Sıra NouritoolkitLabel_enpropertyİngilizce
15589 Aspect Ratio Designation
15590 for a general designation of the ratio of the width to the height of a moving image.
15591 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
15592 screenskos:prefLabelfull screen
15593 screenrdakit:toolkitLabelfull screen
15594 screenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work whose ratio is less than 1.5:1.
15595 screenskos:altLabelfull-screen
15596 screenskos:definitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work whose ratio is less than 1.5:1.
15597 screenskos:prefLabelwide screen
15598 screenrdakit:toolkitLabelwide screen
15599 screenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work whose ratio is equal to or greater than 1.5:1.
15600 screenskos:altLabelwide-screen
15601 screenskos:definitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work whose ratio is equal to or greater than 1.5:1.
15602 aspect ratioskos:prefLabelmixed aspect ratio
15603 aspect ratiordakit:toolkitLabelmixed aspect ratio
15604 aspect ratiordakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work that includes multiple aspect ratios within the same expression.
15605 aspect ratioskos:definitionAn aspect ratio designation for an expression of a moving image work that includes multiple aspect ratios within the same expression.
15606 Groups of Books in the Bible (Deprecated)
15607 Choruses (Deprecated)
15608 Conventional Collective Title (Deprecated)
15609 Illustrative Content
15610 for an indication of the kinds of expression of image content that supplement the main expressions that are embodied by an augmentation aggregate.
15611 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
15612 of armsskos:prefLabelcoat of arms
15613 of armsrdakit:toolkitLabelcoat of arms
15614 of armsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn illustrative content that includes a full display of armorial bearings that consists of the escutcheon plus its adjuncts.
15615 of armsskos:definitionAn illustrative content that includes a full display of armorial bearings that consists of the escutcheon plus its adjuncts.
15618 illustrative content that consists of an exact copy of an original, usually in the same dimensions as the original, especially of books, documents, prints, and drawings.
15619 the original is often reproduced photographically or digitally; in the past, it was reproduced by engraving or other printmaking process.
15620 illustrative content that consists of an exact copy of an original, usually in the same dimensions as the original, especially of books, documents, prints, and drawings.
15623 illustrative content that consists of labeled areas for recording structured data to be input by specified persons for specific purposes, usually accompanied by prompts and guidance.
15624 illustrative content that consists of labeled areas for recording structured data to be input by specified persons for specific purposes, usually accompanied by prompts and guidance.
15625 tableskos:prefLabelgenealogical table
15626 tablerdakit:toolkitLabelgenealogical table
15627 tablerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn illustrative content that consists of a table or diagram representing the lineage of a person or family.
15628 tableskos:definitionAn illustrative content that consists of a table or diagram representing the lineage of a person or family.
15631 illustrative content that consists of a diagram showing relative quantitative and qualitative aspects of a data set.
15632 illustrative content that consists of a diagram showing relative quantitative and qualitative aspects of a data set.
15635 illustrative content that consists of adornments, usually in one or more colours and applied by hand to an item using paint, ink, or metal foil.
15636 illustrative content that consists of adornments, usually in one or more colours and applied by hand to an item using paint, ink, or metal foil.
15639 illustrative content that consists of a representation, normally to scale and on a two-dimensional medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth, another celestial body, or an imaginary place.
15640 illustrative content that consists of a representation, normally to scale and on a two-dimensional medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth, another celestial body, or an imaginary place.
15643 illustrative content that consists of an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic medium.
15644 illustrative content that consists of an image created by light falling on a light-sensitive surface, usually photographic film or an electronic medium.
15647 illustrative content that consists of a detailed drawing or diagram.
15648 illustrative content that consists of a detailed drawing or diagram.
15651 illustrative content that consists of a representation of an individual or group of persons or animals that is intended to capture a known or supposed likeness, especially the face of the individual.
15652 illustrative content that consists of a representation of an individual or group of persons or animals that is intended to capture a known or supposed likeness, especially the face of the individual.
15655 illustrative content that consists of an individual unit, segment, or small quantity taken as evidence of the quality or character of the entire group or lot.
15656 illustrative content that consists of an individual unit, segment, or small quantity taken as evidence of the quality or character of the entire group or lot.
15659 illustrative content that consists of a still image.
15660 illustrative content that consists of a still image.
15661 Instrumental Music for Orchestra, String Orchestra, or Band (Deprecated)
15662 Mode of Issuance
15663 for a categorization that reflects whether a manifestation is issued in one or more units.
15664 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
15665 unitskos:prefLabelsingle unit
15666 unitrdakit:toolkitLabelsingle unit
15667 unitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA mode of issuance of a manifestation that is issued as a single physical unit or intangible single logical unit.
15668 unitskos:scopeNoteA single volume, a file available online, etc., are included.
15669 unitskos:definitionA mode of issuance of a manifestation that is issued as a single physical unit or intangible single logical unit.
15670 unitskos:prefLabelmultiple unit
15671 unitrdakit:toolkitLabelmultiple unit
15672 unitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA mode of issuance of a manifestation that is issued as a multipart physical unit or intangible multipart logical unit.
15673 unitskos:altLabelmultipart monograph
15674 unitskos:definitionA mode of issuance of a manifestation that is issued as a multipart physical unit or intangible multipart logical unit.
15675 Form of Musical Notation
15676 for a set of characters or symbols used to express musical content of an expression.
15677 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
15678 notationskos:prefLabelgraphic notation
15679 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelgraphic notation
15680 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation that uses various suggestive lines, symbols, colour, etc., to prompt or guide the performers.
15681 notationskos:scopeNoteThis notation is used for music that is indeterminate in pitch, duration, temperament, etc., and also to depict electronic music in which no performer is involved.
15682 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation that uses various suggestive lines, symbols, colour, etc., to prompt or guide the performers.
15683 notationskos:prefLabelletter notation
15684 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelletter notation
15685 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation that uses the letters of the alphabet to designate pitches.
15686 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation that uses the letters of the alphabet to designate pitches.
15687 notationskos:prefLabelmensural notation
15688 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelmensural notation
15689 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation, beginning around 1260 and continuing through about 1600, employing four principal note-values and associated rests: long, breve, semibreve, and minim to notate duration.
15690 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation, beginning around 1260 and continuing through about 1600, employing four principal note-values and associated rests: long, breve, semibreve, and minim to notate duration.
15691 notationskos:prefLabelnumber notation
15692 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelnumber notation
15693 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation conveying pitch by use of numbers, assigned to the notes of a scale, the keys of a keyboard, the finger positions or frets of a string instrument, or to the holes or valves of a wind instrument.
15694 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation conveying pitch by use of numbers, assigned to the notes of a scale, the keys of a keyboard, the finger positions or frets of a string instrument, or to the holes or valves of a wind instrument.
15695 notationskos:prefLabelstaff notation
15696 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelstaff notation
15697 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation in wide use for Western art music, conveying pitch and duration using a staff of parallel lines, often in combination with other staves.
15698 notationskos:scopeNoteThis notation is usually a staff of five lines in music dating from the 15th century to the present.
15699 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation in wide use for Western art music, conveying pitch and duration using a staff of parallel lines, often in combination with other staves.
15702 form of musical notation that uses letters of the alphabet or other symbols not found in staff notation, and which generally specifies the physical action required to produce the music from a specific instrument, rather than an abstract representation of the music itself.
15703 the German organ tablatures of the late Middle Ages and later.
15704 form of musical notation that uses letters of the alphabet or other symbols not found in staff notation, and which generally specifies the physical action required to produce the music from a specific instrument, rather than an abstract representation of the music itself.
15705 sol-faskos:prefLabeltonic sol-fa
15706 sol-fardakit:toolkitLabeltonic sol-fa
15707 sol-fardakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation that replaces staff notation with sol-fa syllables or their initials.
15708 sol-faskos:definitionA form of musical notation that replaces staff notation with sol-fa syllables or their initials.
15709 notationskos:prefLabelneumatic notation
15710 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelneumatic notation
15711 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation using neumes, i.e., graphic signs that represent essentially the movement in pitch of a melody.
15712 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation using neumes, i.e., graphic signs that represent essentially the movement in pitch of a melody.
15713 notationskos:prefLabelsyllabic notation
15714 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelsyllabic notation
15715 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of musical notation that designates pitches by means of conventional syllables.
15716 notationskos:definitionA form of musical notation that designates pitches by means of conventional syllables.
15717 Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Expression (Deprecated)
15718 Other Distinguishing Characteristic of the Expression of a Legal Work (Deprecated)
15719 Carrier Extent Unit
15720 for a type of unit or subunit of a manifestation.
15721 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
15722 cardskos:prefLabelactivity card
15723 cardrdakit:toolkitLabelactivity card
15724 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that is a card printed with words, numerals, or pictures to be used by an individual or a group as a basis for performing a specific activity.
15725 cardskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to still images. The cards are usually issued in sets.
15726 cardskos:definitionA unit of extent that is a card printed with words, numerals, or pictures to be used by an individual or a group as a basis for performing a specific activity.
15729 unit of extent that is a volume of maps or other cartographic content with or without descriptive text.
15730 term applies to cartographic resources.
15731 unit of extent that is a volume of maps or other cartographic content with or without descriptive text.
15734 unit of extent that consists of a box containing bound or unbound resources.
15735 unit of extent that consists of a box containing bound or unbound resources.
15738 unit of extent that consists of a two-dimensional representation of data in graphic or tabular form.
15739 term applies to still images.
15740 unit of extent that consists of a two-dimensional representation of data in graphic or tabular form.
15743 unit of extent that consists of a piece of metal stamped by government authority for use as money.
15744 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15745 unit of extent that consists of a piece of metal stamped by government authority for use as money.
15748 unit of extent that consists of a work in two dimensions or very low relief that was made by affixing paper, fabrics, photographs, or other materials onto a flat surface.
15749 term applies to still images.
15750 unit of extent that consists of a work in two dimensions or very low relief that was made by affixing paper, fabrics, photographs, or other materials onto a flat surface.
15753 unit of extent that consists of one of two or more vertical sections of text appearing on the same page or leaf.
15754 unit of extent that consists of one of two or more vertical sections of text appearing on the same page or leaf.
15757 unit of extent that is a geographic representation of numeric data, or of the course or results of an action or process.
15758 term applies to cartographic resources. The term is sometimes also applied to maps characterized by much simplified, or schematic, representation.
15759 unit of extent that is a geographic representation of numeric data, or of the course or results of an action or process.
15762 unit of extent that consists of a three-dimensional representation of a scene created by placing objects, figures, etc., in front of a two-dimensional painted background.
15763 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15764 unit of extent that consists of a three-dimensional representation of a scene created by placing objects, figures, etc., in front of a two-dimensional painted background.
15767 unit of extent that consists of a visual work produced by drawing, which is the application of lines on a surface, often paper, by using a pencil, pen, chalk, or some other tracing instrument to focus on the delineation of form rather than the application of colour.
15768 term applies to still images. This term is often defined broadly to refer to computer-generated images as well.
15769 unit of extent that consists of a visual work produced by drawing, which is the application of lines on a surface, often paper, by using a pencil, pen, chalk, or some other tracing instrument to focus on the delineation of form rather than the application of colour.
15772 unit of extent that consists of objects on display, along with the display environment of cases, labels, etc.
15773 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15774 unit of extent that consists of objects on display, along with the display environment of cases, labels, etc.
15775 cardskos:prefLabelflash card
15776 cardskos:altLabelelectronic flash card
15777 cardrdakit:toolkitLabelflash card
15778 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of a card, or digital representation of a card, carrying words, numerals, pictures, etc., designed for rapid display as an aid to learning.
15779 cardskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to still images.
15780 cardskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of a card, or digital representation of a card, carrying words, numerals, pictures, etc., designed for rapid display as an aid to learning.
15781 sheetskos:prefLabelfolded sheet
15782 sheetrdakit:toolkitLabelfolded sheet
15783 sheetrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of a sheet designed to be read in pages when folded.
15784 sheetskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of a sheet designed to be read in pages when folded.
15787 unit of extent that consists of a set of objects designed for manipulation according to prescribed or implicit rules for education, entertainment, or therapy.
15788 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15789 unit of extent that consists of a set of objects designed for manipulation according to prescribed or implicit rules for education, entertainment, or therapy.
15792 unit of extent that is a depiction of the earth or other celestial body, real or imaginary, on the surface of a sphere.
15793 term applies to cartographic resources.
15794 unit of extent that is a depiction of the earth or other celestial body, real or imaginary, on the surface of a sphere.
15797 unit of extent that consists of an image that portrays a sacred entity and that is itself regarded as sacred.
15798 term applies to still images. Most commonly it comprises tempera on panel, but it may be in any two-dimensional or relief medium, including fresco.
15799 unit of extent that consists of an image that portrays a sacred entity and that is itself regarded as sacred.
15800 puzzleskos:prefLabeljigsaw puzzle
15801 puzzlerdakit:toolkitLabeljigsaw puzzle
15802 puzzlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of a picture, usually on pasteboard or wood, which has been cut into interlocking shapes intended to be reassembled.
15803 puzzleskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15804 puzzleskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of a picture, usually on pasteboard or wood, which has been cut into interlocking shapes intended to be reassembled.
15807 unit of extent that consists of a single bound or fastened sheet as a subunit of a volume; each leaf consists of two pages, one on each side, either or both of which may be blank.
15808 unit of extent that consists of a single bound or fastened sheet as a subunit of a volume; each leaf consists of two pages, one on each side, either or both of which may be blank.
15811 unit of extent that consists of a representation, normally to scale and on a two-dimensional medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth, another celestial body, or an imaginary place.
15812 term applies to cartographic resources.
15813 unit of extent that consists of a representation, normally to scale and on a two-dimensional medium, of a selection of material or abstract features on, or in relation to, the surface of the earth, another celestial body, or an imaginary place.
15816 unit of extent that consists of a small piece of metal, bearing a relief design on one or both sides and having a commemorative purpose; not used as a medium of exchange.
15817 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15818 unit of extent that consists of a small piece of metal, bearing a relief design on one or both sides and having a commemorative purpose; not used as a medium of exchange.
15821 unit of extent that consists of a physical representation of a device or process that may be modified for training or analysis to emphasize a particular part or function.
15822 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15823 unit of extent that consists of a physical representation of a device or process that may be modified for training or analysis to emphasize a particular part or function.
15826 unit of extent that consists of a three-dimensional representation of a real or imagined object.
15827 term applies to cartographic resources and three-dimensional forms.
15828 unit of extent that consists of a three-dimensional representation of a real or imagined object.
15831 unit of extent that consists of a single side of a leaf.
15832 unit of extent that consists of a single side of a leaf.
15835 unit of extent that consists of an item in which images are formed primarily by the direct application of pigment suspended in a medium, arranged in masses of colour onto a generally two-dimensional surface.
15836 term applies to still images.
15837 unit of extent that consists of an item in which images are formed primarily by the direct application of pigment suspended in a medium, arranged in masses of colour onto a generally two-dimensional surface.
15840 unit of extent that consists of an image captured by a lens and carried on the surface of a sheet.
15841 term applies to still images.
15842 unit of extent that consists of an image captured by a lens and carried on the surface of a sheet.
15845 unit of extent that consists of two-dimensional representations.
15846 term applies to still images.
15847 unit of extent that consists of two-dimensional representations.
15850 unit of extent that is a container for holding loose materials, that usually consists of two covers joined together at the back.
15851 unit of extent that is a container for holding loose materials, that usually consists of two covers joined together at the back.
15854 unit of extent that consists of a card on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope.
15855 term applies to still images.
15856 unit of extent that consists of a card on which a message may be written or printed for mailing without an envelope.
15859 unit of extent that consists of a notice, usually decorative or pictorial, intended to be posted to advertise, promote, or publicize an activity, cause, product, or service; also, a decorative, mass-produced print intended for hanging.
15860 term applies to still images.
15861 unit of extent that consists of a notice, usually decorative or pictorial, intended to be posted to advertise, promote, or publicize an activity, cause, product, or service; also, a decorative, mass-produced print intended for hanging.
15864 unit of extent that consists of a pictorial work produced by transferring an image by means of a matrix such as a plate, block, or screen, using any of various printing processes.
15865 term applies to still images.
15866 unit of extent that consists of a pictorial work produced by transferring an image by means of a matrix such as a plate, block, or screen, using any of various printing processes.
15869 unit of extent that is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface, which may or may not be a plane, with the surface of the ground, or of the intersection of such a vertical surface with that of a conceptual three-dimensional model representing phenomena having a continuous distribution.
15870 term applies to cartographic resources.
15871 unit of extent that is a scale representation of the intersection of a vertical surface, which may or may not be a plane, with the surface of the ground, or of the intersection of such a vertical surface with that of a conceptual three-dimensional model representing phenomena having a continuous distribution.
15874 unit of extent that is a photograph produced by the passage of radiation, such as X rays, gamma rays, or neutrons, through an opaque object.
15875 term applies to still images.
15876 unit of extent that is a photograph produced by the passage of radiation, such as X rays, gamma rays, or neutrons, through an opaque object.
15877 imageskos:prefLabelremote-sensing image
15878 imagerdakit:toolkitLabelremote-sensing image
15879 imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that is a pictorial product of any remote-sensing instrument that detects and measures reflected and/or emitted electromagnetic radiation from a distance and reflected underwater sound waves in the case of sonar.
15880 imageskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to cartographic resources.
15881 imageskos:definitionA unit of extent that is a pictorial product of any remote-sensing instrument that detects and measures reflected and/or emitted electromagnetic radiation from a distance and reflected underwater sound waves in the case of sonar.
15884 unit of extent that consists of a physical representation, usually of art, in which an image or form is produced in relief, in intaglio, or in the round.
15885 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15886 unit of extent that consists of a physical representation, usually of art, in which an image or form is produced in relief, in intaglio, or in the round.
15888 section
15890 unit of extent that is a scale representation of a vertical surface, commonly a plane, displaying both the profile where it intersects the surface of a celestial body, or some conceptual model, and the underlying structures along the plane of intersection.
15891 term applies to cartographic resources.
15892 unit of extent that is a scale representation of a vertical surface, commonly a plane, displaying both the profile where it intersects the surface of a celestial body, or some conceptual model, and the underlying structures along the plane of intersection.
15895 unit of extent that consists of an individual unit or sample chosen to represent a larger population or aggregation.
15896 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15897 unit of extent that consists of an individual unit or sample chosen to represent a larger population or aggregation.
15898 printskos:prefLabelstudy print
15899 printrdakit:toolkitLabelstudy print
15900 printrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of an image sometimes accompanied by text and used for education.
15901 printskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to still images.
15902 printskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of an image sometimes accompanied by text and used for education.
15903 drawingskos:prefLabeltechnical drawing
15904 drawingrdakit:toolkitLabeltechnical drawing
15905 drawingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of a cross section, detail, diagram, elevation, perspective, plan, working plan, etc., made for use in an engineering or other technical context.
15906 drawingskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to still images.
15907 drawingskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of a cross section, detail, diagram, elevation, perspective, plan, working plan, etc., made for use in an engineering or other technical context.
15910 unit of extent that consists of an object designed for education, entertainment, or stimulation through play.
15911 term applies to three-dimensional forms.
15912 unit of extent that consists of an object designed for education, entertainment, or stimulation through play.
15915 unit of extent that is a perspective representation of the landscape in which detail is shown as if projected on an oblique plane.
15916 term applies to cartographic resources. A bird's-eye view, panorama, panoramic drawing, worm's-eye view, etc., are included.
15917 unit of extent that is a perspective representation of the landscape in which detail is shown as if projected on an oblique plane.
15918 chartskos:prefLabelwall chart
15919 chartrdakit:toolkitLabelwall chart
15920 chartrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA unit of extent that consists of a tabular or graphic representation of data appropriate for display on a wall.
15921 chartskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to still images.
15922 chartskos:definitionA unit of extent that consists of a tabular or graphic representation of data appropriate for display on a wall.
15923 Carrier Type
15924 for a categorization reflecting the format of the
storage medium and housing of a carrier in combination with the type of intermediation
device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a
15925 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation
of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information
15926 cartridgeskos:prefLabelaudio cartridge
15927 cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelaudio cartridge
15928 cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing an audio tape.
15929 cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing an audio tape.
15930 cylinderskos:prefLabelaudio cylinder
15931 cylinderskos:scopeNoteWax cylinders, wire cylinders, etc., are included.
15932 cylinderrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio cylinder
15933 cylinderrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a roller-shaped object on which sound waves are incised or indented in a continuous circular groove.
15934 cylinderskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a roller-shaped object on which sound waves are incised or indented in a continuous circular groove.
15935 discskos:prefLabelaudio disc
15936 discskos:altLabelsound disc
15937 discrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio disc
15938 discrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a disc on which sound waves, recorded as modulations, pulses, etc., are incised or indented in a continuous spiral groove.
15939 discskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a disc on which sound waves, recorded as modulations, pulses, etc., are incised or indented in a continuous spiral groove.
15940 reelskos:prefLabelsound-track reel
15941 reelskos:scopeNoteUse for sound-track films, whether or not they are intended to accompany visual images on film.
15942 reelrdakit:toolkitLabelsound-track reel
15943 reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of film on which sound is recorded.
15944 reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of film on which sound is recorded.
15945 rollskos:prefLabelaudio roll
15946 rollskos:altLabelpiano roll
15947 rollrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio roll
15948 rollrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a roll of paper on which musical notes are represented by perforations, designed to mechanically reproduce the music when used in a player piano, player organ, etc.
15949 rollskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a roll of paper on which musical notes are represented by perforations, designed to mechanically reproduce the music when used in a player piano, player organ, etc.
15952 carrier type that consists of a cassette containing an audiotape.
15953 carrier type that consists of a cassette containing an audiotape.
15954 reelskos:prefLabelaudiotape reel
15955 reelrdakit:toolkitLabelaudiotape reel
15956 reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of audiotape to be used with reel-to-reel audio equipment.
15957 reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of audiotape to be used with reel-to-reel audio equipment.
15958 cardskos:prefLabelcomputer card
15959 cardrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer card
15960 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a card containing digitally encoded data designed for use with a computer.
15961 cardskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a card containing digitally encoded data designed for use with a computer.
15962 chip cartridgeskos:prefLabelcomputer chip cartridge
15963 chip cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer chip cartridge
15964 chip cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a miniaturized electronic circuit on a small wafer of semiconductor silicon, designed to provide additional processing, memory, or storage capacity.
15965 chip cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a miniaturized electronic circuit on a small wafer of semiconductor silicon, designed to provide additional processing, memory, or storage capacity.
15966 discskos:prefLabelcomputer disc
15967 discrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer disc
15968 discrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a disc containing digitally encoded data that are magnetically or optically recorded.
15969 discskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a disc containing digitally encoded data that are magnetically or optically recorded.
15970 disc cartridgeskos:prefLabelcomputer disc cartridge
15971 disc cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer disc cartridge
15972 disc cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing one or more computer discs.
15973 disc cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing one or more computer discs.
15974 tape cartridgeskos:prefLabelcomputer tape cartridge
15975 tape cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer tape cartridge
15976 tape cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a computer tape.
15977 tape cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a computer tape.
15978 tape cassetteskos:prefLabelcomputer tape cassette
15979 tape cassetterdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer tape cassette
15980 tape cassetterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a computer tape.
15981 tape cassetteskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a computer tape.
15982 tape reelskos:prefLabelcomputer tape reel
15983 tape reelrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer tape reel
15984 tape reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of computer tape to be used with a computer tape drive.
15985 tape reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a length of computer tape to be used with a computer tape drive.
15986 resourceskos:prefLabelonline resource
15987 resourcerdakit:toolkitLabelonline resource
15988 resourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a digital resource accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network.
15989 resourceskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a digital resource accessed by means of hardware and software connections to a communications network.
15990 cardskos:prefLabelaperture card
15991 cardrdakit:toolkitLabelaperture card
15992 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a card with one or more rectangular openings or apertures holding frames of microfilm.
15993 cardskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a card with one or more rectangular openings or apertures holding frames of microfilm.
15996 carrier type that consists of a sheet of film bearing a number of micro-images in a two-dimensional array.
15997 carrier type that consists of a sheet of film bearing a number of micro-images in a two-dimensional array.
15998 cassetteskos:prefLabelmicrofiche cassette
15999 cassetterdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofiche cassette
16000 cassetterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing uncut microfiches.
16001 cassetteskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing uncut microfiches.
16002 cartridgeskos:prefLabelmicrofilm cartridge
16003 cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofilm cartridge
16004 cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a microfilm.
16005 cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a microfilm.
16006 cassetteskos:prefLabelmicrofilm cassette
16007 cassetterdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofilm cassette
16008 cassetterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a microfilm.
16009 cassetteskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a microfilm.
16010 reelskos:prefLabelmicrofilm reel
16011 reelrdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofilm reel
16012 reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a microfilm, to be threaded into a microfilm reader.
16013 reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a microfilm, to be threaded into a microfilm reader.
16014 slipskos:prefLabelmicrofilm slip
16015 sliprdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofilm slip
16016 sliprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a short strip of microfilm cut from a roll.
16017 slipskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a short strip of microfilm cut from a roll.
16020 carrier type that consists of a card or sheet of opaque material bearing a number of micro-images in a two-dimensional array.
16021 carrier type that consists of a card or sheet of opaque material bearing a number of micro-images in a two-dimensional array.
16022 slideskos:prefLabelmicroscope slide
16023 sliderdakit:toolkitLabelmicroscope slide
16024 sliderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a small sheet of transparent material, with or without a protective mount, bearing a minute object designed for use with a device such as a microscope.
16025 slideskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a small sheet of transparent material, with or without a protective mount, bearing a minute object designed for use with a device such as a microscope.
16026 cartridgeskos:prefLabelfilm cartridge
16027 cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelfilm cartridge
16028 cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a motion picture film.
16029 cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a motion picture film.
16030 cassetteskos:prefLabelfilm cassette
16031 cassetterdakit:toolkitLabelfilm cassette
16032 cassetterdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a motion picture film.
16033 cassetteskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a motion picture film.
16034 reelskos:prefLabelfilm reel
16035 reelrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm reel
16036 reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a motion picture film to be used with a motion picture film projector.
16037 reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a motion picture film to be used with a motion picture film projector.
16040 carrier type that consists of a short strip of film, usually in rigid format rather than rolled.
16041 carrier type that consists of a short strip of film, usually in rigid format rather than rolled.
16044 carrier type that consists of a roll of film, with or without recorded sound, containing a succession of images intended for projection one at a time.
16045 carrier type that consists of a roll of film, with or without recorded sound, containing a succession of images intended for projection one at a time.
16046 cartridgeskos:prefLabelfilmstrip cartridge
16047 cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelfilmstrip cartridge
16048 cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a filmstrip.
16049 cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a filmstrip.
16050 transparencyskos:prefLabeloverhead transparency
16051 transparencyskos:altLabeloverhead projectural
16052 transparencyskos:altLabeltransparency
16053 transparencyrdakit:toolkitLabeloverhead transparency
16054 transparencyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a sheet of transparent material, with or without a protective mount, bearing an image designed for use with an overhead projector.
16055 transparencyskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a sheet of transparent material, with or without a protective mount, bearing an image designed for use with an overhead projector.
16058 carrier type that consists of a small sheet of transparent material, usually in a protective mount, bearing an image designed for use with a slide projector or viewer.
16059 carrier type that consists of a small sheet of transparent material, usually in a protective mount, bearing an image designed for use with a slide projector or viewer.
16060 cardskos:prefLabelstereograph card
16061 cardrdakit:toolkitLabelstereograph card
16062 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a card bearing stereographic images.
16063 cardskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a card bearing stereographic images.
16064 discskos:prefLabelstereograph disc
16065 discrdakit:toolkitLabelstereograph disc
16066 discrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a disc with openings around the perimeter holding pairs of still images designed for use with a stereograph viewer.
16067 discskos:altLabelstereograph reel
16068 discskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a disc with openings around the perimeter holding pairs of still images designed for use with a stereograph viewer.
16071 carrier type that consists of a small sheet of opaque material.
16072 carrier type that consists of a small sheet of opaque material.
16075 carrier type that consists of a hinging device holding two or more sheets designed for use on an easel.
16076 carrier type that consists of a hinging device holding two or more sheets designed for use on an easel.
16079 carrier type that consists of a wound length of paper, film, tape, etc.
16080 carrier type that consists of a wound length of paper, film, tape, etc.
16083 carrier type that consists of a flat, thin piece of paper, plastic, etc.
16084 carrier type that consists of a flat, thin piece of paper, plastic, etc.
16087 carrier type that consists of one or more sheets bound or fastened together to form a single unit.
16088 carrier type that consists of one or more sheets bound or fastened together to form a single unit.
16089 cartridgeskos:prefLabelvideo cartridge
16090 cartridgerdakit:toolkitLabelvideo cartridge
16091 cartridgerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a video tape.
16092 cartridgeskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a cartridge containing a video tape.
16095 carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a video tape.
16096 carrier type that consists of a cassette containing a video tape.
16097 reelskos:prefLabelvideotape reel
16098 reelrdakit:toolkitLabelvideotape reel
16099 reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a video tape for use with reel-to-reel video equipment.
16100 reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of an open reel holding a video tape for use with reel-to-reel video equipment.
16101 rollskos:prefLabelmicrofilm roll
16102 rollrdakit:toolkitLabelmicrofilm roll
16103 rollrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a wound length of microfilm.
16104 rollskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a wound length of microfilm.
16107 carrier type that consists of a three-dimensional artifact, a replica of an artifact, or a naturally-occurring object.
16108 carrier type that consists of a three-dimensional artifact, a replica of an artifact, or a naturally-occurring object.
16111 carrier type that consists of a disc on which video signals, with or without sound, are recorded.
16112 carrier type that consists of a disc on which video signals, with or without sound, are recorded.
16113 rollskos:prefLabelfilm roll
16114 rollrdakit:toolkitLabelfilm roll
16115 rollrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a wound length of film.
16116 rollskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a wound length of film.
16117 beltskos:prefLabelaudio belt
16118 beltrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio belt
16119 beltrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a loop of flexible plastic or magnetic film on which audio signals are mechanically recorded, commonly known under the trade name Dictabelt.
16120 beltskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a loop of flexible plastic or magnetic film on which audio signals are mechanically recorded, commonly known under the trade name Dictabelt.
16121 wire reelskos:prefLabelaudio wire reel
16122 wire reelrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio wire reel
16123 wire reelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA carrier type that consists of a reel or spool of steel or stainless steel wire upon which audio signals are magnetically recorded.
16124 wire reelskos:definitionA carrier type that consists of a reel or spool of steel or stainless steel wire upon which audio signals are magnetically recorded.
16125 Cartographic Data Type
16126 for a machine-readable representation of geospatial features.
16127 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16130 cartographic data type that uses a dot matrix data structure to represent geospatial features in a usually rectangular grid of pixels.
16131 cartographic data type that uses a dot matrix data structure to represent geospatial features in a usually rectangular grid of pixels.
16134 cartographic data type that uses polygons specified by vectors to represent geospatial features.
16135 cartographic data type that uses polygons specified by vectors to represent geospatial features.
16138 cartographic data type that uses points to represent geospatial features.
16139 cartographic data type that uses points to represent geospatial features.
16140 Collection Accrual Method
16141 for a method of transfer of custodianship of the items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
16142 © 2021 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16145 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection for a fixed or open-ended timespan with no transfer of ownership or financial transaction.
16146 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection for a fixed or open-ended timespan with no transfer of ownership or financial transaction.
16149 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with no transfer of ownership or financial transaction.
16150 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with no transfer of ownership or financial transaction.
16153 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with a transfer of ownership but no financial transaction.
16154 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with a transfer of ownership but no financial transaction.
16157 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection for a fixed or open-ended timespan with no transfer of ownership but with a financial transaction.
16158 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection for a fixed or open-ended timespan with no transfer of ownership but with a financial transaction.
16161 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with a transfer of ownership and a financial transaction.
16162 collection accrual method that adds items to a collection permanently with a transfer of ownership and a financial transaction.
16163 Collection Accrual Policy
16164 for a policy for selecting items that are added to a manifestation of a collection work.
16165 © 2021 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16168 collection accrual policy that does not add items to a collection.
16169 collection accrual policy that does not add items to a collection.
16172 collection accrual policy that adds items to a collection when the items are in scope for the collection but have been acquired for other reasons.
16173 collection accrual policy that adds items to a collection when the items are in scope for the collection but have been acquired for other reasons.
16176 collection accrual policy that seeks, acquires, and adds items to a collection.
16177 collection accrual policy that seeks, acquires, and adds items to a collection.
16180 collection accrual policy that adds items to one or more subcollections of a collection.
16181 collection accrual policy that adds items to one or more subcollections of a collection.
16182 Colour Content
16183 for an indication of the presence of colour or tone embodied by a manifestation.
16184 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16187 colour content that consists of tones of one colour, or black and white, or black or white and another colour.
16188 colour content that consists of tones of one colour, or black and white, or black or white and another colour.
16190 colour content that consists of two colours, neither of which is black or white, or more than two colours.
16192 colour content that consists of two colours, neither of which is black or white, or more than two colours.
16193 Content Type
16194 for a categorization that reflects the fundamental form of communication in which the content is expressed and the human sense through which it is intended to be perceived.
16195 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16196 datasetskos:prefLabelcartographic dataset
16197 datasetskos:scopeNoteA cartographic dataset excludes cartographic data intended to be perceived in the form of an image or three-dimensional form.
16198 datasetrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic dataset
16199 datasetrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a digitally encoded dataset intended to be processed by a computer.
16200 datasetskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a digitally encoded dataset intended to be processed by a computer.
16201 imageskos:prefLabelcartographic image
16202 imageskos:scopeNoteMaps, views, atlases, remote-sensing images, etc., are included.
16203 imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic image
16204 imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions.
16205 imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions.
16206 moving imageskos:prefLabelcartographic moving image
16207 moving imageskos:scopeNoteSatellite images of the earth or other celestial bodies in motion are included.
16208 moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic moving image
16209 moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through images intended to be perceived as moving, in two dimensions.
16210 moving imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through images intended to be perceived as moving, in two dimensions.
16211 tactile imageskos:prefLabelcartographic tactile image
16212 tactile imagerdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic tactile image
16213 tactile imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through line, shape, and/or other forms, intended to be perceived through touch as a still image in two dimensions.
16214 tactile imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through line, shape, and/or other forms, intended to be perceived through touch as a still image in two dimensions.
16215 tactile three-dimensional formskos:prefLabelcartographic tactile three-dimensional form
16216 tactile three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic tactile three-dimensional form
16217 tactile three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived through touch as a three-dimensional form or forms.
16218 tactile three-dimensional formskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived through touch as a three-dimensional form or forms.
16219 three-dimensional formskos:prefLabelcartographic three-dimensional form
16220 three-dimensional formskos:scopeNoteGlobes, relief models, etc., are included.
16221 three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic three-dimensional form
16222 three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions.
16223 three-dimensional formskos:definitionA content type that consists of cartographic content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions.
16224 datasetskos:prefLabelcomputer dataset
16225 datasetskos:scopeNoteNumeric data, environmental data, etc., used by applications software to calculate averages, correlations, etc., or to produce models, etc., but not normally displayed in its raw form, are included. Excludes data intended to be perceived visually in the form of notation, image, or three-dimensional form.
16226 datasetskos:scopeNoteFor data intended to be perceived in an audible form, see performed music, sounds, and spoken word.
16227 datasetskos:scopeNoteFor cartographic data, see cartographic dataset.
16228 datasetrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer dataset
16229 datasetrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a digitally encoded dataset intended to be processed by a computer.
16230 datasetskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a digitally encoded dataset intended to be processed by a computer.
16231 programskos:prefLabelcomputer program
16232 programskos:scopeNoteOperating systems, applications software, etc., are included.
16233 programrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer program
16234 programrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through digitally encoded instructions intended to be processed and performed by a computer.
16235 programskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through digitally encoded instructions intended to be processed and performed by a computer.
16236 movementskos:prefLabelnotated movement
16237 movementskos:scopeNoteAll forms of movement notation other than those intended to be perceived through touch are included.
16238 movementrdakit:toolkitLabelnotated movement
16239 movementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived visually.
16240 movementskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived visually.
16241 musicskos:prefLabelnotated music
16242 musicskos:scopeNoteAll forms of music notation other than those intended to be perceived through touch are included.
16243 musicrdakit:toolkitLabelnotated music
16244 musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of musical notation intended to be perceived visually.
16245 musicskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of musical notation intended to be perceived visually.
16246 musicskos:prefLabelperformed music
16247 musicskos:scopeNoteRecorded performances of music, computer-generated music, etc., are included.
16248 musicrdakit:toolkitLabelperformed music
16249 musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through music in an audible form.
16250 musicskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through music in an audible form.
16252 sounds, artificially produced sounds, etc., are included.
16254 content type that consists of content other than language or music, expressed in an audible form.
16255 content type that consists of content other than language or music, expressed in an audible form.
16256 wordskos:prefLabelspoken word
16257 wordskos:scopeNoteRecorded readings, recitations, speeches, interviews, oral histories, etc., computer-generated speech, etc., are included.
16258 wordrdakit:toolkitLabelspoken word
16259 wordrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through language in an audible form.
16260 wordskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through language in an audible form.
16261 imageskos:prefLabelstill image
16262 imageskos:scopeNoteDrawings, paintings, diagrams, photographic images known as stills, etc., are included.
16263 imageskos:scopeNoteFor cartographic content intended to be perceived as a two-dimensional image, see cartographic image.
16264 imageskos:scopeNoteFor images intended to be perceived through touch, see tactile image.
16265 imagerdakit:toolkitLabelstill image
16266 imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions.
16267 imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through line, shape, shading, etc., intended to be perceived visually as a still image or images in two dimensions.
16268 imageskos:prefLabeltactile image
16269 imagerdakit:toolkitLabeltactile image
16270 imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through line, shape, and/or other forms, intended to be perceived through touch as a still image in two dimensions.
16271 imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through line, shape, and/or other forms, intended to be perceived through touch as a still image in two dimensions.
16272 notated musicskos:prefLabeltactile notated music
16273 notated musicskos:scopeNoteBraille music and other tactile forms of musical notation are included.
16274 notated musicrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile notated music
16275 notated musicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of musical notation intended to be perceived through touch.
16276 notated musicskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of musical notation intended to be perceived through touch.
16277 notated movementskos:prefLabeltactile notated movement
16278 notated movementrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile notated movement
16279 notated movementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived through touch.
16280 notated movementskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for movement intended to be perceived through touch.
16281 textskos:prefLabeltactile text
16282 textskos:scopeNoteBraille text and other tactile forms of language notation are included.
16283 textrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile text
16284 textrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for language intended to be perceived through touch.
16285 textskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for language intended to be perceived through touch.
16286 three-dimensional formskos:prefLabeltactile three-dimensional form
16287 three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile three-dimensional form
16288 three-dimensional formrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived through touch as a three-dimensional form or forms.
16289 three-dimensional formskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived through touch as a three-dimensional form or forms.
16291 forms of language notation other than those intended to be perceived through touch are included.
16293 content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for language intended to be perceived visually.
16294 content type that consists of content expressed through a form of notation for language intended to be perceived visually.
16295 formskos:prefLabelthree-dimensional form
16296 formskos:scopeNoteSculptures, models, naturally occurring objects and specimens, holograms, etc., are included. Excludes cartographic content intended to be perceived as a three-dimensional form. Excludes three-dimensional forms intended to be perceived through touch.
16297 formrdakit:toolkitLabelthree-dimensional form
16298 formrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions.
16299 formskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through a form or forms intended to be perceived visually in three-dimensions.
16300 moving imageskos:prefLabelthree-dimensional moving image
16301 moving imageskos:scopeNoteThree-dimensional motion pictures using live action or animation, and stereoscopic, known as S-3D, video games, etc., are included. Three-dimensional moving images may or may not be accompanied by sound.
16302 moving imageskos:scopeNoteThree-dimensional moving images may or may not be accompanied by sound.
16303 moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabelthree-dimensional moving image
16304 moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through images intended to be perceived to be moving, and in three dimensions.
16305 moving imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through images intended to be perceived to be moving, and in three dimensions.
16306 moving imageskos:prefLabeltwo-dimensional moving image
16307 moving imageskos:scopeNoteMotion pictures using live action and/or animation, film and video recordings of performances, events, etc., other than those intended to be perceived in three dimensions, are included. Moving images may or may not be accompanied by sound.
16308 moving imagerdakit:toolkitLabeltwo-dimensional moving image
16309 moving imagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through images intended to be perceived to be moving, and in two dimensions.
16310 moving imageskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through images intended to be perceived to be moving, and in two dimensions.
16311 movementskos:prefLabelperformed movement
16312 movementrdakit:toolkitLabelperformed movement
16313 movementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content type that consists of content expressed through choreography in a visual form.
16314 movementskos:scopeNoteIncludes performed dance and mime, and animated choreography.
16315 movementskos:definitionA content type that consists of content expressed through choreography in a visual form.
16316 Extension Plan
16317 for a categorization that reflects an intention to extend the content of a work.
16318 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16319 planskos:prefLabelstatic plan
16320 planrdakit:toolkitLabelstatic plan
16321 planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one or more distinct expressions that are all embodied simultaneously.
16322 planskos:scopeNoteIncludes poems, photographs, and completed novels.
16323 planskos:definitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one or more distinct expressions that are all embodied simultaneously.
16324 determinate planskos:prefLabelintegrating determinate plan
16325 determinate planrdakit:toolkitLabelintegrating determinate plan
16326 determinate planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one distinct expression that is embodied during a closed timespan.
16327 determinate planskos:scopeNoteIncludes project wikis, and conference websites.
16328 determinate planskos:definitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one distinct expression that is embodied during a closed timespan.
16329 indeterminate planskos:prefLabelintegrating indeterminate plan
16330 indeterminate planrdakit:toolkitLabelintegrating indeterminate plan
16331 indeterminate planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one distinct expression that is embodied during an open timespan.
16332 indeterminate planskos:scopeNoteIncludes updated standards, laws, and wikis.
16333 indeterminate planskos:definitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by one distinct expression that is embodied during an open timespan.
16334 determinate planskos:prefLabelsuccessive determinate plan
16335 determinate planrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessive determinate plan
16336 determinate planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by multiple distinct expressions that are embodied during a closed timespan.
16337 determinate planskos:scopeNoteIncludes serialized versions of novels, dictionaries, and reference works.
16338 determinate planskos:definitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by multiple distinct expressions that are embodied during a closed timespan.
16339 indeterminate planskos:prefLabelsuccessive indeterminate plan
16340 indeterminate planskos:altLabelserial work plan
16341 indeterminate planrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessive indeterminate plan
16342 indeterminate planrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by multiple distinct expressions that are embodied during an open timespan.
16343 indeterminate planskos:scopeNoteIncludes periodicals, newspapers, series, newsletters, conference proceedings, annual reports, and archived copies of webpages.
16344 indeterminate planskos:definitionAn extension plan for a work that is intended to be realized by multiple distinct expressions that are embodied during an open timespan.
16345 Generation
16346 for a relationship between an original carrier and a carrier of a reproduction that is made from the original
16347 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16348 masterskos:prefLabelderivative master
16349 masterrdakit:toolkitLabelderivative master
16350 masterrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is derived from the master.
16351 masterskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to digital resources.
16352 masterskos:definitionA generation that is derived from the master.
16353 masterskos:prefLabeldisc master
16354 masterrdakit:toolkitLabeldisc master
16355 masterrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a negative metal copy of a recording cut typically onto a lacquer-coated disc by means of a disc lathe; the lacquer original is destroyed in the process.
16356 masterskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to audio resources.
16357 masterskos:definitionA generation that is a negative metal copy of a recording cut typically onto a lacquer-coated disc by means of a disc lathe; the lacquer original is destroyed in the process.
16358 generationskos:prefLabelfirst generation
16359 generationskos:altLabelfirst-generation master
16360 generationrdakit:toolkitLabelfirst generation
16361 generationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is the original camera film or videotape used to record the production.
16362 generationskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to microform and video resources.
16363 generationskos:definitionA generation that is the original camera film or videotape used to record the production.
16366 generation that is created from the process of digitization at the highest resolution and often used to make derivative copies.
16367 term applies to digital resources.
16368 generation that is created from the process of digitization at the highest resolution and often used to make derivative copies.
16369 tapeskos:prefLabelmaster tape
16370 taperdakit:toolkitLabelmaster tape
16371 taperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is the original recorded version of a tape from which copies can be made.
16372 tapeskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to audio resources.
16373 tapeskos:definitionA generation that is the original recorded version of a tape from which copies can be made.
16374 generationskos:prefLabelmixed generation
16375 generationrdakit:toolkitLabelmixed generation
16376 generationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a combination of generations for which it is not possible to assign more precise terms.
16377 generationskos:definitionA generation that is a combination of generations for which it is not possible to assign more precise terms.
16380 generation that is a positive metal copy of a disc master used to create one or more stampers.
16381 term applies to audio resources.
16382 generation that is a positive metal copy of a disc master used to create one or more stampers.
16385 generation that is the first of a resource created digitally.
16386 term applies to digital resources.
16387 generation that is the first of a resource created digitally.
16388 masterskos:prefLabelprinting master
16389 masterskos:altLabelcopying master
16390 masterrdakit:toolkitLabelprinting master
16391 masterrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is used to produce subsequent generations of microforms.
16392 masterskos:definitionA generation that is used to produce subsequent generations of microforms.
16393 printskos:prefLabelreference print
16394 printrdakit:toolkitLabelreference print
16395 printrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a release print approved by the producer and director of a film.
16396 printskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to motion picture resources.
16397 printskos:definitionA generation that is a release print approved by the producer and director of a film.
16398 positiveskos:prefLabelmaster positive
16399 positiverdakit:toolkitLabelmaster positive
16400 positiverdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a positive print made from an earlier generation negative film and used for the preparation of duplicate negatives rather than projection.
16401 positiveskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to motion picture resources.
16402 positiveskos:altLabelintermediate positive
16403 positiveskos:altLabelinterpositive
16404 positiveskos:definitionA generation that is a positive print made from an earlier generation negative film and used for the preparation of duplicate negatives rather than projection.
16405 negativeskos:prefLabeloriginal negative
16406 negativerdakit:toolkitLabeloriginal negative
16407 negativerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a negative film originally exposed in a camera and thus of better quality than any subsequent generation or derivative.
16408 negativeskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to motion picture resources.
16409 negativeskos:definitionA generation that is a negative film originally exposed in a camera and thus of better quality than any subsequent generation or derivative.
16410 copyskos:prefLabelservice copy
16411 copyskos:altLabelreference copy
16412 copyrdakit:toolkitLabelservice copy
16413 copyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is intended primarily for use.
16414 copyskos:definitionA generation that is intended primarily for use.
16417 generation that is a hard metal negative copy of a disc master that can be mounted within a press and used to impress the groove pattern in a production run of discs.
16418 term applies to audio resources.
16419 generation that is a hard metal negative copy of a disc master that can be mounted within a press and used to impress the groove pattern in a production run of discs.
16420 duplication masterskos:prefLabeltape duplication master
16421 duplication masterrdakit:toolkitLabeltape duplication master
16422 duplication masterrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a tape copy, usually a first generation copy of the master, used for creating multiple copies of the content.
16423 duplication masterskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to audio resources.
16424 duplication masterskos:definitionA generation that is a tape copy, usually a first generation copy of the master, used for creating multiple copies of the content.
16425 pressingskos:prefLabeltest pressing
16426 pressingrdakit:toolkitLabeltest pressing
16427 pressingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is one of a short run of pressings used to check for any flaws before running a full pressing.
16428 pressingskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to audio resources. Initial pressings sent out to reviewers, DJs, etc., are excluded.
16429 pressingskos:definitionA generation that is one of a short run of pressings used to check for any flaws before running a full pressing.
16430 copyskos:prefLabelviewing copy
16431 copyrdakit:toolkitLabelviewing copy
16432 copyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a copy that may be viewed by researchers.
16433 copyskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to motion picture resources.
16434 copyskos:definitionA generation that is a copy that may be viewed by researchers.
16435 negativeskos:prefLabelduplicate negative
16436 negativeskos:altLabelduplicate
16437 negativeskos:altLabelintermediate negative
16438 negativerdakit:toolkitLabelduplicate negative
16439 negativerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA generation that is a negative film made from a master positive or other positive film or from an original negative, used to make positive prints.
16440 negativeskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to motion picture resources.
16441 negativeskos:altLabelinternegative
16442 negativeskos:definitionA generation that is a negative film made from a master positive or other positive film or from an original negative, used to make positive prints.
16443 Interactivity Mode
16444 for a capacity of content to respond to actions performed by the user.
16445 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16448 interactivity mode that indicates that the content of an expression responds to actions performed by the user.
16449 interactivity mode that indicates that the content of an expression responds to actions performed by the user.
16450 include searching, using commands, and making selections.
16453 interactivity mode that indicates that the content of an expression does not respond to actions performed by the user.
16454 interactivity mode that indicates that the content of an expression does not respond to actions performed by the user.
16455 Linked Data Work
16456 for a category of linked data work.
16457 © 2021 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16459 category of linked data work that is an aggregation of metadata description sets that describe two or more instances of one or more entities.
16461 category of linked data work that is an aggregation of metadata description sets that describe two or more instances of one or more entities.
16462 vocabularyrdakit:toolkitLabelvalue vocabulary
16463 vocabularyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of linked data work that contains concepts that are used as values for properties in a dataset.
16464 vocabularyskos:prefLabelvalue vocabulary
16465 vocabularyskos:definitionA category of linked data work that contains concepts that are used as values for properties in a dataset.
16466 setskos:altLabelmetadata element set
16467 setrdakit:toolkitLabelelement set
16468 setrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of linked data work that defines classes and properties that are used in a dataset.
16469 setskos:prefLabelelement set
16470 setskos:definitionA category of linked data work that defines classes and properties that are used in a dataset.
16471 Material
16472 for a physical or chemical substance that is used to create a manifestation.
16473 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16475 acetate
16477 material that is composed of the acetate ester of cellulose.
16478 material that is composed of the acetate ester of cellulose.
16479 paintskos:prefLabelacrylic paint
16480 paintrdakit:toolkitLabelacrylic paint
16481 paintrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of pigment or dye bound in an emulsion of acrylic resin.
16482 paintskos:definitionA material that consists of pigment or dye bound in an emulsion of acrylic resin.
16486 material that is a non-magnetic metal, usually alloyed, that is ductile and malleable with a lustre that ranges from grey to silver.
16487 material that is a non-magnetic metal, usually alloyed, that is ductile and malleable with a lustre that ranges from grey to silver.
16488 boardskos:prefLabelBristol board
16489 boardrdakit:toolkitLabelBristol board
16490 boardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of a high-grade white cardboard, most commonly made by pasting together sheets of heavy ledger paper.
16491 boardskos:definitionA material that consists of a high-grade white cardboard, most commonly made by pasting together sheets of heavy ledger paper.
16494 material that consists of a closely woven textile made in various weights, usually of flax, hemp, jute, or cotton, used as a support for painting or printing; or a loosely woven, lattice-like mesh, usually of flax, hemp, jute, or cotton, used as a needlepoint foundation.
16495 material that consists of a closely woven textile made in various weights, usually of flax, hemp, jute, or cotton, used as a support for painting or printing; or a loosely woven, lattice-like mesh, usually of flax, hemp, jute, or cotton, used as a needlepoint foundation.
16498 material that consists of a type of stiff sheet typically made of good-quality chemical pulp or rag pulp, varying greatly in type and strength, and that is thicker than 0.1524 mm.
16499 material that consists of a type of stiff sheet typically made of good-quality chemical pulp or rag pulp, varying greatly in type and strength, and that is thicker than 0.1524 mm.
16502 material that consists of a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, fired at a high temperature to form a hard, brittle, heat- and corrosion-resistant material.
16503 material that consists of a nonmetallic mineral, such as clay, fired at a high temperature to form a hard, brittle, heat- and corrosion-resistant material.
16506 material that consists of fine-grained limestone, or a soft, earthy form of calcium carbonate.
16507 material that consists of fine-grained limestone, or a soft, earthy form of calcium carbonate.
16510 material that consists of the dark grey residue made of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and plant substances.
16511 material that consists of the dark grey residue made of carbon, and any remaining ash, obtained by removing water and other volatile constituents from animal and plant substances.
16513 diacetate
16515 material that is made by treating cellulose with acetic acid.
16516 material that is made by treating cellulose with acetic acid.
16519 material that consists of a coloured substance dissolved or suspended in a liquid that can be absorbed by the base material.
16520 material that consists of a coloured substance dissolved or suspended in a liquid that can be absorbed by the base material.
16523 material that consists of silicon dioxide, also known as silica, fused with one or more basic oxides; generally transparent but often translucent or opaque.
16524 material that consists of silicon dioxide, also known as silica, fused with one or more basic oxides; generally transparent but often translucent or opaque.
16527 material that consists of pigment and a binding substance, and sometimes added inert materials, to form an opaque, coloured, water-soluble paint.
16528 paints are included. The term originally referred to the technique of oil paint applied on top of tempera.
16529 material that consists of pigment and a binding substance, and sometimes added inert materials, to form an opaque, coloured, water-soluble paint.
16532 material that consists of a naturally occurring allotrope of carbon that is opaque, soft, greasy to the touch, and iron black to steel gray in colour.
16533 material is used in the form of powder, sticks, or in pencils.
16534 material that consists of a naturally occurring allotrope of carbon that is opaque, soft, greasy to the touch, and iron black to steel gray in colour.
16538 material that consists of any firm, dense, rigid board, often manufactured from fiber consolidated in a hot press.
16539 material that consists of any firm, dense, rigid board, often manufactured from fiber consolidated in a hot press.
16540 boardskos:prefLabelillustration board
16541 boardrdakit:toolkitLabelillustration board
16542 boardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of laminated paper board that has paper layers glued to its surface.
16543 boardskos:definitionA material that consists of laminated paper board that has paper layers glued to its surface.
16546 material that consists of pigment or dye contained in a liquid or paste.
16547 material that consists of pigment or dye contained in a liquid or paste.
16550 material that consists of the dentine forming the bulk of the teeth and tusks of animals such as elephants, walruses, and narwhals.
16551 material that consists of the dentine forming the bulk of the teeth and tusks of animals such as elephants, walruses, and narwhals.
16554 material that consists of polymers or acrylic compounds dissolved in volatile organic compounds or other solvents, that when dry is hard and durable.
16555 material is generally used as a finish that may be clear or coloured.
16556 material that consists of polymers or acrylic compounds dissolved in volatile organic compounds or other solvents, that when dry is hard and durable.
16559 material that consists of the skin or hide of an animal that has been tanned to render it resistant to putrefaction and relatively soft and flexible when dry.
16560 material that consists of the skin or hide of an animal that has been tanned to render it resistant to putrefaction and relatively soft and flexible when dry.
16561 particlesskos:prefLabelmagnetic particles
16562 particlesrdakit:toolkitLabelmagnetic particles
16563 particlesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that is a natural or synthetic inorganic compound that consists of particles that are highly magnetic and are commonly used to store binary or analog information.
16564 particlesskos:definitionA material that is a natural or synthetic inorganic compound that consists of particles that are highly magnetic and are commonly used to store binary or analog information.
16567 material that consists of a substance typified by being a good conductor of electricity and heat, opaque with a characteristic lustre, fusible, and usually malleable or ductile.
16568 material that consists of a substance typified by being a good conductor of electricity and heat, opaque with a characteristic lustre, fusible, and usually malleable or ductile.
16572 material that is made of cellulose nitrate plasticized with camphor.
16573 material that is made of cellulose nitrate plasticized with camphor.
16574 paintskos:prefLabeloil paint
16575 paintrdakit:toolkitLabeloil paint
16576 paintrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of pigment suspended in a drying oil.
16577 paintskos:definitionA material that consists of pigment suspended in a drying oil.
16580 material that consists of thin material made from felted sheets or webs of animal, plant, mineral, or synthetic fibres formed and dried from a suspension in water.
16581 material that consists of thin material made from felted sheets or webs of animal, plant, mineral, or synthetic fibres formed and dried from a suspension in water.
16584 material that consists of calf, sheep, or goat skin which has been prepared to produce a thin, strong, translucent or opaque substance for writing, bookbinding, or other uses.
16585 material that consists of calf, sheep, or goat skin which has been prepared to produce a thin, strong, translucent or opaque substance for writing, bookbinding, or other uses.
16588 material that consists of pigment mixed with a binder, usually in the form of a stick.
16589 material that consists of pigment mixed with a binder, usually in the form of a stick.
16592 material that consists of a powder prepared from calcium sulphate dihydrate, also known as gypsum, or calcium carbonate and mixed with water and sometimes a filler to form a paste that liberates heat and then hardens.
16593 material that consists of a powder prepared from calcium sulphate dihydrate, also known as gypsum, or calcium carbonate and mixed with water and sometimes a filler to form a paste that liberates heat and then hardens.
16596 material that consists of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic polymers of high molecular weight that are moldable.
16597 material that consists of synthetic or semi-synthetic organic polymers of high molecular weight that are moldable.
16600 material that is a category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in their main chain.
16601 material that is a category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in their main chain.
16604 material that consists of a refractory white clay, known as kaolin, and a feldspathic rock that is heated to form a ceramic material.
16605 material that consists of a refractory white clay, known as kaolin, and a feldspathic rock that is heated to form a ceramic material.
16608 material that consists of natural or synthetic polymers that have a high degree of resilience and elasticity.
16609 material that consists of natural or synthetic polymers that have a high degree of resilience and elasticity.
16610 baseskos:prefLabelsafety base
16611 baserdakit:toolkitLabelsafety base
16612 baserdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of nonflammable cellulose acetate or polyester.
16613 baseskos:definitionA material that consists of nonflammable cellulose acetate or polyester.
16616 material that consists of lac, a resinous substance excreted by the female lac insect, that can be dissolved in ethyl alcohol to form a liquid that can be applied with a brush.
16617 material that consists of lac, a resinous substance excreted by the female lac insect, that can be dissolved in ethyl alcohol to form a liquid that can be applied with a brush.
16620 material that consists of the integument of animals, such as sheep, goats, or calves, separated from the body and variously processed to remove hair, dry, tan, or otherwise dress.
16621 material that consists of the integument of animals, such as sheep, goats, or calves, separated from the body and variously processed to remove hair, dry, tan, or otherwise dress.
16624 material that consists of rock in its naturally occurring shape or that has been cut, shaped, crushed, or otherwise formed.
16625 material that consists of rock in its naturally occurring shape or that has been cut, shaped, crushed, or otherwise formed.
16628 material that is created by processing man-made materials, usually as a substitute for a natural material.
16629 material that is created by processing man-made materials, usually as a substitute for a natural material.
16632 material that consists of pigment mixed with a water-soluble binder medium, usually a glutinous material such as egg yolk or some other size, to form a permanent fast-drying painting medium.
16633 material that consists of pigment mixed with a water-soluble binder medium, usually a glutinous material such as egg yolk or some other size, to form a permanent fast-drying painting medium.
16636 material that is produced by weaving, felting, knotting, twining, or otherwise processing natural or synthetic fibers so that they cohere.
16637 fibreboard, paper, papier-mâché, and papyrus.
16638 material that is produced by weaving, felting, knotting, twining, or otherwise processing natural or synthetic fibers so that they cohere.
16640 triacetate
16642 material that is manufactured from cellulose and a source of acetate esters, typically acetic anhydride.
16643 material that is manufactured from cellulose and a source of acetate esters, typically acetic anhydride.
16646 material that consists of fine-quality calf or lamb parchment.
16647 material that consists of fine-quality calf or lamb parchment.
16650 material that consists of a polymer or copolymer derived from a vinyl group, typically vinyl chloride.
16651 material that consists of a polymer or copolymer derived from a vinyl group, typically vinyl chloride.
16655 material that consists of pigment suspended in water to form a transparent painting medium.
16656 material that consists of pigment suspended in water to form a transparent painting medium.
16659 material that consists of a chemical compound from an animal, plant, mineral, or synthetic source that is malleable near ambient temperatures, slightly greasy to the touch, with a low melting point, and usually translucent, water-repellant, and soluble in organic solvents.
16660 material that consists of a chemical compound from an animal, plant, mineral, or synthetic source that is malleable near ambient temperatures, slightly greasy to the touch, with a low melting point, and usually translucent, water-repellant, and soluble in organic solvents.
16663 material that consists of the principal tissue of trees and similar plants.
16664 material that consists of the principal tissue of trees and similar plants.
16665 emulsionskos:prefLabeldiazo emulsion
16666 emulsionrdakit:toolkitLabeldiazo emulsion
16667 emulsionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of an emulsion of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester or acetate base that react with dye couplers when processed to produce azo dye images.
16668 emulsionskos:scopeNoteThe material is usually applied to the base material of a microfilm or microfiche.
16669 emulsionskos:definitionA material that consists of an emulsion of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester or acetate base that react with dye couplers when processed to produce azo dye images.
16670 halide emulsionskos:prefLabelsilver halide emulsion
16671 halide emulsionrdakit:toolkitLabelsilver halide emulsion
16672 halide emulsionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of an emulsion of a light-sensitive compound of silver and chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine suspended in a colloidal medium, usually gelatin.
16673 halide emulsionskos:scopeNoteThe material is usually applied to the base material of a microfilm or microfiche.
16674 halide emulsionskos:definitionA material that consists of an emulsion of a light-sensitive compound of silver and chlorine, bromine, iodine or fluorine suspended in a colloidal medium, usually gelatin.
16675 emulsionskos:prefLabelvesicular emulsion
16676 emulsionrdakit:toolkitLabelvesicular emulsion
16677 emulsionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA material that consists of an emulsion of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester thermoplastic base that decompose on exposure to produce nitrogen bubbles, known as vesicles, that form a latent image, commonly blue or beige, which becomes visible and fixed when heated and allowed to cool.
16678 emulsionskos:scopeNoteThe material is usually applied to the base material of a microfilm or microfiche.
16679 emulsionskos:definitionA material that consists of an emulsion of one or more light-sensitive layers of diazonium salts in a polyester thermoplastic base that decompose on exposure to produce nitrogen bubbles, known as vesicles, that form a latent image, commonly blue or beige, which becomes visible and fixed when heated and allowed to cool.
16680 Media Type
16681 for a categorization that reflects the general type of intermediation device required to view, play, run, or otherwise access the content of a manifestation.
16682 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16684 used to store digitally encoded as well as analog sound are included.
16686 media type used to store recorded sound, designed for use with a playback device such as a turntable, audiocassette player, CD player, or MP3 player.
16687 media type used to store recorded sound, designed for use with a playback device such as a turntable, audiocassette player, CD player, or MP3 player.
16689 transparent and opaque micrographic media are included.
16691 media type used to store reduced-size images not readable to the human eye, designed for use with a device such as a microfilm or microfiche reader.
16692 media type used to store reduced-size images not readable to the human eye, designed for use with a device such as a microfilm or microfiche reader.
16694 that are accessed remotely through file servers as well as direct-access media such as computer tapes and discs are included.
16696 media type used to store electronic files, designed for use with a computer.
16697 media type used to store electronic files, designed for use with a computer.
16700 media type used to store minute objects, designed for use with a device such as a microscope to reveal details invisible to the naked eye.
16701 media type used to store minute objects, designed for use with a device such as a microscope to reveal details invisible to the naked eye.
16703 designed to project both two-dimensional and three-dimensional images are included.
16705 media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a projection device such as a motion picture film projector, slide projector, or overhead projector.
16706 media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a projection device such as a motion picture film projector, slide projector, or overhead projector.
16709 media type used to store pairs of still images, designed for use with a device such as a stereoscope or stereograph viewer to give the effect of three dimensions.
16710 media type used to store pairs of still images, designed for use with a device such as a stereoscope or stereograph viewer to give the effect of three dimensions.
16712 containing visual or tactile content produced using processes such as printing, engraving, lithography, etc., embossing, texturing, etc., or by means of handwriting, drawing, painting, etc., are included. Media used to convey three-dimensional forms such as sculptures, models, etc., are also included.
16714 media type used to store content designed to be perceived directly through one or more of the human senses without the aid of an intermediating device.
16715 media type used to store content designed to be perceived directly through one or more of the human senses without the aid of an intermediating device.
16717 used to store digitally encoded as well as analog images are included.
16719 media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a playback device such as a videocassette player or DVD player.
16720 media type used to store moving or still images, designed for use with a playback device such as a videocassette player or DVD player.
16721 Polarity
16722 for a relationship of the colours and tones in an image of an object to the colours and tones of the object that is reproduced.
16723 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16726 polarity in which colours and tones used for images are the same as those seen with the human eye.
16727 polarity in which colours and tones used for images are the same as those seen with the human eye.
16730 polarity in which colours and tones used for images are opposite those seen with the human eye.
16731 polarity in which colours and tones used for images are opposite those seen with the human eye.
16732 polarityskos:prefLabelmixed polarity
16733 polarityrdakit:toolkitLabelmixed polarity
16734 polarityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA polarity in which colours and tones used for images are a mixture of those seen with the human eye and those opposite what the human eye would see.
16735 polarityskos:definitionA polarity in which colours and tones used for images are a mixture of those seen with the human eye and those opposite what the human eye would see.
16736 Recording Methods
16737 for a method used to record a value of an RDA element.
16738 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16739 descriptionskos:prefLabelunstructured description
16740 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelunstructured description
16741 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA recording method that is a human-readable string that is an uncontrolled full or partial description of an entity or an uncontrolled term describing an aspect of an entity.
16742 descriptionskos:scopeNoteIncludes a note, a transcription, a name or title as it appears in a source of information, and an uncontrolled term.
16743 descriptionskos:definitionA recording method that is a human-readable string that is an uncontrolled full or partial description of an entity or an uncontrolled term describing an aspect of an entity.
16744 descriptionskos:prefLabelstructured description
16745 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelstructured description
16746 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA recording method that is a human-readable string that is a full or partial description of an entity that is based on a string encoding scheme, or is a controlled term that describes an aspect of an entity.
16747 descriptionskos:scopeNoteIncludes an access point or a controlled term taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
16748 descriptionskos:definitionA recording method that is a human-readable string that is a full or partial description of an entity that is based on a string encoding scheme, or is a controlled term that describes an aspect of an entity.
16751 recording method that is a machine-readable string that is assigned to an entity in order to differentiate the entity from other entities within a local domain, or a notation for a term from a controlled vocabulary that is assigned to an aspect of the entity.
16752 an identifier or notation taken from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
16753 recording method that is a machine-readable string that is assigned to an entity in order to differentiate the entity from other entities within a local domain, or a notation for a term from a controlled vocabulary that is assigned to an aspect of the entity.
16756 recording method that is a machine-readable string that is assigned to an entity in order to differentiate the entity from other entities, or to an aspect of an entity, within the global domain of the semantic web and open linked data.
16757 Resource Identifier
16758 recording method that is a machine-readable string that is assigned to an entity in order to differentiate the entity from other entities, or to an aspect of an entity, within the global domain of the semantic web and open linked data.
16759 Recording Source
16760 for a source of information for a metadata work that is an unstructured description transcribed from a manifestation that is being described.
16761 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16764 source of information in a manifestation that is a housing that is physically separable from the manifestation.
16765 source of information in a manifestation that is a housing that is physically separable from the manifestation.
16766 frameskos:prefLabeltitle frame
16767 framerdakit:toolkitLabeltitle frame
16768 framerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a frame of a film that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16769 frameskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a frame of a film that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16770 pageskos:prefLabeltitle page
16771 pagerdakit:toolkitLabeltitle page
16772 pagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a page of a volume that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16773 pageskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a page of a volume that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16774 screenskos:prefLabeltitle screen
16775 screenrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle screen
16776 screenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a screen of a digital manifestation that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16777 screenskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a screen of a digital manifestation that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16778 sheetskos:prefLabeltitle sheet
16779 sheetrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle sheet
16780 sheetrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a sheet in a set of sheets that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16781 sheetskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a sheet in a set of sheets that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16782 cardskos:prefLabeltitle card
16783 cardrdakit:toolkitLabeltitle card
16784 cardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a card in a set of cards that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16785 cardskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a card in a set of cards that contains information about title proper, statement of responsibility, publication, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16786 labelskos:prefLabelcarrier label
16787 labelrdakit:toolkitLabelcarrier label
16788 labelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a human-readable label that is permanently affixed to the manifestation.
16789 labelskos:altLabellabel, carrier
16790 labelskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is a human-readable label that is permanently affixed to the manifestation.
16793 source of information in a manifestation that is a protective binding of a volume.
16794 source of information in a manifestation that is a protective binding of a volume.
16796 jacket
16798 source of information in a manifestation that is a detachable, protective wrapping of a volume.
16799 source of information in a manifestation that is a detachable, protective wrapping of a volume.
16802 source of information in a manifestation that appears on a first page, editorial page, or list of contents page in the manifestation of each issue of a serial work.
16803 masthead usually contains statements about a title proper, statement of responsibility, publication information, or other common aspects of the embodiment of each issue.
16804 source of information in a manifestation that appears on a first page, editorial page, or list of contents page in the manifestation of each issue of a serial work.
16807 source of information in a manifestation that is a textual augmentation of a still image that contains information about title, brief description, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16808 source of information in a manifestation that is a textual augmentation of a still image that contains information about title, brief description, or other aspect of the manifestation.
16809 metadataskos:prefLabelembedded metadata
16810 metadatardakit:toolkitLabelembedded metadata
16811 metadatardakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is metadata embedded in an online manifestation.
16812 metadataskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is metadata embedded in an online manifestation.
16813 title pageskos:prefLabelseries title page
16814 title pagerdakit:toolkitLabelseries title page
16815 title pagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of information in a manifestation that is an additional title page bearing a title proper of series and other information about a successive work, and information relating to an issue of the work that is embodied by the manifestation.
16816 title pageskos:definitionA source of information in a manifestation that is an additional title page bearing a title proper of series and other information about a successive work, and information relating to an issue of the work that is embodied by the manifestation.
16817 Reduction Ratio Designation
16818 for a numerical ratio of the size of a micro-image in relation to the original from which it was produced.
16819 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16820 reductionskos:prefLabellow reduction
16821 reductionrdakit:toolkitLabellow reduction
16822 reductionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA reduction ratio designation for less than 16× for a microform resource.
16823 reductionskos:definitionA reduction ratio designation for less than 16× for a microform resource.
16824 reductionskos:prefLabelnormal reduction
16825 reductionrdakit:toolkitLabelnormal reduction
16826 reductionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA reduction ratio designation for between 16× and 30× for a microform resource.
16827 reductionskos:definitionA reduction ratio designation for between 16× and 30× for a microform resource.
16828 reductionskos:prefLabelhigh reduction
16829 reductionrdakit:toolkitLabelhigh reduction
16830 reductionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA reduction ratio designation for between 31× and 60× for a microform resource.
16831 reductionskos:definitionA reduction ratio designation for between 31× and 60× for a microform resource.
16832 high reductionskos:prefLabelvery high reduction
16833 high reductionrdakit:toolkitLabelvery high reduction
16834 high reductionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA reduction ratio designation for between 61× and 90× for a microform resource.
16835 high reductionskos:definitionA reduction ratio designation for between 61× and 90× for a microform resource.
16836 high reductionskos:prefLabelultra high reduction
16837 high reductionrdakit:toolkitLabelultra high reduction
16838 high reductionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA reduction ratio designation for over 90× for a microform resource.
16839 high reductionskos:definitionA reduction ratio designation for over 90× for a microform resource.
16840 Regional Encoding
16841 for a designation for one or more regions of the world for which a videodisc or video game carrier has been encoded, indicating that playback is restricted to a device configured to decode it.
16842 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16843 regionsskos:prefLabelall regions
16844 regionsskos:altLabelRegion 0
16845 regionsrdakit:toolkitLabelall regions
16846 regionsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a videodisc or video game carrier that indicates that playback is permitted on devices worldwide.
16847 regionsskos:altLabelno regional encoding
16848 regionsskos:altLabelRegion 9
16849 regionsskos:altLabelRegion ABC
16850 regionsskos:altLabelregion free
16851 regionsskos:definitionA regional encoding for a videodisc or video game carrier that indicates that playback is permitted on devices worldwide.
16852 1skos:prefLabelRegion 1
16853 1rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 1
16854 1rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and U.S. territories.
16855 1skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in the United States, Canada, Bermuda, and U.S. territories.
16856 Askos:prefLabelRegion A
16857 Ardakit:toolkitLabelRegion A
16858 Ardakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.
16859 Askos:definitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in North America, Central America, South America, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Southeast Asia.
16860 2skos:prefLabelRegion 2
16861 2rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 2
16862 2rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt.
16863 2skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Japan, Europe, South Africa, and the Middle East, including Egypt.
16864 Bskos:prefLabelRegion B
16865 Brdakit:toolkitLabelRegion B
16866 Brdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
16867 Bskos:definitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Europe, Greenland, French territories, Middle East, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.
16868 8skos:prefLabelRegion 8
16869 8rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 8
16870 8rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in international venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc.
16871 8skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in international venues such as aircraft, cruise ships, spacecraft, etc.
16872 7skos:prefLabelRegion 7
16873 7rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 7
16874 7rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it for special uses, such as playing protected copies sent to film industry professionals or to the media.
16875 7skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it for special uses, such as playing protected copies sent to film industry professionals or to the media.
16876 3skos:prefLabelRegion 3
16877 3rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 3
16878 3rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Southeast Asia and East Asia, including Hong Kong.
16879 3skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Southeast Asia and East Asia, including Hong Kong.
16880 C (video game)skos:prefLabelRegion C (video game)
16881 C (video game)rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion C (video game)
16882 C (video game)rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in China.
16883 C (video game)skos:definitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in China.
16884 4skos:prefLabelRegion 4
16885 4rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 4
16886 4rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
16887 4skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Australia, New Zealand, Pacific Islands, Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.
16888 5skos:prefLabelRegion 5
16889 5rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 5
16890 5rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Russia, Central and South Asia, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia.
16891 5skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Eastern Europe, Baltic States, Russia, Central and South Asia, Indian subcontinent, Africa, North Korea, and Mongolia.
16892 C (Blu-ray)skos:prefLabelRegion C (Blu-ray)
16893 C (Blu-ray)rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion C (Blu-ray)
16894 C (Blu-ray)rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in India, Nepal, mainland China, Russia, Central Asia, and South Asia.
16895 C (Blu-ray)skos:definitionA regional encoding for a Blu-ray videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in India, Nepal, mainland China, Russia, Central Asia, and South Asia.
16896 Jskos:prefLabelRegion J
16897 Jrdakit:toolkitLabelRegion J
16898 Jrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Southeast Asia.
16899 Jskos:definitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Macau, and Southeast Asia.
16900 U/Cskos:prefLabelRegion U/C
16901 U/Crdakit:toolkitLabelRegion U/C
16902 U/Crdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America.
16903 U/Cskos:definitionA regional encoding for a video game carrier encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and South America.
16904 6skos:prefLabelRegion 6
16905 6rdakit:toolkitLabelRegion 6
16906 6rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in China.
16907 6skos:definitionA regional encoding for a DVD videodisc encoded for playback by devices configured to decode it in China.
16908 User Tasks
16909 for a category of activity carried out by a person using a service for resource discovery.
16910 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16913 user task that is to bring together information about one or more RDA entities of interest by searching on any relevant criteria.
16914 user task that is to bring together information about one or more RDA entities of interest by searching on any relevant criteria.
16917 user task that is to clearly understand the nature of RDA entities found by searching and to distinguish between similar entities.
16918 user task that is to clearly understand the nature of RDA entities found by searching and to distinguish between similar entities.
16921 user task that is to determine the suitability of RDA entities found by searching, and to be enabled to either accept or reject specific entities.
16922 user task that is to determine the suitability of RDA entities found by searching, and to be enabled to either accept or reject specific entities.
16925 user task that is to access the content of an RDA manifestation.
16926 user task that is to access the content of an RDA manifestation.
16929 user task that is to discover RDA entities using the relationships between them and thus place the entities in a context.
16930 user task that is to discover RDA entities using the relationships between them and thus place the entities in a context.
16931 Terms
16932 for terms used in RDA guidance and instructions in RDA Toolkit.
16933 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
16934 pointskos:prefLabelaccess point
16935 pointrdakit:toolkitLabelaccess point
16936 pointrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn appellation of an entity in natural language that is selected from a vocabulary encoding scheme or constructed using a string encoding scheme by an agent who creates metadata.
16937 pointskos:definitionAn appellation of an entity in natural language that is selected from a vocabulary encoding scheme or constructed using a string encoding scheme by an agent who creates metadata.
16938 labelsskos:prefLabelaccessible labels
16939 labelsrdakit:toolkitLabelaccessible labels
16940 labelsrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn accessible tactile language text that is attached to a tactile image, map, or diagram.
16941 labelsskos:definitionAn accessible tactile language text that is attached to a tactile image, map, or diagram.
16944 new derivative work created by revision of a previously existing work that substantially changes the nature and content of that work.
16945 the case of a musical work, a derivative work described as freely transcribed, based on, etc.; a revision incorporating new material; a paraphrase of various works by, or in the general style of, another composer; revisions in which the harmony or musical style of the original has been changed; performances involving substantial creative responsibility for adaptation, improvisation, etc., on the part of the performer or performers; or any other distinct alteration of another musical work, are included.
16946 new derivative work created by revision of a previously existing work that substantially changes the nature and content of that work.
16947 titleskos:prefLabelalternative title
16948 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelalternative title
16949 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA second or subsequent independent title of manifestation that is joined to a preceding title by a conjunction such as "or" or its equivalent in another language.
16950 titleskos:definitionA second or subsequent independent title of manifestation that is joined to a preceding title by a conjunction such as "or" or its equivalent in another language.
16951 resourceskos:prefLabelarchival resource
16952 resourcerdakit:toolkitLabelarchival resource
16953 resourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA document or documents organically created, accumulated, or used by an agent in the course of the conduct of affairs and preserved because of their continuing value.
16954 resourceskos:scopeNoteThe resource may be an aggregation of documents or it may be a discrete item. It may also be a collection acquired and assembled by an archival repository, individual, or other institution that does not share a common provenance or origin but that reflects some common characteristic, for example, a particular subject, theme, or form.
16955 resourceskos:definitionA document or documents organically created, accumulated, or used by an agent in the course of the conduct of affairs and preserved because of their continuing value.
16958 expression of a musical work resulting either from a change in the medium of performance, or from a simplification or other modification of the work with or without a change in medium of performance.
16959 expression of a musical work resulting either from a change in the medium of performance, or from a simplification or other modification of the work with or without a change in medium of performance.
16960 descriptionskos:prefLabelaudio description
16961 descriptionskos:altLabelaudio captioning
16962 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio description
16963 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA narrative text, read out loud by a human being or by voice synthesis, that succinctly explains visual details not apparent from the audio element of the expression.
16964 descriptionskos:definitionA narrative text, read out loud by a human being or by voice synthesis, that succinctly explains visual details not apparent from the audio element of the expression.
16965 recordingskos:prefLabelaudio recording
16966 recordingrdakit:toolkitLabelaudio recording
16967 recordingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA recording on which sound vibrations have been registered by mechanical or electrical means so that the sound may be reproduced.
16968 recordingskos:definitionA recording on which sound vibrations have been registered by mechanical or electrical means so that the sound may be reproduced.
16971 length of magnetic tape on which are recorded electrical signals that can be converted to sound using audio playback equipment.
16972 length of magnetic tape on which are recorded electrical signals that can be converted to sound using audio playback equipment.
16973 access pointskos:prefLabelauthorized access point
16974 access pointrdakit:toolkitLabelauthorized access point
16975 access pointrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn access point that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
16976 access pointskos:definitionAn access point that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
16979 outer cover affixed to a gathering of one or more sheets.
16980 outer cover affixed to a gathering of one or more sheets.
16981 titleskos:prefLabelcaption title
16982 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelcaption title
16983 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title given at the beginning of the first page of the text or, for notated music, at the top of the first page.
16984 titleskos:definitionA title given at the beginning of the first page of the text or, for notated music, at the top of the first page.
16987 text representing speech and other audible information that is displayed on screen in the written language of the audio element of the expression.
16988 is usually found as closed captions that are encoded and must be decoded, that is, switched on, to be made visible. There are also open captions which are always visible and cannot be turned off. Excludes subtitles in a language different from the spoken content.
16989 text representing speech and other audible information that is displayed on screen in the written language of the audio element of the expression.
16992 physical medium in which data, sound, images, and other kinds of content are stored.
16993 certain types of manifestation units, the carrier may consist of a storage medium that is encased in a plastic, metal, or other housing that is integral to the unit.
16994 physical medium in which data, sound, images, and other kinds of content are stored.
16995 contentskos:prefLabelcartographic content
16996 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic content
16997 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA content that represents the whole or part of the earth, any celestial body, or imaginary place at any scale.
16998 contentskos:definitionA content that represents the whole or part of the earth, any celestial body, or imaginary place at any scale.
16999 title of a legal workskos:prefLabelcitation title of a legal work
17000 title of a legal workrdakit:toolkitLabelcitation title of a legal work
17001 title of a legal workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title of a legal work used for the citation of the work either in the text of the work or in legal literature.
17002 title of a legal workskos:definitionA title of a legal work used for the citation of the work either in the text of the work or in legal literature.
17005 group of resources assembled by an agent from a variety of sources.
17006 group of resources assembled by an agent from a variety of sources.
17007 titleskos:prefLabelcollective title
17008 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelcollective title
17009 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title of manifestation of an aggregate.
17010 titleskos:scopeNoteA collective title is usually different from the titles of the expressions and works that are embodied by an aggregate.
17011 titleskos:definitionA title of manifestation of an aggregate.
17012 surnameskos:prefLabelcompound surname
17013 surnamerdakit:toolkitLabelcompound surname
17014 surnamerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA surname that consists of two or more proper names, sometimes connected by a hyphen, a conjunction, or a preposition.
17015 surnameskos:definitionA surname that consists of two or more proper names, sometimes connected by a hyphen, a conjunction, or a preposition.
17018 formally named and convened meeting of persons who represent themselves or collective agents for the purpose of discussing or acting on topics of common interest or a meeting of a legislative or governing body.
17019 formally named and convened meeting of persons who represent themselves or collective agents for the purpose of discussing or acting on topics of common interest or a meeting of a legislative or governing body.
17022 housing that is physically separable from the carrier being housed.
17023 container includes a box for a disc or videocassette, a sleeve for a videodisc, etc.; an insert visible through the housing is part of the container.
17024 housing that is physically separable from the carrier being housed.
17025 collective titleskos:prefLabelconventional collective title
17026 collective titlerdakit:toolkitLabelconventional collective title
17027 collective titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA collective title that is assigned as a preferred title of work for a compilation containing two or more works by one agent, or two or more parts of a work.
17028 collective titleskos:definitionA collective title that is assigned as a preferred title of work for a compilation containing two or more works by one agent, or two or more parts of a work.
17029 nameskos:prefLabelconventional name
17030 namerdakit:toolkitLabelconventional name
17031 namerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA name, other than the real or official name, by which a corporate body has come to be known.
17032 nameskos:definitionA name, other than the real or official name, by which a corporate body has come to be known.
17033 of a treatyskos:prefLabeldate of a treaty
17034 of a treatyrdakit:toolkitLabeldate of a treaty
17035 of a treatyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionThe earliest date a treaty or a protocol to a treaty is adopted by an international intergovernmental body or an international conference, is opened for signing, formally signed, ratified, proclaimed, etc.
17036 of a treatyskos:definitionThe earliest date a treaty or a protocol to a treaty is adopted by an international intergovernmental body or an international conference, is opened for signing, formally signed, ratified, proclaimed, etc.
17037 of promulgation of a law, etc.skos:prefLabeldate of promulgation of a law, etc.
17038 of promulgation of a law, etc.rdakit:toolkitLabeldate of promulgation of a law, etc.
17039 of promulgation of a law, etc.rdakit:toolkitDefinitionA year a law, etc., is promulgated or brought into force.
17040 of promulgation of a law, etc.skos:definitionA year a law, etc., is promulgated or brought into force.
17043 word or phrase that describes an aspect of an RDA entity.
17044 word or phrase that describes an aspect of an RDA entity.
17047 set of data that records and identifies one or more RDA entities.
17048 set of data that records and identifies one or more RDA entities.
17049 titleskos:prefLabeldevised title
17050 titlerdakit:toolkitLabeldevised title
17051 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title proper created by an agent who creates the metadata for a manifestation that bears no title itself and has no title associated with it that can be found in accompanying material, a published description of the manifestation, a reference source, etc.
17052 titleskos:definitionA title proper created by an agent who creates the metadata for a manifestation that bears no title itself and has no title associated with it that can be found in accompanying material, a published description of the manifestation, a reference source, etc.
17053 titleskos:prefLabeldistinctive title
17054 titlerdakit:toolkitLabeldistinctive title
17055 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title of a musical work that is not just a form or musical genre, a tempo indication, a number of performers, or a type of liturgical text.
17056 titleskos:definitionA title of a musical work that is not just a form or musical genre, a tempo indication, a number of performers, or a type of liturgical text.
17057 leafskos:prefLabeldouble leaf
17058 leafrdakit:toolkitLabeldouble leaf
17059 leafrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA leaf of double size relative to the rest of a manifestation or item, folded in half at the fore-edge or top edge, with the fold uncut and no printing inside the fold, and typically bound at the inner margin.
17060 leafskos:definitionA leaf of double size relative to the rest of a manifestation or item, folded in half at the fore-edge or top edge, with the fold uncut and no printing inside the fold, and typically bound at the inner margin.
17061 printed resourceskos:prefLabelearly printed resource
17062 printed resourcerdakit:toolkitLabelearly printed resource
17063 printed resourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation manufactured using a hand-press method, before the advent of machine printing in the nineteenth century.
17064 printed resourceskos:definitionA manifestation manufactured using a hand-press method, before the advent of machine printing in the nineteenth century.
17067 specific aspect, characteristic, attribute, or relationship used to describe an RDA entity.
17068 specific aspect, characteristic, attribute, or relationship used to describe an RDA entity.
17069 referenceskos:prefLabelexplanatory reference
17070 referencerdakit:toolkitLabelexplanatory reference
17071 referencerdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn elaborated see reference or see also reference that explains the circumstances under which the authorized access points involved should be consulted.
17072 referenceskos:definitionAn elaborated see reference or see also reference that explains the circumstances under which the authorized access points involved should be consulted.
17073 aidskos:prefLabelfinding aid
17074 aidrdakit:toolkitLabelfinding aid
17075 aidrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA descriptive tool providing access to a resource.
17076 aidskos:definitionA descriptive tool providing access to a resource.
17077 presentedskos:prefLabelformally presented
17078 presentedrdakit:toolkitLabelformally presented
17079 presentedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA value of an element that appears in isolation and in a prominent location.
17080 presentedskos:scopeNoteExcludes a value that is embedded in other content.
17081 presentedskos:definitionA value of an element that appears in isolation and in a prominent location.
17084 or more pairs of leaves that form a distinctive unit for binding purposes.
17085 gathering may consist of a folded sheet, a fraction of a folded sheet, or several folded sheets tucked inside one another.
17086 or more pairs of leaves that form a distinctive unit for binding purposes.
17089 totality of executive, legislative, and judicial corporate bodies exercising power over a jurisdiction.
17090 totality of executive, legislative, and judicial corporate bodies exercising power over a jurisdiction.
17093 arrangement of passages of the Bible on the same topic in parallel columns so that similarities and differences may be compared readily, or an interweaving of such passages into a continuous text.
17094 arrangement of passages of the Bible on the same topic in parallel columns so that similarities and differences may be compared readily, or an interweaving of such passages into a continuous text.
17095 descriptionskos:prefLabelimage description
17096 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelimage description
17097 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA descriptive audio or tactile language text that is attached to, or supplied with, a tactile image, map, or diagram.
17098 descriptionskos:definitionA descriptive audio or tactile language text that is attached to, or supplied with, a tactile image, map, or diagram.
17099 intergovernmental bodyskos:prefLabelinternational intergovernmental body
17100 intergovernmental bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelinternational intergovernmental body
17101 intergovernmental bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn international body created by intergovernmental action.
17102 intergovernmental bodyskos:definitionAn international body created by intergovernmental action.
17105 instance of an integrating work or the expression that realizes it or the manifestation that embodies it.
17106 instance may be the initial state or the state after an update.
17107 instance of an integrating work or the expression that realizes it or the manifestation that embodies it.
17108 unitskos:prefLabellogical unit
17109 unitrdakit:toolkitLabellogical unit
17110 unitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA part of an intangible manifestation.
17111 unitskos:scopeNoteA digital file is included.
17112 unitskos:definitionA part of an intangible manifestation.
17113 seriesskos:prefLabelmap series
17114 seriesrdakit:toolkitLabelmap series
17115 seriesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA number of related but physically separate and bibliographically distinct cartographic units intended to form a single group, collectively identified by any commonly occurring unifying characteristic or combination of characteristics.
17116 seriesskos:definitionA number of related but physically separate and bibliographically distinct cartographic units intended to form a single group, collectively identified by any commonly occurring unifying characteristic or combination of characteristics.
17119 means used to convey information or artistic content.
17120 means used to convey information or artistic content.
17123 film bearing a number of micro-images in linear array.
17124 film bearing a number of micro-images in linear array.
17127 appellation of an entity in natural language and phrasing that is used in common discourse.
17128 a resource entity.
17129 appellation of an entity in natural language and phrasing that is used in common discourse.
17130 lineskos:prefLabelneat line
17131 linerdakit:toolkitLabelneat line
17132 linerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA line marking the outer edge of a map or chart, separating its detail from any border or margin.
17133 lineskos:definitionA line marking the outer edge of a map or chart, separating its detail from any border or margin.
17134 manifestationskos:prefLabelnon-self-describing manifestation
17135 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelnon-self-describing manifestation
17136 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that does not contain identifying information.
17137 manifestationskos:definitionA manifestation that does not contain identifying information.
17140 name derived from the given name of a father.
17141 name derived from the given name of a father.
17142 unitskos:prefLabelphysical unit
17143 unitrdakit:toolkitLabelphysical unit
17144 unitrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA part of a tangible manifestation.
17145 unitskos:scopeNoteA physical unit includes a volume, audiocassette, or film reel.
17146 unitskos:definitionA part of a tangible manifestation.
17149 leaf, usually containing illustrative content, that does not form part of either the preliminary or the main sequence of pages or leaves.
17150 leaf, usually containing illustrative content, that does not form part of either the preliminary or the main sequence of pages or leaves.
17151 nameskos:prefLabelpreferred name
17152 namerdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred name
17153 namerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA name that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17154 nameskos:definitionA name that is selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17157 treaty amending and supplementing another treaty.
17158 treaty amending and supplementing another treaty.
17161 name used by an agent that is not the real name of the agent.
17162 name used by an agent that is not the real name of the agent.
17165 direction from one access point to another.
17166 direction from one access point to another.
17169 exact copy of the content of a manifestation or item made by mechanical or electronic means.
17170 exact copy of the content of a manifestation or item made by mechanical or electronic means.
17171 entityskos:prefLabelresource entity
17172 entityrdakit:toolkitLabelresource entity
17173 entityrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work, expression, manifestation or item.
17174 entityskos:altLabelresource
17175 entityskos:definitionA work, expression, manifestation or item.
17176 titleskos:prefLabelrunning title
17177 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelrunning title
17178 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title, or abbreviated title, that is repeated at the head or foot of each page or leaf.
17179 titleskos:definitionA title, or abbreviated title, that is repeated at the head or foot of each page or leaf.
17182 single or composite sheet containing text and/or images, originally produced rolled, and intended to be unrolled a portion at a time for reading or viewing.
17183 single or composite sheet containing text and/or images, originally produced rolled, and intended to be unrolled a portion at a time for reading or viewing.
17184 manifestationskos:prefLabelself-describing manifestation
17185 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelself-describing manifestation
17186 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that contains identifying information.
17187 manifestationskos:definitionA manifestation that contains identifying information.
17190 set of manifestations that embody the parts of a work, the issues of a serial work, or the units of a manifestation.
17191 set of manifestations that embody the parts of a work, the issues of a serial work, or the units of a manifestation.
17192 title of a legal workskos:prefLabelshort title of a legal work
17193 title of a legal workrdakit:toolkitLabelshort title of a legal work
17194 title of a legal workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title of a legal work that is given either in the text of the work or in legal literature and that succinctly names the work and often reflects how it is popularly known.
17195 title of a legal workskos:definitionA title of a legal work that is given either in the text of the work or in legal literature and that succinctly names the work and often reflects how it is popularly known.
17196 languageskos:prefLabelsign language
17197 languagerdakit:toolkitLabelsign language
17198 languagerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication.
17199 languageskos:definitionA language that uses a system of manual, facial, and other body movements as the means of communication.
17200 of informationskos:prefLabelsource of information
17201 of informationrdakit:toolkitLabelsource of information
17202 of informationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA source of a data value for an element.
17203 of informationskos:scopeNoteA source of information includes a manifestation associated with the entity that is being described or a manifestation of a reference work or authority file about the entity.
17204 of informationskos:definitionA source of a data value for an element.
17205 mediumskos:prefLabelstorage medium
17206 mediumrdakit:toolkitLabelstorage medium
17207 mediumrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA physical material or substance on which information or artistic content is stored.
17208 mediumskos:definitionA physical material or substance on which information or artistic content is stored.
17209 bodyskos:prefLabelsubordinate body
17210 bodyrdakit:toolkitLabelsubordinate body
17211 bodyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA corporate body that forms an integral part of a larger body in relation to which it holds an inferior hierarchical rank.
17212 bodyskos:definitionA corporate body that forms an integral part of a larger body in relation to which it holds an inferior hierarchical rank.
17215 expression of a textual work that is a translation or transcription of the dialogue or narrative of a moving image work.
17216 expression of a textual work that is a translation or transcription of the dialogue or narrative of a moving image work.
17219 physical or logical subdivision of a unit.
17220 subunit includes a page of a volume, a frame of a microfiche, a record in a digital file, etc.
17221 physical or logical subdivision of a unit.
17222 indexskos:prefLabelthematic index
17223 indexrdakit:toolkitLabelthematic index
17224 indexrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
17225 indexskos:definitionA list of works of a composer, usually arranged in chronological order or by categories, with the theme given for each composition or for each section of large compositions.
17228 international agreement concluded between states or international organizations in written form and governed by international law.
17229 treaty may be designated by various other terms such as agreement, concordat, convention, charter, declaration, exchange of notes, memorandum of understanding, modus vivendi, or protocol.
17230 international agreement concluded between states or international organizations in written form and governed by international law.
17231 of compositionskos:prefLabeltype of composition
17232 of compositionrdakit:toolkitLabeltype of composition
17233 of compositionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form or genre or a generic term used frequently by different composers.
17234 of compositionskos:scopeNoteForm or genre includes capriccio, chamber music, concerto, Magnificat, motion picture music, nocturne, opera, sacred music, suite, trio sonata. Generic term includes composition, movement, muziek, piece.
17235 of compositionskos:definitionA form or genre or a generic term used frequently by different composers.
17238 physical or logical part of a manifestation.
17239 unit includes a volume, audiocassette, film reel, a map, a digital file, etc.
17240 physical or logical part of a manifestation.
17241 loose-leafskos:prefLabelupdating loose-leaf
17242 loose-leafrdakit:toolkitLabelupdating loose-leaf
17243 loose-leafrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation of an integrating work that consists of one or more base volumes updated by separate pages that are inserted, removed, or substituted.
17244 loose-leafskos:definitionA manifestation of an integrating work that consists of one or more base volumes updated by separate pages that are inserted, removed, or substituted.
17245 access pointskos:prefLabelvariant access point
17246 access pointrdakit:toolkitLabelvariant access point
17247 access pointrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn access point  that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17248 access pointskos:definitionAn access point  that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17249 nameskos:prefLabelvariant name
17250 namerdakit:toolkitLabelvariant name
17251 namerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA name that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17252 nameskos:definitionA name that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17253 tapeskos:prefLabelvideo tape
17254 taperdakit:toolkitLabelvideo tape
17255 taperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA length of magnetic tape on which are recorded electrical signals that can be converted to images using video playback equipment.
17256 tapeskos:definitionA length of magnetic tape on which are recorded electrical signals that can be converted to images using video playback equipment.
17257 encoding schemeskos:prefLabelvocabulary encoding scheme
17258 encoding schemerdakit:toolkitLabelvocabulary encoding scheme
17259 encoding schemerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA named structured list of representations of controlled values for elements.
17260 encoding schemeskos:scopeNoteA vocabulary encoding scheme includes an RDA list of terms or their corresponding value vocabularies in the RDA Registry, an ISO code list, a standard terminology, an authority control system, etc. Simple keyword indexes are excluded.
17261 encoding schemeskos:altLabelVES
17262 encoding schemeskos:definitionA named structured list of representations of controlled values for elements.
17263 elementskos:prefLabelattribute element
17264 elementrdakit:toolkitLabelattribute element
17265 elementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn element that is an inherent or externally imputed characteristic of an RDA entity.
17266 elementskos:definitionAn element that is an inherent or externally imputed characteristic of an RDA entity.
17267 subtypeskos:prefLabelelement subtype
17268 subtyperdakit:toolkitLabelelement subtype
17269 subtyperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA narrower category of an element.
17270 subtypeskos:altLabelelement sub-type
17271 subtypeskos:altLabelnarrower element
17272 subtypeskos:definitionA narrower category of an element.
17275 element that aggregates data values from one or more subelements.
17276 element that aggregates data values from one or more subelements.
17278 elementskos:prefLabelrelationship element
17279 elementrdakit:toolkitLabelrelationship element
17280 elementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn element that relates two RDA entities.
17281 elementskos:altLabelrelationship designator
17282 elementskos:definitionAn element that relates two RDA entities.
17283 encoding schemeskos:prefLabelstring encoding scheme
17284 encoding schemerdakit:toolkitLabelstring encoding scheme
17285 encoding schemerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of string values and an associated set of rules that describe a mapping between that set of strings and a value of an element.
17286 encoding schemeskos:altLabelsyntax encoding scheme
17287 encoding schemeskos:altLabelSES
17288 encoding schemeskos:definitionA set of string values and an associated set of rules that describe a mapping between that set of strings and a value of an element.
17291 element that is a component of a larger element that aggregates data values from two or more elements.
17293 element that is a component of a larger element that aggregates data values from two or more elements.
17296 abstract class of a physical or conceptual thing in the universe of human discourse.
17298 abstract class of a physical or conceptual thing in the universe of human discourse.
17301 place that is governed by a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation enacted by a corporate body that is a government.
17302 place that is governed by a law, regulation, constitution, court rule, or other legislation enacted by a corporate body that is a government.
17303 supertypeskos:prefLabelelement supertype
17304 supertyperdakit:toolkitLabelelement supertype
17305 supertyperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broader category of an element.
17306 supertypeskos:altLabelelement super-type
17307 supertypeskos:altLabelbroader element
17308 supertypeskos:definitionA broader category of an element.
17309 workskos:prefLabelchoreographic work
17310 workrdakit:toolkitLabelchoreographic work
17311 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as notated movement, performed movement, or tactile notated movement.
17312 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as notated movement, performed movement, or tactile notated movement.
17313 workskos:prefLabelmusical work
17314 workrdakit:toolkitLabelmusical work
17315 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as notated music, performed music, or tactile notated music.
17316 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as notated music, performed music, or tactile notated music.
17317 workskos:prefLabelcartographic work
17318 workrdakit:toolkitLabelcartographic work
17319 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as a cartographic dataset, a cartographic image, a cartographic moving image, a cartographic tactile image, a cartographic tactile three-dimensional form, or a cartographic three-dimensional form.
17320 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as a cartographic dataset, a cartographic image, a cartographic moving image, a cartographic tactile image, a cartographic tactile three-dimensional form, or a cartographic three-dimensional form.
17321 workskos:prefLabellegal work
17322 workrdakit:toolkitLabellegal work
17323 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that belongs to processes of law and its administration.
17324 workskos:definitionA work that belongs to processes of law and its administration.
17327 information that is realized by an expression and that is embodied by a manifestation.
17328 information that is realized by an expression and that is embodied by a manifestation.
17329 base carrier categoryskos:prefLabelRDA base carrier category
17330 base carrier categoryrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA base carrier category
17331 base carrier categoryrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category used as the basis of the RDA carrier type vocabulary encoding scheme that is constructed by taking a single primary value from the storage medium format, housing format, and intermediation tool carrier attributes of the RDA/ONIX framework for resource categorization.
17332 base carrier categoryskos:definitionA category used as the basis of the RDA carrier type vocabulary encoding scheme that is constructed by taking a single primary value from the storage medium format, housing format, and intermediation tool carrier attributes of the RDA/ONIX framework for resource categorization.
17333 base content categoryskos:prefLabelRDA base content category
17334 base content categoryrdakit:toolkitLabelRDA base content category
17335 base content categoryrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category used as the basis of the RDA content type vocabulary encoding scheme that is constructed by taking a single primary value from the character, sensory mode, image dimensionality, and image movement content attributes of the RDA/ONIX framework for resource categorization.
17336 base content categoryskos:definitionA category used as the basis of the RDA content type vocabulary encoding scheme that is constructed by taking a single primary value from the character, sensory mode, image dimensionality, and image movement content attributes of the RDA/ONIX framework for resource categorization.
17337 workskos:prefLabelphotographic work
17338 workrdakit:toolkitLabelphotographic work
17339 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is characterized by photography.
17340 workskos:definitionA work that is characterized by photography.
17343 manifestation that embodies an aggregating expression and one or more expressions that are aggregated.
17344 manifestation that embodies an aggregating expression and one or more expressions that are aggregated.
17345 expressionskos:prefLabelaggregating expression
17346 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregating expression
17347 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is the realization of an aggregating work.
17348 expressionskos:definitionAn expression that is the realization of an aggregating work.
17349 workskos:prefLabelaggregating work
17350 workrdakit:toolkitLabelaggregating work
17351 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a plan to select and arrange one or more expressions of one or more works, and embody them in an aggregate.
17352 workskos:definitionA work that is a plan to select and arrange one or more expressions of one or more works, and embody them in an aggregate.
17353 elementskos:prefLabelappellation element
17354 elementrdakit:toolkitLabelappellation element
17355 elementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn element that uses an unstructured description, structured description, or identifier to refer to an instance of an RDA entity within a given scheme or context.
17356 elementskos:definitionAn element that uses an unstructured description, structured description, or identifier to refer to an instance of an RDA entity within a given scheme or context.
17357 workskos:prefLabelaugmenting work
17358 workrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmenting work
17359 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aggregating work that adds expressions of one or more supplementary works to an expression of a central work.
17360 workskos:definitionAn aggregating work that adds expressions of one or more supplementary works to an expression of a central work.
17361 descriptionskos:prefLabelcoherent description
17362 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelcoherent description
17363 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of resource entities that describe an information resource and are related using basic structural elements.
17364 descriptionskos:definitionA set of resource entities that describe an information resource and are related using basic structural elements.
17365 workskos:prefLabeldiachronic work
17366 workrdakit:toolkitLabeldiachronic work
17367 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is planned to be embodied over time.
17368 workskos:definitionA work that is planned to be embodied over time.
17369 markskos:prefLabeldiacritic mark
17370 markrdakit:toolkitLabeldiacritic mark
17371 markrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA mark associated with a character that indicates a different phonetic value for the character.
17372 markskos:definitionA mark associated with a character that indicates a different phonetic value for the character.
17373 workskos:prefLabelintegrating work
17374 workrdakit:toolkitLabelintegrating work
17375 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA diachronic work that is planned to be realized by a single expression.
17376 workskos:altLabelintegrating resource
17377 workskos:definitionA diachronic work that is planned to be realized by a single expression.
17378 communicationskos:prefLabelofficial communication
17379 communicationrdakit:toolkitLabelofficial communication
17380 communicationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is created by an agent who is engaged in formal discourse.
17381 communicationskos:scopeNoteIncludes a message to a legislature, a proclamation, an executive order that is not a law, a bill, a draft of legislation, an order, a decree, a pastoral letter, a bull, an encyclical, a constitution, an official message to a council or synod, etc. created by an agent such as a ruling executive body, a head of state, a head of government, a head of international body, a governor of dependent or occupied territories, a pope, a patriarch, a bishop, etc.
17382 communicationskos:definitionA work that is created by an agent who is engaged in formal discourse.
17383 manifestationskos:prefLabelpublished manifestation
17384 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelpublished manifestation
17385 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is created by a publisher or manufacturer, or made available by a distributor.
17386 manifestationskos:definitionA manifestation that is created by a publisher or manufacturer, or made available by a distributor.
17387 workskos:prefLabelreligious work
17388 workrdakit:toolkitLabelreligious work
17389 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is held sacred by a religion and its followers, or a work that has a direct association with a sacred work.
17390 workskos:definitionA work that is held sacred by a religion and its followers, or a work that has a direct association with a sacred work.
17391 workskos:prefLabelserial work
17392 workrdakit:toolkitLabelserial work
17393 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA successive work that is planned to be realized by multiple distinct aggregating expressions over an indeterminate timespan.
17394 workskos:altLabelserial
17395 workskos:altLabelmain series
17396 workskos:definitionA successive work that is planned to be realized by multiple distinct aggregating expressions over an indeterminate timespan.
17399 sequence of signs, symbols, or a combination of signs or symbols, intended to be treated as a unit.
17400 sequence of signs, symbols, or a combination of signs or symbols, intended to be treated as a unit.
17401 workskos:prefLabelsuccessive work
17402 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsuccessive work
17403 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA diachronic work that is planned to be realized by multiple distinct expressions.
17404 workskos:definitionA diachronic work that is planned to be realized by multiple distinct expressions.
17405 manifestationskos:prefLabelunpublished manifestation
17406 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelunpublished manifestation
17407 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is created by a producer.
17408 manifestationskos:definitionA manifestation that is created by a producer.
17409 resourceskos:prefLabelinformation resource
17410 resourcerdakit:toolkitLabelinformation resource
17411 resourcerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA tangible or intangible object that contains information of interest to the users of a collection to which it belongs.
17412 resourceskos:definitionA tangible or intangible object that contains information of interest to the users of a collection to which it belongs.
17413 provenanceskos:prefLabeldata provenance
17414 provenancerdakit:toolkitLabeldata provenance
17415 provenancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionInformation about the metadata recorded in an element or set of elements.
17416 provenanceskos:scopeNoteMetadata about metadata, or metametadata.
17417 provenanceskos:definitionInformation about the metadata recorded in an element or set of elements.
17418 of descriptionskos:prefLabellanguage of description
17419 of descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabellanguage of description
17420 of descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA language that is used by an agent who creates a description of an RDA entity.
17421 of descriptionskos:definitionA language that is used by an agent who creates a description of an RDA entity.
17422 of descriptionskos:prefLabelscript of description
17423 of descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelscript of description
17424 of descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA script that is used by an agent who creates a description of an RDA entity.
17425 of descriptionskos:definitionA script that is used by an agent who creates a description of an RDA entity.
17426 statementskos:prefLabelmetadata statement
17427 statementrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata statement
17428 statementrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA metadata work that is a piece of metadata that assigns a value to an RDA element that describes an individual instance of an RDA entity.
17429 statementskos:definitionA metadata work that is a piece of metadata that assigns a value to an RDA element that describes an individual instance of an RDA entity.
17430 description setskos:prefLabelmetadata description set
17431 description setrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata description set
17432 description setrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA metadata work that is an aggregating work that is a plan to select and arrange one or more expressions of one or more metadata statements that describe one or more individual instances of RDA entities and embody them in an aggregate.
17433 description setskos:scopeNoteThe plan may be part of an application profile.
17434 description setskos:definitionA metadata work that is an aggregating work that is a plan to select and arrange one or more expressions of one or more metadata statements that describe one or more individual instances of RDA entities and embody them in an aggregate.
17435 standardskos:prefLabelcontent standard
17436 standardrdakit:toolkitLabelcontent standard
17437 standardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that provides guidance and instructions for determining the value of a metadata statement.
17438 standardskos:definitionA work that provides guidance and instructions for determining the value of a metadata statement.
17439 standardskos:prefLabeltranscription standard
17440 standardrdakit:toolkitLabeltranscription standard
17441 standardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that provides guidance and instructions for transcribing the value of a metadata statement.
17442 standardskos:definitionA work that provides guidance and instructions for transcribing the value of a metadata statement.
17443 groupskos:prefLabelwork group
17444 grouprdakit:toolkitLabelwork group
17445 grouprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA group of two or more works that have a common appellation assigned from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
17446 groupskos:definitionA group of two or more works that have a common appellation assigned from a vocabulary encoding scheme.
17447 workskos:prefLabelaugmented work
17448 workrdakit:toolkitLabelaugmented work
17449 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized by an expression that is aggregated with one or more expressions of supplementary works.
17450 workskos:definitionA work that is realized by an expression that is aggregated with one or more expressions of supplementary works.
17451 workskos:prefLabelmetadata work
17452 workrdakit:toolkitLabelmetadata work
17453 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a metadata statement or a metadata description set.
17454 workskos:definitionA work that is a metadata statement or a metadata description set.
17457 expression that includes contributions that cannot be separated into other expressions.
17458 expression that includes contributions that cannot be separated into other expressions.
17461 amalgamation that is the playing or enactment of a musical or dramatic work.
17462 amalgamation that is the playing or enactment of a musical or dramatic work.
17463 restrictionskos:prefLabelcardinality restriction
17464 restrictionrdakit:toolkitLabelcardinality restriction
17465 restrictionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA specification of a limitation to the number of relationships between two entities.
17466 restrictionskos:definitionA specification of a limitation to the number of relationships between two entities.
17467 profileskos:prefLabelapplication profile
17468 profilerdakit:toolkitLabelapplication profile
17469 profilerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA specification of the metadata that is used in an application.
17470 profileskos:scopeNoteA specification may include the entities, elements, and vocabulary encoding schemes that are used, and the mandatory and repeatable status of elements.
17471 profileskos:definitionA specification of the metadata that is used in an application.
17472 lockskos:prefLabelWEM lock
17473 lockrdakit:toolkitLabelWEM lock
17474 lockrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA cardinality restriction of a work that is realized as one and only one expression that is embodied by one and only one manifestation.
17475 lockskos:definitionA cardinality restriction of one work that is realized as one and only one expression that is embodied by one and only manifestation.
17476 workskos:prefLabelstatic work
17477 workrdakit:toolkitLabelstatic work
17478 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is planned to be embodied by a manifestation that results from a single act of publication or production.
17479 workskos:definitionA work that is planned to be embodied by a manifestation that results from a single act of publication or production.
17480 workskos:prefLabelsingle work
17481 workrdakit:toolkitLabelsingle work
17482 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is planned to realize single or amalgamated content in one distinct expression.
17483 workskos:definitionA work that is planned to realize single or amalgamated content in one distinct expression.
17484 objectskos:prefLabelreal-world object
17485 objectskos:altLabelrwo
17486 objectskos:altLabelreal world object
17487 objectrdakit:toolkitLabelreal-world object
17488 objectrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn instance of an entity or a term from a vocabulary encoding scheme that is referenced by an Internationalized Resource Identifier for representation in Resource Description Framework.
17489 objectskos:definitionAn instance of an entity or a term from a vocabulary encoding scheme that is referenced by an Internationalized Resource Identifier for representation in Resource Description Framework.
17492 specific association between two entities.
17493 specific association between two entities.
17496 RDA entity that is described by an element.
17497 RDA entity that is described by an element.
17500 RDA entity that is the value of a relationship element.
17501 RDA entity that is the value of a relationship element.
17502 relationshipskos:prefLabelhigh-level relationship
17503 relationshiprdakit:toolkitLabelhigh-level relationship
17504 relationshiprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA very broad relationship between two entities.
17505 relationshipskos:definitionA very broad relationship between two entities.
17506 taskskos:prefLabeluser task
17507 taskrdakit:toolkitLabeluser task
17508 taskrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA category of activity carried out by a person using a service for resource discovery.
17509 taskskos:definitionA category of activity carried out by a person using a service for resource discovery.
17510 workskos:prefLabeltextual work
17511 workrdakit:toolkitLabeltextual work
17512 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as tactile text or text.
17513 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as tactile text or text.
17516 short alphanumeric string that serves as an identifier for an entry in a vocabulary encoding scheme.
17517 short alphanumeric string that serves as an identifier for an entry in a vocabulary encoding scheme.
17518 aggregateskos:prefLabelcollection aggregate
17519 aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelcollection aggregate
17520 aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of two or more independent works.
17521 aggregateskos:definitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of two or more independent works.
17522 aggregateskos:prefLabelaugmentation aggregate
17523 aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelaugmentation aggregate
17524 aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of two or more works, where expressions of one or more works are supplemented by expressions of one or more other works.
17525 aggregateskos:definitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of two or more works, where expressions of one or more works are supplemented by expressions of one or more other works.
17526 aggregateskos:prefLabelparallel aggregate
17527 aggregaterdakit:toolkitLabelparallel aggregate
17528 aggregaterdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of a single work.
17529 aggregateskos:definitionAn aggregate that embodies expressions of a single work.
17530 image workskos:prefLabelstill image work
17531 image workrdakit:toolkitLabelstill image work
17532 image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as a still image or a tactile image.
17533 image workskos:definitionA work that is realized as a still image or a tactile image.
17534 image workskos:prefLabelmoving image work
17535 image workrdakit:toolkitLabelmoving image work
17536 image workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as a three-dimensional moving image or a two-dimensional moving image.
17537 image workskos:definitionA work that is realized as a three-dimensional moving image or a two-dimensional moving image.
17538 workskos:prefLabelobject work
17539 workrdakit:toolkitLabelobject work
17540 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as a tactile three-dimensional form or a three-dimensional form.
17541 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as a tactile three-dimensional form or a three-dimensional form.
17542 workskos:prefLabelvocal work
17543 workrdakit:toolkitLabelvocal work
17544 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as spoken word.
17545 workskos:definitionA work that is realized as spoken word.
17546 contentskos:prefLabelcomputer content
17547 contentrdakit:toolkitLabelcomputer content
17548 contentrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is realized as a computer dataset or a computer program.
17549 contentskos:altLabeldigital resource
17550 contentskos:definitionA work that is realized as a computer dataset or a computer program.
17553 single or individual example of an entity.
17554 single or individual example of an entity.
17555 titleskos:prefLabelcommon title
17556 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelcommon title
17557 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title of manifestation of a manifestation that has parts or iterations.
17558 titleskos:scopeNoteA common title may be found with numbering within sequence and an individual title of a part or iteration.
17559 titleskos:definitionA title of manifestation of a manifestation that has parts or iterations.
17562 set of things that have broad attributes, behaviours, relationships, or semantics in common.
17563 set of things that have broad attributes, behaviours, relationships, or semantics in common.
17564 workskos:prefLabelliturgical work
17565 workrdakit:toolkitLabelliturgical work
17566 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is characterized as related to a public religious service or ritual.
17567 workskos:definitionA work that is characterized as related to a public religious service or ritual.
17568 of addressskos:prefLabelterm of address
17569 of addressskos:altLabelhonourific
17570 of addressrdakit:toolkitLabelterm of address
17571 of addressrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA word or phrase that conveys esteem or respect when referring to a person.
17572 of addressskos:definitionA word or phrase that conveys esteem or respect when referring to a person.
17575 set of associations between the elements of two different ontologies or between the concepts of two different vocabulary encoding schemes.
17576 set of associations between the elements of two different ontologies or between the concepts of two different vocabulary encoding schemes.
17577 modelskos:prefLabelconceptual model
17578 modelrdakit:toolkitLabelconceptual model
17579 modelrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA representation of a system that is used to understand or simulate how components interact within the system.
17580 modelskos:definitionA representation of a system that is used to understand or simulate how components interact within the system.
17583 string that is used to distinguish one entity from another.
17584 string that is used to distinguish one entity from another.
17587 semantic relationship between two elements or concepts represented in Resource Description Framework.
17588 semantic relationship between two elements or concepts represented in Resource Description Framework.
17591 formal naming and definition of the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities that exist for a particular universe of discourse.
17592 formal naming and definition of the types, properties, and interrelationships of the entities that exist for a particular universe of discourse.
17595 specific aspect, characteristic, attribute, or relationship used to describe an entity in Resource Description Framework.
17596 specific aspect, characteristic, attribute, or relationship used to describe an entity in Resource Description Framework.
17597 mapskos:prefLabelsemantic map
17598 maprdakit:toolkitLabelsemantic map
17599 maprdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of mappings between the elements of two different ontologies or between the concepts of two different vocabulary encoding schemes.
17600 mapskos:definitionA set of mappings between the elements of two different ontologies or between the concepts of two different vocabulary encoding schemes.
17601 data vocabularyskos:prefLabellinked data vocabulary
17602 data vocabularyrdakit:toolkitLabellinked data vocabulary
17603 data vocabularyrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA stuctured set of labels, definitions, and scope notes for entities, elements, and concepts represented in Resource Description Framework.
17604 data vocabularyskos:definitionA stuctured set of labels, definitions, and scope notes for entities, elements, and concepts represented in Resource Description Framework.
17605 subtypeskos:prefLabelentity subtype
17606 subtyperdakit:toolkitLabelentity subtype
17607 subtyperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA narrower category of an entity.
17608 subtypeskos:altLabelsubclass
17609 subtypeskos:altLabelsub-class
17610 subtypeskos:altLabelnarrower entity
17611 subtypeskos:altLabelentity sub-type
17612 subtypeskos:definitionA narrower category of an entity.
17615 narrower category of a property.
17617 narrower category of a property.
17620 cut
17622 element that relates two RDA entities that are indirectly associated through one or more other RDA entities.
17623 element that relates two RDA entities that are indirectly associated through one or more other RDA entities.
17624 supertypeskos:prefLabelentity supertype
17625 supertypeskos:altLabelentity super-type
17626 supertypeskos:altLabelsuper-class
17627 supertypeskos:altLabelsuperclass
17628 supertypeskos:altLabelbroader entity
17629 supertyperdakit:toolkitLabelentity supertype
17630 supertyperdakit:toolkitDefinitionA broader category of an entity.
17631 supertypeskos:definitionA broader category of an entity.
17632 boundaryskos:prefLabelentity boundary
17633 boundaryskos:altLabelboundary
17634 boundaryrdakit:toolkitLabelentity boundary
17635 boundaryrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA set of criteria that is applied by an agent who creates metadata to determine if a new entity is being described.
17636 boundaryskos:definitionA set of criteria that is applied by an agent who creates metadata to determine if a new entity is being described.
17639 to guidance, instructions, and other specifications.
17640 to guidance, instructions, and other specifications.
17641 conformanceskos:prefLabelindirect conformance
17642 conformanceskos:altLabelconformance, indirect
17643 conformanceskos:altLabellatent conformance
17644 conformanceskos:altLabelconformance, latent
17645 conformancerdakit:toolkitLabelindirect conformance
17646 conformancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionConformance with a secondary set of specifications which themselves are conformant with a primary set of specifications.
17647 conformanceskos:definitionConformance with a secondary set of specifications which themselves are conformant with a primary set of specifications.
17650 appellation of a resource entity in natural language and phrasing that is used in common discourse.
17651 appellation of a resource entity in natural language and phrasing that is used in common discourse.
17652 titleskos:prefLabelvariant title
17653 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelvariant title
17654 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17655 titleskos:definitionA title that is not selected for preference in a specific application or context.
17656 titleskos:prefLabelpreferred title
17657 titlerdakit:toolkitLabelpreferred title
17658 titlerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA title that is selected for preference in the construction of an authorized access point.
17659 titleskos:definitionA title that is selected for preference in the construction of an authorized access point.
17660 conformanceskos:prefLabeldirect conformance
17661 conformanceskos:altLabelconformance, direct
17662 conformancerdakit:toolkitLabeldirect conformance
17663 conformancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionConformance with a primary set of specifications.
17664 conformanceskos:definitionConformance with a primary set of specifications.
17665 conformanceskos:prefLabelpartial conformance
17666 conformanceskos:altLabelconformance, partial
17667 conformancerdakit:toolkitLabelpartial conformance
17668 conformancerdakit:toolkitDefinitionConformance with some, but not all, of a set of specifications.
17669 conformanceskos:definitionConformance with some, but not all, of a set of specifications.
17672 combination of signs that is used to label an entity for identification and reference.
17673 include character sets, symbols, notations, and sounds.
17674 combination of signs that is used to label an entity for identification and reference.
17675 descriptionskos:prefLabelminimum description
17676 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabelminimum description
17677 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA description that is the least data required for a well-formed metadata description set.
17678 descriptionskos:definitionA description that is the least data required for a well-formed metadata description set.
17679 descriptionskos:prefLabeleffective description
17680 descriptionrdakit:toolkitLabeleffective description
17681 descriptionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA description that is the data required for an application.
17682 descriptionskos:definitionA description that is the data required for an application.
17683 workskos:prefLabeldramatic work
17684 workrdakit:toolkitLabeldramatic work
17685 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a textual work that is intended for performance on the stage.
17686 workskos:definitionA work that is a textual work that is intended for performance on the stage.
17687 workskos:prefLabelcollection work
17688 workrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection work
17689 workrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA work that is a plan for selecting items that are to be gathered and kept together for some purpose.
17690 workskos:definitionA work that is a plan for selecting items that are to be gathered and kept together for some purpose.
17691 expressionskos:prefLabelcollection expression
17692 expressionrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection expression
17693 expressionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn expression that is the realization of a collection work.
17694 expressionskos:definitionAn expression that is the realization of a collection work.
17695 manifestationskos:prefLabelcollection manifestation
17696 manifestationrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection manifestation
17697 manifestationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA manifestation that is the embodiment of a collection work and expression.
17698 manifestationskos:definitionA manifestation that is the embodiment of a collection work and expression.
17699 itemskos:prefLabelcollection item
17700 itemrdakit:toolkitLabelcollection item
17701 itemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn item that is the exemplar of a collection manifestation.
17702 itemskos:scopeNoteA collection item is the set of all items that are gathered by a collection work.
17703 itemskos:definitionAn item that is the exemplar of a collection manifestation.
17704 finding aidskos:prefLabelunitary finding aid
17705 finding aidskos:altLabelfinding aid, unitary
17706 finding aidrdakit:toolkitLabelunitary finding aid
17707 finding aidrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA metadata description set for a collection manifestation as a whole but not for the items that are held.
17708 finding aidskos:definitionA metadata description set for a collection manifestation as a whole but not for the items that are held.
17709 finding aidskos:prefLabelindexing finding aid
17710 finding aidskos:altLabelfinding aid, indexing
17711 finding aidrdakit:toolkitLabelindexing finding aid
17712 finding aidrdakit:toolkitDefinitionAn index work that is a set of keywords derived from a collection manifestation or a metadata description set for a collection manifestation.
17713 finding aidskos:definitionAn index work that is a set of keywords derived from a collection manifestation or a metadata description set for a collection manifestation.
17714 Type Of Binding
17715 for a method used to bind a published or unpublished manifestation.
17716 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
17717 bindingskos:prefLabelperfect binding
17718 bindingskos:scopeNoteSheets may be folded to form gatherings. The outer casing of the volume is usually made of thin card, plastic, or some other flexible material.
17719 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that glues sheets together and to a flexible outer casing to form a spine.
17720 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelperfect binding
17721 bindingskos:altLabelpaperbound
17722 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that glues sheets together and to a flexible outer casing to form a spine.
17723 bindingskos:prefLabelcase binding
17724 bindingskos:scopeNoteSheets may be folded to form gatherings. The outer casing of the volume is usually made of board, wood, plastic, or some other rigid material.
17725 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that sews or glues sheets into sections that are glued together to form a flat spine and that are attached to endpapers which are in turn attached to a stiff outer casing.
17726 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelcase binding
17727 bindingskos:altLabelhardcover binding
17728 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that sews or glues sheets into sections that are glued together to form a flat spine and that are attached to endpapers which are in turn attached to a stiff outer casing.
17729 bindingskos:prefLabelspiral binding
17730 bindingskos:scopeNoteOuter covers of the volume may be made of a rigid or flexible material, and may be attached directly to the coil or threaded by the coil
17731 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that uses a continuous wire or plastic coil that is threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17732 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelspiral binding
17733 bindingskos:altLabelcoil binding
17734 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that uses a continuous wire or plastic coil that is threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17735 ring bindingskos:prefLabelclosed ring binding
17736 ring bindingskos:scopeNoteThe rings are widely spaced and require a spine to maintain the spacing. Outer covers may be attached directly to the spine, or threaded by the rings.
17737 ring bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that uses two or more rings of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17738 ring bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelclosed ring binding
17739 ring bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that uses two or more rings of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17740 ring bindingskos:prefLabelopen ring binding
17741 ring bindingskos:scopeNoteThe rings are widely spaced and require a spine to maintain the spacing. Outer covers may be attached directly to the spine or threaded by the rings.
17742 ring bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that uses two or more rings of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet, and that can be opened to allow the removal or insertion of any sheet.
17743 ring bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelopen ring binding
17744 ring bindingskos:altLabellever arch binding
17745 ring bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that uses two or more rings of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet, and that can be opened to allow the removal or insertion of any sheet.
17746 bindingskos:prefLabelspringback binding
17747 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelspringback binding
17748 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that clamps the edge of each sheet in a metal spring that is directly attached to a spine and outer covers, and that can be opened to allow the removal or insertion of any sheet.
17749 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that clamps the edge of each sheet in a metal spring that is directly attached to a spine and outer covers, and that can be opened to allow the removal or insertion of any sheet.
17750 stitch bindingskos:prefLabelsaddle stitch binding
17751 stitch bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelsaddle stitch binding
17752 stitch bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that folds sheets and staples them along the fold to form a spine.
17753 stitch bindingskos:scopeNoteThe staples may be made of metal, plastic, or textile. Outer covers made of a flexible material are also folded and stapled to the sheets.
17754 stitch bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that folds sheets and staples them along the fold to form a spine.
17755 book bindingskos:prefLabelboard book binding
17756 book bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelboard book binding
17757 book bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding for sheets of thick paperboard with covers that are folded and bound to form a spine.
17758 book bindingskos:scopeNoteThe binding is durable and often used for manifestations for children. Outer covers are of the same thickness of paperboard as the sheets.
17759 book bindingskos:definitionA type of binding for sheets of thick paperboard with covers that are folded and bound to form a spine.
17760 bindingskos:prefLabelslide binding
17761 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelslide binding
17762 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that uses a single length of metal or plastic bent into a C cross-section which slides over the edge of each sheet to hold it in place.
17763 bindingskos:scopeNoteOuter covers of the volume may be made of a thin flexible material that can be inserted as a sheet into the binding strip.
17764 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that uses a single length of metal or plastic bent into a C cross-section which slides over the edge of each sheet to hold it in place.
17765 bindingskos:prefLabelcomb binding
17766 bindingskos:altLabelwire binding
17767 bindingrdakit:toolkitLabelcomb binding
17768 bindingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA type of binding that uses multiple closely-spaced curved flaps of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17769 bindingskos:scopeNoteThe binding flaps usually form a curved spine. Outer covers are generally threaded by the flaps.
17770 bindingskos:definitionA type of binding that uses multiple closely-spaced curved flaps of metal or plastic that are threaded through holes along the edge of each sheet.
17771 Unit of Time
17772 for a unit of chronological duration that is used in the names and access points of calendrical timespans.
17773 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
17776 unit of time that is 10 decades in duration.
17777 unit of time that is 10 decades in duration.
17780 unit of time that is 60 minutes in duration.
17781 unit of time that is 60 minutes in duration.
17784 unit of time that is approximately 4-5 weeks in duration.
17785 number of days in a month varies between different calendar systems.
17786 unit of time that is approximately 4-5 weeks in duration.
17789 unit of time that is approximately 12-13 months in duration.
17790 Julian year is 31,557,600 seconds. A year is also approximately 365-366 days in duration. The number of months in a year varies between different calendar systems.
17791 unit of time that is approximately 12-13 months in duration.
17794 unit of time that is 24 hours in duration.
17795 unit of time that is 24 hours in duration.
17798 unit of time that is one thousandth of a second.
17799 unit of time that is one thousandth of a second.
17802 unit of time that is one billionth of a second.
17803 unit of time that is one billionth of a second.
17806 unit of time that is 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.
17807 unit of time that is 9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the caesium-133 atom.
17810 unit of time that is one millionth of a second.
17811 unit of time that is one millionth of a second.
17814 unit of time that is 10 years in duration.
17815 unit of time that is 10 years in duration.
17818 unit of time that is 10 centuries in duration.
17819 unit of time that is 10 centuries in duration.
17822 unit of time that is 7 days in duration.
17823 unit of time that is 7 days in duration.
17826 unit of time that is 60 seconds in duration.
17827 unit of time that is 60 seconds in duration.
17828 Applied Material (Deprecated)
17829 Base Material (Deprecated)
17830 colour (Deprecated)
17831 Production Method
17832 for a process that is used to produce a manifestation.
17833 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
17834 processskos:prefLabelblueline process
17835 processrdakit:toolkitLabelblueline process
17836 processrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on diazonium salt and azo dye chemical reactions that renders all opaque tones or colours as blue on a neutral background.
17837 processskos:definitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on diazonium salt and azo dye chemical reactions that renders all opaque tones or colours as blue on a neutral background.
17838 processskos:prefLabelblueprint process
17839 processrdakit:toolkitLabelblueprint process
17840 processrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on iron salt chemical reactions that renders all opaque tones or colours as white on a blue background.
17841 processskos:definitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on iron salt chemical reactions that renders all opaque tones or colours as white on a blue background.
17844 production method that consists of a contact printing process using a dichromate chemical reaction that hardens gelatin on exposure to ultraviolet light to produce a positive master that is subsequently used in a lithographic process.
17845 production method that consists of a contact printing process using a dichromate chemical reaction that hardens gelatin on exposure to ultraviolet light to produce a positive master that is subsequently used in a lithographic process.
17846 processskos:prefLabeldaguerreotype process
17847 processrdakit:toolkitLabeldaguerreotype process
17848 processrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of a photographic process using a silver-coated copper plate that is exposed in a camera and subsequently developed, usually using mercury vapour, and fixed with salt to create a positive image.
17849 processskos:definitionA production method that consists of a photographic process using a silver-coated copper plate that is exposed in a camera and subsequently developed, usually using mercury vapour, and fixed with salt to create a positive image.
17852 production method that consists of the incision of marks on the surface of a hard material using a sharp tool.
17853 includes the preparation of a printing plate for an intaglio process.
17854 production method that consists of the incision of marks on the surface of a hard material using a sharp tool.
17857 production method that consists of an intaglio process in which a design is worked into an acid-resistant substance coating a metal printing plate; the plate is then exposed to acid, which etches the plate where the metal is exposed, to create lines and dark areas.
17858 production method that consists of an intaglio process in which a design is worked into an acid-resistant substance coating a metal printing plate; the plate is then exposed to acid, which etches the plate where the metal is exposed, to create lines and dark areas.
17861 production method that consists of a planographic printing process in which a stone or plate is prepared using a water-repelling substance making parts of the plate receptive to ink.
17862 production method that consists of a planographic printing process in which a stone or plate is prepared using a water-repelling substance making parts of the plate receptive to ink.
17865 production method that consists of a macroform photoreproduction process using radiant energy in contact with or projected on opaque material.
17866 production method that consists of a macroform photoreproduction process using radiant energy in contact with or projected on opaque material.
17869 production method that consists of a photomechanical process for the preparation of chemically etched printing plates.
17870 production method that consists of a photomechanical process for the preparation of chemically etched printing plates.
17873 the production of photographic prints and paper copies of stored computer data.
17874 production method that consists of a process that transfers a pictorial or textual image from a master carrier to the surface of another carrier, often using a plate, block, stone, or screen coated with a transferable material.
17875 production method that consists of a process that transfers a pictorial or textual image from a master carrier to the surface of another carrier, often using a plate, block, stone, or screen coated with a transferable material.
17876 print processskos:prefLabelwhite print process
17877 print processrdakit:toolkitLabelwhite print process
17878 print processrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on a light sensitive process that renders all opaque tones or colours as black or a colour on a white background.
17879 print processskos:definitionA production method that consists of a contact printing process based on a light sensitive process that renders all opaque tones or colours as black or a colour on a white background.
17880 makingskos:prefLabelwoodcut making
17881 makingrdakit:toolkitLabelwoodcut making
17882 makingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of a relief process in which a design is cut into and printed from the surface of a wood block.
17883 makingskos:definitionA production method that consists of a relief process in which a design is cut into and printed from the surface of a wood block.
17884 processskos:prefLabelphotogravure process
17885 processrdakit:toolkitLabelphotogravure process
17886 processrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method that consists of an intaglio process in which the metal printing plate is prepared using a dichromate process to leave a gelatin resist coating of varying thickness that is etched to form cells of varying depth able to hold different amounts of ink.
17887 processskos:definitionA production method that consists of an intaglio process in which the metal printing plate is prepared using a dichromate process to leave a gelatin resist coating of varying thickness that is etched to form cells of varying depth able to hold different amounts of ink.
17890 production method that consists of the application of heat to mark the surface of a material.
17891 production method that consists of the application of heat to mark the surface of a material.
17894 production method that consists of a process that fixes signs and symbols onto a base material by cutting into the surface.
17895 production method that consists of a process that fixes signs and symbols onto a base material by cutting into the surface.
17898 production method that consists of the application of pressure to make an impression on the surface of a material.
17899 production method that consists of the application of pressure to make an impression on the surface of a material.
17902 production method that consists of the use of either a metal or plastic sheet as a master with specialized equipment to produce copies for a manifestation of a tactile expression.
17903 production method that consists of the use of either a metal or plastic sheet as a master with specialized equipment to produce copies for a manifestation of a tactile expression.
17904 dotskos:prefLabelsolid dot
17905 dotrdakit:toolkitLabelsolid dot
17906 dotrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which solid plastic dots are heat sealed onto the surface of thin but strong paper.
17907 dotskos:definitionA production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which solid plastic dots are heat sealed onto the surface of thin but strong paper.
17908 paperskos:prefLabelswell paper
17909 paperskos:altLabelMinolta paper
17910 paperrdakit:toolkitLabelswell paper
17911 paperrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which an image is printed on a special type of paper with embedded microcapsules of alcohol which burst when exposed to heat to make the surface of the paper swell up.
17912 paperskos:definitionA production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which an image is printed on a special type of paper with embedded microcapsules of alcohol which burst when exposed to heat to make the surface of the paper swell up.
17914 form
17916 production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which a collage master is covered with a sheet of plastic, which is heated and vacuumed to generate a copy of a model or diagram.
17917 production method for a manifestation of a tactile expression in which a collage master is covered with a sheet of plastic, which is heated and vacuumed to generate a copy of a model or diagram.
17918 Solo Voices (Deprecated)
17919 Standard Combinations of Instruments (Deprecated)
17920 Form of Tactile Notation
17921 for a set of characters or symbols used to express the content of an expression in a form that can be perceived through touch.
17922 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
17923 codeskos:prefLabelbraille code
17924 coderdakit:toolkitLabelbraille code
17925 coderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation for text using embossed characters formed by raised dots in six-dot cells.
17926 codeskos:definitionA form of tactile notation for text using embossed characters formed by raised dots in six-dot cells.
17927 braille codeskos:prefLabelcomputing braille code
17928 braille codeskos:altLabelcomputer braille code
17929 braille coderdakit:toolkitLabelcomputing braille code
17930 braille coderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation for computer related materials which enables the representation of symbols and ASCII code.
17931 braille codeskos:definitionA form of tactile notation for computer related materials which enables the representation of symbols and ASCII code.
17932 braille codeskos:prefLabelmathematics braille code
17933 braille coderdakit:toolkitLabelmathematics braille code
17934 braille coderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation used to transcribe mathematical and scientific information.
17935 braille codeskos:definitionA form of tactile notation used to transcribe mathematical and scientific information.
17936 codeskos:prefLabelMoon code
17937 coderdakit:toolkitLabelMoon code
17938 coderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation based on simplified letter forms.
17939 codeskos:definitionA form of tactile notation based on simplified letter forms.
17940 braille codeskos:prefLabelmusic braille code
17941 braille coderdakit:toolkitLabelmusic braille code
17942 braille coderdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation for music using braille cells.
17943 braille codeskos:definitionA form of tactile notation for music using braille cells.
17944 musical notationskos:prefLabeltactile musical notation
17945 musical notationrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile musical notation
17946 musical notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation for music.
17947 musical notationskos:definitionA form of tactile notation for music.
17948 graphicskos:prefLabeltactile graphic
17949 graphicrdakit:toolkitLabeltactile graphic
17950 graphicrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of tactile notation using a raised version of a print graphic.
17951 graphicskos:definitionA form of tactile notation using a raised version of a print graphic.
17952 Base Material for Microfilm, Microfiche, Photographic Film, and Motion Picture Film (Deprecated)
17953 Bibliographic Format
17954 for a proportional relationship between a whole sheet and the individual leaves that result if that sheet is left full, cut, or folded in a manifestation.
17955 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
17959 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/2 of the whole sheet.
17960 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/2 of the whole sheet.
17964 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/4 of the whole sheet.
17965 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/4 of the whole sheet.
17969 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/8 of the whole sheet.
17970 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/8 of the whole sheet.
17975 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/12 of the whole sheet.
17976 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/12 of the whole sheet.
17982 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/16 of the whole sheet.
17983 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/16 of the whole sheet.
17989 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/24 of the whole sheet.
17990 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/24 of the whole sheet.
17996 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/32 of the whole sheet.
17997 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/32 of the whole sheet.
18001 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/48 of the whole sheet.
18002 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/48 of the whole sheet.
18006 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/64 of the whole sheet.
18007 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/64 of the whole sheet.
18011 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/18 of the whole sheet.
18013 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/18 of the whole sheet.
18017 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/36 of the whole sheet.
18018 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/36 of the whole sheet.
18022 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/72 of the whole sheet.
18023 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/72 of the whole sheet.
18027 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/96 of the whole sheet.
18028 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/96 of the whole sheet.
18030 hundred twenty-eightmo
18032 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/128 of the whole sheet.
18033 bibliographic format that consists of one or more leaves that are 1/128 of the whole sheet.
18036 bibliographic format that consists of one or more sheets that have not been cut or folded.
18037 sheet
18038 bibliographic format that consists of one or more sheets that have not been cut or folded.
18039 Broadcast Standard
18040 for a system used to format a manifestation of a video for television broadcast.
18041 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18044 broadcast standard that is an encoding system for digital broadcast television, named after high-definition television.
18045 broadcast standard that is an encoding system for digital broadcast television, named after high-definition television.
18048 broadcast standard that is an analog broadcast television system that was used in most of the Americas and areas of the Far East, named after the National Television System Committee.
18049 broadcast standard that is an analog broadcast television system that was used in most of the Americas and areas of the Far East, named after the National Television System Committee.
18052 broadcast standard that is a colour encoding system for analog broadcast television used in most countries broadcasting at 625-line / 25 frame per second, named after Phase Alternating Line.
18053 broadcast standard that is a colour encoding system for analog broadcast television used in most countries broadcasting at 625-line / 25 frame per second, named after Phase Alternating Line.
18056 broadcast standard that is a colour encoding system for analog broadcast television first used in France, named after Séquentiel couleur à mémoire.
18057 broadcast standard that is a colour encoding system for analog broadcast television first used in France, named after Séquentiel couleur à mémoire.
18058 Colour of Three-Dimensional Form (Deprecated)
18059 Colour of Moving Images (Deprecated)
18060 Colour of Still Image (Deprecated)
18061 Configuration of Playback Channels
18062 for a number of sound channels used to make a recording.
18063 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18066 configuration of playback channels that consists of a single channel for monophonic sound.
18067 configuration of playback channels that consists of a single channel for monophonic sound.
18070 configuration of playback channels that consists of two channels for stereophonic sound.
18071 configuration of playback channels that consists of two channels for stereophonic sound.
18074 configuration of playback channels that consists of four channels for quadraphonic sound.
18075 configuration of playback channels that consists of four channels for quadraphonic sound.
18078 configuration of playback channels that consists of more than four channels for surround sound.
18079 configuration of playback channels that consists of more than four channels for surround sound.
18080 Digital Representation of Cartographic Content (Deprecated)
18081 Other Distinguishing Characteristics of the Expression of a Musical Work (Deprecated)
18082 Other Distinguishing Characteristics of the Expression of a Religious Work (Deprecated)
18083 Emulsion on Microfilm and Microfiche (Deprecated)
18084 Encoding Format (Deprecated)
18085 Extent (Deprecated)
18086 Extent of Cartographic Resource (Deprecated)
18087 Extent of Still Image (Deprecated)
18088 Extent of Text (Deprecated)
18089 Extent of Three-dimensional Form (Deprecated)
18090 Extent of Notated Music (Deprecated)
18091 File Type
18092 for a general type of data content encoded in a computer file.
18093 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18094 fileskos:prefLabelaudio file
18095 filerdakit:toolkitLabelaudio file
18096 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded audio content.
18097 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded audio content.
18098 fileskos:prefLabeltext file
18099 filerdakit:toolkitLabeltext file
18100 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded textual content.
18101 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded textual content.
18102 fileskos:prefLabelprogram file
18103 filerdakit:toolkitLabelprogram file
18104 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded programs consisting of organized lists of instructions to be executed by computer software.
18105 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded programs consisting of organized lists of instructions to be executed by computer software.
18106 fileskos:prefLabelimage file
18107 filerdakit:toolkitLabelimage file
18108 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing still images.
18109 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing still images.
18110 fileskos:prefLabeldata file
18111 filerdakit:toolkitLabeldata file
18112 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing data values.
18113 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing data values.
18114 fileskos:prefLabelvideo file
18115 filerdakit:toolkitLabelvideo file
18116 filerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing moving images.
18117 fileskos:definitionA file type for storing electronically recorded content representing moving images.
18118 Font Size
18119 for a size of the type that is used to represent the characters and symbols in a manifestation.
18120 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18121 printskos:prefLabelgiant print
18122 printskos:altLabelsuper large print
18123 printskos:altLabelextra large print
18124 printrdakit:toolkitLabelgiant print
18125 printrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA font size that is very large, designed to aid readers who experience difficulty reading large print.
18126 printskos:definitionA font size that is very large, designed to aid readers who experience difficulty reading large print.
18127 printskos:prefLabellarge print
18128 printrdakit:toolkitLabellarge print
18129 printrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA font size designed to aid readers who experience difficulty reading regular print.
18130 printskos:definitionA font size designed to aid readers who experience difficulty reading regular print.
18131 brailleskos:prefLabeljumbo braille
18132 braillerdakit:toolkitLabeljumbo braille
18133 braillerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA font size of braille text where the individual cells are expanded to give wider spacing between standard size dots or between dots larger than standard size.
18134 brailleskos:definitionA font size of braille text where the individual cells are expanded to give wider spacing between standard size dots or between dots larger than standard size.
18135 Format of Notated Music
18136 for a musical or physical layout of the content of an expression that is presented in the form of musical notation
18137 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18138 bookskos:prefLabelchoir book
18139 bookrdakit:toolkitLabelchoir book
18140 bookrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a large music book made to be placed on a stand in front of a choir.
18141 bookskos:scopeNoteEach part is notated separately, usually in the configuration that presents, when the book is open, the soprano and tenor parts on the verso of a leaf, and the alto and bass parts on the recto of the next leaf.
18142 bookskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a large music book made to be placed on a stand in front of a choir.
18143 scoreskos:prefLabelchorus score
18144 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelchorus score
18145 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a score of a work for solo voices and chorus showing only the parts for chorus, at least in those portions of the work in which the chorus sings, with the instrumental accompaniment either omitted or arranged for a keyboard or other chordal instrument or instruments.
18146 scoreskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a score of a work for solo voices and chorus showing only the parts for chorus, at least in those portions of the work in which the chorus sings, with the instrumental accompaniment either omitted or arranged for a keyboard or other chordal instrument or instruments.
18147 scoreskos:prefLabelcondensed score
18148 scoreskos:altLabelreduced score
18149 scoreskos:altLabelshort score
18150 scoreskos:altLabelclose score
18151 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelcondensed score
18152 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a score in which the number of staves is reduced to two or a few, generally organized by instrumental sections or vocal parts, and often with cues for individual parts.
18153 scoreskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a score in which the number of staves is reduced to two or a few, generally organized by instrumental sections or vocal parts, and often with cues for individual parts.
18156 format of notated music that consists of the music for the use of one or more, but not all, performers.
18157 format of notated music that consists of the music for the use of one or more, but not all, performers.
18158 conductor partskos:prefLabelpiano conductor part
18159 conductor partrdakit:toolkitLabelpiano conductor part
18160 conductor partrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a performance part for a piano performer in an ensemble, with cues for the other instruments that enable the performer of that part also to conduct.
18161 conductor partskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a performance part for a piano performer in an ensemble, with cues for the other instruments that enable the performer of that part also to conduct.
18162 scoreskos:prefLabelpiano score
18163 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelpiano score
18164 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a reduction of an instrumental work or a vocal work with instruments to a version for piano.
18165 scoreskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a reduction of an instrumental work or a vocal work with instruments to a version for piano.
18167 score
18169 format of notated music that consists of graphical, symbolic, or word-based musical notation representing the sounds of all the parts of an ensemble or a work for solo performer or electronic media.
18170 format of notated music that consists of graphical, symbolic, or word-based musical notation representing the sounds of all the parts of an ensemble or a work for solo performer or electronic media.
18171 scoreskos:prefLabelstudy score
18172 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelstudy score
18173 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a score issued in a musical image of reduced size, not primarily intended for use in performance.
18174 scoreskos:altLabelminiature score
18175 scoreskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a score issued in a musical image of reduced size, not primarily intended for use in performance.
18176 bookskos:prefLabeltable book
18177 bookrdakit:toolkitLabeltable book
18178 bookrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a music book made to be placed on a table and displayed in such a way that the performers can read their parts while seated or standing across or around the table.
18179 bookskos:scopeNoteEach part is notated separately, usually in a configuration that presents, when the book is open, different parts in inverted and/or perpendicular positions.
18180 bookskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a music book made to be placed on a table and displayed in such a way that the performers can read their parts while seated or standing across or around the table.
18181 conductor partskos:prefLabelviolin conductor part
18182 conductor partrdakit:toolkitLabelviolin conductor part
18183 conductor partrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a performance part for a violin performer in an ensemble, with cues for the other instruments that enable the performer of that part also to conduct.
18184 conductor partskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a performance part for a violin performer in an ensemble, with cues for the other instruments that enable the performer of that part also to conduct.
18185 scoreskos:prefLabelvocal score
18186 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelvocal score
18187 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA format of notated music that consists of a score showing all vocal parts, with the instrumental accompaniment either omitted or arranged for a keyboard or other chordal instrument or instruments.
18188 scoreskos:definitionA format of notated music that consists of a score showing all vocal parts, with the instrumental accompaniment either omitted or arranged for a keyboard or other chordal instrument or instruments.
18189 Frequency
18190 for an interval at which a part, issue, or iteration of a diachronic work is issued.
18191 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18194 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every day, usually exclusive of nonworking days.
18195 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every day, usually exclusive of nonworking days.
18196 times a weekskos:prefLabelthree times a week
18197 times a weekrdakit:toolkitLabelthree times a week
18198 times a weekrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every week.
18199 times a weekskos:definitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every week.
18203 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two weeks.
18204 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two weeks.
18207 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every week.
18208 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every week.
18211 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every week.
18212 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every week.
18213 times a monthskos:prefLabelthree times a month
18214 times a monthrdakit:toolkitLabelthree times a month
18215 times a monthrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every month.
18216 times a monthskos:definitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every month.
18219 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two months.
18220 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two months.
18223 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every month.
18224 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every month.
18227 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every month.
18228 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every month.
18231 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every three months.
18232 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every three months.
18233 times a yearskos:prefLabelthree times a year
18234 times a yearrdakit:toolkitLabelthree times a year
18235 times a yearrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every year.
18236 times a yearskos:definitionA frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated three times every year.
18239 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every year.
18240 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated twice every year.
18243 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every year.
18244 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every year.
18247 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two years.
18248 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every two years.
18251 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every three years.
18252 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated once every three years.
18255 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated with no consistent interval between issues or updates.
18256 frequency for a diachronic work that is issued or updated with no consistent interval between issues or updates.
18257 Generation of Audio Recording (Deprecated)
18258 Generation of Digital Resource (Deprecated)
18259 Generation of Microform (Deprecated)
18260 Generation of Motion Picture Film (Deprecated)
18261 Generation of Videotape (Deprecated)
18262 Gender
18263 Groove Pitch of an Analog Cylinder
18264 for a groove pitch of an analog cylinder.
18265 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18267 groove pitch for an analog cylinder in the range of 60-64 turns per cm, or 150 or 160 turns per inch, for 6 1/8 inch dictation format cylinders, or 200 turns per inch for 4-minute cylinders.
18269 groove pitch for an analog cylinder in the range of 60-64 turns per cm, or 150 or 160 turns per inch, for 6 1/8 inch dictation format cylinders, or 200 turns per inch for 4-minute cylinders.
18271 groove pitch for an analog cylinder of 40 turns per cm or 100 turns per inch.
18273 groove pitch for an analog cylinder of 40 turns per cm or 100 turns per inch.
18274 Groove Width of an Analog Disc
18275 for a groove width of an analog disc.
18276 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18277 grooveskos:prefLabelcoarse groove
18278 grooveskos:definitionA groove width for an analog disc typically around 40 grooves per cm or 100 grooves per inch.
18279 grooveskos:scopeNoteCoarse groove is generally found in early acoustic and electric recordings that are mostly on shellac carriers.
18280 grooverdakit:toolkitLabelcoarse groove
18281 grooverdakit:toolkitDefinitionA groove width for an analog disc typically around 40 grooves per cm or 100 grooves per inch.
18283 groove width for an analog disc typically in the range 120 to 160 or more per cm or 300 to 400 or more grooves per inch, generally pressed into vinyl and in use post 1945.
18285 groove width for an analog disc typically in the range 120 to 160 or more per cm or 300 to 400 or more grooves per inch, generally pressed into vinyl and in use post 1945.
18286 Groups of Instruments (Deprecated)
18287 Layout
18288 for an arrangement of text, images, tactile notation, or other content in a manifestation.
18289 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18290 sidedskos:prefLabeldouble sided
18291 sidedrdakit:toolkitLabeldouble sided
18292 sidedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that uses both sides of a sheet.
18293 sidedskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to sheets and tactile text.
18294 sidedskos:definitionA layout that uses both sides of a sheet.
18295 sidedskos:prefLabelsingle sided
18296 sidedrdakit:toolkitLabelsingle sided
18297 sidedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that uses only one side of a sheet.
18298 sidedskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to sheets and tactile text.
18299 sidedskos:definitionA layout that uses only one side of a sheet.
18300 to backskos:prefLabelback to back
18301 to backrdakit:toolkitLabelback to back
18302 to backrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout in which the same image is represented in more than one language on each side of a sheet.
18303 to backskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to cartographic images.
18304 to backskos:definitionA layout in which the same image is represented in more than one language on each side of a sheet.
18305 by barskos:prefLabelbar by bar
18306 by barrdakit:toolkitLabelbar by bar
18307 by barrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of music displayed in indented paragraphs with all of the parts for each measure written consecutively.
18308 by barskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18309 by barskos:definitionA layout that consists of music displayed in indented paragraphs with all of the parts for each measure written consecutively.
18310 over barskos:prefLabelbar over bar
18311 over barrdakit:toolkitLabelbar over bar
18312 over barrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of measures displayed in units called parallels where the beginning of the measure for each part is vertically aligned with the beginning of the same measure for the other parts.
18313 over barskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18314 over barskos:definitionA layout that consists of measures displayed in units called parallels where the beginning of the measure for each part is vertically aligned with the beginning of the same measure for the other parts.
18315 sidesskos:prefLabelboth sides
18316 sidesrdakit:toolkitLabelboth sides
18317 sidesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that is continued at the same scale on both sides of a sheet or sheets.
18318 sidesskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to cartographic images.
18319 sidesskos:definitionA layout that is continued at the same scale on both sides of a sheet or sheets.
18320 by lineskos:prefLabelline by line
18321 by linerdakit:toolkitLabelline by line
18322 by linerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of lines of text that alternate with lines of music for the preceding text.
18323 by lineskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18324 by lineskos:definitionA layout that consists of lines of text that alternate with lines of music for the preceding text.
18325 over lineskos:prefLabelline over line
18326 over linerdakit:toolkitLabelline over line
18327 over linerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of measures displayed in units called parallels, although the measures are not necessarily aligned.
18328 over lineskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18329 over lineskos:definitionA layout that consists of measures displayed in units called parallels, although the measures are not necessarily aligned.
18330 chord systemskos:prefLabelmelody chord system
18331 chord systemrdakit:toolkitLabelmelody chord system
18332 chord systemrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of chord symbols and melody presented in paragraphs with music braille used for the chord symbols.
18333 chord systemskos:scopeNoteThe melody chord system is used chiefly for popular and folk music. This term applies to tactile music notation.
18334 chord systemskos:definitionA layout that consists of chord symbols and melody presented in paragraphs with music braille used for the chord symbols.
18335 scoreskos:prefLabelopen score
18336 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelopen score
18337 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of music presented in units called parallels.
18338 scoreskos:scopeNoteOpen score is similar to bar over bar, but used for ensemble scores. This term applies to tactile music notation.
18339 scoreskos:definitionA layout that consists of music presented in units called parallels.
18342 layout that consists of music in the outline format.
18343 term applies to tactile music notation.
18344 layout that consists of music in the outline format.
18347 layout in braille that consists of music displayed in paragraphs with one part per paragraph.
18348 term applies to tactile music notation.
18349 layout in braille that consists of music displayed in paragraphs with one part per paragraph.
18350 by sectionskos:prefLabelsection by section
18351 by sectionrdakit:toolkitLabelsection by section
18352 by sectionrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of music displayed in indented paragraphs with all of the parts for a convenient group of measures written consecutively.
18353 by sectionskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18354 by sectionskos:definitionA layout that consists of music displayed in indented paragraphs with all of the parts for a convenient group of measures written consecutively.
18355 form scoringskos:prefLabelshort form scoring
18356 form scoringrdakit:toolkitLabelshort form scoring
18357 form scoringrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of words, chord symbols, and melody presented in units called parallels with literary braille used for the chord symbols.
18358 form scoringskos:scopeNoteShort form scoring is used chiefly for popular and folk music. This term applies to tactile music notation.
18359 form scoringskos:definitionA layout that consists of words, chord symbols, and melody presented in units called parallels with literary braille used for the chord symbols.
18360 lineskos:prefLabelsingle line
18361 linerdakit:toolkitLabelsingle line
18362 linerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of music for single instrumental parts or solos presented in segments of two to five lines, the initial line displaying a measure number or rehearsal designation.
18363 lineskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18364 lineskos:definitionA layout that consists of music for single instrumental parts or solos presented in segments of two to five lines, the initial line displaying a measure number or rehearsal designation.
18365 scoreskos:prefLabelvertical score
18366 scorerdakit:toolkitLabelvertical score
18367 scorerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout that consists of musical parts that are combined and written as chords.
18368 scoreskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile music notation.
18369 scoreskos:definitionA layout that consists of musical parts that are combined and written as chords.
18370 line spacingskos:prefLabeldouble line spacing
18371 line spacingrdakit:toolkitLabeldouble line spacing
18372 line spacingrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA layout containing a full blank line between lines of text.
18373 line spacingskos:scopeNoteThis term applies to tactile text.
18374 line spacingskos:definitionA layout containing a full blank line between lines of text.
18375 Layout of Cartographic Images (Deprecated)
18376 Layout of Tactile Musical Notation (Deprecated)
18377 Medium of Performance (Deprecated)
18378 Form of Notated Movement
18379 for a set of characters or symbols used to express movement content of an expression.
18380 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18381 dance notationskos:prefLabelStepanov dance notation
18382 dance notationrdakit:toolkitLabelStepanov dance notation
18383 dance notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement for dance using musical notation to represent movements by single parts of the body.
18384 dance notationskos:scopeNoteIt is recorded on a horizontal nine-line staff that represents the body.
18385 dance notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement for dance using musical notation to represent movements by single parts of the body.
18388 form of notated movement using abstract symbols on a vertical three-line staff to represent movement of the body and limbs as seen from the back, developed in the United States and the United Kingdom in the middle of the 20th century.
18389 is now harmonized with, while remaining distinct from, Kinetography Laban.
18390 form of notated movement using abstract symbols on a vertical three-line staff to represent movement of the body and limbs as seen from the back, developed in the United States and the United Kingdom in the middle of the 20th century.
18391 play notationskos:prefLabelgame play notation
18392 play notationrdakit:toolkitLabelgame play notation
18393 play notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement for recording the position of players or pieces during the course of a game.
18394 play notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement for recording the position of players or pieces during the course of a game.
18395 movement notationskos:prefLabelEshkol-Wachman movement notation
18396 movement notationrdakit:toolkitLabelEshkol-Wachman movement notation
18397 movement notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement using a spherical coordinate system to denote body and limb positions.
18398 movement notationskos:scopeNoteIt is recorded on a grid that represents the body.
18399 movement notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement using a spherical coordinate system to denote body and limb positions.
18402 form of notated movement using figurative and abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions and movements.
18403 is recorded on a five-line horizontal staff that represents the body.
18404 form of notated movement using figurative and abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions and movements.
18405 movement notationskos:prefLabelBenesh movement notation
18406 movement notationrdakit:toolkitLabelBenesh movement notation
18407 movement notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions as seen from the back.
18408 movement notationskos:scopeNoteIt is recorded on a five-line horizontal staff that represents the body.
18409 movement notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions as seen from the back.
18410 notationskos:prefLabelBeauchamp-Feuillet notation
18411 notationrdakit:toolkitLabelBeauchamp-Feuillet notation
18412 notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent movements of the feet during an associated passage of music.
18413 notationskos:scopeNoteIt is recorded on a track drawing that traces the path of the dancer across the floor.
18414 notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent movements of the feet during an associated passage of music.
18415 stroke dance notationskos:prefLabelaction stroke dance notation
18416 stroke dance notationrdakit:toolkitLabelaction stroke dance notation
18417 stroke dance notationrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions and movements.
18418 stroke dance notationskos:scopeNoteIt is recorded on separate vertical staffs representing the arms, legs, and trunk.
18419 stroke dance notationskos:definitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols to represent body and limb positions and movements.
18420 Labanskos:prefLabelKinetography Laban
18421 Labanrdakit:toolkitLabelKinetography Laban
18422 Labanrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols on a vertical three-line staff to represent movement of the body and limbs as seen from the back, developed in Europe in the middle of the 20th century.
18423 Labanskos:scopeNoteKinetography Laban is now harmonized with, while remaining distinct from, Labanotation.
18424 Labanskos:definitionA form of notated movement using abstract symbols on a vertical three-line staff to represent movement of the body and limbs as seen from the back, developed in Europe in the middle of the 20th century.
18425 Presentation Format
18426 for a format that is used in the production of a projected image.
18427 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18430 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of up to 2.76:1 that originally used three synchronized projectors.
18431 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of up to 2.76:1 that originally used three synchronized projectors.
18434 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of 2.59:1 using three synchronized projectors.
18435 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of 2.59:1 using three synchronized projectors.
18439 presentation format of a motion picture film that uses nine projectors for screens arranged in a circle.
18440 presentation format of a motion picture film that uses nine projectors for screens arranged in a circle.
18443 presentation format of a motion picture film that projects images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film systems.
18444 presentation format of a motion picture film that projects images of far greater size and resolution than conventional film systems.
18447 presentation format of a motion picture film using multiple synchronized projectors.
18448 presentation format of a motion picture film using multiple synchronized projectors.
18451 presentation format of a motion picture film using multiple screens.
18452 presentation format of a motion picture film using multiple screens.
18455 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents a wide-screen aspect ratio using Panavision anamorphic lenses.
18456 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents a wide-screen aspect ratio using Panavision anamorphic lenses.
18457 silent apertureskos:prefLabelstandard silent aperture
18458 silent aperturerdakit:toolkitLabelstandard silent aperture
18459 silent aperturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA presentation format of a motion picture film that uses a standard projector aperture for silent film.
18460 silent apertureskos:definitionA presentation format of a motion picture film that uses a standard projector aperture for silent film.
18461 sound apertureskos:prefLabelstandard sound aperture
18462 sound aperturerdakit:toolkitLabelstandard sound aperture
18463 sound aperturerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA presentation format of a motion picture film that uses a standard projector aperture for film with a sound-track.
18464 sound apertureskos:definitionA presentation format of a motion picture film that uses a standard projector aperture for film with a sound-track.
18467 presentation format of a motion picture film that gives the illusion of three dimensions by using stereoscopic images.
18468 presentation format of a motion picture film that gives the illusion of three dimensions by using stereoscopic images.
18471 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of 2.33:1 using 35-mm film.
18472 presentation format of a motion picture film that presents an aspect ratio of 2.33:1 using 35-mm film.
18475 presentation format of a motion picture film that gives the illusion of three dimensions.
18476 presentation format of a motion picture film that gives the illusion of three dimensions.
18477 Production Method for Manuscript (Deprecated)
18478 Production Method for Tactile Resource (Deprecated)
18479 Recording Medium
18480 for a type of medium used to record sound on an audio carrier.
18481 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18483 recording medium that relies on pole reversal in a ferromagnetic medium, typically ferromagnetic oxide particles bound to a tape or a disc.
18485 recording medium that relies on pole reversal in a ferromagnetic medium, typically ferromagnetic oxide particles bound to a tape or a disc.
18487 recording medium that uses a combination of laser heating with a varying magnetic field to write data to a disc.
18489 recording medium that uses a combination of laser heating with a varying magnetic field to write data to a disc.
18491 recording medium for recording binary encoded data in a transparent medium with a reflective backing. A laser is used to read the changes in reflectivity as a binary data stream.
18493 recording medium for recording binary encoded data in a transparent medium with a reflective backing. A laser is used to read the changes in reflectivity as a binary data stream.
18494 Character
18495 for a fundamental form of communication in which the content of a resource is expressed.
18496 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18498 expressed in human or machine-readable language.
18500 expressed in musical form.
18502 expressed in line, shape, mass and/or other visually-realized forms.
18504 expressed in a form other than language, music, or image.
18505 other forms of communicating phenomena, qualities, etc., perceived directly through the human senses - e.g., natural or machine-generated sounds, aromas, textures, etc. - as well as those that cannot be perceived directly through the human senses - e.g., electromagnetic waves.
18506 Character for RDA
18507 for a refinement for RDA of a fundamental form of communication in which the content of a resource is expressed.
18508 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18510 expressed in movement of the human body.
18511 Extension Mode
18512 for a means by which the content of the resource is expected to be extended after initial release.
18513 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18515 through the integration of added content.
18517 through the successive release of discrete segments, parts, issues, volumes, supplements, etc.
18518 applicable
18519 content is not expected to be extended after initial release.
18520 Extension Requirement
18521 for an assessment of the necessity of revision of the content of the resource after initial release for its integrity.
18522 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18524 of the content after initial release is essential for its integrity.
18526 of the content after initial release is not essential for its integrity.
18527 applicable
18528 content is not expected to be extended.
18529 Extension Termination
18530 for an expectation as to the period of extension of the content of the resource after initial release.
18531 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18533 period of extension of the content has a predetermined end.
18535 period of extension of the content has no predetermined end.
18536 applicable
18537 content is not expected to be extended.
18538 Form/Genre for RDA
18539 for an extension for RDA of a literary, musical, artistic, etc., form or genre associated with the content of a resource.
18540 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18542 representing the whole or part of the Earth or any celestial body at any scale.
18544 consisting of digitally encoded data or instructions intended to be processed by a computer.
18545 Housing Format
18546 for the physical format of the encasing for the storage medium.
18547 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18549 gathering of one or more sheets in a fixed order, with or without an affixed outer cover.
18551 hinging device holding two or more sheets designed for use on an easel.
18553 flanged spool for holding a roll.
18555 rectangular casing fitted with a single reel holding a roll.
18557 rectangular casing fitted with two reels holding a roll.
18558 applicable
18559 storage medium is not encased in a housing.
18560 Image Dimensionality
18561 for the number of spatial dimensions in which the image content of a resource is intended to be perceived.
18562 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18564 content that is intended to be perceived in two-dimensions.
18566 content that is intended to be perceived in three-dimensions.
18567 applicable
18568 that is not of Character image.
18569 Image Movement
18570 for the perceived presence or absence of movement in the image content of a resource.
18571 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18573 content that is perceived to be static.
18575 content that is perceived to be moving.
18576 applicable
18577 that is not of Character image.
18578 Interaction
18579 for a capacity to respond to actions performed by the user in relation to the content of the resource.
18580 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18582 content responds to actions performed by the user (e.g., searches, commands, selections).
18584 content does not respond to actions performed by the user.
18585 Intermediation Tool
18586 for a tool intended to be applied to the carrier to enable the content of the resource to be perceived.
18587 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18588 reader
18589 device that magnifies microforms for reading with the unaided eye.
18591 instrument that magnifies objects by means of a lens or lenses so as to reveal details invisible to the naked eye.
18593 optical device containing a light source and lens system for projecting an image on a screen or other surface.
18595 optical device with two lenses enabling each eye to see a separate image of essentially the same content to give the effect of three-dimensions.
18596 player
18597 device designed to play audio recordings.
18598 player
18599 device designed to play audiovisual recordings.
18601 device designed to perform prescribed sequences of operations on electronic data.
18602 required
18603 intermediation tool is required (i.e., the content of the resource is directly and adequately perceivable through one or more of the human senses).
18604 Intermediation Tool for RDA
18605 for a refinement for RDA of a tool intended to be applied to the carrier to enable the content of the resource to be perceived.
18606 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18607 card reader
18608 microform reader designed for use with aperture cards.
18609 reader
18610 microform reader designed for use with microfiches.
18611 reader
18612 microform reader designed for use with microopaques.
18613 reader
18614 microform reader designed for use with microfilm.
18615 projector
18616 projector designed for use with filmstrips.
18617 projector
18618 projector designed for use with overhead transparencies.
18619 projector
18620 projector designed for use with slides.
18621 Revision Mode
18622 for a means by which the content of the resource is expected to be revised after initial release.
18623 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18625 through the release of notices of errors, corrections, addenda, etc.
18626 applicable
18627 content is not expected to be revised after initial release.
18629 through the release of pages, chapters, parts, volumes, etc., directly to replace previously released counterparts, including the replacement of the entire resource with a new version.
18631 through the incorporation of changes (including deletions) directly into the previously released content.
18632 Revision Requirement
18633 for an assessment of the necessity of revision of the content of the resource after initial release for its integrity.
18634 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18636 of the content after initial release is essential for its integrity.
18638 of the content after initial release is not essential for its integrity.
18639 applicable
18640 content is not expected to be revised.
18641 Revision Termination
18642 for an expectation as to the period of extension of the content of the resource after initial release.
18643 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18645 period of revision of the content has a predetermined end.
18647 period of revision of the content has no predetermined end.
18648 applicable
18649 content is not expected to be revised.
18650 Storage Medium Format
18651 for the physical form of the material on which the content of the resource is stored.
18652 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18654 flat piece of thin material (paper, plastic, etc.), usually rectangular in shape.
18656 short length of material (paper, film, tape, etc.).
18658 wound length of material (paper, film, tape, etc.).
18660 flat, circular piece of material (plastic, metal, etc.).
18662 round, ball-shaped form.
18664 roller-shaped form.
18666 small wafer of semiconductor silicon.
18667 server
18668 computer storage device with hardware and software connections to a communications network.
18669 Storage Medium Format for RDA
18670 for a refinement for RDA of the physical form of the material on which the content of the resource is stored.
18671 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18673 small sheet of opaque material.
18674 Sensory Mode
18675 for a human sense through which the content of a resource is intended to be perceived.
18676 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18678 that is intended to be perceived through sight.
18680 that is intended to be perceived through hearing.
18682 that is intended to be perceived through touch.
18684 that is intended to be perceived through taste.
18686 that is intended to be perceived through smell.
18688 that is not intended to be perceived through the human senses.
18689 Scale Designation
18690 for a general designation of the lack of a ratio of the dimensions of the content of an image or three-dimensional form to the dimensions of the thing that is represented.
18691 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18692 differskos:prefLabelscales differ
18693 differrdakit:toolkitLabelscales differ
18694 differrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scale designation for a resource consisting of more than one image, map, etc., with different scales.
18695 differskos:definitionA scale designation for a resource consisting of more than one image, map, etc., with different scales.
18696 not givenskos:prefLabelscale not given
18697 not givenrdakit:toolkitLabelscale not given
18698 not givenrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scale designation for a resource when no scale can be determined.
18699 not givenskos:definitionA scale designation for a resource when no scale can be determined.
18700 variesskos:prefLabelscale varies
18701 variesrdakit:toolkitLabelscale varies
18702 variesrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scale designation for a resource whose scale is variable across the resource, when the range of values cannot be determined.
18703 variesskos:definitionA scale designation for a resource whose scale is variable across the resource, when the range of values cannot be determined.
18704 drawn to scaleskos:prefLabelnot drawn to scale
18705 drawn to scalerdakit:toolkitLabelnot drawn to scale
18706 drawn to scalerdakit:toolkitDefinitionA scale designation for a still image or three-dimensional form that is not to scale.
18707 drawn to scaleskos:definitionA scale designation for a still image or three-dimensional form that is not to scale.
18708 Sound Content
18709 for an indication of the presence or absence of sound embodied by a manifestation.
18710 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18713 sound content indicator for a resource that contains sound.
18714 sound content indicator for a resource that contains sound.
18717 sound content indicator for a resource that does not contain sound.
18718 sound content indicator for a resource that does not contain sound.
18719 Special Playback Characteristic
18720 for an equalization system, noise-reduction system, or other processing that is used in making an audio recording.
18721 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18722 encodedskos:prefLabelCCIR encoded
18723 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabelCCIR encoded
18724 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a standard originally issued in 1982 by the CCIR for encoding interlaced analog video signals in digital video form.
18725 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a standard originally issued in 1982 by the CCIR for encoding interlaced analog video signals in digital video form.
18726 encodedskos:prefLabelCX encoded
18727 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabelCX encoded
18728 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system for recorded analog audio developed by CBS Laboratories in the late 1970s.
18729 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system for recorded analog audio developed by CBS Laboratories in the late 1970s.
18730 encodedskos:prefLabeldbx encoded
18731 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabeldbx encoded
18732 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a family of noise reduction systems developed by dbx.
18733 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a family of noise reduction systems developed by dbx.
18736 special playback characteristic of sound that is a series of noise reduction systems developed by Dolby Laboratories for use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18737 special playback characteristic of sound that is a series of noise reduction systems developed by Dolby Laboratories for use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18738 encodedskos:prefLabelDolby-A encoded
18739 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabelDolby-A encoded
18740 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories for professional use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18741 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories for professional use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18742 encodedskos:prefLabelDolby-B encoded
18743 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabelDolby-B encoded
18744 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories as a simplified version of Dolby-A for consumer use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18745 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories as a simplified version of Dolby-A for consumer use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18746 encodedskos:prefLabelDolby-C encoded
18747 encodedrdakit:toolkitLabelDolby-C encoded
18748 encodedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories in 1980 as a combined version of Dolby-A and Dolby-B for use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18749 encodedskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that is a noise reduction system developed by Dolby Laboratories in 1980 as a combined version of Dolby-A and Dolby-B for use in analog magnetic tape recording.
18751 pulse-code modulation
18753 special playback characteristic of sound that is a digital sampling of analog sound based on the pulse-code modulation method.
18754 special playback characteristic of sound that is a digital sampling of analog sound based on the pulse-code modulation method.
18755 standardskos:prefLabelNAB standard
18756 standardrdakit:toolkitLabelNAB standard
18757 standardrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA special playback characteristic of sound that follows the standards of the National Association of Broadcasters.
18758 standardskos:definitionA special playback characteristic of sound that follows the standards of the National Association of Broadcasters.
18759 Status of Identification
18760 for an indication of a level of authentication of the nomen of an entity.
18761 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18762 establishedskos:prefLabelfully established
18763 establishedrdakit:toolkitLabelfully established
18764 establishedrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are complete.
18765 establishedskos:definitionA status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are complete.
18768 status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are insufficient to satisfactorily identify the entity.
18769 status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are insufficient to satisfactorily identify the entity.
18772 status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are taken from a description without the resource described in hand.
18773 status of identification for an authorized access point when the data are taken from a description without the resource described in hand.
18774 Track Configuration
18775 for a configuration of the audio track on a soundtrack film.
18776 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18777 trackskos:prefLabelcentre track
18778 trackskos:definitionA track configuration in which the audio track is located in the centre of a separate film roll.
18779 trackrdakit:toolkitLabelcentre track
18780 trackrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA track configuration in which the audio track is located in the centre of a separate film roll.
18781 trackskos:prefLabeledge track
18782 trackskos:definitionA track configuration in which the audio track is located near the edge of a film roll.
18783 trackrdakit:toolkitLabeledge track
18784 trackrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA track configuration in which the audio track is located near the edge of a film roll.
18785 Type of Recording
18786 for a method used to encode audio content for playback.
18787 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18789 type of recording in which the content is stored as continuous variable quantities in or on the media.
18791 type of recording in which the content is stored as continuous variable quantities in or on the media.
18793 type of recording in which the content is continuously sampled and a sequence of discrete binary values is stored to represent the amplitude of each sample in the waveform.
18795 type of recording in which the content is continuously sampled and a sequence of discrete binary values is stored to represent the amplitude of each sample in the waveform.
18796 Video Format
18797 for a schema or standard that is used to encode the analog video content of a manifestation.
18798 © 2020 American Library Association, Canadian Federation of Library Associations, and CILIP: Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals
18802 video format for analog tape developed for consumer use by Sony in 1975.
18803 video format for analog tape developed for consumer use by Sony in 1975.
18806 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Sony in 1982.
18807 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Sony in 1982.
18809 Electronic Disc
18811 video format for analog disc.
18812 video format for analog disc.
18815 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex in 1988.
18816 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex in 1988.
18819 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan in 1969.
18820 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by the Electronic Industries Association of Japan in 1969.
18821 mmskos:prefLabel8 mm
18822 mmrdakit:toolkitLabel8 mm
18823 mmrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA video format for analog and digital tape that includes Video8, Hi-8, and Digital8 formats.
18824 mmskos:definitionA video format for analog and digital tape that includes Video8, Hi-8, and Digital8 formats.
18825 mmskos:prefLabelHi-8 mm
18826 mmrdakit:toolkitLabelHi-8 mm
18827 mmrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA video format for analog tape that is part of the 8 mm format.
18828 mmskos:definitionA video format for analog tape that is part of the 8 mm format.
18829 opticalskos:prefLabellaser optical
18830 opticalrdakit:toolkitLabellaser optical
18831 opticalrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA video format for optical disc that is read by a laser.
18832 opticalskos:definitionA video format for optical disc that is read by a laser.
18835 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Panasonic in 1986.
18836 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Panasonic in 1986.
18839 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex in 1956.
18840 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex in 1956.
18843 video format for analog tape based on VHS that increases horizontal resolution to 420 lines.
18844 video format for analog tape based on VHS that increases horizontal resolution to 420 lines.
18845 Cskos:prefLabelType C
18846 Crdakit:toolkitLabelType C
18847 Crdakit:toolkitDefinitionA video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex and Sony in 1976.
18848 Cskos:definitionA video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Ampex and Sony in 1976.
18851 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Sony in 1969.
18852 video format for analog tape developed for professional use by Sony in 1969.
18854 Home System
18856 video format for analog tape developed for consumer use by JVC in the 1970s.
18857 video format for analog tape developed for consumer use by JVC in the 1970s.
18858 SPskos:prefLabelBetacam SP
18859 SPrdakit:toolkitLabelBetacam SP
18860 SPrdakit:toolkitDefinitionA video format for analog tape based on the Betacam format that increases horizontal resolution to 340 lines.
18861 SPskos:definitionA video format for analog tape based on the Betacam format that increases horizontal resolution to 340 lines.