
4969 expressionrdfs:labelhas illustrations expression
4970 as motion picture screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a moving image work, based on an expression of another work.
4971 as motion picture screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as motion picture screenplay expression
4972 as motion picture screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a moving image work, based on an expression of another work.
4973 as motion picture screenplay expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture screenplay expression
4974 as screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video, based on an expression of another work.
4975 as screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as screenplay expression
4976 as screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video, based on an expression of another work.
4977 as screenplay expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as screenplay expression
4978 as television screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a television program, based on an expression of another work.
4979 as television screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as television screenplay expression
4980 as television screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a television program, based on an expression of another work.
4981 as television screenplay expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as television screenplay expression
4982 as video screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a video, based on an expression of another work.
4983 as video screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as video screenplay expression
4984 as video screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of a screenplay for a video, based on an expression of another work.
4985 as video screenplay expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as video screenplay expression
4986 as radio script expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of a script for a radio program, based on an expression of another work.
4987 as radio script expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as radio script expression
4988 as radio script expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of a script for a radio program, based on an expression of another work.
4989 as radio script expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as radio script expression
4990 by expressionrdfs:labelis complemented by expression
4991 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is paired with a related expression without either expression being considered to be predominate.
4992 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcomplemented by expression
4993 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is paired with a related expression without either expression being considered to be predominate.
4994 into expressionrdfs:labelis separated into expression
4995 into expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is continuing.
4996 into expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelseparated into expression
4997 into expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is continuing.
4998 into expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
4999 into expressionskos:altLabelcontinued in part by (expression)
5000 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work such as a motion picture, television program, or video, that uses the text of a work as a screenplay.
5001 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for expression
5002 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work such as a motion picture, television program, or video, that uses the text of a work as a screenplay.
5003 for expressionrdfs:labelis screenplay for expression
5004 music for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work such as a play or other spoken work for the stage that uses a musical work as incidental music.
5005 music for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelincidental music for expression
5006 music for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work such as a play or other spoken work for the stage that uses a musical work as incidental music.
5007 music for expressionrdfs:labelis incidental music for expression
5008 by expressionrdfs:labelis augmented by expression
5009 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that adds to the content of a predominant expression.
5010 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmented by expression
5011 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that adds to the content of a predominant expression.
5012 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a concordance work that is derived from another expression.
5013 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelconcordance expression
5014 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a concordance work that is derived from another expression.
5015 expressionrdfs:labelhas concordance expression
5016 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work consisting of brief content that is essential for the completeness of an expression of a related work.
5017 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladdenda expression
5018 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of brief content that is essential for the completeness of an expression of a related work.
5019 expressionrdfs:labelhas addenda expression
5020 as libretto expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that consists of the text of an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, based on an expression of another work.
5021 as libretto expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as libretto expression
5022 as libretto expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that consists of the text of an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, based on an expression of another work.
5023 as libretto expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as libretto expression
5024 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that copies the style or content of an expression of another work.
5025 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelimitated as expression
5026 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that copies the style or content of an expression of another work.
5027 as expressionrdfs:labelis imitated as expression
5028 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that enlarges upon the content of an expression of another work.
5029 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelexpanded as expression
5030 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that enlarges upon the content of an expression of another work.
5031 as expressionrdfs:labelis expanded as expression
5032 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content augments an expression of a related work.
5033 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelappendix expression
5034 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content augments an expression of a related work.
5035 expressionrdfs:labelhas appendix expression
5036 expressionskos:scopeNoteIncludes lists of references, statistical tables, and explanatory matter that are not essential to the completeness of the content.
5037 translated as expressionrdfs:labelis freely translated as expression
5038 translated as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is both an adaptation and a translation into another language of a source expression.
5039 translated as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelfreely translated as expression
5040 translated as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is both an adaptation and a translation into another language of an expression of another work.
5041 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that guides a user through the use of a predominant work, using notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, or other instructor or student materials.
5042 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelguide expression
5043 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that guides a user through the use of a predominant work, using notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, or other instructor or student materials.
5044 expressionrdfs:labelhas guide expression
5045 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is shortened as an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5046 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabridgement of expression
5047 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is shortened as an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5048 of expressionrdfs:labelis abridgement of expression
5049 of expressionrdfs:labelis dramatization of expression
5050 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a drama.
5051 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldramatization of expression
5052 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a drama.
5053 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis verse adaptation of expression
5054 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a literary composition in verse form.
5055 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelverse adaptation of expression
5056 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a literary composition in verse form.
5057 picture adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis motion picture adaptation of expression
5058 picture adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a motion picture.
5059 picture adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture adaptation of expression
5060 picture adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a motion picture.
5061 of expressionrdfs:labelis novelization of expression
5062 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a novel.
5063 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelnovelization of expression
5064 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a novel.
5065 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis radio adaptation of expression
5066 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a radio program.
5067 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelradio adaptation of expression
5068 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a radio program.
5069 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis television adaptation of expression
5070 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a television program.
5071 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision adaptation of expression
5072 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a television program.
5073 based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video.
5074 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay based on expression
5075 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video.
5076 based on expressionrdfs:labelis screenplay based on expression
5077 picture screenplay based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture.
5078 picture screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture screenplay based on expression
5079 picture screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture.
5080 picture screenplay based on expressionrdfs:labelis motion picture screenplay based on expression
5081 screenplay based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a television program.
5082 screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision screenplay based on expression
5083 screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a television program.
5084 screenplay based on expressionrdfs:labelis television screenplay based on expression
5085 screenplay based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a video.
5086 screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo screenplay based on expression
5087 screenplay based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a video.
5088 screenplay based on expressionrdfs:labelis video screenplay based on expression
5089 script based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a script for a radio program.
5090 script based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelradio script based on expression
5091 script based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a script for a radio program.
5092 script based on expressionrdfs:labelis radio script based on expression
5093 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis video adaptation of expression
5094 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted for video.
5095 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo adaptation of expression
5096 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted for video.
5097 of expressionrdfs:labelis digest of expression
5098 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is digested, i.e., systematically and comprehensively condensed.
5099 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldigest of expression
5100 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is digested, i.e., systematically and comprehensively condensed.
5101 of expressionrdfs:labelis absorption of expression
5102 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is incorporated in the content of an expression of another work.
5103 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorption of expression
5104 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is incorporated in the content of an expression of another work.
5105 in part of expressionrdfs:labelis absorption in part of expression
5106 in part of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose partial content is incorporated in the content of an expression of another work.
5107 in part of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorption in part of expression
5108 in part of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose partial content is incorporated in the content of an expression of another work.
5109 ofrdfs:labelis arrangement of
5110 ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work whose medium of performance is modified to create a new expression that is different from another expression of the same work.
5111 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelarrangement of
5112 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work whose medium of performance is modified to create a new expression that is different from another expression of the same work.
5113 ofskos:scopeNoteThis element applies to modifications of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keep the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
5114 translation of expressionrdfs:labelis free translation of expression
5115 translation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted and translated into another language.
5116 translation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelfree translation of expression
5117 translation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted and translated into another language.
5118 ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression whose language is modified to create a new expression that is different from another expression of the same work.
5119 ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslation of
5120 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression whose language is modified to create a new expression that is different from another expression of the same work.
5121 ofrdfs:labelis translation of
5122 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that imitates the style or content of an expression of another work for comic effect.
5123 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelparodied as expression
5124 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that imitates the style or content of an expression of another work for comic effect.
5125 as expressionrdfs:labelis parodied as expression
5126 by expressionrdfs:labelis absorbed by expression
5127 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content incorporates the content of an expression of another work.
5128 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbed by expression
5129 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content incorporates the content of an expression of another work.
5130 in part by expressionrdfs:labelis absorbed in part by expression
5131 in part by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content incorporates the partial content of an expression of another work.
5132 in part by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbed in part by expression
5133 in part by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content incorporates the partial content of an expression of another work.
5134 expressionrdfs:labelhas part expression
5135 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is a discrete component of another expression.
5136 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelpart expression
5137 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is a discrete component of another expression.
5138 expressionskos:altLabelcontainer of (expression)
5139 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is augmented by a list of errors in a predominant work, discovered after publication, with their corrections.
5140 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelerrata to expression
5141 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is augmented by a list of errors in a predominant work, discovered after publication, with their corrections.
5142 to expressionrdfs:labelis errata to expression
5143 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is augmented by a related work consisting of material to help the user of a predominant work, such as notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, or other instructor or student materials.
5144 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelguide to expression
5145 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is augmented by a related work that consists of material to help the user of a predominant work, such as notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, or other instructor or student materials.
5146 to expressionrdfs:labelis guide to expression
5147 for expressionrdfs:labelis illustrations for expression
5148 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is augmented by pictorial content designed to explain or decorate it.
5149 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelillustrations for expression
5150 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is augmented by pictorial content designed to explain or decorate it.
5151 of expressionrdfs:labelis continuation of expression
5152 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a completed diachronic work whose content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5153 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcontinuation of expression
5154 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a completed diachronic work whose content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5155 of expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
5156 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is updated or otherwise complemented by an augmenting expression.
5157 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsupplement to expression
5158 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is updated or otherwise complemented by an augmenting expression.
5159 to expressionrdfs:labelis supplement to expression
5160 of expressionrdfs:labelis adaptation of expression
5161 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is modified for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
5162 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladaptation of expression
5163 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is modified for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
5164 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that modifies an expression of another work for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
5165 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as expression
5166 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that modifies an expression of another work for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
5167 as expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as expression
5168 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that precedes, that is, is earlier in time or before in narrative, etc., a succeeding expression.
5169 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelpreceded by expression
5170 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that precedes, that is, is earlier in time or before in narrative, etc., a succeeding expression.
5171 by expressionrdfs:labelis preceded by expression
5172 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a motion picture, television program or video.
5173 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay expression
5174 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a motion picture, television program or video.
5175 expressionrdfs:labelhas screenplay expression
5176 picture screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a motion picture.
5177 picture screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture screenplay expression
5178 picture screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a motion picture.
5179 picture screenplay expressionrdfs:labelhas motion picture screenplay expression
5180 setting of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio.
5181 setting of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical setting of expression
5182 setting of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio.
5183 setting of expressionrdfs:labelis musical setting of expression
5184 script expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a radio program.
5185 script expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelradio script expression
5186 script expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a radio program.
5187 script expressionrdfs:labelhas radio script expression
5188 screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a television program.
5189 screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision screenplay expression
5190 screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a television program.
5191 screenplay expressionrdfs:labelhas television screenplay expression
5192 screenplay expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for a video.
5193 screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo screenplay expression
5194 screenplay expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for a video.
5195 screenplay expressionrdfs:labelhas video screenplay expression
5196 expressionrdfs:labelhas libretto expression
5197 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides text for an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
5198 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto expression
5199 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides text for an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
5200 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that restates the content of an expression of another work in a different form.
5201 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelparaphrased as expression
5202 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that restates the content of an expression of another work in a different form.
5203 as expressionrdfs:labelis paraphrased as expression
5204 asskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work whose medium of performance is a modification of another expression of the same work.
5205 asrdakit:toolkitLabelarranged as
5206 asrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work whose medium of performance is a modification of another expression of the same work.
5207 asrdfs:labelis arranged as
5208 asskos:scopeNoteThis element applies to modifications of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keep the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
5209 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that shortens an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5210 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabridged as expression
5211 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that shortens an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5212 as expressionrdfs:labelis abridged as expression
5213 from expressionrdfs:labelis split from expression
5214 from expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose partial content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5215 from expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsplit from expression
5216 from expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose partial content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5217 from expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
5218 from expressionskos:altLabelcontinuation in part of (expression)
5219 from expressionrdfs:labelis separated from expression
5220 from expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a diachronic work whose partial content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5221 from expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelseparated from expression
5222 from expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a diachronic work whose partial content is continued by an expression of another diachronic work.
5223 from expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
5224 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that succeeds, that is, is later in time or after in a narrative, etc., a preceding expression.
5225 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsucceeded by expression
5226 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that succeeds, that is, is later in time or after in a narrative, etc., a preceding expression.
5227 by expressionrdfs:labelis succeeded by expression
5228 as expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that systematically and comprehensively condenses a source expression.
5229 as expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldigested as expression
5230 as expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that systematically and comprehensively condenses an expression of another work.
5231 as expressionrdfs:labelis digested as expression
5232 asskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression whose language is a modification of another expression of the same work.
5233 asrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslated as
5234 asrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression whose language is a modification of another expression of the same work.
5235 asrdfs:labelis translated as
5236 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that updates or otherwise complements a predominant expression.
5237 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsupplement expression
5238 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that updates or otherwise complements a predominant expression.
5239 expressionrdfs:labelhas supplement expression
5240 for motion picture expressionrdfs:labelis screenplay for motion picture expression
5241 for motion picture expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a motion picture.
5242 for motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for motion picture expression
5243 for motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a motion picture.
5244 for television program expressionrdfs:labelis screenplay for television program expression
5245 for television program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a television program.
5246 for television program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for television program expression
5247 for television program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a television program.
5248 for video expressionrdfs:labelis screenplay for video expression
5249 for video expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a video.
5250 for video expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for video expression
5251 for video expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses the text as a screenplay for a video.
5252 for radio program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses the text as a script for a radio program.
5253 for radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscript for radio program expression
5254 for radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses the text as a script for a radio program.
5255 for radio program expressionrdfs:labelis script for radio program expression
5256 to expressionrdfs:labelis addenda to expression
5257 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is completed with brief content from an expression of a related work.
5258 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladdenda to expression
5259 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is completed with brief content from an expression of a related work.
5260 to expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is used as the basis of a concordance work that is realized by another expression.
5261 to expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelconcordance to expression
5262 to expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is used as the basis of a concordance work that is realized by another expression.
5263 to expressionrdfs:labelis concordance to expression
5264 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis choreographic adaptation of expression
5265 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a work that consists of movement.
5266 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographic adaptation of expression
5267 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a work that consists of movement.
5268 version of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is used as the basis for a derivative work that enlarges upon the content of an expression of another work.
5269 version of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelexpanded version of expression
5270 version of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is used as the basis for a derivative work that enlarges upon the content of an expression of another work.
5271 version of expressionrdfs:labelis expanded version of expression
5272 of expressionrdfs:labelis remake of expression
5273 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is used as a basis for a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video.
5274 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelremake of expression
5275 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is used as a basis for a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video.
5276 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is used as the basis for a restating of the content of an expression of another work in a different form.
5277 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelparaphrase of expression
5278 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is used as the basis for a restating of the content of an expression of another work in a different form.
5279 of expressionrdfs:labelis paraphrase of expression
5280 ofrdfs:labelis revision of
5281 ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is updated, corrected, or expanded to create a new expression of the same work.
5282 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrevision of
5283 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is updated, corrected, or expanded to create a new expression of the same work.
5284 based on expressionrdfs:labelis libretto based on expression
5285 based on expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is used as the basis for the text of an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
5286 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto based on expression
5287 based on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is used as the basis for the text of an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
5288 by expressionrdfs:labelis continued by expression
5289 by expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the content of another diachronic work that is completed.
5290 by expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcontinued by expression
5291 by expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the content of another diachronic work that is completed.
5292 by expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
5293 of expressionrdfs:labelis augmentation of expression
5294 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is added to by a related expression.
5295 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmentation of expression
5296 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is added to by a related expression.
5297 for expressionrdfs:labelis abstracts for expression
5298 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose contents have been abstracted by an abstracting and indexing service.
5299 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelabstracts for expression
5300 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose contents have been abstracted by an abstracting and indexing service.
5301 of expressionrdfs:labelis imitation of expression
5302 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose style or content is copied in a derivative work.
5303 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelimitation of expression
5304 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose style or content is copied in a derivative work.
5305 of expressionrdfs:labelis parody of expression
5306 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose style or content is imitated for comic effect.
5307 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelparody of expression
5308 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose style or content is imitated for comic effect.
5309 in part of expressionrdfs:labelis replacement in part of expression
5310 in part of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is partially superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of an expression of another work.
5311 in part of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelreplacement in part of expression
5312 in part of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is partially superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of an expression of another work.
5313 in part of expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a static work.
5314 of expressionrdfs:labelis replacement of expression
5315 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work whose content is superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of an expression of another work.
5316 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelreplacement of expression
5317 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work whose content is superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of an expression of another work.
5318 of expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a static work or an integrating work.
5319 into expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is completed.
5320 into expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsplit into expression
5321 into expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is completed.
5322 into expressionrdfs:labelis split into expression
5323 into expressionskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to an expression of a successive work.
5324 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that came together with one or more other expressions to form a new expression.
5325 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmerger of expression
5326 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that came together with one or more other expressions to form a new expression.
5327 of expressionrdfs:labelis merger of expression
5328 of derivative workrdfs:labelhas expression of derivative work
5329 of derivative workskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is a modification of a source expression of a different work.
5330 of derivative workrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression of derivative work
5331 of derivative workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is a modification of a source expression of a different work.
5332 of source workrdfs:labelhas expression of source work
5333 of source workskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is modified to create an expression of a derivative work.
5334 of source workrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression of source work
5335 of source workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is modified to create an expression of a derivative work.
5336 of source workskos:altLabelbased on expression
5337 expression of expressionrdfs:labelhas related expression of expression
5338 expression of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is associated with an expression.
5339 expression of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of expression
5340 expression of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with an expression.
5341 expression of expressionskos:altLabelwhole-part expression relationship
5342 expression of expressionskos:altLabelsequential expression relationship
5343 expression of expressionskos:altLabelderivative expression relationship
5344 of notated musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to a musical or physical layout of the content of an expression that is presented in the form of musical notation.
5345 of notated musicrdakit:toolkitLabelformat of notated music
5346 of notated musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA musical or physical layout of the content of an expression that is presented in the form of musical notation.
5347 of notated musicrdfs:labelhas format of notated music
5348 of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an indication of mathematical data and other features of the cartographic content of an expression not recorded in statements of scale, projection, and coordinates.
5349 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of cartographic content
5350 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of mathematical data and other features of the cartographic content of an expression not recorded in statements of scale, projection, and coordinates.
5351 of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas details of cartographic content
5352 of cartographic contentskos:altLabelother details of cartographic content
5353 asrdfs:labelis revised as
5354 asskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is an update, correction, or expansion of another expression of the same work.
5355 asrdakit:toolkitLabelrevised as
5356 asrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is an update, correction, or expansion of another expression of the same work.
5357 to form expressionrdfs:labelis merged to form expression
5358 to form expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is formed from the coming together of two or more expressions.
5359 to form expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmerged to form expression
5360 to form expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is formed from the coming together of two or more expressions.
5361 scale informationskos:definitionRelates an expression to an indication of supplemental information about scale.
5362 scale informationrdakit:toolkitLabeladditional scale information
5363 scale informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of supplemental information about scale.
5364 scale informationskos:scopeNoteAdditional scale information includes a statement of comparative measurements or limitation of the scale to particular parts of the content of an expression, etc.
5365 scale informationrdfs:labelhas additional scale information
5366 of expressionrdfs:labelhas date of expression
5367 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a timespan that is the earliest associated with an expression.
5368 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of expression
5369 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is the earliest associated with an expression.
5370 of expressionskos:scopeNoteA date of expression may include a date a text was written, a date of final editing of a moving image work, a date of first broadcast for a television or radio program, a date of notation for a score, the date of the recording of an event, etc.
5371 of performance of musical contentrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of musical content
5372 of performance of musical contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an instrument, voice, or ensemble and the number of parts, performers and hands used, or intended to be used, to perform the musical content of an expression.
5373 of performance of musical contentrdakit:toolkitLabelmedium of performance of musical content
5374 of performance of musical contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn instrument, voice, or ensemble and the number of parts, performers and hands used, or intended to be used, to perform the musical content of an expression.
5375 of performance of musical contentskos:altLabelmedium of performance
5376 of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas projection of cartographic content
5377 of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane in an expression.
5378 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabelprojection of cartographic content
5379 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane in an expression.
5380 informationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a place, date, or other information that is associated with the recording, filming, or other method of obtaining the content of an expression.
5381 informationrdakit:toolkitLabelcapture information
5382 informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place, date, or other information that is associated with the recording, filming, or other method of obtaining the content of an expression.
5383 informationrdfs:labelhas capture information
5384 of captureskos:definitionRelates an expression to a place that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of an expression.
5385 of capturerdakit:toolkitLabelplace of capture
5386 of capturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of an expression.
5387 of capturerdfs:labelhas place of capture
5388 an expression to an extent of expression that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
5390 extent of expression that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
5391 duration
5392 scale of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a ratio of horizontal distances in cartographic content of an expression to the actual distances they represent.
5393 scale of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabelhorizontal scale of cartographic content
5394 scale of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA ratio of horizontal distances in cartographic content of an expression to the actual distances they represent.
5395 scale of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas horizontal scale of cartographic content
5396 of still image or three-dimensional formskos:definitionRelates an expression to a ratio of the dimensions of a still image or three-dimensional form realized by an expression to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5397 of still image or three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitLabelscale of still image or three-dimensional form
5398 of still image or three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA ratio of the dimensions of a still image or three-dimensional form realized by an expression to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5399 of still image or three-dimensional formrdfs:labelhas scale of still image or three-dimensional form
5400 an expression to a ratio of the dimensions of an expression of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5401 can apply to horizontal, vertical, angular, or other measurements represented in an expression.
5403 ratio of the dimensions of an expression of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5404 scale
5405 ratiordfs:labelhas aspect ratio
5406 ratioskos:definitionRelates an expression to a numerical ratio of the width to the height of an expression of a moving image.
5407 ratiordakit:toolkitLabelaspect ratio
5408 ratiordakit:toolkitDefinitionA numerical ratio of the width to the height of an expression of a moving image.
5409 scale of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a scale of elevation or vertical dimension of cartographic content of an expression.
5410 scale of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabelvertical scale of cartographic content
5411 scale of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scale of elevation or vertical dimension of cartographic content of an expression.
5412 scale of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas vertical scale of cartographic content
5413 expressedrdfs:labelhas work expressed
5414 expressedskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is realized through an expression.
5415 expressedrdakit:toolkitLabelwork expressed
5416 expressedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized through an expression.
5417 theatre adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis musical theatre adaptation of expression
5418 theatre adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a musical theatre work.
5419 theatre adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical theatre adaptation of expression
5420 theatre adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a musical theatre work.
5421 theatre adaptation of expressionskos:altLabelmusical theater adaptation of expression
5422 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis opera adaptation of expression
5423 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as an opera.
5424 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelopera adaptation of expression
5425 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as an opera.
5426 as musical theatre expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as musical theatre expression
5427 as musical theatre expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical theatre work that is based on an expression of another work.
5428 as musical theatre expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as musical theatre expression
5429 as musical theatre expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical theatre work that is based on an expression of another work.
5430 as musical theatre expressionskos:altLabeladapted as musical theater expression
5431 as opera expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as opera expression
5432 as opera expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of an opera based on an expression of another work.
5433 as opera expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as opera expression
5434 as opera expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of an opera based on an expression of another work.
5435 expressionrdfs:labelhas music expression
5436 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that is used in a motion picture, play, television program, etc.
5437 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic expression
5438 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that is used in a motion picture, play, television program, etc.
5439 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work such as a motion picture, play, television program, etc., that uses a musical work.
5440 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for expression
5441 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work such as a motion picture, play, television program, etc., that uses a musical work.
5442 for expressionrdfs:labelis music for expression
5443 music expressionrdfs:labelhas video music expression
5444 music expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that is used in a video.
5445 music expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo music expression
5446 music expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that is used in a video.
5447 for video expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses a musical work in a video.
5448 for video expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for video expression
5449 for video expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses a musical work in a video.
5450 for video expressionrdfs:labelis music for video expression
5451 program music expressionrdfs:labelhas television program music expression
5452 program music expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that is used in a television program.
5453 program music expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision program music expression
5454 program music expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that is used in a television program.
5455 for television program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses a musical work in a television program.
5456 for television program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for television program expression
5457 for television program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses a musical work in a television program.
5458 for television program expressionrdfs:labelis music for television program expression
5459 program music expressionrdfs:labelhas radio program music expression
5460 program music expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that is used in a radio program.
5461 program music expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelradio program music expression
5462 program music expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that is used in a radio program.
5463 for radio program expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses a musical work in a radio program.
5464 for radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for radio program expression
5465 for radio program expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses a musical work in a radio program.
5466 for radio program expressionrdfs:labelis music for radio program expression
5467 picture music expressionrdfs:labelhas motion picture music expression
5468 picture music expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a musical work that is used in a motion picture.
5469 picture music expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture music expression
5470 picture music expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a musical work that is used in a motion picture.
5471 for motion picture expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses a musical work in a motion picture.
5472 for motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for motion picture expression
5473 for motion picture expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses a musical work in a motion picture.
5474 for motion picture expressionrdfs:labelis music for motion picture expression
5475 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that provides choreography for use in a related expression.
5476 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreography expression
5477 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that provides choreography for use in a related expression.
5478 expressionrdfs:labelhas choreography expression
5479 for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that uses choreography of a related expression.
5480 for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreography for expression
5481 for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that uses choreography of a related expression.
5482 for expressionrdfs:labelis choreography for expression
5483 as graphic novel expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a graphic novel that is based on an expression of another work.
5484 as graphic novel expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as graphic novel expression
5485 as graphic novel expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a graphic novel that is based on an expression of another work.
5486 as graphic novel expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as graphic novel expression
5487 novelization of expressionrdfs:labelis graphic novelization of expression
5488 novelization of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as a graphic novel.
5489 novelization of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelgraphic novelization of expression
5490 novelization of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as a graphic novel.
5491 effects provider agentrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider agent
5492 effects provider agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
5493 effects provider agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider agent
5494 effects provider agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
5495 effects provider agentskos:altLabelvisual effects provider
5496 effects provider agentrdfs:labelhas special effects provider agent
5497 effects provider agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
5498 effects provider agentrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider agent
5499 effects provider agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
5500 effects provider agentskos:altLabelspecial effects provider
5501 agentrdfs:labelhas letterer agent
5502 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
5503 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer agent
5504 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
5505 agentskos:altLabelletterer
5506 of aspect ratio designationrdfs:labelhas details of aspect ratio designation
5507 of aspect ratio designationskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
5508 of aspect ratio designationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of aspect ratio designation
5509 of aspect ratio designationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
5510 of form of musical notationskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of an expression.
5511 of form of musical notationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of form of musical notation
5512 of form of musical notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of an expression.
5513 of form of musical notationrdfs:labelhas details of form of musical notation
5514 of form of notated movementskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of an expression.
5515 of form of notated movementrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of form of notated movement
5516 of form of notated movementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of an expression.
5517 of form of notated movementrdfs:labelhas details of form of notated movement
5518 of format of notated musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a musical or physical layout of the content of an expression that is presented in the form of musical notation.
5519 of format of notated musicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of format of notated music
5520 of format of notated musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a musical or physical layout of the content of an expression that is presented in the form of musical notation.
5521 of format of notated musicrdfs:labelhas details of format of notated music
5522 of form of tactile notationskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression in a form that can be perceived through touch.
5523 of form of tactile notationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of form of tactile notation
5524 of form of tactile notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression in a form that can be perceived through touch.
5525 of form of tactile notationrdfs:labelhas details of form of tactile notation
5526 of scriptrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of script
5527 of scriptrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of an expression.
5528 of scriptrdfs:labelhas details of script
5529 of scriptskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of an expression.
5530 expression ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is about an expression.
5531 expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject expression of
5532 expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about an expression.
5533 expression ofrdfs:labelis subject expression of
5534 expression ofskos:altLabelsubject of (expression)
5535 described byrdfs:labelis expression described by
5536 described byskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a description of an expression.
5537 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression described by
5538 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of an expression.
5539 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (expression)
5540 analysed inskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that describes the structure and composition of an expression of another work.
5541 analysed inrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression analysed in
5542 analysed inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that describes the structure and composition of an expression of another work.
5543 analysed inrdfs:labelis expression analysed in
5544 analysed inskos:altLabelanalysed in (expression)
5545 commentary inskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on an expression.
5546 commentary inrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression commentary in
5547 commentary inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on an expression.
5548 commentary inrdfs:labelis expression commentary in
5549 commentary inskos:altLabelcommentary in (expression)
5550 critiqued byskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a critical evaluation of an expression.
5551 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression critiqued by
5552 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a critical evaluation of an expression.
5553 critiqued byrdfs:labelis expression critiqued by
5554 critiqued byskos:altLabelcritiqued in (expression)
5555 evaluated byskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is an examination or judgement of an expression.
5556 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression evaluated by
5557 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an examination or judgement of an expression.
5558 evaluated byrdfs:labelis expression evaluated by
5559 evaluated byskos:altLabelevaluated in (expression)
5560 reviewed byskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a brief evaluation of an expression.
5561 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression reviewed by
5562 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a brief evaluation of an expression.
5563 reviewed byrdfs:labelis expression reviewed by
5564 reviewed byskos:altLabelreviewed in (expression)
5565 designer agentrdfs:labelhas sound designer agent
5566 designer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
5567 designer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer agent
5568 designer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
5569 designer agentskos:altLabelsound designer
5570 designer agentrdfs:labelhas lighting designer agent
5571 designer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
5572 designer agentrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer agent
5573 designer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
5574 designer agentskos:altLabellighting designer
5575 of durationskos:definitionRelates an expression to details of an extent of expression that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
5576 of durationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of duration
5577 of durationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of an extent of expression that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
5578 of durationrdfs:labelhas details of duration
5579 participant agentrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant agent
5580 participant agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
5581 participant agentrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant agent
5582 participant agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
5583 participant agentskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
5584 participant agentskos:altLabelon-screen participant
5585 developer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
5586 developer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer agent
5587 developer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
5588 developer agentrdfs:labelhas software developer agent
5589 developer agentskos:altLabelsoftware developer
5590 adaptation of expressionrdfs:labelis oratorio adaptation of expression
5591 adaptation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that is adapted as an oratorio.
5592 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeloratorio adaptation of expression
5593 adaptation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that is adapted as an oratorio.
5594 as oratorio expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of an oratorio based on an expression of another work.
5595 as oratorio expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as oratorio expression
5596 as oratorio expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of an oratorio based on an expression of another work.
5597 as oratorio expressionrdfs:labelis adapted as oratorio expression
5598 agentrdfs:labelhas colourist agent
5599 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
5600 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist agent
5601 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
5602 agentskos:altLabelcolorist
5603 agentskos:altLabelcolorist agent
5604 agentskos:altLabelcolourist
5605 artist agentrdfs:labelhas makeup artist agent
5606 artist agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5607 artist agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist agent
5608 artist agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5609 artist agentskos:altLabelmake-up artist
5610 conductor agentrdfs:labelhas choral conductor agent
5611 conductor agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5612 conductor agentrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor agent
5613 conductor agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5614 conductor agentskos:altLabelchoral conductor
5615 conductor agentrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor agent
5616 conductor agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5617 conductor agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor agent
5618 conductor agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5619 conductor agentskos:altLabelinstrumental conductor
5620 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
5621 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor agent
5622 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
5623 agentskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
5624 agentrdfs:labelhas censor agent
5625 agentskos:altLabelcensor
5626 agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas restorationist agent of expression
5627 agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
5628 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist agent of expression
5629 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
5630 agent of expressionskos:altLabelrestorationist (expression)
5631 ratio designationrdfs:labelhas aspect ratio designation
5632 ratio designationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a general designation of the ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
5633 ratio designationrdakit:toolkitLabelaspect ratio designation
5634 ratio designationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA general designation of the ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
5635 designationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a general designation of the lack of a ratio of the dimensions of the content of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5636 designationrdakit:toolkitLabelscale designation
5637 designationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA general designation of the lack of a ratio of the dimensions of the content of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
5638 designationrdfs:labelhas scale designation
5639 engineer agentrdfs:labelhas audio engineer agent
5640 engineer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
5641 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer agent
5642 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
5643 engineer agentskos:altLabelaudio engineer
5644 engineer agentrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer agent
5645 engineer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
5646 engineer agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
5647 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer agent
5648 engineer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
5649 engineer agentskos:altLabelmixing engineer
5650 programmer agentrdfs:labelhas music programmer agent
5651 programmer agentskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
5652 programmer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer agent
5653 programmer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
5654 programmer agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
5655 programmer agentskos:altLabelmusic programmer
5656 director agentrdfs:labelhas dubbing director agent
5657 director agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
5658 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director agent
5659 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
5660 director agentskos:altLabeldubbing director
5661 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
5662 agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
5663 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ agent
5664 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
5665 agentrdfs:labelhas DJ agent
5666 agentskos:altLabelDJ
5667 RDA entity of expressionrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of expression
5668 RDA entity of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an RDA entity that is associated with an expression.
5669 RDA entity of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of expression
5670 RDA entity of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with an expression.
5671 work of expressionrdfs:labelhas related work of expression
5672 work of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is associated with an expression.
5673 work of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of expression
5674 work of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with an expression.
5675 manifestation of expressionrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of expression
5676 manifestation of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a manifestation that is associated with an expression.
5677 manifestation of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of expression
5678 manifestation of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with an expression.
5679 item of expressionrdfs:labelhas related item of expression
5680 item of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an item that is associated with an expression.
5681 item of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of expression
5682 item of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with an expression.
5683 agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas related agent of expression
5684 agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who is associated with an expression.
5685 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of expression
5686 agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with an expression.
5687 person of expressionrdfs:labelhas related person of expression
5688 person of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is associated with an expression.
5689 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of expression
5690 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with an expression.
5691 family of expressionrdfs:labelhas related family of expression
5692 family of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is associated with an expression.
5693 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of expression
5694 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with an expression.
5695 corporate body of expressionrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of expression
5696 corporate body of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is associated with an expression.
5697 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of expression
5698 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with an expression.
5699 collective agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of expression
5700 collective agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is associated with an expression.
5701 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of expression
5702 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with an expression.
5703 place of expressionrdfs:labelhas related place of expression
5704 place of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a place that is associated with an expression.
5705 place of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of expression
5706 place of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with an expression.
5707 timespan of expressionrdfs:labelhas related timespan of expression
5708 timespan of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a timespan that is associated with an expression.
5709 timespan of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of expression
5710 timespan of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with an expression.
5711 nomen of expressionrdfs:labelhas related nomen of expression
5712 nomen of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is associated with an expression.
5713 nomen of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of expression
5714 nomen of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with an expression.
5715 on capturerdfs:labelhas note on capture
5716 on captureskos:definitionRelates an expression to a note on expression that provides information associated with the recording, filming, etc., of the content of an expression.
5717 on captureskos:scopeNoteNote on capture includes the circumstances such as a live or studio recording, the equipment used, etc.
5718 on capturerdakit:toolkitLabelnote on capture
5719 on capturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on expression that provides information associated with the recording, filming, etc., of the content of an expression.
5720 point for expressionrdfs:labelhas access point for expression
5721 point for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is an appellation of expression in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
5722 point for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for expression
5723 point for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of expression in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
5724 of expressionrdfs:labelhas appellation of expression
5725 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an expression.
5726 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of expression
5727 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an expression.
5728 of expressionrdfs:labelhas title of expression
5729 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is an appellation of expression in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
5730 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of expression
5731 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of expression in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
5732 access point for expressionrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for expression
5733 access point for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is an access point of expression that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
5734 access point for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for expression
5735 access point for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of expression that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
5736 access point for expressionrdfs:labelhas variant access point for expression
5737 access point for expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to nomen that is an access point of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
5738 access point for expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for expression
5739 access point for expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
5740 title of expressionrdfs:labelhas preferred title of expression
5741 title of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is a title of expression that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
5742 title of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of expression
5743 title of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of expression that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
5744 title of expressionrdfs:labelhas variant title of expression
5745 title of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a nomen that is a title of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
5746 title of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of expression
5747 title of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
5748 meridianrdfs:labelhas prime meridian
5749 meridianskos:definitionRelates an expression to a line of constant longitude passing through a given place on the surface of the earth and the terrestrial poles, from which longitude east and west is measured.
5750 meridianrdakit:toolkitLabelprime meridian
5751 meridianrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA line of constant longitude passing through a given place on the surface of the earth and the terrestrial poles, from which longitude east and west is measured.
5752 representationrdfs:labelhas relief representation
5753 representationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a cartographic representation of the surface forms of the earth or other celestial body, real or imaginary, by means of special graphic methods.
5754 representationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelief representation
5755 representationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA cartographic representation of the surface forms of the earth or other celestial body, real or imaginary, by means of special graphic methods.
5756 representationskos:altLabelhas relief type
5758 an expression to an expression that is chosen as part of the plan of an aggregating expression.
5760 expression that is chosen as part of the plan of an aggregating expression.
5761 byrdfs:labelis aggregated by
5762 byskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that aggregates an expression as part of the plan of an aggregating expression.
5763 byrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregated by
5764 byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that aggregates an expression as part of the plan of an aggregating expression.
5765 of expressionrdfs:labelhas extent of expression
5766 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelextent of expression
5767 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of an expression.
5768 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of an expression.
5769 audience of expressionrdfs:labelhas intended audience of expression
5770 audience of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelintended audience of expression
5771 audience of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of user for which an expression is intended, or for whom an expression is considered suitable.
5772 audience of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a category of user for which an expression is intended, or for whom an expression is considered suitable.
5773 moderdfs:labelhas interactivity mode
5774 moderdakit:toolkitLabelinteractivity mode
5775 moderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA capacity of content to respond to actions performed by the user.
5776 modeskos:definitionRelates an expression to a capacity of content to respond to actions performed by the user.
5777 of performance of choreographic contentrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of choreographic content
5778 of performance of choreographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabelmedium of performance of choreographic content
5779 of performance of choreographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content.
5780 of performance of choreographic contentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content.
5781 expression ofrdfs:labelis representative expression of
5782 expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelrepresentative expression of
5783 expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work for which an expression is considered a canonical source of identifying data.
5784 expression ofskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work for which an expression is considered a canonical source of identifying data.
5785 of expressionrdfs:labelhas key of expression
5786 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelkey of expression
5787 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of an expression.
5788 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of an expression.
5789 of expressionskos:altLabelkey
5790 agentrdfs:labelhas reviser agent
5791 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
5792 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser agent
5793 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
5794 agentskos:altLabelreviser
5795 agent to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor agent to amalgamation
5796 agent to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
5797 agent to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to amalgamation
5798 agent to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
5799 agent to amalgamationskos:altLabelcontributor to amalgamation
5800 agent to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor agent to performance
5801 agent to performanceskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
5802 agent to performancerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to performance
5803 agent to performancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
5804 agent to performanceskos:altLabelcontributor to performance
5805 agentrdfs:labelhas editor agent
5806 agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to an agent who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
5807 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor agent
5808 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
5809 agentskos:altLabeleditor
5810 agentskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
5811 agentskos:altLabeleditor agent of text
5812 of expressionrdfs:labelhas category of expression
5813 of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a type to which an expression belongs.
5814 of expressionskos:altLabeltype of expression
5815 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of expression
5816 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which an expression belongs.
5817 entity of expressionrdfs:labelhas related entity of expression
5818 entity of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an entity that is associated with an expression.
5819 entity of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of expression
5820 entity of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with an expression.
5821 expressionrdfs:labelhas prequel expression
5822 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that extends the narrative of an expression of another work backwards in time.
5823 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelprequel expression
5824 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that extends the narrative of an expression of another work backwards in time.
5825 expressionrdfs:labelhas sequel expression
5826 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression of a work that extends the narrative of an expression of another work forwards in time.
5827 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsequel expression
5828 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a work that extends the narrative of an expression of another work forwards in time.
5829 conductor personrdfs:labelhas choral conductor person
5830 conductor personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5831 conductor personrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor person
5832 conductor personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5833 person of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewer person of expression
5834 person of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other person who gathers information.
5835 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer person of expression
5836 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other person who gathers information.
5837 personrdfs:labelhas editor person
5838 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
5839 personrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor person
5840 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
5841 personskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
5842 personskos:altLabeleditor person of text
5843 personrdfs:labelhas draftsman person
5844 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
5845 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman person
5846 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
5847 personrdfs:labelhas colourist person
5848 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
5849 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist person
5850 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
5851 personskos:altLabelcolorist person
5852 artist personrdfs:labelhas makeup artist person
5853 artist personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5854 artist personrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist person
5855 artist personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5856 director personrdfs:labelhas musical director person
5857 director personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5858 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director person
5859 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5860 designer personrdfs:labelhas sound designer person
5861 designer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
5862 designer personrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer person
5863 designer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
5864 designer personrdfs:labelhas lighting designer person
5865 designer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
5866 designer personrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer person
5867 designer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
5868 designer personrdfs:labelhas costume designer person
5869 designer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5870 designer personrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer person
5871 designer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5872 personrdfs:labelhas translator person
5873 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
5874 personrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator person
5875 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
5876 personskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
5877 personrdfs:labelhas reviser person
5878 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
5879 personrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser person
5880 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
5881 engineer personrdfs:labelhas audio engineer person
5882 engineer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
5883 engineer personrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer person
5884 engineer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
5885 personrdfs:labelhas DJ person
5886 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
5887 personrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ person
5888 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
5889 personskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
5890 director personrdfs:labelhas art director person
5891 director personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
5892 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelart director person
5893 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
5894 personrdfs:labelhas performer person
5895 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5896 personrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer person
5897 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5898 reporter personrdfs:labelhas court reporter person
5899 reporter personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
5900 reporter personrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter person
5901 reporter personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
5902 developer personrdfs:labelhas software developer person
5903 developer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
5904 developer personrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer person
5905 developer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
5906 person of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewee person of expression
5907 person of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
5908 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee person of expression
5909 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
5910 person of expressionrdfs:labelhas restorationist person of expression
5911 person of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
5912 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist person of expression
5913 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
5914 personrdfs:labelhas censor person
5915 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
5916 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor person
5917 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
5918 personskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
5919 personrdfs:labelhas abridger person
5920 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5921 personrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger person
5922 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
5923 personskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
5924 personrdfs:labelhas recordist person
5925 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
5926 personrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist person
5927 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
5928 personskos:scopeNoteIncludes field recordings of natural sounds, music performances, and other events.
5929 personrdfs:labelhas transcriber person
5930 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
5931 personrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber person
5932 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
5933 personskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical work for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
5934 effects provider personrdfs:labelhas special effects provider person
5935 effects provider personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
5936 effects provider personrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider person
5937 effects provider personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
5938 effects provider personrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider person
5939 effects provider personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
5940 effects provider personrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider person
5941 effects provider personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
5942 programmer personrdfs:labelhas music programmer person
5943 programmer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
5944 programmer personrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer person
5945 programmer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
5946 programmer personskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
5947 participant personrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant person
5948 participant personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
5949 participant personrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant person
5950 participant personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
5951 participant personskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
5952 director personrdfs:labelhas stage director person
5953 director personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
5954 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director person
5955 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
5956 person of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger person of music
5957 person of musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
5958 person of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger person of music
5959 person of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
5960 person of musicskos:scopeNoteContribution includes modification of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keeps the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
5961 person to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor person to performance
5962 person to performanceskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
5963 person to performancerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to performance
5964 person to performancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
5965 person to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor person to amalgamation
5966 person to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
5967 person to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to amalgamation
5968 person to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
5969 conductor personrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor person
5970 conductor personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5971 conductor personrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor person
5972 conductor personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5973 personrdfs:labelhas actor person
5974 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5975 personrdakit:toolkitLabelactor person
5976 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5977 presenter personrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter person
5978 presenter personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
5979 presenter personrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter person
5980 presenter personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
5981 presenter personskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
5982 personrdfs:labelhas dancer person
5983 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5984 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer person
5985 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
5986 personrdfs:labelhas host person
5987 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
5988 personrdakit:toolkitLabelhost person
5989 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
5990 personrdfs:labelhas moderator person
5991 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
5992 personrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator person
5993 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
5994 personrdfs:labelhas puppeteer person
5995 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5996 personrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer person
5997 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
5998 personrdfs:labelhas panelist person
5999 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6000 personrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist person
6001 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6002 personrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist person
6003 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6004 personrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist person
6005 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6006 personrdfs:labelhas commentator person
6007 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6008 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator person
6009 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6010 personrdfs:labelhas narrator person
6011 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6012 personrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator person
6013 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6014 personrdfs:labelhas storyteller person
6015 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6016 personrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller person
6017 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6018 personrdfs:labelhas speaker person
6019 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6020 personrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker person
6021 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6022 personskos:scopeNoteIncludes a lecture or speech.
6023 personrdfs:labelhas instructor person
6024 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6025 personrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor person
6026 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6027 personrdfs:labelhas singer person
6028 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6029 personrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger person
6030 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6031 personskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
6032 personrdfs:labelhas conductor person
6033 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6034 personrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor person
6035 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6036 actor personrdfs:labelhas voice actor person
6037 actor personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
6038 actor personrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor person
6039 actor personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
6040 engineer personrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer person
6041 engineer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6042 engineer personrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer person
6043 engineer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6044 engineer personskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
6045 engineer personrdfs:labelhas recording engineer person
6046 engineer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6047 engineer personrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer person
6048 engineer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6049 personrdfs:labelhas letterer person
6050 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6051 personrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer person
6052 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6053 personrdfs:labelhas presenter person
6054 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6055 personrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter person
6056 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6057 person of expressionrdfs:labelhas creator person of expression
6058 person of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6059 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of expression
6060 person of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6061 person of expressionskos:scopeNoteA creator of expression includes a translator, arranger of music, performer, etc. A creator of a work that is realized by an expression is also a creator of expression.
6062 person of moving image workrdfs:labelhas editor person of moving image work
6063 person of moving image workskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6064 person of moving image workrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor person of moving image work
6065 person of moving image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6066 designer personrdfs:labelhas production designer person
6067 designer personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6068 designer personrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer person
6069 designer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6070 taker personrdfs:labelhas minute taker person
6071 taker personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6072 taker personrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker person
6073 taker personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6074 director personrdfs:labelhas dubbing director person
6075 director personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6076 director personrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director person
6077 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6078 personrdfs:labelhas animator person
6079 personskos:definitionRelates an expression to a person who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6080 personrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator person
6081 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6082 personskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
6083 conductor collective agentrdfs:labelhas choral conductor collective agent
6084 conductor collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a conductor who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6085 conductor collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor collective agent
6086 conductor collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6087 collective agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewer collective agent of expression
6088 collective agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other collective agent who gathers information.
6089 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer collective agent of expression
6090 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other collective agent who gathers information.
6091 collective agentrdfs:labelhas editor collective agent
6092 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6093 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor collective agent
6094 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6095 collective agentskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
6096 collective agentskos:altLabeleditor collective agent of text
6097 collective agentrdfs:labelhas draftsman collective agent
6098 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6099 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman collective agent
6100 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6101 collective agentrdfs:labelhas colourist collective agent
6102 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6103 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist collective agent
6104 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6105 collective agentskos:altLabelcolorist collective agent
6106 artist collective agentrdfs:labelhas makeup artist collective agent
6107 artist collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6108 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist collective agent
6109 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6110 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas musical director collective agent
6111 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6112 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director collective agent
6113 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6114 designer collective agentrdfs:labelhas sound designer collective agent
6115 designer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6116 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer collective agent
6117 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6118 designer collective agentrdfs:labelhas lighting designer collective agent
6119 designer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6120 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer collective agent
6121 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6122 designer collective agentrdfs:labelhas costume designer collective agent
6123 designer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6124 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer collective agent
6125 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6126 collective agentrdfs:labelhas translator collective agent
6127 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6128 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator collective agent
6129 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6130 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
6131 collective agentrdfs:labelhas reviser collective agent
6132 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6133 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser collective agent
6134 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6135 engineer collective agentrdfs:labelhas audio engineer collective agent
6136 engineer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6137 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer collective agent
6138 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6139 collective agentrdfs:labelhas DJ collective agent
6140 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6141 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ collective agent
6142 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6143 collective agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
6144 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas art director collective agent
6145 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6146 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelart director collective agent
6147 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6148 collective agentrdfs:labelhas performer collective agent
6149 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6150 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer collective agent
6151 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6152 reporter collective agentrdfs:labelhas court reporter collective agent
6153 reporter collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6154 reporter collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter collective agent
6155 reporter collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6156 developer collective agentrdfs:labelhas software developer collective agent
6157 developer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6158 developer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer collective agent
6159 developer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6160 collective agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewee collective agent of expression
6161 collective agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6162 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee collective agent of expression
6163 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6164 collective agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas restorationist collective agent of expression
6165 collective agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6166 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist collective agent of expression
6167 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6168 collective agentrdfs:labelhas censor collective agent
6169 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6170 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor collective agent
6171 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6172 collective agentskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6173 collective agentrdfs:labelhas abridger collective agent
6174 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6175 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger collective agent
6176 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6177 collective agentskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6178 collective agentrdfs:labelhas recordist collective agent
6179 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6180 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist collective agent
6181 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6182 collective agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes field recordings of natural sounds, music performances, and other events.
6183 collective agentrdfs:labelhas transcriber collective agent
6184 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6185 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber collective agent
6186 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6187 collective agentskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical work for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
6188 effects provider collective agentrdfs:labelhas special effects provider collective agent
6189 effects provider collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6190 effects provider collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider collective agent
6191 effects provider collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6192 effects provider collective agentrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider collective agent
6193 effects provider collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6194 effects provider collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider collective agent
6195 effects provider collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6196 programmer collective agentrdfs:labelhas music programmer collective agent
6197 programmer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6198 programmer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer collective agent
6199 programmer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6200 programmer collective agentskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
6201 participant collective agentrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant collective agent
6202 participant collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6203 participant collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant collective agent
6204 participant collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6205 participant collective agentskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
6206 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas stage director collective agent
6207 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6208 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director collective agent
6209 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6210 collective agent of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger collective agent of music
6211 collective agent of musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6212 collective agent of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger collective agent of music
6213 collective agent of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6214 collective agent of musicskos:scopeNoteContribution includes modification of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keeps the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
6215 collective agent to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent to performance
6216 collective agent to performanceskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6217 collective agent to performancerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to performance
6218 collective agent to performancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6219 collective agent to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent to amalgamation
6220 collective agent to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6221 collective agent to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to amalgamation
6222 collective agent to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6223 conductor collective agentrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor collective agent
6224 conductor collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6225 conductor collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor collective agent
6226 conductor collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6227 collective agentrdfs:labelhas actor collective agent
6228 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6229 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelactor collective agent
6230 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6231 presenter collective agentrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter collective agent
6232 presenter collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6233 presenter collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter collective agent
6234 presenter collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6235 presenter collective agentskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
6236 collective agentrdfs:labelhas dancer collective agent
6237 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6238 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer collective agent
6239 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6240 collective agentrdfs:labelhas host collective agent
6241 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6242 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelhost collective agent
6243 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6244 collective agentrdfs:labelhas moderator collective agent
6245 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6246 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator collective agent
6247 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6248 collective agentrdfs:labelhas puppeteer collective agent
6249 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6250 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer collective agent
6251 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6252 collective agentrdfs:labelhas panelist collective agent
6253 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6254 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist collective agent
6255 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6256 collective agentrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist collective agent
6257 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6258 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist collective agent
6259 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6260 collective agentrdfs:labelhas commentator collective agent
6261 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6262 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator collective agent
6263 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6264 collective agentrdfs:labelhas narrator collective agent
6265 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6266 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator collective agent
6267 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6268 collective agentrdfs:labelhas storyteller collective agent
6269 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6270 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller collective agent
6271 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6272 collective agentrdfs:labelhas speaker collective agent
6273 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6274 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker collective agent
6275 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6276 collective agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes a lecture or speech.
6277 collective agentrdfs:labelhas instructor collective agent
6278 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6279 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor collective agent
6280 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6281 collective agentrdfs:labelhas singer collective agent
6282 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6283 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger collective agent
6284 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6285 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
6286 collective agentrdfs:labelhas conductor collective agent
6287 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6288 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor collective agent
6289 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6290 actor collective agentrdfs:labelhas voice actor collective agent
6291 actor collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
6292 actor collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor collective agent
6293 actor collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
6294 engineer collective agentrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer collective agent
6295 engineer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6296 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer collective agent
6297 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6298 engineer collective agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
6299 engineer collective agentrdfs:labelhas recording engineer collective agent
6300 engineer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6301 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer collective agent
6302 engineer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6303 collective agentrdfs:labelhas letterer collective agent
6304 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6305 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer collective agent
6306 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6307 collective agentrdfs:labelhas presenter collective agent
6308 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6309 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter collective agent
6310 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6311 collective agent of expressionrdfs:labelhas creator collective agent of expression
6312 collective agent of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6313 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of expression
6314 collective agent of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6315 collective agent of expressionskos:scopeNoteA creator of expression includes a translator, arranger of music, performer, etc. A creator of a work that is realized by an expression is also a creator of expression.
6316 collective agent of moving image workrdfs:labelhas editor collective agent of moving image work
6317 collective agent of moving image workskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6318 collective agent of moving image workrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor collective agent of moving image work
6319 collective agent of moving image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6320 designer collective agentrdfs:labelhas production designer collective agent
6321 designer collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6322 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer collective agent
6323 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6324 taker collective agentrdfs:labelhas minute taker collective agent
6325 taker collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6326 taker collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker collective agent
6327 taker collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6328 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas dubbing director collective agent
6329 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6330 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director collective agent
6331 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6332 collective agentrdfs:labelhas animator collective agent
6333 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an expression to a collective agent who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6334 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator collective agent
6335 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6336 collective agentskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
6337 conductor corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas choral conductor corporate body
6338 conductor corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6339 conductor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor corporate body
6340 conductor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6341 corporate body of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewer corporate body of expression
6342 corporate body of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other corporate body who gathers information.
6343 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer corporate body of expression
6344 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other corporate body who gathers information.
6345 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas editor corporate body
6346 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6347 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor corporate body
6348 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6349 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
6350 corporate bodyskos:altLabeleditor corporate body of text
6351 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas draftsman corporate body
6352 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6353 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman corporate body
6354 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6355 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas colourist corporate body
6356 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6357 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist corporate body
6358 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6359 corporate bodyskos:altLabelcolorist corporate body
6360 artist corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas makeup artist corporate body
6361 artist corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6362 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist corporate body
6363 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6364 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas musical director corporate body
6365 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6366 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director corporate body
6367 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6368 designer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sound designer corporate body
6369 designer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6370 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer corporate body
6371 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6372 designer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas lighting designer corporate body
6373 designer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6374 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer corporate body
6375 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6376 designer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas costume designer corporate body
6377 designer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6378 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer corporate body
6379 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6380 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas translator corporate body
6381 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6382 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator corporate body
6383 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6384 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
6385 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas reviser corporate body
6386 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6387 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser corporate body
6388 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6389 engineer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas audio engineer corporate body
6390 engineer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6391 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer corporate body
6392 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6393 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas DJ corporate body
6394 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6395 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ corporate body
6396 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6397 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
6398 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas art director corporate body
6399 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6400 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelart director corporate body
6401 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6402 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas performer corporate body
6403 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6404 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer corporate body
6405 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6406 reporter corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas court reporter corporate body
6407 reporter corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6408 reporter corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter corporate body
6409 reporter corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6410 developer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas software developer corporate body
6411 developer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6412 developer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer corporate body
6413 developer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6414 corporate body of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewee corporate body of expression
6415 corporate body of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6416 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee corporate body of expression
6417 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6418 corporate body of expressionrdfs:labelhas restorationist corporate body of expression
6419 corporate body of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6420 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist corporate body of expression
6421 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6422 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas censor corporate body
6423 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6424 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor corporate body
6425 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6426 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6427 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas abridger corporate body
6428 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6429 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger corporate body
6430 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6431 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6432 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas recordist corporate body
6433 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6434 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist corporate body
6435 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6436 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteIncludes field recordings of natural sounds, music performances, and other events.
6437 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas transcriber corporate body
6438 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6439 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber corporate body
6440 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6441 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical work for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
6442 effects provider corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas special effects provider corporate body
6443 effects provider corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6444 effects provider corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider corporate body
6445 effects provider corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6446 effects provider corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider corporate body
6447 effects provider corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6448 effects provider corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider corporate body
6449 effects provider corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6450 programmer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas music programmer corporate body
6451 programmer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6452 programmer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer corporate body
6453 programmer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6454 programmer corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
6455 participant corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant corporate body
6456 participant corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6457 participant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant corporate body
6458 participant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6459 participant corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
6460 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas stage director corporate body
6461 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6462 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director corporate body
6463 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6464 corporate body of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger corporate body of music
6465 corporate body of musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6466 corporate body of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger corporate body of music
6467 corporate body of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6468 corporate body of musicskos:scopeNoteContribution includes modification of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keeps the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
6469 corporate body to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body to performance
6470 corporate body to performanceskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6471 corporate body to performancerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to performance
6472 corporate body to performancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6473 corporate body to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body to amalgamation
6474 corporate body to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6475 corporate body to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to amalgamation
6476 corporate body to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6477 conductor corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor corporate body
6478 conductor corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6479 conductor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor corporate body
6480 conductor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6481 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas actor corporate body
6482 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6483 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelactor corporate body
6484 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6485 presenter corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter corporate body
6486 presenter corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6487 presenter corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter corporate body
6488 presenter corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6489 presenter corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
6490 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas dancer corporate body
6491 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6492 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer corporate body
6493 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6494 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas host corporate body
6495 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6496 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelhost corporate body
6497 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6498 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas moderator corporate body
6499 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6500 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator corporate body
6501 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6502 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas puppeteer corporate body
6503 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6504 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer corporate body
6505 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6506 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas panelist corporate body
6507 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6508 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist corporate body
6509 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6510 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist corporate body
6511 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6512 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist corporate body
6513 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6514 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas commentator corporate body
6515 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6516 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator corporate body
6517 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6518 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas narrator corporate body
6519 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6520 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator corporate body
6521 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6522 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas storyteller corporate body
6523 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6524 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller corporate body
6525 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6526 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas speaker corporate body
6527 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6528 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker corporate body
6529 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6530 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteIncludes a lecture or speech.
6531 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas instructor corporate body
6532 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6533 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor corporate body
6534 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6535 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas singer corporate body
6536 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6537 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger corporate body
6538 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6539 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
6540 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas conductor corporate body
6541 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6542 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor corporate body
6543 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6544 actor corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas voice actor corporate body
6545 actor corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
6546 actor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor corporate body
6547 actor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
6548 engineer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer corporate body
6549 engineer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6550 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer corporate body
6551 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6552 engineer corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
6553 engineer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas recording engineer corporate body
6554 engineer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6555 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer corporate body
6556 engineer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6557 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas letterer corporate body
6558 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6559 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer corporate body
6560 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6561 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas presenter corporate body
6562 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6563 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter corporate body
6564 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6565 corporate body of expressionrdfs:labelhas creator corporate body of expression
6566 corporate body of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6567 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of expression
6568 corporate body of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6569 corporate body of expressionskos:scopeNoteA creator of expression includes a translator, arranger of music, performer, etc. A creator of a work that is realized by an expression is also a creator of expression.
6570 corporate body of moving image workrdfs:labelhas editor corporate body of moving image work
6571 corporate body of moving image workskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6572 corporate body of moving image workrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor corporate body of moving image work
6573 corporate body of moving image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6574 designer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas production designer corporate body
6575 designer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6576 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer corporate body
6577 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6578 taker corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas minute taker corporate body
6579 taker corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6580 taker corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker corporate body
6581 taker corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6582 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas dubbing director corporate body
6583 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6584 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director corporate body
6585 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6586 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas animator corporate body
6587 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a corporate body who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6588 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator corporate body
6589 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6590 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
6591 conductor familyrdfs:labelhas choral conductor family
6592 conductor familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6593 conductor familyrdakit:toolkitLabelchoral conductor family
6594 conductor familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6595 family of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewer family of expression
6596 family of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other family who gathers information.
6597 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer family of expression
6598 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other family who gathers information.
6599 familyrdfs:labelhas editor family
6600 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6601 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor family
6602 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by amending content created by other agents in order to meet standards for publication or other use.
6603 familyskos:scopeNoteContent includes notated movement, notated music, tactile notated movement, tactile notated music, tactile text, and text.
6604 familyskos:altLabeleditor family of text
6605 familyrdfs:labelhas draftsman family
6606 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6607 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldraftsman family
6608 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
6609 familyrdfs:labelhas colourist family
6610 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6611 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcolourist family
6612 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
6613 familyskos:altLabelcolorist family
6614 artist familyrdfs:labelhas makeup artist family
6615 artist familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6616 artist familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmakeup artist family
6617 artist familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6618 director familyrdfs:labelhas musical director family
6619 director familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6620 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical director family
6621 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6622 designer familyrdfs:labelhas sound designer family
6623 designer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6624 designer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsound designer family
6625 designer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by designing and creating audio or sound components.
6626 designer familyrdfs:labelhas lighting designer family
6627 designer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6628 designer familyrdakit:toolkitLabellighting designer family
6629 designer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by designing and creating lighting components.
6630 designer familyrdfs:labelhas costume designer family
6631 designer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6632 designer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcostume designer family
6633 designer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6634 familyrdfs:labelhas translator family
6635 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6636 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeltranslator family
6637 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by expressing the linguistic content of the work in a language different from that of previous expressions of the original work.
6638 familyskos:scopeNoteA translator may also translate linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods.
6639 familyrdfs:labelhas reviser family
6640 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6641 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelreviser family
6642 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by making changes to the content of another expression.
6643 engineer familyrdfs:labelhas audio engineer family
6644 engineer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6645 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio engineer family
6646 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
6647 familyrdfs:labelhas DJ family
6648 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6649 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelDJ family
6650 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
6651 familyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of an original work, resulting in a new work, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording, are excluded.
6652 director familyrdfs:labelhas art director family
6653 director familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6654 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelart director family
6655 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
6656 familyrdfs:labelhas performer family
6657 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6658 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelperformer family
6659 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6660 reporter familyrdfs:labelhas court reporter family
6661 reporter familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6662 reporter familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt reporter family
6663 reporter familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by preparing the opinions of a court for publication.
6664 developer familyrdfs:labelhas software developer family
6665 developer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6666 developer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsoftware developer family
6667 developer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
6668 family of expressionrdfs:labelhas interviewee family of expression
6669 family of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6670 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee family of expression
6671 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other agent who gathers information.
6672 family of expressionrdfs:labelhas restorationist family of expression
6673 family of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6674 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist family of expression
6675 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by restoring or combining earlier expressions, which may be damaged or fragmentary, to create a new expression.
6676 familyrdfs:labelhas censor family
6677 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6678 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcensor family
6679 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by revising the content of another expression for the purpose of suppressing content deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and general content substantially unchanged.
6680 familyskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6681 familyrdfs:labelhas abridger family
6682 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6683 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelabridger family
6684 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by shortening an expression of a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
6685 familyskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new work is excluded.
6686 familyrdfs:labelhas recordist family
6687 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6688 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrecordist family
6689 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
6690 familyskos:scopeNoteIncludes field recordings of natural sounds, music performances, and other events.
6691 familyrdfs:labelhas transcriber family
6692 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6693 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscriber family
6694 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
6695 familyskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical work for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
6696 effects provider familyrdfs:labelhas special effects provider family
6697 effects provider familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6698 effects provider familyrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial effects provider family
6699 effects provider familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a moving image or audio work by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
6700 effects provider familyrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider family
6701 effects provider familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6702 effects provider familyrdakit:toolkitLabelvisual effects provider family
6703 effects provider familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a moving image work by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
6704 programmer familyrdfs:labelhas music programmer family
6705 programmer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6706 programmer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic programmer family
6707 programmer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a musical work by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
6708 programmer familyskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical work is excluded.
6709 participant familyrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant family
6710 participant familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6711 participant familyrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen participant family
6712 participant familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a nonfiction moving image work by taking an active role as a participant.
6713 participant familyskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
6714 director familyrdfs:labelhas stage director family
6715 director familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6716 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelstage director family
6717 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a stage work through the general management and supervision of a performance.
6718 family of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger family of music
6719 family of musicskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6720 family of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelarranger family of music
6721 family of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a work by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a work was originally intended.
6722 family of musicskos:scopeNoteContribution includes modification of a work for the same medium of performance, etc., that keeps the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, and excludes substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical work.
6723 family to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor family to performance
6724 family to performanceskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6725 family to performancerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to performance
6726 family to performancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression that is a performance.
6727 family to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor family to amalgamation
6728 family to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6729 family to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to amalgamation
6730 family to amalgamationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
6731 conductor familyrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor family
6732 conductor familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6733 conductor familyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumental conductor family
6734 conductor familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6735 familyrdfs:labelhas actor family
6736 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6737 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelactor family
6738 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6739 presenter familyrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter family
6740 presenter familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6741 presenter familyrdakit:toolkitLabelonscreen presenter family
6742 presenter familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information.
6743 presenter familyskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
6744 familyrdfs:labelhas dancer family
6745 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6746 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldancer family
6747 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6748 familyrdfs:labelhas host family
6749 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6750 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelhost family
6751 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
6752 familyrdfs:labelhas moderator family
6753 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6754 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmoderator family
6755 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6756 familyrdfs:labelhas puppeteer family
6757 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6758 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpuppeteer family
6759 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
6760 familyrdfs:labelhas panelist family
6761 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6762 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpanelist family
6763 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
6764 familyrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist family
6765 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6766 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstrumentalist family
6767 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by playing a musical instrument.
6768 familyrdfs:labelhas commentator family
6769 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6770 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentator family
6771 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
6772 familyrdfs:labelhas narrator family
6773 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6774 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelnarrator family
6775 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
6776 familyrdfs:labelhas storyteller family
6777 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6778 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelstoryteller family
6779 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
6780 familyrdfs:labelhas speaker family
6781 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6782 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelspeaker family
6783 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by speaking words.
6784 familyskos:scopeNoteIncludes a lecture or speech.
6785 familyrdfs:labelhas instructor family
6786 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6787 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelinstructor family
6788 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by teaching or providing a demonstration.
6789 familyrdfs:labelhas singer family
6790 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6791 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsinger family
6792 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
6793 familyskos:scopeNoteA performance of a singer may or may not include actual words.
6794 familyrdfs:labelhas conductor family
6795 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6796 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelconductor family
6797 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a performer who contributes to an expression of a musical work by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
6798 actor familyrdfs:labelhas voice actor family
6799 actor familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed expressions, etc.
6800 actor familyrdakit:toolkitLabelvoice actor family
6801 actor familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an actor who contributes to an expression by providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image works, as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
6802 engineer familyrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer family
6803 engineer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6804 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmixing engineer family
6805 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
6806 engineer familyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original work, resulting in a new work, are excluded.
6807 engineer familyrdfs:labelhas recording engineer family
6808 engineer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6809 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording engineer family
6810 engineer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of an expression by supervising the technical aspects of a recording session.
6811 familyrdfs:labelhas letterer family
6812 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6813 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelletterer family
6814 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression of a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing the text and graphic sound effects.
6815 familyrdfs:labelhas presenter family
6816 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6817 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpresenter family
6818 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is included in statement of an "X presents:" credit in a manifestation that embodies an expression and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution of an expression of a moving image work in some way.
6819 family of expressionrdfs:labelhas creator family of expression
6820 family of expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6821 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of expression
6822 family of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for a realization of a work.
6823 family of expressionskos:scopeNoteA creator of expression includes a translator, arranger of music, performer, etc. A creator of a work that is realized by an expression is also a creator of expression.
6824 family of moving image workrdfs:labelhas editor family of moving image work
6825 family of moving image workskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6826 family of moving image workrdakit:toolkitLabeleditor family of moving image work
6827 family of moving image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
6828 designer familyrdfs:labelhas production designer family
6829 designer familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6830 designer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction designer family
6831 designer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
6832 taker familyrdfs:labelhas minute taker family
6833 taker familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6834 taker familyrdakit:toolkitLabelminute taker family
6835 taker familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
6836 director familyrdfs:labelhas dubbing director family
6837 director familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6838 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldubbing director family
6839 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a soundtrack for an expression.
6840 familyrdfs:labelhas animator family
6841 familyskos:definitionRelates an expression to a family who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6842 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelanimator family
6843 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who contributes to an expression by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
6844 familyskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
6845 of versionrdfs:labelhas designation of version
6846 of versionskos:definitionRelates an expression to a word or phrase that distinguishes an expression from another expression of the same work.
6847 of versionskos:altLabelother distinguishing characteristic of expression
6848 of versionrdakit:toolkitLabeldesignation of version
6849 of versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word or phrase that distinguishes an expression from another expression of the same work.
6850 colour
6851 an expression to a categorization reflecting a hue of the visual content of an expression.
6853 categorization reflecting a hue of the visual content of an expression.
6855 may be present in an expression with a content type of "cartographic image", "cartographic moving image", "cartographic three-dimensional form", "notated movement", "notated music", "performed movement", "still image", "text", "three-dimensional moving image", "three-dimensional form", or "two-dimensional moving image".
6856 expressionrdfs:labelhas source expression
6857 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is modified to create a new expression of the same work.
6858 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsource expression
6859 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is modified to create a new expression of the same work.
6860 expressionrdfs:labelhas derivative expression
6861 expressionskos:definitionRelates an expression to an expression that is a modification of another expression of the same work.
6862 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelderivative expression
6863 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is a modification of another expression of the same work.
6864 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis expression described with metadata by
6865 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a metadata work for an expression.
6866 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression described with metadata by
6867 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for an expression.
6868 workrdfs:labelhas concordance work
6869 workskos:definitionRelates an expression to a work that is a systematic guide of all or selected words that occur in an expression that realizes a textual work.
6870 workrdakit:toolkitLabelconcordance work
6871 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a systematic guide of all or selected words that occur in an expression that realizes a textual work.
6872 for itemrdfs:labelhas identifier for item
6873 for itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is an appellation of item that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an item.
6874 for itemrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for item
6875 for itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of item that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an item.
6876 of itemrdfs:labelhas modification of item
6877 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a modification that is specific to an item and is assumed not to apply to other items exemplifying the same manifestation.
6878 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelmodification of item
6879 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA modification that is specific to an item and is assumed not to apply to other items exemplifying the same manifestation.
6880 of itemskos:altLabelnote on item-specific carrier characteristic
6881 agentrdfs:labelhas depositor agent
6882 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
6883 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor agent
6884 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
6885 agentskos:altLabeldepositor
6886 agentrdfs:labelhas donor agent
6887 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
6888 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor agent
6889 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
6890 agentskos:altLabeldonor
6891 agentrdfs:labelhas seller agent
6892 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
6893 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelseller agent
6894 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
6895 agentskos:altLabelseller
6896 in itemrdfs:labelis contained in item
6897 in itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is a larger item of which an item is a discrete component.
6898 in itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcontained in item
6899 in itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is a larger item of which an item is a discrete component.
6900 on dimensions of itemrdfs:labelhas note on dimensions of item
6901 on dimensions of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a note on item that provides information on the dimensions of an item.
6902 on dimensions of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on dimensions of item
6903 on dimensions of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on item that provides information on the dimensions of an item.
6904 on extent of itemrdfs:labelhas note on extent of item
6905 on extent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a note on item that provides information on the extent of an item.
6906 on extent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on extent of item
6907 on extent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on item that provides information on the extent of an item.
6908 agentrdfs:labelhas illuminator agent
6909 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
6910 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator agent
6911 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
6912 agentskos:altLabelilluminator
6913 agentrdfs:labelhas binder agent
6914 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who binds an item.
6915 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder agent
6916 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who binds an item.
6917 agentskos:altLabelbinder
6918 inscriber
6919 an item to a person who writes a statement of dedication or gift on an item.
6921 person who writes a statement of dedication or gift on an item.
6922 annotator
6923 an item to a person who adds notes and other information to an item by hand.
6925 person who adds notes and other information to an item by hand.
6926 autographer
6927 an item to a person whose manuscript signature appears on an item.
6929 person whose manuscript signature appears on an item.
6930 owner agentrdfs:labelhas current owner agent
6931 owner agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who has current legal possession of an item.
6932 owner agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner agent
6933 owner agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has current legal possession of an item.
6934 owner agentskos:altLabelcurrent owner
6935 owner agentrdfs:labelhas former owner agent
6936 owner agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who has former legal possession of an item.
6937 owner agentrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner agent
6938 owner agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has former legal possession of an item.
6939 owner agentskos:altLabelformer owner
6940 agentrdfs:labelhas custodian agent
6941 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who has legal custody of an item.
6942 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian agent
6943 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has legal custody of an item.
6944 agentskos:altLabelcustodian
6945 agentrdfs:labelhas owner agent
6946 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who has current or former legal possession of an item.
6947 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelowner agent
6948 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has current or former legal possession of an item.
6949 agentskos:altLabelowner
6950 agent of itemrdfs:labelhas honouree agent of item
6951 agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is honoured by an item.
6952 agent of itemskos:altLabelhonoree of item
6953 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree agent of item
6954 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is honoured by an item.
6955 agent of itemskos:altLabelhonouree (item)
6956 agent of itemrdfs:labelhas restorationist agent of item
6957 agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
6958 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist agent of item
6959 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
6960 agent of itemskos:altLabelrestorationist (item)
6961 agent of itemrdfs:labelhas dedicatee agent of item
6962 agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent to whom an item is dedicated.
6963 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee agent of item
6964 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent to whom an item is dedicated.
6965 agent of itemskos:altLabeldedicatee (item)
6966 history of itemrdfs:labelhas custodial history of item
6967 history of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a record of previous ownership or custodianship of an item, including agent, place, and timespan.
6968 history of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodial history of item
6969 history of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA record of previous ownership or custodianship of an item, including agent, place, and timespan.
6970 on itemrdfs:labelhas note on item
6971 on itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an item.
6972 on itemrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on item
6973 on itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an item.
6974 withrdfs:labelis held with
6975 withskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is held in the same collection as an item.
6976 withrdakit:toolkitLabelheld with
6977 withrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is held in the same collection as an item.
6978 withskos:altLabelaccompanying item relationship
6979 withskos:altLabelaccompanied by item
6980 itemrdfs:labelhas equivalent item
6981 itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that exemplifies a manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work.
6982 itemrdakit:toolkitLabelequivalent item
6983 itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that exemplifies a manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work.
6984 itemskos:altLabelequivalent item relationship
6985 withrdfs:labelis bound with
6986 withskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is physically combined with an item to form a collection manifestation.
6987 withrdakit:toolkitLabelbound with
6988 withrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is physically combined with an item to form a collection manifestation.
6989 of itemrdfs:labelis container of item
6990 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is a discrete component of a larger item.
6991 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcontainer of item
6992 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is a discrete component of a larger item.
6993 disc with itemrdfs:labelis on disc with item
6994 disc with itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is contained on the same disc as an item.
6995 disc with itemrdakit:toolkitLabelon disc with item
6996 disc with itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is contained on the same disc as an item.
6997 with itemrdfs:labelis filmed with item
6998 with itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is contained on the same microform as an item.
6999 with itemrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmed with item
7000 with itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is contained on the same microform as an item.
7001 item of itemrdfs:labelhas related item of item
7002 item of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is associated with an item.
7003 item of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of item
7004 item of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with an item.
7005 item of itemskos:altLabelwhole-part item relationship
7006 on access to itemrdfs:labelhas restriction on access to item
7007 on access to itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a limitation placed on access to an item.
7008 on access to itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestriction on access to item
7009 on access to itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA limitation placed on access to an item.
7010 on use of itemrdfs:labelhas restriction on use of item
7011 on use of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a limitation placed on reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc., of an item.
7012 on use of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestriction on use of item
7013 on use of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA limitation placed on reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc., of an item.
7014 exemplifiedrdfs:labelhas manifestation exemplified
7015 exemplifiedskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that is exemplified by an item.
7016 exemplifiedrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation exemplified
7017 exemplifiedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is exemplified by an item.
7018 source of acquisition of itemrdfs:labelhas immediate source of acquisition of item
7019 source of acquisition of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to the circumstances under which an item is directly acquired, including a method, source, and date of acquisition.
7020 source of acquisition of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelimmediate source of acquisition of item
7021 source of acquisition of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe circumstances under which an item is directly acquired, including a method, source, and date of acquisition.
7022 item ofrdfs:labelis subject item of
7023 item ofskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is about an item.
7024 item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject item of
7025 item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about an item.
7026 item ofskos:altLabelsubject of (item)
7027 described byrdfs:labelis item described by
7028 described byskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is a description of an item.
7029 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelitem described by
7030 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of an item.
7031 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (item)
7032 analysed inrdfs:labelis item analysed in
7033 analysed inskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that describes the structure and composition of an item.
7034 analysed inrdakit:toolkitLabelitem analysed in
7035 analysed inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that describes the structure and composition of an item.
7036 analysed inskos:altLabelanalysed in (item)
7037 commentary inrdfs:labelis item commentary in
7038 commentary inskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on an item.
7039 commentary inrdakit:toolkitLabelitem commentary in
7040 commentary inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on an item.
7041 commentary inskos:altLabelcommentary in (item)
7042 RDA entity of itemrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of item
7043 RDA entity of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an RDA entity that is associated with an item.
7044 RDA entity of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of item
7045 RDA entity of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with an item.
7046 work of itemrdfs:labelhas related work of item
7047 work of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is associated with an item.
7048 work of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of item
7049 work of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with an item.
7050 expression of itemrdfs:labelhas related expression of item
7051 expression of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an expression that is associated with an item.
7052 expression of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of item
7053 expression of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with an item.
7054 manifestation of itemrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of item
7055 manifestation of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that is associated with an item.
7056 manifestation of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of item
7057 manifestation of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with an item.
7058 agent of itemrdfs:labelhas related agent of item
7059 agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent who is associated with an item.
7060 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of item
7061 agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with an item.
7062 agent of itemskos:altLabelother agent associated with item
7063 person of itemrdfs:labelhas related person of item
7064 person of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is associated with an item.
7065 person of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of item
7066 person of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with an item.
7067 family of itemrdfs:labelhas related family of item
7068 family of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is associated with an item.
7069 family of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of item
7070 family of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with an item.
7071 corporate body of itemrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of item
7072 corporate body of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is associated with an item.
7073 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of item
7074 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with an item.
7075 collective agent of itemrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of item
7076 collective agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is associated with an item.
7077 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of item
7078 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with an item.
7079 place of itemrdfs:labelhas related place of item
7080 place of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a place that is associated with an item.
7081 place of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of item
7082 place of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with an item.
7083 timespan of itemrdfs:labelhas related timespan of item
7084 timespan of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a timespan that is associated with an item.
7085 timespan of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of item
7086 timespan of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with an item.
7087 nomen of itemrdfs:labelhas related nomen of item
7088 nomen of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is associated with an item.
7089 nomen of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of item
7090 nomen of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with an item.
7091 point for itemrdfs:labelhas access point for item
7092 point for itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is an appellation of item in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
7093 point for itemrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for item
7094 point for itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of item in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
7095 of itemrdfs:labelhas appellation of item
7096 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an item.
7097 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of item
7098 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an item.
7099 of itemrdfs:labelhas title of item
7100 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is an appellation of item in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
7101 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of item
7102 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of item in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
7103 access point for itemrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for item
7104 access point for itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is an access point of item that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
7105 access point for itemrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for item
7106 access point for itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of item that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
7107 access point for itemrdfs:labelhas variant access point for item
7108 access point for itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is a n access point of item that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
7109 access point for itemrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for item
7110 access point for itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of item that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
7111 title of itemrdfs:labelhas preferred title of item
7112 title of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is a title of item that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7113 title of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of item
7114 title of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of item that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7115 title of itemrdfs:labelhas variant title of item
7116 title of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a nomen that is a title of item that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7117 title of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of item
7118 title of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of item that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7119 transfer of itemrdfs:labelhas digital transfer of item
7120 transfer of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation in a digital format that results from the transfer of an item in another digital format.
7121 transfer of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital transfer of item
7122 transfer of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in a digital format that results from the transfer of an item in another digital format.
7123 transfer of itemskos:altLabeldigital transfer (item)
7124 reproduction of itemrdfs:labelhas electronic reproduction of item
7125 reproduction of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation in a digital format that is the result of the transfer of an item in analog format.
7126 reproduction of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelelectronic reproduction of item
7127 reproduction of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in a digital format that is the result of the transfer of an item in analog format.
7128 reproduction of itemskos:altLabelelectronic reproduction (item)
7129 of itemrdfs:labelhas facsimile of item
7130 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that exactly reproduces an item that exemplifies another manifestation.
7131 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile of item
7132 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that exactly reproduces an item that exemplifies another manifestation.
7133 of itemskos:altLabelfacsimile (item)
7134 facsimile of itemrdfs:labelhas preservation facsimile of item
7135 facsimile of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that consists of an exact reproduction of an item on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7136 facsimile of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelpreservation facsimile of item
7137 facsimile of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that consists of an exact reproduction of an item on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7138 facsimile of itemskos:altLabelpreservation facsimile (item)
7139 as itemrdfs:labelis reprinted as item
7140 as itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that is a reissue of an item that exemplifies another printed manifestation.
7141 as itemrdakit:toolkitLabelreprinted as item
7142 as itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a reissue of an item that exemplifies another printed manifestation.
7143 as itemrdfs:labelis reproduced as item
7144 as itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation that reproduces an item that exemplifies another manifestation.
7145 as itemrdakit:toolkitLabelreproduced as item
7146 as itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that reproduces an item that exemplifies another manifestation.
7147 agentrdfs:labelhas modifier agent
7148 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier agent
7149 agentskos:definitionRelates an item to an agent that makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7150 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7151 agentskos:altLabelmodifier
7152 of itemrdfs:labelhas binding of item
7153 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is a binding of an item.
7154 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelbinding of item
7155 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a binding of an item.
7156 entity of itemrdfs:labelhas related entity of item
7157 entity of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to an entity that is associated with an item.
7158 entity of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of item
7159 entity of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with an item.
7160 of itemrdfs:labelhas category of item
7161 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a type to which an item belongs.
7162 of itemskos:altLabeltype of item
7163 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of item
7164 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which an item belongs.
7165 person of itemrdfs:labelhas dedicatee person of item
7166 person of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a person to whom an item is dedicated.
7167 person of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee person of item
7168 person of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person to whom an item is dedicated.
7169 personrdfs:labelhas binder person
7170 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who binds an item.
7171 personrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder person
7172 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who binds an item.
7173 personrdfs:labelhas illuminator person
7174 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7175 personrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator person
7176 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7177 owner personrdfs:labelhas current owner person
7178 owner personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who has current legal possession of an item.
7179 owner personrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner person
7180 owner personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has current legal possession of an item.
7181 owner personrdfs:labelhas former owner person
7182 owner personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who has former legal possession of an item.
7183 owner personrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner person
7184 owner personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has former legal possession of an item.
7185 personrdfs:labelhas custodian person
7186 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who has legal custody of an item.
7187 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian person
7188 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has legal custody of an item.
7189 personrdfs:labelhas owner person
7190 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7191 personrdakit:toolkitLabelowner person
7192 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7193 personrdfs:labelhas depositor person
7194 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7195 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor person
7196 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7197 personrdfs:labelhas donor person
7198 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7199 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor person
7200 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7201 personrdfs:labelhas seller person
7202 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7203 personrdakit:toolkitLabelseller person
7204 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7205 person of itemrdfs:labelhas honouree person of item
7206 person of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is honoured by an item.
7207 person of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree person of item
7208 person of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is honoured by an item.
7209 person of itemrdfs:labelhas restorationist person of item
7210 person of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a person who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7211 person of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist person of item
7212 person of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7213 personrdfs:labelhas modifier person
7214 personskos:definitionRelates an item to a person that makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7215 personrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier person
7216 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7217 collective agent of itemrdfs:labelhas dedicatee collective agent of item
7218 collective agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent to whom an item is dedicated.
7219 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee collective agent of item
7220 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent to whom an item is dedicated.
7221 collective agentrdfs:labelhas binder collective agent
7222 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who binds an item.
7223 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder collective agent
7224 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who binds an item.
7225 collective agentrdfs:labelhas illuminator collective agent
7226 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7227 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator collective agent
7228 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7229 owner collective agentrdfs:labelhas current owner collective agent
7230 owner collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who has current legal possession of an item.
7231 owner collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner collective agent
7232 owner collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has current legal possession of an item.
7233 owner collective agentrdfs:labelhas former owner collective agent
7234 owner collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who has former legal possession of an item.
7235 owner collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner collective agent
7236 owner collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has former legal possession of an item.
7237 collective agentrdfs:labelhas custodian collective agent
7238 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who has legal custody of an item.
7239 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian collective agent
7240 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has legal custody of an item.
7241 collective agentrdfs:labelhas owner collective agent
7242 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7243 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelowner collective agent
7244 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7245 collective agentrdfs:labelhas depositor collective agent
7246 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7247 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor collective agent
7248 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7249 collective agentrdfs:labelhas donor collective agent
7250 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7251 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor collective agent
7252 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7253 collective agentrdfs:labelhas seller collective agent
7254 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7255 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelseller collective agent
7256 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7257 collective agent of itemrdfs:labelhas honouree collective agent of item
7258 collective agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is honoured by an item.
7259 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree collective agent of item
7260 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is honoured by an item.
7261 collective agent of itemrdfs:labelhas restorationist collective agent of item
7262 collective agent of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7263 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist collective agent of item
7264 collective agent of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7265 collective agentrdfs:labelhas modifier collective agent
7266 collective agentskos:definitionRelates an item to a collective agent that makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7267 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier collective agent
7268 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7269 corporate body of itemrdfs:labelhas dedicatee corporate body of item
7270 corporate body of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body to whom an item is dedicated.
7271 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee corporate body of item
7272 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body to whom an item is dedicated.
7273 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas binder corporate body
7274 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who binds an item.
7275 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder corporate body
7276 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who binds an item.
7277 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas illuminator corporate body
7278 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7279 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator corporate body
7280 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7281 owner corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas current owner corporate body
7282 owner corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who has current legal possession of an item.
7283 owner corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner corporate body
7284 owner corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has current legal possession of an item.
7285 owner corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas former owner corporate body
7286 owner corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who has former legal possession of an item.
7287 owner corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner corporate body
7288 owner corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has former legal possession of an item.
7289 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas custodian corporate body
7290 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who has legal custody of an item.
7291 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian corporate body
7292 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has legal custody of an item.
7293 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas owner corporate body
7294 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7295 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelowner corporate body
7296 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7297 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas depositor corporate body
7298 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7299 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor corporate body
7300 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7301 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas donor corporate body
7302 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7303 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor corporate body
7304 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7305 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas seller corporate body
7306 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7307 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelseller corporate body
7308 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7309 corporate body of itemrdfs:labelhas honouree corporate body of item
7310 corporate body of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is honoured by an item.
7311 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree corporate body of item
7312 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is honoured by an item.
7313 corporate body of itemrdfs:labelhas restorationist corporate body of item
7314 corporate body of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7315 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist corporate body of item
7316 corporate body of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7317 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas modifier corporate body
7318 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates an item to a corporate body that makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7319 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier corporate body
7320 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7321 family of itemrdfs:labelhas dedicatee family of item
7322 family of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a family to whom an item is dedicated.
7323 family of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee family of item
7324 family of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family to whom an item is dedicated.
7325 familyrdfs:labelhas binder family
7326 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who binds an item.
7327 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelbinder family
7328 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who binds an item.
7329 familyrdfs:labelhas illuminator family
7330 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7331 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelilluminator family
7332 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who decorates a specific item using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
7333 owner familyrdfs:labelhas current owner family
7334 owner familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who has current legal possession of an item.
7335 owner familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcurrent owner family
7336 owner familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has current legal possession of an item.
7337 owner familyrdfs:labelhas former owner family
7338 owner familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who has former legal possession of an item.
7339 owner familyrdakit:toolkitLabelformer owner family
7340 owner familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has former legal possession of an item.
7341 familyrdfs:labelhas custodian family
7342 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who has legal custody of an item.
7343 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcustodian family
7344 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has legal custody of an item.
7345 familyrdfs:labelhas owner family
7346 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7347 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelowner family
7348 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has current or former legal possession of an item.
7349 familyrdfs:labelhas depositor family
7350 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7351 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldepositor family
7352 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a current owner of an item who deposits the item into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
7353 familyrdfs:labelhas donor family
7354 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7355 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldonor family
7356 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a former owner of an item who donates the item to another owner.
7357 familyrdfs:labelhas seller family
7358 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7359 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelseller family
7360 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a former owner of an item who sells the item to another owner.
7361 family of itemrdfs:labelhas honouree family of item
7362 family of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is honoured by an item.
7363 family of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree family of item
7364 family of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is honoured by an item.
7365 family of itemrdfs:labelhas restorationist family of item
7366 family of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a family who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7367 family of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelrestorationist family of item
7368 family of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of an item by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
7369 familyrdfs:labelhas modifier family
7370 familyskos:definitionRelates an item to a family that makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7371 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmodifier family
7372 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who makes changes to an item without creating a new manifestation.
7373 ofrdfs:labelis holding of
7374 ofskos:definitionRelates an item to a manifestation of a collection work that includes the item.
7375 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelholding of
7376 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a collection work that includes the item.
7377 of itemrdfs:labelhas location of item
7378 of itemskos:definitionRelates an item to a place where an item is held, stored, or made available for access.
7379 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabellocation of item
7380 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where an item is held, stored, or made available for access.
7381 manifestation withrdfs:labelis on manifestation with
7382 manifestation withskos:definitionRelates an item to an item that is reproduced on the same manifestation as an item.
7383 manifestation withrdakit:toolkitLabelon manifestation with
7384 manifestation withrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is reproduced on the same manifestation as an item.
7385 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis item described with metadata by
7386 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates an item to a work that is a metadata work for an item.
7387 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelitem described with metadata by
7388 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for an item.
7389 of generationrdfs:labelhas details of generation
7390 of generationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction made from an original.
7391 of generationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of generation
7392 of generationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction made from an original.
7393 typerdfs:labelhas carrier type
7394 typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a manifestation.
7395 typerdakit:toolkitLabelcarrier type
7396 typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a manifestation.
7397 typeskos:altLabeltype of carrier
7398 typeskos:altLabelcategory of carrier
7399 typerdfs:labelhas media type
7400 typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a categorization that reflects the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a manifestation.
7401 typerdakit:toolkitLabelmedia type
7402 typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization that reflects the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a manifestation.
7403 of issuancerdfs:labelhas mode of issuance
7404 of issuanceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a categorization that reflects whether a manifestation is issued in one or more units.
7405 of issuancerdakit:toolkitLabelmode of issuance
7406 of issuancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization that reflects whether a manifestation is issued in one or more units.
7407 for manifestationrdfs:labelhas identifier for manifestation
7408 for manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a n appellation of manifestation that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a manifestation.
7409 for manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for manifestation
7410 for manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of manifestation that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a manifestation.
7411 for manifestationskos:scopeNoteAn identifier for the manifestation includes registered identifiers from internationally recognized schemes, other identifiers assigned by publishers and others following internally devised schemes, identifiers known as fingerprints constructed by combining groups of characters from specified pages of early printed resources, publisher's numbers for notated music, and plate numbers for notated music.
7412 citationrdfs:labelhas preferred citation
7413 citationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a citation for a manifestation in the form preferred by a creator, publisher, custodian, indexing or abstracting service, or other agent.
7414 citationrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred citation
7415 citationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA citation for a manifestation in the form preferred by a creator, publisher, custodian, indexing or abstracting service, or other agent.
7416 encodingrdfs:labelhas regional encoding
7417 encodingskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
7418 encodingrdakit:toolkitLabelregional encoding
7419 encodingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
7420 daterdfs:labelhas copyright date
7421 dateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
7422 dateskos:scopeNoteA copyright date includes a phonogram date associated with a claim of protection for an audio recording.
7423 daterdakit:toolkitLabelcopyright date
7424 daterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
7425 of distributionrdfs:labelhas date of distribution
7426 of distributionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan during which a published manifestation is distributed.
7427 of distributionrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of distribution
7428 of distributionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a published manifestation is distributed.
7429 of productionrdfs:labelhas date of production
7430 of productionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan during which an unpublished manifestation is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, or otherwise produced.
7431 of productionrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of production
7432 of productionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which an unpublished manifestation is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, or otherwise produced.
7433 of manufacturerdfs:labelhas date of manufacture
7434 of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan during which a published manifestation is printed, duplicated, cast, cast, or otherwise manufactured.
7435 of manufacturerdakit:toolkitLabeldate of manufacture
7436 of manufacturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a published manifestation is printed, duplicated, cast, or otherwise manufactured.
7437 of publicationrdfs:labelhas date of publication
7438 of publicationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan during which a published manifestation is published, released, or issued.
7439 of publicationrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of publication
7440 of publicationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a published manifestation is published, released, or issued.
7441 designation of named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel designation of named revision of edition
7442 designation of named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a designation of a named revision of an edition in another language or script.
7443 designation of named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel designation of named revision of edition
7444 designation of named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA designation of a named revision of an edition in another language or script.
7445 designation of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel designation of edition
7446 designation of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a designation of edition in another language or script.
7447 designation of editionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel designation of edition
7448 designation of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA designation of edition in another language or script.
7449 within sequencerdfs:labelhas numbering within sequence
7450 within sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation that is assigned to a manifestation to identify its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger manifestation or parts or issues of a larger work.
7451 within sequenceskos:scopeNoteNumbering may include dates or other timespans, alphanumeric or other characters, and an accompanying caption.
7452 within sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelnumbering within sequence
7453 within sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation that is assigned to a manifestation to identify its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger manifestation or parts or issues of a larger work.
7454 within sequenceskos:altLabelnumbering within series
7455 within sequenceskos:altLabelnumbering within subseries
7456 reproduction of manifestationrdfs:labelhas electronic reproduction of manifestation
7457 reproduction of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation in a digital format that is the result of the transfer of a manifestation in an analog format.
7458 reproduction of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelelectronic reproduction of manifestation
7459 reproduction of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in a digital format that is the result of the transfer of a manifestation in an analog format.
7460 reproduction of manifestationskos:altLabelelectronic reproduction (manifestation)
7461 name of distributorrdfs:labelhas parallel name of distributor
7462 name of distributorskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of distributor in another language or script.
7463 name of distributorrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of distributor
7464 name of distributorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of distributor in another language or script.
7465 name of distributorskos:altLabelparallel distributor's name
7466 typerdfs:labelhas file type
7467 typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a general type of data content encoded in a computer file.
7468 typerdakit:toolkitLabelfile type
7469 typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA general type of data content encoded in a computer file.
7470 part ofrdfs:labelis facsimile part of
7471 part ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a part manifestation that exactly reproduces another manifestation.
7472 part ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile part of
7473 part ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a part manifestation that exactly reproduces another manifestation.
7474 part ofskos:altLabelfacsimile contained in
7475 of manifestationrdfs:labelis part of manifestation
7476 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that has another manifestation as a discrete component.
7477 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelpart of manifestation
7478 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has another manifestation as a discrete component.
7479 of manifestationskos:altLabelcontained in (manifestation)
7480 facsimile of manifestationrdfs:labelhas preservation facsimile of manifestation
7481 facsimile of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that consists of an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7482 facsimile of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelpreservation facsimile of manifestation
7483 facsimile of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that consists of an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7484 facsimile of manifestationskos:altLabelpreservation facsimile (manifestation)
7485 insert
7486 a manifestation to a manifestation that is a separate part of another manifestation.
7488 manifestation that is a separate part of another manifestation.
7489 insert includes a map, illustration, or advertising supplement that is not integrated with the other manifestation.
7490 manifestationrdfs:labelhas equivalent manifestation
7491 manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work.
7492 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelequivalent manifestation
7493 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work.
7494 manifestationskos:altLabelequivalent manifestation relationship
7495 inrdfs:labelis inserted in
7496 inskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that includes another manifestation as a separate part.
7497 inrdakit:toolkitLabelinserted in
7498 inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that includes another manifestation as a separate part.
7499 inskos:scopeNoteAn insert includes a map, illustration, or advertising supplement that is not integrated with the other manifestation.
7500 issued asrdfs:labelis also issued as
7501 issued asskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work in a different format.
7502 issued asrdakit:toolkitLabelalso issued as
7503 issued asrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that embodies the same expression of a work in a different format.
7504 by manifestationrdfs:labelis accompanied by manifestation
7505 by manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a part of the same manifestation as another part manifestation.
7506 by manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelaccompanied by manifestation
7507 by manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a part of the same manifestation as another part manifestation.
7508 by manifestationskos:altLabelaccompanying manifestation relationship
7509 by manifestationskos:altLabelaccompanying expression relationship
7510 by manifestationskos:altLabelaccompanying work relationship
7511 siterdfs:labelhas mirror site
7512 siteskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is an exact copy of a website that is used to reduce network traffic or improve the availability of the content of the original site.
7513 siterdakit:toolkitLabelmirror site
7514 siterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an exact copy of a website that is used to reduce network traffic or improve the availability of the content of the original site.
7515 transfer of manifestationrdfs:labelhas digital transfer of manifestation
7516 transfer of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation in a digital format that results from the transfer of a manifestation in another digital format.
7517 transfer of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital transfer of manifestation
7518 transfer of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in a digital format that results from the transfer of a manifestation in another digital format.
7519 transfer of manifestationskos:altLabeldigital transfer (manifestation)
7520 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas facsimile of manifestation
7521 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that exactly reproduces another manifestation.
7522 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile of manifestation
7523 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that exactly reproduces another manifestation.
7524 of manifestationskos:altLabelfacimile (manifestation)
7525 manifestationrdfs:labelhas part manifestation
7526 manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a discrete component of another manifestation.
7527 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelpart manifestation
7528 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a discrete component of another manifestation.
7529 manifestationskos:altLabelcontainer of (manifestation)
7530 carrier unit withrdfs:labelis on carrier unit with
7531 carrier unit withskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a part of the same carrier unit as another part manifestation.
7532 carrier unit withrdakit:toolkitLabelon carrier unit with
7533 carrier unit withrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a part of the same carrier unit as another part manifestation.
7534 carrier unit withskos:altLabelissued with
7535 disc with manifestationrdfs:labelis on disc with manifestation
7536 disc with manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is issued on the same disc with a manifestation being described.
7537 disc with manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelon disc with manifestation
7538 disc with manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is issued on the same disc with a manifestation being described.
7539 with manifestationrdfs:labelis filmed with manifestation
7540 with manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is issued on the same microform with a manifestation being described.
7541 with manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmed with manifestation
7542 with manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is issued on the same microform with a manifestation being described.
7543 as manifestationrdfs:labelis reprinted as manifestation
7544 as manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a reissue of another printed manifestation.
7545 as manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelreprinted as manifestation
7546 as manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a reissue of another printed manifestation.
7547 as manifestationrdfs:labelis reproduced as manifestation
7548 as manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that reproduces another manifestation.
7549 as manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelreproduced as manifestation
7550 as manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that reproduces another manifestation.
7551 transfer of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis digital transfer of manifestation of
7552 transfer of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation in a digital format that is transferred to another digital format.
7553 transfer of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital transfer of manifestation of
7554 transfer of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in a digital format that is transferred to another digital format.
7555 transfer of manifestation ofskos:altLabeldigital transfer of (manifestation)
7556 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis reproduction of manifestation of
7557 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is used as the basis for a reproduction.
7558 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreproduction of manifestation of
7559 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is used as the basis for a reproduction.
7560 of manifestation ofskos:altLabelreproduction of (manifestation)
7561 facsimile of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis preservation facsimile of manifestation of
7562 facsimile of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7563 facsimile of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreservation facsimile of manifestation of
7564 facsimile of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
7565 partrdfs:labelhas facsimile part
7566 partskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is exactly reproduced as a part of another manifestation.
7567 partrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile part
7568 partrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is exactly reproduced as a part of another manifestation.
7569 partskos:altLabelfacsimile container of
7570 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis facsimile of manifestation of
7571 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction.
7572 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile of manifestation of
7573 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction.
7574 manifestation of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of manifestation
7575 manifestation of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is associated with a manifestation.
7576 manifestation of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of manifestation
7577 manifestation of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a manifestation.
7578 manifestation of manifestationskos:altLabelwhole-part manifestation relationship
7579 name of manufacturerrdfs:labelhas parallel name of manufacturer
7580 name of manufacturerskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of manufacturer in another language or script.
7581 name of manufacturerrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of manufacturer
7582 name of manufacturerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of manufacturer in another language or script.
7583 name of manufacturerskos:altLabelparallel manufacturer's name
7584 on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestationrdfs:labelhas note on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestation
7585 on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note that identifies a part or iteration that is used for the base description of a multiunit or integrating manifestation.
7586 on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestation
7587 on issue or part or iteration used as basis for identification of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note that identifies a part or iteration that is used for the base description of a multiunit or integrating manifestation.
7588 on changes in carrier characteristicsrdfs:labelhas note on changes in carrier characteristics
7589 on changes in carrier characteristicsskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on variations in the carrier characteristics that are found on manifestations of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work.
7590 on changes in carrier characteristicsrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on changes in carrier characteristics
7591 on changes in carrier characteristicsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on variations in the carrier characteristics that are found on manifestations of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work.
7592 on distribution statementrdfs:labelhas note on distribution statement
7593 on distribution statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the distribution of a manifestation.
7594 on distribution statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on distribution statement
7595 on distribution statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the distribution of a manifestation.
7596 on manufacture statementrdfs:labelhas note on manufacture statement
7597 on manufacture statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the manufacture of a manifestation.
7598 on manufacture statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on manufacture statement
7599 on manufacture statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the manufacture of a manifestation.
7600 on production statementrdfs:labelhas note on production statement
7601 on production statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the production of a manifestation.
7602 on production statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on production statement
7603 on production statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the production of a manifestation.
7604 on publication statementrdfs:labelhas note on publication statement
7605 on publication statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the publication of a manifestation.
7606 on publication statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on publication statement
7607 on publication statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the publication of a manifestation.
7608 on statement of responsibilityrdfs:labelhas note on statement of responsibility
7609 on statement of responsibilityskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to note on manifestation that provides information on an agent, and their function, who is responsible for a work or its expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7610 on statement of responsibilityrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on statement of responsibility
7611 on statement of responsibilityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on an agent, and their function, who is responsible for a work or its expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7612 on series statementrdfs:labelhas note on series statement
7613 on series statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on a series with which a manifestation is associated.
7614 on series statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on series statement
7615 on series statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on a series with which a manifestation is associated.
7616 on copyright daterdfs:labelhas note on copyright date
7617 on copyright dateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on a copyright date.
7618 on copyright daterdakit:toolkitLabelnote on copyright date
7619 on copyright daterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on a copyright date.
7620 on dimensions of manifestationrdfs:labelhas note on dimensions of manifestation
7621 on dimensions of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the dimensions of a manifestation.
7622 on dimensions of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on dimensions of manifestation
7623 on dimensions of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the dimensions of a manifestation.
7624 on extent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas note on extent of manifestation
7625 on extent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the extent of a manifestation.
7626 on extent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on extent of manifestation
7627 on extent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the extent of a manifestation.
7628 on numbering of sequencerdfs:labelhas note on numbering of sequence
7629 on numbering of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on the range of designators that is used to indicate a sequence of the individual parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7630 on numbering of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelnote on numbering of sequence
7631 on numbering of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on the range of designators that is used to indicate a sequence of the individual parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7632 on numbering of sequenceskos:altLabelnote on numbering of serials
7633 on titlerdfs:labelhas note on title
7634 on titleskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on inaccuracies appearing in titles, complex changes in titles, or on other information relating to a title.
7635 on titlerdakit:toolkitLabelnote on title
7636 on titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on inaccuracies appearing in titles, complex changes in titles, or on other information relating to a title.
7637 on edition statementrdfs:labelhas note on edition statement
7638 on edition statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on an edition of a manifestation.
7639 on edition statementrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on edition statement
7640 on edition statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on an edition of a manifestation.
7641 number for notated musicrdfs:labelhas publisher number for notated music
7642 number for notated musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a plate number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression.
7643 number for notated musicrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher number for notated music
7644 number for notated musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a plate number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression.
7645 number for notated musicskos:scopeNoteThe number normally appears only on the title page, the cover, or the first page of music, and sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher.
7646 number for notated musicskos:altLabelpublisher's number for notated music
7647 number for notated musicrdfs:labelhas plate number for notated music
7648 number for notated musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process.
7649 number for notated musicskos:scopeNoteThe number normally appears at the bottom of each page, and sometimes on the title page. The number may include initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher, or be followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate.
7650 number for notated musicrdakit:toolkitLabelplate number for notated music
7651 number for notated musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to a manifestation of a notated music expression to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process.
7652 agentrdfs:labelhas broadcaster agent
7653 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
7654 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster agent
7655 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
7656 agentskos:altLabelbroadcaster
7657 distributor agentrdfs:labelhas film distributor agent
7658 distributor agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
7659 distributor agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor agent
7660 distributor agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
7661 distributor agentskos:altLabelfilm distributor
7662 designer agentrdfs:labelhas book designer agent
7663 designer agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
7664 designer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer agent
7665 designer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
7666 designer agentskos:altLabelbook designer
7667 agentrdfs:labelhas engraver agent
7668 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
7669 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver agent
7670 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
7671 agentskos:altLabelengraver
7672 embosser agentrdfs:labelhas braille embosser agent
7673 embosser agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
7674 embosser agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser agent
7675 embosser agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
7676 embosser agentskos:altLabelbraille embosser
7677 agentrdfs:labelhas printmaker agent
7678 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
7679 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker agent
7680 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
7681 agentskos:altLabelprintmaker
7682 agentrdfs:labelhas caster agent
7683 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
7684 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster agent
7685 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
7686 agentskos:altLabelcaster
7687 agentrdfs:labelhas lithographer agent
7688 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
7689 agentrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer agent
7690 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
7691 agentskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
7692 agentskos:altLabellithographer
7693 agentrdfs:labelhas platemaker agent
7694 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
7695 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker agent
7696 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
7697 agentskos:altLabelplatemaker
7698 agentrdfs:labelhas etcher agent
7699 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
7700 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher agent
7701 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
7702 agentskos:altLabeletcher
7703 agentrdfs:labelhas collotyper agent
7704 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
7705 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper agent
7706 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
7707 agentskos:altLabelcollotyper
7708 agentskos:altLabelcollotypist agent
7709 agentrdfs:labelhas printer agent
7710 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
7711 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter agent
7712 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
7713 agentskos:altLabelprinter
7714 agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes the manufacture of a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, or score.
7715 agentrdfs:labelhas distributor agent
7716 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
7717 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor agent
7718 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
7719 agentskos:altLabeldistributor
7720 agent of unpublished manifestationrdfs:labelhas producer agent of unpublished manifestation
7721 agent of unpublished manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
7722 agent of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer agent of unpublished manifestation
7723 agent of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing, an unpublished manifestation.
7724 agent of unpublished manifestationskos:altLabelproducer of unpublished manifestation
7725 agentrdfs:labelhas manufacturer agent
7726 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
7727 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer agent
7728 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
7729 agentskos:altLabelmanufacturer
7730 agentrdfs:labelhas publisher agent
7731 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
7732 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher agent
7733 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
7734 agentskos:altLabelpublisher
7735 materialrdfs:labelhas applied material
7736 materialskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a manifestation.
7737 materialrdakit:toolkitLabelapplied material
7738 materialrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a manifestation.
7739 of distributionrdfs:labelhas place of distribution
7740 of distributionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with the distribution of a published manifestation.
7741 of distributionrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of distribution
7742 of distributionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with the distribution of a published manifestation.
7743 of productionrdfs:labelhas place of production
7744 of productionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
7745 of productionrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of production
7746 of productionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
7747 of manufacturerdfs:labelhas place of manufacture
7748 of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published manifestation.
7749 of manufacturerdakit:toolkitLabelplace of manufacture
7750 of manufacturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published manifestation.
7751 of publicationrdfs:labelhas place of publication
7752 of publicationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a published manifestation.
7753 of publicationrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of publication
7754 of publicationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a published manifestation.
7755 place of distributionrdfs:labelhas parallel place of distribution
7756 place of distributionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place of distribution in another language or script.
7757 place of distributionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of distribution
7758 place of distributionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place of distribution in another language or script.
7759 place of manufacturerdfs:labelhas parallel place of manufacture
7760 place of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place of manufacture in another language or script.
7761 place of manufacturerdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of manufacture
7762 place of manufacturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place of manufacture in another language or script.
7763 place of productionrdfs:labelhas parallel place of production
7764 place of productionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place of production in another language or script.
7765 place of productionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of production
7766 place of productionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place of production in another language or script.
7767 place of publicationrdfs:labelhas parallel place of publication
7768 place of publicationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place of publication in another language or script.
7769 place of publicationrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of publication
7770 place of publicationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place of publication in another language or script.
7771 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis reprint of manifestation of
7772 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation that is a printed manifestation that is used as the basis for a reissue of a manifestation.
7773 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreprint of manifestation of
7774 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a printed manifestation that is used as the basis for a reissue of a manifestation.
7775 of manifestation ofskos:altLabelreprint of (manifestation)
7776 name of producerrdfs:labelhas parallel name of producer
7777 name of producerskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of producer in another language or script.
7778 name of producerrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of producer
7779 name of producerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of producer in another language or script.
7780 name of producerskos:altLabelparallel producer's name
7781 name of publisherrdfs:labelhas parallel name of publisher
7782 name of publisherskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of publisher in another language or script.
7783 name of publisherrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of publisher
7784 name of publisherrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of publisher in another language or script.
7785 name of publisherskos:altLabelparallel publisher's name
7786 formatrdfs:labelhas encoding format
7787 formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a schema or standard that is used to encode the digital content of a manifestation.
7788 formatrdakit:toolkitLabelencoding format
7789 formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA schema or standard that is used to encode the digital content of a manifestation.
7790 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
7791 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7792 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelfirst alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
7793 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7794 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:altLabelalternative numeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence
7795 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
7796 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7797 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitLabellast alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
7798 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7799 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:altLabelalternative numeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of sequence
7800 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas first chronological designation of alternative sequence
7801 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation toa nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7802 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelfirst chronological designation of alternative sequence
7803 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7804 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year. A chronological designation of alternative sequence may include a date in a different calendar.
7805 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:altLabelalternative chronological designation of first issue or part of sequence
7806 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas last chronological designation of alternative sequence
7807 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7808 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitLabellast chronological designation of alternative sequence
7809 chronological designation of alternative sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7810 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year. A chronological designation of alternative sequence may include a date in a different calendar.
7811 chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:altLabelalternative chronological designation of last issue or part of sequence
7812 representation of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas digital representation of cartographic content
7813 representation of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a set of technical details relating to the encoding of geospatial information in a manifestation.
7814 representation of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital representation of cartographic content
7815 representation of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of technical details relating to the encoding of geospatial information in a manifestation.
7816 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas exemplar of manifestation
7817 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that is a single instance of a manifestation.
7818 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelexemplar of manifestation
7819 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is a single instance of a manifestation.
7820 formatrdfs:labelhas video format
7821 formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a manifestation.
7822 formatrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo format
7823 formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a manifestation.
7824 of responsibility relating to title properrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to title proper
7825 of responsibility relating to title properskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility that is associated with a title proper.
7826 of responsibility relating to title properrdakit:toolkitLabelstatement of responsibility relating to title proper
7827 of responsibility relating to title properrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility that is associated with a title proper.
7828 of responsibility relating to title properskos:scopeNoteA statement of responsibility relating to title proper does not include a statement of responsibility relating to an edition or a series.
7829 statementrdfs:labelhas series statement
7830 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies a series that is associated with a manifestation and a numbering of a manifestation within the series,
7831 statementskos:scopeNoteA series statement includes any or all of title of series, other title information of series, statement of responsibility relating to series, and numbering within sequence.
7832 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelseries statement
7833 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies a series that is associated with a manifestation and a numbering of a manifestation within the series,
7834 statementrdfs:labelhas edition statement
7835 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
7836 statementskos:scopeNoteAn edition statement sometimes includes a designation of a named revision of an edition. An edition statement sometimes includes a statement of responsibility relating to the edition or to a named revision of an edition.
7837 statementrdakit:toolkitLabeledition statement
7838 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
7839 statementrdfs:labelhas distribution statement
7840 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies a place of distribution, a distributor, or a date of distribution of a published manifestation.
7841 statementrdakit:toolkitLabeldistribution statement
7842 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies a place of distribution, a distributor, or a date of distribution of a published manifestation.
7843 statementrdfs:labelhas manufacture statement
7844 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies a place of manufacture, a manufacturer, or a date of manufacture of a published manifestation.
7845 statementskos:scopeNoteA manufacture statement includes a statement about the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published manifestation.
7846 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacture statement
7847 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies a place of manufacture, a manufacturer, or a date of manufacture of a published manifestation.
7848 statementrdfs:labelhas production statement
7849 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies a place of production, a producer, or a date of production of an unpublished manifestation.
7850 statementskos:scopeNoteA production statement includes a statement about the inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of an unpublished manifestation.
7851 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction statement
7852 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies a place of production, a producer, or a date of production of an unpublished manifestation.
7853 statementrdfs:labelhas publication statement
7854 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies a place of publication, a publisher, or a date of publication of a published manifestation.
7855 statementskos:scopeNoteA publication statement includes a statement about the publication, release, or issuing of a published manifestation.
7856 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelpublication statement
7857 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies a place of publication, a publisher, or a date of publication of a published manifestation.
7858 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
7859 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility relating to named revision of an edition in another language or script.
7860 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
7861 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility relating to named revision of an edition in another language or script.
7862 statement of responsibility relating to seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to series
7863 statement of responsibility relating to seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility relating to series in another language or script.
7864 statement of responsibility relating to seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel statement of responsibility relating to series
7865 statement of responsibility relating to seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility relating to series in another language or script.
7866 statement of responsibility relating to seriesskos:altLabelparallel statement of responsibility relating to subseries
7867 statement of responsibility relating to editionrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to edition
7868 statement of responsibility relating to editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility relating to the edition in another language or script.
7869 statement of responsibility relating to editionrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel statement of responsibility relating to edition
7870 statement of responsibility relating to editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility relating to edition in another language or script.
7871 statement of responsibility relating to title properrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper
7872 statement of responsibility relating to title properskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility relating to title proper in another language or script.
7873 statement of responsibility relating to title properrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper
7874 statement of responsibility relating to title properrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility relating to title proper in another language or script.
7875 of responsibilityrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility
7876 of responsibilityskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement that identifies, and indicates the function of, an agent who is responsible for a work or its expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7877 of responsibilityskos:scopeNoteA statement of responsibility may include words or phrases that are neither names nor linking words.
7878 of responsibilityrdakit:toolkitLabelstatement of responsibility
7879 of responsibilityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies, and indicates the function of, an agent who is responsible for a work or its expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7880 of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
7881 of responsibility relating to named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility that is associated with a named revision of an edition.
7882 of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitLabelstatement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
7883 of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility that is associated with a named revision of an edition.
7884 of responsibility relating to seriesrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to series
7885 of responsibility relating to seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility that is associated with a series.
7886 of responsibility relating to seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelstatement of responsibility relating to series
7887 of responsibility relating to seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility that is associated with a series.
7888 of responsibility relating to seriesskos:altLabelstatement of responsibility relating to subseries
7889 of responsibility relating to editionrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to edition
7890 of responsibility relating to editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement of responsibility that is associated with an edition.
7891 of responsibility relating to editionrdakit:toolkitLabelstatement of responsibility relating to edition
7892 of responsibility relating to editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement of responsibility that is associated with an edition.
7893 on microfilm and microficherdfs:labelhas emulsion on microfilm and microfiche
7894 on microfilm and microficheskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a suspension of light-sensitive chemicals that is used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
7895 on microfilm and microficherdakit:toolkitLabelemulsion on microfilm and microfiche
7896 on microfilm and microficherdakit:toolkitDefinitionA suspension of light-sensitive chemicals that is used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
7897 standardrdfs:labelhas broadcast standard
7898 standardskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a system used to format a manifestation of a video for television broadcast.
7899 standardrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcast standard
7900 standardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA system used to format a manifestation of a video for television broadcast.
7901 file characteristicrdfs:labelhas digital file characteristic
7902 file characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, or other types of data in a manifestation.
7903 file characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital file characteristic
7904 file characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, or other types of data in a manifestation.
7905 characteristicrdfs:labelhas sound characteristic
7906 characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a manifestation.
7907 characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabelsound characteristic
7908 characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a manifestation.
7909 characteristicrdfs:labelhas video characteristic
7910 characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a manifestation.
7911 characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo characteristic
7912 characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a manifestation.
7913 characteristic of motion picture filmrdfs:labelhas projection characteristic of motion picture film
7914 characteristic of motion picture filmskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
7915 characteristic of motion picture filmrdakit:toolkitLabelprojection characteristic of motion picture film
7916 characteristic of motion picture filmrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
7917 title of manifestationrdfs:labelhas variant title of manifestation
7918 title of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a title of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7919 title of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of manifestation
7920 title of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
7921 titlerdfs:labelhas abbreviated title
7922 titleskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to nomen that is a title that has been abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
7923 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelabbreviated title
7924 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title that has been abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
7925 of named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas designation of named revision of edition
7926 of named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a word, character, or group of words or characters, that identifies a particular revision of a named edition.
7927 of named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitLabeldesignation of named revision of edition
7928 of named revision of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word, character, or group of words or characters, that identifies a particular revision of a named edition.
7929 of editionrdfs:labelhas designation of edition
7930 of editionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a word, character, or group of words or characters, that identifies an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
7931 of editionrdakit:toolkitLabeldesignation of edition
7932 of editionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word, character, or group of words or characters, that identifies an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
7933 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas title of manifestation
7934 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an appellation of manifestation in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
7935 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of manifestation
7936 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of manifestation in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
7937 manifestedrdfs:labelhas work manifested
7938 manifestedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is embodied by a manifestation.
7939 manifestedrdakit:toolkitLabelwork manifested
7940 manifestedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is embodied by a manifestation.
7941 reproduction of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis electronic reproduction of manifestation of
7942 reproduction of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation in an analog format that is transferred to a digital format.
7943 reproduction of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelelectronic reproduction of manifestation of
7944 reproduction of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in an analog format that is transferred to a digital format.
7945 reproduction of manifestation ofskos:altLabelelectronic reproduction of (manifestation)
7946 on manifestationrdfs:labelhas note on manifestation
7947 on manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a manifestation.
7948 on manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on manifestation
7949 on manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a manifestation.
7950 on manifestationskos:altLabelnote on frequency
7951 playback characteristicrdfs:labelhas special playback characteristic
7952 playback characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
7953 playback characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial playback characteristic
7954 playback characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
7955 manifestedrdfs:labelhas expression manifested
7956 manifestedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7957 manifestedrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression manifested
7958 manifestedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
7959 item of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related item of manifestation
7960 item of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that is associated with a manifestation.
7961 item of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of manifestation
7962 item of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a manifestation.
7963 informationrdfs:labelhas contact information
7964 informationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a name, address, or other means of communicating with an agent from which a manifestation may be obtained.
7965 informationrdakit:toolkitLabelcontact information
7966 informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA name, address, or other means of communicating with an agent from which a manifestation may be obtained.
7967 informationskos:scopeNoteAn agent includes the distributor, manufacturer, or publisher of a published manifestation, or the archival repository that holds the manifestation.
7968 title informationrdfs:labelhas other title information
7969 title informationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title proper of a manifestation.
7970 title informationrdakit:toolkitLabelother title information
7971 title informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title proper of a manifestation.
7972 title information of seriesrdfs:labelhas other title information of series
7973 title information of seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title of series.
7974 title information of seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelother title information of series
7975 title information of seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title of series.
7976 title information of seriesskos:altLabelother title information of subseries
7977 on access to manifestationrdfs:labelhas restriction on access to manifestation
7978 on access to manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a limitation placed on access to a manifestation.
7979 on access to manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrestriction on access to manifestation
7980 on access to manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA limitation placed on access to a manifestation.
7981 on use of manifestationrdfs:labelhas restriction on use of manifestation
7982 on use of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a limitation placed on reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc., of a manifestation.
7983 on use of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrestriction on use of manifestation
7984 on use of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA limitation placed on reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc., of a manifestation.
7985 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas first alphanumeric designation of sequence
7986 alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7987 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelfirst alphanumeric designation of sequence
7988 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7989 alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:altLabelnumeric and/or alphabetic designation of first issue or part of sequence
7990 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas last alphanumeric designation of sequence
7991 alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7992 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabellast alphanumeric designation of sequence
7993 alphanumeric designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7994 alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:altLabelnumeric and/or alphabetic designation of last issue or part of sequence
7995 chronological designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas first chronological designation of sequence
7996 chronological designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7997 chronological designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelfirst chronological designation of sequence
7998 chronological designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
7999 chronological designation of sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year.
8000 chronological designation of sequenceskos:altLabelchronological designation of first issue or part of sequence
8001 chronological designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas last chronological designation of sequence
8002 chronological designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
8003 chronological designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabellast chronological designation of sequence
8004 chronological designation of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of the parts or iterations of a manifestation.
8005 chronological designation of sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year.
8006 chronological designation of sequenceskos:altLabelchronological designation of last issue or part of sequence
8007 other title informationrdfs:labelhas parallel other title information
8008 other title informationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an other title information in another language or script.
8009 other title informationrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel other title information
8010 other title informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn other title information in another language or script.
8011 other title information of seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel other title information of series
8012 other title information of seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an other title information of series in another language or script.
8013 other title information of seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel other title information of series
8014 other title information of seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn other title information of series in another language or script.
8015 other title information of seriesskos:altLabelparallel other title information of subseries
8016 Resource Locatorrdfs:labelhas uniform resource locator
8017 Resource Locatorskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an address of an online resource.
8018 Resource Locatorrdakit:toolkitLabelUniform Resource Locator
8019 Resource Locatorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn address of an online resource.
8020 Resource Locatorskos:scopeNoteA Uniform Resource Locator includes all manifestation identifiers intended to provide online access to a manifestation using a standard Internet browser.
8021 Resource Locatorskos:altLabelURL
8022 layout
8023 a manifestation to an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a manifestation.
8025 arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a manifestation.
8026 properrdfs:labelhas title proper
8027 properskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a title of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
8028 properrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle proper
8029 properrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
8030 properskos:scopeNoteAn alternative title is treated as part of a title proper.
8031 properskos:altLabelpreferred title of manifestation
8032 properskos:altLabelearlier title proper
8033 properskos:altLabellater title proper
8034 of seriesrdfs:labelhas title of series
8035 of seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a title that identifies a series to which a manifestation belongs.
8036 of seriesrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of series
8037 of seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title that identifies a series to which a manifestation belongs.
8038 of seriesskos:altLabeltitle proper of subseries
8039 of seriesskos:altLabeltitle proper of series
8040 resolution
8041 a manifestation to a clarity or fineness of detail in a digital image, expressed by the measurement of the image in pixels, etc.
8043 clarity or fineness of detail in a digital image, expressed by the measurement of the image in pixels, etc.
8044 of availabilityrdfs:labelhas term of availability
8045 of availabilityskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a condition under which a distributor, manufacturer, producer, or publisher will normally supply a manifestation.
8046 of availabilityrdakit:toolkitLabelterm of availability
8047 of availabilityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA condition under which a distributor, manufacturer, producer, or publisher will normally supply a manifestation.
8048 of availabilityskos:scopeNoteIncludes a price of a manifestation.
8049 configurationrdfs:labelhas track configuration
8050 configurationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a configuration of the audio track on a soundtrack film.
8051 configurationrdakit:toolkitLabeltrack configuration
8052 configurationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA configuration of the audio track on a soundtrack film.
8053 or system requirementrdfs:labelhas equipment or system requirement
8054 or system requirementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a system or equipment required for access to the content of an electronic analog or digital manifestation.
8055 or system requirementrdakit:toolkitLabelequipment or system requirement
8056 or system requirementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA system or equipment required for access to the content of an electronic analog or digital manifestation.
8057 formatrdfs:labelhas presentation format
8058 formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a format that is used in the production of a projected image.
8059 formatrdakit:toolkitLabelpresentation format
8060 formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format that is used in the production of a projected image.
8061 characteristicrdfs:labelhas groove characteristic
8062 characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8063 characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabelgroove characteristic
8064 characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8065 of sequencerdfs:labelhas numbering of sequence
8066 of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to the first and last designations of a sequence of manifestations of the individual parts or iterations of a manifestation.
8067 of sequencerdakit:toolkitLabelnumbering of sequence
8068 of sequencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe first and last designations of a sequence of manifestations of the individual parts or iterations of a manifestation.
8069 of sequenceskos:altLabelnumbering of serials
8070 of sequenceskos:scopeNoteNumbering may include dates or other timespans, alphanumeric or other characters, and an accompanying caption.
8071 dimensions
8072 a manifestation to a measurement of a carrier or a container of a manifestation.
8073 include measurements of height, width, depth, length, gauge, and diameter.
8075 measurement of a carrier or a container of a manifestation.
8076 of cartographic imagerdfs:labelhas dimensions of cartographic image
8077 of cartographic imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a measurement of a face of a map or cartographic diagram, view, profile, or section.
8078 of cartographic imagerdakit:toolkitLabeldimensions of cartographic image
8079 of cartographic imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA measurement of a face of a map or cartographic diagram, view, profile, or section.
8080 of cartographic imageskos:altLabeldimensions of map, etc.
8081 of still imagerdfs:labelhas dimensions of still image
8082 of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a measurement of the pictorial area of a still image.
8083 of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabeldimensions of still image
8084 of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA measurement of a pictorial area of a still image.
8085 of recordingrdfs:labelhas type of recording
8086 of recordingskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a method used to encode audio content for playback.
8087 of recordingrdakit:toolkitLabeltype of recording
8088 of recordingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA method used to encode audio content for playback.
8089 of distributorrdfs:labelhas name of distributor
8090 of distributorskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8091 of distributorrdakit:toolkitLabelname of distributor
8092 of distributorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8093 of distributorskos:altLabeldistributor's name
8094 of producerrdfs:labelhas name of producer
8095 of producerskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8096 of producerrdakit:toolkitLabelname of producer
8097 of producerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8098 of producerskos:altLabelproducer's name
8099 of manufacturerrdfs:labelhas name of manufacturer
8100 of manufacturerskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8101 of manufacturerrdakit:toolkitLabelname of manufacturer
8102 of manufacturerrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8103 of manufacturerskos:altLabelmanufacturer's name
8104 of publisherrdfs:labelhas name of publisher
8105 of publisherskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for publishing a manifestation.
8106 of publisherrdakit:toolkitLabelname of publisher
8107 of publisherrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for publishing a manifestation.
8108 of publisherskos:altLabelpublisher's name
8109 of publisherskos:scopeNotePublication includes release and issuance.
8110 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas extent of manifestation
8111 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a number and type of unit or subunit of a manifestation.
8112 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelextent of manifestation
8113 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA number and type of unit or subunit of a manifestation.
8114 of manifestationskos:altLabelextent
8115 sizerdfs:labelhas file size
8116 sizeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a number of bytes in a digital file.
8117 sizerdakit:toolkitLabelfile size
8118 sizerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA number of bytes in a digital file.
8119 of playback channelsrdfs:labelhas configuration of playback channels
8120 of playback channelsskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
8121 of playback channelsrdakit:toolkitLabelconfiguration of playback channels
8122 of playback channelsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA number of sound channels used to make a recording.
8123 configurationrdfs:labelhas tape configuration
8124 configurationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a number of tracks on an audiotape.
8125 configurationrdakit:toolkitLabeltape configuration
8126 configurationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA number of tracks on an audiotape.
8127 mount
8128 a manifestation to a physical material used for the support or backing to which the base material of a manifestation has been attached.
8130 physical material used for the support or backing to which the base material of a manifestation has been attached.
8131 methodrdfs:labelhas production method
8132 methodskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a process that is used to produce a manifestation.
8133 methodrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction method
8134 methodrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA process that is used to produce a manifestation.
8135 generation
8136 a manifestation to a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction that is made from the original.
8138 relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction that is made from the original.
8139 polarity
8140 a manifestation to a relationship of the colours and tones in an image of an object to the colours and tones of the object that is reproduced.
8142 relationship of the colours and tones in an image of an object to the colours and tones of the object that is reproduced.
8143 formatrdfs:labelhas bibliographic format
8144 formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a proportional relationship between a whole sheet and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded in a manifestation.
8145 formatrdakit:toolkitLabelbibliographic format
8146 formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA proportional relationship between a whole sheet and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded in a manifestation.
8147 ratiordfs:labelhas reduction ratio
8148 ratioskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a numerical ratio of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8149 ratiordakit:toolkitLabelreduction ratio
8150 ratiordakit:toolkitDefinitionA numerical ratio of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8151 sizerdfs:labelhas font size
8152 sizeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8153 sizerdakit:toolkitLabelfont size
8154 sizerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8155 speedrdfs:labelhas projection speed
8156 speedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
8157 speedrdakit:toolkitLabelprojection speed
8158 speedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
8159 speedrdfs:labelhas playing speed
8160 speedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
8161 speedrdakit:toolkitLabelplaying speed
8162 speedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
8163 bitraterdfs:labelhas encoded bitrate
8164 bitrateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a speed at which streaming audio, video, or other content is designed to play.
8165 bitraterdakit:toolkitLabelencoded bitrate
8166 bitraterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA speed at which streaming audio, video, or other content is designed to play.
8167 title properrdfs:labelhas parallel title proper
8168 title properskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a title proper in another language or script.
8169 title properrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel title proper
8170 title properrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title proper in another language or script.
8171 title of seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel title of series
8172 title of seriesskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a title of a series in another language or script.
8173 title of seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel title of series
8174 title of seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of series in another language or script.
8175 title of seriesskos:altLabelparallel title proper of subseries
8176 title of seriesskos:altLabelparallel title proper of series
8177 mediumrdfs:labelhas recording medium
8178 mediumskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier.
8179 mediumrdakit:toolkitLabelrecording medium
8180 mediumrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier.
8181 materialrdfs:labelhas base material
8182 materialskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an underlying physical material of a manifestation.
8183 materialrdakit:toolkitLabelbase material
8184 materialrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn underlying physical material of a manifestation.
8185 on carrierrdfs:labelhas note on carrier
8186 on carrierskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on attributes of a carrier of a manifestation.
8187 on carrierrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on carrier
8188 on carrierrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on attributes of a carrier of a manifestation.
8189 agentrdfs:labelhas papermaker agent
8190 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8191 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker agent
8192 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8193 agentskos:altLabelpapermaker
8194 of applied materialrdfs:labelhas details of applied material
8195 of applied materialskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a physical or chemical substance that is applied to a base material of a manifestation.
8196 of applied materialrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of applied material
8197 of applied materialrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a physical or chemical substance that is applied to a base material of a manifestation.
8198 of base materialrdfs:labelhas details of base material
8199 of base materialskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of an underlying physical material of a manifestation.
8200 of base materialrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of base material
8201 of base materialrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of an underlying physical material of a manifestation.
8202 of bibliographic formatrdfs:labelhas details of bibliographic format
8203 of bibliographic formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a proportional relationship between a whole sheet in a printed or manuscript resource and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded.
8204 of bibliographic formatrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of bibliographic format
8205 of bibliographic formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a proportional relationship between a whole sheet in a printed or manuscript resource and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded.
8206 of broadcast standardrdfs:labelhas details of broadcast standard
8207 of broadcast standardskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a system that is used to format a manifestation of a video for television broadcast.
8208 of broadcast standardrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of broadcast standard
8209 of broadcast standardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a system that is used to format a manifestation of a video for television broadcast.
8210 of configuration of playback channelsrdfs:labelhas details of configuration of playback channels
8211 of configuration of playback channelsskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
8212 of configuration of playback channelsrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of configuration of playback channels
8213 of configuration of playback channelsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
8214 of digital file characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of digital file characteristic
8215 of digital file characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, or other types of data in a manifestation.
8216 of digital file characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of digital file characteristic
8217 of digital file characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a technical specification relating to the digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, or other types of data in a manifestation.
8218 of digital representation of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas details of digital representation of cartographic content
8219 of digital representation of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of an encoding of geospatial information in a manifestation.
8220 of digital representation of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of digital representation of cartographic content
8221 of digital representation of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of an encoding of geospatial information in a manifestation.
8222 of emulsion on microfilm and microficherdfs:labelhas details of emulsion on microfilm and microfiche
8223 of emulsion on microfilm and microficheskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a suspension of light-sensitive chemicals that is used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
8224 of emulsion on microfilm and microficherdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of emulsion on microfilm and microfiche
8225 of emulsion on microfilm and microficherdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a suspension of light-sensitive chemicals that is used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
8226 of encoding formatrdfs:labelhas details of encoding format
8227 of encoding formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a schema or standard used to encode the digital content of a manifestation.
8228 of encoding formatrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of encoding format
8229 of encoding formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a schema or standard used to encode the digital content of a manifestation.
8230 of file typerdfs:labelhas details of file type
8231 of file typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a general type of data content that is encoded in a computer file.
8232 of file typerdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of file type
8233 of file typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a general type of data content that is encoded in a computer file.
8234 of font sizerdfs:labelhas details of font size
8235 of font sizeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8236 of font sizerdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of font size
8237 of font sizerdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8238 of groove characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of groove characteristic
8239 of groove characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8240 of groove characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of groove characteristic
8241 of groove characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8242 of layoutrdfs:labelhas details of layout
8243 of layoutskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a manifestation.
8244 of layoutrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of layout
8245 of layoutrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a manifestation.
8246 of mountrdfs:labelhas details of mount
8247 of mountskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a physical material that is used for the support or backing to which the base material of a manifestation has been attached.
8248 of mountrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of mount
8249 of mountrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a physical material that is used for the support or backing to which the base material of a manifestation has been attached.
8250 of playing speedrdfs:labelhas details of playing speed
8251 of playing speedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
8252 of playing speedrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of playing speed
8253 of playing speedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
8254 of polarityrdfs:labelhas details of polarity
8255 of polarityskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a relationship of the colours and tones in an image to the colours and tones of the object reproduced.
8256 of polarityrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of polarity
8257 of polarityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a relationship of the colours and tones in an image to the colours and tones of the object reproduced.
8258 of presentation formatrdfs:labelhas details of presentation format
8259 of presentation formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a format that is used in the production of a projected image.
8260 of presentation formatrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of presentation format
8261 of presentation formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a format that is used in the production of a projected image.
8262 of production methodrdfs:labelhas details of production method
8263 of production methodskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a process that is used to produce a manifestation.
8264 of production methodrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of production method
8265 of production methodrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a process that is used to produce a manifestation.
8266 of projection characteristic of motion picture filmrdfs:labelhas details of projection characteristic of motion picture film
8267 of projection characteristic of motion picture filmskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
8268 of projection characteristic of motion picture filmrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of projection characteristic of motion picture film
8269 of projection characteristic of motion picture filmrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
8270 of projection speedrdfs:labelhas details of projection speed
8271 of projection speedskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
8272 of projection speedrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of projection speed
8273 of projection speedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
8274 of recording mediumrdfs:labelhas details of recording medium
8275 of recording mediumskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a type of medium that is used to record sound on an audio carrier.
8276 of recording mediumrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of recording medium
8277 of recording mediumrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a type of medium that is used to record sound on an audio carrier.
8278 of reduction ratio designationrdfs:labelhas details of reduction ratio designation
8279 of reduction ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8280 of reduction ratio designationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of reduction ratio designation
8281 of reduction ratio designationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8282 of sound characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of sound characteristic
8283 of sound characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a manifestation.
8284 of sound characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of sound characteristic
8285 of sound characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a manifestation.
8286 of special playback characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of special playback characteristic
8287 of special playback characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
8288 of special playback characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of special playback characteristic
8289 of special playback characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
8290 of tape configurationrdfs:labelhas details of tape configuration
8291 of tape configurationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a number of tracks on an audiotape.
8292 of tape configurationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of tape configuration
8293 of tape configurationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a number of tracks on an audiotape.
8294 of track configurationrdfs:labelhas details of track configuration
8295 of track configurationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a configuration of the audio track on a sound-track film.
8296 of track configurationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of track configuration
8297 of track configurationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a configuration of the audio track on a sound-track film.
8298 of type of recordingrdfs:labelhas details of type of recording
8299 of type of recordingskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a method that is used to encode audio content for playback.
8300 of type of recordingrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of type of recording
8301 of type of recordingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a method that is used to encode audio content for playback.
8302 of video characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of video characteristic
8303 of video characteristicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a manifestation.
8304 of video characteristicrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of video characteristic
8305 of video characteristicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a technical specification relating to the encoding of video images in a manifestation.
8306 of video formatrdfs:labelhas details of video format
8307 of video formatskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a manifestation.
8308 of video formatrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of video format
8309 of video formatrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a manifestation.
8310 of generationrdfs:labelhas details of generation
8311 of generationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction made from an original.
8312 of generationrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of generation
8313 of generationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction made from an original.
8314 manifestation ofrdfs:labelis subject manifestation of
8315 manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is about a manifestation.
8316 manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject manifestation of
8317 manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a manifestation.
8318 manifestation ofskos:altLabelsubject of (manifestation)
8319 described byrdfs:labelis manifestation described by
8320 described byskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a description of a manifestation.
8321 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation described by
8322 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a manifestation.
8323 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (manifestation)
8324 analysed inrdfs:labelis manifestation analysed in
8325 analysed inskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that describes the structure and composition of a manifestation.
8326 analysed inrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation analysed in
8327 analysed inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that describes the structure and composition of a manifestation.
8328 analysed inskos:altLabelanalysed in (manifestation)
8329 commentary inrdfs:labelis manifestation commentary in
8330 commentary inskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on a manifestation.
8331 commentary inrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation commentary in
8332 commentary inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on a manifestation.
8333 commentary inskos:altLabelcommentary in (manifestation)
8334 critiqued byrdfs:labelis manifestation critiqued by
8335 critiqued byskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a critical evaluation of a manifestation.
8336 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation critiqued by
8337 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a critical evaluation of a manifestation.
8338 critiqued byskos:altLabelcritiqued in (manifestation)
8339 evaluated byrdfs:labelis manifestation evaluated by
8340 evaluated byskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is an examination or judgement of a manifestation.
8341 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation evaluated by
8342 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an examination or judgement of a manifestation.
8343 evaluated byskos:altLabelevaluated in (manifestation)
8344 reviewed byrdfs:labelis manifestation reviewed by
8345 reviewed byskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a brief evaluation of a manifestation.
8346 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation reviewed by
8347 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a brief evaluation of a manifestation.
8348 reviewed byskos:altLabelreviewed in (manifestation)
8349 on identifier for manifestationrdfs:labelhas note on identifier for manifestation
8350 on identifier for manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a note on manifestation that provides information on an identifier for a manifestation.
8351 on identifier for manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on identifier for manifestation
8352 on identifier for manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA note on manifestation that provides information on an identifier for a manifestation.
8353 data typerdfs:labelhas cartographic data type
8354 data typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
8355 data typerdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic data type
8356 data typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
8357 of cartographic data typerdfs:labelhas details of cartographic data type
8358 of cartographic data typeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
8359 of cartographic data typerdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of cartographic data type
8360 of cartographic data typerdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
8361 ratio designationrdfs:labelhas reduction ratio designation
8362 ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8363 ratio designationrdakit:toolkitLabelreduction ratio designation
8364 ratio designationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
8365 RDA entity of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of manifestation
8366 RDA entity of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an RDA entity that is associated with a manifestation.
8367 RDA entity of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of manifestation
8368 RDA entity of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a manifestation.
8369 work of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related work of manifestation
8370 work of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is associated with a manifestation.
8371 work of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of manifestation
8372 work of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a manifestation.
8373 expression of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related expression of manifestation
8374 expression of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an expression that is associated with a manifestation.
8375 expression of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of manifestation
8376 expression of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a manifestation.
8377 agent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related agent of manifestation
8378 agent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is associated with a manifestation.
8379 agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of manifestation
8380 agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a manifestation.
8381 agent of manifestationskos:altLabelother agent associated with manifestation
8382 person of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related person of manifestation
8383 person of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is associated with a manifestation.
8384 person of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of manifestation
8385 person of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a manifestation.
8386 family of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related family of manifestation
8387 family of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is associated with a manifestation.
8388 family of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of manifestation
8389 family of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a manifestation.
8390 corporate body of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of manifestation
8391 corporate body of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is associated with a manifestation.
8392 corporate body of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of manifestation
8393 corporate body of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a manifestation.
8394 collective agent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of manifestation
8395 collective agent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is associated with a manifestation.
8396 collective agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of manifestation
8397 collective agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a manifestation.
8398 place of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related place of manifestation
8399 place of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with a manifestation.
8400 place of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of manifestation
8401 place of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a manifestation.
8402 timespan of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related timespan of manifestation
8403 timespan of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan that is associated with a manifestation.
8404 timespan of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of manifestation
8405 timespan of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a manifestation.
8406 nomen of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related nomen of manifestation
8407 nomen of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is associated with a manifestation.
8408 nomen of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of manifestation
8409 nomen of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a manifestation.
8410 of regional encodingrdfs:labelhas details of regional encoding
8411 of regional encodingskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to details of a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
8412 of regional encodingrdakit:toolkitLabeldetails of regional encoding
8413 of regional encodingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionDetails of a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
8414 point for manifestationrdfs:labelhas access point for manifestation
8415 point for manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an appellation of manifestation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
8416 point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for manifestation
8417 point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of manifestation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
8418 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas appellation of manifestation
8419 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a manifestation.
8420 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of manifestation
8421 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a manifestation.
8422 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas date of manifestation
8423 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a timespan during which a published manifestation is published, released, issued, printed, duplicated, cast, or distributed, or an unpublished manifestation is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, or otherwise produced.
8424 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of manifestation
8425 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which a published manifestation is published, released, issued, printed, duplicated, cast, or distributed, or an unpublished manifestation is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, or otherwise produced.
8426 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas place of manifestation
8427 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place that is associated with the distribution, printing, duplicating, casting, publication, release, or issuing of a published manifestation, or the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
8428 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of manifestation
8429 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with the distribution, printing, duplicating, casting, publication, release, or issuing of a published manifestation, or the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
8430 copyright statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation copyright statement
8431 copyright statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about a date that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
8432 copyright statementskos:scopeNoteA copyright date includes a phonogram date that is associated with a claim of protection for an audio recording.
8433 copyright statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation copyright statement
8434 copyright statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about a date that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
8435 designation of sequence statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation designation of sequence statement
8436 designation of sequence statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about the numbering of a sequence of manifestations of the individual parts or iteration of a manifestation or parts or issues of a work.
8437 designation of sequence statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes an alphanumeric or chronological designation.
8438 designation of sequence statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation designation of sequence statement
8439 designation of sequence statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about the numbering of a sequence of manifestations of the individual parts or iteration of a manifestation or parts or issues of a work.
8440 dissertation statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation dissertation statement
8441 dissertation statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about thesis or other dissertation information.
8442 dissertation statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of a degree title, year of award, or granting institution.
8443 dissertation statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation dissertation statement
8444 dissertation statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about thesis or other dissertation information.
8445 distribution statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation distribution statement
8446 distribution statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about data relating to the distribution of a published manifestation.
8447 distribution statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of place or date of distribution or name of distributor.
8448 distribution statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation distribution statement
8449 distribution statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about data relating to the distribution of a published manifestation.
8450 edition statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation edition statement
8451 edition statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
8452 edition statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of designation of edition or named revision of edition, or a statement of responsibility relating to an edition or revision.
8453 edition statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation edition statement
8454 edition statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about an edition to which a manifestation belongs.
8455 frequency statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation frequency statement
8456 frequency statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about an interval at which the manifestations of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work are issued.
8457 frequency statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation frequency statement
8458 frequency statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about an interval at which the manifestations of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic work are issued.
8459 identifier statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation identifier statement
8460 identifier statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work, expression, or manifestation.
8461 identifier statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of fingerprint, plate and publisher number for notated music, ISSN of series or subseries, or other identifier for manifestation.
8462 identifier statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation identifier statement
8463 identifier statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work, expression, or manifestation.
8464 manufacture statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation manufacture statement
8465 manufacture statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about data relating to the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published manifestation.
8466 manufacture statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of place or date of manufacture or name of manufacturer.
8467 manufacture statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation manufacture statement
8468 manufacture statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about data relating to the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published manifestation.
8469 production statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation production statement
8470 production statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about data relating to the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
8471 production statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of place or date of production or name of producer.
8472 production statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation production statement
8473 production statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about data relating to the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished manifestation.
8474 publication statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation publication statement
8475 publication statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about the publication, release, or issuing of a manifestation.
8476 publication statementskos:scopeNoteA statement includes any or all of place or date of publication or name of publisher.
8477 publication statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation publication statement
8478 publication statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about the publication, release, or issuing of a manifestation.
8479 regional encoding statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation regional encoding statement
8480 regional encoding statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
8481 regional encoding statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation regional encoding statement
8482 regional encoding statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
8483 series statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation series statement
8484 series statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about a series that is associated with a manifestation and a numbering of a manifestation within the series.
8485 series statementskos:scopeNoteA manifestation series statement includes any or all of title of series, other title information of series, statement of responsibility relating to series, ISSN, or numbering within sequence.
8486 series statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation series statement
8487 series statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about a series that is associated with a manifestation and a numbering of a manifestation within the series.
8488 statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation statement
8489 statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a statement appearing in a manifestation and deemed to be significant for users to understand how the manifestation represents itself.
8490 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation statement
8491 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement appearing in a manifestation and deemed to be significant for users to understand how the manifestation represents itself.
8492 title and responsibility statementrdfs:labelhas manifestation title and responsibility statement
8493 title and responsibility statementskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation statement about the titles of a manifestation and the names of agents who are responsible for the content of an expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
8494 title and responsibility statementskos:scopeNoteA manifestation title and responsibility statement includes any kind of title or statement of responsibility that is associated with the content of the manifestation, but does not include a title or statement of responsibility that is associated with an edition, revision or series that is related to the manifestation.
8495 title and responsibility statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation title and responsibility statement
8496 title and responsibility statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation statement about the titles of a manifestation and the names of agents who are responsible for the content of an expression that is embodied by a manifestation.
8497 access point for manifestationrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for manifestation
8498 access point for manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an access point of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
8499 access point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for manifestation
8500 access point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
8501 access point for manifestationrdfs:labelhas variant access point for manifestation
8502 access point for manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is an access point of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
8503 access point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for manifestation
8504 access point for manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
8505 fingerprint
8506 a manifestation to a nomen that is an identifier for manifestation of an early printed resource that consists of a sequence of characters from sources of information specified by an established scheme.
8508 nomen that is an identifier for manifestation of an early printed resource that consists of a sequence of characters from sources of information specified by an established scheme.
8509 of agent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas name of agent of manifestation
8510 of agent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing, printing, duplicating, casting, publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation, or inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8511 of agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelname of agent of manifestation
8512 of agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing, printing, duplicating, casting, publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation, or inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8513 transfer of item ofrdfs:labelis digital transfer of item of
8514 transfer of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item in a digital format that is transferred to a manifestation in another digital format.
8515 transfer of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldigital transfer of item of
8516 transfer of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item in a digital format that is transferred to a manifestation in another digital format.
8517 transfer of item ofskos:altLabeldigital transfer of (item)
8518 reproduction of item ofrdfs:labelis electronic reproduction of item of
8519 reproduction of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item in an analog format that is transferred to a manifestation in a digital format.
8520 reproduction of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelelectronic reproduction of item of
8521 reproduction of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item in an analog format that is transferred to manifestation in a digital format.
8522 reproduction of item ofskos:altLabelelectronic reproduction of (item)
8523 of item ofrdfs:labelis facsimile of item of
8524 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction.
8525 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfacsimile of item of
8526 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction.
8527 facsimile of item ofrdfs:labelis preservation facsimile of item of
8528 facsimile of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
8529 facsimile of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreservation facsimile of item of
8530 facsimile of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is used as the basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
8531 of item ofrdfs:labelis reprint of item of
8532 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that exemplifies a printed manifestation that is used as the basis for a reissue of a manifestation.
8533 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreprint of item of
8534 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that exemplifies a printed manifestation that is used as the basis for a reissue of a manifestation.
8535 of item ofskos:altLabelreprint of (item)
8536 of item ofrdfs:labelis reproduction of item of
8537 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an item that is used as the basis for a reproduction.
8538 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreproduction of item of
8539 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is used as the basis for a reproduction.
8540 of item ofskos:altLabelreproduction of (item)
8541 material
8542 a manifestation to a physical or chemical substance that is used to create a manifestation.
8544 physical or chemical substance that is used to create a manifestation.
8545 audience of manifestationrdfs:labelhas intended audience of manifestation
8546 audience of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a category of user for which a manifestation is intended.
8547 audience of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelintended audience of manifestation
8548 audience of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of user for which a manifestation is intended.
8549 point sizerdfs:labelhas font point size
8550 point sizeskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a point size of the type used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8551 point sizerdakit:toolkitLabelfont point size
8552 point sizerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA point size of the type used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
8553 pitchrdfs:labelhas groove pitch
8554 pitchskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8555 pitchrdakit:toolkitLabelgroove pitch
8556 pitchrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
8557 widthrdfs:labelhas groove width
8558 widthskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a groove width of an analog disc.
8559 widthrdakit:toolkitLabelgroove width
8560 widthrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA groove width of an analog disc.
8561 of bindingrdfs:labelhas type of binding
8562 of bindingskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a method used to bind a published or unpublished manifestation.
8563 of bindingrdakit:toolkitLabeltype of binding
8564 of bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA method used to bind a published or unpublished manifestation.
8565 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas binding of manifestation
8566 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a binding of a manifestation.
8567 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelbinding of manifestation
8568 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a binding of a manifestation.
8569 agent of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of music
8570 agent of musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8571 agent of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of music
8572 agent of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8573 agent of musicskos:altLabelcomposer (expression)
8574 agentrdfs:labelhas surveyor agent
8575 agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8576 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor agent
8577 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8578 agentskos:altLabelsurveyor
8579 agent of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of cartography
8580 agent of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8581 agent of cartographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of cartography
8582 agent of cartographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8583 agent of cartographyskos:altLabelcartographer (expression)
8584 agent of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of choreography
8585 agent of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8586 agent of choreographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of choreography
8587 agent of choreographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8588 agent of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor agent of still image
8589 agent of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8590 agent of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of still image
8591 agent of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8592 agent of still imageskos:altLabelillustrator
8593 agent of still imageskos:altLabelphotographer (expression)
8594 agent of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor agent of moving image
8595 agent of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8596 agent of moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of moving image
8597 agent of moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8598 agent to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor agent to aggregate
8599 agent to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8600 agent to aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent to aggregate
8601 agent to aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8602 agent of textrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of text
8603 agent of textskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8604 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of supplementary textual content
8605 agent of textrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of text
8606 agent of textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8607 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of added text
8608 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of preface
8609 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of added commentary
8610 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of introduction
8611 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of added lyrics
8612 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of afterword
8613 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of postface
8614 agent of textskos:altLabelwriter of foreword
8615 agent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas creator agent of manifestation
8616 agent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8617 agent of manifestationskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
8618 agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of manifestation
8619 agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8620 entity of manifestationrdfs:labelhas related entity of manifestation
8621 entity of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an entity that is associated with a manifestation.
8622 entity of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of manifestation
8623 entity of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a manifestation.
8624 agent of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of speech
8625 agent of speechskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8626 agent of speechrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of speech
8627 agent of speechrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8628 agent of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of object
8629 agent of objectskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8630 agent of objectrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of object
8631 agent of objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8632 agent of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of computer content
8633 agent of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8634 agent of computer contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor agent of computer content
8635 agent of computer contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8636 consulted ofrdfs:labelis source consulted of
8637 consulted ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a metadata work for which a manifestation provides evidence.
8638 consulted ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsource consulted of
8639 consulted ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for which a manifestation provides evidence.
8640 of manifestationrdfs:labelhas category of manifestation
8641 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a type to which a manifestation belongs.
8642 of manifestationskos:altLabeltype of manifestation
8643 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of manifestation
8644 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a manifestation belongs.
8645 person to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor person to aggregate
8646 person to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8647 person to aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person to aggregate
8648 person to aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8649 personrdfs:labelhas surveyor person
8650 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8651 personrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor person
8652 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8653 person of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor person of cartography
8654 person of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8655 person of cartographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of cartography
8656 person of cartographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8657 person of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor person of choreography
8658 person of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8659 person of choreographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of choreography
8660 person of choreographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8661 person of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor person of moving image
8662 person of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8663 person of moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of moving image
8664 person of moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8665 person of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor person of music
8666 person of musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8667 person of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of music
8668 person of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8669 person of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor person of speech
8670 person of speechskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8671 person of speechrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of speech
8672 person of speechrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8673 person of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor person of still image
8674 person of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8675 person of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of still image
8676 person of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8677 person of textrdfs:labelhas contributor person of text
8678 person of textskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8679 person of textrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of text
8680 person of textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8681 person of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor person of object
8682 person of objectskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8683 person of objectrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of object
8684 person of objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8685 person of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor person of computer content
8686 person of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8687 person of computer contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor person of computer content
8688 person of computer contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8689 personrdfs:labelhas broadcaster person
8690 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8691 personrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster person
8692 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8693 distributor personrdfs:labelhas film distributor person
8694 distributor personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8695 distributor personrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor person
8696 distributor personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8697 designer personrdfs:labelhas book designer person
8698 designer personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8699 designer personrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer person
8700 designer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8701 personrdfs:labelhas engraver person
8702 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8703 personrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver person
8704 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8705 embosser personrdfs:labelhas braille embosser person
8706 embosser personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8707 embosser personrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser person
8708 embosser personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8709 personrdfs:labelhas printmaker person
8710 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8711 personrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker person
8712 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8713 personrdfs:labelhas caster person
8714 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8715 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster person
8716 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8717 personrdfs:labelhas lithographer person
8718 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8719 personrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer person
8720 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8721 personskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
8722 personrdfs:labelhas platemaker person
8723 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8724 personrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker person
8725 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8726 personrdfs:labelhas etcher person
8727 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8728 personrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher person
8729 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8730 personrdfs:labelhas collotyper person
8731 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8732 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper person
8733 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8734 personskos:altLabelcollotypist person
8735 personrdfs:labelhas printer person
8736 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8737 personrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter person
8738 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8739 personskos:scopeNoteIncludes the manufacture of a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, or score.
8740 personrdfs:labelhas distributor person
8741 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8742 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor person
8743 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8744 person of unpublished manifestationrdfs:labelhas producer person of unpublished manifestation
8745 person of unpublished manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8746 person of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer person of unpublished manifestation
8747 person of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8748 personrdfs:labelhas manufacturer person
8749 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8750 personrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer person
8751 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8752 personrdfs:labelhas publisher person
8753 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8754 personrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher person
8755 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8756 person of manifestationrdfs:labelhas creator person of manifestation
8757 person of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8758 person of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of manifestation
8759 person of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8760 person of manifestationskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
8761 personrdfs:labelhas papermaker person
8762 personskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a person who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8763 personrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker person
8764 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8765 collective agent to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent to aggregate
8766 collective agent to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8767 collective agent to aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent to aggregate
8768 collective agent to aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8769 collective agentrdfs:labelhas surveyor collective agent
8770 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8771 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor collective agent
8772 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8773 collective agent of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of cartography
8774 collective agent of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8775 collective agent of cartographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of cartography
8776 collective agent of cartographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8777 collective agent of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of choreography
8778 collective agent of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8779 collective agent of choreographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of choreography
8780 collective agent of choreographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8781 collective agent of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of moving image
8782 collective agent of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8783 collective agent of moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of moving image
8784 collective agent of moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8785 collective agent of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of music
8786 collective agent of musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8787 collective agent of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of music
8788 collective agent of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8789 collective agent of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of speech
8790 collective agent of speechskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8791 collective agent of speechrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of speech
8792 collective agent of speechrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8793 collective agent of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of still image
8794 collective agent of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8795 collective agent of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of still image
8796 collective agent of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8797 collective agent of textrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of text
8798 collective agent of textskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8799 collective agent of textrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of text
8800 collective agent of textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8801 collective agent of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of object
8802 collective agent of objectskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8803 collective agent of objectrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of object
8804 collective agent of objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8805 collective agent of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor collective agent of computer content
8806 collective agent of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8807 collective agent of computer contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor collective agent of computer content
8808 collective agent of computer contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8809 collective agentrdfs:labelhas broadcaster collective agent
8810 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8811 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster collective agent
8812 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8813 distributor collective agentrdfs:labelhas film distributor collective agent
8814 distributor collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8815 distributor collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor collective agent
8816 distributor collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8817 designer collective agentrdfs:labelhas book designer collective agent
8818 designer collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8819 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer collective agent
8820 designer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8821 collective agentrdfs:labelhas engraver collective agent
8822 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8823 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver collective agent
8824 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8825 embosser collective agentrdfs:labelhas braille embosser collective agent
8826 embosser collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8827 embosser collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser collective agent
8828 embosser collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8829 collective agentrdfs:labelhas printmaker collective agent
8830 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8831 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker collective agent
8832 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8833 collective agentrdfs:labelhas caster collective agent
8834 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8835 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster collective agent
8836 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8837 collective agentrdfs:labelhas lithographer collective agent
8838 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8839 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer collective agent
8840 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8841 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
8842 collective agentrdfs:labelhas platemaker collective agent
8843 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8844 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker collective agent
8845 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8846 collective agentrdfs:labelhas etcher collective agent
8847 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8848 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher collective agent
8849 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8850 collective agentrdfs:labelhas collotyper collective agent
8851 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8852 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper collective agent
8853 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8854 collective agentskos:altLabelcollotypist collective agent
8855 collective agentrdfs:labelhas printer collective agent
8856 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8857 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter collective agent
8858 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8859 collective agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes the manufacture of a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, or score.
8860 collective agentrdfs:labelhas distributor collective agent
8861 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8862 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor collective agent
8863 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8864 collective agent of unpublished manifestationrdfs:labelhas producer collective agent of unpublished manifestation
8865 collective agent of unpublished manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8866 collective agent of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer collective agent of unpublished manifestation
8867 collective agent of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8868 collective agentrdfs:labelhas manufacturer collective agent
8869 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8870 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer collective agent
8871 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8872 collective agentrdfs:labelhas publisher collective agent
8873 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8874 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher collective agent
8875 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8876 collective agent of manifestationrdfs:labelhas creator collective agent of manifestation
8877 collective agent of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8878 collective agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of manifestation
8879 collective agent of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8880 collective agent of manifestationskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
8881 collective agentrdfs:labelhas papermaker collective agent
8882 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a collective agent who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8883 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker collective agent
8884 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
8885 corporate body to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body to aggregate
8886 corporate body to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8887 corporate body to aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body to aggregate
8888 corporate body to aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8889 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas surveyor corporate body
8890 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8891 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor corporate body
8892 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
8893 corporate body of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of cartography
8894 corporate body of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8895 corporate body of cartographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of cartography
8896 corporate body of cartographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8897 corporate body of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of choreography
8898 corporate body of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8899 corporate body of choreographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of choreography
8900 corporate body of choreographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8901 corporate body of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of moving image
8902 corporate body of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8903 corporate body of moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of moving image
8904 corporate body of moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8905 corporate body of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of music
8906 corporate body of musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8907 corporate body of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of music
8908 corporate body of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8909 corporate body of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of speech
8910 corporate body of speechskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8911 corporate body of speechrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of speech
8912 corporate body of speechrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8913 corporate body of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of still image
8914 corporate body of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8915 corporate body of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of still image
8916 corporate body of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8917 corporate body of textrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of text
8918 corporate body of textskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8919 corporate body of textrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of text
8920 corporate body of textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8921 corporate body of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of object
8922 corporate body of objectskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8923 corporate body of objectrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of object
8924 corporate body of objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
8925 corporate body of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor corporate body of computer content
8926 corporate body of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8927 corporate body of computer contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor corporate body of computer content
8928 corporate body of computer contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
8929 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas broadcaster corporate body
8930 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8931 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster corporate body
8932 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
8933 distributor corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas film distributor corporate body
8934 distributor corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8935 distributor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor corporate body
8936 distributor corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
8937 designer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas book designer corporate body
8938 designer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8939 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer corporate body
8940 designer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
8941 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas engraver corporate body
8942 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8943 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver corporate body
8944 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
8945 embosser corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas braille embosser corporate body
8946 embosser corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8947 embosser corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser corporate body
8948 embosser corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
8949 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas printmaker corporate body
8950 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8951 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker corporate body
8952 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
8953 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas caster corporate body
8954 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8955 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster corporate body
8956 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
8957 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas lithographer corporate body
8958 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8959 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer corporate body
8960 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
8961 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
8962 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas platemaker corporate body
8963 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8964 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker corporate body
8965 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
8966 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas etcher corporate body
8967 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8968 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher corporate body
8969 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
8970 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas collotyper corporate body
8971 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8972 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper corporate body
8973 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
8974 corporate bodyskos:altLabelcollotypist corporate body
8975 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas printer corporate body
8976 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8977 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter corporate body
8978 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
8979 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteIncludes the manufacture of a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, or score.
8980 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas distributor corporate body
8981 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8982 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor corporate body
8983 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
8984 corporate body of unpublished manifestationrdfs:labelhas producer corporate body of unpublished manifestation
8985 corporate body of unpublished manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8986 corporate body of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer corporate body of unpublished manifestation
8987 corporate body of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
8988 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas manufacturer corporate body
8989 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8990 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer corporate body
8991 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
8992 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas publisher corporate body
8993 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8994 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher corporate body
8995 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
8996 corporate body of manifestationrdfs:labelhas creator corporate body of manifestation
8997 corporate body of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
8998 corporate body of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of manifestation
8999 corporate body of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
9000 corporate body of manifestationskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
9001 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas papermaker corporate body
9002 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a corporate body who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
9003 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker corporate body
9004 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
9005 family to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor family to aggregate
9006 family to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9007 family to aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family to aggregate
9008 family to aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an expression of a work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9009 familyrdfs:labelhas surveyor family
9010 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
9011 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsurveyor family
9012 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
9013 family of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor family of cartography
9014 family of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9015 family of cartographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of cartography
9016 family of cartographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a cartographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9017 family of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor family of choreography
9018 family of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9019 family of choreographyrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of choreography
9020 family of choreographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a choreographic work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9021 family of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor family of moving image
9022 family of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9023 family of moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of moving image
9024 family of moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a moving image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9025 family of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor family of music
9026 family of musicskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9027 family of musicrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of music
9028 family of musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a musical work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9029 family of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor family of speech
9030 family of speechskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9031 family of speechrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of speech
9032 family of speechrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a vocal work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9033 family of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor family of still image
9034 family of still imageskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9035 family of still imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of still image
9036 family of still imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a still image work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9037 family of textrdfs:labelhas contributor family of text
9038 family of textskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9039 family of textrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of text
9040 family of textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of a textual work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9041 family of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor family of object
9042 family of objectskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9043 family of objectrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of object
9044 family of objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of an object work that is embodied by an aggregate.
9045 family of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor family of computer content
9046 family of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
9047 family of computer contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcontributor family of computer content
9048 family of computer contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an expression of computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
9049 familyrdfs:labelhas broadcaster family
9050 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
9051 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelbroadcaster family
9052 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for broadcasting a manifestation to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
9053 distributor familyrdfs:labelhas film distributor family
9054 distributor familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
9055 distributor familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm distributor family
9056 distributor familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for distributing a moving image manifestation to theatres or other distribution channels.
9057 designer familyrdfs:labelhas book designer family
9058 designer familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
9059 designer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelbook designer family
9060 designer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
9061 familyrdfs:labelhas engraver family
9062 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
9063 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelengraver family
9064 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
9065 embosser familyrdfs:labelhas braille embosser family
9066 embosser familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
9067 embosser familyrdakit:toolkitLabelbraille embosser family
9068 embosser familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
9069 familyrdfs:labelhas printmaker family
9070 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
9071 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelprintmaker family
9072 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
9073 familyrdfs:labelhas caster family
9074 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
9075 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcaster family
9076 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
9077 familyrdfs:labelhas lithographer family
9078 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
9079 familyrdakit:toolkitLabellithographer family
9080 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
9081 familyskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
9082 familyrdfs:labelhas platemaker family
9083 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
9084 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelplatemaker family
9085 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a manifestation.
9086 familyrdfs:labelhas etcher family
9087 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
9088 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeletcher family
9089 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
9090 familyrdfs:labelhas collotyper family
9091 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
9092 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollotyper family
9093 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a manifestation by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
9094 familyskos:altLabelcollotypist family
9095 familyrdfs:labelhas printer family
9096 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
9097 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelprinter family
9098 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for manufacturing a manifestation of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
9099 familyskos:scopeNoteIncludes the manufacture of a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, or score.
9100 familyrdfs:labelhas distributor family
9101 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
9102 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldistributor family
9103 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for distributing a published manifestation.
9104 family of unpublished manifestationrdfs:labelhas producer family of unpublished manifestation
9105 family of unpublished manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
9106 family of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer family of unpublished manifestation
9107 family of unpublished manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished manifestation.
9108 familyrdfs:labelhas manufacturer family
9109 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
9110 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmanufacturer family
9111 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published manifestation.
9112 familyrdfs:labelhas publisher family
9113 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
9114 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher family
9115 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published manifestation.
9116 family of manifestationrdfs:labelhas creator family of manifestation
9117 family of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
9118 family of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of manifestation
9119 family of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for the embodiment of one or more expressions.
9120 family of manifestationskos:scopeNoteA creator of manifestation includes a manufacturer, producer, and publisher.
9121 familyrdfs:labelhas papermaker family
9122 familyskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a family who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
9123 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelpapermaker family
9124 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for the making of paper used in a manifestation.
9125 contentrdfs:labelhas accessibility content
9126 contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an indication of the kinds of expression that provide alternative sensory modes to perceive the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9127 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelaccessibility content
9128 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the kinds of expression that provide alternative sensory modes to perceive the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9129 contentskos:scopeNoteAccessibility content includes accessible labels, an audio description, captioning, image descriptions, sign language, and subtitles. Accessibility content does not include subtitles in a language different from the spoken content.
9130 contentrdfs:labelhas illustrative content
9131 contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an indication of the kinds of expression of image content that supplement the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9132 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelillustrative content
9133 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the kinds of expression of image content that supplement the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9134 contentskos:scopeNoteIllustrative content applies to an aggregate that embodies an expression with a value of "cartographic image", "cartographic moving image", "cartographic tactile image", "cartographic tactile three-dimensional form", "cartographic three-dimensional form", "three-dimensional moving image", "two-dimensional moving image", "tactile three-dimensional form", "three-dimensional form", "still image", or "tactile image" for content type. Tables containing only words or numerical data are excluded.
9135 contentrdfs:labelhas sound content
9136 contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an indication of the presence or absence of sound embodied by a manifestation.
9137 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelsound content
9138 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the presence or absence of sound embodied by a manifestation.
9139 contentskos:scopeNoteSound content is present in an expression with a value of "performed music", "sounds", or "spoken word" for content type.
9140 contentrdfs:labelhas supplementary content
9141 contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an indication of the kinds of expression that supplement the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9142 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelsupplementary content
9143 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the kinds of expression that supplement the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
9144 contentrdfs:labelhas colour content
9145 contentskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to an indication of the presence of colour or tone embodied by a manifestation.
9146 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcolour content
9147 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the presence of colour or tone embodied by a manifestation.
9148 contentskos:altLabelcolor content
9149 contentskos:scopeNoteBlack, white, single colour shades of black, single colour tints of white, and single colour tones of gray are considered to be single colours. Colour content applies to an expression with a value of "cartographic image", "cartographic moving image", "cartographic three-dimensional form", "notated movement", "notated music", "performed movement", "still image", "text", "three-dimensional moving image", "three-dimensional form", or "two-dimensional moving image" for content type.
9150 source ofrdfs:labelis reference source of
9151 source ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a nomen for which evidence of use is provided by a manifestation.
9152 source ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreference source of
9153 source ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen for which evidence of use is provided by a manifestation.
9154 subcollection
9155 a manifestation to a manifestation of a collection work that is a discrete component of a manifestation of another collection work.
9157 manifestation of a collection work that is a discrete component of a manifestation of another collection work.
9158 ofrdfs:labelis subcollection of
9159 ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation of a collection work that has a manifestation of another collection work as a discrete component.
9160 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubcollection of
9161 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a collection work that has a manifestation of another collection work as a discrete component.
9162 holding
9163 a manifestation to an item that is included in the manifestation of a collection work.
9165 item that is included in the manifestation of a collection work.
9166 of collectionrdfs:labelhas location of collection
9167 of collectionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a place where the manifestation of a collection work is stored.
9168 of collectionrdakit:toolkitLabellocation of collection
9169 of collectionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place where the manifestation of a collection work is stored.
9170 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis manifestation described with metadata by
9171 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a metadata work for a manifestation.
9172 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation described with metadata by
9173 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a manifestation.
9174 aidrdfs:labelhas finding aid
9175 aidskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a metadata description set for a collection manifestation.
9176 aidrdakit:toolkitLabelfinding aid
9177 aidrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata description set for a collection manifestation.
9178 catalogue
9179 a manifestation to a work that is a metadata description set for the items that are held by a collection manifestation.
9181 work that is a metadata description set for the items that are held by a collection manifestation.
9182 finding aid
9183 aid, analytic
9184 finding aidrdfs:labelhas hierarchic finding aid
9185 finding aidskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a work that is a metadata description set for the sub-collections and items that are held by a collection manifestation.
9186 finding aidrdakit:toolkitLabelhierarchic finding aid
9187 finding aidrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata description set for the sub-collections and items that are held by a collection manifestation.
9188 finding aidskos:altLabelfinding aid, hierarchic
9189 finding aidskos:scopeNoteA collection includes an archival collection.
9190 index
9191 a manifestation to a work that is a systematic guide to the content of a manifestation that embodies a textual work.
9193 work that is a systematic guide to the content of a manifestation that embodies a textual work.
9194 work of nomenrdfs:labelhas related work of nomen
9195 work of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that is associated with a nomen.
9196 work of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of nomen
9197 work of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a nomen.
9198 expression of nomenrdfs:labelhas related expression of nomen
9199 expression of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that is associated with a nomen.
9200 expression of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of nomen
9201 expression of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a nomen.
9202 manifestation of nomenrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of nomen
9203 manifestation of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is associated with a nomen.
9204 manifestation of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of nomen
9205 manifestation of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a nomen.
9206 item of nomenrdfs:labelhas related item of nomen
9207 item of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that is associated with a nomen.
9208 item of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of nomen
9209 item of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a nomen.
9210 agent of nomenrdfs:labelhas related agent of nomen
9211 agent of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who is associated with a nomen.
9212 agent of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of nomen
9213 agent of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a nomen.
9214 collective agent of nomenrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of nomen
9215 collective agent of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who is associated with a nomen.
9216 collective agent of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of nomen
9217 collective agent of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a nomen.
9218 place of nomenrdfs:labelhas related place of nomen
9219 place of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place associated with a nomen.
9220 place of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of nomen
9221 place of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a nomen.
9222 timespan of nomenrdfs:labelhas related timespan of nomen
9223 timespan of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that is associated with a nomen.
9224 timespan of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of nomen
9225 timespan of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a nomen.
9226 nomen of nomenrdfs:labelhas related nomen of nomen
9227 nomen of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is associated with a nomen.
9228 nomen of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of nomen
9229 nomen of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a nomen.
9230 RDA entity of nomenrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of nomen
9231 RDA entity of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that is associated with a nomen.
9232 RDA entity of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of nomen
9233 RDA entity of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a nomen.
9234 person of nomenrdfs:labelhas related person of nomen
9235 person of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who is associated with a nomen.
9236 person of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of nomen
9237 person of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a nomen.
9238 family of nomenrdfs:labelhas related family of nomen
9239 family of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who is associated with a nomen.
9240 family of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of nomen
9241 family of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a nomen.
9242 corporate body of nomenrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of nomen
9243 corporate body of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who is associated with a nomen.
9244 corporate body of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of nomen
9245 corporate body of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a nomen.
9246 nomen ofrdfs:labelis subject nomen of
9247 nomen ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that is about a nomen.
9248 nomen ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject nomen of
9249 nomen ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a nomen.
9250 nomen ofskos:altLabelsubject of (nomen)
9251 point for item ofrdfs:labelis access point for item of
9252 point for item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9253 point for item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for item of
9254 point for item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9255 of item ofrdfs:labelis appellation of item of
9256 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9257 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of item of
9258 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9259 of item ofrdfs:labelis title of item of
9260 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has an appellation of item in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9261 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of item of
9262 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has an appellation of item in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9263 point for agent ofrdfs:labelis access point for agent of
9264 point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9265 point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for agent of
9266 point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9267 point for collective agent ofrdfs:labelis access point for collective agent of
9268 point for collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9269 point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for collective agent of
9270 point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9271 point for corporate body ofrdfs:labelis access point for corporate body of
9272 point for corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9273 point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for corporate body of
9274 point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9275 point for family ofrdfs:labelis access point for family of
9276 point for family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9277 point for family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for family of
9278 point for family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9279 point for person ofrdfs:labelis access point for person of
9280 point for person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9281 point for person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for person of
9282 point for person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9283 point for expression ofrdfs:labelis access point for expression of
9284 point for expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9285 point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for expression of
9286 point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9287 point for manifestation ofrdfs:labelis access point for manifestation of
9288 point for manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9289 point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for manifestation of
9290 point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9291 point for place ofrdfs:labelis access point for place of
9292 point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9293 point for place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for place of
9294 point for place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9295 point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis access point for timespan of
9296 point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9297 point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for timespan of
9298 point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9299 point for work ofrdfs:labelis access point for work of
9300 point for work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9301 point for work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for work of
9302 point for work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9303 of agent ofrdfs:labelis appellation of agent of
9304 of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9305 of agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of agent of
9306 of agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9307 of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis appellation of collective agent of
9308 of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9309 of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of collective agent of
9310 of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9311 of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis appellation of corporate body of
9312 of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9313 of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of corporate body of
9314 of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9315 of family ofrdfs:labelis appellation of family of
9316 of family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9317 of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of family of
9318 of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9319 of person ofrdfs:labelis appellation of person of
9320 of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9321 of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of person of
9322 of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9323 for agent ofrdfs:labelis identifier for agent of
9324 for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation of agent that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9325 for agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for agent of
9326 for agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has an appellation of agent that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9327 for collective agent ofrdfs:labelis identifier for collective agent of
9328 for collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has an appellation of collective agent that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9329 for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for collective agent of
9330 for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has an appellation of collective agent that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9331 for corporate body ofrdfs:labelis identifier for corporate body of
9332 for corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has an appellation of corporate body that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9333 for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for corporate body of
9334 for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has an appellation of corporate body that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9335 for family ofrdfs:labelis identifier for family of
9336 for family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has an appellation of family that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9337 for family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for family of
9338 for family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has an appellation of family that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9339 for person ofrdfs:labelis identifier for person of
9340 for person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an appellation of person that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9341 for person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for person of
9342 for person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an appellation of person that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9343 of expression ofrdfs:labelis appellation of expression of
9344 of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9345 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of expression of
9346 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9347 of expression ofrdfs:labelis title of expression of
9348 of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has an appellation of expression in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9349 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of expression of
9350 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has an appellation of expression in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9351 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis appellation of manifestation of
9352 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9353 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of manifestation of
9354 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9355 of place ofrdfs:labelis appellation of place of
9356 of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9357 of place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of place of
9358 of place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9359 for place ofrdfs:labelis identifier for place of
9360 for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an appellation of place that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9361 for place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for place of
9362 for place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has an appellation of place that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9363 of timespan ofrdfs:labelis appellation of timespan of
9364 of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9365 of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of timespan of
9366 of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9367 of timespan ofrdfs:labelis name of timespan of
9368 of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an appellation of timespan in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9369 of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of timespan of
9370 of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has an appellation of timespan in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9371 of work ofrdfs:labelis appellation of work of
9372 of work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9373 of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of work of
9374 of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9375 for expression ofrdfs:labelis identifier for expression of
9376 for expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has an appellation of expression that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9377 for expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for expression of
9378 for expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has an appellation of expression that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9379 for item ofrdfs:labelis identifier for item of
9380 for item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has an appellation of item that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9381 for item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for item of
9382 for item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has an appellation of item that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9383 for manifestation ofrdfs:labelis identifier for manifestation of
9384 for manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an appellation of manifestation that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9385 for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for manifestation of
9386 for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an appellation of manifestation that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9387 for work ofrdfs:labelis identifier for work of
9388 for work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an appellation of work that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9389 for work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for work of
9390 for work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an appellation of work that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9391 for timespan ofrdfs:labelis identifier for timespan of
9392 for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an appellation of timespan that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9393 for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for timespan of
9394 for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has an appellation of timespan that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9395 of place ofrdfs:labelis name of place of
9396 of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an appellation of place in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9397 of place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of place of
9398 of place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has an appellation of place in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9399 of agent ofrdfs:labelis name of agent of
9400 of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9401 of agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of agent of
9402 of agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9403 of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis name of collective agent of
9404 of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has an appellation of collective agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9405 of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of collective agent of
9406 of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has an appellation of collective agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9407 of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis name of corporate body of
9408 of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has an appellation of corporate body in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9409 of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of corporate body of
9410 of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has an appellation of corporate body in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9411 of family ofrdfs:labelis name of family of
9412 of family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has an appellation of family in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9413 of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of family of
9414 of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has an appellation of family in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9415 of person ofrdfs:labelis name of person of
9416 of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an appellation of person in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9417 of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of person of
9418 of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an appellation of person in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9419 title ofrdfs:labelis abbreviated title of
9420 title ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabbreviated title of
9421 title ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title of manifestation that has been abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
9422 title ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title of manifestation that has been abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
9423 nomenrdfs:labelhas part nomen
9424 nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is a discrete component of another nomen.
9425 nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelpart nomen
9426 nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a discrete component of another nomen.
9427 of nomenrdfs:labelis part of nomen
9428 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that has another nomen as a discrete component.
9429 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelpart of nomen
9430 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that has another nomen as a discrete component.
9431 derivation
9432 a nomen to a nomen that is based on another nomen.
9434 nomen that is based on another nomen.
9435 ofrdfs:labelis derivation of
9436 ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is used as the basis of another nomen.
9437 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelderivation of
9438 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used as the basis of another nomen.
9439 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis title of manifestation of
9440 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an appellation of manifestation in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9441 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of manifestation of
9442 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an appellation of manifestation in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9443 proper ofrdfs:labelis title proper of
9444 proper ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle proper of
9445 proper ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9446 proper ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title of manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9447 of work ofrdfs:labelis title of work of
9448 of work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an appellation of work in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9449 of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of work of
9450 of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an appellation of work in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9451 audience of nomenrdfs:labelhas intended audience of nomen
9452 audience of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a class of users for which a nomen is intended.
9453 audience of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelintended audience of nomen
9454 audience of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA class of users for which a nomen is intended.
9455 of nomenrdfs:labelhas language of nomen
9456 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a language of a nomen.
9457 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of nomen
9458 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language of a nomen.
9459 of userdfs:labelhas context of use
9460 of useskos:definitionRelates a nomen to the circumstances or situation in which a nomen is used.
9461 of userdakit:toolkitLabelcontext of use
9462 of userdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe circumstances or situation in which a nomen is used.
9463 of useskos:altLabelscope of usage
9464 stringrdfs:labelhas nomen string
9465 stringskos:definitionRelates a nomen to the combination of signs that forms an appellation associated with an entity.
9466 stringskos:scopeNoteThe string can be expressed as a notation in any form, such as a combination of signs within a writing system, chemical structure symbols, mathematical notation, or by any other kind of sign, such as sounds, etc.
9467 stringrdakit:toolkitLabelnomen string
9468 stringrdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe combination of signs that forms an appellation associated with an entity.
9469 of nomenrdfs:labelhas scheme of nomen
9470 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a scheme in which a nomen is established.
9471 of nomenskos:scopeNoteThe scheme can be a value or vocabulary encoding scheme or a string encoding scheme.
9472 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelscheme of nomen
9473 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scheme in which a nomen is established.
9474 of nomenrdfs:labelhas script of nomen
9475 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a set of characters or symbols with which a nomen is formed.
9476 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelscript of nomen
9477 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols with which a nomen is formed.
9478 on nomenrdfs:labelhas note on nomen
9479 on nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a nomen.
9480 on nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on nomen
9481 on nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a nomen.
9482 title ofrdfs:labelis key title of
9483 title ofrdakit:toolkitLabelkey title of
9484 title ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a title of work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
9485 title ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a title of work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
9486 by agentrdfs:labelis assigned by agent
9487 by agentrdakit:toolkitLabelassigned by agent
9488 by agentskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9489 by agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9490 by collective agentrdfs:labelis assigned by collective agent
9491 by collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelassigned by collective agent
9492 by collective agentskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9493 by collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9494 by corporate bodyrdfs:labelis assigned by corporate body
9495 by corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelassigned by corporate body
9496 by corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9497 by corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9498 by familyrdfs:labelis assigned by family
9499 by familyrdakit:toolkitLabelassigned by family
9500 by familyskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9501 by familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9502 by personrdfs:labelis assigned by person
9503 by personrdakit:toolkitLabelassigned by person
9504 by personskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9505 by personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who assigns a nomen to an entity.
9506 of nomenrdfs:labelhas category of nomen
9507 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of nomen
9508 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a type to which a nomen belongs.
9509 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a nomen belongs.
9510 of nomenskos:altLabeltype of nomen
9511 access point for work ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for work of
9512 access point for work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an access point for work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9513 access point for work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for work of
9514 access point for work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an access point for work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9515 access point for work ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for work of
9516 access point for work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an access point for work that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9517 access point for work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for work of
9518 access point for work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an access point for work that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9519 access point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for timespan of
9520 access point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9521 access point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for timespan of
9522 access point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9523 access point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for timespan of
9524 access point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9525 access point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for timespan of
9526 access point for timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9527 name of timespan ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of timespan of
9528 name of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9529 name of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of timespan of
9530 name of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9531 name of timespan ofrdfs:labelis variant name of timespan of
9532 name of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a name of timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9533 name of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of timespan of
9534 name of timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has a name of timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9535 access point for place ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for place of
9536 access point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an access point for place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9537 access point for place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for place of
9538 access point for place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has an access point for place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9539 access point for place ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for place of
9540 access point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an access point for place that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9541 access point for place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for place of
9542 access point for place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has an access point for place that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9543 name of place ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of place of
9544 name of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9545 name of place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of place of
9546 name of place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9547 name of place ofrdfs:labelis variant name of place of
9548 name of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9549 name of place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of place of
9550 name of place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that has a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9551 access point for manifestation ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for manifestation of
9552 access point for manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an access point for manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9553 access point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for manifestation of
9554 access point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an access point for manifestation that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9555 access point for manifestation ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for manifestation of
9556 access point for manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an access point for manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9557 access point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for manifestation of
9558 access point for manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an access point for manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9559 access point for item ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for item of
9560 access point for item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has an access point for item that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9561 access point for item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for item of
9562 access point for item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has an access point for item that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9563 access point for item ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for item of
9564 access point for item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has an access point for item that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9565 access point for item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for item of
9566 access point for item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has an access point for item that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9567 title of item ofrdfs:labelis preferred title of item of
9568 title of item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has a title of item that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9569 title of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of item of
9570 title of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has a title of item that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9571 title of item ofrdfs:labelis variant title of item of
9572 title of item ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an item that has a title of item that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9573 title of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of item of
9574 title of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that has a title of item that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9575 access point for expression ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for expression of
9576 access point for expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has an access point for expression that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9577 access point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for expression of
9578 access point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has an access point for expression that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9579 access point for expression ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for expression of
9580 access point for expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has an access point for expression that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9581 access point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for expression of
9582 access point for expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has an access point for expression that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9583 title of expression ofrdfs:labelis preferred title of expression of
9584 title of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has a title of expression that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9585 title of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of expression of
9586 title of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has a title of expression that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9587 title of expression ofrdfs:labelis variant title of expression of
9588 title of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an expression that has a title of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9589 title of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of expression of
9590 title of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has a title of expression that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9591 access point for agent ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for agent of
9592 access point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9593 access point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for agent of
9594 access point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9595 access point for agent ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for agent of
9596 access point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9597 access point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for agent of
9598 access point for agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9599 access point for collective agent ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for collective agent of
9600 access point for collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has an access point for collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9601 access point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for collective agent of
9602 access point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has an access point for collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9603 access point for collective agent ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for collective agent of
9604 access point for collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has an access point for collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9605 access point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for collective agent of
9606 access point for collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has an access point for collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9607 access point for corporate body ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for corporate body of
9608 access point for corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has an access point for corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9609 access point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for corporate body of
9610 access point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has an access point for corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9611 access point for corporate body ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for corporate body of
9612 access point for corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has an access point for corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9613 access point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for corporate body of
9614 access point for corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has an access point for corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9615 access point for family ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for family of
9616 access point for family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has an access point for family that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9617 access point for family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for family of
9618 access point for family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has an access point for family that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9619 access point for family ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for family of
9620 access point for family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has an access point for family that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9621 access point for family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for family of
9622 access point for family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has an access point for family that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9623 access point for person ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for person of
9624 access point for person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an access point for person that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9625 access point for person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for person of
9626 access point for person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an access point for person that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9627 access point for person ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for person of
9628 access point for person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an access point for person that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9629 access point for person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for person of
9630 access point for person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an access point for person that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9631 title of work ofrdfs:labelis preferred title of work of
9632 title of work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a title of work that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9633 title of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of work of
9634 title of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a title of work that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9635 title of work ofrdfs:labelis variant title of work of
9636 title of work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a title of work that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9637 title of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of work of
9638 title of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a title of work that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9639 title of work ofskos:scopeNoteA variant title of work includes a title or form of title appearing on a manifestation of the work or found in reference sources, a title resulting from a different transliteration of a title, etc.
9640 title of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis variant title of manifestation of
9641 title of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9642 title of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of manifestation of
9643 title of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title of manifestation that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9644 of RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis appellation of RDA entity of
9645 of RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9646 of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of RDA entity of
9647 of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
9648 tordfs:labelis equivalent to
9649 toskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is an appellation of the same entity as another nomen.
9650 tordakit:toolkitLabelequivalent to
9651 tordakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of the same entity as another nomen.
9652 of agent of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis name of agent of manifestation of
9653 of agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of agent of manifestation of
9654 of agent of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a name of agent who is responsible for distribution, printing, duplication, casting, publication, release, issue, etc., or inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.
9655 of agent of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a name of agent who is responsible for distribution, printing, duplication, casting, publication, release, issue, etc., or inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.
9656 of distributor ofrdfs:labelis name of distributor of
9657 of distributor ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of distributor of
9658 of distributor ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for distribution.
9659 of distributor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for distribution.
9660 of manufacturer ofrdfs:labelis name of manufacturer of
9661 of manufacturer ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of manufacturer of
9662 of manufacturer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for printing, duplication, casting, etc.
9663 of manufacturer ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for printing, duplication, casting, etc.
9664 of producer ofrdfs:labelis name of producer of
9665 of producer ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of producer of
9666 of producer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is unpublished that has a name of agent who is responsible for inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.
9667 of producer ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is unpublished that has a name of agent who is responsible for inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.
9668 of publisher ofrdfs:labelis name of publisher of
9669 of publisher ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of publisher of
9670 of publisher ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for publication.
9671 of publisher ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is published that has a name of agent who is responsible for publication.
9672 of publisher ofskos:scopeNotePublication includes release and issuance.
9673 designation of musical work ofrdfs:labelis numeric designation of musical work of
9674 designation of musical work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnumeric designation of musical work of
9675 designation of musical work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that is a musical work that has an identifier for work that is a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by a composer, publisher, or a musicologist.
9676 designation of musical work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that has an identifier for work that is a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by a composer, publisher, or a musicologist.
9677 number ofrdfs:labelis opus number of
9678 number ofrdakit:toolkitLabelopus number of
9679 number ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer indicating chronological order of composition.
9680 number ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer indicating chronological order of composition.
9681 number of musical work ofrdfs:labelis serial number of musical work of
9682 number of musical work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelserial number of musical work of
9683 number of musical work ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical works that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
9684 number of musical work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical works that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
9685 index number ofrdfs:labelis thematic index number of
9686 index number ofrdakit:toolkitLabelthematic index number of
9687 index number ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
9688 index number ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
9689 of series ofrdfs:labelis title of series of
9690 of series ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of series of
9691 of series ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title that identifies a series to which a manifestation belongs.
9692 of series ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title that identifies a series to which a manifestation belongs.
9693 name of distributor ofrdfs:labelis parallel name of distributor of
9694 name of distributor ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of distributor of
9695 name of distributor ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a name of distributor in another language or script.
9696 name of distributor ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a name of distributor in another language or script.
9697 name of manufacturer ofrdfs:labelis parallel name of manufacturer of
9698 name of manufacturer ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of manufacturer of
9699 name of manufacturer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a name of manufacturer in another language or script.
9700 name of manufacturer ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a name of manufacturer in another language or script.
9701 name of producer ofrdfs:labelis parallel name of producer of
9702 name of producer ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of producer of
9703 name of producer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a name of producer in another language or script.
9704 name of producer ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a name of producer in another language or script.
9705 name of publisher ofrdfs:labelis parallel name of publisher of
9706 name of publisher ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel name of publisher of
9707 name of publisher ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a name of publisher in another language or script.
9708 name of publisher ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a name of publisher in another language or script.
9709 title proper ofrdfs:labelis parallel title proper of
9710 title proper ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel title proper of
9711 title proper ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title proper in another language or script.
9712 title proper ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title proper in another language or script.
9713 title of series ofrdfs:labelis parallel title of series of
9714 title of series ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel title of series of
9715 title of series ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a title of series in another language or script.
9716 title of series ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a title of series in another language or script.
9717 ofrdfs:labelis fingerprint of
9718 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfingerprint of
9719 ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has an identifier for manifestation that consists of a group of characters from specified locations in a manifestation combined with a date of publication or other element.
9720 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has an identifier for manifestation that consists of a group of characters from specified locations in a manifestation combined with a date of publication or other element.
9721 sourcerdfs:labelhas reference source
9722 sourceskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation which provides evidence for the use of a nomen.
9723 sourcerdakit:toolkitLabelreference source
9724 sourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation which provides evidence for the use of a nomen.
9725 name of agent ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of agent of
9726 name of agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of agent of
9727 name of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9728 name of agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9729 name of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of collective agent of
9730 name of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of collective agent of
9731 name of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has a name of collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9732 name of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has a name of collective agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9733 name of agent ofrdfs:labelis variant name of agent of
9734 name of agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of agent of
9735 name of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9736 name of agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9737 name of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis variant name of collective agent of
9738 name of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of collective agent of
9739 name of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a collective agent who has a name of collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9740 name of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has a name of collective agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9741 name of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of corporate body of
9742 name of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has a name of corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9743 name of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of corporate body of
9744 name of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has a name of corporate body that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9745 name of family ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of family of
9746 name of family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has a name of family that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9747 name of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of family of
9748 name of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has a name of family that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9749 name of person ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of person of
9750 name of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has a name of person that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9751 name of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of person of
9752 name of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has a name of person that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9753 name of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis variant name of corporate body of
9754 name of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a corporate body who has a name of corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9755 name of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of corporate body of
9756 name of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has a name of corporate body that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9757 name of family ofrdfs:labelis variant name of family of
9758 name of family ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a family who has a name of family that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9759 name of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of family of
9760 name of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has a name of family that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9761 name of person ofrdfs:labelis variant name of person of
9762 name of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has a name of person that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9763 name of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of person of
9764 name of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has a name of person that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9765 number for notated music ofrdfs:labelis plate number for notated music of
9766 number for notated music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplate number for notated music of
9767 number for notated music ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation of a notated music expression that has an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process.
9768 number for notated music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a notated music expression that has an identifier for manifestation other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process.
9769 number for notated music ofskos:scopeNoteThe number normally appears at the bottom of each page, and sometimes on the title page. The number may include initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher, or be followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate.
9770 number for notated music ofrdfs:labelis publisher number for notated music of
9771 number for notated music ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpublisher number for notated music of
9772 number for notated music ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation of a notated music expression that has an identifier for manifestation other than a plate number for notated music, assigned by a publisher.
9773 number for notated music ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a notated music expression that has an identifier for manifestation other than a plate number for notated music, assigned by a publisher.
9774 number for notated music ofskos:scopeNoteThe number normally appears only on the title page, the cover, or the first page of music, and sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher.
9775 identity of person ofrdfs:labelis alternate identity of person of
9776 identity of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelalternate identity of person of
9777 identity of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an appellation of person that is a pseudonym or other assumed identity.
9778 identity of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an appellation of person that is a pseudonym or other assumed identity.
9779 identity of person ofrdfs:labelis real identity of person of
9780 identity of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelreal identity of person of
9781 identity of person ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has an appellation of person that is a real identity.
9782 identity of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has an appellation of person that is a real identity.
9783 point for RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis access point for RDA entity of
9784 point for RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9785 point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for RDA entity of
9786 point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9787 for RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis identifier for RDA entity of
9788 for RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has an appellation of RDA Entity that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9789 for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for RDA entity of
9790 for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has an appellation of RDA entity that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
9791 of RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis name of RDA entity of
9792 of RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has an appellation of RDA entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9793 of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelname of RDA entity of
9794 of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has an appellation of RDA entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9795 access point for RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for RDA entity of
9796 access point for RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has an access point for RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9797 access point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for RDA entity of
9798 access point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has an access point for RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9799 name of RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of RDA entity of
9800 name of RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has a name of RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9801 name of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of RDA entity of
9802 name of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has a name of RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9803 name of RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis variant name of RDA entity of
9804 name of RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has a name of RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9805 name of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of RDA entity of
9806 name of RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has a name of RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9807 access point for RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for RDA entity of
9808 access point for RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an RDA entity that has an access point for entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9809 access point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for RDA entity of
9810 access point for RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that has an access point for RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
9811 of usagerdfs:labelhas date of usage
9812 of usageskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that is a date or range of dates that is associated with the use of a nomen.
9813 of usagerdakit:toolkitLabeldate of usage
9814 of usagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is a date or range of dates that is associated with the use of a nomen.
9815 of identificationrdfs:labelhas status of identification
9816 of identificationskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an indication of a level of authentication of the nomen.
9817 of identificationrdakit:toolkitLabelstatus of identification
9818 of identificationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of a level of authentication of the nomen.
9819 name indicatorrdfs:labelhas undifferentiated name indicator
9820 name indicatorskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a categorization indicating that a nomen is insufficient to differentiate between two or more entities.
9821 name indicatorrdakit:toolkitLabelundifferentiated name indicator
9822 name indicatorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization indicating that a nomen is insufficient to differentiate between two or more entities.
9823 ofrdfs:labelis ISSN of
9824 ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an identifier assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
9825 ofskos:altLabelInternational Standard Serial Number of
9826 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelISSN of
9827 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an identifier assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
9828 of work group ofrdfs:labelis appellation of work group of
9829 of work group ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to work that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work as a member of a work group.
9830 of work group ofrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of work group of
9831 of work group ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work as a member of a work group.
9832 for work group ofrdfs:labelis identifier for work group of
9833 for work group ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an appellation of work that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme used to identify a work group.
9834 for work group ofrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for work group of
9835 for work group ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an appellation of work that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme used to identify a work group.
9836 access point for work group ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for work group of
9837 access point for work group ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that has an access point for work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme used to identify a work group.
9838 access point for work group ofrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for work group of
9839 access point for work group ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an access point for work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme used to identify a work group.
9840 entity of nomenrdfs:labelhas related entity of nomen
9841 entity of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that is associated with a nomen.
9842 entity of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of nomen
9843 entity of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a nomen.
9844 name ofrdfs:labelis given name of
9845 name ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who uses a name given at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
9846 name ofrdakit:toolkitLabelgiven name of
9847 name ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who uses a name given at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
9848 ofrdfs:labelis surname of
9849 ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who uses a family name.
9850 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsurname of
9851 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who uses a family name.
9852 form of name ofrdfs:labelis fuller form of name of
9853 form of name ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a person who has a fuller form of a name or part of a name represented by an initial, abbreviation, or shortened or otherwise modified form.
9854 form of name ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfuller form of name of
9855 form of name ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has a fuller form of a name or part of a name represented by an initial, abbreviation, or shortened or otherwise modified form.
9856 described byrdfs:labelis nomen described by
9857 described byskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that describes a nomen.
9858 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelnomen described by
9859 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a nomen.
9860 described byskos:altLabelnomen described in
9861 within sequence ofrdfs:labelis numbering within sequence of
9862 within sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation that identifies its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger manifestation or parts or issues of a larger work.
9863 within sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelnumbering within sequence of
9864 within sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation that identifies its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger manifestation or parts or issues of a larger work.
9865 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
9866 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9867 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfirst alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
9868 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9869 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis first alphanumeric designation of sequence of
9870 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9871 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfirst alphanumeric designation of sequence of
9872 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9873 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis first chronological designation of alternative sequence of
9874 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9875 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfirst chronological designation of alternative sequence of
9876 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9877 chronological designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis first chronological designation of sequence of
9878 chronological designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9879 chronological designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfirst chronological designation of sequence of
9880 chronological designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9881 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
9882 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9883 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabellast alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
9884 alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9885 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis last alphanumeric designation of sequence of
9886 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9887 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabellast alphanumeric designation of sequence of
9888 alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9889 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis last chronological designation of alternative sequence of
9890 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9891 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabellast chronological designation of alternative sequence of
9892 chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9893 chronological designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis last chronological designation of sequence of
9894 chronological designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9895 chronological designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitLabellast chronological designation of sequence of
9896 chronological designation of sequence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
9897 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis nomen described with metadata by
9898 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a work that is a metadata work for a nomen.
9899 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelnomen described with metadata by
9900 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a nomen.
9901 of placerdfs:labelhas name of place
9902 of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is an appellation of place in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9903 of placerdakit:toolkitLabelname of place
9904 of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of place in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
9905 name of placerdfs:labelhas preferred name of place
9906 name of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9907 name of placerdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of place
9908 name of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9909 name of placeskos:altLabelpreferred name for place
9910 name of placerdfs:labelhas variant name of place
9911 name of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9912 name of placerdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of place
9913 name of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
9914 name of placeskos:scopeNoteVariant name for place includes a name found in reference sources, or a name resulting from a different transliteration of a name, etc.
9915 name of placeskos:altLabelvariant name for place
9916 work of placerdfs:labelhas related work of place
9917 work of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is associated with a place.
9918 work of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of place
9919 work of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a place.
9920 expression of placerdfs:labelhas related expression of place
9921 expression of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an expression that is associated with a place.
9922 expression of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of place
9923 expression of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a place.
9924 manifestation of placerdfs:labelhas related manifestation of place
9925 manifestation of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is associated with a place.
9926 manifestation of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of place
9927 manifestation of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a place.
9928 item of placerdfs:labelhas related item of place
9929 item of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an item that is associated with a place.
9930 item of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of place
9931 item of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a place.
9932 agent of placerdfs:labelhas related agent of place
9933 agent of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who is associated with a place.
9934 agent of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of place
9935 agent of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a place.
9936 collective agent of placerdfs:labelhas related collective agent of place
9937 collective agent of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a collective agent who is associated with a place.
9938 collective agent of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of place
9939 collective agent of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a place.
9940 place of placerdfs:labelhas related place of place
9941 place of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that is associated with a place.
9942 place of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of place
9943 place of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a place.
9944 timespan of placerdfs:labelhas related timespan of place
9945 timespan of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a timespan that is associated with a place.
9946 timespan of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of place
9947 timespan of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a place.
9948 nomen of placerdfs:labelhas related nomen of place
9949 nomen of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is associated with a place.
9950 nomen of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of place
9951 nomen of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a place.
9952 RDA entity of placerdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of place
9953 RDA entity of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an RDA entity that is associated with a place.
9954 RDA entity of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of place
9955 RDA entity of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a place.
9956 person of placerdfs:labelhas related person of place
9957 person of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a person who is associated with a place.
9958 person of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of place
9959 person of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a place.
9960 family of placerdfs:labelhas related family of place
9961 family of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a family who is associated with a place.
9962 family of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of place
9963 family of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a place.
9964 family of placeskos:altLabelplace associated with family of
9965 corporate body of placerdfs:labelhas related corporate body of place
9966 corporate body of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a corporate body who is associated with a place.
9967 corporate body of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of place
9968 corporate body of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a place.
9969 corporate body of placeskos:altLabelplace associated with corporate body of
9970 place ofrdfs:labelis subject place of
9971 place ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is about a place.
9972 place ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject place of
9973 place ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a place.
9974 place ofskos:altLabelsubject of (place)
9975 point for placerdfs:labelhas access point for place
9976 point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is an appellation of place in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9977 point for placerdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for place
9978 point for placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of place in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
9979 of placerdfs:labelhas appellation of place
9980 of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a place.
9981 of placerdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of place
9982 of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a place.
9983 for placerdfs:labelhas identifier for place
9984 for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is an appellation of place that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a place.
9985 for placerdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for place
9986 for placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of place that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a place.
9987 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis place of manifestation of
9988 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of manifestation of
9989 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed, printed, duplicated, cast, published, released, or issued, etc., or an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
9990 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed, printed, duplicated, cast, published, released, or issued, etc., or an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
9991 on placerdfs:labelhas note on place
9992 on placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a place.
9993 on placerdakit:toolkitLabelnote on place
9994 on placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a place.
9995 of cartographic content ofrdfs:labelis coordinates of cartographic content of
9996 of cartographic content ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcoordinates of cartographic content of
9997 of cartographic content ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.
9998 of cartographic content ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.
9999 associated with person ofrdfs:labelis country associated with person of
10000 associated with person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcountry associated with person of
10001 associated with person ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a person who is identified with a country.
10002 associated with person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is identified with a country.
10003 of birth ofrdfs:labelis place of birth of
10004 of birth ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of birth of
10005 of birth ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a person who was born in a place.
10006 of birth ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who was born in a place.
10007 of death ofrdfs:labelis place of death of
10008 of death ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of death of
10009 of death ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a person who died in a place.
10010 of death ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who died in a place.
10011 of residence ofrdfs:labelis place of residence of
10012 of residence ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of residence of
10013 of residence ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a person who resides or has resided in a place.
10014 of residence ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who resides or has resided in a place.
10015 of conference ofrdfs:labelis place of conference of
10016 of conference ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of conference of
10017 of conference ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a corporate body who is a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work and that is held in a place.
10018 of conference ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a work and that is held in a place.
10019 of conference ofskos:altLabellocation of conference, etc. of
10020 of placerdfs:labelis part of place
10021 of placerdakit:toolkitLabelpart of place
10022 of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that encompasses another place.
10023 of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that encompasses another place.
10024 placerdfs:labelhas part place
10025 placerdakit:toolkitLabelpart place
10026 placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that is located within another place.
10027 placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is located within another place.
10028 and latitude ofrdfs:labelis longitude and latitude of
10029 and latitude ofrdakit:toolkitLabellongitude and latitude of
10030 and latitude ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is identified using longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
10031 and latitude ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is identified using longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
10032 of origin of work ofrdfs:labelis place of origin of work of
10033 of origin of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of origin of work of
10034 of origin of work ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that originated in a place.
10035 of origin of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that originated in a place.
10036 ascension and declination ofrdfs:labelis right ascension and declination of
10037 ascension and declination ofrdakit:toolkitLabelright ascension and declination of
10038 ascension and declination ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a cartographic work that locates a celestial body that is the coverage of the work and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.
10039 ascension and declination ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a cartographic work that locates a celestial body that is the coverage of the work and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.
10040 of coordinate pairs ofrdfs:labelis strings of coordinate pairs of
10041 of coordinate pairs ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstrings of coordinate pairs of
10042 of coordinate pairs ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is identifiedy by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.
10043 of coordinate pairs ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a cartographic work that has an area of coverage that is identified by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.
10044 of capture ofrdfs:labelis place of capture of
10045 of capture ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of capture of
10046 of capture ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an expression that has content that is recorded, filmed, etc., in a place.
10047 of capture ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that has content that is recorded, filmed, etc., in a place.
10048 of distribution ofrdfs:labelis place of distribution of
10049 of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of distribution of
10050 of distribution ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed from a place.
10051 of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed from a place.
10052 of manufacture ofrdfs:labelis place of manufacture of
10053 of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of manufacture of
10054 of manufacture ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., in a place.
10055 of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., in a place.
10056 of production ofrdfs:labelis place of production of
10057 of production ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of production of
10058 of production ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
10059 of production ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
10060 of publication ofrdfs:labelis place of publication of
10061 of publication ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of publication of
10062 of publication ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a place.
10063 of publication ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a place.
10064 location
10065 a place to a delimitation of the physical territory of the place.
10067 delimitation of the physical territory of a place.
10068 of placerdfs:labelhas category of place
10069 of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a type to which a place belongs.
10070 of placerdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of place
10071 of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a place belongs.
10072 of placeskos:altLabeltype of place
10073 access point for placerdfs:labelhas authorized access point for place
10074 access point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is an access point of place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10075 access point for placerdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for place
10076 access point for placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10077 access point for placerdfs:labelhas variant access point for place
10078 access point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is an access point of place that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10079 access point for placerdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for place
10080 access point for placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of place that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10081 place of distribution ofrdfs:labelis parallel place of distribution of
10082 place of distribution ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed from a place.
10083 place of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of distribution of
10084 place of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed from a place.
10085 place of manufacture ofrdfs:labelis parallel place of manufacture of
10086 place of manufacture ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., in a place.
10087 place of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of manufacture of
10088 place of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., in a place.
10089 place of production ofrdfs:labelis parallel place of production of
10090 place of production ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
10091 place of production ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of production of
10092 place of production ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
10093 place of publication ofrdfs:labelis parallel place of publication of
10094 place of publication ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a place.
10095 place of publication ofrdakit:toolkitLabelparallel place of publication of
10096 place of publication ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a place.
10097 governed ofrdfs:labelis jurisdiction governed of
10098 governed ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a corporate body who is a government of a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
10099 governed ofrdakit:toolkitLabeljurisdiction governed of
10100 governed ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a government of a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
10101 of capture of representative expression ofrdfs:labelis place of capture of representative expression of
10102 of capture of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of capture of representative expression of
10103 of capture of representative expression ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that has content of a representative expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., in a place.
10104 of capture of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has content of a representative expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., in a place.
10105 entity of placerdfs:labelhas related entity of place
10106 entity of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an entity that is associated with a place.
10107 entity of placerdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of place
10108 entity of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a place.
10109 described byrdfs:labelis place described by
10110 described byskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a description of a place.
10111 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelplace described by
10112 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a place.
10113 described byskos:altLabelplace described in
10114 of collection ofrdfs:labelis location of collection of
10115 of collection ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a manifestation of a collection work that is stored in a place.
10116 of collection ofrdakit:toolkitLabellocation of collection of
10117 of collection ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a collection work that is stored in a place.
10118 of item ofrdfs:labelis location of item of
10119 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an item that is held, stored, or made available for access in a place.
10120 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabellocation of item of
10121 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is held, stored, or made available for access in a place.
10122 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis place described with metadata by
10123 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a place to a work that is a metadata work for a place.
10124 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelplace described with metadata by
10125 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a place.
10126 content categoryrdfs:labelQualified content category
10127 content categoryskos:definitionA resource category that qualifies a base content category.
10128 carrier categoryrdfs:labelQualified carrier category
10129 carrier categoryskos:definitionA resource category that qualifies a base carrier category.
10130 categoryrdfs:labelBase category
10131 categoryskos:definitionA resource category that is wholly defined in terms of primary values that are specified in the RDA/ONIX Framework.
10132 categoryrdfs:labelCarrier category
10133 categoryskos:definitionA class of resources defined in terms of specific values for one or more attributes of the means and methods by which content is conveyed.
10134 categoryrdfs:labelContent category
10135 categoryskos:definitionA class of resources defined in terms of specific values for one or more attributes of the intellectual or artistic content of a resource.
10137 class of resources defined in terms of specific values for one or more attributes (e.g., all resources for which the value for Character is language).
10138 categoryrdfs:labelQualified category
10139 categoryskos:definitionA category that qualifies a base category by the addition of a value or values that are not specified in the RDA/ONIX Framework.
10140 content categoryrdfs:labelBase content category
10141 content categoryskos:definitionA base category defined only in terms of an attribute or attributes of the content of a resource.
10142 carrier categoryrdfs:labelBase carrier category
10143 carrier categoryskos:definitionA base category defined only in terms of an attribute or attributes of the carrier of a resource.
10144 applied materialrdfs:labelhas applied material
10145 applied materialskos:definitionA material applied to the base material for purposes of infixing the content of the resource.
10146 applied materialskos:scopeNoteApplies to resources conveying content on a physical carrier. Resources conveying content by means of broadcasting or online transmission will have an AppliedMaterial value not applicable.
10147 intermediation methodrdfs:labelhas intermediation method
10148 intermediation methodskos:definitionA method intended to be applied to the carrier to allow the content of the resource to be perceived.
10149 fixation methodrdfs:labelhas fixation method
10150 fixation methodskos:definitionA method or process by which the content of a resource is infixed or embedded in the carrier.
10151 encoding formatrdfs:labelhas encoding format
10152 encoding formatskos:definitionA schema, standard, etc., used to encode the content of a resource.
10153 intermediation toolrdfs:labelhas intermediation tool
10154 intermediation toolskos:definitionA tool intended to be applied to the carrier to enable the content of the resource to be perceived.
10155 intermediation toolskos:scopeNoteIntermediationTool identifies any physical or digital tool required to enable the resource content to be perceived as intended, including tools required to decode, decrypt or otherwise circumvent security measures.
10156 fixation toolrdfs:labelhas fixation tool
10157 fixation toolskos:definitionA tool used to infix the content of a resource.
10158 base materialrdfs:labelhas base material
10159 base materialskos:definitionAn underlying physical material on or in which the content of a resource is stored.
10160 base materialskos:scopeNoteApplies to resources conveying content on a physical carrier. Resources conveying content by means of broadcasting or online transmission will have a BaseMaterial value not applicable.
10161 storage medium formatrdfs:labelhas storage medium format
10162 storage medium formatskos:definitionThe physical form of the material on which the content of the resource is stored.
10163 housing formatrdfs:labelhas housing format
10164 housing formatskos:definitionThe physical format of the encasing for the storage medium.
10165 housing formatskos:scopeNoteApplies to resources conveying content on a physical carrier. Resources conveying content by means of broadcasting or online transmission will have a HousingFormat value not applicable.
10166 interactionrdfs:labelhas interaction
10167 interactionskos:definitionA capacity to respond to actions performed by the user in relation to the content of the resource.
10168 characterrdfs:labelhas character
10169 characterskos:definitionA fundamental form of communication in which the content of a resource is expressed.
10170 sensory moderdfs:labelhas sensory mode
10171 sensory modeskos:definitionA human sense through which the content of a resource is intended to be perceived.
10172 sensory modeskos:scopeNoteThis attribute refers to a human sense through which the content of a resource is intended to be perceived, as distinct from a sense through which it might be perceived either incidentally or with the aid of an intermediating tool other than one which would normally be expected to be used (e.g., a device for transforming digitally encoded alphabetic characters into simulated voice).
10173 form or genrerdfs:labelhas form or genre
10174 form or genreskos:definitionA literary, musical, artistic, etc., form or genre associated with the content of a resource.
10175 extension moderdfs:labelhas extension mode
10176 extension modeskos:definitionA means by which the content of the resource is expected to be extended after initial release.
10177 revision moderdfs:labelhas revision mode
10178 revision modeskos:definitionA means by which the content of the resource is expected to be revised after initial release.
10179 capture methodrdfs:labelhas capture method
10180 capture methodskos:definitionA process used to capture the content of a resource.
10181 capture methodskos:scopeNoteCaptureMethod is the method used in the initial capturing the content, not the method used to fix the content onto the carrier (c.f., FixationMethod).
10182 subjectrdfs:labelhas subject
10183 subjectskos:definitionA topic, discipline, place, event, person, etc., associated with the content of a resource; what the content is about.
10184 purposerdfs:labelhas purpose
10185 purposeskos:definitionA use for which the content of a resource is intended.
10186 extension requirementrdfs:labelhas extension requirement
10187 extension requirementskos:definitionAn assessment of the necessity of extension of the content of the resource after initial release for its integrity.
10188 revision requirementrdfs:labelhas revision requirement
10189 revision requirementskos:definitionAn assessment of the necessity of revision of the content of the resource after initial release for its integrity.
10190 extension terminationrdfs:labelhas extension termination
10191 extension terminationskos:definitionAn expectation as to the period of extension of the content of the resource after initial release.
10192 revision terminationrdfs:labelhas revision termination
10193 revision terminationskos:definitionAn expectation as to the period of revision of the content of the resource after initial release.
10194 image dimensionalityrdfs:labelhas image dimensionality
10195 image dimensionalityskos:definitionThe number of spatial dimensions in which the image content of a resource is intended to be perceived.
10196 image dimensionalityskos:scopeNoteApplies only to content with a Character value image.
10197 image movementrdfs:labelhas image movement
10198 image movementskos:definitionThe perceived presence or absence of movement in the image content of a resource.
10199 image movementskos:scopeNoteApplies only to content with a Character value image.
10200 work of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is associated with a timespan.
10201 work of timespanrdfs:labelhas related work of timespan
10202 work of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of timespan
10203 work of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a timespan.
10204 expression of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an expression that is associated with a timespan.
10205 expression of timespanrdfs:labelhas related expression of timespan
10206 expression of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of timespan
10207 expression of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a timespan.
10208 manifestation of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is associated with a timespan.
10209 manifestation of timespanrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of timespan
10210 manifestation of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of timespan
10211 manifestation of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a timespan.
10212 item of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an item that is associated with a timespan.
10213 item of timespanrdfs:labelhas related item of timespan
10214 item of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of timespan
10215 item of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a timespan.
10216 agent of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is associated with a timespan.
10217 agent of timespanrdfs:labelhas related agent of timespan
10218 agent of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of timespan
10219 agent of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a timespan.
10220 collective agent of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a collective agent who is associated with a timespan.
10221 collective agent of timespanrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of timespan
10222 collective agent of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of timespan
10223 collective agent of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a timespan.
10224 place of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a place that is associated with a timespan.
10225 place of timespanrdfs:labelhas related place of timespan
10226 place of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of timespan
10227 place of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a timespan.
10228 timespan of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is associated with a timespan.
10229 timespan of timespanrdfs:labelhas related timespan of timespan
10230 timespan of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of timespan
10231 timespan of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a timespan.
10232 nomen of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is associated with a timespan.
10233 nomen of timespanrdfs:labelhas related nomen of timespan
10234 nomen of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of timespan
10235 nomen of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a timespan.
10236 RDA entity of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an RDA entity that is associated with a timespan.
10237 RDA entity of timespanrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of timespan
10238 RDA entity of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of timespan
10239 RDA entity of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a timespan.
10240 person of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a person who is associated with a timespan.
10241 person of timespanrdfs:labelhas related person of timespan
10242 person of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of timespan
10243 person of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a timespan.
10244 person of timespanskos:altLabeldate associated with person of
10245 family of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a family who is associated with a timespan.
10246 family of timespanrdfs:labelhas related family of timespan
10247 family of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of timespan
10248 family of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a timespan.
10249 family of timespanskos:altLabeldate associated with family of
10250 corporate body of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a corporate body who is associated with a timespan.
10251 corporate body of timespanrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of timespan
10252 corporate body of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of timespan
10253 corporate body of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a timespan.
10254 corporate body of timespanskos:altLabeldate associated with corporate body of
10255 timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is about a timespan.
10256 timespan ofrdfs:labelis subject timespan of
10257 timespan ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject timespan of
10258 timespan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a timespan.
10259 point for timespanrdfs:labelhas access point for timespan
10260 point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
10261 point for timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for timespan
10262 point for timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of timespan in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
10263 of timespanrdfs:labelhas appellation of timespan
10264 of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a timespan.
10265 of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of timespan
10266 of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to a timespan.
10267 of timespanrdfs:labelhas name of timespan
10268 of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
10269 of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelname of timespan
10270 of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of timespan in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
10271 for timespanrdfs:labelhas identifier for timespan
10272 for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a timespan.
10273 for timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for timespan
10274 for timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of timespan that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a timespan.
10275 date ofrdfs:labelis copyright date of
10276 date ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcopyright date of
10277 date ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime during a timespan.
10278 date ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime during a timespan.
10279 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis date of manifestation of
10280 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is published, released, issued, printed, duplicated, cast, distributed, etc., in a published form or is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a unpublished form during a timespan.
10281 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of manifestation of
10282 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is published, released, issued, printed, duplicated, cast, distributed, etc., or an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., during a timespan.
10283 ofrdfs:labelis epoch of
10284 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelepoch of
10285 ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that refers to measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit.
10286 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that refers to measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit.
10287 of work ofrdfs:labelis date of work of
10288 of work ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of work of
10289 of work ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is associated with the earliest timespan.
10290 of work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with the earliest timespan.
10291 of capture ofrdfs:labelis date of capture of
10292 of capture ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of capture of
10293 of capture ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., during a timespan.
10294 of capture ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., during a timespan.
10295 of expression ofrdfs:labelis date of expression of
10296 of expression ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an expression that is associated with the earliest timespan.
10297 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of expression of
10298 of expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with the earliest timespan.
10299 of distribution ofrdfs:labelis date of distribution of
10300 of distribution ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed during a timespan.
10301 of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of distribution of
10302 of distribution ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is distributed during a timespan.
10303 of manufacture ofrdfs:labelis date of manufacture of
10304 of manufacture ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., during a timespan.
10305 of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of manufacture of
10306 of manufacture ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a published manifestation that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., during a timespan.
10307 of production ofrdfs:labelis date of production of
10308 of production ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., during a timespan.
10309 of production ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of production of
10310 of production ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is an unpublished manifestation that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., during a timespan.
10311 of publication ofrdfs:labelis date of publication of
10312 of publication ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a published form during a timespan.
10313 of publication ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of publication of
10314 of publication ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is published, released, or issued in a published form during a timespan.
10315 of birth ofrdfs:labelis date of birth of
10316 of birth ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a person who was born during a timespan.
10317 of birth ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of birth of
10318 of birth ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who was born during a timespan.
10319 of death ofrdfs:labelis date of death of
10320 of death ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a person who died during a timespan.
10321 of death ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of death of
10322 of death ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who died during a timespan.
10323 of conference ofrdfs:labelis date of conference of
10324 of conference ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a corporate body who is a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that is held during a timespan.
10325 of conference ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of conference of
10326 of conference ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that is held during a timespan.
10327 of establishment ofrdfs:labelis date of establishment of
10328 of establishment ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a corporate body who is established or founded during a timespan.
10329 of establishment ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of establishment of
10330 of establishment ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is established or founded during a timespan.
10331 of termination ofrdfs:labelis date of termination of
10332 of termination ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a corporate body who is terminated or dissolved during a timespan.
10333 of termination ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of termination of
10334 of termination ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is terminated or dissolved during a timespan.
10335 of timespanrdfs:labelis part of timespan
10336 of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that has another timespan as a discrete component.
10337 of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelpart of timespan
10338 of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that has another timespan as a discrete component.
10339 timespanrdfs:labelhas part timespan
10340 timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is a discrete component of another timespan.
10341 timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelpart timespan
10342 timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is a discrete component of another timespan.
10343 beginning
10344 a timespan to a timespan that is the time at which a timespan starts.
10346 timespan that is the time at which a timespan starts.
10347 time may be represented at different levels of granularity by a calendrical timespan.
10348 ending
10349 a timespan to a timespan that is the time at which a timespan finishes.
10351 timespan that is the time at which a timespan finishes.
10352 time may be represented at different levels of granularity by a calendrical timespan.
10353 ofrdfs:labelis equinox of
10354 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelequinox of
10355 ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that uses a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
10356 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that uses a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
10357 of activity of corporate body ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of corporate body of
10358 of activity of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of corporate body of
10359 of activity of corporate body ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a corporate body who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10360 of activity of corporate body ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10361 of activity of person ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of person of
10362 of activity of person ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of person of
10363 of activity of person ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a person who is active in their primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10364 of activity of person ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is active in their primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10365 on timespanrdfs:labelhas note on timespan
10366 on timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a timespan.
10367 on timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on timespan
10368 on timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a timespan.
10369 degree granted ofrdfs:labelis year degree granted of
10370 degree granted ofrdakit:toolkitLabelyear degree granted of
10371 degree granted ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is a thesis associated with an academic degree that is conferred by a granting institution or faculty during a timespan.
10372 degree granted ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a thesis associated with an academic degree that is conferred by a granting institution or faculty during a timespan.
10373 access point for timespanrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for timespan
10374 access point for timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for timespan
10375 access point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10376 access point for timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10377 access point for timespanrdfs:labelhas variant access point for timespan
10378 access point for timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for timespan
10379 access point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10380 access point for timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
10381 name of timespanrdfs:labelhas preferred name of timespan
10382 name of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
10383 name of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of timespan
10384 name of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
10385 name of timespanrdfs:labelhas variant name of timespan
10386 name of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is a name of timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
10387 name of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of timespan
10388 name of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
10389 of activity of agent ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of agent of
10390 of activity of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10391 of activity of agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of agent of
10392 of activity of agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10393 of activity of collective agent ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of collective agent of
10394 of activity of collective agent ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a collective agent who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10395 of activity of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of collective agent of
10396 of activity of collective agent ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10397 of activity of family ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of family of
10398 of activity of family ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a family who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10399 of activity of family ofrdakit:toolkitLabelperiod of activity of family of
10400 of activity of family ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is active in its primary field of endeavor during a timespan.
10401 of capture of representative expression ofrdfs:labelis date of capture of representative expression of
10402 of capture of representative expression ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is associated with a representative expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., during a timespan.
10403 of capture of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of capture of representative expression of
10404 of capture of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a representative expression that is recorded, filmed, etc., during a timespan.
10405 of usage ofrdfs:labelis date of usage of
10406 of usage ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is used during a timespan.
10407 of usage ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of usage of
10408 of usage ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used during a timespan.
10409 of representative expression ofrdfs:labelis date of representative expression of
10410 of representative expression ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is associated with the earliest timespan of a representative expression.
10411 of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of representative expression of
10412 of representative expression ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with the earliest timespan of a representative expression.
10413 entity of timespanrdfs:labelhas related entity of timespan
10414 entity of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an entity that is associated with a timespan.
10415 entity of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of timespan
10416 entity of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a timespan.
10417 of timespanrdfs:labelhas category of timespan
10418 of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a type to which a timespan belongs.
10419 of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of timespan
10420 of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a timespan belongs.
10421 described byrdfs:labelis timespan described by
10422 described byskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is a description of a timespan.
10423 described byrdakit:toolkitLabeltimespan described by
10424 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a timespan.
10425 described byskos:altLabeltimespan described in
10426 ofrdfs:labelis beginning of
10427 ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that starts at the time that is a timespan.
10428 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbeginning of
10429 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that starts at the time that is a timespan.
10430 ofrdfs:labelis ending of
10431 ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that finishes at the time that is a timespan.
10432 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelending of
10433 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that finishes at the time that is a timespan.
10434 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis timespan described with metadata by
10435 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a work that is a metadata work for a timespan.
10436 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabeltimespan described with metadata by
10437 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a timespan.
10438 respondent ofrdfs:labelis respondent of
10439 respondent ofskos:definitionRelates a candidate for a degree who defends or opposes a thesis provided by a praeses in an academic disputation to a resource.
10440 degree granting institution ofrdfs:labelis degree granting institution of
10441 degree granting institution ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree that is approved by an agent.
10442 host institution ofrdfs:labelis host institution of
10443 host institution ofskos:definitionRelates an agent hosting an event, exhibit, conference, etc., which gave rise to a resource to a resource.
10444 production company ofrdfs:labelis production company of
10445 production company ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
10446 court governed ofrdfs:labelis court governed of
10447 court governed ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource of a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature to a resource.
10448 collector ofrdfs:labelis collector of
10449 collector ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for collecting by selecting and arranging resources that are other resources.
10450 collection registrar ofrdfs:labelis collection registrar of
10451 collection registrar ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata resource.
10452 depositor ofrdfs:labelis depositor of
10453 depositor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is deposited into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
10454 film director ofrdfs:labelis film director of
10455 film director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
10456 radio director ofrdfs:labelis radio director of
10457 radio director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
10458 television director ofrdfs:labelis television director of
10459 television director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a television program.
10460 donor ofrdfs:labelis donor of
10461 donor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource donated to another owner.
10462 seller ofrdfs:labelis seller of
10463 seller ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is sold to another owner who is an agent.
10464 enacting jurisdiction ofrdfs:labelis enacting jurisdiction of
10465 enacting jurisdiction ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, etc. enacted by a government body.
10466 jurisdiction governed ofrdfs:labelis jurisdiction governed of
10467 jurisdiction governed ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a place that is a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
10468 conductor ofrdfs:labelis conductor of
10469 conductor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of leading of a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation, etc.
10470 actor ofrdfs:labelis actor of
10471 actor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
10472 onscreen presenter ofrdfs:labelis onscreen presenter of
10473 onscreen presenter ofskos:definitionRelates a performer who contributes to a resource by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information. an on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials to a resource.
10474 onscreen presenter ofskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
10475 dancer ofrdfs:labelis dancer of
10476 dancer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
10477 instructor ofrdfs:labelis instructor of
10478 instructor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of teaching or providing a demonstration.
10479 host ofrdfs:labelis host of
10480 host ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent who is a performer of leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
10481 moderator ofrdfs:labelis moderator of
10482 moderator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
10483 puppeteer ofrdfs:labelis puppeteer of
10484 puppeteer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment
10485 panelist ofrdfs:labelis panelist of
10486 panelist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
10487 instrumentalist ofrdfs:labelis instrumentalist of
10488 instrumentalist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of playing a musical instrument.
10489 commentator ofrdfs:labelis commentator of
10490 commentator ofskos:definitionRelates a performer who contributes to a resource by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium to a resource.
10491 voice actor ofrdfs:labelis voice actor of
10492 voice actor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of providing the voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image resources, as well as voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
10493 narrator ofrdfs:labelis narrator of
10494 narrator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an resource that includes a contribution by an agent of reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
10495 storyteller ofrdfs:labelis storyteller of
10496 storyteller ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent who is a performer of relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
10497 speaker ofrdfs:labelis speaker of
10498 speaker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of speaking words, such as a lecture, speech, etc.
10499 singer ofrdfs:labelis singer of
10500 singer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent who is a performer of voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
10501 medium ofrdfs:labelis medium of
10502 medium ofskos:definitionRelates an agent held to be a channel of communication between the earthly world and a world of spirits to a resource.
10503 film producer ofrdfs:labelis film producer of
10504 film producer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
10505 radio producer ofrdfs:labelis radio producer of
10506 radio producer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a radio program.
10507 television producer ofrdfs:labelis television producer of
10508 television producer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of the production of a television program.
10509 alternate identityrdfs:labelhas alternate identity
10510 alternate identityskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is a pseudonym or other appellation used by an agent.
10511 real identityrdfs:labelhas real identity
10512 real identityskos:definitionRelates a real agent who assumes an alternate identity to an agent.
10513 respondentrdfs:labelhas respondent
10514 respondentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a candidate for a degree who defends or opposes a thesis provided by the praeses in an academic disputation.
10515 undifferentiated name indicatorrdfs:labelhas undifferentiated name indicator
10516 undifferentiated name indicatorskos:definitionRelates a name to a categorization indicating that a name is insufficient to differentiate between two or more entities.
10517 category of agentrdfs:labelhas category of agent
10518 category of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a type to which an agent belongs.
10519 category of agentskos:altLabeltype of agent
10520 carrier typerdfs:labelhas carrier type
10521 carrier typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting the format of the storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a resource.
10522 content typerdfs:labelhas content type
10523 content typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting a fundamental form of communication in which a content is expressed and a human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
10524 content typeskos:scopeNoteContent type also reflects the number of spatial dimensions and the presence or absence of movement in which content expressed in the form of an image or images is intended to be perceived.
10525 media typerdfs:labelhas media type
10526 media typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a resource.
10527 mode of issuancerdfs:labelhas mode of issuance
10528 mode of issuanceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting whether a resource is issued in one or more parts, the way it is updated, and its intended termination.
10529 identifier for resourcerdfs:labelhas identifier for resource
10530 identifier for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an appellation of resource that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a resource.
10531 identifier for resourceskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
10532 identifier for agentrdfs:labelhas identifier for agent
10533 identifier for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an appellation of agent that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an agent.
10534 modification of resourcerdfs:labelhas modification of resource
10535 modification of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a modification that is specific to a resource and is assumed not to apply to other resources exemplifying the same resource.
10536 preferred citationrdfs:labelhas preferred citation
10537 preferred citationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a citation for a resource in the form preferred by a creator, publisher, custodian, indexing or abstracting service, or other agent.
10538 category of resourcerdfs:labelhas category of resource
10539 category of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a type to which a resource belongs.
10540 category of resourceskos:altLabelhas form of resource
10541 regional encodingrdfs:labelhas regional encoding
10542 regional encodingskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier is encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
10543 degree granting institutionrdfs:labelhas degree granting institution
10544 degree granting institutionskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who approves a resource that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree.
10545 host institutionrdfs:labelhas host institution
10546 host institutionskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who hosts a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a resource, but has little or no responsibility of an agent for the content.
10547 production companyrdfs:labelhas production company
10548 production companyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
10549 country associated with agentrdfs:labelhas country associated with agent
10550 country associated with agentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a country with which an agent is identified.
10551 court governedrdfs:labelhas court governed
10552 court governedskos:definitionRelates a resource to a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature.
10553 collectorrdfs:labelhas collector
10554 collectorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a collection resource by selecting and arranging resources that are other resources.
10555 collection registrarrdfs:labelhas collection registrar
10556 collection registrarskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
10557 depositorrdfs:labelhas depositor
10558 depositorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a current owner of a resource who deposits the resource into the custody of another agent without transferring ownership.
10559 copyright daterdfs:labelhas copyright date
10560 copyright dateskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
10561 date of distributionrdfs:labelhas date of distribution
10562 date of distributionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan during which a published resource is distributed.
10563 date of productionrdfs:labelhas date of production
10564 date of productionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan during which an unpublished resource is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, or otherwise produced.
10565 date of manufacturerdfs:labelhas date of manufacture
10566 date of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan during which a published resource is printed, duplicated, cast, or otherwise manufactured.
10567 date of publicationrdfs:labelhas date of publication
10568 date of publicationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan during which a published resource is published, released, or issued.
10569 date of capturerdfs:labelhas date of capture
10570 date of captureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a resource.
10571 date of usagerdfs:labelhas date of usage
10572 date of usageskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a date or range of dates that is associated with the use of an appellation of an entity.
10573 period of activity of agentrdfs:labelhas period of activity of agent
10574 period of activity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a date or range of dates indicative of a period in which an agent was active in its primary field of endeavor.
10575 parallel designation of named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel designation of named revision of edition
10576 parallel designation of named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation of a named revision of an edition in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a designation of a named revision of an edition element.
10577 parallel designation of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel designation of edition
10578 parallel designation of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation of edition in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a designation of edition element.
10579 number of conferencerdfs:labelhas number of conference
10580 number of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation of a sequencing of a conference, etc., within a series of conferences, etc.
10581 numbering of partrdfs:labelhas numbering of part
10582 numbering of partskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters, or a date or other timespan, that is used to indicate a sequence of a part resource within a whole resource.
10583 numbering of partskos:scopeNoteNumbering may consist of a numeral, a letter, any other character, or the combination of these with or without an accompanying caption, and/or a chronological designation.
10584 numbering within sequencerdfs:labelhas numbering within sequence
10585 numbering within sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation of a sequencing of a part or parts within a series.
10586 numbering within sequenceskos:scopeNoteNumbering may include dates or other timespans, alphanumeric or other characters, and an accompanying caption.
10587 electronic reproductionrdfs:labelhas electronic reproduction
10588 electronic reproductionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource in a digital format that is a result of a transfer of a resource in an analog format.
10589 film directorrdfs:labelhas film director
10590 film directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
10591 radio directorrdfs:labelhas radio director
10592 radio directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
10593 television directorrdfs:labelhas television director
10594 television directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
10595 parallel name of distributorrdfs:labelhas parallel name of distributor
10596 parallel name of distributorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of distributor in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a name of distributor element.
10597 dramatized asrdfs:labelis dramatized as
10598 dramatized asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a dramatic resource adapted from another resource.
10599 field of activity of agentrdfs:labelhas field of activity of agent
10600 field of activity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a field of endeavour, area of expertise, competence, responsibility, jurisdiction etc., in which an agent is engaged.
10601 awardrdfs:labelhas award
10602 awardskos:definitionRelates a resource to a formal recognition of excellence or other merit given by an award- or prize-granting body, for the content of a resource.
10603 donorrdfs:labelhas donor
10604 donorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a former owner of a resource that donated the resource to another owner.
10605 sellerrdfs:labelhas seller
10606 sellerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a former owner of a resource that sold the resource to another owner.
10607 file typerdfs:labelhas file type
10608 file typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a general type of data content encoded in a computer file.
10609 enacting jurisdictionrdfs:labelhas enacting jurisdiction
10610 enacting jurisdictionskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a government enacting a resourcce that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation.
10611 jurisdiction governedrdfs:labelhas jurisdiction governed
10612 jurisdiction governedskos:definitionRelates a place that is a jurisdiction to an agent who is a government of a jurisdiction governed by a law, regulation, etc., that was enacted by another government.
10613 language of agentrdfs:labelhas language of agent
10614 language of agentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a language an agent uses in its communications, when writing for publication, broadcasting, etc.
10615 language of resourcerdfs:labelhas language of resource
10616 language of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a language used for the content of a resource.
10617 facsimile part ofrdfs:labelis facsimile part of
10618 facsimile part ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a larger resource of which a part is a discrete component that exactly reproduces a related resource embodying a resource.
10619 part of resourcerdfs:labelis part of resource
10620 part of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has another resource as a discrete component.
10621 part of resourceskos:altLabelis contained in resource
10622 sequelrdfs:labelhas sequel
10623 sequelskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that extends the narrative of another resource forwards in time.
10624 sequelskos:altLabelis prequel to
10625 replaced in part byrdfs:labelis replaced in part by
10626 replaced in part byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content partially supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another resource.
10627 replaced in part byskos:scopeNoteThis relationship applies generally to single-part units, multipart monographs, and integrating resources.
10628 replaced byrdfs:labelis replaced by
10629 replaced byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another resource.
10630 replaced byskos:scopeNoteThis relationship applies generally to single-part units, multipart monographs, and integrating resources.
10631 adapted in verse asrdfs:labelis adapted in verse as
10632 adapted in verse asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a literary composition in verse form adapted from another resource.
10633 place of conferencerdfs:labelhas place of conference
10634 place of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a local place in which a conference, congress, meeting, exhibition, fair, festival, etc., was held.
10635 parallel name of manufacturerrdfs:labelhas parallel name of manufacturer
10636 parallel name of manufacturerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of manufacturer in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a name of manufacturer element.
10637 coordinates of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas coordinates of cartographic content
10638 coordinates of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a mathematical system for identifying a place covered by the cartographic content of a resource.
10639 adapted as motion picturerdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture
10640 adapted as motion pictureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a motion picture that is based on another resource.
10641 dubbed version ofrdfs:labelis dubbed version of
10642 dubbed version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a moving image resource whose spoken dialogue is translated into a language different from another resource.
10643 dubbed versionrdfs:labelhas dubbed version
10644 dubbed versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a moving image resource that translates spoken dialogue of another resource into a different language.
10645 cadenzardfs:labelhas cadenza
10646 cadenzaskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that is an ornamental passage for a soloist added to a musical resource, such as a concerto, by the same or a different composer.
10647 variations based onrdfs:labelis variations based on
10648 variations based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource from which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material is taken to form a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
10649 modified by variation asrdfs:labelis modified by variation as
10650 modified by variation asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource in which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material taken from another resource forms a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
10651 cadenza composed forrdfs:labelis cadenza composed for
10652 cadenza composed forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource, such as a concerto, to which is added a musical resource that is an ornamental passage for a soloist by the same or a different composer.
10653 libretto forrdfs:labelis libretto for
10654 libretto forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a musical or choreographic resource such as an opera, a ballet, or other resource for the musical stage, or an oratorio, that is complemented by a textual resource.
10655 incidental musicrdfs:labelhas incidental music
10656 incidental musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource that is a play or other resource for the stage that is realized as spoken word.
10657 variant name of agentrdfs:labelhas variant name of agent
10658 variant name of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
10659 remade asrdfs:labelis remade as
10660 remade asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a motion picture, radio program, television program, or video based on an earlier resource.
10661 set to music asrdfs:labelis set to music as
10662 set to music asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a non-dramatic musical resource, other than an oratorio, that uses a text of another resource.
10663 note on issue, part, or iteration used as basis for identification of resourcerdfs:labelhas note on issue, part, or iteration used as basis for identification of resource
10664 note on issue, part, or iteration used as basis for identification of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that identifies an issue or part of a multipart monograph or serial, or an iteration of an integrating resource that has been used as a basis for the identification of a resource.
10665 note on changes in content characteristicsrdfs:labelhas note on changes in content characteristics
10666 note on changes in content characteristicsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on variations in the content characteristics of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic resource.
10667 note on changes in carrier characteristicsrdfs:labelhas note on changes in carrier characteristics
10668 note on changes in carrier characteristicsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on variations in the carrier characteristics that are found on resources of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic resource.
10669 note on distribution statementrdfs:labelhas note on distribution statement
10670 note on distribution statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the distribution of a resource.
10671 note on manufacture statementrdfs:labelhas note on manufacture statement
10672 note on manufacture statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the manufacture of a resource.
10673 note on production statementrdfs:labelhas note on production statement
10674 note on production statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the production of a resource.
10675 note on publication statementrdfs:labelhas note on publication statement
10676 note on publication statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the publication of a resource.
10677 note on statement of responsibilityrdfs:labelhas note on statement of responsibility
10678 note on statement of responsibilityskos:definitionRelates a resource to note on resource that provides information on an agent, and their function, who is responsible for a resource.
10679 note on series statementrdfs:labelhas note on series statement
10680 note on series statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on a series with which a resource is associated.
10681 note on copyright daterdfs:labelhas note on copyright date
10682 note on copyright dateskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on a copyright date.
10683 note on dimensions of resourcerdfs:labelhas note on dimensions of resource
10684 note on dimensions of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the dimensions of a resource.
10685 note on extent of resourcerdfs:labelhas note on extent of resource
10686 note on extent of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on the extent of a resource.
10687 note on numbering of sequencerdfs:labelhas note on numbering of sequence
10688 note on numbering of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note providing information on the range of designators that is used to indicate a sequence of the individual parts or iterations of a resource.
10689 note on titlerdfs:labelhas note on title
10690 note on titleskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on inaccuracies appearing in titles, complex changes in titles, or on other information relating to a title.
10691 note on edition statementrdfs:labelhas note on edition statement
10692 note on edition statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on an edition of a resource.
10693 adapted as novelrdfs:labelis adapted as novel
10694 adapted as novelskos:definitionRelates a resource to a novel adapted from another resource.
10695 publisher number for notated musicrdfs:labelhas publisher number for notated music
10696 publisher number for notated musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numbering designation assigned to a notated music resource by a publisher.
10697 publisher number for notated musicskos:scopeNoteA publisher number for notated music sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher.
10698 plate number for notated musicrdfs:labelhas plate number for notated music
10699 plate number for notated musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numbering designation assigned to a notated music resource by a publisher.
10700 plate number for notated musicskos:scopeNoteA plate number for notated music sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher. It is sometimes followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate.
10701 conductorrdfs:labelhas conductor
10702 conductorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a musical resource by leading a performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
10703 actorrdfs:labelhas actor
10704 actorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by acting as a cast member or player in a musical or dramatic presentation.
10705 onscreen presenterrdfs:labelhas onscreen presenter
10706 onscreen presenterskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by appearing on screen to provide contextual or background information. an on-screen presenter may appear in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials.
10707 onscreen presenterskos:scopeNoteAppearance in nonfiction moving image materials or in introductions to fiction moving image materials is included. Appearance on screen in a non-performing role is excluded.
10708 dancerrdfs:labelhas dancer
10709 dancerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by dancing in a musical or dramatic presentation.
10710 hostrdfs:labelhas host
10711 hostskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by leading a program, often broadcast, that includes other performers.
10712 moderatorrdfs:labelhas moderator
10713 moderatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by leading a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
10714 puppeteerrdfs:labelhas puppeteer
10715 puppeteerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by manipulating, controlling, or directing puppets or marionettes in a moving image production or a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
10716 panelistrdfs:labelhas panelist
10717 panelistskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by participating in a program, often broadcast, where topics are discussed, usually with participation of experts in fields related to the discussion.
10718 instrumentalistrdfs:labelhas instrumentalist
10719 instrumentalistskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by playing a musical instrument.
10720 commentatorrdfs:labelhas commentator
10721 commentatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by providing interpretation, analysis, or a discussion of the subject matter on a recording, film, or other audiovisual medium.
10722 voice actorrdfs:labelhas voice actor
10723 voice actorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a performer who contributes to a resource by providing a voice for characters in radio and audio productions and for animated characters in moving image resources as well as by providing voice-overs in radio and television commercials, dubbed resources, etc.
10724 narratorrdfs:labelhas narrator
10725 narratorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by reading aloud or giving an account of an act, occurrence, or other event.
10726 storytellerrdfs:labelhas storyteller
10727 storytellerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by relaying a story with dramatic or theatrical interpretation.
10728 speakerrdfs:labelhas speaker
10729 speakerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by speaking words.
10730 singerrdfs:labelhas singer
10731 singerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a performer who contributes to a resource by using their voice, with or without instrumental accompaniment, to produce music.
10732 mediumrdfs:labelhas medium
10733 mediumskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who claims to be a channel of communication with a world of spirits.
10734 applied materialrdfs:labelhas applied material
10735 applied materialskos:definitionRelates a resource to a physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a resource.
10736 place of distributionrdfs:labelhas place of distribution
10737 place of distributionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place associated with the distribution of a published resource.
10738 place of productionrdfs:labelhas place of production
10739 place of productionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place that is associated with the inscription, fabrication, construction, or other method of production of an unpublished resource.
10740 place of manufacturerdfs:labelhas place of manufacture
10741 place of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place that is associated with the printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing of a published resource.
10742 place of publicationrdfs:labelhas place of publication
10743 place of publicationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place associated with the publication, release, or issuing of a published resource.
10744 parallel place of distributionrdfs:labelhas parallel place of distribution
10745 parallel place of distributionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place of distribution in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a place of distribution element.
10746 parallel place of manufacturerdfs:labelhas parallel place of manufacture
10747 parallel place of manufactureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place of manufacture in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a place of manufacture element.
10748 parallel place of productionrdfs:labelhas parallel place of production
10749 parallel place of productionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place of production in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a place of production element.
10750 parallel place of publicationrdfs:labelhas parallel place of publication
10751 parallel place of publicationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place of publication in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a place of publication element.
10752 reprint ofrdfs:labelis reprint of
10753 reprint ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that reissues the same resource as a printed resource being described.
10754 film producerrdfs:labelhas film producer
10755 film producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects ofthe production of a film.
10756 radio producerrdfs:labelhas radio producer
10757 radio producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
10758 television producerrdfs:labelhas television producer
10759 television producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
10760 parallel name of producerrdfs:labelhas parallel name of producer
10761 parallel name of producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of producer in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a name of producer element.
10762 parallel name of publisherrdfs:labelhas parallel name of publisher
10763 parallel name of publisherskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of publisher name in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a name of publisher element.
10764 adapted as radio programrdfs:labelis adapted as radio program
10765 adapted as radio programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a radio program based on another resource.
10766 academic degreerdfs:labelhas academic degree
10767 academic degreeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a rank conferred as a guarantee of academic proficiency.
10768 custodial history of resourcerdfs:labelhas custodial history of resource
10769 custodial history of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a record of previous ownership or custodianship of a resource, including agent, place, and timespan.
10770 abstracted inrdfs:labelis abstracted in
10771 abstracted inskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that abstracts the contents of another resource.
10772 preservation facsimilerdfs:labelhas preservation facsimile
10773 preservation facsimileskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
10774 adapted as choreographyrdfs:labelis adapted as choreography
10775 adapted as choreographyskos:definitionRelates a resource to a choreographic resource based on another resource.
10776 erratardfs:labelhas errata
10777 errataskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of errors discovered after the publication of a predominant resource, with their corrections.
10778 illustrationsrdfs:labelhas illustrations
10779 illustrationsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of pictorial content designed to explain or decorate an augmented resource.
10780 insertrdfs:labelhas insert
10781 insertskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a separate part of another resource.
10782 adapted as motion picture screenplayrdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture screenplay
10783 adapted as motion picture screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, based on another resource.
10784 adapted as screenplayrdfs:labelis adapted as screenplay
10785 adapted as screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video, based on another resource.
10786 adapted as television screenplayrdfs:labelis adapted as television screenplay
10787 adapted as television screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of a screenplay for a television program, based on another resource.
10788 adapted as video screenplayrdfs:labelis adapted as video screenplay
10789 adapted as video screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of a screenplay for a video, based on another resource.
10790 adapted as radio scriptrdfs:labelis adapted as radio script
10791 adapted as radio scriptskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of a script for a radio program, based on another resource.
10792 freely translated asrdfs:labelis freely translated as
10793 freely translated asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is both an adaptation and a translation into another language of another resource.
10794 description ofrdfs:labelis description of
10795 description ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to an entity that is described by a resource.
10796 equivalentrdfs:labelhas equivalent
10797 equivalentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that carries the same content as a resource.
10798 subseries ofrdfs:labelis subseries of
10799 subseries ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a successive aggregating resource that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating resource.
10800 issue ofrdfs:labelis issue of
10801 issue ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a successive aggregating resource that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of a static resource.
10802 issue ofskos:altLabelis in series
10803 inserted inrdfs:labelis inserted in
10804 inserted inskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource into which material is inserted that is not an integral part of the publication.
10805 also issued asrdfs:labelis also issued as
10806 also issued asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that carries the same content of a resource in a different format.
10807 accompanied byrdfs:labelis accompanied by
10808 accompanied byskos:definitionRelates a rescource to a resource that is a part of the same resource as another part resource.
10809 mirror siterdfs:labelhas mirror site
10810 mirror siteskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an exact copy of a website, used to reduce network traffic or improve the availability of the content of the original site.
10811 complemented byrdfs:labelis complemented by
10812 complemented byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource paired with a related resource without either resource being considered to be predominant.
10813 separated intordfs:labelis separated into
10814 separated intoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that continues the partial content of another diachronic resource that is continuing.
10815 separated intoskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive resource.
10816 digital transferrdfs:labelhas digital transfer
10817 digital transferskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource in a digital format that results from a transfer of a resource in another digital format.
10818 screenplay forrdfs:labelis screenplay for
10819 screenplay forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that uses a screenplay and that is complemented by a textual resource.
10820 incidental music forrdfs:labelis incidental music for
10821 incidental music forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a play or other resource for the stage that is realized as spoken word and that is complemented by a musical resource.
10822 abstractrdfs:labelhas abstract
10823 abstractskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an objective summary of a resource.
10824 abstractskos:altLabelis abstracted as
10825 augmented byrdfs:labelis augmented by
10826 augmented byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that adds to the content of a predominant resource.
10827 summaryrdfs:labelhas summary
10828 summaryskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a brief description of a resource.
10829 summaryskos:altLabelis summarized as
10830 cataloguerdfs:labelhas catalogue
10831 catalogueskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a metadata description set for the resources that are held by a collection resource.
10832 special issuerdfs:labelhas special issue
10833 special issueskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
10834 concordancerdfs:labelhas concordance
10835 concordanceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an index of all or selected words that occur in a textual resource.
10836 addendardfs:labelhas addenda
10837 addendaskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that consists of brief content that is essential for the completeness of a related resource.
10838 adapted as librettordfs:labelis adapted as libretto
10839 adapted as librettoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical or choreographic resource such as an opera, a ballet, or other resource for the musical stage, or an oratorio
10840 reviewed byrdfs:labelis reviewed by
10841 reviewed byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a brief evaluation of a resource.
10842 reviewed byskos:altLabelis reviewed in
10843 critiqued byrdfs:labelis critiqued by
10844 critiqued byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a critical evaluation of a resource.
10845 critiqued byskos:altLabelis critiqued in
10846 commentary inrdfs:labelis commentary in
10847 commentary inskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on a resource
10848 imitated asrdfs:labelis imitated as
10849 imitated asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that copies the style or content of another resource.
10850 described byrdfs:labelis described by
10851 described byskos:definitionRelates an entity to a resource that is a description of a entity.
10852 described byskos:altLabelis described in
10853 expanded asrdfs:labelis expanded as
10854 expanded asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that enlarges upon the content of another resource.
10855 facsimilerdfs:labelhas facsimile
10856 facsimileskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that exactly reproduces a related resource embodying a resource.
10857 evaluated byrdfs:labelis evaluated by
10858 evaluated byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an examination or judgement of a resource.
10859 evaluated byskos:altLabelis evaluated in
10860 analysed inrdfs:labelis analysed in
10861 analysed inskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that describes the structure and composition of another resource.
10862 prequelrdfs:labelhas prequel
10863 prequelskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that extends the narrative of another resource backwards in time.
10864 prequelskos:altLabelis sequel to
10865 appendixrdfs:labelhas appendix
10866 appendixskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content augments a related resource.
10867 guiderdfs:labelhas guide
10868 guideskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that guides a user through the use of a predominant resource, using notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc.
10869 abridgement ofrdfs:labelis abridgement of
10870 abridgement ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is shortened as a related resoure without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
10871 abstract ofrdfs:labelis abstract of
10872 abstract ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is summarized in an objective manner.
10873 dramatization ofrdfs:labelis dramatization of
10874 dramatization ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a drama.
10875 verse adaptation ofrdfs:labelis verse adaptation of
10876 verse adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a literary composition in verse form.
10877 motion picture adaptation ofrdfs:labelis motion picture adaptation of
10878 motion picture adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a motion picture.
10879 novelization ofrdfs:labelis novelization of
10880 novelization ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a novel.
10881 radio adaptation ofrdfs:labelis radio adaptation of
10882 radio adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a radio program.
10883 television adaptation ofrdfs:labelis television adaptation of
10884 television adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a television program.
10885 screenplay based onrdfs:labelis screenplay based on
10886 screenplay based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video.
10887 motion picture screenplay based onrdfs:labelis motion picture screenplay based on
10888 motion picture screenplay based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture.
10889 television screenplay based onrdfs:labelis television screenplay based on
10890 television screenplay based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a screenplay for a television program.
10891 video screenplay based onrdfs:labelis video screenplay based on
10892 video screenplay based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a screenplay for a video.
10893 radio script based onrdfs:labelis radio script based on
10894 radio script based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a script for a radio program.
10895 video adaptation ofrdfs:labelis video adaptation of
10896 video adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted for video.
10897 bound withrdfs:labelis bound with
10898 bound withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is physically combined with a resource to form a collection resource.
10899 bound withskos:scopeNoteEach resource originally exemplifies a resource that is a sheet or volume.
10900 digest ofrdfs:labelis digest of
10901 digest ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a systematic and comprehensive condensing of a related resource.
10902 analysis ofrdfs:labelis analysis of
10903 analysis ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose structure is described by a resource.
10904 issuerdfs:labelhas issue
10905 issueskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a static resource that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of a successive aggregating resource.
10906 issueskos:altLabelis series container of
10907 adaptation ofrdfs:labelis adaptation of
10908 adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is modified for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
10909 adaptation ofskos:scopeNoteThis relationship applies to changes in form or to resources completely rewritten in the same form.
10910 arrangement ofrdfs:labelis arrangement of
10911 arrangement ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose medium of performance is modified to create a new resource that is different from another resource.
10912 free translation ofrdfs:labelis free translation of
10913 free translation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted and translated into another language.
10914 translation ofrdfs:labelis translation of
10915 translation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose language is modified to create a new resource that is different from another resource.
10916 revised asrdfs:labelis revised as
10917 revised asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an update, correction, or expansion of another resource.
10918 parodied asrdfs:labelis parodied as
10919 parodied asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that imitates the style or content of another resource for comic effect.
10920 absorbed byrdfs:labelis absorbed by
10921 absorbed byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content incorporates the content of another resource.
10922 absorbed in part byrdfs:labelis absorbed in part by
10923 absorbed in part byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content incorporates the partial content of another resource.
10924 part resourcerdfs:labelhas part resource
10925 part resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a discrete component of another resource.
10926 part resourceskos:altLabelis container of resource
10927 derivativerdfs:labelhas derivative
10928 derivativeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a modification of another resource.
10929 errata tordfs:labelis errata to
10930 errata toskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is augmented by a list of errors in a predominant resource, discovered after publication, with their corrections.
10931 guide tordfs:labelis guide to
10932 guide toskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is augmented by a related resource that consists of material, such as notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc., to help a user of a predominant resource.
10933 appendix tordfs:labelis appendix to
10934 appendix toskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is augmented with content from a related resource.
10935 illustrations forrdfs:labelis illustrations for
10936 illustrations forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is augmented by pictorial content designed to explain or decorate it.
10937 evaluation ofrdfs:labelis evaluation of
10938 evaluation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is examined or judged.
10939 on carrier unit withrdfs:labelis on carrier unit with
10940 on carrier unit withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a part of the same carrier unit as another part resource.
10941 on carrier unit withskos:altLabelis issued with
10942 on disc withrdfs:labelis on disc with
10943 on disc withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is contained on the same disc as a resource.
10944 filmed withrdfs:labelis filmed with
10945 filmed withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is contained on the same microform as a resource.
10946 supplement tordfs:labelis supplement to
10947 supplement toskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is updated or otherwise complemented by an augmenting resource.
10948 adapted asrdfs:labelis adapted as
10949 adapted asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that modifies another resource for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
10950 adapted asskos:scopeNoteThis relationship applies to changes in form or to resources completely rewritten in the same form.
10951 preceded byrdfs:labelis preceded by
10952 preceded byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose chronological coverage is before that of another resource.
10953 finding aidrdfs:labelhas finding aid
10954 finding aidskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a metadata description set for a collection resource.
10955 indexrdfs:labelhas index
10956 indexskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is an index of the content of a resource that is a textual resource.
10957 screenplayrdfs:labelhas screenplay
10958 screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is realized as text that complements a resource that uses a screenplay.
10959 motion picture screenplayrdfs:labelhas motion picture screenplay
10960 motion picture screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is textual resource that complements a resource that is a motion picture.
10961 musical setting ofrdfs:labelis musical setting of
10962 musical setting ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that provides text for a non-dramatic musical resource, other than an oratorio.
10963 radio scriptrdfs:labelhas radio script
10964 radio scriptskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is texual resource that complements a work that is a radio program.
10965 television screenplayrdfs:labelhas television screenplay
10966 television screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a textual resource that complements a resource that is a television program.
10967 video screenplayrdfs:labelhas video screenplay
10968 video screenplayskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a textual resource that complements a resource that is a video.
10969 librettordfs:labelhas libretto
10970 librettoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is realized as text that complements a resource that is an opera or other resource for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
10971 reprinted asrdfs:labelis reprinted as
10972 reprinted asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that reissues the same resource as a printed resource being described.
10973 reproduced asrdfs:labelis reproduced as
10974 reproduced asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that reproduces a related resource.
10975 paraphrased asrdfs:labelis paraphrased as
10976 paraphrased asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that restates a content of anothere resource in a different form.
10977 arranged asrdfs:labelis arranged as
10978 arranged asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose medium of performance is a modification of another resource.
10979 abridged asrdfs:labelis abridged as
10980 abridged asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that shortens a related resource without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
10981 split fromrdfs:labelis split from
10982 split fromskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that is completed whose partial content is continued by another diachronic resource.
10983 split fromskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive resource.
10984 separated fromrdfs:labelis separated from
10985 separated fromskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that is continuing whose partial content is continued by another diachronic resource.
10986 succeeded byrdfs:labelis succeeded by
10987 succeeded byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose chronological coverage is after that of another resource.
10988 digested asrdfs:labelis digested as
10989 digested asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that systematically and comprehensively condenses a related resource.
10990 translated asrdfs:labelis translated as
10991 translated asskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose language is a modification of another resource.
10992 supplementrdfs:labelhas supplement
10993 supplementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that updates or otherwise complements a predominant resource.
10994 screenplay for motion picturerdfs:labelis screenplay for motion picture
10995 screenplay for motion pictureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a motion picture that is complemented by a textual resource.
10996 screenplay for television programrdfs:labelis screenplay for television program
10997 screenplay for television programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a television program that is complemented by a textual resource.
10998 screenplay for videordfs:labelis screenplay for video
10999 screenplay for videoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a video that is complemented by a textual resource.
11000 script for radio programrdfs:labelis script for radio program
11001 script for radio programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a radio program that is complemented by a textual resource.
11002 addenda tordfs:labelis addenda to
11003 addenda toskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is completed with brief content from a related resource.
11004 digital transfer ofrdfs:labelis digital transfer of
11005 digital transfer ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource in a digital format that is transferred to another digital format.
11006 review ofrdfs:labelis review of
11007 review ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a brief evaluation.
11008 summary ofrdfs:labelis summary of
11009 summary ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is briefly described by a resource.
11010 catalogue ofrdfs:labelis catalogue of
11011 catalogue ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a collection resource that has a metadata description set for the resources that it holds.
11012 concordance forrdfs:labelis concordance for
11013 concordance forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource of a textual resource that is the basis of an index of all or selected words that occur.
11014 concordance forskos:altLabelis concordance to
11015 critique ofrdfs:labelis critique of
11016 critique ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a critical evaluation.
11017 choreographic adaptation ofrdfs:labelis choreographic adaptation of
11018 choreographic adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a choreographic resource.
11019 expanded version ofrdfs:labelis expanded version of
11020 expanded version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a derivative resource that enlarges upon the content of another resource.
11021 remake ofrdfs:labelis remake of
11022 remake ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video.
11023 paraphrase ofrdfs:labelis paraphrase of
11024 paraphrase ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a restating of the content of another resource in a different form.
11025 reproduction ofrdfs:labelis reproduction of
11026 reproduction ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is used as a basis for a reproduction.
11027 commentary onrdfs:labelis commentary on
11028 commentary onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
11029 preservation facsimile ofrdfs:labelis preservation facsimile of
11030 preservation facsimile ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is used as a basis for an exact reproduction on preservation-quality media, such as acid-free permanent or archival paper.
11031 facsimile partrdfs:labelhas facsimile part
11032 facsimile partskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource used as a basis for an exact reproduction that is a discrete component of a larger entity.
11033 facsimile ofrdfs:labelis facsimile of
11034 facsimile ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is used as a basis for an exact reproduction.
11035 index forrdfs:labelis index for
11036 index forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource of a textual resource that is the basis of an index of the content.
11037 index forskos:altLabelis index to
11038 revision ofrdfs:labelis revision of
11039 revision ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is updated, corrected, or expanded to create a new resource.
11040 libretto based onrdfs:labelis libretto based on
11041 libretto based onskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that provides text for a musical or choreographic resource such as an opera, a ballet, or other resource for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
11042 sourcerdfs:labelhas source
11043 sourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is modified to create a new resource
11044 continued byrdfs:labelis continued by
11045 continued byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that continues the content of another diachronic resource that is completed.
11046 continued byskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive resource.
11047 augmentation ofrdfs:labelis augmentation of
11048 augmentation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is added to by a related resource.
11049 abstracts forrdfs:labelis abstracts for
11050 abstracts forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is abstracted by another resource.
11051 imitation ofrdfs:labelis imitation of
11052 imitation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose style or content is copied in a derivative resource.
11053 parody ofrdfs:labelis parody of
11054 parody ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose style or content is imitated for comic effect.
11055 resource
11056 a resource to a resource that is associated with a resource.
11057 encoding formatrdfs:labelhas encoding format
11058 encoding formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to a schema or standard that is used to encode the digital content of a resource.
11059 numeric designation of musical resourcerdfs:labelhas numeric designation of musical resource
11060 numeric designation of musical resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical resource by a composer, publisher, or a musicologist.
11061 numeric designation of musical resourceskos:scopeNoteA numeric designation of a musical resource includes a caption such as e.g., no., op., BWV, and it may include a numeral, a letter, a word, any other character, or the combination of these.
11062 subseriesrdfs:labelhas subseries
11063 subseriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a successive aggregating resource that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating resource.
11064 special issue ofrdfs:labelis special issue of
11065 special issue ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
11066 form of tactile notationrdfs:labelhas form of tactile notation
11067 form of tactile notationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of a resource in a form that can be perceived through touch.
11068 form of notationrdfs:labelhas form of notation
11069 form of notationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of a resource.
11070 form of notated movementrdfs:labelhas form of notated movement
11071 form of notated movementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of a resource.
11072 form of musical notationrdfs:labelhas form of musical notation
11073 form of musical notationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of a resource.
11074 scriptrdfs:labelhas script
11075 scriptskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of a resource.
11076 digital representation of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas digital representation of cartographic content
11077 digital representation of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of technical details relating to an encoding of geospatial information in a cartographic resource.
11078 video formatrdfs:labelhas video format
11079 video formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to a schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a resource.
11080 statement of responsibility relating to title properrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to title proper
11081 statement of responsibility relating to title properskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement associated with a title proper of a resource that relates to an identification or function of agents responsible for the creation of, or who contributes to a realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of a resource.
11082 series statementrdfs:labelhas series statement
11083 series statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies a series that is associated with a resource and a numbering of a resource within the series,
11084 series statementskos:scopeNoteA series statement may also include information identifying one or more subseries to which the resource being described belongs. A series statement sometimes includes statements of responsibility relating to a series or subseries.
11085 edition statementrdfs:labelhas edition statement
11086 edition statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement identifying an edition to which a resource belongs.
11087 distribution statementrdfs:labelhas distribution statement
11088 distribution statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies a place of distribution, a distributor, or a date of distribution of a published resource.
11089 manufacture statementrdfs:labelhas manufacture statement
11090 manufacture statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies a place of manufacture, a manufacturer, or a date of manufacture of a published resource.
11091 manufacture statementskos:scopeNoteA manufacture statement includes a statement about the printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a published resource.
11092 production statementrdfs:labelhas production statement
11093 production statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies a place of production, a producer, or a date of production of an unpublished resource.
11094 production statementskos:scopeNoteA production statement includes a statement about the inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of an unpublished resource.
11095 publication statementrdfs:labelhas publication statement
11096 publication statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies a place of publication, a publisher, or a date of publication of a published resource.
11097 parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
11098 parallel statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a statement of responsibility relating to a named revision of an edition element.
11099 parallel statement of responsibility relating to seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to series
11100 parallel statement of responsibility relating to seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement of responsibility relating to series in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a statement of responsibility relating to series element.
11101 parallel statement of responsibility relating to editionrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to edition
11102 parallel statement of responsibility relating to editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement of responsibility relating to an edition in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a statement of responsibility relating to an edition element.
11103 parallel statement of responsibility relating to title properrdfs:labelhas parallel statement of responsibility relating to title proper
11104 parallel statement of responsibility relating to title properskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement of responsibility relating to title proper in a language or script that differs from that recorded in a statement of responsibility relating to title proper element.
11105 statement of responsibilityrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility
11106 statement of responsibilityskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement relating to anidentification or function of any agents responsible for the creation of, or who contributes to a realization of, the intellectual or artistic content of a resource.
11107 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to named revision of edition
11108 statement of responsibility relating to named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement relating to an identification of agents responsible for a named revision of an edition.
11109 statement of responsibility relating to seriesrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to series
11110 statement of responsibility relating to seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement relating to an identification of agents responsible for a series.
11111 statement of responsibility relating to editionrdfs:labelhas statement of responsibility relating to edition
11112 statement of responsibility relating to editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement relating to an identification of agents responsible for an edition being described but not to all editions.
11113 emulsion on microfilm and microficherdfs:labelhas emulsion on microfilm and microfiche
11114 emulsion on microfilm and microficheskos:definitionRelates a resource to a suspension of light-sensitive chemicals used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
11115 longitude and latituderdfs:labelhas longitude and latitude
11116 longitude and latitudeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place that identifies the area covered by the cartographic content of a resource using longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
11117 right ascension and declinationrdfs:labelhas right ascension and declination
11118 right ascension and declinationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a system for identifying the location of a celestial object in the sky covered by the cartographic content of a resource using angles of right ascension and declination.
11119 strings of coordinate pairsrdfs:labelhas strings of coordinate pairs
11120 strings of coordinate pairsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a system for identifying the precise area covered by the cartographic content of a resource using coordinates for each vertex of a polygon.
11121 system of organizationrdfs:labelhas system of organization
11122 system of organizationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a system of arranging materials in an archival resource or a collection.
11123 broadcast standardrdfs:labelhas broadcast standard
11124 broadcast standardskos:definitionRelates a resource to a system used to format a video resource for television broadcast.
11125 digital file characteristicrdfs:labelhas digital file characteristic
11126 digital file characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a technical specification relating to a digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, and other types of data in a resource.
11127 sound characteristicrdfs:labelhas sound characteristic
11128 sound characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a technical specification relating to an encoding of sound in a resource.
11129 video characteristicrdfs:labelhas video characteristic
11130 video characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a technical specification relating to an encoding of video images in a resource.
11131 projection characteristic of motion picture filmrdfs:labelhas projection characteristic of motion picture film
11132 projection characteristic of motion picture filmskos:definitionRelates a resource to a technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
11133 adapted as television programrdfs:labelis adapted as television program
11134 adapted as television programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a television program based on another resource.
11135 variant title of resourcerdfs:labelhas variant title of resource
11136 variant title of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title of resource that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
11137 hereditary titlerdfs:labelhas hereditary title
11138 hereditary titleskos:definitionRelates an agent to a title of nobility, etc., associated with an agent.
11139 abbreviated titlerdfs:labelhas abbreviated title
11140 abbreviated titleskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title that is abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
11141 place of residencerdfs:labelhas place of residence
11142 place of residenceskos:definitionRelates an agent to a town, city, province, state, or country in which an agent resides or has resided, or another significant place associated with an agent other than place of birth, place of death, or residence.
11143 place of residenceskos:scopeNoteA place where an agent has worked or studied is included.
11144 adapted as videordfs:labelis adapted as video
11145 adapted as videoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a video based on another resource.
11146 prominent member of agentrdfs:labelhas prominent member of agent
11147 prominent member of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a well-known individual who is a member of an agent.
11148 term of rank, honour, or officerdfs:labelhas term of rank, honour, or office
11149 term of rank, honour, or officeskos:definitionRelates an agent to a word or phrase indicative of royalty, nobility, or ecclesiastical rank or office, a term of address for an agent of religious vocation, or another term indicative of rank, honour, or office.
11150 designation of named revision of editionrdfs:labelhas designation of named revision of edition
11151 designation of named revision of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a word, character or group of words or characters, identifying a particular revision of a named edition.
11152 designation of editionrdfs:labelhas designation of edition
11153 designation of editionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a word, character or group of words or characters, identifying an edition to which a resource belongs.
11154 name of placerdfs:labelhas name of place
11155 name of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an appellation of place in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
11156 title of resourcerdfs:labelhas title of resource
11157 title of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an appellation of resource in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
11158 name of agentrdfs:labelhas name of agent
11159 name of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
11160 titlerdfs:labelhas title
11161 titleskos:definitionRelates an entity to an appellation in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
11162 summarization of contentrdfs:labelhas summarization of content
11163 summarization of contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an abstract, summary, synopsis, or other description of the content of a resource.
11164 appelleerdfs:labelhas appellee
11165 appelleeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent against whom an appeal is taken on a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal resource of a higher court.
11166 dedicatorrdfs:labelhas dedicator
11167 dedicatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who assigns a resource as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
11168 surveyorrdfs:labelhas surveyor
11169 surveyorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor agent of cartography who provides measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area.
11170 animatorrdfs:labelhas animator
11171 animatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
11172 animatorskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
11173 arranger of musicrdfs:labelhas arranger of music
11174 arranger of musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by rewriting a composition for a medium of performance different from that for which a resource was originally intended.
11175 arranger of musicskos:scopeNoteModification of the resource for the same medium of performance, etc., keeping the musical substance of the original composition essentially unchanged, is included. Substantial modification that results in the creation of a new musical resource is excluded.
11176 draftsmanrdfs:labelhas draftsman
11177 draftsmanskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by an architect, inventor, or other agent by making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, or other constructions.
11178 transcriberrdfs:labelhas transcriber
11179 transcriberskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by writing down or notating unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
11180 transcriberskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical resource for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
11181 musical directorrdfs:labelhas musical director
11182 musical directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
11183 costume designerrdfs:labelhas costume designer
11184 costume designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
11185 translatorrdfs:labelhas translator
11186 translatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by expressing linguistic content of a resource in a language different from that of previous resources.
11187 translatorskos:scopeNoteTranslation of linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods is included.
11188 art directorrdfs:labelhas art director
11189 art directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
11190 performerrdfs:labelhas performer
11191 performerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, and other roles, often in a musical or dramatic presentation.
11192 court reporterrdfs:labelhas court reporter
11193 court reporterskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by preparing a court's opinions for publication.
11194 abridgerrdfs:labelhas abridger
11195 abridgerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by shortening an a related resource without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
11196 abridgerskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new resource is excluded.
11197 recording engineerrdfs:labelhas recording engineer
11198 recording engineerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by supervising the technical aspects of a sound or video recording session.
11199 contributor agent of still imagerdfs:labelhas contributor agent of still image
11200 contributor agent of still imageskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a still image resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
11201 recordistrdfs:labelhas recordist
11202 recordistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session.
11203 stage directorrdfs:labelhas stage director
11204 stage directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a stage resource through the general management and supervision of a performance.
11205 current ownerrdfs:labelhas current owner
11206 current ownerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent currently having legal possession of a resource.
11207 former ownerrdfs:labelhas former owner
11208 former ownerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent formerly having legal possession of a resource.
11209 custodianrdfs:labelhas custodian
11210 custodianskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent having legal custody of a resource.
11211 ownerrdfs:labelhas owner
11212 ownerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent having legal possession of a resource.
11213 honoureerdfs:labelhas honouree
11214 honoureeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is honoured by a resource.
11215 honoureeskos:altLabelhas honoree
11216 broadcasterrdfs:labelhas broadcaster
11217 broadcasterskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for broadcasting a resource to an audience via radio, television, webcast, or other transmission media.
11218 film distributorrdfs:labelhas film distributor
11219 film distributorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for distributing a moving image resource to theatres or other distribution channels.
11220 book designerrdfs:labelhas book designer
11221 book designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by being responsible for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
11222 engraverrdfs:labelhas engraver
11223 engraverskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by cutting letters, figures, or other marks on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
11224 braille embosserrdfs:labelhas braille embosser
11225 braille embosserskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for manufacturing a resource by embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
11226 printmakerrdfs:labelhas printmaker
11227 printmakerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
11228 casterrdfs:labelhas caster
11229 casterskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
11230 lithographerrdfs:labelhas lithographer
11231 lithographerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
11232 lithographerskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
11233 platemakerrdfs:labelhas platemaker
11234 platemakerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text in a resource.
11235 etcherrdfs:labelhas etcher
11236 etcherskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
11237 collotyperrdfs:labelhas collotyper
11238 collotyperskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
11239 printerrdfs:labelhas printer
11240 printerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for manufacturing a resource of printed text, notated music, or other content from type or plates.
11241 presenterrdfs:labelhas presenter
11242 presenterskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent mentioned in an "X presents" credit for moving image materials and who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution in some way.
11243 degree supervisorrdfs:labelhas degree supervisor
11244 degree supervisorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or overseeing thesis or dissertation research for an academic degree that results in a resource.
11245 illuminatorrdfs:labelhas illuminator
11246 illuminatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who decorates a specific resource using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
11247 editor of moving image resourcerdfs:labelhas editor of moving image resource
11248 editor of moving image resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
11249 programmerrdfs:labelhas programmer
11250 programmerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a computer program.
11251 designerrdfs:labelhas designer
11252 designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
11253 cartographerrdfs:labelhas cartographer
11254 cartographerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for a cartographic resource.
11255 composerrdfs:labelhas composer
11256 composerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a musical resource.
11257 composerskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical resource to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a resource or creating a resource in the general style of another composer, or creating a resource that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
11258 inventorrdfs:labelhas inventor
11259 inventorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
11260 compilerrdfs:labelhas compiler
11261 compilerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
11262 compilerskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of resources, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
11263 photographerrdfs:labelhas photographer
11264 photographerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a photographic resource.
11265 interviewerrdfs:labelhas interviewer
11266 interviewerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
11267 artistrdfs:labelhas artist
11268 artistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
11269 intervieweerdfs:labelhas interviewee
11270 intervieweeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
11271 choreographerrdfs:labelhas choreographer
11272 choreographerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for a choreographic resource.
11273 authorrdfs:labelhas author
11274 authorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for a textual resource.
11275 architectrdfs:labelhas architect
11276 architectskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
11277 filmmakerrdfs:labelhas filmmaker
11278 filmmakerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
11279 production designerrdfs:labelhas production designer
11280 production designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
11281 distributorrdfs:labelhas distributor
11282 distributorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for distributing a published resource.
11283 producer of unpublished resourcerdfs:labelhas producer of unpublished resource
11284 producer of unpublished resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, etc., an unpublished resource.
11285 producerrdfs:labelhas producer
11286 producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing, an unpublished resource.
11287 manufacturerrdfs:labelhas manufacturer
11288 manufacturerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published resource.
11289 publisherrdfs:labelhas publisher
11290 publisherskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published resource.
11291 minute takerrdfs:labelhas minute taker
11292 minute takerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for recording the minutes of a meeting.
11293 creatorrdfs:labelhas creator
11294 creatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for a resource
11295 creatorskos:scopeNoteCreators include agents who are jointly responsible for the creation of a resource either performing the same role, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or performing different roles, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
11296 directorrdfs:labelhas director
11297 directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
11298 restorationistrdfs:labelhas restorationist
11299 restorationistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for the set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures aimed at compensating for the degradation of a resource by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition.
11300 sponsoring agent of resourcerdfs:labelhas sponsoring agent of resource
11301 sponsoring agent of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who sponsors some aspect of a resource.
11302 sponsoring agent of resourceskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a resource.
11303 director of photographyrdfs:labelhas director of photography
11304 director of photographyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges lighting.
11305 related agent of agentrdfs:labelhas related agent of agent
11306 related agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is associated with an agent.
11307 related agent of agentskos:altLabelrelated agent
11308 dedicateerdfs:labelhas dedicatee
11309 dedicateeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent to whom a resource is dedicated.
11310 addresseerdfs:labelhas addressee
11311 addresseeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent to whom a resource or part of a resource is addressed.
11312 appellantrdfs:labelhas appellant
11313 appellantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who appeals a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal resource of a higher court.
11314 binderrdfs:labelhas binder
11315 binderskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who binds a resource.
11316 plaintiffrdfs:labelhas plaintiff
11317 plaintiffskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.
11318 inscriberrdfs:labelhas inscriber
11319 inscriberskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who has written a statement of dedication or gift on a resource.
11320 judgerdfs:labelhas judge
11321 judgeskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who hears and decides on legal matters in court.
11322 defendantrdfs:labelhas defendant
11323 defendantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
11324 praesesrdfs:labelhas praeses
11325 praesesskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
11326 annotatorrdfs:labelhas annotator
11327 annotatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who adds notes and other information to a resource by hand.
11328 consultantrdfs:labelhas consultant
11329 consultantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a resource.
11330 autographerrdfs:labelhas autographer
11331 autographerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent whose manuscript signature appears on a resource.
11332 issuing agentrdfs:labelhas issuing agent
11333 issuing agentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who issues a resource.
11334 profession or occupationrdfs:labelhas profession or occupation
11335 profession or occupationskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent's vocation or avocation.
11336 electronic reproduction ofrdfs:labelis electronic reproduction of
11337 electronic reproduction ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource in an analog format that is transferred to a digital format.
11338 note on resourcerdfs:labelhas note on resource
11339 note on resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a resource.
11340 epochrdfs:labelhas epoch
11341 epochskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan to which measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit are referred.
11342 landscape architectrdfs:labelhas landscape architect
11343 landscape architectskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape resources.
11344 finding aid ofrdfs:labelis finding aid of
11345 finding aid ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a collection resource that is described by a metadata description set.
11346 finding aid ofskos:altLabelis finding aid for
11347 sculptorrdfs:labelhas sculptor
11348 sculptorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional resource by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
11349 screenwriterrdfs:labelhas screenwriter
11350 screenwriterskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
11351 lyricistrdfs:labelhas lyricist
11352 lyricistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
11353 lyricistskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of just dialogue from a musical is excluded
11354 librettistrdfs:labelhas librettist
11355 librettistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic resource such as an opera, a ballet, or other resource for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
11356 librettistskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of just the songs from a musical is excluded.
11357 replacement in part ofrdfs:labelis replacement in part of
11358 replacement in part ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is partially superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another resource.
11359 replacement in part ofskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static resource or an integrating resource.
11360 replacement ofrdfs:labelis replacement of
11361 replacement ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another resource.
11362 replacement ofskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static resource or an integrating resource.
11363 special playback characteristicrdfs:labelhas special playback characteristic
11364 special playback characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
11365 agent historyrdfs:labelhas agent history
11366 agent historyskos:definitionRelates an agent to biographical or historical information about an agent.
11367 supplementary contentrdfs:labelhas supplementary content
11368 supplementary contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of the kinds of resource that supplement the main resources that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
11369 illustrative contentrdfs:labelhas illustrative content
11370 illustrative contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of the kinds of image content that supplement the main resources that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
11371 accessibility contentrdfs:labelhas accessibility content
11372 accessibility contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of the kinds of resource that provide alternative sensory modes to perceive the main resources that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
11373 accessibility contentskos:scopeNoteAccessibility content includes accessible labels, audio description, captioning, image description, sign language, and subtitles. Accessibility content does not include subtitles in a language different from the spoken content.
11374 format of notated musicrdfs:labelhas format of notated music
11375 format of notated musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical or physical layout of the content of a resource that is presented in the form of musical notation.
11376 dissertation or thesis informationrdfs:labelhas dissertation or thesis information
11377 dissertation or thesis informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a statement that identifies an academic institution, degree, and year for which a resource was presented.
11378 contact informationrdfs:labelhas contact information
11379 contact informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name, address, or other means of communicating with an agent from which a resource may be obtained.
11380 contact informationskos:scopeNoteContact information includes the name, address, etc. of the publisher, distributor, etc. of a published resource, or of the archival repository that holds the resource.
11381 history of resourcerdfs:labelhas history of resource
11382 history of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a summary of information about the history of a resource.
11383 other title informationrdfs:labelhas other title information
11384 other title informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title proper of a resource.
11385 other title information of seriesrdfs:labelhas other title information of series
11386 other title information of seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a word, character, or group of words or characters that appears in conjunction with, and is subordinate to, a title proper of a series.
11387 restrictions on accessrdfs:labelhas restrictions on access
11388 restrictions on accessskos:definitionRelates a resource to limitations placed on access to a resource.
11389 restrictions on userdfs:labelhas restrictions on use
11390 restrictions on useskos:definitionRelates a resource to a limitation placed on reproduction, publication, exhibition, etc., of a resource.
11391 details of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas details of cartographic content
11392 details of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of mathematical data and other features of the cartographic content of a resource not recorded in statements of scale, projection, and coordinates.
11393 first alphanumeric designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas first alphanumeric designation of sequence
11394 first alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation in numeric or alphabetic form presented on the first issue or part of a serial issued in a sequence of numbering.
11395 last alphanumeric designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas last alphanumeric designation of sequence
11396 last alphanumeric designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation in numeric or alphabetic form presented on the last issue or part of a serial issued in a sequence of numbering.
11397 first chronological designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas first chronological designation of sequence
11398 first chronological designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation in date form presented on the first issue or part of a serial issued in a sequence of numbering.
11399 first chronological designation of sequenceskos:scopeNoteDesignation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year.
11400 last chronological designation of sequencerdfs:labelhas last chronological designation of sequence
11401 last chronological designation of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a designation in date form presented on the last issue or part of a serial issued in a sequence of numbering.
11402 last chronological designation of sequenceskos:scopeNoteDesignation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year.
11403 split intordfs:labelis split into
11404 split intoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that continues the partial content of another diachronic resource that is completed.
11405 merged to formrdfs:labelis merged to form
11406 merged to formskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is formed from a coming together of two or more resources.
11407 merger ofrdfs:labelis merger of
11408 merger ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that came together with one or more other resources to form a new resource.
11409 equinoxrdfs:labelhas equinox
11410 equinoxskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan that is a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
11411 parallel other title informationrdfs:labelhas parallel other title information
11412 parallel other title informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to an other title information in a language or script that differs from that recorded in an other title information element.
11413 parallel other title information of seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel other title information of series
11414 parallel other title information of seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to an other title information of a series in a language or script that differs from that recorded in an other title information of series element.
11415 additional scale informationrdfs:labelhas additional scale information
11416 additional scale informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of supplemental information about scale.
11417 additional scale informationskos:scopeNoteStatement of comparative measurements or limitation of the scale to particular parts of the content of a resource are included.
11418 uniform resource locatorrdfs:labelhas uniform resource locator
11419 uniform resource locatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an address of an online resource.
11420 uniform resource locatorskos:scopeNoteA Uniform Resource Locators includes all resource identifiers intended to provide online access to a resource using a standard Internet browser.
11421 uniform resource locatorskos:altLabelURL
11422 address of agentrdfs:labelhas address of agent
11423 address of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an address of an agent.
11424 layoutrdfs:labelhas layout
11425 layoutskos:definitionRelates a resource to an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a resource.
11426 year degree grantedrdfs:labelhas year degree granted
11427 year degree grantedskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan during which an academic degree is conferred by a granting institution or faculty.
11428 title properrdfs:labelhas title proper
11429 title properskos:definitionRelates a resource to a chief name of a resource, that is, a title normally used when naming a resource.
11430 title properskos:scopeNoteAn alternative title is treated as part of the title proper.
11431 title of seriesrdfs:labelhas title of series
11432 title of seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of a series appearing on a resource of a part of a series.
11433 coverage of contentrdfs:labelhas coverage of content
11434 coverage of contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a chronological or geographic coverage of the content of a resource.
11435 resolutionrdfs:labelhas resolution
11436 resolutionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a clarity or fineness of detail in a digital image, expressed by a measurement of the image in pixels, etc.
11437 intended audiencerdfs:labelhas intended audience
11438 intended audienceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a category of user for whom the content of a resource is intended, or for whom the content is considered suitable.
11439 terms of availabilityrdfs:labelhas terms of availability
11440 terms of availabilityskos:definitionRelates a resource to a condition under which a publisher, distributor, etc., will normally supply a resource or the price of a resource.
11441 track configurationrdfs:labelhas track configuration
11442 track configurationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a configuration of an audio track on a sound-track film.
11443 place of origin of resourcerdfs:labelhas place of origin of resource
11444 place of origin of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place from which a resource originated.
11445 date of establishmentrdfs:labelhas date of establishment
11446 date of establishmentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a date on which an agent was established or founded.
11447 date of terminationrdfs:labelhas date of termination
11448 date of terminationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a date on which an agent was terminated or dissolved.
11449 date of conferencerdfs:labelhas date of conference
11450 date of conferenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a date or range of dates on which a conference, congress, meeting, exhibition, fair, festival, etc., was held.
11451 date of resourcerdfs:labelhas date of resource
11452 date of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan that is the earliest associated with a resource.
11453 equipment or system requirementrdfs:labelhas equipment or system requirement
11454 equipment or system requirementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a system or equipment required for access to the content of an electronic analog or digital resource.
11455 presentation formatrdfs:labelhas presentation format
11456 presentation formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to a format that is used in the production of a projected image.
11457 fuller form of namerdfs:labelhas fuller form of name
11458 fuller form of nameskos:definitionRelates a resource to a full form of a part of a name represented only by an initial or abbreviation in a form chosen as a preferred name, or a part of a name not included in a form chosen as a preferred name.
11459 genderrdfs:labelhas gender
11460 genderskos:definitionRelates an agent to a gender with which an agent identifies.
11461 groove characteristicrdfs:labelhas groove characteristic
11462 groove characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
11463 numbering of sequencerdfs:labelhas numbering of sequence
11464 numbering of sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to the first and last designations of a sequence of the individual parts or iterations of a resource.
11465 ISSNrdfs:labelhas ISSN
11466 ISSNskos:definitionRelates a resource to an identifier that is assigned to a series by an ISSN registration agency.
11467 medium of performance of musical contentrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of musical content
11468 medium of performance of musical contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an instrument, voice, or ensemble and the number of parts, performers and hands used, or intended to be used, to perform the musical content of a resource.
11469 frequencyrdfs:labelhas frequency
11470 frequencyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an interval at which an issue or part of a diachronic resource is issued.
11471 dimensionsrdfs:labelhas dimensions
11472 dimensionsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a measurement of a carrier or a container of a resource.
11473 dimensions of cartographic imagerdfs:labelhas dimensions of cartographic image
11474 dimensions of cartographic imageskos:definitionRelates a resource to a measurement of a face of a map, etc.
11475 dimensions of still imagerdfs:labelhas dimensions of still image
11476 dimensions of still imageskos:definitionRelates a resource to a measurement of the pictorial area of a still image.
11477 projection of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas projection of cartographic content
11478 projection of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane.
11479 type of recordingrdfs:labelhas type of recording
11480 type of recordingskos:definitionRelates a resource to a method used to encode audio content for playback.
11481 name of distributorrdfs:labelhas name of distributor
11482 name of distributorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing a published resource.
11483 name of producerrdfs:labelhas name of producer
11484 name of producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, or other method of producing an unpublished resource.
11485 name of manufacturerrdfs:labelhas name of manufacturer
11486 name of manufacturerskos:definitionRelates a resource to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for printing, duplicating, casting, or other method of manufacturing a published resource.
11487 name of publisherrdfs:labelhas name of publisher
11488 name of publisherskos:definitionRelates a resource to a name of an agent who is responsible for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published resource.
11489 preferred name of placerdfs:labelhas preferred name of place
11490 preferred name of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
11491 preferred name of agentrdfs:labelhas preferred name of agent
11492 preferred name of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
11493 extentrdfs:labelhas extent
11494 extentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of a resource.
11495 file sizerdfs:labelhas file size
11496 file sizeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a number of bytes in a digital file.
11497 configuration of playback channelsrdfs:labelhas configuration of playback channels
11498 configuration of playback channelsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
11499 tape configurationrdfs:labelhas tape configuration
11500 tape configurationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a number of tracks on an audiotape.
11501 mountrdfs:labelhas mount
11502 mountskos:definitionRelates a resource to a physical material used for the support or backing to which the base material of a resource is attached.
11503 capture informationrdfs:labelhas capture information
11504 capture informationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place, date, or other information associated with the recording, filming, etc., of the content of a resource. 
11505 place of capturerdfs:labelhas place of capture
11506 place of captureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a resource.
11507 durationrdfs:labelhas duration
11508 durationskos:definitionRelates a resource to an extent of resource that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
11509 colour contentrdfs:labelhas colour content
11510 colour contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of the presence of colour or tone in a resource.
11511 colour contentskos:scopeNoteBlack, white, single colour shades of black, single colour tints of white, and single colour tones of gray are considered to be single colours. Colour content applies to a resource with a content type of "cartographic image", "cartographic moving image", "cartographic three-dimensional form", "notated movement", "notated music", "performed movement", "still image", "text", "three-dimensional moving image", "three-dimensional form", or "two-dimensional moving image".
11512 sound contentrdfs:labelhas sound content
11513 sound contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an indication of the presence or absence of sound embodied by a resource.
11514 sound contentskos:scopeNoteSound content is present in an resource with a content type of "recorded music", "sounds", or "spoken word."
11515 production methodrdfs:labelhas production method
11516 production methodskos:definitionRelates a resource to a process that is used to produce a resource.
11517 horizontal scale of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas horizontal scale of cartographic content
11518 horizontal scale of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a ratio of horizontal distances in the cartographic content of a resource to the actual distances they represent.
11519 scale of still image or three-dimensional formrdfs:labelhas scale of still image or three-dimensional form
11520 scale of still image or three-dimensional formskos:definitionRelates a resource to a ratio of the dimensions of a still image or three-dimensional form embodied by a resource to the dimensions of the thing it represents.
11521 scalerdfs:labelhas scale
11522 scaleskos:definitionRelates a resource to a ratio of the dimensions of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
11523 scaleskos:scopeNoteScale can apply to horizontal, vertical, angular, and/or other measurements represented in the resource.
11524 aspect ratiordfs:labelhas aspect ratio
11525 aspect ratioskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numerical ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
11526 generationrdfs:labelhas generation
11527 generationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction that is made from the original.
11528 polarityrdfs:labelhas polarity
11529 polarityskos:definitionRelates a resource to a relationship of the colours and tones in an image to the colours and tones of the object reproduced.
11530 absorption ofrdfs:labelis absorption of
11531 absorption ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose content is incorporated in the content of another resource.
11532 absorption in part ofrdfs:labelis absorption in part of
11533 absorption in part ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource whose partial content is incorporated in the content of another resource.
11534 continuation ofrdfs:labelis continuation of
11535 continuation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a diachronic resource that is completed whose content is continued by another diachronic resource.
11536 continuation ofskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive resource.
11537 bibliographic formatrdfs:labelhas bibliographic format
11538 bibliographic formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to a proportional relationship between a whole sheet in a printed or manuscript resource, and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded.
11539 vertical scale of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas vertical scale of cartographic content
11540 vertical scale of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a scale of elevation or vertical dimension of the cartographic content of a resource.
11541 keyrdfs:labelhas key
11542 keyskos:definitionRelates a resource to a set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a resource.
11543 reduction ratiordfs:labelhas reduction ratio
11544 reduction ratioskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numerical ratio of the size of a micro-image in relation to an original from which it was produced.
11545 font sizerdfs:labelhas font size
11546 font sizeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a resource.
11547 immediate source of acquisition of resourcerdfs:labelhas immediate source of acquisition of resource
11548 immediate source of acquisition of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to the circumstances under which a resource is directly acquired, including a method, source, and date of acquisition.
11549 nature of contentrdfs:labelhas nature of content
11550 nature of contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a specific character of the primary content of a resource.
11551 projection speedrdfs:labelhas projection speed
11552 projection speedskos:definitionRelates a resource to a speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
11553 playing speedrdfs:labelhas playing speed
11554 playing speedskos:definitionRelates a resource to a speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
11555 encoded bitraterdfs:labelhas encoded bitrate
11556 encoded bitrateskos:definitionRelates a resource to a speed at which streaming audio, video, or other content is designed to play..
11557 preferred title of resourcerdfs:labelhas preferred title of resource
11558 preferred title of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title of resource that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
11559 parallel title properrdfs:labelhas parallel title proper
11560 parallel title properskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title proper in another language or script.
11561 parallel title properskos:scopeNoteAn alternative title in another language and/or script is treated as part of the parallel title proper.
11562 parallel title of seriesrdfs:labelhas parallel title of series
11563 parallel title of seriesskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title of a series in another language or script.
11564 place of deathrdfs:labelhas place of death
11565 place of deathskos:definitionRelates an agent to a place where an agent dies.
11566 place of birthrdfs:labelhas place of birth
11567 place of birthskos:definitionRelates an agent to a place where an agent is born..
11568 recording mediumrdfs:labelhas recording medium
11569 recording mediumskos:definitionRelates a resource to a type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier.
11570 base materialrdfs:labelhas base material
11571 base materialskos:definitionRelates a resource to an underlying physical material of a resource.
11572 key titlerdfs:labelhas key title
11573 key titleskos:definitionRelates a resource to a title of resource that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
11574 date of deathrdfs:labelhas date of death
11575 date of deathskos:definitionRelates an agent to a year an agent died.
11576 date of birthrdfs:labelhas date of birth
11577 date of birthskos:definitionRelates an agent to a year an agent was born.
11578 appellee ofrdfs:labelis appellee of
11579 appellee ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a legal resource of a higher court that records a decision of a lower court that appeals against an agent.
11580 dedicator ofrdfs:labelis dedicator of
11581 dedicator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is assigned as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
11582 surveyor ofrdfs:labelis surveyor of
11583 surveyor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a cartographic resource that incorporates a contribution by an agent of providing measurements or dimensional relationships for a geographic area that is represented.
11584 animator ofrdfs:labelis animator of
11585 animator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of giving apparent movement to inanimate objects or drawings.
11586 animator ofskos:scopeNoteCreation of the drawings that are animated is excluded.
11587 arranger of music ofrdfs:labelis arranger of music of
11588 arranger of music ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of rewriting a musical composition for a medium of performance different from that for which the resource was originally intended.
11589 draftsman ofrdfs:labelis draftsman of
11590 draftsman ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of making detailed plans or drawings for buildings, ships, aircraft, machines, objects, etc.
11591 transcriber ofrdfs:labelis transcriber of
11592 transcriber ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of writing down or notating previously unwritten or unnotated content, or by changing it from one system of notation to another.
11593 transcriber ofskos:scopeNoteTranscription of a musical resource for a different instrument or performing group is excluded.
11594 musical director ofrdfs:labelis musical director of
11595 musical director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of coordinating the activities of composers, sound editors, and sound mixers for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
11596 costume designer ofrdfs:labelis costume designer of
11597 costume designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of designing costumes for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
11598 translator ofrdfs:labelis translator of
11599 translator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of expressing the linguistic content of the resourc in a different language.
11600 translator ofskos:scopeNoteTranslation of linguistic content between forms of the same language from different time periods is included.
11601 art director ofrdfs:labelis art director of
11602 art director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of overseeing artists and craftspeople who build sets for moving image productions.
11603 performer ofrdfs:labelis performer of
11604 performer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of performing music, acting, dancing, speaking, etc.
11605 court reporter ofrdfs:labelis court reporter of
11606 court reporter ofskos:definitionRelates an agent who contributes to a resource by preparing a court's opinions for publication to a resource.
11607 editor ofrdfs:labelis editor of
11608 editor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of revision or clarification of the content, or selection and aggregation of resources, or parts of resources, by one or more creators.
11609 abridger ofrdfs:labelis abridger of
11610 abridger ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of shortening another resource without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
11611 recording engineer ofrdfs:labelis recording engineer of
11612 recording engineer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of supervising the technical aspects of the audio content of a recording session.
11613 contributor agent of still image ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of still image of
11614 contributor agent of still image ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a still image resource created by an agent.
11615 recordist ofrdfs:labelis recordist of
11616 recordist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of using a recording device to capture sound or video during a recording session, including field recordings of natural sounds, folkloric events, music, or other performances.
11617 stage director ofrdfs:labelis stage director of
11618 stage director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of general management and supervision of a stage performance.
11619 current owner ofrdfs:labelis current owner of
11620 current owner ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for current legal possession.
11621 employeerdfs:labelhas employee
11622 employeeskos:definitionRelates an agent employed by an agent to an agent.
11623 former owner ofrdfs:labelis former owner of
11624 former owner ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for former legal possession.
11625 custodian ofrdfs:labelis custodian of
11626 custodian ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal custody.
11627 owner ofrdfs:labelis owner of
11628 owner ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for legal possession.
11629 officerrdfs:labelhas officer
11630 officerskos:definitionRelates an agent holding an office in or commanding an agent to an agent.
11631 honouree ofrdfs:labelis honouree of
11632 honouree ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that marks the esteem of and respect for an agent.
11633 honouree ofskos:altLabelhonoree of
11634 broadcaster ofrdfs:labelis broadcaster of
11635 broadcaster ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for broadcasting to an audience via radio, television, webcast, etc.
11636 film distributor ofrdfs:labelis film distributor of
11637 film distributor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution of a moving image to theatres or other channels.
11638 book designer ofrdfs:labelis book designer of
11639 book designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for the entire graphic design of a book, including arrangement of type and illustration, choice of materials, and process used.
11640 engraver ofrdfs:labelis engraver of
11641 engraver ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for cutting letters, figures, etc., on a surface such as a wooden or metal plate used for printing.
11642 braille embosser ofrdfs:labelis braille embosser of
11643 braille embosser ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for embossing braille cells using a stylus, special embossing printer, or other device.
11644 printmaker ofrdfs:labelis printmaker of
11645 printmaker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for making a relief, intaglio, or planographic printing surface.
11646 caster ofrdfs:labelis caster of
11647 caster ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for pouring a liquid or molten substance into a mold and leaving it to solidify to take the shape of the mold.
11648 lithographer ofrdfs:labelis lithographer of
11649 lithographer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a stone or plate for lithographic printing.
11650 lithographer ofskos:scopeNoteA lithographer includes a graphic artist creating a design directly on the surface from which printing will be done.
11651 platemaker ofrdfs:labelis platemaker of
11652 platemaker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing plates used in the making of printed images or text.
11653 etcher ofrdfs:labelis etcher of
11654 etcher ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for subjecting metal, glass, or some other surface used for printing, to acid or another corrosive substance.
11655 collotyper ofrdfs:labelis collotyper of
11656 collotyper ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for preparing a hardened film of gelatin or other colloid that has ink-receptive and ink-repellent surfaces and that is used to make prints using a photomechanical process.
11657 printer ofrdfs:labelis printer of
11658 printer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for manufacturing printed text, notated music, etc., from type or plates, such as a book, newspaper, magazine, broadside, score, etc.
11659 presenter ofrdfs:labelis presenter of
11660 presenter ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource with an "X presents:" credit in a resource of a moving image for an agent who is probably associated with production, finance, or distribution in some way.
11661 member ofrdfs:labelis member of
11662 member ofskos:definitionRelates an agent of which an agent is a member to an agent.
11663 degree supervisor ofrdfs:labelis degree supervisor of
11664 degree supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility as an advisor or supervisor of thesis or dissertation research, overseeing either an academic degree or thesis.
11665 illuminator ofrdfs:labelis illuminator of
11666 illuminator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is decorated using precious metals or colour, often with elaborate designs and motifs.
11667 editor of moving image resource ofrdfs:labelis editor of moving image resource of
11668 editor of moving image resource ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution tof assembling, arranging, and trimming film, video, or other moving image formats, including both visual and audio aspects.
11669 programmer ofrdfs:labelis programmer of
11670 programmer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for computer programming.
11671 designer ofrdfs:labelis designer of
11672 designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for design of an object.
11673 cartographer ofrdfs:labelis cartographer of
11674 cartographer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for a cartographic resource.
11675 composer ofrdfs:labelis composer of
11676 composer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a musical resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for music.
11677 inventor ofrdfs:labelis inventor of
11678 inventor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process to a resource.
11679 compiler ofrdfs:labelis compiler of
11680 compiler ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a metadata description set.
11681 compiler ofskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of resources, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
11682 photographer ofrdfs:labelis photographer of
11683 photographer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is a photographic resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for photography.
11684 interviewer ofrdfs:labelis interviewer of
11685 interviewer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of interviewing, reporting, or some other information gathering agent.
11686 artist ofrdfs:labelis artist of
11687 artist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for conceiving, and often implementing, an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
11688 interviewee ofrdfs:labelis interviewee of
11689 interviewee ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of being interviewed, usually by a reporter or some other information gathering agent.
11690 choreographer ofrdfs:labelis choreographer of
11691 choreographer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a choreographic resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for choreography.
11692 author ofrdfs:labelis author of
11693 author ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating a textual resource.
11694 architect ofrdfs:labelis architect of
11695 architect ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
11696 filmmaker ofrdfs:labelis filmmaker of
11697 filmmaker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for an independent or personal film.
11698 production designer ofrdfs:labelis production designer of
11699 production designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of designing the overall visual appearance of a moving image production.
11700 distributor ofrdfs:labelis distributor of
11701 distributor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for distribution.
11702 producer ofrdfs:labelis producer of
11703 producer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
11704 manufacturer ofrdfs:labelis manufacturer of
11705 manufacturer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for printing, duplicating, casting, etc.
11706 publisher ofrdfs:labelis publisher of
11707 publisher ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing.
11708 minute taker ofrdfs:labelis minute taker of
11709 minute taker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of recording the minutes of a meeting.
11710 creator ofrdfs:labelis creator of
11711 creator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a creation responsibility.
11712 director ofrdfs:labelis director of
11713 director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
11714 restorationist ofrdfs:labelis restorationist of
11715 restorationist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for compensation of degradation by bringing it back to a state as close as possible to its original condition using a set of technical, editorial, and intellectual procedures.
11716 sponsored resource of agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored resource of agent
11717 sponsored resource of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for sponsoring some aspect of a resource,
11718 sponsored resource of agentskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a resource.
11719 sponsoring agent of agentrdfs:labelhas sponsoring agent of agent
11720 sponsoring agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent sponsoring an agent to an agent.
11721 director of photography ofrdfs:labelis director of photography of
11722 director of photography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resoure that involves a responsibility of an agent for capturing images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selecting and arranging the lighting.
11723 employerrdfs:labelhas employer
11724 employerskos:definitionRelates an agent who employs an agent to an agent.
11725 hierarchical superiorrdfs:labelhas hierarchical superior
11726 hierarchical superiorskos:definitionRelates an agent who is hierarchically superior to a related agent to an agent.
11727 hierarchical subordinaterdfs:labelhas hierarchical subordinate
11728 hierarchical subordinateskos:definitionRelates an agent who is subordinate to a related agent to an agent.
11729 mergeerdfs:labelhas mergee
11730 mergeeskos:definitionRelates an agent who merged with a related agent to form a third to an agent.
11731 predecessorrdfs:labelhas predecessor
11732 predecessorskos:definitionRelates an agent who precedes a related agent to an agent.
11733 product of mergerrdfs:labelhas product of merger
11734 product of mergerskos:definitionRelates an agent who resulted from a merger of two or more other agents to an agent.
11735 product of splitrdfs:labelhas product of split
11736 product of splitskos:definitionRelates an agent who resulted from a split or division of a related agent to an agent.
11737 successorrdfs:labelhas successor
11738 successorskos:definitionRelates an agent who succeeds or follows a related agent to an agent.
11739 founded agent of agentrdfs:labelhas founded agent of agent
11740 founded agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent who an agent founded to an agent.
11741 sponsored agent of agentrdfs:labelhas sponsored agent of agent
11742 sponsored agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent who an agent sponsors to an agent.
11743 dedicatee ofrdfs:labelis dedicatee of
11744 dedicatee ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for being commemorated.
11745 addressee ofrdfs:labelis addressee of
11746 addressee ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource or a portion of a resource that is addressed to an agent.
11747 appellant ofrdfs:labelis appellant of
11748 appellant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource of a higher court recording a decision of a lower court that is appealed by an agent.
11749 binder ofrdfs:labelis binder of
11750 binder ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for binding.
11751 plaintiff ofrdfs:labelis plaintiff of
11752 plaintiff ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for bringing a suit in a civil proceeding.
11753 founder agent of agentrdfs:labelhas founder agent of agent
11754 founder agent of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent who founded an agent to an agent.
11755 inscriber ofrdfs:labelis inscriber of
11756 inscriber ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for inscribing a text, such as a statement of dedication or gift.
11757 judge ofrdfs:labelis judge of
11758 judge ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for hearing and decision on legal matters in court.
11759 memberrdfs:labelhas member
11760 memberskos:definitionRelates an agent who is a member of an agent to an agent.
11761 defendant ofrdfs:labelis defendant of
11762 defendant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for being accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
11763 praeses ofrdfs:labelis praeses of
11764 praeses ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility as a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
11765 annotator ofrdfs:labelis annotator of
11766 annotator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that carries notes and other information added by hand.
11767 consultant ofrdfs:labelis consultant of
11768 consultant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for providing consultation services, and often making recommendations, to a creator of a resource.
11769 autographer ofrdfs:labelis autographer of
11770 autographer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for a manuscript signature appearing on it.
11771 issuing agent ofrdfs:labelis issuing agent of
11772 issuing agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for issuing a resource, such as an official organ of the body.
11773 landscape architect ofrdfs:labelis landscape architect of
11774 landscape architect ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for architectural aspects of landscaping.
11775 sculptor ofrdfs:labelis sculptor of
11776 sculptor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for three-dimensional modeling, carving, or similar technique.
11777 screenwriter ofrdfs:labelis screenwriter of
11778 screenwriter ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring a screenplay, script, or scene.
11779 lyricist ofrdfs:labelis lyricist of
11780 lyricist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
11781 librettist ofrdfs:labelis librettist of
11782 librettist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for authoring the words of an opera or other musical stage resource, or an oratorio.
11783 musical theatre adaptation ofrdfs:labelis musical theatre adaptation of
11784 musical theatre adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a musical theatre resource.
11785 opera adaptation ofrdfs:labelis opera adaptation of
11786 opera adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as an opera.
11787 adapted as musical theatrerdfs:labelis adapted as musical theatre
11788 adapted as musical theatreskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical theatre resource based on another resource.
11789 adapted as operardfs:labelis adapted as opera
11790 adapted as operaskos:definitionRelates a resource to an opera based on another resource.
11791 musicrdfs:labelhas music
11792 musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource.
11793 music forrdfs:labelis music for
11794 music forskos:definitionRelates a resource to resource that is complemented by a musical resource.
11795 video musicrdfs:labelhas video music
11796 video musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource that is a video.
11797 music for videordfs:labelis music for video
11798 music for videoskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a video that is complemented by a musical resource.
11799 television program musicrdfs:labelhas television program music
11800 television program musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource that is a television program.
11801 music for television programrdfs:labelis music for television program
11802 music for television programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a television program that is complemented by a musical resource.
11803 radio program musicrdfs:labelhas radio program music
11804 radio program musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource that is a radio program.
11805 music for radio programrdfs:labelis music for radio program
11806 music for radio programskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a radio program that is complemented by a musical resource.
11807 music for motion picturerdfs:labelis music for motion picture
11808 music for motion pictureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a motion picture that is complemented by a musical resource.
11809 motion picture musicrdfs:labelhas motion picture music
11810 motion picture musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that complements a resource that is a motion picture.
11811 predecessor of splitrdfs:labelhas predecessor of split
11812 predecessor of splitskos:definitionRelates an agent who split or divided into a related agent to an agent.
11813 component of mergerrdfs:labelhas component of merger
11814 component of mergerskos:definitionRelates an agent who formed a related agent by merging with one or more other agents to an agent.
11815 officer ofrdfs:labelhas officer of
11816 officer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent holding an office in or commanding an agent.
11817 broader affiliated agentrdfs:labelhas broader affiliated agent
11818 broader affiliated agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who acts for a local affiliated body and others at a broader organizational level.
11819 local affiliaterdfs:labelhas local affiliate
11820 local affiliateskos:definitionRelates a local agent affiliated with a broader agent which acts for it and others at a broader organizational level to an agent.
11821 choreographyrdfs:labelhas choreography
11822 choreographyskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a choreographic resource.
11823 choreography forrdfs:labelis choreography for
11824 choreography forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is complemented by a choreographic resource.
11825 adapted as graphic novelrdfs:labelis adapted as graphic novel
11826 adapted as graphic novelskos:definitionRelates a resource to a graphic novel based on another resource
11827 graphic novelization ofrdfs:labelis graphic novelization of
11828 graphic novelization ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a graphic novel.
11829 adapted as video gamerdfs:labelis adapted as video game
11830 adapted as video gameskos:definitionRelates a resource to relates a resource to a video game based on another resource.
11831 video game adaptation ofrdfs:labelis video game adaptation of
11832 video game adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as a video game.
11833 papermakerrdfs:labelhas papermaker
11834 papermakerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for the production of paper used to manufacture a resource.
11835 papermaker ofrdfs:labelis papermaker of
11836 papermaker ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for making paper.
11837 visual effects providerrdfs:labelhas visual effects provider
11838 visual effects providerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a moving image resource by designing and creating post-production visual effects.
11839 special effects providerrdfs:labelhas special effects provider
11840 special effects providerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a moving image or audio resource by designing and creating on-set special effects such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
11841 lettererrdfs:labelhas letterer
11842 lettererskos:definitionRelates a resource to an illustrator who contributes to a comic book, graphic novel, etc., by drawing text and graphic sound effects.
11843 rapporteurrdfs:labelhas rapporteur
11844 rapporteurskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
11845 rapporteurskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
11846 calligrapherrdfs:labelhas calligrapher
11847 calligrapherskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
11848 book artistrdfs:labelhas book artist
11849 book artistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
11850 visual effects provider ofrdfs:labelis visual effects provider of
11851 visual effects provider ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating post-production visual effects.
11852 special effects provider ofrdfs:labelis special effects provider of
11853 special effects provider ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution designing and creating on-set special effects, such as on-set mechanical effects and in-camera optical effects.
11854 letterer ofrdfs:labelis letterer of
11855 letterer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of drawing text and graphic sound effects for a comic book, graphic novel, etc.
11856 rapporteur ofrdfs:labelis rapporteur of
11857 rapporteur ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for reporting on the proceedings of meetings of an organization.
11858 calligrapher ofrdfs:labelis calligrapher of
11859 calligrapher ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
11860 book artist ofrdfs:labelis book artist of
11861 book artist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure
11862 details of aspect ratio designationrdfs:labelhas details of aspect ratio designation
11863 details of aspect ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
11864 details of form of musical notationrdfs:labelhas details of form of musical notation
11865 details of form of musical notationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of a resource.
11866 details of form of notated movementrdfs:labelhas details of form of notated movement
11867 details of form of notated movementskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of a resource.
11868 details of format of notated musicrdfs:labelhas details of format of notated music
11869 details of format of notated musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a musical or physical layout of the content of a resource that is presented in a form of musical notation.
11870 details of form of tactile notationrdfs:labelhas details of form of tactile notation
11871 details of form of tactile notationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of a resource in a form that can be perceived through touch.
11872 details of scriptrdfs:labelhas details of script
11873 details of scriptskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of a resource.
11874 details of applied materialrdfs:labelhas details of applied material
11875 details of applied materialskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a physical or chemical substance applied to a base material of a resource.
11876 details of base materialrdfs:labelhas details of base material
11877 details of base materialskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of an underlying physical material of a resource.
11878 details of bibliographic formatrdfs:labelhas details of bibliographic format
11879 details of bibliographic formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of the proportional relationship between a whole sheet in a printed or manuscript resource, and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded.
11880 details of broadcast standardrdfs:labelhas details of broadcast standard
11881 details of broadcast standardskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a system used to format a video resource for television broadcast.
11882 details of configuration of playback channelsrdfs:labelhas details of configuration of playback channels
11883 details of configuration of playback channelsskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
11884 details of digital file characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of digital file characteristic
11885 details of digital file characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a technical specification relating to a digital encoding of text, image, audio, video, and other types of data in a resource.
11886 details of digital representation of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas details of digital representation of cartographic content
11887 details of digital representation of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of an encoding of geospatial information in a cartographic resource.
11888 details of emulsion on microfilm and microficherdfs:labelhas details of emulsion on microfilm and microfiche
11889 details of emulsion on microfilm and microficheskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a suspension of light-sensitive chemicals used as a coating on a microfilm or microfiche.
11890 details of encoding formatrdfs:labelhas details of encoding format
11891 details of encoding formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a schema or standard used to encode the digital content of a resource.
11892 details of file typerdfs:labelhas details of file type
11893 details of file typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a general type of data content encoded in a computer file.
11894 details of font sizerdfs:labelhas details of font size
11895 details of font sizeskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a size of the type used to represent characters and symbols in a resource.
11896 details of groove characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of groove characteristic
11897 details of groove characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a groove width of an analog disc or a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
11898 details of layoutrdfs:labelhas details of layout
11899 details of layoutskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a resource.
11900 details of mountrdfs:labelhas details of mount
11901 details of mountskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a physical material used for the support or backing to which the base material of a resource is attached.
11902 details of playing speedrdfs:labelhas details of playing speed
11903 details of playing speedskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a speed at which an audio carrier must be operated to produce the sound intended.
11904 details of polarityrdfs:labelhas details of polarity
11905 details of polarityskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a relationship of the colours and tones in an image to the colours and tones of the object reproduced.
11906 details of presentation formatrdfs:labelhas details of presentation format
11907 details of presentation formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a format used in the production of a projected image.
11908 details of production methodrdfs:labelhas details of production method
11909 details of production methodskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a process used to produce a resource.
11910 details of projection characteristic of motion picture filmrdfs:labelhas details of projection characteristic of motion picture film
11911 details of projection characteristic of motion picture filmskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a technical specification relating to the projection of a motion picture film.
11912 details of projection speedrdfs:labelhas details of projection speed
11913 details of projection speedskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a speed at which a projected carrier must be operated to produce the moving image intended.
11914 details of recording mediumrdfs:labelhas details of recording medium
11915 details of recording mediumskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier.
11916 details of reduction ratio designationrdfs:labelhas details of reduction ratio designation
11917 details of reduction ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
11918 details of sound characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of sound characteristic
11919 details of sound characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a technical specification relating to the encoding of sound in a resource.
11920 details of special playback characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of special playback characteristic
11921 details of special playback characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
11922 details of tape configurationrdfs:labelhas details of tape configuration
11923 details of tape configurationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a number of tracks on an audiotape.
11924 details of track configurationrdfs:labelhas details of track configuration
11925 details of track configurationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a configuration of the audio track on a sound-track film.
11926 details of type of recordingrdfs:labelhas details of type of recording
11927 details of type of recordingskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a method used to encode audio content for playback.
11928 details of video characteristicrdfs:labelhas details of video characteristic
11929 details of video characteristicskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a technical specification relating to an encoding of video images in a resource.
11930 details of video formatrdfs:labelhas details of video format
11931 details of video formatskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a schema or standard used to encode the analog video content of a resource.
11932 details of generationrdfs:labelhas details of generation
11933 details of generationskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction made from an original.
11934 subjectrdfs:labelhas subject
11935 subjectskos:definitionRelates a resource to a topic that a resource is about.
11936 subject ofrdfs:labelis subject of
11937 subject ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is about a resource.
11938 graduaterdfs:labelhas graduate
11939 graduateskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who receives an academic degree from a granting institution or faculty.
11940 graduate ofrdfs:labelis graduate of
11941 graduate ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an institution or faculty that granted an academic degree to an agent.
11942 sound designerrdfs:labelhas sound designer
11943 sound designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by designing and creating audio or sound components.
11944 sound designer ofrdfs:labelis sound designer of
11945 sound designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating audio or sound components
11946 lighting designerrdfs:labelhas lighting designer
11947 lighting designerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by designing and creating lighting components.
11948 lighting designer ofrdfs:labelis lighting designer of
11949 lighting designer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of designing and creating lighting components.
11950 degree committee memberrdfs:labelhas degree committee member
11951 degree committee memberskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent serving on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
11952 degree committee member ofrdfs:labelis degree committee member of
11953 degree committee member ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for serving on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
11954 producer of unpublished resource ofrdfs:labelis producer of unpublished resource of
11955 producer of unpublished resource ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for inscribing, fabrication, construction, etc.
11956 first chronological designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas first chronological designation of alternative sequence
11957 first chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a second or subsequent system of numbering presented in the form of a date on the first issue or part of a sequence of numbering for a serial.
11958 first chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year. A chronological designation of alternative sequence may include a date in a different calendar.
11959 last chronological designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas last chronological designation of alternative sequence
11960 last chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a second or subsequent system of numbering presented in the form of a date on the last issue or part of a sequence of numbering for a serial.
11961 last chronological designation of alternative sequenceskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a year; year and month; month, day, and year. A chronological designation of alternative sequence may include a date in a different calendar.
11962 first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
11963 first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a second or subsequent system of numbering presented in numeric or alphabetic form on the first issue or part of a sequence of numbering for a serial.
11964 last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequencerdfs:labelhas last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence
11965 last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequenceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a second or subsequent system of numbering presented in numeric or alphabetic form on the last issue or part of a sequence of numbering for a serial.
11966 details of durationrdfs:labelhas details of duration
11967 details of durationskos:definitionRelates a resource to aetails of an extent of resource that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
11968 onscreen participantrdfs:labelhas onscreen participant
11969 onscreen participantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a nonfiction moving image resource by taking an active role as a participant.
11970 onscreen participantskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
11971 onscreen participant ofrdfs:labelis onscreen participant of
11972 onscreen participant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of taking an active role as a participant.
11973 onscreen participant ofskos:scopeNoteAppearance on screen to provide contextual or background information is excluded.
11974 commissioning agentrdfs:labelhas commissioning agent
11975 commissioning agentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for commissioning a resource.
11976 commissioning agent ofrdfs:labelis commissioning agent of
11977 commissioning agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for commissioning a resource.
11978 software developerrdfs:labelhas software developer
11979 software developerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by researching, designing, implementing, or testing software.
11980 software developer ofrdfs:labelis software developer of
11981 software developer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of researchig, designing, implementing, or testing software.
11982 oratorio adaptation ofrdfs:labelis oratorio adaptation of
11983 oratorio adaptation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is adapted as an oratorio.
11984 adapted as oratoriordfs:labelis adapted as oratorio
11985 adapted as oratorioskos:definitionRelates a resource to an oratorio based on another resource.
11986 inspired byrdfs:labelis inspired by
11987 inspired byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that serves as the inspiration for a related resource.
11988 inspiration forrdfs:labelis inspiration for
11989 inspiration forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that was inspired by a related resource.
11990 participant in treatyrdfs:labelhas participant in treaty
11991 participant in treatyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who has signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty.
11992 participant in treaty ofrdfs:labelis participant in treaty of
11993 participant in treaty ofskos:definitionRelates a government, international intergovernmental body, or other agent who has signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty to a resource.
11994 researcherrdfs:labelhas researcher
11995 researcherskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who does research in support of the creation of a resource.
11996 researcher ofrdfs:labelis researcher of
11997 researcher ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for research in support of a resource.
11998 colouristrdfs:labelhas colourist
11999 colouristskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, or other content.
12000 colourist ofrdfs:labelis colourist of
12001 colourist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of applying colour to drawings, prints, photographs, maps, moving images, etc.
12002 makeup artistrdfs:labelhas makeup artist
12003 makeup artistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
12004 makeup artist ofrdfs:labelis makeup artist of
12005 makeup artist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of applying makeup and prosthetics for a moving image production or for a musical or dramatic presentation or entertainment.
12006 choral conductorrdfs:labelhas choral conductor
12007 choral conductorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a conductor who contributes to a musical resource by leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
12008 choral conductor ofrdfs:labelis choral conductor of
12009 choral conductor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a musical resource that includes a contribution by an agent of leading a choral performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
12010 instrumental conductorrdfs:labelhas instrumental conductor
12011 instrumental conductorskos:definitionRelates a resource to a conductor who contributes to a musical resource by leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation.
12012 instrumental conductor ofrdfs:labelis instrumental conductor of
12013 instrumental conductor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of conducting and leading an instrumental performing group in a musical or dramatic presentation
12014 commemorationrdfs:labelhas commemoration
12015 commemorationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource created to commemorate an earlier resource.
12016 commemoration ofrdfs:labelis commemoration of
12017 commemoration ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource commemorated in a later resource.
12018 organizerrdfs:labelhas organizer
12019 organizerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a resource.
12020 organizer ofrdfs:labelis organizer of
12021 organizer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for organizing a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a resource.
12022 censorrdfs:labelhas censor
12023 censorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by revising the content for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and content substantially unchanged.
12024 censorskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new resource is excluded.
12025 censor ofrdfs:labelis censor of
12026 censor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution for revising the content for the purpose of suppressing parts deemed objectionable on moral, political, military, or other grounds, but leaving the nature and content substantially unchanged.
12027 censor ofskos:scopeNoteSubstantial modification that results in the creation of a new resource is excluded.
12028 colleaguerdfs:labelhas colleague
12029 colleagueskos:definitionRelates an agent to a fellow member of a profession, staff, or academic faculty.
12030 friendrdfs:labelhas friend
12031 friendskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who shares a bond of mutual affection or regard with a related agent.
12032 enrolled studentrdfs:labelhas enrolled student
12033 enrolled studentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who receives instruction at an educational institution.
12034 student atrdfs:labelis student at
12035 student atskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is an educational institution that provides instruction to an agent.
12036 assistantrdfs:labelhas assistant
12037 assistantskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is a colleague who helps another agent.
12038 assistant tordfs:labelis assistant to
12039 assistant toskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is a colleague who is helped by another agent.
12040 co-workerrdfs:labelhas co-worker
12041 co-workerskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is a colleague who works with or shares a task with a related agent.
12042 partnerrdfs:labelhas partner
12043 partnerskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who is a colleague working with a related agent in an activity of common interest, most often a business partnership.
12044 fellow studentrdfs:labelhas fellow student
12045 fellow studentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an associate of another student who is also formally engaged in learning.
12046 studentrdfs:labelhas student
12047 studentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who receives instruction from a related agent.
12048 teacherrdfs:labelhas teacher
12049 teacherskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who instructs a related agent.
12050 chief executiverdfs:labelhas chief executive
12051 chief executiveskos:definitionRelates an agent to an officer who is a top ranking official of an agent.
12052 chief executive ofrdfs:labelis chief executive of
12053 chief executive ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent in which an officer is a top ranking official.
12054 trusteerdfs:labelhas trustee
12055 trusteeskos:definitionRelates an agent to an officer granted powers of administration in an agent in order to act for its benefit.
12056 trustee ofrdfs:labelis trustee of
12057 trustee ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who grants powers of administration to an officer in order to act for its benefit.
12058 note on identifier for resourcerdfs:labelhas note on identifier for resource
12059 note on identifier for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information on an identifier for a resource.
12060 editorial directorrdfs:labelhas editorial director
12061 editorial directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic resource.
12062 editorial director ofrdfs:labelis editorial director of
12063 editorial director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility other than creating for the content of a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monographic resource.
12064 founder agent of resourcerdfs:labelhas founder agent of resource
12065 founder agent of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for initiating a diachronic resource.
12066 founder agent of resource ofrdfs:labelis founder agent of resource of
12067 founder agent of resource ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for establishing a serial, integrating resource, or multipart monograph.
12068 aspect ratio designationrdfs:labelhas aspect ratio designation
12069 aspect ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a general designation of the ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
12070 scale designationrdfs:labelhas scale designation
12071 scale designationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a general designation of a lack of a ratio of the dimensions of the content of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing it represents.
12072 cartographic data typerdfs:labelhas cartographic data type
12073 cartographic data typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
12074 details of cartographic data typerdfs:labelhas details of cartographic data type
12075 details of cartographic data typeskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
12076 reduction ratio designationrdfs:labelhas reduction ratio designation
12077 reduction ratio designationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a general designation of the size of a micro-image in relation to an original from which it was produced.
12078 surnamerdfs:labelhas surname
12079 surnameskos:definitionRelates an agent to a name used as a family name.
12080 given namerdfs:labelhas given name
12081 given nameskos:definitionRelates an agent to a name given to an agent at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
12082 variant name of placerdfs:labelhas variant name of place
12083 variant name of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12084 remix artist ofrdfs:labelis remix artist of
12085 remix artist ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
12086 remix artist ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track are excluded.
12087 casting director ofrdfs:labelis casting director of
12088 casting director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
12089 audio producer ofrdfs:labelis audio producer of
12090 audio producer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
12091 audio engineer ofrdfs:labelis audio engineer of
12092 audio engineer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
12093 mixing engineer ofrdfs:labelis mixing engineer of
12094 mixing engineer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that incorporates a contribution by an agent of manipulating, mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of an audio recording.
12095 mixing engineer ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, resulting in a new resource, are excluded.
12096 DJ ofrdfs:labelis DJ of
12097 DJ ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of mixing recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
12098 DJ ofskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, resulting in a new resource, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording are excluded.
12099 dubbing director ofrdfs:labelis dubbing director of
12100 dubbing director ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that incorporates a contribution by an agent of an agent for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a sound track.
12101 music programmer ofrdfs:labelis music programmer of
12102 music programmer ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a musical resource that incorporates a contribution by an agent of using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
12103 audio producerrdfs:labelhas audio producer
12104 audio producerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
12105 casting directorrdfs:labelhas casting director
12106 casting directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
12107 remix artistrdfs:labelhas remix artist
12108 remix artistskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating an audio resource by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
12109 remix artistskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track are excluded.
12110 audio engineerrdfs:labelhas audio engineer
12111 audio engineerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by managing the technical aspects of sound during the processes of recording, mixing, and reproduction.
12112 mixing engineerrdfs:labelhas mixing engineer
12113 mixing engineerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an audio engineer who contributes to the audio content of a resource by manipulating, mixing, and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording.
12114 mixing engineerskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, resulting in a new resource, are excluded.
12115 music programmerrdfs:labelhas music programmer
12116 music programmerskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by using electronic audio devices or computer software to generate sounds.
12117 music programmerskos:scopeNoteThe creation of a new musical resource is excluded.
12118 dubbing directorrdfs:labelhas dubbing director
12119 dubbing directorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of the process of adding new dialogue or other sounds to complete a sound track for a resource
12120 DJrdfs:labelhas DJ
12121 DJskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who mixes recorded tracks together during a live performance or in a recording studio to appear as one continuous track.
12122 DJskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that substantially change the nature and content of the original resource, resulting in a new resource, and mixing and assembling the multiple tracks of a recording are excluded.
12123 latituderdfs:labelhas latitude
12124 latitudeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a distance of a point on a planet or satellite measured north and south from the equator.
12125 longituderdfs:labelhas longitude
12126 longitudeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a distance of a point on a planet or satellite measured east and west from a reference meridian.
12127 right ascensionrdfs:labelhas right ascension
12128 right ascensionskos:definitionRelates a resource to an angular distance measured eastward on the equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle through a celestial body, from 0 to 24 hours.
12129 declinationrdfs:labelhas declination
12130 declinationskos:definitionRelates a resource to an angular distance to a body on the celestial sphere measured north or south through 90° from the celestial equator along the hour circle of the body.
12131 absorbed agentrdfs:labelhas absorbed agent
12132 absorbed agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who was absorbed by another agent.
12133 absorbing agentrdfs:labelhas absorbing agent
12134 absorbing agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who absorbed another agent.
12135 jointly held conferencerdfs:labelhas jointly held conference
12136 jointly held conferenceskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent that that is a conference that is jointly held with a related conference.
12137 details of regional encodingrdfs:labelhas details of regional encoding
12138 details of regional encodingskos:definitionRelates a resource to details of a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier is encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
12139 note on capturerdfs:labelhas note on capture
12140 note on captureskos:definitionRelates a resource to a note on resource that provides information associated with the recording, filming, etc., of the content of a resource.
12141 note on captureskos:scopeNoteNote on capture includes the circumstances such as a live or studio recording, the equipment used, etc.
12142 access point for entityrdfs:labelhas access point for entity
12143 access point for entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an appellation of entity in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12144 appellation of entityrdfs:labelhas appellation of entity
12145 appellation of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an entity.
12146 access point for entity ofrdfs:labelis access point for entity of
12147 access point for entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12148 appellation of entity ofrdfs:labelis appellation of entity of
12149 appellation of entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that is referred to by a nomen used within a given scheme or context.
12150 title of resource ofrdfs:labelis title of resource of
12151 title of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an appellation of resource in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12152 nomen stringrdfs:labelhas nomen string
12153 nomen stringskos:definitionRelates a nomen to the combination of signs that forms an appellation associated with an entity.
12154 relief representationrdfs:labelhas relief representation
12155 relief representationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a method of indicating the horizontal and vertical dimensions of land surface and terrain.
12156 relief representationskos:altLabelhas relief type
12157 prime meridianrdfs:labelhas prime meridian
12158 prime meridianskos:definitionRelates a resource to a line of constant longitude passing through a given place on the surface of the earth and the terrestrial poles, from which longitude east and west is measured.
12159 authorized access point for entityrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for entity
12160 authorized access point for entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an access point for entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12161 variant access point for entityrdfs:labelhas variant access point for entity
12162 variant access point for entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an access point for entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12163 authorized access point for entity ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for entity of
12164 authorized access point for entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has an access point for entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12165 identifier for entityrdfs:labelhas identifier for entity
12166 identifier for entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an appellation of entity that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an entity.
12167 identifier for entityskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12168 name of agent ofrdfs:labelis name of agent of
12169 name of agent ofskos:definitionRelates an appellation of agent in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse to an agent.
12170 variant name of agent ofrdfs:labelis variant name of agent of
12171 variant name of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has a name of agent that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12172 variant name of place ofrdfs:labelis variant name of place of
12173 variant name of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a name of place that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12174 preferred name of place ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of place of
12175 preferred name of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a name of place that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12176 preferred name of timespan ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of timespan of
12177 preferred name of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12178 variant title of resource ofrdfs:labelis variant title of resource of
12179 variant title of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title of resource that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12180 variant name of timespanrdfs:labelhas variant name of timespan
12181 variant name of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a name of timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12182 preferred name of agent ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of agent of
12183 preferred name of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has a name of agent that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12184 identifier for entity ofrdfs:labelis identifier for entity of
12185 identifier for entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
12186 identifier for entity ofskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12187 name of place ofrdfs:labelis name of place of
12188 name of place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a name in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12189 preferred name of timespanrdfs:labelhas preferred name of timespan
12190 preferred name of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a name of timespan that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12191 name of timespan ofrdfs:labelis name of timespan of
12192 name of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a name in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12193 variant name of timespan ofrdfs:labelis variant name of timespan of
12194 variant name of timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a name of tiespan that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12195 preferred title of resource ofrdfs:labelis preferred title of resource of
12196 preferred title of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title of resource that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12197 variant access point for entity ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for entity of
12198 variant access point for entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has an access point for entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12199 name of timespanrdfs:labelhas name of timespan
12200 name of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12201 note on entityrdfs:labelhas note on entity
12202 note on entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an entity.
12203 identifier for agent ofrdfs:labelis identifier for agent of
12204 identifier for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation of agent who is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
12205 identifier for agent ofskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12206 identifier for resource ofrdfs:labelis identifier for resource of
12207 identifier for resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an appellation of resource that is a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
12208 identifier for resource ofskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12209 name of entityrdfs:labelhas name of entity
12210 name of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an appellation of entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12211 preferred name of entityrdfs:labelhas preferred name of entity
12212 preferred name of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a name of entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12213 variant name of entityrdfs:labelhas variant name of entity
12214 variant name of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a name of entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12215 assigner agent ofrdfs:labelis assigner agent of
12216 assigner agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a nomen that is assigned to an entity by an agent.
12217 assigned by agentrdfs:labelis assigned by agent
12218 assigned by agentskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who assigns a nomen to an entity.
12219 category of entityrdfs:labelhas category of entity
12220 category of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a type to which an entity belongs.
12221 fingerprintrdfs:labelhas fingerprint
12222 fingerprintskos:definitionRelates a resource to an identifier for resource that consists of a group of characters from specified locations in a resource combined with a date of publication or other element.
12223 name of distributor ofrdfs:labelis name of distributor of
12224 name of distributor ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for distributing a published resource.
12225 name of entity ofrdfs:labelis name of entity of
12226 name of entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has an appellation of entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
12227 name of manufacturer ofrdfs:labelis name of manufacturer of
12228 name of manufacturer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for printing, duplicating, casting, etc., a published resource.
12229 name of producer ofrdfs:labelis name of producer of
12230 name of producer ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for inscribing, fabricating, constructing, etc., an unpublished resource.
12231 name of publisher ofrdfs:labelis name of publisher of
12232 name of publisher ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for publishing, releasing, or issuing a published resources.
12233 preferred name of entity ofrdfs:labelis preferred name of entity of
12234 preferred name of entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has a name of entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12235 variant name of entity ofrdfs:labelis variant name of entity of
12236 variant name of entity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that has a name of entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
12237 thematic index numberrdfs:labelhas thematic index number
12238 thematic index numberskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numeric designation of musical resource that is assigned from a list of resources of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
12239 serial numberrdfs:labelhas serial number
12240 serial numberskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numeric designation of musical resource assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical resources that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
12241 opus numberrdfs:labelhas opus number
12242 opus numberskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numeric designation of musical resource assigned from a list of resources of a composer indicating the chronological order of composition.
12243 note on agentrdfs:labelhas note on agent
12244 note on agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an agent.
12245 title proper ofrdfs:labelis title proper of
12246 title proper ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a chief name of a resource, that is, a title normally used when naming a resource.
12247 title proper ofskos:scopeNoteAn alternative title is treated as part of the title proper.
12248 title of series ofrdfs:labelis title of series of
12249 title of series ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title that identifies a series to which a resource belongs.
12250 thematic index number ofrdfs:labelis thematic index number of
12251 thematic index number ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a musical resource that has an identifier for resource that is a numeric designation assigned from a list of resources of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
12252 serial number ofrdfs:labelis serial number of
12253 serial number ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a musical resource that has a numeric designation of musical resource assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical resources that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
12254 opus number ofrdfs:labelis opus number of
12255 opus number ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a musical resource that has an identifier for resource that is a numeric designation assigned from a list of resources of a composer indicating chronological order of composition.
12256 numeric designation of musical resource ofrdfs:labelis numeric designation of musical resource of
12257 numeric designation of musical resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a musical resource that has an identifier for resource that is a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical resource by a composer, publisher, or a musicologist.
12258 place of birth ofrdfs:labelis place of birth of
12259 place of birth ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who was born in a place.
12260 place of capture ofrdfs:labelis place of capture of
12261 place of capture ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that has content recorded, filmed, etc. in a place.
12262 place of death ofrdfs:labelis place of death of
12263 place of death ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who died in a place.
12264 place of distribution ofrdfs:labelis place of distribution of
12265 place of distribution ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a published resource that is distributed from a place.
12266 place of manufacture ofrdfs:labelis place of manufacture of
12267 place of manufacture ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a published resource that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc. in a place.
12268 place of origin of resource ofrdfs:labelis place of origin of resource of
12269 place of origin of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource which originated from a place.
12270 place of production ofrdfs:labelis place of production of
12271 place of production ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is an unpublished resource that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc. in a place.
12272 place of publication ofrdfs:labelis place of publication of
12273 place of publication ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a published resource that is published, released, or issued in a place.
12274 place of residence ofrdfs:labelis place of residence of
12275 place of residence ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who resides or has resided in, or is associated other than birth, death, or residence with a place.
12276 date of birth ofrdfs:labelis date of birth of
12277 date of birth ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who was born during a timespan.
12278 date of capture ofrdfs:labelis date of capture of
12279 date of capture ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is recorded, filmed, etc., during a timespan.
12280 date of conference ofrdfs:labelis date of conference of
12281 date of conference ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a resource that is held during a timespan.
12282 date of death ofrdfs:labelis date of death of
12283 date of death ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who died during a timespan.
12284 date of distribution ofrdfs:labelis date of distribution of
12285 date of distribution ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is a published resource that is distributed during a timespan.
12286 date of establishment ofrdfs:labelis date of establishment of
12287 date of establishment ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is established or founded during a timespan.
12288 date of manufacture ofrdfs:labelis date of manufacture of
12289 date of manufacture ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is a published resource that is printed, duplicated, cast, etc., during a timespan.
12290 date of production ofrdfs:labelis date of production of
12291 date of production ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is an unpublished resource that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., during a timespan.
12292 date of publication ofrdfs:labelis date of publication of
12293 date of publication ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is published, released, or issued in a published form during a timespan.
12294 date of resource ofrdfs:labelis date of resource of
12295 date of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource associated with an earliest timespan.
12296 date of termination ofrdfs:labelis date of termination of
12297 date of termination ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is terminated or dissolved during a timespan.
12298 date of usage ofrdfs:labelis date of usage of
12299 date of usage ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of an entity used during a timespan.
12300 plate number for notated music ofrdfs:labelis plate number for notated music of
12301 plate number for notated music ofskos:scopeNoteA plate number for notated music sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher. It is sometimes followed by a number corresponding to the number of pages or plates or a number corresponding to an individual page or plate.
12302 plate number for notated music ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a notated music resource that has an identifier for resource other than a publisher number for notated music, assigned by a publisher to indicate the printing plate used in the printing process.
12303 publisher number for notated music ofrdfs:labelis publisher number for notated music of
12304 publisher number for notated music ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a numbering designation assigned to a notated music resource by a publisher.
12305 publisher number for notated music ofskos:scopeNoteThe number normally appears only on the title page, the cover, or the first page of music, and sometimes includes initials, abbreviations, or words identifying the publisher.
12306 period of activity of agent ofrdfs:labelis period of activity of agent of
12307 period of activity of agent ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is active in its primary field of endeavour during a timespan.
12308 epoch ofrdfs:labelis epoch of
12309 epoch ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that refers to measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit.
12310 equinox ofrdfs:labelis equinox of
12311 equinox ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that uses a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
12312 materialrdfs:labelhas material
12313 materialskos:definitionRelates a resource to a physical or chemical substance that is used to create a resource.
12314 prominent member of agent ofrdfs:labelis prominent member of agent of
12315 prominent member of agent ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to an agent who has a well-known individual as a member.
12316 place of conference ofrdfs:labelis place of conference of
12317 place of conference ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a conference, exhibition, or other formally named and convened event that gives rise to a resource and that is held in a place.
12318 beginningrdfs:labelhas beginning
12319 beginningskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is the time at which a timespan starts.
12320 beginningskos:scopeNoteA time may be represented at different levels of granularity by a calendrical timespan.
12321 country associated with agent ofrdfs:labelis country associated with agent of
12322 country associated with agent ofskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who is identified with a country.
12323 endingrdfs:labelhas ending
12324 endingskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is the time at which a timespan finishes.
12325 endingskos:scopeNoteA time may be represented at different levels of granularity by a calendrical timespan.
12326 part of placerdfs:labelis part of place
12327 part of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that encompasses another place.
12328 part of timespanrdfs:labelis part of timespan
12329 part of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that has another timespan as a component.
12330 part placerdfs:labelhas part place
12331 part placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that is located within another place.
12332 part timespanrdfs:labelhas part timespan
12333 part timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is a component of another timespan.
12334 binding of resourcerdfs:labelhas binding of resource
12335 binding of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a binding of a resource.
12336 binding of resource ofrdfs:labelis binding of resource of
12337 binding of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is bound.
12338 type of bindingrdfs:labelhas type of binding
12339 type of bindingskos:definitionRelates a resource to a method used to bind a published or unpublished resource.
12340 related agent of resourcerdfs:labelhas related agent of resource
12341 related agent of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is associated with a resource.
12342 related resource of agentrdfs:labelhas related resource of agent
12343 related resource of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to resource that is associated with an agent.
12344 related agent of timespanrdfs:labelhas related agent of timespan
12345 related agent of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an agent who is associated with a timespan.
12346 related agent of placerdfs:labelhas related agent of place
12347 related agent of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an agent who is associated with a place.
12348 related resource of timespanrdfs:labelhas related resource of timespan
12349 related resource of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is associated with a timespan.
12350 related resource of placerdfs:labelhas related resource of place
12351 related resource of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to resource that is associated with a place.
12352 related place of resourcerdfs:labelhas related place of resource
12353 related place of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place that is associated with a resource.
12354 related place of timespanrdfs:labelhas related place of timespan
12355 related place of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a place that is associated with a timespan.
12356 related place of placerdfs:labelhas related place of place
12357 related place of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a place that is associated with a place.
12358 related timespan of timespanrdfs:labelhas related timespan of timespan
12359 related timespan of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that is associated with a timespan.
12360 related place of agentrdfs:labelhas related place of agent
12361 related place of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a place that is associated with an agent.
12362 related timespan of placerdfs:labelhas related timespan of place
12363 related timespan of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a timespan that is associated with a place.
12364 related timespan of resourcerdfs:labelhas related timespan of resource
12365 related timespan of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a timespan that is associated with a resource.
12366 related timespan of agentrdfs:labelhas related timespan of agent
12367 related timespan of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to a timespan that is associated with an agent.
12368 related nomen of agentrdfs:labelhas related nomen of agent
12369 related nomen of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an nomen that is associated with an agent.
12370 related nomen of resourcerdfs:labelhas related nomen of resource
12371 related nomen of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a nomen that is associated with a resource.
12372 related nomen of timespanrdfs:labelhas related nomen of timespan
12373 related nomen of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a nomen that is associated with a timespan.
12374 related nomen of placerdfs:labelhas related nomen of place
12375 related nomen of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to a nomen that is associated with a place.
12376 related nomen of nomenrdfs:labelhas related nomen of nomen
12377 related nomen of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is associated with a nomen.
12378 related agent of nomenrdfs:labelhas related agent of nomen
12379 related agent of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who is associated with a nomen.
12380 related place of nomenrdfs:labelhas related place of nomen
12381 related place of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that is associated with a nomen.
12382 related timespan of nomenrdfs:labelhas related timespan of nomen
12383 related timespan of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that is associated with a nomen.
12384 related resource of nomenrdfs:labelhas related resource of nomen
12385 related resource of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to resource that is associated with a nomen.
12386 modifierrdfs:labelhas modifier
12387 modifierskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who makes changes to a resource without creating a new resource.
12388 modifier ofrdfs:labelis modifier of
12389 modifier ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is changed by an agent without creating a new resource.
12390 related entity of agentrdfs:labelhas related entity of agent
12391 related entity of agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an entity that is associated with an agent.
12392 related entity of resourcerdfs:labelhas related entity of resource
12393 related entity of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an entity that is associated with a resource.
12394 related entity of timespanrdfs:labelhas related entity of timespan
12395 related entity of timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an entity that is associated with a timespan.
12396 related entity of placerdfs:labelhas related entity of place
12397 related entity of placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an entity that is associated with a place.
12398 related entity of nomenrdfs:labelhas related entity of nomen
12399 related entity of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an entity that is associated with a nomen.
12400 related entity of entityrdfs:labelhas related entity of entity
12401 related entity of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an entity that is associated with an entity.
12402 related agent of entityrdfs:labelhas related agent of entity
12403 related agent of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to an agent who is associated with an entity.
12404 related place of entityrdfs:labelhas related place of entity
12405 related place of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a place that is associated with an entity.
12406 related timespan of entityrdfs:labelhas related timespan of entity
12407 related timespan of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a timespan that is associated with an entity.
12408 related resource of entityrdfs:labelhas related resource of entity
12409 related resource of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a resource that is associated with an entity.
12410 related nomen of entityrdfs:labelhas related nomen of entity
12411 related nomen of entityskos:definitionRelates an entity to a nomen that is associated with an entity.
12412 medium of performance of choreographic contentrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of choreographic content
12413 medium of performance of choreographic contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to a type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content.
12414 lyrics forrdfs:labelis lyrics for
12415 lyrics forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a musical resource that is complemented by a textual resource.
12416 lyricsrdfs:labelhas lyrics
12417 lyricsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a textual resource that complements a musical resource.
12418 text resourcerdfs:labelhas text resource
12419 text resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a textual resoource that complements a resource.
12420 text for resourcerdfs:labelis text for resource
12421 text for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is complemented by a resource that is a textual resource.
12422 spoken word resourcerdfs:labelhas spoken word resource
12423 spoken word resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a vocal resource and that complements a resource.
12424 soundsrdfs:labelhas sounds
12425 soundsskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is realized as sound and that complements a resource.
12426 spoken word for resourcerdfs:labelis spoken word for resource
12427 spoken word for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is complemented by a vocal resource.
12428 sounds forrdfs:labelis sounds for
12429 sounds forskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is complemented by a resource that is realized as sound.
12430 transformation by extension planrdfs:labelhas transformation by extension plan
12431 transformation by extension planskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the extension plan of a resource.
12432 transformation by extension plan ofrdfs:labelis transformation by extension plan of
12433 transformation by extension plan ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an extension plan that is changed to create a resource.
12434 sequential versionrdfs:labelhas sequential version
12435 sequential versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the extension plan of a resource from integrating to successive.
12436 sequential version ofrdfs:labelis sequential version of
12437 sequential version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to integrating to create a resource.
12438 serialized versionrdfs:labelhas serialized version
12439 serialized versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the extension plan of a resource from static to successive.
12440 static versionrdfs:labelhas static version
12441 static versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the extension plan of a resource from integrating to static.
12442 transformation by audiencerdfs:labelhas transformation by audience
12443 transformation by audienceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the audience of a resource.
12444 transformation by audience ofrdfs:labelis transformation by audience of
12445 transformation by audience ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an audience that is changed to create a resource.
12446 language versionrdfs:labelhas language version
12447 language versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the language audience of a resource.
12448 regional versionrdfs:labelhas regional version
12449 regional versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the regional audience of a resource.
12450 carrier versionrdfs:labelhas carrier version
12451 carrier versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the carrier of a resource.
12452 language version ofrdfs:labelis language version of
12453 language version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a language audience that is changed to create a resource.
12454 regional version ofrdfs:labelis regional version of
12455 regional version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a regional audience that is changed to create a resource.
12456 carrier version ofrdfs:labelis carrier version of
12457 carrier version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a carrier that is changed to create a resource.
12458 transformation by policyrdfs:labelhas transformation by policy
12459 transformation by policyskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy of a resource.
12460 transformation by policy ofrdfs:labelis transformation by policy of
12461 transformation by policy ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a policy that is changed to create a resource.
12462 transformationrdfs:labelhas transformation
12463 transformationskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy, the genre or literary form, the target audience, or the style of a resource.
12464 transformation ofrdfs:labelis transformation of
12465 transformation ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a scope or editorial policy, genre or literary form, target audience, or style that is changed to create a resource.
12466 transformation by stylerdfs:labelhas transformation by style
12467 transformation by styleskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the style of a resource.
12468 transformation by style ofrdfs:labelis transformation by style of
12469 transformation by style ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a style that is changed to create a resource.
12470 transformation by genrerdfs:labelhas transformation by genre
12471 transformation by genreskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is created by changing the genre or literary form of a resource.
12472 transformation by genre ofrdfs:labelis transformation by genre of
12473 transformation by genre ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has a genre that is changed to create a resource.
12474 serialized version ofrdfs:labelis serialized version of
12475 serialized version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to static to create a resource.
12476 static version ofrdfs:labelis static version of
12477 static version ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that has an extension plan that is changed from static to integrated to create a resource.
12478 reviser ofrdfs:labelis reviser of
12479 reviser ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent of making changes to the content.
12480 contributor agent to amalgamation ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to amalgamation of
12481 contributor agent to amalgamation ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent to a seamless mix of kinds of content
12482 contributor agent to performance ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to performance of
12483 contributor agent to performance ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that includes a contribution by an agent to a performance.
12484 contributor agent to aggregate ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent to aggregate of
12485 contributor agent to aggregate ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that includes a contribution by an agent.
12486 reviserrdfs:labelhas reviser
12487 reviserskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by making changes to the content.
12488 contributor agent to amalgamationrdfs:labelhas contributor agent to amalgamation
12489 contributor agent to amalgamationskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource that is a seamless mix of kinds of content.
12490 contributor agent to performancerdfs:labelhas contributor agent to performance
12491 contributor agent to performanceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource that is a performance.
12492 editorrdfs:labelhas editor
12493 editorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who contributes to a resource by amending text created by other agents in order to meet publication standards such as consistency, clarity, and style,
12494 contributor agent to aggregaterdfs:labelhas contributor agent to aggregate
12495 contributor agent to aggregateskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating a resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12497 a resource to a resource that is chosen as part of the plan of an aggregating resource.
12498 aggregated byrdfs:labelis aggregated by
12499 aggregated byskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that aggregates a resource as part of the plan of an aggregating resource.
12500 interactivity moderdfs:labelhas interactivity mode
12501 interactivity modeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a capacity of content to respond to actions performed by the user.
12502 aggregator ofrdfs:labelis aggregator of
12503 aggregator ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for aggregation by selecting and arranging other resources.
12504 aggregatorrdfs:labelhas aggregator
12505 aggregatorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for creating an aggregating resource by selecting and arranging other resources.
12506 criminal defendantrdfs:labelhas criminal defendant
12507 criminal defendantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is accused in a criminal proceeding.
12508 criminal defendant ofrdfs:labelis criminal defendant of
12509 criminal defendant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for being accused in a criminal proceeding.
12510 civil defendantrdfs:labelhas civil defendant
12511 civil defendantskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is sued in a civil proceeding.
12512 civil defendant ofrdfs:labelis civil defendant of
12513 civil defendant ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility of an agent for being sued in a civil proceeding.
12514 academic supervisorrdfs:labelhas academic supervisor
12515 academic supervisorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is responsible for overseeing academic activity of any kind that results in a resource, including theses, research, and projects.
12516 extension planrdfs:labelhas extension plan
12517 extension planskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting an intention to extend the content of a resource.
12518 research supervisorrdfs:labelhas research supervisor
12519 research supervisorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising research that results in a resource.
12520 scope of validityrdfs:labelhas scope of validity
12521 scope of validityskos:definitionRelates a resource to an unstructured or structured description of a range of resources for which the value of a metadata resource is valid.
12522 recording sourcerdfs:labelhas recording source
12523 recording sourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a source of information for a metadata resource that is an unstructured description transcribed from a resource being described.
12524 source consultedrdfs:labelhas source consulted
12525 source consultedskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource in which there is evidence for a metadata resource.
12526 project supervisorrdfs:labelhas project supervisor
12527 project supervisorskos:definitionRelates a resource to an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising a project undertaken by a student that results in a resource.
12528 research supervisor ofrdfs:labelis research supervisor of
12529 research supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of research that results in a resource.
12530 project supervisor ofrdfs:labelis project supervisor of
12531 project supervisor ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that involves a responsibility as an academic supervisor of a project undertaken by a student that results in a resource.
12532 groove pitchrdfs:labelhas groove pitch
12533 groove pitchskos:definitionRelates a resource to a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
12534 groove widthrdfs:labelhas groove width
12535 groove widthskos:definitionRelates a resource to a groove width of an analog disc.
12536 source consulted ofrdfs:labelis source consulted of
12537 source consulted ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a metadata resource for which a resource provides evidence.
12538 copyright date ofrdfs:labelis copyright date of
12539 copyright date ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime during a timespan.
12540 year degree granted ofrdfs:labelis year degree granted of
12541 year degree granted ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a resource that is an academic degree conferred by a granting institution or faculty during a timespan.
12542 abbreviated title ofrdfs:labelis abbreviated title of
12543 abbreviated title ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title of resource that has been abbreviated for purposes of indexing or identification.
12544 alternate identity ofrdfs:labelis alternate identity of
12545 alternate identity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation of agent that is a pseudonym or other assumed identity.
12546 real identity ofrdfs:labelis real identity of
12547 real identity ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation of agent that is a real identity.
12548 part nomenrdfs:labelhas part nomen
12549 part nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is a discrete component of another nomen.
12550 part of nomenrdfs:labelis part of nomen
12551 part of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that has another nomen as a discrete component.
12552 parallel title proper ofrdfs:labelis parallel title proper of
12553 parallel title proper ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title proper in another language or script.
12554 ISSN ofrdfs:labelis ISSN of
12555 ISSN ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an identifier assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
12556 key title ofrdfs:labelis key title of
12557 key title ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title of resource that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
12558 context of userdfs:labelhas context of use
12559 context of useskos:definitionRelates a nomen to the circumstances or situation in which an appellation of an entity is used.
12560 derivationrdfs:labelhas derivation
12561 derivationskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is based on another nomen.
12562 derivation ofrdfs:labelis derivation of
12563 derivation ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is used as the basis of another nomen.
12564 equivalent tordfs:labelis equivalent to
12565 equivalent toskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a nomen that is an appellation of the same entity as another nomen.
12566 contributor agent of computer content ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of computer content of
12567 contributor agent of computer content ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies computer content created by an agent.
12568 contributor agent of moving image ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of moving image of
12569 contributor agent of moving image ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a moving image resource created by an agent.
12570 contributor agent of object ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of object of
12571 contributor agent of object ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies an object resource created by an agent.
12572 contributor agent of speech ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of speech of
12573 contributor agent of speech ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a spoken word resource created by an agent.
12574 contributor agent of music ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of music of
12575 contributor agent of music ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a musical resource created by an agent.
12576 contributor agent of cartography ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of cartography of
12577 contributor agent of cartography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a cartographic resource created by an agent.
12578 contributor agent of choreography ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of choreography of
12579 contributor agent of choreography ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a choreographic resource created by an agent.
12580 contributor agent of text ofrdfs:labelis contributor agent of text of
12581 contributor agent of text ofskos:definitionRelates an agent to a resource that is an aggregate that embodies a textual resource created by an agent.
12582 contributor agent of cartographyrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of cartography
12583 contributor agent of cartographyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a cartographic resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12584 contributor agent of choreographyrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of choreography
12585 contributor agent of choreographyskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a choreographic resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12586 contributor agent of computer contentrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of computer content
12587 contributor agent of computer contentskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates computer content that is embodied by an aggregate.
12588 contributor agent of moving imagerdfs:labelhas contributor agent of moving image
12589 contributor agent of moving imageskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a moving image resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12590 contributor agent of musicrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of music
12591 contributor agent of musicskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a musical resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12592 contributor agent of objectrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of object
12593 contributor agent of objectskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates an object resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12594 contributor agent of speechrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of speech
12595 contributor agent of speechskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a spoken word resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12596 contributor agent of textrdfs:labelhas contributor agent of text
12597 contributor agent of textskos:definitionRelates a resource to an agent who is a contributor to aggregate who creates a textual resource that is embodied by an aggregate.
12598 resource copyright statementrdfs:labelhas resource copyright statement
12599 resource copyright statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a date that is associated with a claim of protection under copyright or a similar regime.
12600 resource copyright statementskos:scopeNoteA copyright date includes a phonogram date that is associated with a claim of protection for an audio recording.
12601 resource designation of sequence statementrdfs:labelhas resource designation of sequence statement
12602 resource designation of sequence statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about the designation of a sequence of a resource of a part, issue, or iteration of a diachronic resource.
12603 resource dissertation statementrdfs:labelhas resource dissertation statement
12604 resource dissertation statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about thesis and other dissertation information.
12605 resource distribution statementrdfs:labelhas resource distribution statement
12606 resource distribution statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about data relating to the distribution of a published resource.
12607 resource edition statementrdfs:labelhas resource edition statement
12608 resource edition statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about an edition to which a resource belongs.
12609 resource frequency statementrdfs:labelhas resource frequency statement
12610 resource frequency statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about an interval at which the resources of parts, issues, or iterations of a diachronic resource are issued.
12611 resource identifier statementrdfs:labelhas resource identifier statement
12612 resource identifier statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a resource.
12613 resource manufacture statementrdfs:labelhas resource manufacture statement
12614 resource manufacture statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about data relating to the printing, duplicating, casting, etc., of a published resource.
12615 resource production statementrdfs:labelhas resource production statement
12616 resource production statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about data relating to the inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of an unpublished resource.
12617 resource publication statementrdfs:labelhas resource publication statement
12618 resource publication statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about the publication, release, or issuing of a resource.
12619 resource regional encoding statementrdfs:labelhas resource regional encoding statement
12620 resource regional encoding statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
12621 resource series statementrdfs:labelhas resource series statement
12622 resource series statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a series to which a resource belongs and a sequence within the series.
12623 resource statementrdfs:labelhas resource statement
12624 resource statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a series that is associated with a resource and a numbering of a resource within the series.
12625 resource statementskos:scopeNoteA resource series statement includes any or all of title of series, other title information of series, statement of responsibility relating to series, ISSN, or numbering within sequence.
12626 resource title and responsibility statementrdfs:labelhas resource title and responsibility statement
12627 resource title and responsibility statementskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource statement about a name of a resource and the agent creating or contributing to the content of the resource.
12628 resource title and responsibility statementskos:scopeNoteA resource title and responsibility statement includes any kind of title or statement of responsibility that is associated with the content of the resource, but does not include a title or statement of responsibility that is associated with an edition, revision or series that is related to the resource.
12629 font point sizerdfs:labelhas font point size
12630 font point sizeskos:definitionRelates a resource to a point size of the type used to represent the characters and symbols in a resource.
12631 designation of versionrdfs:labelhas designation of version
12632 designation of versionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a word or phrase that distinguishes a resource from another resource.
12633 scheme of nomenrdfs:labelhas scheme of nomen
12634 scheme of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a scheme in which an appellation is established.
12635 scheme of nomenskos:scopeNoteThe scheme can be a value or vocabulary encoding scheme or a syntax encoding scheme.
12636 script of nomenrdfs:labelhas script of nomen
12637 script of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a set of characters or symbols with which an appellation is formed.
12638 fingerprint ofrdfs:labelis fingerprint of
12639 fingerprint ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an identifier for resource that consists of a group of characters from specified locations in a resource combined with a date of publication or other element.
12640 reference sourcerdfs:labelhas reference source
12641 reference sourceskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource which provides evidence for the use of a nomen.
12642 status of identificationrdfs:labelhas status of identification
12643 status of identificationskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an indication of a level of authentication of the nomen of an entity.
12644 colourrdfs:labelhas colour
12645 colourskos:definitionRelates a resource to a categorization reflecting a hue of the visual content of a resource.
12646 access point for agentrdfs:labelhas access point for agent
12647 access point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an appellation of agent in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12648 access point for agent ofrdfs:labelis access point for agent of
12649 access point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12650 access point for placerdfs:labelhas access point for place
12651 access point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an appellation of place in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12652 access point for place ofrdfs:labelis access point for place of
12653 access point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12654 access point for resourcerdfs:labelhas access point for resource
12655 access point for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an appellation of resource in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12656 access point for resource ofrdfs:labelis access point for resource of
12657 access point for resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12658 access point for timespanrdfs:labelhas access point for timespan
12659 access point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12660 access point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis access point for timespan of
12661 access point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an appellation in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
12662 authorized access point for agentrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for agent
12663 authorized access point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12664 authorized access point for placerdfs:labelhas authorized access point for place
12665 authorized access point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an access point for place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12666 authorized access point for resourcerdfs:labelhas authorized access point for resource
12667 authorized access point for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an access point for resource that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12668 authorized access point for timespanrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for timespan
12669 authorized access point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12670 authorized access point for agent ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for agent of
12671 authorized access point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an access point for agent that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12672 authorized access point for place ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for place of
12673 authorized access point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an access point for place that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12674 authorized access point for resource ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for resource of
12675 authorized access point for resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an access point for resource that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12676 authorized access point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis authorized access point for timespan of
12677 authorized access point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an access point for timespan that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12678 identifier for placerdfs:labelhas identifier for place
12679 identifier for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an appellation of place that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a place.
12680 identifier for placeskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12681 identifier for timespanrdfs:labelhas identifier for timespan
12682 identifier for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an appellation of timespan that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a timespan.
12683 identifier for timespanskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12684 identifier for place ofrdfs:labelis identifier for place of
12685 identifier for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
12686 identifier for place ofskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12687 identifier for timespan ofrdfs:labelis identifier for timespan of
12688 identifier for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has a reference code taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
12689 identifier for timespan ofskos:scopeNoteThe coded string is usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions.
12690 variant access point for agent ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for agent of
12691 variant access point for agent ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12692 variant access point for place ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for place of
12693 variant access point for place ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a place that has an access point for entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12694 variant access point for resource ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for resource of
12695 variant access point for resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has an access point for resource that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12696 variant access point for timespan ofrdfs:labelis variant access point for timespan of
12697 variant access point for timespan ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a timespan that has an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12698 variant access point for agentrdfs:labelhas variant access point for agent
12699 variant access point for agentskos:definitionRelates an agent to an access point for agent that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12700 variant access point for placerdfs:labelhas variant access point for place
12701 variant access point for placeskos:definitionRelates a place to an access point for place that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12702 variant access point for resourcerdfs:labelhas variant access point for resource
12703 variant access point for resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to an access point for resource that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12704 variant access point for timespanrdfs:labelhas variant access point for timespan
12705 variant access point for timespanskos:definitionRelates a timespan to an access point for timespan that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
12706 reference source ofrdfs:labelis reference source of
12707 reference source ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a nomen for which evidence of use is provided by a resource.
12708 coordinates of cartographic content ofrdfs:labelis coordinates of cartographic content of
12709 coordinates of cartographic content ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a cartographic resource that has an area of coverage that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.
12710 fuller form of name ofrdfs:labelis fuller form of name of
12711 fuller form of name ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who has a fuller form of a name or part of a name represented by an initial, abbreviation, or shortened or otherwise modified form.
12712 given name ofrdfs:labelis given name of
12713 given name ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who uses a name given at birth or at some later point in addition to, or instead of, a surname.
12714 intended audience of nomenrdfs:labelhas intended audience of nomen
12715 intended audience of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a class of users for which a nomen is intended.
12716 language of nomenrdfs:labelhas language of nomen
12717 language of nomenskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a language of an appellation.
12718 surname ofrdfs:labelis surname of
12719 surname ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to an agent who uses a family name.
12720 parallel title of series ofrdfs:labelis parallel title of series of
12721 parallel title of series ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a title of series in another language or script.
12722 longitude and latitude ofrdfs:labelis longitude and latitude of
12723 longitude and latitude ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a cartographic resource that has an area of coverage that is identified using longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
12724 locationrdfs:labelhas location
12725 locationskos:definitionRelates a place to a delimitation of the physical territory of the place.
12726 strings of coordinate pairs ofrdfs:labelis strings of coordinate pairs of
12727 strings of coordinate pairs ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a cartographic resource that has an area of coverage that is identifiedy by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.
12728 right ascension and declination ofrdfs:labelis right ascension and declination of
12729 right ascension and declination ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a cartographic resource that locates a celestial body that is the coverage of the resource and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.
12730 name of agent of resourcerdfs:labelhas name of agent of resource
12731 name of agent of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a nomen that is a name of an agent who is responsible for distributing, printing, duplicating, casting, publishing, releasing, issuing, etc., a published resource, or inscribing, fabricating, constructing, etc., an unpublished resource.
12732 name of agent of resource ofrdfs:labelis name of agent of resource of
12733 name of agent of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a name of agent who is responsible for distribution, printing, duplication, casting, publication, release, issue, etc., or inscription, fabrication, construction, etc.
12734 place of resourcerdfs:labelhas place of resource
12735 place of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place that is associated with the distribution, printing, duplicating, casting, publication, release, or issuing, etc., of a published resource, or the inscription, fabrication, construction, etc., of an unpublished resource.
12736 place of resource ofrdfs:labelis place of resource of
12737 place of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is a published resource that is distributed, printed, duplicated, cast, published, released, or issued, etc., or an unpublished resource that is inscribed, fabricated, constructed, etc., in a place.
12738 beginning ofrdfs:labelis beginning of
12739 beginning ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that starts at the time that is a timespan.
12740 ending ofrdfs:labelis ending of
12741 ending ofskos:definitionRelates a timespan to a timespan that finishes at the time that is a timespan.
12742 numbering within sequence ofrdfs:labelis numbering within sequence of
12743 numbering within sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation that identifies its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger resource or parts or issues of a larger resource.
12744 first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
12745 first alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12746 first alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis first alphanumeric designation of sequence of
12747 first alphanumeric designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12748 first chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis first chronological designation of alternative sequence of
12749 first chronological designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12750 first chronological designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis first chronological designation of sequence of
12751 first chronological designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the first in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12752 last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence of
12753 last alphanumeric designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12754 last alphanumeric designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis last alphanumeric designation of sequence of
12755 last alphanumeric designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of numbers or alphabetic characters that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12756 last chronological designation of alternative sequence ofrdfs:labelis last chronological designation of alternative sequence of
12757 last chronological designation of alternative sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a concurrent sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12758 last chronological designation of sequence ofrdfs:labelis last chronological designation of sequence of
12759 last chronological designation of sequence ofskos:definitionRelates a nomen to a resource that has a designation in the form of a date or other timespan that is used to indicate the last in a sequence of numbering of parts or iterations.
12760 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis described with metadata by
12761 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates an entity to a resource that is a metadata resource for an entity.
12762 metadata description of entityrdfs:labelis metadata description of entity
12763 metadata description of entityskos:definitionRelates a resource to an entity that is described by a metadata resource.
12764 collection accrual methodrdfs:labelhas collection accrual method
12765 collection accrual methodskos:definitionRelates a resource to a method of transfer of ownership of the resources that are added to a resource of a collection resource.
12766 collection accrual policyrdfs:labelhas collection accrual policy
12767 collection accrual policyskos:definitionRelates a resource to a policy for selecting resources that are added to a resource of a collection resource.
12768 subcollectionrdfs:labelhas subcollection
12769 subcollectionskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation of a collection work that is a discrete component of a manifestation of another collection work.
12770 subcollection ofrdfs:labelis subcollection of
12771 subcollection ofskos:definitionRelates a manifestation to a manifestation of a collection work that has a manifestation of another collection work as a discrete component.
12772 holdingrdfs:labelhas holding
12773 holdingskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is included in the resource of a collection resource.
12774 holding ofrdfs:labelis holding of
12775 holding ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource of a collection resource that includes the resource.
12776 location of collectionrdfs:labelhas location of collection
12777 location of collectionskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place where the resource of a collection resource is stored.
12778 location of collection ofrdfs:labelis location of collection of
12779 location of collection ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource of a collection resource that is stored in a place.
12780 location of resourcerdfs:labelhas location of resource
12781 location of resourceskos:definitionRelates a resource to a place where a resource is held, stored, or made available for access.
12782 location of resource ofrdfs:labelis location of resource of
12783 location of resource ofskos:definitionRelates a place to a resource that is held, stored, or made available for access in a place.
12784 on resource withrdfs:labelis on resource with
12785 on resource withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is reproduced on the same resource as a resource.
12786 held withrdfs:labelis held with
12787 held withskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is held in the same collection as a resource.
12788 hierarchic finding aidrdfs:labelhas hierarchic finding aid
12789 hierarchic finding aidskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a metadata description set for the sub-collections and resources that are held by a collection resource.
12790 hierarchic finding aid ofrdfs:labelis hierarchic finding aid of
12791 hierarchic finding aid ofskos:definitionRelates a resource to a resource that is a collection resource that has a metadata description set for the sub-collections and resources that it holds.
12792 respondent
12793 a work to a person who is a candidate for a degree who defends or opposes a thesis provided by the praeses in an academic disputation.
12795 person who is a candidate for a degree who defends or opposes a thesis provided by the praeses in an academic disputation.
12796 for workrdfs:labelhas identifier for work
12797 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an appellation of work that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work.
12798 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for work
12799 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of work that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work.
12800 of workrdfs:labelhas category of work
12801 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a type to which a work belongs.
12802 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of work
12803 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which a work belongs.
12804 of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes a class or genre.
12805 of workskos:altLabelform of work
12806 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas appellee corporate body
12807 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body against whom an appeal is taken on a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12808 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelappellee corporate body
12809 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body against whom an appeal is taken on a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12810 granting institutionrdfs:labelhas degree granting institution
12811 granting institutionskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who approves a work that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree.
12812 granting institutionrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree granting institution
12813 granting institutionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who approves a work that is a thesis or dissertation associated with an academic degree.
12814 granting institutionskos:altLabelgranting institution or faculty
12815 institutionrdfs:labelhas hosting institution
12816 institutionskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who hosts a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work, but has little or no responsibility for the content.
12817 institutionrdakit:toolkitLabelhosting institution
12818 institutionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who hosts a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work, but has little or no responsibility for the content.
12819 institutionskos:altLabelhost institution
12820 companyrdfs:labelhas production company
12821 companyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
12822 companyrdakit:toolkitLabelproduction company
12823 companyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for managing the financial, technical, and organizational aspects of a production for stage, screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
12824 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas appellant corporate body
12825 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who appeals a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12826 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelappellant corporate body
12827 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who appeals a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12828 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas plaintiff corporate body
12829 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.
12830 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelplaintiff corporate body
12831 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.
12832 governedrdfs:labelhas court governed
12833 governedskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body that is a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature.
12834 governedrdakit:toolkitLabelcourt governed
12835 governedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body that is a court governed by court rules, regardless of their official nature.
12836 of partrdfs:labelhas numbering of part
12837 of partskos:definitionRelates a work to a designation that is assigned to a work to identify its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger work.
12838 of partrdakit:toolkitLabelnumbering of part
12839 of partrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA designation that is assigned to a work to identify its position in a sequence of individual parts of a larger work.
12840 of partskos:scopeNoteNumbering may include dates or other timespans, and alphanumeric or other characters.
12841 director agentrdfs:labelhas film director agent
12842 director agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
12843 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director agent
12844 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
12845 director agentskos:altLabelfilm director
12846 director agentrdfs:labelhas radio director agent
12847 director agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
12848 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director agent
12849 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
12850 director agentskos:altLabelradio director
12851 director agentrdfs:labelhas television director agent
12852 director agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
12853 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director agent
12854 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
12855 director agentskos:altLabeltelevision director
12856 as workrdfs:labelis dramatized as work
12857 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a dramatic work that is adapted from another work.
12858 as workrdakit:toolkitLabeldramatized as work
12859 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a dramatic work that is adapted from another work.
12860 jurisdictionrdfs:labelhas enacting jurisdiction
12861 jurisdictionskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a government enacting a work that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation.
12862 jurisdictionrdakit:toolkitLabelenacting jurisdiction
12863 jurisdictionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a government enacting a work that is a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation.
12864 of workrdfs:labelis part of work
12865 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has another work as a discrete component.
12866 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelpart of work
12867 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has another work as a discrete component.
12868 of workskos:altLabelcontained in (work)
12869 of workskos:scopeNoteA part work is considered to be essential to the whole work.
12870 workrdfs:labelhas sequel work
12871 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that extends the narrative of another work forwards in time.
12872 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsequel work
12873 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that extends the narrative of another work forwards in time.
12874 workskos:altLabelsequel
12875 workskos:altLabelprequel to
12876 in part by workrdfs:labelis replaced in part by work
12877 in part by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content partially supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another work.
12878 in part by workrdakit:toolkitLabelreplaced in part by work
12879 in part by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content partially supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another work.
12880 in part by workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static work or an integrating work.
12881 by workrdfs:labelis replaced by work
12882 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another work.
12883 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelreplaced by work
12884 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content supersedes and renders obsolete the content of another work.
12885 by workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static work or an integrating work.
12886 in verse as workrdfs:labelis adapted in verse as work
12887 in verse as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a literary composition in verse form adapted from another work.
12888 in verse as workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted in verse as work
12889 in verse as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a literary composition in verse form adapted from another work.
12890 of cartographic contentrdfs:labelhas coordinates of cartographic content
12891 of cartographic contentskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.
12892 of cartographic contentskos:scopeNoteCoordinates may be expressed by means of longitude and latitude on the surface of planets or by the angles of right ascension and declination for celestial charts.
12893 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcoordinates of cartographic content
12894 of cartographic contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is described using a mathematical system to identify its boundaries or location.
12895 as motion picture workrdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture work
12896 as motion picture workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a motion picture that is based on another work.
12897 as motion picture workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as motion picture work
12898 as motion picture workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a motion picture that is based on another work.
12899 workrdfs:labelhas cadenza work
12900 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist added to a musical work, such as a concerto, by the same or a different composer.
12901 workrdakit:toolkitLabelcadenza work
12902 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist added to a musical work, such as a concerto, by the same or a different composer.
12903 based on workrdfs:labelis variations based on work
12904 based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work from which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material is taken to form a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
12905 based on workrdakit:toolkitLabelvariations based on work
12906 based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work from which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material is taken to form a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
12907 by variation as workrdfs:labelis modified by variation as work
12908 by variation as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work in which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material taken from another work forms a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
12909 by variation as workrdakit:toolkitLabelmodified by variation as work
12910 by variation as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work in which melodic, thematic, or harmonic material taken from another work forms a discrete theme, which is repeated one or more times with subsequent modifications.
12911 composed for workrdfs:labelis cadenza composed for work
12912 composed for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work, such as a concerto, to which is added a musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist by the same or a different composer.
12913 composed for workrdakit:toolkitLabelcadenza composed for work
12914 composed for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work, such as a concerto, to which is added a musical work that is an ornamental passage for a soloist by the same or a different composer.
12915 for workrdfs:labelis libretto for work
12916 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, that is complemented by a textual work.
12917 for workrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto for work
12918 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, that is complemented by a work that is a textual work.
12919 music workrdfs:labelhas incidental music work
12920 music workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a play or other work for the stage that is realized as spoken word.
12921 music workrdakit:toolkitLabelincidental music work
12922 music workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a play or other work for the stage that is realized as spoken word.
12923 as workrdfs:labelis remade as work
12924 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a motion picture, radio program, television program, or video that is based on an earlier work.
12925 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelremade as work
12926 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video that is based on an earlier work.
12927 to music as workrdfs:labelis set to music as work
12928 to music as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio, that uses the text of another work.
12929 to music as workrdakit:toolkitLabelset to music as work
12930 to music as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio, that uses the text of another work.
12931 as novel workrdfs:labelis adapted as novel work
12932 as novel workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a novel adapted from another work.
12933 as novel workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as novel work
12934 as novel workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a novel adapted from another work.
12935 personrdfs:labelhas appellee person
12936 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person against whom an appeal is taken on a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12937 personrdakit:toolkitLabelappellee person
12938 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person against whom an appeal is taken on a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12939 medium
12940 a work to a person who claims to be a channel of communication with a world of spirits.
12942 person who claims to be a channel of communication with a world of spirits.
12943 supervisorrdfs:labelhas degree supervisor
12944 supervisorskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or overseeing thesis or dissertation research for an academic degree that results in a work.
12945 supervisorrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree supervisor
12946 supervisorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or overseeing thesis or dissertation research for an academic degree that results in a work.
12947 supervisorskos:scopeNoteIncludes an advisor or supervisor of thesis or dissertation research.
12948 personrdfs:labelhas appellant person
12949 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who appeals a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12950 personrdakit:toolkitLabelappellant person
12951 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who appeals a decision of a lower court recorded in a legal work of a higher court.
12952 personrdfs:labelhas plaintiff person
12953 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.
12954 personrdakit:toolkitLabelplaintiff person
12955 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who brings a suit in a civil proceeding.
12956 judge
12957 a work to a person who hears and decides on legal matters in court.
12959 person who hears and decides on legal matters in court.
12960 praeses
12961 a work to a person who is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
12963 person who is a faculty moderator of an academic disputation, normally proposing a thesis and participating in the ensuing disputation.
12964 agentrdfs:labelhas issuing agent
12965 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who issues a work.
12966 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing agent
12967 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who issues a work.
12968 agentskos:altLabelissuing body
12969 agentrdfs:labelhas dedicator agent
12970 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
12971 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator agent
12972 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
12973 agentskos:altLabeldedicator
12974 agent of workrdfs:labelhas honouree agent of work
12975 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is honoured by a work.
12976 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree agent of work
12977 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is honoured by a work.
12978 agent of workskos:altLabelhonoree agent of work
12979 agent of workskos:altLabelhonouree
12980 agentrdfs:labelhas programmer agent
12981 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a computer program.
12982 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer agent
12983 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a computer program.
12984 agentskos:altLabelprogrammer
12985 agentrdfs:labelhas designer agent
12986 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
12987 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner agent
12988 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
12989 agentskos:altLabeldesigner
12990 agent of workrdfs:labelhas cartographer agent of work
12991 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
12992 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer agent of work
12993 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
12994 agent of workskos:altLabelcartographer
12995 agent of workrdfs:labelhas composer agent of work
12996 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a musical work.
12997 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer agent of work
12998 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a musical work.
12999 agent of workskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical work to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a work or creating a work in the general style of another composer, or creating a work that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
13000 agent of workskos:altLabelcomposer
13001 agentrdfs:labelhas inventor agent
13002 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
13003 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor agent
13004 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
13005 agentskos:altLabelinventor
13006 agentrdfs:labelhas compiler agent
13007 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
13008 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler agent
13009 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
13010 agentskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
13011 agentskos:altLabelcompiler
13012 agent of workrdfs:labelhas photographer agent of work
13013 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
13014 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer agent of work
13015 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
13016 agent of workskos:altLabelphotographer
13017 agent of workrdfs:labelhas interviewer agent of work
13018 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
13019 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer agent of work
13020 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
13021 agent of workskos:altLabelinterviewer
13022 agentrdfs:labelhas artist agent
13023 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
13024 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelartist agent
13025 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
13026 agentskos:altLabelartist
13027 agent of workrdfs:labelhas interviewee agent of work
13028 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
13029 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee agent of work
13030 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
13031 agent of workskos:altLabelinterviewee
13032 agentrdfs:labelhas choreographer agent
13033 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
13034 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer agent
13035 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
13036 agentskos:altLabelchoreographer
13037 agentrdfs:labelhas author agent
13038 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a textual work.
13039 agentskos:scopeNoteCreation of a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator, if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression, is included.
13040 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor agent
13041 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a textual work.
13042 agentskos:altLabelauthor
13043 agentrdfs:labelhas architect agent
13044 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
13045 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect agent
13046 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
13047 agentskos:altLabelarchitect
13048 agentrdfs:labelhas filmmaker agent
13049 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
13050 agentskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
13051 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker agent
13052 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
13053 agentskos:altLabelfilmmaker
13054 agentrdfs:labelhas producer agent
13055 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
13056 agentskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
13057 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer agent
13058 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
13059 agentskos:altLabelproducer
13060 agent of workrdfs:labelhas creator agent of work
13061 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a work.
13062 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator agent of work
13063 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a work.
13064 agent of workskos:scopeNoteA creator of work includes an agent who is jointly responsible for the creation of a work either by performing the same role as another agent, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or by performing a different role, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
13065 agent of workskos:altLabelcreator
13066 agentrdfs:labelhas director agent
13067 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
13068 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector agent
13069 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
13070 agentskos:altLabeldirector
13071 agent of workrdfs:labelhas sponsoring agent of work
13072 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who sponsors some aspect of a work.
13073 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring agent of work
13074 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who sponsors some aspect of a work.
13075 agent of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
13076 agent of workskos:altLabelsponsoring body
13077 agent of photographyrdfs:labelhas director agent of photography
13078 agent of photographyskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
13079 agent of photographyskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
13080 agent of photographyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector agent of photography
13081 agent of photographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
13082 agent of photographyskos:altLabeldirector of photography
13083 agent of workrdfs:labelhas dedicatee agent of work
13084 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent to whom a work is dedicated.
13085 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee agent of work
13086 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent to whom a work is dedicated.
13087 agent of workskos:altLabeldedicatee
13088 agentrdfs:labelhas addressee agent
13089 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
13090 agentrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee agent
13091 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
13092 agentskos:altLabeladdressee
13093 agentrdfs:labelhas consultant agent
13094 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
13095 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant agent
13096 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
13097 agentskos:altLabelconsultant
13098 of workrdfs:labelhas manifestation of work
13099 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is a physical embodiment of a work.
13100 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmanifestation of work
13101 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a physical embodiment of a work.
13102 producer agentrdfs:labelhas film producer agent
13103 producer agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
13104 producer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer agent
13105 producer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
13106 producer agentskos:altLabelfilm producer
13107 producer agentrdfs:labelhas radio producer agent
13108 producer agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
13109 producer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer agent
13110 producer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
13111 producer agentskos:altLabelradio producer
13112 producer agentrdfs:labelhas television producer agent
13113 producer agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
13114 producer agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer agent
13115 producer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
13116 producer agentskos:altLabeltelevision producer
13117 as radio program workrdfs:labelis adapted as radio program work
13118 as radio program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a radio program based on another work.
13119 as radio program workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as radio program work
13120 as radio program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a radio program based on another work.
13121 degreerdfs:labelhas academic degree
13122 degreeskos:definitionRelates a work to a rank conferred as a guarantee of academic proficiency.
13123 degreerdakit:toolkitLabelacademic degree
13124 degreerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA rank conferred as a guarantee of academic proficiency.
13125 of workrdfs:labelhas expression of work
13126 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is a realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.
13127 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelexpression of work
13128 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is a realization of a work in the form of alpha-numeric, musical or choreographic notation, sound, image, object, movement, etc., or any combination of such forms.
13129 designation of musical workrdfs:labelhas numeric designation of musical work
13130 designation of musical workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by a composer, publisher, or musicologist.
13131 designation of musical workrdakit:toolkitLabelnumeric designation of musical work
13132 designation of musical workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a serial number, opus number, or thematic index number assigned to a musical work by a composer, publisher, or musicologist.
13133 designation of musical workskos:scopeNoteA designation includes a caption (e.g., no., op., BWV) and may include dates or other timespans, and alphanumeric or other characters.
13134 subseries
13135 a work to a work that is a successive aggregating work that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating work.
13137 work that is a successive aggregating work that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating work.
13138 and latituderdfs:labelhas longitude and latitude
13139 and latitudeskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified using the longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and the latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
13140 and latituderdakit:toolkitLabellongitude and latitude
13141 and latituderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified using the longitude of the westernmost and easternmost boundaries and the latitude of the northernmost and southernmost boundaries.
13142 ascension and declinationrdfs:labelhas right ascension and declination
13143 ascension and declinationskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that that is the location of a celestial body that is the coverage of a cartographic work and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.
13144 ascension and declinationrdakit:toolkitLabelright ascension and declination
13145 ascension and declinationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that that is the location of a celestial body that is the coverage of a cartographic work and is identified using the angles of right ascension and declination.
13146 of coordinate pairsrdfs:labelhas strings of coordinate pairs
13147 of coordinate pairsskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.
13148 of coordinate pairsrdakit:toolkitLabelstrings of coordinate pairs
13149 of coordinate pairsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is the area of coverage of a cartographic work that is identified by a polygon using coordinates for each vertex.
13150 of organizationrdfs:labelhas system of organization
13151 of organizationskos:definitionRelates a work to a system of arranging materials in an archival resource or a collection.
13152 of organizationrdakit:toolkitLabelsystem of organization
13153 of organizationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA system of arranging materials in an archival resource or a collection.
13154 as television program workrdfs:labelis adapted as television program work
13155 as television program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a television program that is based on another work.
13156 as television program workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as television program work
13157 as television program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a television program that is based on another work.
13158 title of workrdfs:labelhas variant title of work
13159 title of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a title of work that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
13160 title of workrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title of work
13161 title of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of work that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
13162 title of workskos:scopeNoteA variant title of work includes a title or form of title appearing on a manifestation of the work or found in reference sources, a title resulting from a different transliteration of a title, etc.
13163 title of workskos:altLabelvariant title for work
13164 as video workrdfs:labelis adapted as video work
13165 as video workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a video that is based on another work.
13166 as video workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as video work
13167 as video workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a video that is based on another work.
13168 of workrdfs:labelhas title of work
13169 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an appellation of work in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
13170 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle of work
13171 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of work in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
13172 in workrdfs:labelis abstracted in work
13173 in workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that abstracts the contents of another work.
13174 in workrdakit:toolkitLabelabstracted in work
13175 in workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that abstracts the contents of another work.
13176 as choreography workrdfs:labelis adapted as choreography work
13177 as choreography workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a choreographic work based on another work.
13178 as choreography workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as choreography work
13179 as choreography workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a choreographic work based on another work.
13180 workrdfs:labelhas errata work
13181 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of errors discovered after the publication of a predominant work, with their corrections.
13182 workrdakit:toolkitLabelerrata work
13183 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of errors discovered after the publication of a predominant work, with their corrections.
13184 workrdfs:labelhas illustrations work
13185 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of pictorial content designed to explain or decorate an augmented work.
13186 workrdakit:toolkitLabelillustrations work
13187 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of pictorial content designed to explain or decorate an augmented work.
13188 as motion picture screenplay workrdfs:labelis adapted as motion picture screenplay work
13189 as motion picture screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, based on another work.
13190 as motion picture screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as motion picture screenplay work
13191 as motion picture screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, based on another work.
13192 as screenplay workrdfs:labelis adapted as screenplay work
13193 as screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video, based on another work.
13194 as screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as screenplay work
13195 as screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video, based on another work.
13196 as television screenplay workrdfs:labelis adapted as television screenplay work
13197 as television screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of a screenplay for a television program, based on another work.
13198 as television screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as television screenplay work
13199 as television screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of a screenplay for a television program, based on another work.
13200 as video screenplay workrdfs:labelis adapted as video screenplay work
13201 as video screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of a screenplay for a video, based on another work.
13202 as video screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as video screenplay work
13203 as video screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of a screenplay for a video, based on another work.
13204 as radio script workrdfs:labelis adapted as radio script work
13205 as radio script workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of a script for a radio program, based on another work.
13206 as radio script workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as radio script work
13207 as radio script workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of a script for a radio program, based on another work.
13208 translated as workrdfs:labelis freely translated as work
13209 translated as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is both an adaptation and a translation into another language of another work.
13210 translated as workrdakit:toolkitLabelfreely translated as work
13211 translated as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is both an adaptation and a translation into another language of another work.
13212 of workrdfs:labelis description of work
13213 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is described by a work.
13214 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of work
13215 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is described by a work.
13216 ofrdfs:labelis subseries of
13217 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a successive aggregating work that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating work.
13218 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubseries of
13219 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a successive aggregating work that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of another successive aggregating work.
13220 ofrdfs:labelis issue of
13221 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a successive aggregating work that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of a static work.
13222 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelissue of
13223 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a successive aggregating work that inspires the editorial policy, scope, and style of a static work.
13224 ofskos:altLabelin series
13225 ofskos:scopeNoteAn issue static work can be a single work or an aggregating work.
13226 by workrdfs:labelis complemented by work
13227 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is paired with a related work without either work being considered to be predominant.
13228 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomplemented by work
13229 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is paired with a related work without either work being considered to be predominant.
13230 into workrdfs:labelis separated into work
13231 into workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is continuing.
13232 into workrdakit:toolkitLabelseparated into work
13233 into workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is continuing.
13234 into workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13235 into workskos:altLabelcontinued in part by (work)
13236 for workrdfs:labelis screenplay for work
13237 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that uses a screenplay and that is complemented by a textual work.
13238 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for work
13239 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that uses a screenplay and that is complemented by a textual work.
13240 music for workrdfs:labelis incidental music for work
13241 music for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a play or other work for the stage that is realized as spoken word and that is complemented by a musical work.
13242 music for workrdakit:toolkitLabelincidental music for work
13243 music for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a play or other work for the stage that is realized as spoken word and that is complemented by a musical work.
13244 abstract
13245 a work to a work that is an objective summary of a work.
13247 work that is an objective summary of a work.
13248 as work
13249 by workrdfs:labelis augmented by work
13250 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that adds to the content of a predominant work.
13251 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmented by work
13252 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that adds to the content of a predominant work.
13253 summary
13254 a work to a work that is a brief description of a work.
13256 work that is a brief description of a work.
13257 as work
13258 workrdfs:labelhas addenda work
13259 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of brief content that is essential for the completeness of a related work.
13260 workrdakit:toolkitLabeladdenda work
13261 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of brief content that is essential for the completeness of a related work.
13262 as libretto workrdfs:labelis adapted as libretto work
13263 as libretto workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that consists of the text of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, based on another work.
13264 as libretto workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as libretto work
13265 as libretto workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that consists of the text of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio, based on another work.
13266 reviewed byrdfs:labelis work reviewed by
13267 reviewed byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a brief evaluation of a work.
13268 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitLabelwork reviewed by
13269 reviewed byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a brief evaluation of a work.
13270 reviewed byskos:altLabelreviewed in (work)
13271 critiqued byrdfs:labelis work critiqued by
13272 critiqued byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a critical evaluation of a work.
13273 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitLabelwork critiqued by
13274 critiqued byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a critical evaluation of a work.
13275 critiqued byskos:altLabelcritiqued in (work)
13276 commentary inrdfs:labelis work commentary in
13277 commentary inskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on a work.
13278 commentary inrdakit:toolkitLabelwork commentary in
13279 commentary inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a set of explanatory or critical notes on a work
13280 commentary inskos:altLabelcommentary in (work)
13281 as workrdfs:labelis imitated as work
13282 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that copies the style or content of another work.
13283 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelimitated as work
13284 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that copies the style or content of another work.
13285 described byrdfs:labelis work described by
13286 described byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a description of a work.
13287 described byrdakit:toolkitLabelwork described by
13288 described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of a work.
13289 described byskos:altLabeldescribed in (work)
13290 as workrdfs:labelis expanded as work
13291 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that enlarges upon the content of another work.
13292 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelexpanded as work
13293 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that enlarges upon the content of another work.
13294 evaluated byrdfs:labelis work evaluated by
13295 evaluated byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is an examination or judgement of a work.
13296 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitLabelwork evaluated by
13297 evaluated byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an examination or judgement of a work.
13298 evaluated byskos:altLabelevaluated in (work)
13299 analysed inrdfs:labelis work analysed in
13300 analysed inskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that describes the structure and composition of another work.
13301 analysed inrdakit:toolkitLabelwork analysed in
13302 analysed inrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that describes the structure and composition of another work.
13303 analysed inskos:altLabelanalysed in (work)
13304 workrdfs:labelhas prequel work
13305 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that extends the narrative of another work backwards in time.
13306 workrdakit:toolkitLabelprequel work
13307 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that extends the narrative of another work backwards in time.
13308 workskos:altLabelsequel to
13309 workskos:altLabelprequel
13310 workrdfs:labelhas appendix work
13311 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content augments a related work.
13312 workrdakit:toolkitLabelappendix work
13313 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content augments a related work.
13314 workskos:scopeNoteIncludes lists of references, statistical tables, and explanatory matter that are not essential to the completeness of the content.
13315 workrdfs:labelhas guide work
13316 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that guides a user through the use of a predominant work, using notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc.
13317 workrdakit:toolkitLabelguide work
13318 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that guides a user through the use of a predominant work, using notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc.
13319 of workrdfs:labelis abridgement of work
13320 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is shortened as a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
13321 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelabridgement of work
13322 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is shortened as a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
13323 ofrdfs:labelis abstract of
13324 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is summarized in an objective manner.
13325 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelabstract of
13326 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is summarized in an objective manner.
13327 of workrdfs:labelis dramatization of work
13328 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a drama.
13329 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldramatization of work
13330 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a drama.
13331 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis verse adaptation of work
13332 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a literary composition in verse form.
13333 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelverse adaptation of work
13334 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a literary composition in verse form.
13335 picture adaptation of workrdfs:labelis motion picture adaptation of work
13336 picture adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a motion picture.
13337 picture adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture adaptation of work
13338 picture adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a motion picture.
13339 of workrdfs:labelis novelization of work
13340 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a novel.
13341 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelnovelization of work
13342 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a novel.
13343 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis radio adaptation of work
13344 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a radio program.
13345 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelradio adaptation of work
13346 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a radio program.
13347 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis television adaptation of work
13348 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a television program.
13349 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision adaptation of work
13350 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a television program.
13351 based on workrdfs:labelis screenplay based on work
13352 based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video.
13353 based on workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay based on work
13354 based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture, television program, or video.
13355 picture screenplay based on workrdfs:labelis motion picture screenplay based on work
13356 picture screenplay based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture.
13357 picture screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture screenplay based on work
13358 picture screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a screenplay for a motion picture.
13359 screenplay based on workrdfs:labelis television screenplay based on work
13360 screenplay based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a television program.
13361 screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision screenplay based on work
13362 screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a screenplay for a television program.
13363 screenplay based on workrdfs:labelis video screenplay based on work
13364 screenplay based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a screenplay for a video.
13365 screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo screenplay based on work
13366 screenplay based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a screenplay for a video.
13367 script based on workrdfs:labelis radio script based on work
13368 script based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a script for a radio program.
13369 script based on workrdakit:toolkitLabelradio script based on work
13370 script based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a script for a radio program.
13371 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis video adaptation of work
13372 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted for video.
13373 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo adaptation of work
13374 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted for video.
13375 of workrdfs:labelis digest of work
13376 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a systematic and comprehensive condensing of a related work.
13377 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldigest of work
13378 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a systematic and comprehensive condensing of a related work.
13379 of workrdfs:labelis analysis of work
13380 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose structure is described by another work.
13381 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelanalysis of work
13382 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose structure is described by another work.
13383 issue
13384 a work to a work that is a static work that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of a successive aggregating work.
13386 work that is a static work that is inspired by the overall editorial policy, scope, and style of a successive aggregating work.
13387 container of
13388 issue static work can be a single work or an aggregating work.
13389 of workrdfs:labelis adaptation of work
13390 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is modified for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
13391 of workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies to changes in form or to works completely rewritten in the same form.
13392 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeladaptation of work
13393 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is modified for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
13394 translation of workrdfs:labelis free translation of work
13395 translation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is both adapted and translated into another language.
13396 translation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfree translation of work
13397 translation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is both adapted and translated into another language.
13398 as workrdfs:labelis parodied as work
13399 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that imitates the style or content of another work for comic effect.
13400 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelparodied as work
13401 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that imitates the style or content of another work for comic effect.
13402 by workrdfs:labelis absorbed by work
13403 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content incorporates the content of another work.
13404 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbed by work
13405 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content incorporates the content of another work.
13406 in part by workrdfs:labelis absorbed in part by work
13407 in part by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content incorporates the partial content of another work.
13408 in part by workrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorbed in part by work
13409 in part by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content incorporates the partial content of another work.
13410 workrdfs:labelhas part work
13411 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a discrete component of another work.
13412 workrdakit:toolkitLabelpart work
13413 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a discrete component of another work.
13414 workskos:altLabelcontainer of (work)
13415 workskos:scopeNoteA part work is considered to be essential to the whole work.
13416 workskos:altLabelcomponent part
13417 workrdfs:labelhas derivative work
13418 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a modification of another work.
13419 workrdakit:toolkitLabelderivative work
13420 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a modification of another work.
13421 to workrdfs:labelis errata to work
13422 to workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is augmented by a list of errors in a predominant work, discovered after publication, with their corrections.
13423 to workrdakit:toolkitLabelerrata to work
13424 to workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is augmented by a list of errors in a predominant work, discovered after publication, with their corrections.
13425 to workrdfs:labelis guide to work
13426 to workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is augmented by a related work that consists of material, such as notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc., to help the user of a predominant work
13427 to workrdakit:toolkitLabelguide to work
13428 to workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is augmented by a related work that consists of material to help the user of a predominant work, such as notes, learning and study aids, exercises, problems, questions and answers, instructor or student materials, etc.
13429 to workrdfs:labelis appendix to work
13430 to workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is augmented with content from a related work.
13431 to workrdakit:toolkitLabelappendix to work
13432 to workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is augmented with content from a related work.
13433 to workskos:scopeNoteIncludes lists of references, statistical tables, and explanatory matter that are not essential to the completeness of the content.
13434 for workrdfs:labelis illustrations for work
13435 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is augmented by pictorial content designed to explain or decorate it.
13436 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelillustrations for work
13437 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is augmented by pictorial content designed to explain or decorate it.
13438 of workrdfs:labelis evaluation of work
13439 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is examined or judged by a work.
13440 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelevaluation of work
13441 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is examined or judged by a work.
13442 to workrdfs:labelis supplement to work
13443 to workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is updated or otherwise complemented by an augmenting work.
13444 to workrdakit:toolkitLabelsupplement to work
13445 to workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is updated or otherwise complemented by an augmenting work.
13446 as workrdfs:labelis adapted as work
13447 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that modifies another work for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
13448 as workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies to changes in form or to works completely rewritten in the same form.
13449 as workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as work
13450 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that modifies another work for a purpose, use, or medium other than that for which it was originally intended.
13451 by workrdfs:labelis preceded by work
13452 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose chronological coverage is before that of another work.
13453 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelpreceded by work
13454 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose chronological coverage is before that of another work.
13455 workrdfs:labelhas screenplay work
13456 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a work that uses a screenplay.
13457 workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay work
13458 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work that uses a screenplay.
13459 picture screenplay workrdfs:labelhas motion picture screenplay work
13460 picture screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is textual work that complements a work that is a motion picture.
13461 picture screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture screenplay work
13462 picture screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is textual work that complements a work that is a motion picture.
13463 setting of workrdfs:labelis musical setting of work
13464 setting of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that provides text for a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio.
13465 setting of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical setting of work
13466 setting of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that provides text for a non-dramatic musical work, other than an oratorio.
13467 script workrdfs:labelhas radio script work
13468 script workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is texual work that complements a work that is a radio program.
13469 script workrdakit:toolkitLabelradio script work
13470 script workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a radio program.
13471 screenplay workrdfs:labelhas television screenplay work
13472 screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a television program.
13473 screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision screenplay work
13474 screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a television program.
13475 screenplay workrdfs:labelhas video screenplay work
13476 screenplay workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a video.
13477 screenplay workrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo screenplay work
13478 screenplay workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a video.
13479 workrdfs:labelhas libretto work
13480 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13481 workrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto work
13482 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work that is a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13483 as workrdfs:labelis paraphrased as work
13484 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that restates the content of another work in a different form.
13485 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelparaphrased as work
13486 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that restates the content of another work in a different form.
13487 as workrdfs:labelis abridged as work
13488 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that shortens a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
13489 as workrdakit:toolkitLabelabridged as work
13490 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that shortens a related work without changing the general meaning or manner of presentation.
13491 from workrdfs:labelis split from work
13492 from workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose partial content is continued by another diachronic work.
13493 from workrdakit:toolkitLabelsplit from work
13494 from workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose partial content is continued by another diachronic work.
13495 from workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13496 from workskos:altLabelcontinuation in part of (work)
13497 from workrdfs:labelis separated from work
13498 from workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that is continuing whose partial content is continued by another diachronic work.
13499 from workrdakit:toolkitLabelseparated from work
13500 from workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that is continuing whose partial content is continued by another diachronic work.
13501 from workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13502 by workrdfs:labelis succeeded by work
13503 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose chronological coverage is after that of another work.
13504 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelsucceeded by work
13505 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose chronological coverage is after that of another work.
13506 as workrdfs:labelis digested as work
13507 as workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that systematically and comprehensively condenses a related work.
13508 as workrdakit:toolkitLabeldigested as work
13509 as workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that systematically and comprehensively condenses a related work.
13510 workrdfs:labelhas supplement work
13511 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that updates or otherwise complements a predominant work.
13512 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsupplement work
13513 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that updates or otherwise complements a predominant work.
13514 for motion picture workrdfs:labelis screenplay for motion picture work
13515 for motion picture workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a motion picture that is complemented by a textual work.
13516 for motion picture workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for motion picture work
13517 for motion picture workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a motion picture that is complemented by a textual work.
13518 for television program workrdfs:labelis screenplay for television program work
13519 for television program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a television program that is complemented by a textual work.
13520 for television program workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for television program work
13521 for television program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a television program that is complemented by a textual work.
13522 for video workrdfs:labelis screenplay for video work
13523 for video workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a video that is complemented by a textual work.
13524 for video workrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenplay for video work
13525 for video workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a video that is complemented by a textual work.
13526 for radio program workrdfs:labelis script for radio program work
13527 for radio program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a radio program that is complemented by a textual work.
13528 for radio program workrdakit:toolkitLabelscript for radio program work
13529 for radio program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a radio program that is complemented by a textual work.
13530 to workrdfs:labelis addenda to work
13531 to workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is completed with brief content from a related work.
13532 to workrdakit:toolkitLabeladdenda to work
13533 to workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is completed with brief content from a related work.
13534 of workrdfs:labelis review of work
13535 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13536 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelreview of work
13537 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13538 ofrdfs:labelis summary of
13539 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is briefly described by a work.
13540 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsummary of
13541 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is briefly described by a work.
13542 ofskos:altLabelsummary of work
13543 of workrdfs:labelis critique of work
13544 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is critically evaluated by a work.
13545 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcritique of work
13546 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is critically evaluated by a work.
13547 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis choreographic adaptation of work
13548 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a choreographic work.
13549 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographic adaptation of work
13550 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a choreographic work.
13551 version of workrdfs:labelis expanded version of work
13552 version of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work used as a basis for a derivative work that enlarges upon the content of another work.
13553 version of workrdakit:toolkitLabelexpanded version of work
13554 version of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work used as a basis for a derivative work that enlarges upon the content of another work.
13555 of workrdfs:labelis remake of work
13556 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work used as a basis for a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video.
13557 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelremake of work
13558 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work used as a basis for a new motion picture, radio program, television program, or video.
13559 of workrdfs:labelis paraphrase of work
13560 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work used as a basis for a restating of the content of another work in a different form.
13561 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelparaphrase of work
13562 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work used as a basis for a restating of the content of another work in a different form.
13563 on workrdfs:labelis commentary on work
13564 on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13565 on workrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentary on work
13566 on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13567 based on workrdfs:labelis libretto based on work
13568 based on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that provides text for a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13569 based on workrdakit:toolkitLabellibretto based on work
13570 based on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that provides text for a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13571 workrdfs:labelhas source work
13572 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is modified to create a new work.
13573 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsource work
13574 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is modified to create a new work.
13575 workskos:altLabelis based on work
13576 by workrdfs:labelis continued by work
13577 by workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that continues the content of another diachronic work that is completed.
13578 by workrdakit:toolkitLabelcontinued by work
13579 by workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that continues the content of another diachronic work that is completed.
13580 by workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13581 of workrdfs:labelis augmentation of work
13582 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is added to by a related work.
13583 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmentation of work
13584 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is added to by a related work.
13585 for workrdfs:labelis abstracts for work
13586 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is abstracted by another work.
13587 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelabstracts for work
13588 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is abstracted by another work.
13589 of workrdfs:labelis imitation of work
13590 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose style or content is copied in a derivative work.
13591 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelimitation of work
13592 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose style or content is copied in a derivative work.
13593 of workrdfs:labelis parody of work
13594 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose style or content is imitated for comic effect.
13595 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelparody of work
13596 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose style or content is imitated for comic effect.
13597 work of workrdfs:labelhas related work of work
13598 work of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is associated with a work.
13599 work of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of work
13600 work of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with a work.
13601 work of workskos:altLabelreferential work relationship
13602 work of workskos:altLabelwhole-part work relationship
13603 work of workskos:altLabelderivative work relationship
13604 work of workskos:altLabelsequential work relationship
13605 epoch
13606 a work to a timespan to which measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit are referred.
13608 timespan to which measurements of position for a body or orientation for an orbit are referred.
13609 architect agentrdfs:labelhas landscape architect agent
13610 architect agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
13611 architect agentrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect agent
13612 architect agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
13613 architect agentskos:altLabellandscape architect
13614 agentrdfs:labelhas sculptor agent
13615 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
13616 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor agent
13617 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
13618 agentskos:altLabelsculptor
13619 agentrdfs:labelhas screenwriter agent
13620 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
13621 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter agent
13622 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
13623 agentskos:altLabelscreenwriter
13624 agentrdfs:labelhas lyricist agent
13625 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
13626 agentrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist agent
13627 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
13628 agentskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
13629 agentskos:altLabellyricist
13630 agentrdfs:labelhas librettist agent
13631 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13632 agentrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist agent
13633 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
13634 agentskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of only the songs from a musical is excluded.
13635 agentskos:altLabellibrettist
13636 in part of workrdfs:labelis replacement in part of work
13637 in part of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is partially superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another work.
13638 in part of workrdakit:toolkitLabelreplacement in part of work
13639 in part of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is partially superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another work.
13640 in part of workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static work or an integrating work.
13641 of workrdfs:labelis replacement of work
13642 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another work.
13643 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelreplacement of work
13644 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is superseded and rendered obsolete by the content of another work.
13645 of workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a static work or an integrating work.
13646 or thesis informationrdfs:labelhas dissertation or thesis information
13647 or thesis informationskos:definitionRelates a work to a statement that identifies an academic institution, degree, or year for which a work was presented.
13648 or thesis informationrdakit:toolkitLabeldissertation or thesis information
13649 or thesis informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA statement that identifies an academic institution, degree, or year for which a work was presented.
13650 of workrdfs:labelhas history of work
13651 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a summary of information about the history of a work.
13652 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhistory of work
13653 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA summary of information about the history of a work.
13654 into workrdfs:labelis split into work
13655 into workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is completed.
13656 into workrdakit:toolkitLabelsplit into work
13657 into workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that continues the partial content of another diachronic work that is completed.
13658 into workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13659 to form workrdfs:labelis merged to form work
13660 to form workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is formed from the coming together of two or more works.
13661 to form workrdakit:toolkitLabelmerged to form work
13662 to form workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is formed from the coming together of two or more works.
13663 of workrdfs:labelis merger of work
13664 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that came together with one or more other works to form a new work.
13665 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmerger of work
13666 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that came together with one or more other works to form a new work.
13667 equinox
13668 a work to a timespan that is a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
13670 timespan that is a point of intersection of the ecliptic and the celestial equator, occupied by the sun when its declination is 0°.
13671 degree grantedrdfs:labelhas year degree granted
13672 degree grantedskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan during which an academic degree is conferred by a granting institution or faculty.
13673 degree grantedrdakit:toolkitLabelyear degree granted
13674 degree grantedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan during which an academic degree is conferred by a granting institution or faculty.
13675 of contentrdfs:labelhas coverage of content
13676 of contentskos:definitionRelates a work to a chronological or geographic coverage of the content of a work.
13677 of contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcoverage of content
13678 of contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA chronological or geographic coverage of the content of a work.
13679 audience of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas intended audience of representative expression
13680 audience of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a category of user for whom a representative expression of a work is intended, or for whom a representative expression of a work is considered suitable.
13681 audience of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelintended audience of representative expression
13682 audience of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of user for whom a representative expression of a work is intended, or for whom a representative expression of a work is considered suitable.
13683 audience of representative expressionskos:altLabelintended audience
13684 of origin of workrdfs:labelhas place of origin of work
13685 of origin of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a place from which a work originated.
13686 of origin of workrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of origin of work
13687 of origin of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place from which a work originated.
13688 of workrdfs:labelhas date of work
13689 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is the earliest associated with a work.
13690 of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of work
13691 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is the earliest associated with a work.
13692 of performance of musical content of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of musical content of representative expression
13693 of performance of musical content of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an instrument, voice, or ensemble used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression of a work.
13694 of performance of musical content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmedium of performance of musical content of representative expression
13695 of performance of musical content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn instrument, voice, or ensemble used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression of a work.
13696 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas key of representative expression
13697 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression.
13698 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelkey of representative expression
13699 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of pitch relationships that establishes the tonal centre, or principal tonal centre, used, or intended to be used, for performance of musical content of a representative expression of a work.
13700 of contentrdfs:labelhas nature of content
13701 of contentskos:definitionRelates a work to a specific character of the primary content of a work.
13702 of contentrdakit:toolkitLabelnature of content
13703 of contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA specific character of the primary content of a work.
13704 title of workrdfs:labelhas preferred title of work
13705 title of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a title of work that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
13706 title of workrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title of work
13707 title of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of work that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
13708 title of workskos:altLabelpreferred title for work
13709 of workrdfs:labelis absorption of work
13710 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose content is incorporated in the content of another work.
13711 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorption of work
13712 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose content is incorporated in the content of another work.
13713 in part of workrdfs:labelis absorption in part of work
13714 in part of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work whose partial content is incorporated in the content of another work.
13715 in part of workrdakit:toolkitLabelabsorption in part of work
13716 in part of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work whose partial content is incorporated in the content of another work.
13717 of workrdfs:labelis continuation of work
13718 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose content is continued by another diachronic work.
13719 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcontinuation of work
13720 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a diachronic work that is completed whose content is continued by another diachronic work.
13721 of workskos:scopeNoteThis element applies in general to a successive work.
13722 theatre adaptation of workrdfs:labelis musical theatre adaptation of work
13723 theatre adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a musical theatre work.
13724 theatre adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical theatre adaptation of work
13725 theatre adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a musical theatre work.
13726 theatre adaptation of workskos:altLabelmusical theater adaptation of work
13727 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis opera adaptation of work
13728 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as an opera.
13729 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelopera adaptation of work
13730 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as opera.
13731 as musical theatre workrdfs:labelis adapted as musical theatre work
13732 as musical theatre workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical theatre work based on another work.
13733 as musical theatre workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as musical theatre work
13734 as musical theatre workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical theatre work based on another work.
13735 as musical theatre workskos:altLabeladapted as musical theater work
13736 as opera workrdfs:labelis adapted as opera work
13737 as opera workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is an opera that is based on another work.
13738 as opera workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as opera work
13739 as opera workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an opera that is based on another work.
13740 workrdfs:labelhas music work
13741 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that complements a work.
13742 workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic work
13743 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work.
13744 for workrdfs:labelis music for work
13745 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is complemented by a musical work.
13746 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for work
13747 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is complemented by a musical work.
13748 music workrdfs:labelhas video music work
13749 music workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a video.
13750 music workrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo music work
13751 music workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a video.
13752 for video workrdfs:labelis music for video work
13753 for video workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a video that is complemented by a musical work.
13754 for video workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for video work
13755 for video workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a video that is complemented by a musical work.
13756 program music workrdfs:labelhas television program music work
13757 program music workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a television program.
13758 program music workrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision program music work
13759 program music workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a television program.
13760 for television program workrdfs:labelis music for television program work
13761 for television program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a television program that is complemented by a musical work.
13762 for television program workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for television program work
13763 for television program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a television program that is complemented by a musical work.
13764 program music workrdfs:labelhas radio program music work
13765 program music workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a radio program.
13766 program music workrdakit:toolkitLabelradio program music work
13767 program music workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a radio program.
13768 for radio program workrdfs:labelis music for radio program work
13769 for radio program workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a radio program that is complemented by a musical work.
13770 for radio program workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for radio program work
13771 for radio program workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a radio program that is complemented by a musical work.
13772 for motion picture workrdfs:labelis music for motion picture work
13773 for motion picture workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a motion picture that is complemented by a musical work.
13774 for motion picture workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusic for motion picture work
13775 for motion picture workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a motion picture that is complemented by a musical work.
13776 picture music workrdfs:labelhas motion picture music work
13777 picture music workskos:definitionRelates a work to A work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a motion picture.
13778 picture music workrdakit:toolkitLabelmotion picture music work
13779 picture music workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that complements a work that is a motion picture.
13780 workrdfs:labelhas choreography work
13781 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a choreographic work that complements a work.
13782 workrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreography work
13783 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a choreographic work that complements a work.
13784 for workrdfs:labelis choreography for work
13785 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is complemented by a choreographic work.
13786 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreography for work
13787 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is complemented by a choreographic work.
13788 as video game workrdfs:labelis adapted as video game work
13789 as video game workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a video game that is based on another work.
13790 as video game workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as video game work
13791 as video game workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a video game that is based on another work.
13792 game adaptation of workrdfs:labelis video game adaptation of work
13793 game adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a video game.
13794 game adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelvideo game adaptation of work
13795 game adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a video game.
13796 as graphic novel workrdfs:labelis adapted as graphic novel work
13797 as graphic novel workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a graphic novel based on another work.
13798 as graphic novel workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as graphic novel work
13799 as graphic novel workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a graphic novel based on another work.
13800 novelization of workrdfs:labelis graphic novelization of work
13801 novelization of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as a graphic novel.
13802 novelization of workrdakit:toolkitLabelgraphic novelization of work
13803 novelization of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as a graphic novel.
13804 agentrdfs:labelhas calligrapher agent
13805 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
13806 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher agent
13807 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
13808 agentskos:altLabelcalligrapher
13809 artist agentrdfs:labelhas book artist agent
13810 artist agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
13811 artist agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist agent
13812 artist agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
13813 artist agentskos:altLabelbook artist
13814 agentrdfs:labelhas rapporteur agent
13815 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
13816 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur agent
13817 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
13818 agentskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
13819 agentskos:altLabelrapporteur
13820 subject
13821 a work to a topic that a work is about.
13823 topic that a work is about.
13824 relationship
13825 workrdfs:labelhas subject work
13826 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that a work is about.
13827 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject work
13828 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that a work is about.
13829 expressionrdfs:labelhas subject expression
13830 expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that a work is about.
13831 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject expression
13832 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that a work is about.
13833 manifestationrdfs:labelhas subject manifestation
13834 manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that a work is about.
13835 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject manifestation
13836 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that a work is about.
13837 itemrdfs:labelhas subject item
13838 itemskos:definitionRelates a work to an item that a work is about.
13839 itemrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject item
13840 itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that a work is about.
13841 personrdfs:labelhas subject person
13842 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person whom a work is about.
13843 personrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject person
13844 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person whom a work is about.
13845 familyrdfs:labelhas subject family
13846 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family whom a work is about.
13847 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject family
13848 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family whom a work is about.
13849 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas subject corporate body
13850 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body whom a work is about.
13851 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject corporate body
13852 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body whom a work is about.
13853 work ofrdfs:labelis subject work of
13854 work ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is about a work.
13855 work ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject work of
13856 work ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about a work.
13857 work ofskos:altLabelsubject of (work)
13858 of itemrdfs:labelis description of item
13859 of itemskos:definitionRelates a work to an item that is described by a work.
13860 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of item
13861 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is described by a work.
13862 of itemrdfs:labelis analysis of item
13863 of itemskos:definitionRelates a work to an item whose structure is described by a work.
13864 of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelanalysis of item
13865 of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item whose structure is described by a work.
13866 on itemrdfs:labelis commentary on item
13867 on itemskos:definitionRelates a work to an item used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13868 on itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentary on item
13869 on itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13870 of manifestationrdfs:labelis description of manifestation
13871 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is described by a work.
13872 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of manifestation
13873 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is described by a work.
13874 of manifestationrdfs:labelis analysis of manifestation
13875 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation whose structure is described by a work.
13876 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelanalysis of manifestation
13877 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation whose structure is described by a work.
13878 of manifestationrdfs:labelis evaluation of manifestation
13879 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is examined or judged by a work.
13880 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelevaluation of manifestation
13881 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is examined or judged by a work.
13882 of manifestationrdfs:labelis review of manifestation
13883 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13884 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelreview of manifestation
13885 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13886 of manifestationrdfs:labelis critique of manifestation
13887 of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is critically evaluated by a work.
13888 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcritique of manifestation
13889 of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is critically evaluated by a work.
13890 on manifestationrdfs:labelis commentary on manifestation
13891 on manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13892 on manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentary on manifestation
13893 on manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13894 of expressionrdfs:labelis description of expression
13895 of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is described by a work.
13896 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of expression
13897 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is described by a work.
13898 of expressionrdfs:labelis analysis of expression
13899 of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression whose structure is described by a work.
13900 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelanalysis of expression
13901 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression whose structure is described by a work.
13902 of expressionrdfs:labelis evaluation of expression
13903 of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is examined or judged by a work.
13904 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelevaluation of expression
13905 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is examined or judged by a work.
13906 of expressionrdfs:labelis review of expression
13907 of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13908 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelreview of expression
13909 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is briefly evaluated by a work.
13910 of expressionrdfs:labelis critique of expression
13911 of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is critically evaluated by a work.
13912 of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcritique of expression
13913 of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is critically evaluated by a work.
13914 on expressionrdfs:labelis commentary on expression
13915 on expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13916 on expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcommentary on expression
13917 on expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression used as a basis for a set of explanatory or critical notes.
13918 committee memberrdfs:labelhas degree committee member
13919 committee memberskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who serves on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
13920 committee memberrdakit:toolkitLabeldegree committee member
13921 committee memberrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who serves on a committee that supervises a thesis or dissertation of a student.
13922 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas defendant corporate body
13923 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
13924 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldefendant corporate body
13925 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
13926 personrdfs:labelhas defendant person
13927 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
13928 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldefendant person
13929 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is accused in a criminal proceeding or sued in a civil proceeding.
13930 agentrdfs:labelhas commissioning agent
13931 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for commissioning a work.
13932 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning agent
13933 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for commissioning a work.
13934 agentskos:altLabelcommissioning body
13935 adaptation of workrdfs:labelis oratorio adaptation of work
13936 adaptation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is adapted as an oratorio.
13937 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitLabeloratorio adaptation of work
13938 adaptation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is adapted as an oratorio.
13939 as oratorio workrdfs:labelis adapted as oratorio work
13940 as oratorio workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is an oratorio that is based on another work.
13941 as oratorio workrdakit:toolkitLabeladapted as oratorio work
13942 as oratorio workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an oratorio that is based on another work.
13943 byrdfs:labelis inspired by
13944 byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that serves as the inspiration for a related work.
13945 byrdakit:toolkitLabelinspired by
13946 byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that serves as the inspiration for a related work.
13947 forrdfs:labelis inspiration for
13948 forskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is inspired by a related work.
13949 forrdakit:toolkitLabelinspiration for
13950 forrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is inspired by a related work.
13951 in treatyrdfs:labelhas participant in treaty
13952 in treatyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who has signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty.
13953 in treatyrdakit:toolkitLabelparticipant in treaty
13954 in treatyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has signed, ratified, or acceded to a treaty.
13955 agentrdfs:labelhas researcher agent
13956 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who does research in support of the creation of a work.
13957 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher agent
13958 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who does research in support of the creation of a work.
13959 agentskos:altLabelresearcher
13960 commemoration
13961 a work to a work that is created to commemorate an earlier work.
13963 work that is created to commemorate an earlier work.
13964 ofrdfs:labelis commemoration of
13965 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is commemorated in a later work.
13966 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcommemoration of
13967 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is commemorated in a later work.
13968 agentrdfs:labelhas organizer agent
13969 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
13970 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer agent
13971 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
13972 agentskos:altLabelorganizer
13973 director agentrdfs:labelhas editorial director agent
13974 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director agent
13975 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
13976 director agentskos:scopeNoteRevision, clarification, or other change of content of an expression of a work is excluded.
13977 director agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
13978 director agentskos:altLabeleditorial director
13979 agent of workrdfs:labelhas founder agent of work
13980 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
13981 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder agent of work
13982 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
13983 agent of workskos:altLabelfounder of work
13984 latitude
13985 a work to the distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured north and south from the equator.
13987 distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured north and south from the equator.
13988 longitude
13989 a work to he distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured east and west from a reference meridian.
13991 distance of a place on a planet or satellite that is measured east and west from a reference meridian.
13992 ascensionrdfs:labelhas right ascension
13993 ascensionskos:definitionRelates a work the the angular distance of a celestial body that is measured eastward on the equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle through the body, from 0 to 24 hours.
13994 ascensionrdakit:toolkitLabelright ascension
13995 ascensionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe angular distance of a celestial body that is measured eastward on the equator from the vernal equinox to the hour circle through the body, from 0 to 24 hours.
13996 declination
13997 a work to the angular distance of a celestial body that is measured north or south through 90° from the celestial equator along the hour circle through the body.
13999 angular distance of a celestial body that is measured north or south through 90° from the celestial equator along the hour circle through the body.
14000 producer agentrdfs:labelhas audio producer agent
14001 producer agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14002 producer agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer agent
14003 producer agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14004 producer agentskos:altLabelaudio producer
14005 director agentrdfs:labelhas casting director agent
14006 director agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14007 director agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director agent
14008 director agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14009 director agentskos:altLabelcasting director
14010 artist agentrdfs:labelhas remix artist agent
14011 artist agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14012 artist agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
14013 artist agentrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist agent
14014 artist agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14015 artist agentskos:altLabelremix artist
14016 RDA entity of workrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of work
14017 RDA entity of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is associated with a work.
14018 RDA entity of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of work
14019 RDA entity of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with a work.
14020 expression of workrdfs:labelhas related expression of work
14021 expression of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is associated with a work.
14022 expression of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of work
14023 expression of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with a work.
14024 manifestation of workrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of work
14025 manifestation of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is associated with a work.
14026 manifestation of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of work
14027 manifestation of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with a work.
14028 item of workrdfs:labelhas related item of work
14029 item of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an item that is associated with a work.
14030 item of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of work
14031 item of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with a work.
14032 agent of workrdfs:labelhas related agent of work
14033 agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is associated with a work.
14034 agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of work
14035 agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with a work.
14036 agent of workskos:altLabelother agent associated with work
14037 person of workrdfs:labelhas related person of work
14038 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is associated with a work.
14039 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of work
14040 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with a work.
14041 family of workrdfs:labelhas related family of work
14042 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is associated with a work.
14043 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of work
14044 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with a work.
14045 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of work
14046 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is associated with a work.
14047 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of work
14048 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with a work.
14049 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of work
14050 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is associated with a work.
14051 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of work
14052 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with a work.
14053 place of workrdfs:labelhas related place of work
14054 place of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is associated with a work.
14055 place of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of work
14056 place of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with a work.
14057 timespan of workrdfs:labelhas related timespan of work
14058 timespan of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is associated with a work.
14059 timespan of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of work
14060 timespan of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with a work.
14061 nomen of workrdfs:labelhas related nomen of work
14062 nomen of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is associated with a work.
14063 nomen of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of work
14064 nomen of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with a work.
14065 agentrdfs:labelhas subject agent
14066 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent whom a work is about.
14067 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject agent
14068 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent whom a work is about.
14069 collective agentrdfs:labelhas subject collective agent
14070 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent whom a work is about.
14071 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject collective agent
14072 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent whom a work is about.
14073 placerdfs:labelhas subject place
14074 placeskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that a work is about.
14075 placerdakit:toolkitLabelsubject place
14076 placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that a work is about.
14077 timespanrdfs:labelhas subject timespan
14078 timespanskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that a work is about.
14079 timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject timespan
14080 timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that a work is about.
14081 nomenrdfs:labelhas subject nomen
14082 nomenskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that a work is about.
14083 nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject nomen
14084 nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that a work is about.
14085 RDA entityrdfs:labelhas subject RDA entity
14086 RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that a work is about.
14087 RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject RDA entity
14088 RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that a work is about.
14089 of personrdfs:labelis description of person
14090 of personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is described by a work.
14091 of personrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of person
14092 of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is described by a work.
14093 of corporate bodyrdfs:labelis description of corporate body
14094 of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is described by a work.
14095 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of corporate body
14096 of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is described by a work.
14097 of familyrdfs:labelis description of family
14098 of familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is described by a work.
14099 of familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of family
14100 of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is described by a work.
14101 point for workrdfs:labelhas access point for work
14102 point for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an appellation of work in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
14103 point for workrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for work
14104 point for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of work in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
14105 of workrdfs:labelhas appellation of work
14106 of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work.
14107 of workrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of work
14108 of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work.
14109 on workrdfs:labelhas note on work
14110 on workskos:definitionRelates a work to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a work.
14111 on workrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on work
14112 on workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a work.
14113 access point for workrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for work
14114 access point for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an access point of work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
14115 access point for workrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for work
14116 access point for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
14117 access point for workrdfs:labelhas variant access point for work
14118 access point for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an access point of work that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
14119 access point for workrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for work
14120 access point for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of work that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
14121 numberrdfs:labelhas opus number
14122 numberskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer indicating the chronological order of composition.
14123 numberrdakit:toolkitLabelopus number
14124 numberrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer indicating the chronological order of composition.
14125 number of musical workrdfs:labelhas serial number of musical work
14126 number of musical workrdakit:toolkitLabelserial number of musical work
14127 number of musical workskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical works that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
14128 number of musical workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned by a composer or a reference source that indicates a sequence of musical works that share the same title or that share the same title and the same representative medium of performance.
14129 index numberrdfs:labelhas thematic index number
14130 index numberskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
14131 index numberrdakit:toolkitLabelthematic index number
14132 index numberrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a numeric designation of musical work that is assigned from a list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
14133 transformation
14134 a work to a work that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy, the genre or literary form, the target audience, or the style of a work.
14136 work that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy, the genre or literary form, the target audience, or the style of a work.
14137 ofrdfs:labelis transformation of
14138 ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation of
14139 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a scope or editorial policy, genre or literary form, target audience, or style that is changed to create a work.
14140 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a scope or editorial policy, genre or literary form, target audience, or style that is changed to create a work.
14141 of agentrdfs:labelis description of agent
14142 of agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is described by a work.
14143 of agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of agent
14144 of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is described by a work.
14145 of collective agentrdfs:labelis description of collective agent
14146 of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is described by a work.
14147 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of collective agent
14148 of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is described by a work.
14149 by stylerdfs:labelhas transformation by style
14150 by styleskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the style of a work.
14151 by stylerdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by style
14152 by stylerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the style of a work.
14153 by style ofrdfs:labelis transformation by style of
14154 by style ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by style of
14155 by style ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a style that is changed to create a work.
14156 by style ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a style that is changed to create a work.
14157 by genrerdfs:labelhas transformation by genre
14158 by genreskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the genre or literary form of a work.
14159 by genrerdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by genre
14160 by genrerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the genre or literary form of a work.
14161 by genre ofrdfs:labelis transformation by genre of
14162 by genre ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by genre of
14163 by genre ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a genre that is changed to create a work.
14164 by genre ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a genre that is changed to create a work.
14165 by policyrdfs:labelhas transformation by policy
14166 by policyskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy of a work.
14167 by policyrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by policy
14168 by policyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the scope or editorial policy of a work.
14169 by policy ofrdfs:labelis transformation by policy of
14170 by policy ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by policy of
14171 by policy ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a scope or editorial policy that is changed to create a work.
14172 by policy ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a scope or editorial policy that is changed to create a work.
14173 expressionrdfs:labelhas representative expression
14174 expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is considered a canonical source of data for identifying a work.
14175 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelrepresentative expression
14176 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is considered a canonical source of data for identifying a work.
14177 ratio of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas aspect ratio of representative expression
14178 ratio of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a numerical ratio of the width to the height of a representative expression of a moving image work.
14179 ratio of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelaspect ratio of representative expression
14180 ratio of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA numerical ratio of the width to the height of a representative expression of a moving image work.
14181 content of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas colour content of representative expression
14182 content of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an indication of the presence of colour or tone in the content of a representative expression of a work.
14183 content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcolour content of representative expression
14184 content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn indication of the presence of colour or tone in the content of a representative expression of a work.
14185 content of representative expressionskos:altLabelcolor content of representative expression
14186 type of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas content type of representative expression
14187 type of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a categorization of a representative expression that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
14188 type of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcontent type of representative expression
14189 type of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization of a representative expression that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
14190 of capture of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas date of capture of representative expression
14191 of capture of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a representative expression.
14192 of capture of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of capture of representative expression
14193 of capture of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a representative expression.
14194 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas duration of representative expression
14195 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an extent of expression of a representative expression of a work that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
14196 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelduration of representative expression
14197 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extent of expression of a representative expression of a work that is a playing time, performance time, running time, or other length of time.
14198 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas extent of representative expression
14199 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of a representative expression of a work.
14200 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelextent of representative expression
14201 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type, number, and measurement unit that quantify an aspect of the extent of a representative expression of a work.
14202 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas language of representative expression
14203 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a language used for the content of a representative expression of a work.
14204 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of representative expression
14205 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language used for the content of a representative expression of a work.
14206 of capture of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas place of capture of representative expression
14207 of capture of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a representative expression.
14208 of capture of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelplace of capture of representative expression
14209 of capture of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with recording, filming, etc., the content of a representative expression.
14210 of cartographic content of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas projection of cartographic content of representative expression
14211 of cartographic content of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane in a representative expression of a work.
14212 of cartographic content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelprojection of cartographic content of representative expression
14213 of cartographic content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA method or system used to represent the surface of the earth or of a celestial sphere on a plane in a representative expression of a work.
14214 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas scale of representative expression
14215 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a ratio of the dimensions of a representative expression of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
14216 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscale of representative expression
14217 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA ratio of the dimensions of a representative expression of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
14218 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas script of representative expression
14219 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of a representative expression of a work.
14220 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelscript of representative expression
14221 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of characters or symbols used to express written language content of a representative expression of a work.
14222 content of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas sound content of representative expression
14223 content of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a presence or absence of sound in a representative expression of a work.
14224 content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelsound content of representative expression
14225 content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA presence or absence of sound in a representative expression of a work.
14226 of RDA entityrdfs:labelis critique of RDA entity
14227 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is critically evaluated by a work.
14228 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelcritique of RDA entity
14229 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is critically evaluated by a work.
14230 of RDA entityrdfs:labelis description of RDA entity
14231 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is described by a work.
14232 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of RDA entity
14233 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is described by a work.
14234 of RDA entityrdfs:labelis evaluation of RDA entity
14235 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is examined or judged by a work.
14236 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelevaluation of RDA entity
14237 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is examined or judged by a work.
14238 of RDA entityrdfs:labelis review of RDA entity
14239 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is briefly evaluated by a work.
14240 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelreview of RDA entity
14241 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is briefly evaluated by a work.
14242 of manifestation ofrdfs:labelis binding of manifestation of
14243 of manifestation ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is bound.
14244 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinding of manifestation of
14245 of manifestation ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is bound.
14246 of item ofrdfs:labelis binding of item of
14247 of item ofskos:definitionRelates a work to an item that is bound.
14248 of item ofrdakit:toolkitLabelbinding of item of
14249 of item ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is bound.
14250 planrdfs:labelhas extension plan
14251 planskos:definitionRelates a work to a categorization that reflects an intention to extend the content of a work.
14252 planrdakit:toolkitLabelextension plan
14253 planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA categorization that reflects an intention to extend the content of a work.
14254 ISSN
14255 a work to a nomen that is an identifier for work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
14256 Standard Serial Number
14258 nomen that is an identifier for work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
14259 of subseries
14260 of series
14261 titlerdfs:labelhas key title
14262 titleskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is a title of work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
14263 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelkey title
14264 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a title of work that is assigned by an ISSN registration agency.
14265 frequency
14266 a work to an interval at which a part, issue, or iteration of a diachronic work is issued.
14268 interval at which a part, issue, or iteration of a diachronic work is issued.
14269 for workrdfs:labelis lyrics for work
14270 for workrdakit:toolkitLabellyrics for work
14271 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a musical work that is complemented by a textual work.
14272 for workskos:scopeNoteLyrics exclude text for an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio,
14273 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a musical work that is complemented by a textual work.
14274 workrdfs:labelhas lyrics work
14275 workrdakit:toolkitLabellyrics work
14276 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a musical work.
14277 workskos:scopeNoteLyrics exclude text for an opera or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14278 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a musical work.
14279 workrdfs:labelhas text work
14280 workrdakit:toolkitLabeltext work
14281 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a textual work that complements a work.
14282 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that complements a work.
14283 for workrdfs:labelis text for work
14284 for workrdakit:toolkitLabeltext for work
14285 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is complemented by a work that is a textual work.
14286 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is complemented by a work that is a textual work.
14287 word workrdfs:labelhas spoken word work
14288 word workrdakit:toolkitLabelspoken word work
14289 word workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a vocal work and that complements a work.
14290 word workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a vocal work and that complements a work.
14291 workrdfs:labelhas sounds work
14292 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsounds work
14293 workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is realized as sound and that complements a work.
14294 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as sound and that complements a work.
14295 word for workrdfs:labelis spoken word for work
14296 word for workrdakit:toolkitLabelspoken word for work
14297 word for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is complemented by a vocal work.
14298 word for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is complemented by a vocal work.
14299 for workrdfs:labelis sounds for work
14300 for workrdakit:toolkitLabelsounds for work
14301 for workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is complemented by a work that is realized as sound.
14302 for workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is complemented by a work that is realized as sound.
14303 by extension planrdfs:labelhas transformation by extension plan
14304 by extension planskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work.
14305 by extension planrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by extension plan
14306 by extension planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work.
14307 by extension plan ofrdfs:labelis transformation by extension plan of
14308 by extension plan ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an extension plan that is changed to create a work.
14309 by extension plan ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by extension plan of
14310 by extension plan ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an extension plan that is changed to create a work.
14311 versionrdfs:labelhas sequential version
14312 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from integrating to successive.
14313 versionrdakit:toolkitLabelsequential version
14314 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from integrating to successive.
14315 version ofrdfs:labelis sequential version of
14316 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to integrating to create a work.
14317 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsequential version of
14318 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to integrating to create a work.
14319 versionrdfs:labelhas serialized version
14320 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from static to successive.
14321 versionrdakit:toolkitLabelserialized version
14322 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from static to successive.
14323 versionrdfs:labelhas static version
14324 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from integrating to static.
14325 versionrdakit:toolkitLabelstatic version
14326 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the extension plan of a work from integrating to static.
14327 by audiencerdfs:labelhas transformation by audience
14328 by audienceskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the audience of a work.
14329 by audiencerdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by audience
14330 by audiencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the audience of a work.
14331 by audience ofrdfs:labelis transformation by audience of
14332 by audience ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an audience that is changed to create a work.
14333 by audience ofrdakit:toolkitLabeltransformation by audience of
14334 by audience ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an audience that is changed to create a work.
14335 versionrdfs:labelhas language version
14336 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the language audience of a work.
14337 versionrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage version
14338 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the language audience of a work.
14339 versionrdfs:labelhas regional version
14340 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the regional audience of a work.
14341 versionrdakit:toolkitLabelregional version
14342 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the regional audience of a work.
14343 versionrdfs:labelhas carrier version
14344 versionskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is created by changing the carrier of a work.
14345 versionrdakit:toolkitLabelcarrier version
14346 versionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by changing the carrier of a work.
14347 version ofrdfs:labelis language version of
14348 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a language audience that is changed to create a work.
14349 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage version of
14350 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a language audience that is changed to create a work.
14351 version ofrdfs:labelis regional version of
14352 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a regional audience that is changed to create a work.
14353 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabelregional version of
14354 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a regional audience that is changed to create a work.
14355 version ofrdfs:labelis carrier version of
14356 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has a carrier that is changed to create a work.
14357 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcarrier version of
14358 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has a carrier that is changed to create a work.
14359 version ofrdfs:labelis serialized version of
14360 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to static to create a work.
14361 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabelserialized version of
14362 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an extension plan that is changed from successive to static to create a work.
14363 version ofrdfs:labelis static version of
14364 version ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an extension plan that is changed from static to integrating to create a work.
14365 version ofrdakit:toolkitLabelstatic version of
14366 version ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an extension plan that is changed from static to integrating to create a work.
14367 agentrdfs:labelhas aggregator agent
14368 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14369 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator agent
14370 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14371 agentskos:altLabelaggregator
14372 defendant corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas criminal defendant corporate body
14373 defendant corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is accused in a criminal proceeding.
14374 defendant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcriminal defendant corporate body
14375 defendant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is accused in a criminal proceeding.
14376 defendant corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas civil defendant corporate body
14377 defendant corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is sued in a civil proceeding.
14378 defendant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcivil defendant corporate body
14379 defendant corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is sued in a civil proceeding.
14380 defendant personrdfs:labelhas criminal defendant person
14381 defendant personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is accused in a criminal proceeding.
14382 defendant personrdakit:toolkitLabelcriminal defendant person
14383 defendant personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is accused in a criminal proceeding.
14384 defendant personrdfs:labelhas civil defendant person
14385 defendant personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is sued in a civil proceeding.
14386 defendant personrdakit:toolkitLabelcivil defendant person
14387 defendant personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is sued in a civil proceeding.
14388 of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas date of representative expression
14389 of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is the earliest associated with a representative expression of a work.
14390 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of representative expression
14391 of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is the earliest associated with a representative expression of a work.
14392 of work grouprdfs:labelhas appellation of work group
14393 of work groupskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work as a member of a work group.
14394 of work grouprdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of work group
14395 of work grouprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen used within a given scheme or context to refer to a work as a member of a work group.
14396 for work grouprdfs:labelhas identifier for work group
14397 for work groupskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an appellation of work that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work group.
14398 for work grouprdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for work group
14399 for work grouprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of work that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify a work group.
14400 access point for work grouprdfs:labelhas authorized access point for work group
14401 access point for work groupskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is an access point of work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme for work groups.
14402 access point for work grouprdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for work group
14403 access point for work grouprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point of work that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme for work groups.
14404 on metadata workrdfs:labelhas note on metadata work
14405 on metadata workskos:definitionRelates a work to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a metadata work.
14406 on metadata workskos:altLabelcataloguer's note
14407 on metadata workrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on metadata work
14408 on metadata workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of a metadata work.
14409 on metadata workskos:altLabelexplanation of relationship
14410 of validityrdfs:labelhas scope of validity
14411 of validityskos:definitionRelates a work to an unstructured or structured description of a set of entities for which the value of a metadata work is valid.
14412 of validityrdakit:toolkitLabelscope of validity
14413 of validityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn unstructured or structured description of a set of entities for which the value of a metadata work is valid.
14414 sourcerdfs:labelhas recording source
14415 sourceskos:definitionRelates a work to a source of information for a metadata work that is an unstructured description transcribed from a manifestation that is being described.
14416 sourcerdakit:toolkitLabelrecording source
14417 sourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information for a metadata work that is an unstructured description transcribed from a manifestation that is being described.
14418 entity of workrdfs:labelhas related entity of work
14419 entity of workskos:definitionRelates a work to an entity that is associated with a work.
14420 entity of workrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of work
14421 entity of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with a work.
14422 consultedrdfs:labelhas source consulted
14423 consultedskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation in which there is evidence for a metadata work.
14424 consultedrdakit:toolkitLabelsource consulted
14425 consultedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation in which there is evidence for a metadata work.
14426 supervisorrdfs:labelhas academic supervisor
14427 supervisorskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for overseeing academic activity of any kind that results in a work, including theses, research, and projects.
14428 supervisorrdakit:toolkitLabelacademic supervisor
14429 supervisorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for overseeing academic activity of any kind that results in a work, including theses, research, and projects.
14430 supervisorrdfs:labelhas project supervisor
14431 supervisorskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising a project undertaken by a student that results in a work.
14432 supervisorrdakit:toolkitLabelproject supervisor
14433 supervisorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising a project undertaken by a student that results in a work.
14434 supervisorrdfs:labelhas research supervisor
14435 supervisorskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising research that results in a work.
14436 supervisorrdakit:toolkitLabelresearch supervisor
14437 supervisorrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an academic supervisor who is responsible for advising or supervising research that results in a work.
14438 issuerdfs:labelhas special issue
14439 issueskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
14440 issuerdakit:toolkitLabelspecial issue
14441 issuerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
14442 issue ofrdfs:labelis special issue of
14443 issue ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that has an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
14444 issue ofrdakit:toolkitLabelspecial issue of
14445 issue ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that has an issue that is devoted to a specific topic.
14446 person of workrdfs:labelhas dedicatee person of work
14447 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person to whom a work is dedicated.
14448 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee person of work
14449 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person to whom a work is dedicated.
14450 personrdfs:labelhas addressee person
14451 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14452 personrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee person
14453 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14454 personrdfs:labelhas dedicator person
14455 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14456 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator person
14457 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14458 person of photographyrdfs:labelhas director person of photography
14459 person of photographyskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14460 person of photographyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector person of photography
14461 person of photographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14462 person of photographyskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
14463 personrdfs:labelhas researcher person
14464 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14465 personrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher person
14466 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14467 director personrdfs:labelhas editorial director person
14468 director personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14469 director personrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director person
14470 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14471 director personskos:scopeNoteRevision, clarification, or other change of content of an expression of a work is excluded.
14472 director personrdfs:labelhas film director person
14473 director personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14474 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director person
14475 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14476 director personrdfs:labelhas radio director person
14477 director personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14478 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director person
14479 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14480 director personrdfs:labelhas television director person
14481 director personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14482 director personrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director person
14483 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14484 producer personrdfs:labelhas audio producer person
14485 producer personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14486 producer personrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer person
14487 producer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14488 producer personrdfs:labelhas film producer person
14489 producer personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
14490 producer personrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer person
14491 producer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects the production of a film.
14492 producer personrdfs:labelhas radio producer person
14493 producer personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14494 producer personrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer person
14495 producer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14496 producer personrdfs:labelhas television producer person
14497 producer personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14498 producer personrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer person
14499 producer personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14500 architect personrdfs:labelhas landscape architect person
14501 architect personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14502 architect personrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect person
14503 architect personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14504 personrdfs:labelhas calligrapher person
14505 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same person is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14506 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher person
14507 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same person is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14508 personrdfs:labelhas sculptor person
14509 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14510 personrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor person
14511 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14512 artist personrdfs:labelhas book artist person
14513 artist personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14514 artist personrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist person
14515 artist personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14516 personrdfs:labelhas screenwriter person
14517 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14518 personrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter person
14519 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14520 personrdfs:labelhas lyricist person
14521 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14522 personrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist person
14523 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14524 personskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
14525 personrdfs:labelhas librettist person
14526 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14527 personrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist person
14528 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14529 personskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of only the songs from a musical is excluded.
14530 personrdfs:labelhas rapporteur person
14531 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14532 personrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur person
14533 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14534 personskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
14535 person of workrdfs:labelhas honouree person of work
14536 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is honoured by a work.
14537 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree person of work
14538 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is honoured by a work.
14539 person of workskos:altLabelhonoree person of work
14540 personrdfs:labelhas choreographer person
14541 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14542 personrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer person
14543 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14544 person of workrdfs:labelhas cartographer person of work
14545 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14546 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer person of work
14547 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14548 personrdfs:labelhas author person
14549 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14550 personrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor person
14551 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14552 personskos:scopeNoteCreation of a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator, if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression, is included.
14553 person of workrdfs:labelhas creator person of work
14554 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a work.
14555 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator person of work
14556 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a work.
14557 person of workskos:scopeNoteA creator of work includes an agent who is jointly responsible for the creation of a work either by performing the same role as another agent, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or by performing a different role, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
14558 personrdfs:labelhas architect person
14559 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14560 personrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect person
14561 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14562 personrdfs:labelhas commissioning person
14563 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14564 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning person
14565 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14566 personrdfs:labelhas programmer person
14567 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14568 personrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer person
14569 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14570 personrdfs:labelhas designer person
14571 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14572 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner person
14573 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14574 person of workrdfs:labelhas composer person of work
14575 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14576 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer person of work
14577 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14578 person of workskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical work to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a work or creating a work in the general style of another composer, or creating a work that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
14579 personrdfs:labelhas inventor person
14580 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14581 personrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor person
14582 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14583 personrdfs:labelhas compiler person
14584 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14585 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler person
14586 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14587 personskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
14588 person of workrdfs:labelhas photographer person of work
14589 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14590 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer person of work
14591 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14592 person of workrdfs:labelhas interviewer person of work
14593 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of person who gathers information.
14594 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer person of work
14595 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of person who gathers information.
14596 person of workrdfs:labelhas interviewee person of work
14597 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
14598 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee person of work
14599 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
14600 personrdfs:labelhas aggregator person
14601 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14602 personrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator person
14603 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14604 artist personrdfs:labelhas remix artist person
14605 artist personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14606 artist personrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist person
14607 artist personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14608 artist personskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
14609 personrdfs:labelhas filmmaker person
14610 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
14611 personrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker person
14612 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
14613 personskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
14614 personrdfs:labelhas artist person
14615 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
14616 personrdakit:toolkitLabelartist person
14617 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
14618 person of workrdfs:labelhas founder person of work
14619 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
14620 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder person of work
14621 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
14622 director personrdfs:labelhas casting director person
14623 director personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14624 director personrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director person
14625 director personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14626 personrdfs:labelhas producer person
14627 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
14628 personrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer person
14629 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
14630 personskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
14631 personrdfs:labelhas director person
14632 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
14633 personrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector person
14634 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
14635 personrdfs:labelhas issuing person
14636 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who issues a work.
14637 personrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing person
14638 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who issues a work.
14639 personrdfs:labelhas organizer person
14640 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
14641 personrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer person
14642 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
14643 personrdfs:labelhas consultant person
14644 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
14645 personrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant person
14646 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
14647 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas dedicatee collective agent of work
14648 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent to whom a work is dedicated.
14649 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee collective agent of work
14650 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent to whom a work is dedicated.
14651 collective agentrdfs:labelhas addressee collective agent
14652 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14653 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee collective agent
14654 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14655 collective agentrdfs:labelhas dedicator collective agent
14656 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14657 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator collective agent
14658 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14659 collective agent of photographyrdfs:labelhas director collective agent of photography
14660 collective agent of photographyskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14661 collective agent of photographyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector collective agent of photography
14662 collective agent of photographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14663 collective agent of photographyskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
14664 collective agentrdfs:labelhas researcher collective agent
14665 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14666 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher collective agent
14667 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14668 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas editorial director collective agent
14669 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14670 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director collective agent
14671 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14672 director collective agentskos:scopeNoteRevision, clarification, or other change of content of an expression of a work is excluded.
14673 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas film director collective agent
14674 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14675 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director collective agent
14676 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14677 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas radio director collective agent
14678 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14679 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director collective agent
14680 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14681 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas television director collective agent
14682 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14683 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director collective agent
14684 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14685 producer collective agentrdfs:labelhas audio producer collective agent
14686 producer collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14687 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer collective agent
14688 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14689 producer collective agentrdfs:labelhas film producer collective agent
14690 producer collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
14691 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer collective agent
14692 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
14693 producer collective agentrdfs:labelhas radio producer collective agent
14694 producer collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14695 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer collective agent
14696 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14697 producer collective agentrdfs:labelhas television producer collective agent
14698 producer collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14699 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer collective agent
14700 producer collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14701 architect collective agentrdfs:labelhas landscape architect collective agent
14702 architect collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14703 architect collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect collective agent
14704 architect collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14705 collective agentrdfs:labelhas calligrapher collective agent
14706 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same collective agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14707 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher collective agent
14708 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same collective agent is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14709 collective agentrdfs:labelhas sculptor collective agent
14710 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14711 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor collective agent
14712 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14713 artist collective agentrdfs:labelhas book artist collective agent
14714 artist collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14715 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist collective agent
14716 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14717 collective agentrdfs:labelhas screenwriter collective agent
14718 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14719 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter collective agent
14720 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14721 collective agentrdfs:labelhas lyricist collective agent
14722 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14723 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist collective agent
14724 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14725 collective agentskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
14726 collective agentrdfs:labelhas librettist collective agent
14727 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14728 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist collective agent
14729 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14730 collective agentskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of only the songs from a musical is excluded.
14731 collective agentrdfs:labelhas rapporteur collective agent
14732 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14733 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur collective agent
14734 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14735 collective agentskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
14736 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas honouree collective agent of work
14737 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is honoured by a work.
14738 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree collective agent of work
14739 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is honoured by a work.
14740 collective agent of workskos:altLabelhonoree collective agent of work
14741 collective agentrdfs:labelhas choreographer collective agent
14742 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14743 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer collective agent
14744 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14745 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas cartographer collective agent of work
14746 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14747 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer collective agent of work
14748 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14749 collective agentrdfs:labelhas author collective agent
14750 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14751 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor collective agent
14752 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14753 collective agentskos:scopeNoteCreation of a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator, if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression, is included.
14754 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas creator collective agent of work
14755 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a work.
14756 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator collective agent of work
14757 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a work.
14758 collective agent of workskos:scopeNoteA creator of work includes an agent who is jointly responsible for the creation of a work either by performing the same role as another agent, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or by performing a different role, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
14759 collective agentrdfs:labelhas architect collective agent
14760 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14761 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect collective agent
14762 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14763 collective agentrdfs:labelhas commissioning collective agent
14764 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14765 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning collective agent
14766 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14767 collective agentrdfs:labelhas programmer collective agent
14768 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14769 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer collective agent
14770 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14771 collective agentrdfs:labelhas designer collective agent
14772 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14773 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner collective agent
14774 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14775 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas composer collective agent of work
14776 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14777 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer collective agent of work
14778 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14779 collective agent of workskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical work to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a work or creating a work in the general style of another composer, or creating a work that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
14780 collective agentrdfs:labelhas inventor collective agent
14781 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14782 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor collective agent
14783 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14784 collective agentrdfs:labelhas compiler collective agent
14785 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14786 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler collective agent
14787 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14788 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
14789 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas photographer collective agent of work
14790 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14791 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer collective agent of work
14792 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14793 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas interviewer collective agent of work
14794 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of collective agent who gathers information.
14795 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer collective agent of work
14796 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of collective agent who gathers information.
14797 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas interviewee collective agent of work
14798 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
14799 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee collective agent of work
14800 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
14801 collective agentrdfs:labelhas aggregator collective agent
14802 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14803 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator collective agent
14804 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
14805 artist collective agentrdfs:labelhas remix artist collective agent
14806 artist collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14807 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist collective agent
14808 artist collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
14809 artist collective agentskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
14810 collective agentrdfs:labelhas filmmaker collective agent
14811 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
14812 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker collective agent
14813 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
14814 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
14815 collective agentrdfs:labelhas artist collective agent
14816 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
14817 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelartist collective agent
14818 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
14819 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas founder collective agent of work
14820 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
14821 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder collective agent of work
14822 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
14823 director collective agentrdfs:labelhas casting director collective agent
14824 director collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14825 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director collective agent
14826 director collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
14827 collective agentrdfs:labelhas producer collective agent
14828 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
14829 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer collective agent
14830 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
14831 collective agentskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
14832 collective agentrdfs:labelhas director collective agent
14833 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
14834 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector collective agent
14835 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
14836 collective agentrdfs:labelhas issuing collective agent
14837 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who issues a work.
14838 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing collective agent
14839 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who issues a work.
14840 collective agentrdfs:labelhas organizer collective agent
14841 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
14842 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer collective agent
14843 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
14844 collective agentrdfs:labelhas consultant collective agent
14845 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
14846 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant collective agent
14847 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
14848 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas dedicatee corporate body of work
14849 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body to whom a work is dedicated.
14850 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee corporate body of work
14851 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body to whom a work is dedicated.
14852 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas addressee corporate body
14853 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14854 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee corporate body
14855 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
14856 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas dedicator corporate body
14857 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14858 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator corporate body
14859 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
14860 corporate body of photographyrdfs:labelhas director corporate body of photography
14861 corporate body of photographyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14862 corporate body of photographyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector corporate body of photography
14863 corporate body of photographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
14864 corporate body of photographyskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
14865 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas researcher corporate body
14866 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14867 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher corporate body
14868 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who does research in support of the creation of a work.
14869 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas editorial director corporate body
14870 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14871 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director corporate body
14872 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
14873 director corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteRevision, clarification, or other change of content of an expression of a work is excluded.
14874 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas film director corporate body
14875 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14876 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director corporate body
14877 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
14878 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas radio director corporate body
14879 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14880 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director corporate body
14881 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
14882 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas television director corporate body
14883 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14884 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director corporate body
14885 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
14886 producer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas audio producer corporate body
14887 producer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14888 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer corporate body
14889 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
14890 producer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas film producer corporate body
14891 producer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
14892 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer corporate body
14893 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
14894 producer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas radio producer corporate body
14895 producer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14896 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer corporate body
14897 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
14898 producer corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas television producer corporate body
14899 producer corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14900 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer corporate body
14901 producer corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
14902 architect corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas landscape architect corporate body
14903 architect corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14904 architect corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect corporate body
14905 architect corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
14906 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas calligrapher corporate body
14907 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same corporate body is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14908 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher corporate body
14909 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same corporate body is also responsible for the inscribed text.
14910 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas sculptor corporate body
14911 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14912 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor corporate body
14913 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
14914 artist corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas book artist corporate body
14915 artist corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14916 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist corporate body
14917 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
14918 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas screenwriter corporate body
14919 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14920 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter corporate body
14921 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
14922 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas lyricist corporate body
14923 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14924 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist corporate body
14925 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
14926 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
14927 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas librettist corporate body
14928 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14929 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist corporate body
14930 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
14931 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of only the songs from a musical is excluded.
14932 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas rapporteur corporate body
14933 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14934 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur corporate body
14935 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
14936 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
14937 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas honouree corporate body of work
14938 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is honoured by a work.
14939 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree corporate body of work
14940 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is honoured by a work.
14941 corporate body of workskos:altLabelhonoree corporate body of work
14942 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas choreographer corporate body
14943 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14944 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer corporate body
14945 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
14946 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas cartographer corporate body of work
14947 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14948 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer corporate body of work
14949 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
14950 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas author corporate body
14951 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14952 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor corporate body
14953 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a textual work.
14954 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteCreation of a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator, if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression, is included.
14955 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas creator corporate body of work
14956 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a work.
14957 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator corporate body of work
14958 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a work.
14959 corporate body of workskos:scopeNoteA creator of work includes an agent who is jointly responsible for the creation of a work either by performing the same role as another agent, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or by performing a different role, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
14960 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas architect corporate body
14961 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14962 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect corporate body
14963 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
14964 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas commissioning corporate body
14965 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14966 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning corporate body
14967 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for commissioning a work.
14968 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas programmer corporate body
14969 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14970 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer corporate body
14971 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a computer program.
14972 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas designer corporate body
14973 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14974 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner corporate body
14975 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
14976 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas composer corporate body of work
14977 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14978 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer corporate body of work
14979 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a musical work.
14980 corporate body of workskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical work to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a work or creating a work in the general style of another composer, or creating a work that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
14981 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas inventor corporate body
14982 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14983 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor corporate body
14984 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
14985 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas compiler corporate body
14986 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14987 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler corporate body
14988 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
14989 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
14990 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas photographer corporate body of work
14991 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14992 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer corporate body of work
14993 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
14994 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas interviewer corporate body of work
14995 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of corporate body who gathers information.
14996 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer corporate body of work
14997 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of corporate body who gathers information.
14998 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas interviewee corporate body of work
14999 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
15000 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee corporate body of work
15001 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
15002 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas aggregator corporate body
15003 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
15004 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator corporate body
15005 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
15006 artist corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas remix artist corporate body
15007 artist corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
15008 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist corporate body
15009 artist corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
15010 artist corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
15011 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas filmmaker corporate body
15012 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
15013 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker corporate body
15014 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
15015 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
15016 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas artist corporate body
15017 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
15018 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelartist corporate body
15019 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
15020 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas founder corporate body of work
15021 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
15022 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder corporate body of work
15023 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
15024 director corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas casting director corporate body
15025 director corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
15026 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director corporate body
15027 director corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
15028 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas producer corporate body
15029 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
15030 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer corporate body
15031 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
15032 corporate bodyskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
15033 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas director corporate body
15034 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
15035 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector corporate body
15036 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
15037 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas issuing corporate body
15038 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who issues a work.
15039 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing corporate body
15040 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who issues a work.
15041 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas organizer corporate body
15042 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
15043 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer corporate body
15044 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
15045 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas consultant corporate body
15046 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
15047 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant corporate body
15048 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
15049 family of workrdfs:labelhas dedicatee family of work
15050 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family to whom a work is dedicated.
15051 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicatee family of work
15052 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family to whom a work is dedicated.
15053 familyrdfs:labelhas addressee family
15054 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
15055 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeladdressee family
15056 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family to whom a work or a portion of a work is addressed.
15057 familyrdfs:labelhas dedicator family
15058 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
15059 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldedicator family
15060 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who assigns a work as an acknowledgement of the inspiration or support of a related agent.
15061 family of photographyrdfs:labelhas director family of photography
15062 family of photographyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
15063 family of photographyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector family of photography
15064 family of photographyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who captures images, either electronically or on film or video stock, and often selects and arranges the lighting.
15065 family of photographyskos:scopeNoteA director of photography for a movie is also called a chief cinematographer.
15066 familyrdfs:labelhas researcher family
15067 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who does research in support of the creation of a work.
15068 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelresearcher family
15069 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who does research in support of the creation of a work.
15070 director familyrdfs:labelhas editorial director family
15071 director familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
15072 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabeleditorial director family
15073 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who has legal or intellectual responsibility, but not creative responsibility, for the editorial policy and content of a diachronic work.
15074 director familyskos:scopeNoteRevision, clarification, or other change of content of an expression of a work is excluded.
15075 director familyrdfs:labelhas film director family
15076 director familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
15077 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm director family
15078 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance.
15079 director familyrdfs:labelhas radio director family
15080 director familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
15081 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelradio director family
15082 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a radio program.
15083 director familyrdfs:labelhas television director family
15084 director familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
15085 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision director family
15086 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a director who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a television program.
15087 producer familyrdfs:labelhas audio producer family
15088 producer familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
15089 producer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio producer family
15090 producer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a producer who is responsible for managing most of the business aspects of an audio recording.
15091 producer familyrdfs:labelhas film producer family
15092 producer familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
15093 producer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm producer family
15094 producer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of the production of a film.
15095 producer familyrdfs:labelhas radio producer family
15096 producer familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
15097 producer familyrdakit:toolkitLabelradio producer family
15098 producer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a radio program.
15099 producer familyrdfs:labelhas television producer family
15100 producer familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
15101 producer familyrdakit:toolkitLabeltelevision producer family
15102 producer familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is a producer who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a television program.
15103 architect familyrdfs:labelhas landscape architect family
15104 architect familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
15105 architect familyrdakit:toolkitLabellandscape architect family
15106 architect familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an architect who is responsible for creating landscape works.
15107 familyrdfs:labelhas calligrapher family
15108 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same family is also responsible for the inscribed text.
15109 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcalligrapher family
15110 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an artist who is responsible for calligraphy where the focus of interest lies in the aesthetic value of the penmanship or graphic artistry, regardless of whether the same family is also responsible for the inscribed text.
15111 familyrdfs:labelhas sculptor family
15112 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
15113 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelsculptor family
15114 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an artist who is responsible for creating a three-dimensional work by modeling, carving, or similar technique.
15115 artist familyrdfs:labelhas book artist family
15116 artist familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
15117 artist familyrdakit:toolkitLabelbook artist family
15118 artist familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an artist who is responsible for exploiting the book form or altering its physical structure.
15119 familyrdfs:labelhas screenwriter family
15120 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
15121 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelscreenwriter family
15122 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an author of a screenplay, script, or scene.
15123 familyrdfs:labelhas lyricist family
15124 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
15125 familyrdakit:toolkitLabellyricist family
15126 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an author of the words of a popular song, including a song from a musical.
15127 familyskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of only the dialogue from a musical is excluded.
15128 familyrdfs:labelhas librettist family
15129 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
15130 familyrdakit:toolkitLabellibrettist family
15131 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an author of the words of a musical or choreographic work such as an opera, a ballet, or other work for the musical stage, or an oratorio.
15132 familyskos:scopeNoteAuthoring of the words of only the songs from a musical is excluded.
15133 familyrdfs:labelhas rapporteur family
15134 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
15135 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelrapporteur family
15136 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is an author who is appointed by an organization to report on the proceedings of its meetings.
15137 familyskos:scopeNoteResponsibility limited to taking minutes is excluded.
15138 family of workrdfs:labelhas honouree family of work
15139 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is honoured by a work.
15140 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelhonouree family of work
15141 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is honoured by a work.
15142 family of workskos:altLabelhonoree family of work
15143 familyrdfs:labelhas choreographer family
15144 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
15145 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographer family
15146 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a choreographic work.
15147 family of workrdfs:labelhas cartographer family of work
15148 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
15149 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographer family of work
15150 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a cartographic work.
15151 familyrdfs:labelhas author family
15152 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a textual work.
15153 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelauthor family
15154 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a textual work.
15155 familyskos:scopeNoteCreation of a new work by paraphrasing, rewriting, or adapting works by another creator, if the modification has substantially changed the nature and content of the original or changed the medium of expression, is included.
15156 family of workrdfs:labelhas creator family of work
15157 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a work.
15158 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcreator family of work
15159 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a work.
15160 family of workskos:scopeNoteA creator of work includes an agent who is jointly responsible for the creation of a work either by performing the same role as another agent, such as in a collaboration between two writers, or by performing a different role, such as in a collaboration between a composer and a lyricist.
15161 familyrdfs:labelhas architect family
15162 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
15163 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelarchitect family
15164 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an architectural design, including a pictorial representation intended to show how a building or other structure will look when completed.
15165 familyrdfs:labelhas commissioning family
15166 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for commissioning a work.
15167 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcommissioning family
15168 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for commissioning a work.
15169 familyrdfs:labelhas programmer family
15170 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a computer program.
15171 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelprogrammer family
15172 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a computer program.
15173 familyrdfs:labelhas designer family
15174 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
15175 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldesigner family
15176 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a design for an object.
15177 family of workrdfs:labelhas composer family of work
15178 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a musical work.
15179 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelcomposer family of work
15180 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a musical work.
15181 family of workskos:scopeNoteAdaptation of another musical work to form a distinct alteration, paraphrasing a work or creating a work in the general style of another composer, or creating a work that is based on the music of another composer, is included.
15182 familyrdfs:labelhas inventor family
15183 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
15184 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelinventor family
15185 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a new device or process.
15186 familyrdfs:labelhas compiler family
15187 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
15188 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcompiler family
15189 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a metadata description set.
15190 familyskos:scopeNoteA metadata description set includes a bibliography of works, expressions, or manifestations, a directory of agents and places, and an analytic finding aid.
15191 family of workrdfs:labelhas photographer family of work
15192 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
15193 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographer family of work
15194 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a photographic work.
15195 family of workrdfs:labelhas interviewer family of work
15196 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of family who gathers information.
15197 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewer family of work
15198 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a work by acting as an interviewer, reporter, pollster, or some other kind of family who gathers information.
15199 family of workrdfs:labelhas interviewee family of work
15200 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
15201 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelinterviewee family of work
15202 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a work by responding to an interviewer, usually a reporter, pollster, or some other kind of agent who gathers information.
15203 familyrdfs:labelhas aggregator family
15204 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
15205 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregator family
15206 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an aggregating work by selecting and arranging expressions of other works.
15207 artist familyrdfs:labelhas remix artist family
15208 artist familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
15209 artist familyrdakit:toolkitLabelremix artist family
15210 artist familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an audio work by manipulating, recombining, mixing, and reproducing previously recorded sounds.
15211 artist familyskos:scopeNoteRemixing activities that do not substantially change the nature and content of the original work, and mixing recorded tracks together to appear as one continuous track, are excluded.
15212 familyrdfs:labelhas filmmaker family
15213 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
15214 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelfilmmaker family
15215 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an independent or personal film.
15216 familyskos:scopeNoteA filmmaker is individually responsible for the conception and execution of all aspects of the film.
15217 familyrdfs:labelhas artist family
15218 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
15219 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelartist family
15220 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an original graphic design, drawing, painting, etc.
15221 family of workrdfs:labelhas founder family of work
15222 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
15223 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelfounder family of work
15224 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for initiating a diachronic work.
15225 director familyrdfs:labelhas casting director family
15226 director familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
15227 director familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcasting director family
15228 director familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for most aspects of assigning parts and duties to performers.
15229 familyrdfs:labelhas producer family
15230 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
15231 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelproducer family
15232 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for most of the business aspects of a production for screen, sound recording, television, webcast, etc.
15233 familyskos:scopeNoteA producer is generally responsible for fundraising, managing the production, hiring key personnel, arranging for distributors, etc.
15234 familyrdfs:labelhas director family
15235 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
15236 familyrdakit:toolkitLabeldirector family
15237 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for the general management and supervision of a filmed performance, a radio or television program, etc.
15238 familyrdfs:labelhas issuing family
15239 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who issues a work.
15240 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelissuing family
15241 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who issues a work.
15242 familyrdfs:labelhas organizer family
15243 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
15244 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelorganizer family
15245 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who organizes a conference, exhibition, or other event that gives rise to a work.
15246 familyrdfs:labelhas consultant family
15247 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
15248 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelconsultant family
15249 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who provides consultation services, and often makes recommendations, for a related agent who is represented as a creator of a work.
15250 of nomenrdfs:labelis description of nomen
15251 of nomenskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is described by a work.
15252 of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of nomen
15253 of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is described by a work.
15254 of placerdfs:labelis description of place
15255 of placeskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is described by a work.
15256 of placerdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of place
15257 of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is described by a work.
15258 of timespanrdfs:labelis description of timespan
15259 of timespanskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is described by a work.
15260 of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabeldescription of timespan
15261 of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is described by a work.
15262 of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionrdfs:labelhas medium of performance of choreographic content of representative expression
15263 of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to a type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content of a representative expression.
15264 of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmedium of performance of choreographic content of representative expression
15265 of performance of choreographic content of representative expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of performer or group of performers participating, or intended to participate, in a performance of choreographic or non-musical dramatic content of a representative expression.
15266 collective agent of workrdfs:labelhas sponsoring collective agent of work
15267 collective agent of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15268 collective agent of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
15269 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring collective agent of work
15270 collective agent of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15271 corporate body of workrdfs:labelhas sponsoring corporate body of work
15272 corporate body of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15273 corporate body of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
15274 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring corporate body of work
15275 corporate body of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15276 family of workrdfs:labelhas sponsoring family of work
15277 family of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15278 family of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
15279 family of workrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring family of work
15280 family of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15281 person of workrdfs:labelhas sponsoring person of work
15282 person of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15283 person of workskos:scopeNoteIncludes funding research and sponsoring an event that is the basis of a work.
15284 person of workrdakit:toolkitLabelsponsoring person of work
15285 person of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who sponsors some aspect of a work.
15286 accrual methodrdfs:labelhas collection accrual method
15287 accrual methodskos:definitionRelates a work to a method of transfer of custodianship of the items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
15288 accrual methodrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection accrual method
15289 accrual methodrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA method of transfer of custodianship of the items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
15290 accrual policyrdfs:labelhas collection accrual policy
15291 accrual policyskos:definitionRelates a work to a policy for selecting items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
15292 accrual policyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection accrual policy
15293 accrual policyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA policy for selecting items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
15294 description of agentrdfs:labelis metadata description of agent
15295 description of agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent that is described by a metadata work.
15296 description of agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of agent
15297 description of agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent that is described by a metadata work.
15298 description of collective agentrdfs:labelis metadata description of collective agent
15299 description of collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent that is described by a metadata work.
15300 description of collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of collective agent
15301 description of collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent that is described by a metadata work.
15302 description of corporate bodyrdfs:labelis metadata description of corporate body
15303 description of corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body that is described by a metadata work.
15304 description of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of corporate body
15305 description of corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body that is described by a metadata work.
15306 description of familyrdfs:labelis metadata description of family
15307 description of familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family that is described by a metadata work.
15308 description of familyrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of family
15309 description of familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family that is described by a metadata work.
15310 description of personrdfs:labelis metadata description of person
15311 description of personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person that is described by a metadata work.
15312 description of personrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of person
15313 description of personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person that is described by a metadata work.
15314 description of expressionrdfs:labelis metadata description of expression
15315 description of expressionskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression that is described by a metadata work.
15316 description of expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of expression
15317 description of expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is described by a metadata work.
15318 description of itemrdfs:labelis metadata description of item
15319 description of itemskos:definitionRelates a work to an item that is described by a metadata work.
15320 description of itemrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of item
15321 description of itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is described by a metadata work.
15322 description of manifestationrdfs:labelis metadata description of manifestation
15323 description of manifestationskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is described by a metadata work.
15324 description of manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of manifestation
15325 description of manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is described by a metadata work.
15326 description of nomenrdfs:labelis metadata description of nomen
15327 description of nomenskos:definitionRelates a work to a nomen that is described by a metadata work.
15328 description of nomenrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of nomen
15329 description of nomenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is described by a metadata work.
15330 description of placerdfs:labelis metadata description of place
15331 description of placeskos:definitionRelates a work to a place that is described by a metadata work.
15332 description of placerdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of place
15333 description of placerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is described by a metadata work.
15334 description of timespanrdfs:labelis metadata description of timespan
15335 description of timespanskos:definitionRelates a work to a timespan that is described by a metadata work.
15336 description of timespanrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of timespan
15337 description of timespanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is described by a metadata work.
15338 description of workrdfs:labelis metadata description of work
15339 description of workskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is described by a metadata work.
15340 description of workrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of work
15341 description of workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is described by a metadata work.
15342 description of RDA entityrdfs:labelis metadata description of RDA entity
15343 description of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates a work to an RDA entity that is described by a metadata work.
15344 description of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description of RDA entity
15345 description of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is described by a metadata work.
15346 described with metadata byrdfs:labelis work described with metadata by
15347 described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates a work to a work that is a metadata work for a work.
15348 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelwork described with metadata by
15349 described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for a work.
15350 aid ofrdfs:labelis finding aid of
15351 aid ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is a collection manifestation that is described by a metadata description set.
15352 aid ofrdakit:toolkitLabelfinding aid of
15353 aid ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a collection manifestation that is described by a metadata description set.
15354 ofrdfs:labelis catalogue of
15355 ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is a collection manifestation that has a metadata description set for the items that it holds.
15356 ofrdakit:toolkitLabelcatalogue of
15357 ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a collection manifestation that has a metadata description set for the items that it holds.
15358 ofskos:altLabelanalytic finding aid of
15359 ofskos:altLabelfinding aid of, analytic
15360 finding aid ofrdfs:labelis hierarchic finding aid of
15361 finding aid ofskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation that is a collection manifestation that has a metadata description set for the sub-collections and items that it holds.
15362 finding aid ofrdakit:toolkitLabelhierarchic finding aid of
15363 finding aid ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is a collection manifestation that has a metadata description set for the sub-collections and items that it holds.
15364 finding aid ofskos:altLabelfinding aid of, hierarchic
15365 finding aid ofskos:scopeNoteA collection includes an archival collection.
15366 forrdfs:labelis index for
15367 forskos:definitionRelates a work to a manifestation of a textual work that is the basis of a systematic guide of the content of the manifestation.
15368 forrdakit:toolkitLabelindex for
15369 forrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of a textual work that is the basis of a systematic guide of the content of the manifestation.
15370 work forrdfs:labelis concordance work for
15371 work forskos:definitionRelates a work to an expression of a textual work that is the basis of a systematic guide of all or selected words that occur in the expression.
15372 work forrdakit:toolkitLabelconcordance work for
15373 work forrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression of a textual work that is the basis of a systematic guide of all or selected words that occur in the expression.
15374 agentrdfs:labelhas collector agent
15375 agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15376 agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector agent
15377 agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15378 collective agentrdfs:labelhas collector collective agent
15379 collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15380 collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector collective agent
15381 collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15382 corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas collector corporate body
15383 corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15384 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector corporate body
15385 corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15386 familyrdfs:labelhas collector family
15387 familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15388 familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector family
15389 familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15390 personrdfs:labelhas collector person
15391 personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15392 personrdakit:toolkitLabelcollector person
15393 personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating a collection work by selecting and arranging items that exemplify the embodiment of other works.
15394 registrar agentrdfs:labelhas collection registrar agent
15395 registrar agentskos:definitionRelates a work to an agent who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15396 registrar agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar agent
15397 registrar agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15398 registrar agentskos:altLabelcataloguer agent
15399 registrar agentskos:altLabelcollection registrar
15400 registrar collective agentrdfs:labelhas collection registrar collective agent
15401 registrar collective agentskos:definitionRelates a work to a collective agent who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15402 registrar collective agentrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar collective agent
15403 registrar collective agentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15404 registrar collective agentskos:altLabelcataloguer collective agent
15405 registrar corporate bodyrdfs:labelhas collection registrar corporate body
15406 registrar corporate bodyskos:definitionRelates a work to a corporate body who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15407 registrar corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar corporate body
15408 registrar corporate bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15409 registrar corporate bodyskos:altLabelcataloguer corporate body
15410 registrar familyrdfs:labelhas collection registrar family
15411 registrar familyskos:definitionRelates a work to a family who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15412 registrar familyrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar family
15413 registrar familyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15414 registrar familyskos:altLabelcataloguer family
15415 registrar personrdfs:labelhas collection registrar person
15416 registrar personskos:definitionRelates a work to a person who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15417 registrar personrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection registrar person
15418 registrar personrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is responsible for creating an analytic finding aid.
15419 registrar personskos:altLabelcataloguer person
15420 RDA entity of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to an RDA entity that is associated with an RDA entity.
15421 RDA entity of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated RDA entity of RDA entity
15422 RDA entity of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn RDA entity that is associated with an RDA entity
15423 RDA entity of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related RDA entity of RDA entity
15424 RDA entity of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated entity
15425 RDA entity of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated entity
15426 RDA entity of RDA entityskos:altLabelentity associated with RDA entity
15427 RDA entity of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated resource
15428 work of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related work of RDA entity
15429 work of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is associated with an RDA entity.
15430 work of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated work of RDA entity
15431 work of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is associated with an RDA entity.
15432 work of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated work
15433 work of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated work
15434 work of RDA entityskos:altLabelwork associated with RDA entity
15435 expression of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related expression of RDA entity
15436 expression of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to an expression that is associated with an RDA entity.
15437 expression of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated expression of RDA entity
15438 expression of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is associated with an RDA entity.
15439 expression of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated expression
15440 expression of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated expression
15441 expression of RDA entityskos:altLabelexpression associated with RDA entity
15442 manifestation of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related manifestation of RDA entity
15443 manifestation of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a manifestation that is associated with an RDA entity.
15444 manifestation of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated manifestation of RDA entity
15445 manifestation of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is associated with an RDA entity.
15446 manifestation of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated manifestation
15447 manifestation of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated manifestation
15448 manifestation of RDA entityskos:altLabelmanifestation associated with RDA entity
15449 item of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related item of RDA entity
15450 item of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to an item that is associated with an RDA entity.
15451 item of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated item of RDA entity
15452 item of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is associated with an RDA entity.
15453 item of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated item
15454 item of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated item
15455 item of RDA entityskos:altLabelitem associated with RDA entity
15456 agent of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related agent of RDA entity
15457 agent of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to an agent who is associated with an RDA entity.
15458 agent of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated agent of RDA entity
15459 agent of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn agent who is associated with an RDA entity.
15460 agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated agent
15461 agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated agent
15462 agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelagent associated with RDA entity
15463 person of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related person of RDA entity
15464 person of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a person who is associated with an RDA entity.
15465 person of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated person of RDA entity
15466 person of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA person who is associated with an RDA entity.
15467 person of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated person
15468 person of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated person
15469 person of RDA entityskos:altLabelperson associated with RDA entity
15470 family of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related family of RDA entity
15471 family of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a family who is associated with an RDA entity.
15472 family of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated family of RDA entity
15473 family of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA family who is associated with an RDA entity.
15474 family of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated family
15475 family of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated family
15476 family of RDA entityskos:altLabelfamily associated with RDA entity
15477 corporate body of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related corporate body of RDA entity
15478 corporate body of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a corporate body who is associated with an RDA entity.
15479 corporate body of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated corporate body of RDA entity
15480 corporate body of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body who is associated with an RDA entity.
15481 corporate body of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated corporate body
15482 corporate body of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated corporate body
15483 corporate body of RDA entityskos:altLabelcorporate body associated with RDA entity
15484 place of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related place of RDA entity
15485 place of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a place that is associated with an RDA entity.
15486 place of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated place of RDA entity
15487 place of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA place that is associated with an RDA entity.
15488 place of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated place
15489 place of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated place
15490 place of RDA entityskos:altLabelplace associated with RDA entity
15491 timespan of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related timespan of RDA entity
15492 timespan of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a timespan that is associated with an RDA entity.
15493 timespan of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated timespan of RDA entity
15494 timespan of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA timespan that is associated with an RDA entity.
15495 timespan of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated timespan
15496 timespan of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated timespan
15497 timespan of RDA entityskos:altLabeltimespan associated with RDA entity
15498 collective agent of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related collective agent of RDA entity
15499 collective agent of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a collective agent who is associated with an RDA entity.
15500 collective agent of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated collective agent of RDA entity
15501 collective agent of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective agent who is associated with an RDA entity.
15502 collective agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated collective agent
15503 collective agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated collective agent
15504 collective agent of RDA entityskos:altLabelcollective agent associated with RDA entity
15505 nomen of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related nomen of RDA entity
15506 nomen of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is associated with an RDA entity.
15507 nomen of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated nomen of RDA entity
15508 nomen of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is associated with an RDA entity.
15509 nomen of RDA entityskos:altLabelrelated nomen
15510 nomen of RDA entityskos:altLabelassociated nomen
15511 nomen of RDA entityskos:altLabelnomen associated with RDA entity
15512 RDA entity ofrdfs:labelis subject RDA entity of
15513 RDA entity ofskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is about an RDA entity.
15514 RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitLabelsubject RDA entity of
15515 RDA entity ofrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is about an RDA entity.
15516 on RDA entityrdfs:labelhas note on RDA entity
15517 on RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an RDA entity.
15518 on RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelnote on RDA entity
15519 on RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broad unstructured description of one or more attributes of an RDA entity.
15520 point for RDA entityrdfs:labelhas access point for RDA entity
15521 point for RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
15522 point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point for RDA entity
15523 point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity in natural language that is taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme or is constructed using a string encoding scheme.
15524 of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas appellation of RDA entity
15525 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an RDA entity.
15526 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation of RDA entity
15527 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is used within a given scheme or context to refer to an RDA entity.
15528 for RDA entityrdfs:labelhas identifier for RDA entity
15529 for RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an RDA entity.
15530 for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelidentifier for RDA entity
15531 for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity that consists of a code, number, or other string, usually independent of natural language and social naming conventions, used to identify an RDA entity.
15532 of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas name of RDA entity
15533 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
15534 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelname of RDA entity
15535 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an appellation of RDA entity in natural language and phrasing used in common discourse.
15536 access point for RDA entityrdfs:labelhas authorized access point for RDA entity
15537 access point for RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is an access point for RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
15538 access point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point for RDA entity
15539 access point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
15540 name of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas preferred name of RDA entity
15541 name of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is a name of RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
15542 name of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name of RDA entity
15543 name of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of RDA entity that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
15544 name of RDA entityskos:altLabelpreferred name
15545 access point for RDA entityrdfs:labelhas variant access point for RDA entity
15546 access point for RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is an access point for RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
15547 access point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point for RDA entity
15548 access point for RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is an access point for RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific vocabulary encoding scheme.
15549 name of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas variant name of RDA entity
15550 name of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a nomen that is a name of RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
15551 name of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name of RDA entity
15552 name of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA nomen that is a name of RDA entity that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
15553 name of RDA entityskos:altLabelvariant name
15554 entity critiqued byrdfs:labelis RDA entity critiqued by
15555 entity critiqued byskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is a critical evaluation of an RDA entity.
15556 entity critiqued byrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA entity critiqued by
15557 entity critiqued byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a critical evaluation of an RDA entity.
15558 entity critiqued byskos:altLabelRDA entity critiqued in
15559 entity described byrdfs:labelis RDA entity described by
15560 entity described byskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is a description of an RDA entity.
15561 entity described byrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA entity described by
15562 entity described byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a description of an RDA entity.
15563 entity described byskos:altLabelRDA entity described in
15564 entity evaluated byrdfs:labelis RDA entity evaluated by
15565 entity evaluated byskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is an examination or judgement of an RDA entity.
15566 entity evaluated byrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA entity evaluated by
15567 entity evaluated byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is an examination or judgement of an RDA entity.
15568 entity evaluated byskos:altLabelRDA entity evaluated in
15569 entity reviewed byrdfs:labelis RDA entity reviewed by
15570 entity reviewed byskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is a brief evaluation of an RDA entity.
15571 entity reviewed byrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA entity reviewed by
15572 entity reviewed byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a brief evaluation of an RDA entity.
15573 entity reviewed byskos:altLabelRDA entity reviewed in
15574 entity of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas related entity of RDA entity
15575 entity of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to an entity that is associated with an RDA entity.
15576 entity of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelrelated entity of RDA entity
15577 entity of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn entity that is associated with an RDA entity.
15578 of RDA entityrdfs:labelhas category of RDA entity
15579 of RDA entityskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a type to which an RDA entity belongs.
15580 of RDA entityskos:altLabeltype of RDA entity
15581 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitLabelcategory of RDA entity
15582 of RDA entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type to which an RDA entity belongs.
15583 entity described with metadata byrdfs:labelis RDA entity described with metadata by
15584 entity described with metadata byskos:definitionRelates an RDA entity to a work that is a metadata work for an RDA entity.
15585 entity described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA entity described with metadata by
15586 entity described with metadata byrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata work for an RDA entity.
15587 meta element properties (Deprecated)
15588! This element set has been deprecated as part of the RDA Toolkit Restructure and Redesign Project.